






Monetary Policy and the U.S. Economy in 20121
15th Annual Credit Suisse Asian Investment Conference
Hong Kong
March 23, 2012


『Macroeconomic prospects in the U.S. are looking somewhat brighter in 2012. This is providing the Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) with an opportunity to pause in its aggressive easing campaign, to allow the Committee the chance to assess developments in the economy and observe the effectiveness of recent policy actions. This opportunity to pause is quite important because the Committee is taking a substantial, but calculated, risk with the Federal Reserve balance sheet.』





『This litany illustrates the determination of the Committee and of Chairman Bernanke to provide support to the U.S. economy in the face of one of the largest macroeconomic disturbances in modern economic history. Indeed, the policy has been successful in the sense that the U.S. has not slipped into the scenario of a falling price level, which sometimes occurs after shocks of this magnitude.』


『But now, with the Committee on pause, it may be a good time to take stock of whether we may be at a turning point. Many of the further policy actions the Committee might consider at this juncture would have effects extending out for several years. As the U.S. economy continues to rebound and repair, those policy actions may create an overcommitment to ultra-easy monetary policy. The ultra-easy policy has been appropriate until now, but it will not always be appropriate.』



『The FOMC has often been criticized historically for overstaying policy stances that might have made sense at one juncture but are no longer appropriate as macroeconomic conditions change.』


『This occurs in part because of the lags in the effects of policy, the difficulty in interpreting real-time data, much of which is subsequently revised, and the sheer uncertainty of macroeconomic developments.』


『With numerous monetary policy actions still on the table, and others still affecting the economy with a lag, it may be especially difficult to remove policy accommodation at the appropriate pace and at the appropriate time. One may want to approach such a situation with caution.』


ということで本論に入るのですが、米国経済に関する明るい見通しの所はスルーして、労働市場の話の所を引用するだよ。『Okun’s Guideline』という小見出しの所。

『Part of the improvement in the U.S. macroeconomic outlook has occurred in labor markets. Unemployment has declined to 8.3 percent, and the latest figures on growth in nonfarm payroll employment have been encouraging.』

『The unemployment declines have been viewed by some as a puzzle. In 2011, a year of lackluster economic growth, U.S. unemployment declined fairly substantially. This would seem to violate “Okun’s law,” which suggests that economic growth has to be reasonably robust before the unemployment rate will decline. This is, in fact, the source of some statements in financial markets and elsewhere that the pace of economic growth in the U.S. is too slow to meaningfully improve labor markets.』






『Yet labor markets have indeed improved, so what’s going on? Probably the most important consideration is that-as in the film “Pirates of the Caribbean”-Okun’s “law” is not so much a law but more like a “guideline.”』

普通オークン則に関しては「Okun’s law」と表現される(バーナンキ議長の先日の講演でもそうです)のですが敢えて「guideline」としていたのは・・・・・・

『Another consideration is that Okun’s guideline is not as linear as it is often made out to be. A look at the time series of U.S. unemployment since the mid-1980s indicates that recessions are definitely times when unemployment increases sharply, while expansions are times when unemployment declines slowly. In other words, the relationship between unemployment and GDP growth is very sharp during downturns, but more muddled during expansions. This might suggest that the nation does not need rapid growth to see a reduction in unemployment-it only needs to see some positive growth.』





『What should we do about this issue, since conventional metrics do not make any allowance for the housing bubble? I suggest using available theory to separate trend from cycle in an appropriate way. Absent that, I suggest using a Hodrick-Prescott filter that removes trends and leaves business cycle frequency movements in the data. Such a filter suggests that the U.S. output gap today is much smaller than commonly believed.』


『Dealing with the output gap issue is a delicate matter. The discussion today has an eerie 1970s feel to it, in which many argued that the output gap was large and that monetary policy had to remain very aggressive to close the gap.』


『The result was a global inflation debacle that took several decades to completely contain. Some say that if inflation increases, then we know how to combat it. That is true, but the hard-learned lesson of the 1970s was that if the inflation genie is let out of the bottle, it can be extremely difficult to get it back into the bottle.』





『One important lesson from these projections is that the uncertainty surrounding the future policy path is profound. Some policymakers thought it might be necessary to raise interest rates within the next one or two years, while others thought the increase could be postponed for many more years. The confidence interval surrounding the date of the first interest rate increase is so wide it has to be expressed in years.』


『This very wide confidence interval may seem stunning, but I think in a way it is not surprising. If we know one thing about the U.S. economy, we know that it can behave in unpredictable ways. The amount of uncertainty surrounding U.S. economic performance is profound, and attempts to project macroeconomic outcomes more than 6 to 12 months into the future are unlikely to meet with much success.』


『The amount of uncertainty attached to a projection of U.S. economic performance into 2014 reinforces the idea that much will change between now and then, and that policy will have to change as well to meet new macroeconomic conditions.』


『The forecasts themselves by the individual members of the FOMC are a step forward for Fed transparency. Chairman Bernanke has led the way toward more and more transparency for the U.S. central bank. This is a definite improvement in Fed communications.』


『However, despite this improvement, I believe the projections will have to be differently at some point in the future. The notion of individual forecasts for Committee members is not the most convenient method of conveying information to interested observers. The forecasts as they stand are merely projections of a few macroeconomic variables instead of a more fulsome discussion of all aspects of the U.S. economy. The policy assessments are for the policy rate only, in an environment where balance sheet policy has taken center stage.』


『I think the Committee should consider publishing a Monetary Policy Report similar to those put together on a regular basis by other central banks.』


『This would be a single report of the staff, containing a longer and more comprehensive discussion of the state of the U.S. economy and the likely direction going forward. The policy assumption should be the market expectation at the time the report is put together. Such a report would allow commentary on aspects of macroeconomic performance that are unlikely to ever be addressed through a mechanism like the current Summary of Economic Projections.』

『The more fulsome discussion of macroeconomic developments that would be part of a U.S. Monetary Policy Report would also help with another issue, which is how the Committee might better convey how it might react in future states of the world.』

『Since there are many such future states, it may be misleading to try to delineate how the reaction might occur through the use of a few variables or simple “thresholds.” Such a simple description would likely set up an expectation that the Committee would act if a threshold was crossed, when no such expectation was intended or desired by the Committee. A full discussion in a report could lay out these nuances in a way that could be better digested by markets.』









『To sum up: A wide range of indicators suggests that the job market has been improving, which is a welcome development indeed. Still, conditions remain far from normal, as shown, for example, by the high level of long-term unemployment and the fact that jobs and hours worked remain well below pre-crisis peaks, even without adjusting for growth in the labor force.』


『Moreover, we cannot yet be sure that the recent pace of improvement in the labor market will be sustained.』


『Notably, an examination of recent deviations from Okun's law suggests that the recent decline in the unemployment rate may reflect, at least in part, a reversal of the unusually large layoffs that occurred during late 2008 and over 2009.』


『To the extent that this reversal has been completed, further significant improvements in the unemployment rate will likely require a more-rapid expansion of production and demand from consumers and businesses, a process that can be supported by continued accommodative policies.』




『I also discussed long-term unemployment today, arguing that cyclical rather than structural factors are likely the primary source of its substantial increase during the recession. If this assessment is correct, then accommodative policies to support the economic recovery will help address this problem as well. We must watch long-term unemployment especially carefully, however. Even if the primary cause of high long-term unemployment is insufficient aggregate demand, if progress in reducing unemployment is too slow, the long-term unemployed will see their skills and labor force attachment atrophy further, possibly converting a cyclical problem into a structural one.』

『If this hypothesis is wrong and structural factors are in fact explaining much of the increase in long-term unemployment, then the scope for countercyclical policies to address this problem will be more limited. Even if that proves to be the case, however, we should not conclude that nothing can be done. If structural factors are the predominant explanation for the increase in long-term unemployment, it will become even more important to take the steps needed to ensure that workers are able to obtain the skills needed to meet the demands of our rapidly changing economy.』







March 16, 2012
Richmond Fed President Lacker Comments on FOMC Dissent
Richmond, Va.


『The Federal Open Market Committee released a statement following its March 13, 2012, meeting stating that the Committee currently anticipates that economic conditions are likely to warrant exceptionally low levels for the federal funds rate at least through late 2014. I dissented because I do not believe economic conditions are likely to warrant an exceptionally low federal funds rate for this length of time.』


『The economy is expanding at a moderate pace, and inflation is close to the Committee's 2 percent objective. As the expansion continues, the federal funds rate will need to rise in order to prevent the emergence of inflationary pressures.』


『The forward guidance is intended to represent our best forecast of the appropriate timing of changes in the Federal Funds rate, and my current assessment is that an increase in interest rates is likely to be necessary some time in 2013. "My views on the economy and monetary policy are also available on Richmondfed.org."』



Monetary Policy Communications and Forward Guidance

A speech delivered on March 16, 2012, at the International Research Forum on Monetary Policy Seventh Conference in Frankfurt, Germany.

でまあエバンス総裁のフォワードガイダンスに関する話ですが、ここの所エバンス総裁が主張している「Forward Guidance and Policy Commitment in an Explicit State-Contingent Policy」(途中の小見出しにもなっています)を主張していますので、まあその辺はいつもの話ではあるのですが。


『Thank you, Chris, for that generous introduction. And thanks to Matt, Gunter, Chris and Thomas for organizing such a great conference. I always enjoy being able to step back into the research world for a while-as things are going these days, it falls in the category of rest and relaxation! But another reason I enjoy doing so is that I, like most modern central bankers around the world, feel strongly about guiding policy with good theoretical and empirical economics. 』



『The nonstandard policies emphasized by these lines of research have been important elements in the Federal Reserve’s toolkit over the past four years.』

という部分の前にまあ非伝統的政策の理論的背景ということでクルーグマンの「It’s baaack」やらバーナンキ&ラインハートのペーパーの話とかあったのですが長くなるので割愛してまふ。

『The Federal Reserve engaged in two waves of large-scale asset purchases (March 2009 and November 2010), and, more recently, extended the maturity of the assets on our books (September 2011). In August 2011, we added a particular type of forward guidance to our policy, first saying we would likely keep rates low until mid-2013 and then, in January, indicating that sub-par economic performance would likely warrant exceptionally low rates until at least late 2014.』


『Working to complement these efforts and to improve FOMC communications more generally, we also added two major communications initiatives: A statement of our monetary goals and long-run strategies, and publication of FOMC participants’ projections for the federal funds rate.』


『I have strongly supported each of these developments, believing that they improved transparency and also provided welcome further monetary accommodation for the U.S. economy.』


『However, as I have been talking about in public for some time, I think there are additional tools we could use to deliver more effective policy accommodation.』




『In particular, I would like to see our forward guidance take a different form-one that explicitly ties liftoff in the funds rate to observable economic outcomes (You can think of this as a Ulysses-type forward guidance: We tie ourselves to the mast to avoid the siren calls of premature tightening.)』

という事で、()内の所が中々お洒落なのですが、オデュッセウスがセイレーンの歌に惑わされないで船を進めるために船員に耳栓して自分はマストに体を縛りつけるとかいうギリシャ神話の譬えが出てまして、まあその先にどうのこうのという話をしていませんが、「予防的な金融引き締め(premature tightening)」というのは中央銀行家にとってはセイレーンの歌のようなもので、それによって難破遭難しちゃうという中々良い譬えではないでしょうか(^^)。


『As I will talk about shortly, I believe such policy could provide more clarity about our attitudes toward providing monetary accommodation-and would be more in line with a structure I would have preferred to have seen in our August 2011 and January 2012 actions. This policy also can be structured in a way that would represent a balanced risk-management approach to achieving the dual goals of maximum employment and stable prices that the United States Congress has mandated to the Federal Reserve.』

でまあその後『Communications Enhancements』というお題の話がありますがその辺はとりあえず長くなるのでパス(一部面白そうな話もあるのですが・・・・)しまして。


『Forward Guidance and Policy Commitment in an Explicit State-Contingent Policy』の所から。


『As we know from the work of Michael Woodford and Gauti Eggertsson, Ivan Werning, Paul Krugman and others, the optimal policy response to a liquidity trap may involve a commitment to keep policy rates quite low for a period of time after the real equilibrium rate has risen enough so that the zero lower bound is no longer binding. This is a strong form of forward guidance akin to Ulysses tying himself to the mast to avoid changing his mind upon hearing the siren’s seductive music.』


『Of course, in the real world, we cannot observe the equilibrium real rate, and so we cannot directly implement such a policy. We can capture the spirit of these recommendations, however, by committing to keep policy rates exceptionally low until certain observable economic triggers are met that would be consistent with the economy being well past the liquidity trap.』


『I would argue that this inflation-safeguard threshold needs to be well above our current 2 percent inflation objective. This is consistent with the theoretical work showing that extraction from a liquidity trap requires the central bank, if necessary, to allow inflation to run higher than its target over the medium term. My preferred inflation threshold is a forecast of 3 percent over the medium term.』


『For a central bank like the Federal Reserve that has a statutory dual mandate, this seems like a risk that we should be willing to accept. We would suffer some net policy loss if the gains in employment did not occur. But we certainly have experienced inflation rates near 3 percent in the recent past and have weathered them well. Such an experience would not be anything close to the debilitating higher inflation rates we saw in the 1970s or 1980s. And 3 percent isn’t high enough to unhinge long-run inflation expectations. Indeed, I think our new framework commitment to a 2 percent long-run inflation goal would help anchor inflation expectations if we undertook this policy strategy.』

ということで「中期的に3%」で無問題という話の背景を説明しているのですが、しかし「長期的なゴールで2%」という目標のようなものを置きながら「中期的に3%までの物価上昇を容認」という政策運営ってそれはインフレ期待のアンカーという意味では混乱を来すのではないか(エバンス総裁はI think our new framework commitment to a 2 percent long-run inflation goal would help anchor inflation expectations if we undertook this policy strategy.って言ってるけど)と思いますけどにゃ。


最後に『Why I Prefer the State-Contingent Policy to Calendar-Date Guidance』という話がありますが、まあこれはそういう事が背景です。

『There has been much talk about the economic conditionality underlying our calendar-year guidance-the phrase in our FOMC statement that says the Committee “anticipates that economic conditions … are likely to warrant” that precedes the late 2014 forward-guidance date. But those conditions have not been spelled out.』


『Suppose as we move through next year that our projections for 2014 have an unemployment rate above 7 percent and inflation close to 2 percent. Some might argue then that the economic conditionality in the statement has been met and we should begin to remove accommodation. To me, in the absence of some new compelling evidence about the natural rate of unemployment or an unhinging of inflation expectations, this would represent an unwarranted tightening of policy. (Indeed, the mere chance that this may occur may be diminishing the degree of accommodation in place today.)』


『The economic thresholds I am proposing put a higher and more predictable standard on the removal of accommodation. 』





Federal Reserve announces summary results of latest round of bank stress tests









『Information received since the Federal Open Market Committee met in January suggests that the economy has been expanding moderately.』(今回)
『Information received since the Federal Open Market Committee met in December suggests that the economy has been expanding moderately, notwithstanding some slowing in global growth.』(前回)



『Labor market conditions have improved further; the unemployment rate has declined notably in recent months but remains elevated.』(今回)
『While indicators point to some further improvement in overall labor market conditions, the unemployment rate remains elevated.』(前回)



『Household spending and business fixed investment have continued to advance. The housing sector remains depressed.』(今回)
『Household spending has continued to advance, but growth in business fixed investment has slowed, and the housing sector remains depressed.』(前回)



『Inflation has been subdued in recent months, although prices of crude oil and gasoline have increased lately. Longer-term inflation expectations have remained stable.』(今回)
『Inflation has been subdued in recent months, and longer-term inflation expectations have remained stable.』(前回)




『Consistent with its statutory mandate, the Committee seeks to foster maximum employment and price stability. 』(今回)
『Consistent with its statutory mandate, the Committee seeks to foster maximum employment and price stability. 』(前回)



『The Committee expects moderate economic growth over coming quarters and consequently anticipates that the unemployment rate will decline gradually toward levels that the Committee judges to be consistent with its dual mandate. 』(今回)
『The Committee expects economic growth over coming quarters to be modest and consequently anticipates that the unemployment rate will decline only gradually toward levels that the Committee judges to be consistent with its dual mandate.』(前回)

ということで、従来の今後数四半期に渡っての成長見通しは「控えめ(to be modest)」から「穏やかな(moderate)」(ちなみに訳語はあたくし愛用のデイリーコンサイス英和辞典という高校生かお前はと突っ込まれそうな辞書から拾ってみましたお)に引き上げになっています。


『Strains in global financial markets have eased, though they continue to pose significant downside risks to the economic outlook.』(今回)
『Strains in global financial markets continue to pose significant downside risks to the economic outlook.』(前回)



『The recent increase in oil and gasoline prices will push up inflation temporarily, but the Committee anticipates that subsequently inflation will run at or below the rate that it judges most consistent with its dual mandate.』(今回)
『The Committee also anticipates that over coming quarters, inflation will run at levels at or below those consistent with the Committee's dual mandate.』(前回)






『To support a stronger economic recovery and to help ensure that inflation, over time, is at the rate most consistent with its dual mandate, the Committee expects to maintain a highly accommodative stance for monetary policy. 』(今回)
『To support a stronger economic recovery and to help ensure that inflation, over time, is at levels consistent with the dual mandate, the Committee expects to maintain a highly accommodative stance for monetary policy. 』(前回)

従来の「at levels consistent with the dual mandate」という表現が「at the rate most consistent with its dual mandate」と変化しておりまして、これは1月FOMCで打ち出された「デュアルマンデートで示された長期的な望ましい水準に関する新たな説明」の変化に対応したものでして、そういう意味からすると「中長期的な望ましい物価水準(=PCEデフレータ総合で前年比+2.0%)の明確化」を受けての表現変更ですなという所です。


『To support a stronger economic recovery and to help ensure that inflation, over time, is at the rate most consistent with its dual mandate, the Committee expects to maintain a highly accommodative stance for monetary policy. In particular, the Committee decided today to keep the target range for the federal funds rate at 0 to 1/4 percent and currently anticipates that economic conditions--including low rates of resource utilization and a subdued outlook for inflation over the medium run--are likely to warrant exceptionally low levels for the federal funds rate at least through late 2014.』(今回)

『The Committee also decided to continue its program to extend the average maturity of its holdings of securities as announced in September. The Committee is maintaining its existing policies of reinvesting principal payments from its holdings of agency debt and agency mortgage-backed securities in agency mortgage-backed securities and of rolling over maturing Treasury securities at auction. The Committee will regularly review the size and composition of its securities holdings and is prepared to adjust those holdings as appropriate to promote a stronger economic recovery in a context of price stability.』(今回)




『Voting for the FOMC monetary policy action were: Ben S. Bernanke, Chairman; William C. Dudley, Vice Chairman; Elizabeth A. Duke; Dennis P. Lockhart; Sandra Pianalto; Sarah Bloom Raskin; Daniel K. Tarullo; John C. Williams; and Janet L. Yellen. Voting against the action was Jeffrey M. Lacker, who does not anticipate that economic conditions are likely to warrant exceptionally low levels of the federal funds rate through late 2014.』(今回)

『Voting for the FOMC monetary policy action were: Ben S. Bernanke, Chairman; William C. Dudley, Vice Chairman; Elizabeth A. Duke; Dennis P. Lockhart; Sandra Pianalto; Sarah Bloom Raskin; Daniel K. Tarullo; John C. Williams; and Janet L. Yellen. Voting against the action was Jeffrey M. Lacker, who preferred to omit the description of the time period over which economic conditions are likely to warrant exceptionally low levels of the federal funds rate.』(前回)





Introductory statement to the press conference (with Q&A)

Mario Draghi, President of the ECB,
Vitor Constancio, Vice-President of the ECB,
Frankfurt am Main, 8 March 2012



『Over recent months, a wide range of additional non-standard monetary policy measures has been implemented by the Eurosystem. These measures, including in particular two three-year longer-term refinancing operations, were decided upon against the background of exceptional circumstances in the last quarter of 2011.』

3年LTROなどの非伝統的政策は「exceptional circumstances」という背景を受けて決定されたものですキタコレ。

『The first impact of these measures has been positive. Together with fiscal consolidation and stepped-up structural reforms in several euro area countries, as well as progress towards a stronger euro area economic governance framework, they have contributed to a significant improvement in the financial environment over recent months.』


『We expect that the three-year longer-term refinancing operations will provide further support for the ongoing stabilisation in financial markets and, in particular, for lending activity in the euro area.』


『All our non-standard monetary policy measures are temporary in nature. Furthermore, all the necessary tools to address potential upside risks to medium-term price stability are fully available.』




『Let me now explain our assessment in greater detail, starting with the economic analysis. Real GDP contracted by 0.3% in the euro area in the fourth quarter of 2011. According to recent survey data, there are signs of a stabilisation in economic activity, albeit still at a low level. Looking ahead, we expect the euro area economy to recover gradually in the course of this year.』


『The outlook for economic activity should be supported by foreign demand, the very low short-term interest rates in the euro area, and all the measures taken to foster the proper functioning of the euro area financial sector.』


『However, the remaining tensions in euro area sovereign debt markets and their impact on credit conditions, as well as the process of balance sheet adjustment in the financial and non-financial sectors, are expected to continue to dampen the underlying growth momentum.』



『This assessment is also reflected in the March 2012 ECB staff macroeconomic projections for the euro area, which foresee annual real GDP growth in a range between -0.5% and 0.3% in 2012 and between 0.0% and 2.2% in 2013. Compared with the December 2011 Eurosystem staff macroeconomic projections, the ranges have been shifted slightly downwards.』


『This outlook remains subject to downside risks. They notably relate to a renewed intensification of tensions in euro area debt markets and their potential spillover to the euro area real economy. Downside risks also relate to further increases in commodity prices. 』



『Euro area annual HICP inflation was 2.7% in February 2012, according to Eurostat’s flash estimate, slightly up from 2.6% in January. Looking ahead, inflation is now likely to stay above 2% in 2012, mainly owing to recent increases in energy prices, as well as recently announced increases in indirect taxes.』


『On the basis of current futures prices for commodities, annual inflation rates should fall again to below 2% in early 2013.』


『Looking further ahead, in an environment of modest growth in the euro area and well-anchored long-term inflation expectations, underlying price pressures should remain limited.』


『The March 2012 ECB staff macroeconomic projections for the euro area foresee annual HICP inflation in a range between 2.1% and 2.7% in 2012 and between 0.9% and 2.3% in 2013. In comparison with the December 2011 Eurosystem staff macroeconomic projections, the ranges for HICP inflation have been shifted upwards, notably the range for 2012.』

2013年の物価予想は0.9%〜2.3%ってこれまたエライ広いレンジですが、まあそれは兎も角として、レンジの中心は1%台前半とかになりますので、これだけ見ているとまあ金融緩和政策を継続しますという話にはなっているので、そーゆー意味で言えば冒頭でインフレタカ派っぽい話をしているのとこの辺の予想のトーン(ちなみにそちらにあるように2012年の見通しを中心に引き上げています) に差があるのをどう評価していいのか正直良く判らん。

『Risks to projected HICP inflation rates in the coming years are seen to be still broadly balanced, with upside risks in the near term mainly stemming from higher than expected oil prices and indirect tax increases. However, downside risks continue to exist owing to weaker than expected developments in economic activity.』





























News Release - Bank of England maintains Bank Rate at 0.5% and the size of the Asset Purchase Programme at £325 billion


8 March 2012 - Monetary policy decisions

『At today’s meeting the Governing Council of the ECB decided that the interest rate on the main refinancing operations and the interest rates on the marginal lending facility and the deposit facility will remain unchanged at 1.00%, 1.75% and 0.25% respectively.』



Mario Draghi, President of the ECB,
Vitor Constancio, Vice-President of the ECB,
Frankfurt am Main, 8 March 2012


『Based on our regular economic and monetary analyses, we decided to keep the key ECB interest rates unchanged. The information that has become available since the beginning of February has confirmed our previous assessment of the outlook for economic activity. Available survey indicators confirm signs of a stabilisation in the euro area economy. However, the economic outlook is still subject to downside risks. Owing to rises in energy prices and indirect taxes, inflation rates are now likely to stay above 2% in 2012, with upside risks prevailing. Nevertheless, we expect price developments to remain in line with price stability over the policy-relevant horizon. The underlying pace of monetary expansion remains subdued, consistent with contained inflationary pressures over the medium term.』

>inflation rates are now likely to stay above 2% in 2012, with upside risks prevailing.










『The recovery of the U.S. economy continues, but the pace of expansion has been uneven and modest by historical standards. After minimal gains in the first half of last year, real gross domestic product (GDP) increased at a 2-1/4 percent annual rate in the second half. The limited information available for 2012 is consistent with growth proceeding, in coming quarters, at a pace close to or somewhat above the pace that was registered during the second half of last year.』




『We have seen some positive developments in the labor market.』

「some positive developments」キター!!

『Private payroll employment has increased by 165,000 jobs per month on average since the middle of last year, and nearly 260,000 new private-sector jobs were added in January. The job gains in recent months have been relatively widespread across industries. In the public sector, by contrast, layoffs by state and local governments have continued. The unemployment rate hovered around 9 percent for much of last year but has moved down appreciably since September, reaching 8.3 percent in January. New claims for unemployment insurance benefits have also moderated.』


『The decline in the unemployment rate over the past year has been somewhat more rapid than might have been expected, given that the economy appears to have been growing during that time frame at or below its longer-term trend; continued improvement in the job market is likely to require stronger growth in final demand and production.』


『Notwithstanding the better recent data, the job market remains far from normal: The unemployment rate remains elevated, long-term unemployment is still near record levels, and the number of persons working part time for economic reasons is very high.』





『Household spending advanced moderately in the second half of last year, boosted by a fourth-quarter surge in motor vehicle purchases that was facilitated by an easing of constraints on supply related to the earthquake in Japan. 』

『However, the fundamentals that support spending continue to be weak: Real household income and wealth were flat in 2011, and access to credit remained restricted for many potential borrowers. Consumer sentiment, which dropped sharply last summer, has since rebounded but remains relatively low.』


『In the housing sector, affordability has increased dramatically as a result of the decline in house prices and historically low interest rates on conventional mortgages.』

『Unfortunately, many potential buyers lack the down payment and credit history required to qualify for loans; others are reluctant to buy a house now because of concerns about their income, employment prospects, and the future path of home prices. On the supply side of the market, about 30 percent of recent home sales have consisted of foreclosed or distressed properties, and home vacancy rates remain high, putting downward pressure on house prices.』


『More-positive signs include a pickup in construction in the multifamily sector and recent increases in homebuilder sentiment.』


『Manufacturing production has increased 15 percent since the trough of the recession and has posted solid gains since the middle of last year, supported by the recovery in motor vehicle supply chains and ongoing increases in business investment and exports. Real business spending for equipment and software rose at an annual rate of about 12 percent over the second half of 2011, a bit faster than in the first half of the year.』

『But real export growth, while remaining solid, slowed somewhat over the same period as foreign economic activity decelerated, particularly in Europe.』




『These forecasts were considerably lower than the projections they made last June. A number of factors have played a role in this reassessment.』


『First, the annual revisions to the national income and product accounts released last summer indicated that the recovery had been somewhat slower than previously estimated. In addition, fiscal and financial strains in Europe have weighed on financial conditions and global economic growth, and problems in U.S. housing and mortgage markets have continued to hold down not only construction and related industries, but also household wealth and confidence.』



『Looking beyond 2012, FOMC participants expect that economic activity will pick up gradually as these headwinds fade, supported by a continuation of the highly accommodative stance for monetary policy.』

『With output growth in 2012 projected to remain close to its longer-run trend, participants did not anticipate further substantial declines in the unemployment rate over the course of this year. Looking beyond this year, FOMC participants expect the unemployment rate to continue to edge down only slowly toward levels consistent with the Committee's statutory mandate.』


『In light of the somewhat different signals received recently from the labor market than from indicators of final demand and production, however, it will be especially important to evaluate incoming information to assess the underlying pace of economic recovery.』




『As I discussed in my July testimony, inflation picked up during the early part of 2011. A surge in the prices of oil and other commodities, along with supply disruptions associated with the disaster in Japan that put upward pressure on motor vehicle prices, pushed overall inflation to an annual rate of more than 3 percent over the first half of last year.』

「overall inflation」ですよね。

『As we had expected, however, these factors proved transitory, and inflation moderated to an annual rate of 1-1/2 percent during the second half of the year--close to its average pace in the preceding two years.』


『In the projections made in January, the Committee anticipated that, over coming quarters, inflation will run at or below the 2 percent level we judge most consistent with our statutory mandate. Specifically, the central tendency of participants' forecasts for inflation in 2012 ranged from 1.4 to 1.8 percent, about unchanged from the projections made last June.7 Looking farther ahead, participants expected the subdued level of inflation to persist beyond this year.』


『Since these projections were made, gasoline prices have moved up, primarily reflecting higher global oil prices--a development that is likely to push up inflation temporarily while reducing consumers' purchasing power. We will continue to monitor energy markets carefully.』


『Longer-term inflation expectations, as measured by surveys and financial market indicators, appear consistent with the view that inflation will remain subdued.』


『6. Inflation is measured using the price index for personal consumption expenditures.』




『Against this backdrop of restrained growth, persistent downside risks to the outlook for real activity, and moderating inflation, the Committee took several steps to provide additional monetary accommodation during the second half of 2011 and early 2012.』


『These steps included changes to the forward rate guidance included in the Committee's post-meeting statements and adjustments to the Federal Reserve's holdings of Treasury and agency securities.』



『The target range for the federal funds rate remains at 0 to 1/4 percent, and the forward guidance language in the FOMC policy statement provides an indication of how long the Committee expects that target range to be appropriate. In August, the Committee clarified the forward guidance language, noting that economic conditions--including low rates of resource utilization and a subdued outlook for inflation over the medium run--were likely to warrant exceptionally low levels for the federal funds rate at least through the middle of 2013.』


『By providing a longer time horizon than had previously been expected by the public, the statement tended to put downward pressure on longer-term interest rates.』



『At the January 2012 FOMC meeting, the Committee amended the forward guidance further, extending the horizon over which it expects economic conditions to warrant exceptionally low levels of the federal funds rate to at least through late 2014.』



『In addition to the adjustments made to the forward guidance, the Committee modified its policies regarding the Federal Reserve's holdings of securities.』

In addition toとな(^^)。

『In September, the Committee put in place a maturity extension program that combines purchases of longer-term Treasury securities with sales of shorter-term Treasury securities. The objective of this program is to lengthen the average maturity of our securities holdings without generating a significant change in the size of our balance sheet.』


『Removing longer-term securities from the market should put downward pressure on longer-term interest rates and help make financial market conditions more supportive of economic growth than they otherwise would have been.』


『To help support conditions in mortgage markets, the Committee also decided at its September meeting to reinvest principal received from its holdings of agency debt and agency mortgage-backed securities (MBS) in agency MBS, rather than continuing to reinvest those proceeds in longer-term Treasury securities as had been the practice since August 2010. The Committee reviews the size and composition of its securities holdings regularly and is prepared to adjust those holdings as appropriate to promote a stronger economic recovery in the context of price stability.』



『Before concluding, I would like to say a few words about the statement of longer-run goals and policy strategy that the FOMC issued at the conclusion of its January meeting.』


『The statement reaffirms our commitment to our statutory objectives, given to us by the Congress, of price stability and maximum employment. Its purpose is to provide additional transparency and increase the effectiveness of monetary policy. The statement does not imply a change in how the Committee conducts policy.』




『As I noted a moment ago, the level of maximum employment in an economy is subject to change; for instance, it can be affected by shifts in the structure of the economy and by a range of economic policies. If at some stage the Committee estimated that the maximum level of employment had increased, for example, we would adjust monetary policy accordingly.』


いやね、つまり「If at some stage the Committee estimated that the maximum level of employment had increased,」という「employment」が就業者なのか失業率なのかによってこれ結果が真逆になる話で、あたくしの英語力の問題なのかもしれませんが、これだと先行きの金融政策の時間軸が伸びるのか縮むのかどっちのケースの話をしているのかがワカランので誰か教えてジェネラル。


『The dual objectives of price stability and maximum employment are generally complementary. Indeed, at present, with the unemployment rate elevated and the inflation outlook subdued, the Committee judges that sustaining a highly accommodative stance for monetary policy is consistent with promoting both objectives.』

『However, in cases where these objectives are not complementary, the Committee follows a balanced approach in promoting them, taking into account the magnitudes of the deviations of inflation and employment from levels judged to be consistent with the dual mandate, as well as the potentially different time horizons over which employment and inflation are projected to return to such levels.』









Longer Term Refinancing Op.-Allotment

Reference Number: 20120034
Tender Date: 29/02/2012 11:15:00
Start Date: 01/03/2012
Maturity Date: 26/02/2015
Duration (days): 1092
Auction Type: FIXED_RATE

Tot Amount Allotted: 529530.81 mn
Tot Bid Amount: 529530.81 mn
Tot Number of Bidders: 800



Reference Number: 20110149
Tender Date: 21/12/2011 11:15:00
Start Date: 22/12/2011
Maturity Date: 29/01/2015
Duration (days): 1134
Auction Type: FIXED_RATE

Tot Amount Allotted: 489190.75 mn
Tot Bid Amount: 489190.75 mn
Tot Number of Bidders: 523

まあ前半はオペのオファーの方で結果は『Tot Amount Allotted:』以降になりますけれども、前回よりも応札増えてるわ応札者数は増えてるわという事で、これをどう評価するのか正直よー判らんですけれども、とりあえず適格担保拡大して中小金融機関のアクセスを拡大しました(キリッ)という施策の目的は達成できたものかと思われます。まあこれが「何だまだまだ金が要るんじゃネーノ」という解釈になるのか、「3年間のファンディングを付けて流動性リスクを下げちゃいましたよ凄いですねえ」という解釈になるのか(まあ両方ともその通りなのかもしれませんが)良く判らんでございまする。



Chairman Ben S. Bernanke Semiannual Monetary Policy Report to the Congress
Before the Committee on Financial Services, U.S. House of Representatives, Washington, D.C.
February 29, 2012















『The available indicators suggested that pay growth had remained subdued. According to the average weekly earnings measure, total pay growth had remained well below its pre-recession average, and had fallen back further since the middle of 2011. There had been early indications that pay settlements had picked up a little in January, but at 2.7% they remained well below pre-recession norms. Survey evidence in January from the Bank’s Agents had suggested that businesses expected settlements in 2012 to be broadly similar to those in 2011.』

ここを見ますと2回「remained well below pre-recession norms」というのが出てくると思いますが、まあこんな感じでBOEの議論の中では「リセッション前の平常水準との比較」というのが出てくる訳ですが、先日インフレターゲットマンセー講演をしたセントルイス連銀総裁のブラードさんに言わせるとこうなりそうですにゃ。

『Most analysts seem to agree that the middle part of the 2000s was characterized by a “bubble” in the housing sector. Housing prices were high and rising fast compared to nominal GDP. It is not prudent to extrapolate a bubble into the indefinite future and claim that such a calculation provides a good benchmark. Yet, that is what we are doing when we extrapolate fourth quarter 2007 real GDP. Furthermore, we normally have the good sense not to do this in other economic situations.』(これは先日ネタにした2月6日のセントルイス連銀ブラード総裁講演




『The whole economy employment rate had been broadly flat in the three months to November. While there had been some signs of stronger labour market activity in the monthly CIPS/Markit and REC surveys in January, business surveys of employment more generally had continued to point to weakness in the near term. According to the LFS, the unemployment rate had risen to 8.4% in the three months to November.』


『The extent of downward pressure that those seeking jobs would place on wages would depend on a number of factors, including how transferable their skills were.』


『There was some tentative evidence that companies had been finding it harder to find suitable employees, and in the second half of 2011 the number of vacancies had been broadly stable while unemployment had increased. This could suggest that the unemployed were less able to fill those vacancies.』




『There had been a sharp rise in the CIPS/Markit manufacturing and services surveys in January. Both had risen above their series averages, and stood at their highest levels since March 2011. The forward-looking balances in both surveys had also increased sharply, which suggested that the strength of output was expected to persist into the second quarter.』


『The strength in the CIPS/Markit surveys had not been matched by other survey evidence, however: the CBI and the British Chamber of Commerce survey expectations had both suggested a further contraction in GDP in the first quarter.』


『It was possible that the CIPS/Markit surveys were giving a misleading signal, although past statistical relationships had suggested that they were the most informative individual survey indicators of output growth. Moreover, the UK CIPS/Markit surveys had risen in common with those in many other countries around the world.』


『As for the global PMIs, it was possible that the CIPS/Markit surveys might have reflected an improvement in business conditions following the ECB’s LTRO, although it seemed unlikely that it could have led to a sharp pickup in output in such a short space of time. Another possibility, suggested by the Bank’s Agents, was that the CIPS/Markit surveys might have reflected an increase in activity as firms now decided to proceed with previously postponed investment or other spending, even though the uncertainty connected with the euro area remained.』









『Taking all these factors together, it seemed likely that growth in the first quarter of 2012 would be somewhat stronger than the Committee had expected at its previous meeting. There had, however, as yet been little evidence from the expenditure indicators to corroborate that. Although they had risen on the month, both the GfK and Mori measures of consumer confidence remained depressed, and suggested weak household spending in the first quarter. Export data for the fourth quarter of 2011 had been strong, but recent surveys had been weaker. Survey measures of investment intentions had been largely flat in the fourth quarter.』



『Twelve-month CPI inflation had fallen to 4.2% in December. In line with the usual pre-release arrangements, an advance estimate for twelve-month CPI inflation of 3.6% for January had been provided to the Governor ahead of publication. The fall in CPI inflation since its peak in September had largely matched the Committee’s expectations. CPI inflation was expected to fall further over the next few months, as the contributions from past petrol and utility price increases, and any remaining effects of the previous year’s rise in the standard rate of VAT, dropped out of the twelve-month calculation. Wholesale gas spot prices had risen sharply recently as a consequence of cold weather in the United Kingdom and elsewhere in Europe. Futures prices, which were more important for the setting of utility prices, had risen by far less.』



『On balance, the Committee judged that - on the assumption that Bank Rate moved in line with market interest rates and the stock of purchased assets was held constant at £325 billion - inflation was somewhat more likely to be below target than above it for a good part of the forecast period. By the end of the period, however, those risks were judged to be broadly balanced. The inflation projection was somewhat higher than in November, partly reflecting the larger stock of assets on which the forecast was conditioned, but also reflecting a higher path for oil and other commodity prices.』



『Against this background, and that of its most recent projections to be published in the February Inflation Report, the Committee judged that the weak near-term outlook for growth and the associated downward pressure from slack in the economy meant that, without further monetary stimulus, it was more likely than not that inflation would undershoot the 2% target in the medium term.』


『The Committee recognised that there were substantial risks to inflation in the medium term in both directions, and that it would be some time before the uncertainties around these risks were resolved. There was a range of views among Committee members over the evolution of these risks. For some members, the probability of inflation exceeding the target was slightly higher than shown in the projection to be published in the February Inflation Report, and a case could be made for maintaining the stance of policy at this meeting. For others, the case for further easing was more clear-cut.』



『The Committee had announced a programme of £75 billion of asset purchases at its October meeting, and this had recently been completed. While the Committee continued to monitor the impact of its asset purchases, it saw no compelling reason to think that their impact on nominal demand would be materially different than had been anticipated in October. It would keep this under review in judging the policy actions needed to support the recovery and meet the inflation target.』


『In terms of the immediate decision, the Committee considered the arguments for increasing the stock of asset purchases by £50 billion or £75 billion, either of which would be sufficient to put inflation broadly on track to meet the target in the medium term on its central projection. Committee members placed different weights on these arguments.』







Introductory statement to the press conference (with Q&A)
Mario Draghi, President of the ECB,
Vitor Constancio, Vice-President of the ECB,
Frankfurt am Main, 9 February 2012



『And, as a follow-up to a previous question, on the collateral you say you will manage the risk. Why will the Eurosystem not share the risk? Why does it have to stay with the national central banks?』


『Concerning the collateral, on top of all the risk management measures and on top of all the strong over-collateralisation - which, once you apply these haircuts, reduces the amount of acceptable collateral by almost two-thirds - to assess the creditworthiness of a credit claim it is essential to know the economy where this credit claim originated. In other words, knowledge of the domestic economy is essential for understanding the creditworthiness of a bank credit claim. The assessment by the national central banks is very important, even though it is conducted on the basis of a common guideline.』

『Therefore, we want to keep the risk related to these assessments with national central banks so they bear the full risk of their choices. In a sense, it is a further mitigating measure for the risk we are assuming. The Banca d’Italia, for example, would carry out the assessment and then it would present the assessment to the Governing Council on the basis of a common guideline and on the basis of common haircuts. So, with a credit claim of about 9, strong over-collateralisation would yield around four - or three, probably - as acceptable collateral. Of this three, the risks must be assessed according to the common guideline and presented to the Governing Council. 』



『I have just a follow-up on collaterals: you told us that the national central banks will present their risk assessment to the Governing Council, but what exactly will happen if some members of the Council aren’t satisfied with what is presented?』

『On the first question, it would be like any other discussion in the Governing Council. We will look -- obviously together with the risk management officers and other very competent staff, -- at the assessments, we will have a discussion and if the Governing Council is not satisfied it will not be accepted. It’s like any other discussion.』



『Mr. Draghi, you warned two months ago about legal tricks that circumvent the spirit of the Treaty and that the ECB’s credibility depends on the spirit of the Treaty. All of this talk about what the ECB is going to do with its bond holdings centres around getting money to Greece. There is a hole of 50 billion euro or so, a hole in the funding, and the governments and the banks seem to want the ECB’s money. Is it still your position that the ECB needs to avoid legal tricks? And are these options legal tricks?』

『Absolutely, you can rest assured that this is still my position. So, all the talk about the ECB sharing the losses is unfounded. But I cannot say what we can do about this until tonight, probably after the Eurogroup meeting. We will have to see. Let me add one thing, because perhaps I am not being completely clear. The idea that the ECB could actually give money to the programme would violate the prohibition of monetary financing.』



『Secondly, you are certainly aware that, despite all the success of the LTRO, that in this country some people at least argue that this is a sort of hidden government financing. What is your position on these critical remarks?』


『As regards your second questions, the 3-year facilities are there to be used. There is no stigma whatsoever attached to these facilities. This has to be understood by everybody. I would describe some of the statements made as “statements of virility”. Namely, that it would be undignified for a serious bank to access these facilities.』


『Now let me say that the very same banks that made these statements actually already access different kinds of facilities such as the euro dollar credit swap facility. Another bank, which according to a newspaper report made an indignant statement that there would be a stigma, actually accessed the LTRO. So, some of these “virility” or “manhood” statements are often incorrect. I think it’s a business decision. Some banks thought that it is far better for banks to fully access these facilities, unlike those that made these statements. So they saw no stigma. It’s a business decision that should be presented as such. I should add that the crisis, which the banking system and the funding system is currently facing, originates from a sovereign crisis. So the banks that happen to be located in countries that do not have any fiscal crisis, that have always undertaken the appropriate reforms, should give more credit to their governments for having been virtuous all along.』





『And secondly, could you give us a flavour, please, on how the discussion went on extension of the collateral framework and the changes in the quality standards? Was it unanimous, was there a wide agreement, were there lively discussions, as you called it last time when the interest rates were lowered?』

『As regards your second point, the discussion was not unanimous, but it was not particularly contentious. There was wide agreement, although there was no unanimity.』





『And a second question, a personal one: you have already shown us that you are a good risk manager, but what about your stance as a central banker, and what is your personal conclusion after your first 100 days in office?』

『Now, the second question was about my first 100 days. Well, it’s hard to respond but if you read a few newspapers that are also represented here you will get a full documentation of what they think.』

『But what about your principles as a central banker then? You’ve shown us that you are a good risk manager, but it is hard to get any statement about you or your stance.』

『Well, I think the proof is in the eye of the beholder. I have respected the mandate of the ECB, which is to maintain price stability in the medium term. Inflationary expectations have remained firmly anchored - both before I became president, in the years of my predecessor, and in the first 100 days. But admittedly, it is a very short time to judge someone, it could get much worse.』

『I was a bit confused by your initial statement when you said: “Yes, we take on more risks, but we manage them well.” Could you perhaps just clarify on balance: is the Eurosystem more at risk or less at risk, or is it equal, as a result of
your decision?』

『We, the Governing Council, thought that the amount of risk that was taken on board was perfectly acceptable and very well managed. We take risks with everything: we take risks with normal monetary policy operations, with LTROs, with the SMP. The important thing is that once we take these risks, firstly we don’t judge them to be excessive and secondly, and most importantly, we manage them well. We have full confidence in our staff that these risks can be well managed.』











『Statement on Longer-Run Goals and Monetary Policy Strategy』から。

『Following the Committee's disposition of organizational matters, participants considered a revised draft of a statement of principles regarding the FOMC's longer-run goals and monetary policy strategy. The revisions reflected discussion of an earlier draft during the Committee's December meeting as well as comments received over the intermeeting period.』


『The Chairman noted that the proposed statement did not represent a change in the Committee's policy approach. Instead, the statement was intended to help enhance the transparency, accountability, and effectiveness of monetary policy.』


『In presenting the draft statement on behalf of the subcommittee on communications, Governor Yellen pointed out several key elements.』


『First, the statement expresses the FOMC's commitment to explain its policy decisions as clearly as possible.』


『Second, the statement specifies a numerical inflation goal in a context that firmly underscores the Federal Reserve's commitment to fostering both parts of its dual mandate.』


『Third, the statement is intended to serve as an overarching set of principles that would be reaffirmed during the Committee's organizational meeting each year, and the bar for amending the statement would be high.』



『All participants but one supported adopting the revised statement of principles regarding longer-run goals and monetary policy strategy, which is reproduced below.』


『All FOMC members voted to adopt this statement except Mr. Tarullo, who abstained because he questioned the ultimate usefulness of the statement in promoting better communication of the Committee's policy strategy.』



んでまあ途中の連銀スタッフのレビュー部分とか全部スルーしまして(一応読んだのでネタが無かったらネタに使うかも^^)『Participants' Views on Current Conditions and the Economic Outlook』の思い切りケツの方から(つまりインスタント手抜き法での読みと結果的にネタとして使っているのが同じという残念な状態に)参ります。


『Looking farther ahead, participants generally judged that the modest expansion in economic activity that they were projecting would be consistent with a gradual reduction in the current wide margins of slack in labor and product markets and with subdued inflation going forward.』


『Some remained concerned that, with the persistence of considerable resource slack, inflation might continue to drift down and run below mandate-consistent levels for some time. However, a couple of participants were concerned that inflation could rise as the recovery continued and argued that providing additional monetary accommodation, or even maintaining the current highly accommodative stance of monetary policy over the medium run, would erode the stability of inflation expectations and risk higher inflation.』

ということで、数名(some)のメンバーはスラックの大きさによってインフレがマンデートでの望ましい水準を下回って推移する可能性を指摘し、一方で2名(a couple of)のメンバーは経済が回復過程にある中において追加緩和の実施を行うような場合もさることながら、そのような時に現在の緩和的な金融政策を維持した場合であっても、インフレ期待の上昇やより高いインフレの招来のリスクがある、と指摘していまして、少数意見がスプリットでござるの巻という所であります。



『Committee participants discussed possible changes to the forward guidance that has been included in the Committee's recent post-meeting statements. Many participants thought it important to explore means for better communicating policymakers' thinking about future monetary policy and its relationship to evolving economic conditions.』



『A couple of participants expressed concern that some press reports had misinterpreted the Committee's use of a date in its forward guidance as a commitment about its future policy decisions.』




『Several participants thought it would be helpful to provide more information about the economic conditions that would be likely to warrant maintaining the current target range for the federal funds rate, perhaps by providing numerical thresholds for the unemployment and inflation rates.』


『Different opinions were expressed regarding the appropriate values of such thresholds, reflecting different assessments of the path for the federal funds rate that would likely be appropriate to foster the Committee's longer-run goals.』




『However, some participants worried that such thresholds would not accurately or effectively convey the Committee's forward-looking approach to monetary policy and thus would pose difficult communications issues, or that movements in the unemployment rate, by themselves, would be an unreliable measure of progress toward maximum employment.』



『Several participants proposed either dropping or greatly simplifying the forward guidance in the Committee's statement, arguing that information about participants' assessments of the appropriate future level of the federal funds rate, which would henceforth be contained in the Summary of Economic Projections (SEP), made it unnecessary to include forward guidance in the post-meeting statement.』



『However, several other participants emphasized that the information regarding the federal funds rate in the SEP could not substitute for a formal decision of the members of the FOMC.』




『Participants agreed to continue exploring approaches for providing the public with greater clarity about the linkages between the economic outlook and the Committee's monetary policy decisions.』











冒頭(と言ってもPDFファイルベースで7ページ目になります)の『Statement on Longer-Run Goals and Monetary Policy Strategy』に関連してでして、そこでの議論らしきものがスルー気味なのがツマランチ会長なのですけれども、まあイエレンが説明しているポイントもふーんと思いましたがもうちょっと解釈を考えたいので一旦スルー。


『All FOMC members voted to adopt this statement except Mr. Tarullo, who abstained because he questioned the ultimate usefulness of the statement in promoting better communication of the Committee's policy strategy.』





Current Inflation 3.6%
Next due: 20 March 2012


Letter from the Governor to the Chancellor
13 February 2012


Inflation Report, February 2012







Introductory statement to the press conference (with Q&A)
Mario Draghi, President of the ECB,
Vitor Constancio, Vice-President of the ECB,
Frankfurt am Main, 9 February 2012

















Introductory statement to the press conference (with Q&A)
Mario Draghi, President of the ECB,
Vitor Constancio, Vice-President of the ECB,
Frankfurt am Main, 9 February 2012



『Question: My first question is: so far the LTRO seems to be working very well, like a magic stick, or something like that, and people may think that the ECB might prefer this further LTRO to a rate cut. What is your comment on that?

My second question is: this week, the Japanese Government announced that it has been intervening in the foreign exchange market for several days, from the end of October of last year, and without announcement. Your predecessor, Mr Trichet, said last August that such interventions need to be done on the basis of multilateral agreement and that that was not the case with the actions of Japan. The US Treasury has also made a similar critique. What do you think about that?』


『Draghi: In answer to the first question, there is no trade-off between the two measures. The LTRO addresses the quantitative shortages and liquidity constraints of certain parts of the euro area financial and banking system. The interest rate changes address pricing conditions, assuming that the euro area banking and financial conditions are working well, that the circumstances are normal. In that case you change the price of assets; you change the price of short-term rates, and so on. So they are two different things in the sense that they address different situations, different problems.

Regarding the Japanese interventions, I can confirm what my predecessor said on that occasion: the interventions, if they are needed, should be done in a multilateral framework - they should not be unilateral.』







News Release
Bank of England maintains Bank Rate at 0.5% and increases size of Asset Purchase Programme by £50 billion to £325 billion

『The Bank of England’s Monetary Policy Committee today voted to maintain the official Bank Rate paid on commercial bank reserves at 0.5%. The Committee also voted to increase the size of its asset purchase programme, financed by the issuance of central bank reserves, by £50 billion to a total of £325 billion.』


『In the United Kingdom, the underlying pace of recovery slowed during 2011, with activity falling slightly during the final quarter. Some recent business surveys have painted a more positive picture and asset prices have risen. But the pace of expansion in the United Kingdom’s main export markets has also slowed and concerns remain about the indebtedness and competitiveness of some euro-area countries.』


『A gradual strengthening of output growth later this year should be supported by a gentle recovery in household real incomes as inflation falls, together with the continued stimulus from monetary policy. But the drag from tight credit conditions and the fiscal consolidation together present a headwind.』

『The correspondingly weak outlook for near-term output growth means that a significant margin of economic slack is likely to persist.』


『CPI inflation has fallen back from its September peak, declining to 4.2% in December. Inflation should continue to fall sharply in the near term, as the increase in VAT in January 2011 drops out of the twelve-month comparison.』


『Inflation is then likely to decline further as the contribution of energy and import prices diminishes, while downward pressure from unemployment and spare capacity continues to restrain domestically generated inflation.』


『In the light of its most recent economic projections, the Committee judged that the weak near-term growth outlook and associated downward pressure from economic slack meant that, without further monetary stimulus, it was more likely than not that inflation would undershoot the 2% target in the medium term.』


『The Committee therefore voted to increase the size of its programme of asset purchases, financed by the issuance of central bank reserves, by £50 billion to a total of £325 billion. The Committee also voted to maintain Bank Rate at 0.5%.』


『The Committee expects the announced programme of asset purchases to take three months to complete. The scale of the programme will be kept under review.』




9 February 2012 - Monetary policy decisions

『At today’s meeting the Governing Council of the ECB decided that the interest rate on the main refinancing operations and the interest rates on the marginal lending facility and the deposit facility will remain unchanged at 1.00%, 1.75% and 0.25% respectively. The President of the ECB will comment on the considerations underlying these decisions at a press conference starting at 2.30 p.m. CET today.』


Introductory statement to the press conference

Mario Draghi, President of the ECB,
Vitor Constancio, Vice-President of the ECB,
Frankfurt am Main, 9 February 2012




『Based on our regular economic and monetary analyses, we decided to keep the key ECB interest rates unchanged. The information that has become available since mid-January broadly confirms our previous assessment. Inflation is likely to stay above 2% for several months to come, before declining to below 2%. Available survey indicators confirm some tentative signs of a stabilisation in economic activity at a low level around the turn of the year, but the economic outlook remains subject to high uncertainty and downside risks. The underlying pace of monetary expansion remains subdued.』


『Looking ahead, it is essential for monetary policy to maintain price stability for the euro area as a whole. This ensures a firm anchoring of inflation expectations in line with our aim of maintaining inflation rates below, but close to, 2% over the medium term. Such anchoring is a prerequisite for monetary policy to make its contribution to supporting economic growth and job creation in the euro area. A very thorough analysis of all incoming data and developments over the period ahead is warranted.』




『Through our non-standard monetary policy measures we will continue to support the functioning of the euro area financial sector, and thus the financing of the real economy.』


『Since the first three-year longer-term refinancing operation (LTRO) was conducted in December 2011 we have approved specific national eligibility criteria and risk control measures for the temporary acceptance in a number of countries of additional credit claims as collateral in Eurosystem credit operations, which should lead to an increase in available collateral. Further details will be provided in a press release to be published today at 3.30 p.m.』


『At the start of the current reserve maintenance period on 18 January 2012 the reserve ratio was reduced, freeing up additional collateral. As stated on previous occasions, all our non-standard measures are temporary in nature.』



9 February 2012 - ECB’s Governing Council approves eligibility criteria for additional credit claims

『The Governing Council of the European Central Bank (ECB) has approved, for the seven national central banks (NCBs) that have put forward relevant proposals, specific national eligibility criteria and risk control measures for the temporary acceptance of additional credit claims as collateral in Eurosystem credit operations. Details of these specific national measures will be made available on the websites of the respective NCBs: Central Bank of Ireland, Banco de Espana, Banque de France, Banca d’Italia, Central Bank of Cyprus, Oesterreichische Nationalbank and Banco de Portugal.』


『These developments follow up on the decision of the Governing Council of 8 December 2011 to increase collateral availability by allowing Eurosystem NCBs, as a temporary solution, to accept additional performing credit claims as collateral. 』

またtemporary solutionとか仰せですな・・・・・とか書いているうちにそういえば新春ネタでECBのオペレーション手順書をネタにしたのにその後をどスルーしている事にも気が付き更にorzになるあたくしなのでありました。

『Eurosystem NCBs continue to work on developing specific national eligibility criteria for additional credit claims. Any further Governing Council decisions in this respect will be communicated through the monthly publication “Decisions taken by the Governing Council of the ECB (in addition to decisions setting interest rates)” and announcements made by the respective NCBs. Eurosystem counterparties are invited to contact their respective NCBs to obtain further details on the specific national eligibility criteria for additional credit claims. The general Eurosystem eligibility criteria for credit claims, as stipulated in the publication “The implementation of monetary policy in the euro area: General documentation on Eurosystem monetary policy instruments and procedures” remain unchanged.』



Open market operations


『For a chronological listing of the measures see the Annex "Chronology of monetary policy measures of the Eurosystem" in the November 2011 Monthly Bulletin [3.15 MB] and for details on the ECB's non-standard measures, including a comparison with the Fed and the Bank of Japan, see "IV. The ECB’s response to the financial crisis" of the President's speech "The ECB’s enhanced credit support" (13 July 2009). 』

November 2011 Monthly Bulletin






Inflation Targeting in the USA
Union League Club of Chicago, Breakfast@65West
Chicago, Ill.
Feb. 6, 2012



『Output Gaps: The Wrong Idea』


『The recent recession has given rise to the idea that there is a very large “output gap” in the U.S. The story is that this large output gap is “keeping inflation at bay” and is fodder for keeping nominal interest rates near zero into an indefinite future. If we continue using this interpretation of events, it may be very difficult for the U.S. to ever move off of the zero lower bound on nominal interest rates. This could be a looming disaster for the United States.』


『I want to now turn to argue that the large output gap view may be conceptually inappropriate in the current situation. We may do better to replace it with the notion of a permanent, one-time shock to wealth.』

相変わらず「conceptually inappropriate」とか大きく出るのがブラードクオリティ。まあ要するに「現在の米国経済の問題は巨大な生産ギャップではなくて資産価格の一過性のショックの後遺症である」という考えに基づくべきであるという話のようです。


『The key to the large output gap story is the use of the fourth quarter of 2007 as a benchmark for where we expect the economy to be today. The idea is to take that level of real output, assume the real GDP growth rate that prevailed in the years prior to 2007, and project out where the “potential” output of the U.S. should be. By that type of calculation, we are indeed stunningly far below where we should be, perhaps 5.5 percent below, using data through the fourth quarter of 2011. What is more, we have made little progress in closing the gap defined in this way, because real GDP has only grown at modest rates since the recession ended in the summer of 2009. And furthermore, using current GDP forecasts from, say, the Blue Chip consensus, we have little prospect for closing the gap any time soon.』


『Is this really the right way to think about where the U.S. economy should be? I do not think it is a defensible point of view. Let me give you some of my perspectives.』


『Most analysts seem to agree that the middle part of the 2000s was characterized by a “bubble” in the housing sector. Housing prices were high and rising fast compared to nominal GDP. It is not prudent to extrapolate a bubble into the indefinite future and claim that such a calculation provides a good benchmark. Yet, that is what we are doing when we extrapolate fourth quarter 2007 real GDP. Furthermore, we normally have the good sense not to do this in other economic situations.』


『Think about the tech bubble of the late 1990s and early 2000s. The NASDAQ index peaked at about 4800 on a monthly average basis in March 2000. In the month just passed, January 2012, it averaged about 2744, which is 57 percent of its peak value. In fact, with the type of calculation usually done for real GDP, which extrapolates growth rates, the NASDAQ would be miles below its “potential.” Of course, most observers and market participants do not say that the NASDAQ is far below its potential value today. Instead, most say that there was clearly a bubble in the NASDAQ during the late 1990s and early 2000s, and that today’s valuations are more sensible than the ones that were in vogue during the bubble period.』


『When I put the case this starkly, I think many would agree that establishing a benchmark by extrapolating from the previous peak of a variable, when that variable was clearly influenced by a bubble, is a mistake. It gives a distorted view of the situation.』



『A Level Shock』っつー所ね。

『A better interpretation of the behavior of U.S. real GDP over the last five years may be that the economy was disrupted by a permanent, one-time shock to wealth.4』


『4 Macroeconomists like me often use the word “permanent”, even though nothing is really permanent. Think of permanent as “exceptionally persistent.”』


『In particular, the perceived value of U.S. real estate fell substantially with the 30 percent decline in housing prices after 2006. This shaved trillions of dollars off of the wealth of the nation. Since housing prices are not expected to rebound to the previous peak anytime soon, that wealth is simply gone for now. This has lowered consumption and output, and lower levels of production have caused a significant disruption in U.S. labor markets.』


『So what’s the point, you ask? Well, to me, the important difference is what happens after the shock.』


『For those who take the “large output gap” view, the expectation is for real GDP to grow rapidly after the recession comes to an end, as the economy catches up to its potential. It is like a rubber band, there is supposed to be a bounce back period of rapid growth. In fact, most analysts have been looking for exactly this effect since the summer of 2009. It has not happened. This has led to a lot of analysis concerning special factors and headwinds that might be inhibiting the “bounce back” effect.』

生産ギャップが大きいというビューを取る人たちにとっては、リセッションが終わると本来は“bounce back”が起きて戻る筈という見解になるのですが、実際問題としては色々な要因があって中々そういう事になっていません、という見立てになるとの事ですが・・・・

『The wealth shock view puts a different expectation in play. The negative wealth shock lowers consumption and output. But after the recession ends, the economy simply grows from that point at an ordinary rate, neither faster nor slower than in ordinary times. It is more like an earthquake which has left one part of the land higher than another part. There is no expectation of a “bounce back” to a higher level of output after the recession ends. This is closer to what has actually happened since mid-2009. Output has grown at a moderate rate, but not a rapid rate, since the recession ended.』

資産ショックの見方を取るブラード総裁によりますと、そのような“bounce back”は起きないものの、経済に関してはリセッションが終了したら平常運転で戻ってくる、と見立てるという事でして、したがってこの見立ては米国経済の現状でありますところの「生産の“bounce back”は起きていないけれども、生産そのものは速く無いけれどもモデレートなペースで拡大している」という状況とも整合的ですよねとか何とか仰せです。


『In the wealth shock view, there is no “large output gap” rationale for keeping interest rates near zero. There is only an economy growing at normal rates following a large shock to wealth.』


『I mentioned that a wealth shock significantly upsets labor market relationships. This is because output declines, so less labor is required. It takes a long time for those displaced by the shock to find new working relationships. I would expect to see high unemployment and only slow improvement in labor markets following the wealth shock.』



『One might say that the peak in U.S. housing prices represented an overvaluation, and in my view, that would be right. Valuing the physical capital stock of the nation is always a tricky proposition. The entire stock, on the order of three times GDP, or $45 trillion, cannot meaningfully be marketed all at once. Still, we do observe bits and pieces of the physical capital stock being bought and sold at any point in time, and those prices can help us notionally value the entire portfolio. Those prices of bits and pieces could be driven by beliefs alone-such as the belief that housing prices only go up-and become temporarily detached from fundamental supply and demand factors. This may make it appear that real estate is worth more than it really is, and lead many to make what in retrospect are poor economic decisions, such as taking on too much debt and consuming too much.』

『Many prices in the economy may at times seem to be far away from anything that could be rationalized purely by supply and demand. But housing prices are special in that they represent valuations on a significant fraction of the wealth of the nation, defined as the value of the physical capital stock. To have those prices fall hard and stay down without much prospect for rapid recovery is a one-time, permanent wealth shock. This is a different type of shock than the ones that have caused previous postwar U.S. recessions.』


・・・・・でですな、まあ確かにそーゆー見方もありなのかなというのは、PCE総合物価指数とかがサクサク戻っている所に示されている、と言われるとまあそうですかねという事にもなりそうなならなさそうな。あまりゼロ金利政策続けると物価だけホイホイ上昇してしまいますよってな話なのでしょうが、この次の『The Costs of Near-Zero Rates』がまた斬新。

○あまりにも斬新なので思わず小見出しを入れてしまうブラード総裁の「The Costs of Near-Zero Rates」理論


『I have argued that the large output gap view may be keeping us all prisoner-tethering our expectations for output, in effect, to the collapsed bubble in housing. It is setting a very high bar for the U.S. economy, one that may not be appropriate given the nature of the shock that the economy has suffered. Importantly, it may influence the FOMC’s near-zero rate policy far into the future, since output is continually viewed as falling short of the high-bar benchmark.』


『But the near-zero rate policy has its own costs. If we were proposing to remain near-zero for a few quarters, or even a year or two, one might argue that such a policy matches up well with the short-term business cycle dynamics of the U.S. economy. But a near-zero rate policy stretching over many years can begin to distort fundamental decision-making in the economy in ways that may be destructive to longer-run economic growth.』



『In particular, the lengthy near-zero rate policy punishes savers in the economy.』


『Because of life cycle effects, most of the asset holding in the economy is done by older Americans. Recent readings from the TIPS market suggest a 10-year real rate of return of minus 30 basis points or so, and a five-year real rate of return of about minus 120 basis points. These are extraordinarily low-substantially negative-real rates of return over very long time scales, and they are driven in part by FOMC policy.』


『These low rates of return mean that some of the consumption that would otherwise be enjoyed by the older, asset-holding households has been pared back. In principle, the low real interest rates should encourage younger generations to borrow against their future income prospects and consume more today. However, this demographic group faces high unemployment rates and tighter borrowing constraints, which may limit its ability and willingness to leverage up to finance consumption. Consequently, the consumption of the older generations may be damaged by the low real interest rates without any countervailing increase in consumption by other households in the economy. In this sense, the policy could be counterproductive.』


『Again, these broader effects of a low real interest rate policy might not be so critical in an environment where the low yields last for a few quarters, but they may be significantly more important as the length of time is stretched out over many years.』






セントルイス連銀のブラード総裁と言えばQE2の前に「国債買入をするのは良いが、低金利政策の長期化をすると経済が望ましくないデフレ均衡に陥るリスクを高める」という話をしてみたり、昨年は「コアインフレではなく総合インフレを重視すべき、つーかコアを重視するのはおかしい」という話をしてみたり、最近では"Death of a Theory"とかいうお題のペーパーを出してみたり(まだちゃんと読めていないorz)とか、大体過激派と申しますか先端を行く人と申しますか、まあヲチャー的には大変においしい方ではございますのでセントルイス連銀のページチェックは必須(^^)。

UPDATE2: 年内に利上げ開始を、超低金利の長期化は成長見通し損なう=セントルイス連銀総裁
2012年 02月 7日 07:30 JST

『[シカゴ 6日 ロイター] 米セントルイス地区連銀のブラード総裁は6日、米連邦準備理事会(FRB)は2013年に利上げを開始する必要があるとの見解を示した。事実上のゼロ金利政策を長年継続しても、米経済がリセッション(景気後退)以前の水準に戻る公算は小さく、むしろ長期的な成長見通しを損なう恐れがあるとの考えを示した。総裁は記者団に対し「緩和策の解除に乗り出すことが重要だ」と指摘。フェデラルファンド(FF)金利の水準について「1%、もしくは1.5%まで引き上げても、依然として金融政策は緩和的だ」とし「適切な時期に金利を正常化するということだ。すべてが見通し通りになるまで待つことが望まれているとは思わない」と述べた。』(上記URLより)


Inflation Targeting in the USA 1
Union League Club of Chicago, Breakfast@65West
Chicago, Ill.
Feb. 6, 2012


『1 Any opinions expressed here are my own and do not necessarily reflect those of others on the Federal Open Market Committee. I thank my staff for helpful comments, including Riccardo DiCecio, Cletus Coughlin, Karen Branding, Chris Waller, Dan Thornton and Marcela Williams.』


『Following careful deliberations, Committee participants have reached broad agreement on a statement that sets forth our longer-run goals and policy strategy. This statement should not be interpreted as indicating any change in how the Federal Reserve conducts monetary policy. Rather, its purpose is to increase the transparency and predictability of policy.』(先ほどのバーナンキ議長会見の1ページ目から)

『So I don't think there's really any central bank or a very few at least that focus only on inflation. But again, in terms of terminology, I guess, I would reject that term for the Federal Reserve because we are going to be evenhanded and creating--treating the price stability and maximum employment parts of our mandate on level footing.』


『The FOMC Sets an Inflation Target

At the January meeting, the Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) took an important step forward by naming an explicit, numerical inflation target for the U.S. of 2 percent, as measured by the personal consumption expenditures (PCE) price index. In taking this action, the Federal Reserve has joined many central banks around the world that have set explicit inflation targets over the past two decades. This step has been a goal of Chairman Bernanke’s since he joined the Fed nearly a decade ago. I want to congratulate the Chairman on this accomplishment, which I believe will serve the nation well for years to come.』





『In a targeting context, inflation means headline inflation. It does not make sense to ignore some inconveniently volatile prices, like those for gas or food, when discussing the inflation rate actually faced by U.S. households.2』


『2 For more on this theme, see James Bullard, “Measuring Inflation: The Core is Rotten,” Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Review, July/August 2011, 93(4), pp. 223-233.』


『Inflation targeting emphasizes control over inflation as the key long-term goal of monetary policy. This makes sense because the central bank can only influence inflation and not any real macroeconomic variable in the long run.』


『As is well known, the actions of the FOMC can also temporarily influence the direction of the economy in the short run, but only temporarily. This influence can be used to help mitigate short-run gyrations in economic activity, thus smoothing out an otherwise bumpy ride for U.S. households and businesses. This is often described as monetary stabilization policy. The amount of smoothing that can actually be accomplished through this channel is meaningful, but not particularly large, a fact which is often lost in contemporary discussions.』


『Putting an explicit inflation target together with a sensible stabilization policy is often called flexible inflation targeting.』


『This is the policy that has been adopted by the FOMC and that follows the practice of many other central banks around the world during the last twenty years.』


『Flexible inflation targeting enables central banks to conduct a stabilization program and make it as effective as it can be made without departing from the longer-run goal of keeping inflation low and stable. This reflects a conventional wisdom borne of the 1970s, namely, that allowing inflation to rise and accelerate not only is not helpful for the macroeconomy, but is actually very damaging. During the 1970s, U.S. inflation eventually rose to double-digit levels, and this was accompanied by especially poor macroeconomic performance on the real side of the economy. The lesson for U.S. policymakers and many others around the world has been that high inflation just causes problems and does nothing to help address fundamental macroeconomic issues.』



つまり、生産ギャップ(Output Gap)が大きい状態が続いている事から、物価は上昇しにくく、一方で失業は中々改善しませんよという考えは間違っていて、これは「資産価格の一過性のショックの影響」と考えるべきである、という話がここから始まるのですが、当初あたくしが想定していた通りに時間が無くなったので以下明日にでも(大汗)。






January 27, 2012
Richmond Fed President Lacker Comments on FOMC Dissent
Richmond, Va.


『"The Federal Open Market Committee has recently taken a number of steps to enhance its transparency about monetary policy and improve its communication with the public. The economic projections we submit four times a year now include Committee participants' forecasts for the likely path of the federal funds rate under appropriate monetary policy. That is, each participant, given his or her views on how economic fundamentals are most likely to evolve, states how he or she believes monetary policy will need to respond in order to best fulfill our goals. After the meetings, when our projections are submitted, the Chairman's press conference provides further perspective on the Committee's thinking and its deliberations.』


『"The Committee has also provided forward guidance -- its expectations for likely future interest rates -- in the policy statements issued at the conclusion of the FOMC meetings. At the recent meeting that concluded on January 25, this guidance stated that the Committee currently anticipates that 'economic conditions are likely to warrant exceptionally low levels for the federal funds rate at least through late 2014."』

this guidanceちゅう所に先般のFOMCステートメントへのリンクがありますが、まあ要するにフォワードガイダンスで「現在の経済情勢にを鑑みると、FOMCは異例の低金利政策を少なくとも2014年遅くまで継続する事が正当化されるであろうと想定する」という件を表明しましたという話ですな、という事でここまではマクラ。

『"I dissented because I do not believe economic conditions are likely to warrant an exceptionally low federal funds rate for so long. I expect that as economic expansion continues, even if only at a moderate pace, the federal funds rate will need to rise in order to prevent the emergence of inflationary pressures. This increase in interest rates is likely to be necessary before late 2014.』




『"In addition, the Summary of Economic Projections (SEP) now contains detailed information on the forecasts of Federal Reserve governors and Reserve Bank presidents for the evolution of economic conditions and the federal funds rate under appropriate policy. My dissent also reflected the view that statements about the future path of interest rates are inherently forecasts and are therefore better addressed in the SEP than in the Committee's policy statement.』



『"My views on the economy and monetary policy were also discussed in a January 13, 2012, speech."』



米雇用者数が1月に24万人増、労働力率は1983年来の最低 (2)






Kocherlakota Discusses FOMC Experiences in an Interview for an Employee Newsletter
Narayana Kocherlakota - President
Published January 11, 2012


『For the last year, President Kocherlakota has served as a voting member of the Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC). The committee consists of seven governors of the Federal Reserve Board, president of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, and a group of four other Reserve Bank presidents who serve one-year terms on a rotating basis. Until 2014 when he is once again a voting member, Narayana will continue to attend and have input into FOMC deliberations, but will not cast his vote on monetary policy decisions.』

『As hectic as his schedule was in December, Narayana willingly accepted an invitation to share his FOMC experiences with employees in this interview with RiverBank Currents (RBC).』


ということで質疑の途中から(RBCというのが質問者RiverBank CurrentsでNKというのがコチャラコタ総裁ですな)。


『RBC: Does anyone accompany you to the meetings?』

『NK: Each president is allowed to have one additional person attend. Usually Kei-Mu Yi, our Research director, joins me. However, others may go in his place as long as they have clearance. During my tenure, Ron Feldman, Jonathan Heathcote, and Warren Weber have all gone to FOMC meetings. 』


『RBC: What is their role?』

『NK: It is fairly limited. Primarily, they monitor and take notes about what is happening at the meeting. During breaks, I may consult with whoever is with me to determine whether to amend what I am going to say given what has been shared so far. First Vice Presidents also rotate their attendance, so Jim Lyon has been to some meetings as well.』




『RBC: Is the preparation phase affected by whether you are a voting member?』

『NK: No. The same amount of work is involved because all Bank presidents speak at the meeting about the state of the economy as well as monetary policy, regardless of whether they will vote.』


『RBC: What is the structure of the FOMC meetings?』

『NK: The meetings have a structure that has been in place for many years. There are two opportunities for each member to speak uninterrupted. We call these “go-rounds.” The first one is the economics go-round where we provide perspectives on the current state of the economy and how we see it evolving. The presidents speak about information related to their respective Districts, but because we’re making policy for the nation, we are also discussing national economic conditions. The second go-round is when we offer our perspectives on monetary policy. There are many connections between the two in determining our actions or inactions.』



『RBC: How would you describe the environment of the meetings?』

『NK: In many ways, it’s similar to other committee meetings. However, the structure that I described alleviates the possibility of one person dominating the discussion because everyone is allowed a turn to speak without interruption. This approach can diminish the ability to engage in real-time debate, though, because you must wait for your turn. Many members speak from prepared remarks, so there is relatively little give-and-take that occurs during the meeting. Instead, there is a time delay. For instance, if a member said something at the April meeting, I may head back to Minneapolis and do some more analysis of my own and then perhaps share a differing perspective at the June meeting. What can help our dialogue is when presidents or governors circulate memos ahead of the meeting; that way, everyone has a chance to incorporate thoughts on the material into their remarks.』

この辺へーへーへーという感じでありますが(^^)、このgo-roundがあることによって、議論が丁々発止とはなりにくいという面があるものの、会議を独裁的に仕切る人が出るという弊害を避けるために各人が自分の意見を表明する機会が担保されているという事のようですな。で、まあ各人の意見に対しての見解というのを持ち帰って次回のミーティングで話す、というような面があるのが「so there is relatively little give-and-take that occurs during the meeting. Instead, there is a time delay.」という所のようで。


『RBC: If you share a different perspective, is there a dialogue or are you just sharing your thoughts without response from others?』

『NK: Both. It is a complicated time, and we all view it as a collaborative process to get to the best point possible. On the way, we may well have different views of how that should work. We share our thoughts, but it is more than simply recording who thinks what. We strive to raise questions, suggest answers, and resolve issues. I do want to mention that I have really enjoyed interacting with the other presidents. It has helped build bridges between Minneapolis and other Feds and it has been a very enjoyable part of my job. Although we may disagree, the presidents all view themselves as part of one team, and we should all be thinking that way when working with other Feds. Operationally there may be some friendly competition, of course, but it is a team effort.』

意見の対立があった場合にその場で反論する事もあればそうでない事もありますが、「Operationally there may be some friendly competition, of course, but it is a team effort.」との事で。



『RBC: Is the FOMC’s decision-making process affected by the vacancies on the Board of Governors?』

『NK: No, the vacancies don’t affect the process. That said, the more people we have with varied ranges of experience, the better the dialogue will be.』



『RBC: What is the chairman’s level of participation throughout the meeting?』

『NK: Chairman Bernanke is highly effective at leading the meetings from the back. That is to say, in general, he will speak last in the economics and policy go-rounds. This approach allows him to hear all the ideas around the table that may inform his own perspectives. During the go-rounds he may ask clarifying questions after people are done speaking; and, we are allowed to ask questions of him when he is done. Additionally, if the situation we are facing is quite complicated, he may offer guidance regarding things we should keep in mind as we discuss policy. The Chairman is remarkable at distilling what people have said - he can take nearly two hours of talk about the economy and effectively summarize the essence of that discussion.』









『Zachary Goldfarb: Thank you, Zachary Goldfarb from the Washington Post, two questions. First, can you clarify whether if actual economic conditions match their projections, that's an acceptable future course or that would require additional easing? And secondly, in the past a number of times you said that even when interest rates are at the zero bound, the Fed can still have a significant impact on influencing economic growth. Do you still believe that the Fed has the capacity to deploy tools that would have a significant impact on bringing down unemployment at a faster pace than we see in these projections if it chose to do so?』


『Chairman Bernanke: On the first question, I--I--you know, this--as was pointed out by Steve, for example, we've had some good data recently. I think there's some uncertainty about where the economy is going and we want to continue to observe how the economy is developing. But I would say that, as I've said on several--in several answers, that if recovery continues to be modest and progress on unemployment very slow and if inflation appears to be likely to be below target for a number of years out so the configuration we're talking about in the projections then I think there would be a very strong case based on our framework for finding different additional tools for expansion--for expansionary policies or to support the economy. So we'll continue to look at the different options and try to decide what might be most effective.』


『We are in a difficult situation in terms of effectiveness of policy tools.』


『My own view thinking about the effects, for example, of additional purchases, additional securities purchases, I'm--I've been pretty satisfied in the sense that, in the following sense, that purchases do seem to have the desired effects on financial conditions. They tend to ease financial conditions, they tend to lower interest rates, they tend to strengthen asset prices and those are exactly the kinds of things that monetary policy normally does in order to try to provide stableness to the economy.』

資産買入の効果に関しての話をしていますが、ここで「My own view」とか出ていまして、まあ他の所でも散々バーナンキ「委員」の意見をいってるんじゃねえのとか思う節が多々あるバーナンキ先生独演会なのではございますが、追加資産買入の効果の件についての効果の話をするときにわざわざ「私個人の見解」とか言っている辺り、資産買入に関してはどうもコンセンサスがちゃんと出来ていないんじゃないかと思われるのではないかと思ったのですがあたくしの読み過ぎですかね。

『What has been a bit more uncertain is the effectiveness of the transmission mechanism. And we have seen some developments in the economy that have probably weakened the effectiveness of policy including notably the housing sector where one would expect with mortgage rates below 4 percent, one would expect to see more activity than we've been seeing and the problems in housing finance and so on are part of the reason that that--that this expansionary stimulus is not feeding through as much as we would like to the real economy.』

ただまあその一方でモーゲージレートも低下してたり、住宅借入に関する動きはやや活発化しているものの、住宅市場に関しては金融緩和の効果の効きが悪いですなどと仰せのようですので、まあ次の金融緩和はこの辺りかなという風に考えるのが妥当なのですが、先ほどありますように、この部分についての頭に「My own view」とわざわざ断っているのが曲者だと思う(まあ「My own view」が文章のどこまで掛かっているのかという解釈論もあると思いますけれども、あたくしはこの辺までもかかっているんじゃないのと思ってます)のですよね。



『I would not say though that our policies are--that we're out of ammunition. No, I think we still have tools but we need to further analyze and study those tools and try to make comparisons in terms of effectiveness, risks, and the likes, so I think we still have a process to figure out what is the most effective approach. Does that--Yeah, okay.』


ただまあ(これはまたネタにするときにしますが)バーナンキ議長は引き続きバランスシート政策に関して「バランスシートの量や、内容の構成を変化させることによって緩和的な効果を与える事ができる」というアプローチを引き続き取っていると説明していますので、まあ次回の追加策はバランスシートを何かいじってくる話になる(policy duration effectは今回実施しましたので)という事になるのかなあとは思います。
















『Following careful deliberations, Committee participants have reached broad agreement on a statement that sets forth our longer-run goals and policy strategy. This statement should not be interpreted as indicating any change in how the Federal Reserve conducts monetary policy. Rather, its purpose is to increase the transparency and predictability of policy.』


それよりも、今回は「金融政策の透明性と事前予測可能性を高める」のが目的ということで、まあナンジャラホイという所でしょうけれども、従来のデュアルマンデートを意識した運営は「物価の安定と最大雇用」といいつつもまあその時々でホニャララという感じだったのをもう少し明快にしてみましたというものだと思われます。ただし、この後にあるように、その運営に関しては「インフレターゲット」という言葉で想像されるようなある種のメカニカルな運営をする訳では無く、双方のバランスを取った裁量的なアプローチになるようですので、まあ数値を「goal(targetではない)」という形で示しましたというのが新しいちゃあ新しいですが、従来よりSEPで「longer run」の望ましいPCE物価指数とか出していましたので、そこのレンジがピンポイントになったですという所なんでしょうけれどもね。



『With respect to the objective of price stability, it is essential to recognize that the inflation rate over the longer-run is primarily determined by monetary policy, and hence, the Committee has the ability to specify a longer-run goal for inflation.』


『The Committee judges that inflation at the rate of 2 percent as measured by the annual change in the price index for personal consumption expenditures, is most consistent over the longer-run with our statutory mandate.』

これまた声明文その他セットの出た時に引用しましたが、同時に出たSEPにおいて「longe run」の数値として2%という数値が出ていたのはコアではなくて総合のPCE物価指数となっていましたので、当然ながら「中長期的なゴール」としての数値はコアPCE物価指数です。




『Clearly communicating to the public, this 2 percent goal for inflation over the longer-run should help foster price stability and moderate long-term interest rates. It will enhance the Committee's ability to promote maximum employment in the face of significant economic disturbances.』


『Maximum employment stands on an equal footing with price stability as an objective of monetary policy.』


『Because monetary policy does not determine the maximum level of employment that the economy can sustain in the longer term, and since many of the determinants of maximum employment may change over time or may not be directly measurable, it is not feasible for any central bank to specify a fixed goal for the longer-run level of employment.』

ただまあ推計が出来るので、その数値に関してSEPにおけるLonger runの数値としてレンジで示した(今回は中心的見通しとして5.2-6.0)という話ですな。



『In setting monetary policy, the Committee seeks to mitigate deviations of inflation from its mandate consistent rate, and deviations of employment from our assessments of its maximum level. These dual objectives are generally complementary.』


『For example under present circumstances, in which the unemployment rate is elevated and the inflation outlook is subdued, the Committee judges that sustaining a highly accommodative stance of monetary policy is consistent with promoting both objectives. And in the longer-term, low and stable inflation can help promote healthy growth in output and employment.』


『Of course, circumstances may sometimes arise in which the dual objectives are not complementary. In such cases, the Committee follows a balanced approach in promoting these two objectives, taking into account the magnitude of the deviations and potentially different time horizons over which inflation and employment are projected to return to levels judged consistent with our mandate.』

『In other words the Committee always treats its primary objectives on price stability and maximum employment symmetrically, and the stance of policy at any given time is determined by the size, social cost, and expected evolution of the deviations of each of the Committee's policy objectives from its desired level.』




『Craig Torres: Hi, Mr. Chairman, Craig Torres from Bloomberg News. Congrats on the inflation target or goal. That's a big achievement for you, I'm sure.(以下割愛)』



『Patrick Welter: Mr. Chairman, Patrick Welter from the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung. I have two short questions. Your predecessor, Mr. Greenspan, once said about his personal inflation, long-term inflation goal that it would be, zero percent if appropriately measured and I would like you to compare the inflation goal you told us about today with that statement, and the second question is comparing what you did today, are you approaching more some kind of inflation target just like the Central Bank of Sweden or Norway or are you approaching more the European Central Bank, for example, which has some kind of inflation goal but is not really an inflation target.』


『Chairman Bernanke: Excellent questions.』



『Now, are we inflation targeters if by inflation targeters you mean a central bank that puts top priority on inflation and other goals like employment as subsidiary goals then the answer is no.』


『We are a dual mandate central bank, we put equal weight on price stability and maximum employment, those are the goals given to us by Congress. And so, in that respect, as I've mentioned earlier I think to Greg, we're not absolutists.』


『If there's a need to let inflation return a little bit more slowly to target in order to get a better result in employment then that's something that we would be willing to do. Having said all that, I think it's worth noting that even banks that--central banks that call themselves inflation targeters typically pay at least some attention to other parts of the economy, employment growth, financial stability and the like. So I don't think there's really any central bank or a very few at least that focus only on inflation.』


『But again, in terms of terminology, I guess, I would reject that term for the Federal Reserve because we are going to be evenhanded and creating--treating the price stability and maximum employment parts of our mandate on level footing.』

ということで、インフレ―ションターゲット(that termってのは誰がどう読んでも質問者の中にあるinflation targetですからね)というのは「術語的には」否定しますよという話で、デュアルマンデートをこれでもかと強調しているのが目立つ所です。








Federal Reserve issues FOMC statement of longer-run goals and policy strategy



『The FOMC is firmly committed to fulfilling its statutory mandate from the Congress of promoting maximum employment, stable prices, and moderate long-term interest rates. The Committee seeks to explain its monetary policy decisions to the public as clearly as possible. Such clarity facilitates well-informed decisionmaking by households and businesses, reduces economic and financial uncertainty, increases the effectiveness of monetary policy, and enhances transparency and accountability, which are essential in a democratic society.』



『Inflation, employment, and long-term interest rates fluctuate over time in response to economic and financial disturbances. Moreover, monetary policy actions tend to influence economic activity and prices with a lag. Therefore, the Committee's policy decisions reflect its longer-run goals, its medium-term outlook, and its assessments of the balance of risks, including risks to the financial system that could impede the attainment of the Committee's goals.』



『The inflation rate over the longer run is primarily determined by monetary policy, and hence the Committee has the ability to specify a longer-run goal for inflation. The Committee judges that inflation at the rate of 2 percent, as measured by the annual change in the price index for personal consumption expenditures, is most consistent over the longer run with the Federal Reserve's statutory mandate. Communicating this inflation goal clearly to the public helps keep longer-term inflation expectations firmly anchored, thereby fostering price stability and moderate long-term interest rates and enhancing the Committee's ability to promote maximum employment in the face of significant economic disturbances.』

でまあここでも「inflation goal」と言ってまして、いわゆるターゲットとしての数値では無いというのもさることながら、これはまあデュアルマンデートであるからして当然ちゃあ当然なのですが、じゃあこの数値からどの程度ぶれが生じたら金融政策がどうなるかというような話に関しては「デュアルマンデートやその他の状況を見ながら総合的に判断」という話になっていまして(あとで引用するバーナンキ会見に詳しい)、そういう点からしてこの2%数値は別に金融政策に直接的にリンクしている訳では無く(まあ極端に外れるとなったら何かするでしょうから無関係という事でも無いが)、あくまでも上記パラグラフの後半にある「Communicating this inflation goal clearly to the public helps keep longer-term inflation expectations firmly anchored, thereby fostering price stability and moderate long-term interest rates and enhancing the Committee's ability to promote maximum employment in the face of significant economic disturbances.」という事で、「長期的なインフレ期待をアンカーさせるためのコミュニケーションツール」であるという建付けになっている訳で、一般的に「ターゲット」とか「目標」と言われるものと必ずしも一致しないと考えるのが妥当に思われます。




『The maximum level of employment is largely determined by nonmonetary factors that affect the structure and dynamics of the labor market. These factors may change over time and may not be directly measurable. Consequently, it would not be appropriate to specify a fixed goal for employment; rather, the Committee's policy decisions must be informed by assessments of the maximum level of employment, recognizing that such assessments are necessarily uncertain and subject to revision. The Committee considers a wide range of indicators in making these assessments. Information about Committee participants' estimates of the longer-run normal rates of output growth and unemployment is published four times per year in the FOMC's Summary of Economic Projections. For example, in the most recent projections, FOMC participants' estimates of the longer-run normal rate of unemployment had a central tendency of 5.2 percent to 6.0 percent, roughly unchanged from last January but substantially higher than the corresponding interval several years earlier.』



『In setting monetary policy, the Committee seeks to mitigate deviations of inflation from its longer-run goal and deviations of employment from the Committee's assessments of its maximum level. These objectives are generally complementary. However, under circumstances in which the Committee judges that the objectives are not complementary, it follows a balanced approach in promoting them, taking into account the magnitude of the deviations and the potentially different time horizons over which employment and inflation are projected to return to levels judged consistent with its mandate.』

















声明文ではガイダンス文言のケツが従来のmid-2013からlate 2014になった訳ですけれども、その説明に関してはこれまた微妙に曖昧となっています。


『For example, based on current information, 11 participants expect that the appropriate federal funds rate at the end of 2014 will be at or below 1 percent while 6 participants anticipate higher rates at that time. In effect, those judgments are reflected in today's meeting statement in which the Committee indicated that economic conditions are likely to warrant exceptionally low levels of the federal funds rate at least through late 2014.』

金曜も申し上げましたように、これではガイダンス文言の期限が「現在の実質ゼロ金利政策の継続に対するガイダンス」ではなくて「1%以下のFFレート水準となっている期間に対するガイダンス」となっているという話になりまして、まあ確かに今までこのガイダンス文言における「exceptionally low levels of the federal funds rate」の定義を誰もしていなかったのでそういう意味ではほぼ全ての人(と思われますが)が勝手に誤解していたと言ってしまえばそれまでなのですが、普通こういうガイダンス文言が出た時には「実質ゼロ金利政策に対する時間軸政策のようなもの」というのを想像すると思われる訳で、なんちゅう衝撃の事実というか今までペテンに掛けていたんかいな(どうも米国市場はその辺を華麗にスルーしているのではないかという節があるのだが・・・・・)という話ですわな。


『And so one implication of our extension of our expected point of take-off to late 2014 is to imply that the initial sales from our balance sheet, which are again far down the road but--that begins that will be later than previously thought. That will be presumably in 2015. So we do expect to hold our balance sheet at a high level for a longer period.』

ということで、ここでは「離陸」がlate 2014になるので、バランスシートの最初の縮小(保有資産の売却)は従来の想定よりも遅くなり、恐らく2015年になるのではないでしょうか(だからバランスシートは長期間にわたって拡大した状態を保つ)、という話をしていまして、ここでの話ですと「late 2014までは利上げに着手しない」って発言しておりますので、先ほどの説明部分と話の整合性が取れていません。


『Robin Harding: Robin Harding from the Financial Times. Mr. Chairman, while I look at these forecasts for 2014, the median of the forecast is I think 0.75 and the mean is 1.12 percent. If I were to draw a line for these--these dots, how should I draw it so I best understand what the FOMC is most likely to do? And the second part, in the minutes, you say that the Committee will consider further options for improvements to the SEP, the economic projections. Could you tell us a bit more about what further you might do? Thank you.』

ということで、2番目(SEPの改善云々に関して)の所は引用をスルーしまして(一応申し上げますと、まだこれからも改善の余地があるか検討を続けますが今は特段のプランはありませんという話をしています)、前半の「2014年末の政策金利予想分布をみると中央値は0.75%で算術平均は1.12%に見えるけどFOMCはどういう政策をすると理解すればよいのか教えてください(つまり利上げってlate 2014よりも早くねえかっつことでしょ)とかいう質問に対しての所を引用するだよ。

『Chairman Bernanke: Well, again, I want to first I want to emphasize that there is no mechanical relationship between these projections and the outcomes of the FOMC decisions. Of course, they're a big input into those decisions but it's a collective decision. If you want to draw lines, my guess I would--I guess my suggestion would be to look at the median, the middle of the--of the distribution because we do have a democratic process in the Committee, and so the median will give you some sense of where the weight balances against the higher--in favor of higher or lower--lower rates.』


『Again, we did note that in support of our assessment of late 2014, which is a Committee decision and of course there was a 9 to 1 vote in favor of that, but that is supported by the observation that 11 of the 17 participants expect the funds rate at the end of 2014 to be 1 percent or less. And so presumably the take-off would not be much earlier than that.』

で、今回はlate 2014へのガイダンス文言の変更を行いましたが、これは「FOMC」の決定であり、9対1(リッチモンド連銀ラッカー総裁の反対が1票)によって決定されたものです。とまずは「17人の分布と声明文は別物ですがな」という話をしていますが、「そうは言いましても17人中11人が2014年末までの政策金利水準を1%以下と想定しているという事もこの声明文は受けているので、利上げ開始時期はlate 2014より極端に早くなるとは想定できませんよね」という風に付け加えています。

・・・・・・・ということでですな、何だか判ったような判らんような話なのですけれども、FOMCの決定でのガイダンス文言における「exceptionally low levels of the federal funds rate」が「現政策の継続期間」なのか「1%以下の低金利」なのかが結局曖昧なままになっているというのが見てとれる訳であります。











2012-01-26 「身を切る姿勢」は泥沼の道







Economic Projections of Federal Reserve Board Members and Federal Reserve Bank Presidents, January 2012
















『Structure of the FOMC』から。

『The Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) consists of twelve members--the seven members of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System; the president of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York; and four of the remaining eleven Reserve Bank presidents, who serve one-year terms on a rotating basis. The rotating seats are filled from the following four groups of Banks, one Bank president from each group: Boston, Philadelphia, and Richmond; Cleveland and Chicago; Atlanta, St. Louis, and Dallas; and Minneapolis, Kansas City, and San Francisco. Nonvoting Reserve Bank presidents attend the meetings of the Committee, participate in the discussions, and contribute to the Committee's assessment of the economy and policy options.』












『In the chart labeled appropriate timing of policy firming, each shaded bar indicates the number of Committee participants who judge that the initial increase in the target federal funds rate would appropriately occur in the specified calendar year shown below the bar.』


『Six participants anticipate that policy firming is likely to commence in 2015 or 2016 while five others depict policy firming to commence in 2014. The remaining six participants judged that policy lift-off would be appropriate in 2012 or 2013.』


『In that chart, the dots depict the distribution of participants' assessments regarding the appropriate level of the target federal funds rate at the end of each of the next several years and over the longer-run.』


『For example, based on current information, 11 participants expect that the appropriate federal funds rate at the end of 2014 will be at or below 1 percent while 6 participants anticipate higher rates at that time.』


『In effect, those judgments are reflected in today's meeting statement in which the Committee indicated that economic conditions are likely to warrant exceptionally low levels of the federal funds rate at least through late 2014.』








NYダウ 工業株30種 12,776.10 100.35 0.79
S&P 500種 1,326.06 11.41 0.87
米国10年国債 1.993 -0.067 100.062
米国30年国債 3.135 -0.014 99.797
EURUSD 1.3117
USDJPY 77.6820





『Information received since the Federal Open Market Committee met in December suggests that the economy has been expanding moderately, notwithstanding some slowing in global growth. While indicators point to some further improvement in overall labor market conditions, the unemployment rate remains elevated. Household spending has continued to advance, but growth in business fixed investment has slowed, and the housing sector remains depressed. Inflation has been subdued in recent months, and longer-term inflation expectations have remained stable.』(今回)

『Information received since the Federal Open Market Committee met in November suggests that the economy has been expanding moderately, notwithstanding some apparent slowing in global growth. While indicators point to some improvement in overall labor market conditions, the unemployment rate remains elevated. Household spending has continued to advance, but business fixed investment appears to be increasing less rapidly and the housing sector remains depressed. Inflation has moderated since earlier in the year, and longer-term inflation expectations have remained stable. 』(前回)

パラグラフいきなりまる引用で恐縮ですが、まず基本的な経済認識に関しては「economy has been expanding moderately」というのを変えておりません。

前回との変化を順にみると、まずは海外経済に関しては「apparent slowing」所のapparentが抜けていますがまあ比較的それはどうでも良さそう。労働市場の改善に関して「some further improvement」とfurtherというのを加えて改善が進んでいる事を示しているのは上方修正。その一方で企業の投資活動に関して「growth in business fixed investment has slowed」としているのが下方修正です。

でまあ今回一番あたくしがこのパラグラフで注目したのはインフレの部分で、「インフレはこの数か月は抑制されている(has been subdued)」としておりまして、まあこちらはFOMC的には結構な傾向という所でしょう。


『Consistent with its statutory mandate, the Committee seeks to foster maximum employment and price stability. The Committee expects economic growth over coming quarters to be modest and consequently anticipates that the unemployment rate will decline only gradually toward levels that the Committee judges to be consistent with its dual mandate. Strains in global financial markets continue to pose significant downside risks to the economic outlook. The Committee also anticipates that over coming quarters, inflation will run at levels at or below those consistent with the Committee's dual mandate.』(今回)

『Consistent with its statutory mandate, the Committee seeks to foster maximum employment and price stability. The Committee continues to expect a moderate pace of economic growth over coming quarters and consequently anticipates that the unemployment rate will decline only gradually toward levels that the Committee judges to be consistent with its dual mandate. Strains in global financial markets continue to pose significant downside risks to the economic outlook. The Committee also anticipates that inflation will settle, over coming quarters, at levels at or below those consistent with the Committee’s dual mandate. However, the Committee will continue to pay close attention to the evolution of inflation and inflation expectations.』(前回)


で、こちらも1パラと同じですが、物価に関しての表現が、前回の「インフレは今後数四半期に渡ってマンデートで適正とされる水準あるいはそれ以下に落ち着くでしょう(will settle)」という部分が「インフレは(以下同文)推移する(will run)でしょう」となって、インフレが落ち着いているという事を強調しています。






『To support a stronger economic recovery and to help ensure that inflation, over time, is at levels consistent with the dual mandate, the Committee expects to maintain a highly accommodative stance for monetary policy.』(今回)

『To support a stronger economic recovery and to help ensure that inflation, over time, is at levels consistent with the dual mandate, the Committee decided today to continue its program to extend the average maturity of its holdings of securities as announced in September. 』(前回)


『In particular, the Committee decided today to keep the target range for the federal funds rate at 0 to 1/4 percent and currently anticipates that economic conditions--including low rates of resource utilization and a subdued outlook for inflation over the medium run--are likely to warrant exceptionally low levels for the federal funds rate at least through late 2014.』(今回)


『The Committee also decided to keep the target range for the federal funds rate at 0 to 1/4 percent and currently anticipates that economic conditions--including low rates of resource utilization and a subdued outlook for inflation over the medium run--are likely to warrant exceptionally low levels for the federal funds rate at least through mid-2013.』(前回)





『The Committee also decided to continue its program to extend the average maturity of its holdings of securities as announced in September. The Committee is maintaining its existing policies of reinvesting principal payments from its holdings of agency debt and agency mortgage-backed securities in agency mortgage-backed securities and of rolling over maturing Treasury securities at auction. The Committee will regularly review the size and composition of its securities holdings and is prepared to adjust those holdings as appropriate to promote a stronger economic recovery in a context of price stability.』(今回)


『To support a stronger economic recovery and to help ensure that inflation, over time, is at levels consistent with the dual mandate, the Committee decided today to continue its program to extend the average maturity of its holdings of securities as announced in September. The Committee is maintaining its existing policies of reinvesting principal payments from its holdings of agency debt and agency mortgage-backed securities in agency mortgage-backed securities and of rolling over maturing Treasury securities at auction. The Committee will regularly review the size and composition of its securities holdings and is prepared to adjust those holdings as appropriate.』(前回)

まあ強いて言えば最後の部分に「to promote a stronger economic recovery in a context of price stability」というのが入っているのが違いですが、ここに関しては前回あった第5パラグラフがばっさり削除されていまして、大体まあこの部分を一文にしましたちゅう所でしょうか。一応今回公表された「デュアルマンデートの理解」を意識したのかもしれませんが。

『The Committee will continue to assess the economic outlook in light of incoming information and is prepared to employ its tools to promote a stronger economic recovery in a context of price stability. 』(前回)



『Voting for the FOMC monetary policy action were: Ben S. Bernanke, Chairman; William C. Dudley, Vice Chairman; Elizabeth A. Duke; Dennis P. Lockhart; Sandra Pianalto; Sarah Bloom Raskin; Daniel K. Tarullo; John C. Williams; and Janet L. Yellen. Voting against the action was Jeffrey M. Lacker, who preferred to omit the description of the time period over which economic conditions are likely to warrant exceptionally low levels of the federal funds rate. 』(今回)

『Voting for the FOMC monetary policy action were: Ben S. Bernanke, Chairman; William C. Dudley, Vice Chairman; Elizabeth A. Duke; Richard W. Fisher; Narayana Kocherlakota; Charles I. Plosser; Sarah Bloom Raskin; Daniel K. Tarullo; and Janet L. Yellen. Voting against the action was Charles L. Evans, who supported additional policy accommodation at this time.』(前回)



『The Federal Reserve Board and the Federal Open Market Committee on Wednesday released the attached table and charts summarizing the economic projections and the target federal funds rate projections made by Federal Reserve Board members and Federal Reserve Bank presidents for the January 24-25 meeting of the Committee.』

Economic Projections of Federal Reserve Board Members and Federal Reserve Bank Presidents, January 2012
Advance release of table 1 of the Summary of Economic Projections to be released with the FOMC minutes





これは次にネタにする「デュアルマンデートの理解」の部分に繋がりますが、従来こちらで示されている「Longer run」のPCEインフレーション前年比がレンジだったのですが、今回から2.0%とピンポイントになりまして、「長期的に望ましい物価水準」をピンポイントで示すようになったという所です。詳しくは後で。



Figure 2. Overview of FOMC participants’ assessments of appropriate monetary policy

Appropriate Timing of Policy Firming & Number of Participants



Appropriate Pace of Policy Firming


あとこれもややびっくりしたのは「Longer run」のFFレート水準でして、3.75%なのが1名で残り16名は4%〜4.5%の水準を示していまして、まあこの水準って要するに「中立金利」という数字だと思うのですが、精々3%程度だと思っていたのでちとビックリでありましたが、まあ米国市場は今回こっちの数字はあんまり気にしていないようですけど、またぞろ景気強気モードになった時に話がややこしくなりそうな悪寒も。




『Following careful deliberations at its recent meetings, the Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) has reached broad agreement on the following principles regarding its longer-run goals and monetary policy strategy. The Committee intends to reaffirm these principles and to make adjustments as appropriate at its annual organizational meeting each January. 』


・・・・・ということですので、ロイターが今回「インフレ目標導入を発表」とか言ってますが(ちなみにブルームバーグはスルーしています)、どちらかと言えば「コンディショナルコミットメント」とかに近い従来の延長線上のもので、「インフレ目標導入」というヘッドラインで想像されるものとはちと違うと思うのですけどね。ロイターのニュースはこちらです(『米FRB、2%のインフレ目標導入を発表』2012年 01月 26日 04:30 JST)


『The FOMC is firmly committed to fulfilling its statutory mandate from the Congress of promoting maximum employment, stable prices, and moderate long-term interest rates. The Committee seeks to explain its monetary policy decisions to the public as clearly as possible. Such clarity facilitates well-informed decisionmaking by households and businesses, reduces economic and financial uncertainty, increases the effectiveness of monetary policy, and enhances transparency and accountability, which are essential in a democratic society.』


『Inflation, employment, and long-term interest rates fluctuate over time in response to economic and financial disturbances. Moreover, monetary policy actions tend to influence economic activity and prices with a lag. Therefore, the Committee's policy decisions reflect its longer-run goals, its medium-term outlook, and its assessments of the balance of risks, including risks to the financial system that could impede the attainment of the Committee's goals.』



『The inflation rate over the longer run is primarily determined by monetary policy, and hence the Committee has the ability to specify a longer-run goal for inflation. The Committee judges that inflation at the rate of 2 percent, as measured by the annual change in the price index for personal consumption expenditures, is most consistent over the longer run with the Federal Reserve's statutory mandate. Communicating this inflation goal clearly to the public helps keep longer-term inflation expectations firmly anchored, thereby fostering price stability and moderate long-term interest rates and enhancing the Committee's ability to promote maximum employment in the face of significant economic disturbances. 』


ということで示された数値は「PCE物価指数」(コアでは無くて総合ですけど、長期的な観点で言えば総合の方が一般的でしょう。コアって要するに短期的な変動の大きい項目を除外して考えるという為のものですから長期的な観点となると総合の方が普通となる訳)で「前年比2%の物価上昇率」が「長期的な望ましい水準」である。と今回明示した形になっていますが、まあこれは先ほど申し上げましたように、SEPにおける「Longer run」の物価水準と同じになりまして、従来この数値がレンジで示されていた物がより明示的になったという事ですが、ただまあFEDの高官からの発言としてほぼ全ての委員からPCE物価指数で前年比2%という数字は示されていたので、そういう意味では現状追認という所ですな。


『The maximum level of employment is largely determined by nonmonetary factors that affect the structure and dynamics of the labor market. These factors may change over time and may not be directly measurable. Consequently, it would not be appropriate to specify a fixed goal for employment; rather, the Committee's policy decisions must be informed by assessments of the maximum level of employment, recognizing that such assessments are necessarily uncertain and subject to revision.』


『The Committee considers a wide range of indicators in making these assessments. Information about Committee participants' estimates of the longer-run normal rates of output growth and unemployment is published four times per year in the FOMC's Summary of Economic Projections. For example, in the most recent projections, FOMC participants' estimates of the longer-run normal rate of unemployment had a central tendency of 5.2 percent to 6.0 percent, roughly unchanged from last January but substantially higher than the corresponding interval several years earlier. 』

ということで、こちらの数値に関してはSEPで示す「Longer run」の数値を見て下さいとなっていまして、今回で言えば5.2%〜6.0%ですが、SEPでのFOMCメンバーの見通しを見れば判りますように、向こう数年間(というか2014年までは)この水準よりもかなり高い水準にあるという予想になっています(ので緩和的な金融政策を継続するのが妥当であるという話でしょうな)。

『In setting monetary policy, the Committee seeks to mitigate deviations of inflation from its longer-run goal and deviations of employment from the Committee's assessments of its maximum level. These objectives are generally complementary. However, under circumstances in which the Committee judges that the objectives are not complementary, it follows a balanced approach in promoting them, taking into account the magnitude of the deviations and the potentially different time horizons over which employment and inflation are projected to return to levels judged consistent with its mandate.』











『The Federal Reserve on Friday released blank templates showing the format of the two charts it will use on January 25 to report Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) participants' projections of the appropriate target federal funds rate. It also released a draft of an explanatory note that will accompany the projections.』

『The first chart, which will have shaded bars when released on January 25, will show FOMC participants’ projections for the timing of the initial increase in the target federal funds rate. The second chart, which will have dots representing policymakers’ individual projections when released on January 25, will show participants’ views of the appropriate path of the federal funds rate over the next several years and in the longer run.』



『These charts are based on policymakers’ projections of the appropriate path for the FOMC’s target federal funds rate. The target funds rate is measured as the level of the target rate at the end of the calendar year or in the longer run. Appropriate monetary policy, by definition, is the future path of policy that each participant deems most likely to foster outcomes for economic activity and inflation that best satisfy his or her interpretation of the Federal Reserve’s dual objectives of maximum employment and stable prices.』


『In the upper panel, the shaded bars represent the number of FOMC participants who project that the initial increase in the target federal funds rate (from its current range of 0 to 1/4 percent) would appropriately occur in the specified calendar year.』

『In the lower panel, the dots represent individual policymakers’ projections of the appropriate federal funds rate target at the end of each of the next several years and in the longer run. Each dot in that chart represents one policymaker’s projection. Please note that for purposes of this chart the responses are rounded to the nearest 1/4 percent, with the exception that all values below 37.5 basis points are rounded to 1/4 percent.』






えーっとね、「利上げ時期開始予想の集計表」が2016年になっていて「政策金利水準の集計表」が2014年末と時間軸があっていない件についてですけれども、後者の時間軸を長くした場合には、2015年末とか2016年末の数字が出てくると当然ながらその金利って「均衡金利水準」であるところの「Longer run」の金利に近い数字(なので2%台半ばとか3%に近い所とかですかね)に近くなってくる(2014年内に利上げした場合ですが)となりますから、出てくる数字を見て市場ちゃんが「あれれれれ???」という風になってしまうリスクが高まるでしょ、という認識があるから、敢えてどう見ても利上げ開始から長くても1年程度と思われる2014年末の数値をケツにして高い数値を出さないように工夫したんでしょ。

あ、念のため申し上げますと、昨年11月のFOMCで公表されたSEP(経済見通し)の「中心的見通し(上下3人を削ったレンジ)のレンジ」は2014年の所で「Longer run」の数値と比較した場合、実質GDPが1%ほど高く、その一方で失業率は1.5%ほど高く、PCEインフレーションは下が若干低いという数字になっていましたので、経済見通しに相当の下方修正を伴わない限りは2014年のどこかで金融政策は中立に向けて徐々に変更という風にならないと経済見通しとの整合性が取れないと思います。今回の経済見通しも恐らく2014年までの数字しか出さない(のに何で政策金利の引き上げ予想時期が2016年まであるのか意味不明にも程があるのだが)と思いますが、その先まで出すとなると中立水準に近いものが出てきやすくなるので、2015年とかの見通しを出すと高いFF金利の予想数値が出てくる、という意味でありまする。






The Federal Reserve and the Economic Recovery


Presentation to The Columbian’s 2012 Economic Forecast Breakfast
Vancouver, Washington
By John C. Williams, President and CEO, Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco
For delivery on January 10, 2012





『My message this morning is that we at the Fed are doing everything we can to move the economy forward. We’ve pushed short-term interest rates about as far down as they can go. And our unconventional programs have pushed longer-term rates down as well. These are not magic.』


『Lower interest rates alone can’t fix all the economy’s problems. But they do help. Conditions are far better today than they would be if the Fed hadn’t administered such strong medicine.』


『What’s also needed are tax and spending policies that work together with Federal Reserve programs to stimulate the economy. For example, I’d like to see federal programs that support the housing market. Housing has been at the center of the crisis and is one of the big impediments to recovery.』

ということで、住宅市場問題が危機の中心であり、米経済の回復に対する一つの大きな障害物である。と最後の部分でまとめていまして、また住宅市場か!という感じですが、「For example」以下の部分には脚注があって、

『For a detailed discussion of the problems in the housing market and policy options to address these issues, see “The U.S. Housing Market: Current Conditions and Policy Considerations,” Board of Governors white paper, January 4, 2012.』




『The broadest barometer of economic conditions is gross domestic product, which measures the nation’s total output of goods and services. My forecast calls for GDP to rise nearly 2-1/2 percent this year and about 3 percent in 2013. That’s an improvement from 2011, when I estimate GDP grew about 1-3/4 percent.』


『Unfortunately, such moderate growth will not be enough to take a big bite out of unemployment. The unemployment rate is currently 8.5 percent. I expect it to remain over 8 percent well into next year and still be around 7 percent at the end of 2014.』


『I should mention one risk that would cause the economy to perform much worse. That’s the situation in Europe.』


『The governments of several countries that use the euro as their currency have been struggling to pay their debts. Greece in particular appears unable to meet its obligations. At the same time, countries such as Italy have been forced to pay unsustainably high interest rates. This has raised questions about the health of European financial institutions that invest in government bonds.』


『I’d like to say a brief word about inflation. Some observers feared that the Fed’s aggressive actions to boost the economy would cause inflation to jump. That simply hasn’t happened.』


『The prices of oil and other commodities did jump last year in the face of strong global demand. But commodity prices have retreated notably since then and so has the overall inflation rate. And there’s no sign that the public or financial markets expect inflation to rise much. I expect inflation to come in under 1-1/2 percent this year and next, down from about 2-1/2 percent in 2011.』


『That would put inflation a bit below the rate of about 2 percent that most Fed policymakers consider healthiest.』



『So what does the story I’ve told mean for Federal Reserve policy? The Fed has taken extraordinary action to boost growth. That effort is ongoing.』

『The Fed sets policy with an eye on the two goals Congress has assigned it: maximum employment and stable prices. Inflation is likely to fall a bit below what I consider the level most consistent with the stable-prices mandate. And clearly, with unemployment at 8.5 percent, we are very far from maximum employment.』


『During the recession, Congress and the White House used the federal budget to stimulate the economy by raising spending and trimming taxes. Now, the agenda in Washington, D.C., is to control spending and cut the federal budget deficit. Those are essential goals in the long run. But, in the short run, such government austerity is damping the economy, not boosting it. And it’s being reinforced as state and local governments also pare spending.』


『In this situation, it’s vital that the Fed use all the tools at its disposal to achieve its mandated employment and price stability goals. 』





Economic Outlook, January 2012


January 13, 2012
Jeffrey M. Lacker
Richmond Chapter, Risk Management Association
Omni Hotel
Richmond, Va.




ラッカー総裁の講演ですが、これまた味わいのあることに、経済見通しの最初の部分では「去年の年初に予想した見通しよりも悪い結果になったのでその原因について考えてみる」という話をしていまして、その要因として一時的な物(商品価格上昇や日本の震災によるサプライチェーンの毀損)もあるけれども、より持続的な問題があるということで指摘しているのが『The still-overbuilt housing market tops the list.』となってまあキタコレという感じですな。




『On balance, until now, the impediments to recovery - including the housing stock overhang, consumer deleveraging, skills deficits and uncertainty regarding regulatory and tax policy - have had the upper hand.』


『They represent difficult economic challenges that are not likely to cure themselves quickly over time. My takeaway from 2011 is the lesson that the impediments to more rapid U.S. growth are likely to be deeper and more persistent than we thought a year ago.』


『As a consequence, I am expecting only a modest improvement for 2012, with GDP expanding at a pace between 2 and 2-1/2 percent. This is a forecast of growth at a moderate pace - not as rapid as past expansions, but positive growth nonetheless.』




『A key part of any forecast is inflation. In 2011, we were reminded that inflation can rise despite elevated unemployment. In 2010, the inflation rate was 1.4 percent. In the first 11 months of 2011, inflation has averaged 2.5 percent at an annual rate. Obviously the run-up in energy and food prices earlier this year played a big role in this increase.』


『But the pickup in inflation last year was broad based.』


『Core inflation - which strips out food and energy prices - was 0.9 percent in 2010, but averaged 1.7 percent in 2011 through November. This higher inflation rate in 2011, despite unemployment averaging 9 percent, undercuts the hoary notion that "slack" in the labor market can be counted on to keep inflation contained.』


『This lesson is of course not new; we learned this all too well during the 1970s.』






The Volcker Rule
Before the Subcommittee on Capital Markets and Government Sponsored Enterprises and the Subcommittee on Financial Institutions and Consumer Credit, Committee on Financial Services, U.S. House of Representatives, Washington, D.C.
January 18, 2012



『Summary of statute and proposal』というのがまあボルカールールの話ですわな。

『The statutory provisions that make up the Volcker Rule generally prohibit banking entities from engaging in two types of activities: 1) proprietary trading and 2) acquiring an ownership interest in, sponsoring, or having certain relationships with a hedge fund or private equity fund (each a covered fund).』


『These statutory provisions apply, in general, to insured depository institutions; companies that control an insured depository institution; and foreign banks with a branch, agency, or subsidiary bank in the United States, as well as to an affiliate of one of these entities. 』



『Under the statute, proprietary trading is defined as taking a position as principal in any security, derivative, option, or contract for sale of a commodity for future delivery for the purpose of selling that position in the near term or otherwise with the intent to resell to profit from short-term price movements.』


『The statute applies only to positions taken by a banking entity as principal for the purpose of making short-term profits; it does not apply to positions taken for long-term or investment purposes. Moreover, the statute contains a number of exemptions, including for underwriting, market making-related activities, and risk-mitigating hedging activities. The implementing rule proposed by the agencies incorporates all of these statutory definitions and exemptions.』


『The statute also authorizes the relevant regulatory agencies to permit additional activities if they would promote and protect safety and soundness of the banking entity and the financial stability of the United States.』


『The second major prohibition in the statute forbids any banking entity from acquiring or retaining an ownership interest in, or having certain relationships with, a covered fund.』


『Again, the statute contains a number of exceptions, including for organizing and offering a covered fund, making limited investments in a covered fund, sponsoring and investing in loan securitizations, and risk-mitigating hedging activities. The statutory definition of a fund covered under the Volcker Rule is quite broad.』


『The statute also quite broadly prohibits any banking entity that serves as the investment manager, adviser, or sponsor to a covered fund, or that organizes and offers a covered fund, from engaging in certain transactions with the fund, including lending to, or purchasing assets from, the fund.』


『The statute also prohibits otherwise permissible trading and investment activities when there is a material conflict of interest with customers, clients, or counterparties, or when the activity results in an exposure to high-risk assets or trading strategies. These are significant provisions and the agencies have specifically solicited comment on disclosure requirements and other approaches to implementing these parts of the statute.』




その次が『Differentiating proprietary trading from market making』である。

『One of the more difficult tasks in implementing the statutory prohibitions is distinguishing between prohibited proprietary trading activities and permissible market-making activities. This distinction is important because of the key role that market makers play in facilitating liquid markets in securities, derivatives, and other assets.』


『At the ends of the spectrum, the distinction between pure proprietary trading and market making is straightforward.』


『At one end, for instance, trading activities that are organized within a discrete business unit, and that are conducted solely for the purpose of executing trading strategies that are expected to produce short-term profits without any connection to customer facilitation or intermediation, are not difficult to identify.』


『These "internal hedge fund" operations existed at many bank affiliates for quite some time before the Volcker Rule was enacted. Firms that either are or were engaged in these non-client-oriented, purely proprietary trading businesses can readily identify and wind down these activities. Indeed, some have already done so for a number of reasons, including anticipatory compliance with the Volcker Rule. 』


『At the other end of the spectrum, a textbook example would be a pure agency-based market maker that acts as an intermediary, instantaneously matching a large pool of buyers and sellers of an underlying asset without ever having to take a position in the asset itself. Profits are earned either solely by charging buyers a higher price than is paid to sellers of the asset, or in some cases by charging a commission. Buyers and sellers willingly pay this "spread" fee or commission because the market maker is able to more quickly and efficiently match buyers with sellers than if they were left to find each other on their own.』


『I refer to this as a textbook example because instances of such riskless market making in our trading markets are rare. In actual markets, buyers and sellers arrive at different times, in staggered numbers and often have demands for similar but not identical assets. Market makers hold inventory and manage exposures to the assets in which they make markets to ensure that they can continuously serve the needs of their customers.』


『Accordingly, in the broad middle that exists between these two clear examples, the distinction between prohibited proprietary trading and permissible market making can be difficult to draw, because these activities share several important characteristics.』


『In both activities, the banking entity generally acts as principal in trading the underlying position, holds that position for only a relatively short period of time, and enjoys profits (and suffers losses) from any price variation in the position over the period the position is held. Thus, the purchase or sale of a specific block of securities is not obviously permissible or forbidden based solely on the features of the transaction itself.』


『The statute instead distinguishes between these activities by looking to the purpose of the trade and the intent of the trader.』


『These subjective characteristics can be difficult to discern in practice, particularly in the context of complex global trading markets in which a firm may engage in thousands or more transactions per day. A similar challenge attaches to efforts to distinguish a hedging trade from a proprietary trade. 』



『Implementation framework』という小見出しになるが。


『The agencies have proposed a framework for implementation of the Volcker Rule that combines: 1) an explanation of the factors the agencies expect to use to differentiate prohibited activities from permitted activities, 2) a requirement that banking entities with significant trading activities implement a program to monitor their activities to ensure compliance with the statute, and 3) data collection and reporting requirements, to facilitate both compliance monitoring and the development of more specific guidance over time.』


『In addition, the agencies will use their supervisory and examination processes to monitor compliance with the statute. 』


『The third element of the interagency proposal bears some additional comment. In order to help differentiate between permitted market-making activities and prohibited proprietary trading activities, the agencies have proposed to collect data from trading firms on a number of quantitative measurements.』


『These metrics are designed to assist both the agencies and banking entities in identifying the risks and characteristics of prohibited proprietary trading and exempt activities. The proposal makes clear that metrics would be used as a tool, but not as a dispositive factor for defining permissible activities. The agencies instead propose to use metrics to identify activity that merits special scrutiny by banking entities and examiners in their evaluation of the activities of firms.』


『The proposed rule does not include specific thresholds to trigger further scrutiny for individual metrics, but requests comment on whether thresholds would be useful, and notes that the agencies expect to propose them in the future. The proposal also makes clear that the agencies expect to take a heuristic approach to metrics, revising and refining them over time as greater experience is gained in reviewing, analyzing, and applying these measurements for purposes of identifying prohibited proprietary trading.』


『Additionally, since some banking entities engage in few or no activities covered by the statute, the proposal also includes a number of elements intended to reduce the burden of the proposed rule on smaller, less-complex banking entities. In particular, the agencies have proposed very limited compliance programs and have reduced or eliminated the data collection requirements for these banking entities.』


・Potential effects of the proposalとな

最後の小見出しが『Potential effects of the proposal』である。

『The proprietary trading prohibition in the Volcker Rule statute itself will undoubtedly affect the trading behavior of banking entities.』


『Indeed, that is what Congress intended in enacting these provisions. Congress has itself made the judgment that this prohibition will enhance financial stability and is socially desirable. The task of the agencies is to implement Congressional intentions, as manifest in the statute itself, as efficiently and effectively as possible.』


『The approach taken in the proposed rulemaking is concededly not a simple one. But, at least to date, it has seemed the most feasible.』


『Two alternative approaches have been suggested, and we considered each prior to issuing the proposed regulation.』


『One considerably simpler approach would be to articulate high-level principles for differentiating prohibited and permitted activities and then leave it to the firms to self-report violations based on internal models or other devices, presumably with compliance and systems monitoring by regulatory agencies. While having the virtue of simplicity at the outset, this approach would provide little clarity about whether an activity is permitted or prohibited. It seems quite likely that, either formally or informally, the regulatory agencies would regularly be asked to offer guidance or approve specific practices. Otherwise, this approach would essentially rely on self-policing by banking entities. 』


『A second alternative would be to establish definitive bright lines for determining whether an activity is permitted or prohibited. This approach would be very difficult in practice, at least with current information and data, because of the many asset classes, business models, and transaction types covered by the statutory provisions. Hard-and-fast rules would also run the risk of being either too restrictive, and thus inadvertently classifying legitimate, customer-driven market-making or hedging activity as prohibited, or too narrow, and thus failing adequately to capture the full range of activities that are prohibited under the statute. 』


『The more nuanced framework contained in our proposal was designed to realize some of the advantages of both of these approaches while minimizing their potential adverse effects. The Dodd-Frank Act provides a long conformance period for firms that are subject to the Volcker Rule. The agencies have proposed to use that conformance period to study the effects of the statutory prohibitions on the activities of banking entities before the Volcker Rule is fully implemented.』

『To assist in this undertaking, the agencies have proposed to begin collecting and reviewing trading data that should help firms subject to the statutory provisions, as well as the agencies in our efforts, to monitor and understand the contours of the activities that are prohibited, permitted, and affected by the statutory provisions that make up the Volcker Rule.』



『As I mentioned earlier, we are hopeful that the data collection and reporting required in our proposal will eventually facilitate more specific guidance on market-making, hedging, and other exemptions from the general prohibition. After the Volcker Rule becomes fully effective, we would continue to monitor the effects of the rule and look for opportunities to refine it.』

『Having said all this, the Federal Reserve is more than open to alternatives that would be superior to the approach proposed. Indeed, the agencies requested comment on alternative approaches in the Federal Register notice.』






St. Louis Fed’s Bullard Discusses Fiscal Approaches to Stabilization Policy

『ST. LOUIS - Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis President James Bullard discussed his new research paper, titled “Death of a Theory,” with members of various financial institutions and local business leaders on Friday at the Edward Jones Annual Meeting.』


講演のお題が『Death of a Theory』というのが何っつーか目立ちたがりさんなブラード総裁のクオリティ炸裂という感じですが、テキストの『Abstract』をとりあえず読む。

『I discuss the effectiveness of fiscal approaches to stabilization policy.』


『The conventional wisdom pre-2007 was that fiscal policy intervention as a stabilization tool had little to recommend it, mostly due to political constraints and to the unlikely effectiveness of many types of temporary fiscal policy actions. 』


『However, with short-term nominal interest rates near zero, attention turned again toward fiscal stabilization policy.』


『I describe and critique two theories of how fiscal policy might be viewed as effective in such circumstances. One, heavily studied, is that a tax-financed increase in government expenditures would temporarily increase total output in the economy. The other, lightly studied but rhetorically forceful, is that increased government expenditures may inspire confidence.』

『Both theories have drawbacks, but I argue the first is dying because of three considerations: (1) actual political systems are ill-suited to implement the advice from the theory; (2) monetary stabilization policy has been quite effective, making fiscal experiments redundant; and (3) governments pushed distortionary taxes into the future, which in the theory reduces or eliminates the desired effects.』






Presentation to The Columbian’s 2012 Economic Forecast Breakfast
Vancouver, Washington
By John C. Williams, President and CEO, Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco
For delivery on January 10, 2012

The Federal Reserve and the Economic Recovery


『The subject of my talk is the economy and what the Federal Reserve is doing to encourage economic growth while keeping inflation low. This morning, I’ll review the events of recent years, with a special eye on how the boom and bust in housing affected the recession and the economic recovery. I’ll talk about the measures the Federal Reserve has taken to combat the financial crisis and to bolster the economy. That leads naturally to the current economic situation and my forecast of where things are going from here. I’ll focus on the progress we’re making toward the two goals Congress has assigned the Fed: maximum employment and stable prices. I’ll conclude with a few words about the current stance of Fed policy. I should stress that I’m expressing my own views and not those of anybody else in the Federal Reserve System.』






Housing and the Economic Recovery
January 6, 2012

William C. Dudley, President and Chief Executive Officer
Remarks at the New Jersey Bankers Association Economic Forum, Iselin, New Jersey



『Housing and the Economic Recovery』というのが最初の小見出しですが、そちらに今日はこんな話をしますよというのが。

『In my presentation today, I will explain why a more robust housing market matters for the wider economy. I will also highlight those factors specific to the housing market that create a risk that it will linger in an extremely weak state for longer than is necessary and remain vulnerable to further weakness.』


『I will make the case for further housing-related policy interventions that would help stabilize home prices, improve the housing outlook and generate an earlier recovery in housing activity. I believe such actions would support growth and make monetary policy more effective in promoting the dual mandate given to the Federal Reserve by Congress-maximum sustainable employment in the context of price stability.』



でまあ住宅バブルの発生と崩壊に関しての話がさらっとあるのですが、別に変った話をしている訳では無いのでスルーしてその次の『Macroeconomic Consequences』を少々。

『The ongoing weakness in housing has made it more difficult to achieve a vigorous economic recovery. Housing has inhibited economic activity through a number of channels.』


『First, the strong rebound in residential investment that typically powers economic recoveries following deep recessions has been absent. For example, nine quarters following the ends of the mid-1970s and early 1980s recessions, residential investment had climbed by 65 percent and 55 percent, respectively, above the level at the corresponding troughs. In contrast, during this cycle, there has been no rebound. In the third quarter of 2011, residential investment was still somewhat below the level in the second quarter of 2009.』


『Second, by eroding household wealth, the decline in housing prices has contributed to greater weakness in consumption. For most American households the family home is by far the largest tangible asset, a buffer against misfortune, and often a significant savings vehicle to fund retirement.』

『Since home values peaked in 2006, homeowners have lost more than half their home equity-about $7.3 trillion-and expectations of future gains have also declined. At present roughly 11 million households are in negative equity with the aggregate amount of negative equity estimated to be roughly $700 billion.』


『Third, the weakness in home prices has reduced credit availability. Because the home is the primary source of collateral for most households, financial institutions are less willing to lend when house prices have declined substantially and could fall further. In addition, problems in the foreclosure process and obstacles to efficient modification of loans in securitizations, which I'll describe in a moment, make a house of a given value less attractive as collateral to secure a loan. As a result, as home prices have fallen, financial institutions have tightened lending standards. This has reduced the amount of credit available for households, including for small business formation.』


『Fourth, the big drop in house prices has made it more difficult for borrowers to refinance. This has undercut to a degree the ability of monetary policy to support demand.』


『Traditionally, refinancing activity has been an important channel through which lower interest rates support spending and employment. Refinancing frees up borrower income. Because those who refinance tend to have a higher marginal propensity to consume from income than the investors receiving the mortgage payments, such refinancing activity increases overall demand. However, the fall in home equity combined with a pro-cyclical tightening of refinancing standards and fees means that many borrowers who would like to refinance cannot do so.』



その次の小見出しは『Problems in Housing』ということで現状の米国住宅市場における色々な問題についてああだこうだと話をしているのですがその辺は華麗にスルーして(もしかしたら後でネタにするかも)その次の『The Case for Housing Intervention』をば。

『All these factors imply that there are many potential equilibrium outcomes in terms of housing demand and home prices-some considerably more desirable than others. Negative price expectations and flawed financing and administrative mechanisms, if left unaddressed, can contribute to ongoing weakness in housing demand and make it harder to generate a robust economic recovery.』

『Persistent weakness in housing is particularly problematic because it acts as a drag on spending and job creation in an environment in which such weakness can not be easily offset by other policy adjustments. Housing policy should seek to break adverse feedback loops, promote more economically efficient outcomes in housing and support growth.』


『In recent speeches, I have called for a "comprehensive approach" to stabilize the national real estate market and lay the foundations for recovery. I believe this should include measures to improve access to mortgage credit, reduce obstacles to refinancing, lessen the flow of homes into foreclosure through bridge financing and accelerated principal reduction, and to facilitate the absorption of REO back into use as owner- or renter- housing.』

ということですが、こちらのスピーチは『"The National and Regional Economic Outlook," October 24, 2011, and "Securing the Recovery" November 17, 2011.』ということですので、まあそれ嫁という話ですな。


『Earlier this week Chairman Bernanke sent members of Congress a thoughtful analysis of housing policy by staff at the Board of Governors in Washington that evaluates a number of these same issues. What I would like to do today is to elaborate on some specific proposals we have developed in New York, in order to try to persuade you that there are workable solutions to our housing problems at costs that I deem very reasonable relative to the economically inefficient path we are on. Of course, I am open to other promising alternatives that would address the same issues.』

脚注にありますがこれですな『Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System. 2012. White Paper, "The U.S. Housing Market: Current Conditions and Policy Considerations," January 4.』

『I note also that a truly comprehensive approach would also include long-term reform -including reform of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac-to put housing finance on a more stable footing and to equip the market to deal more effectively with any future systemic shocks.』


『But I will not discuss these issues in-depth today.』



ということで以下の小見出しが先日申し上げたように『Access to Mortgage Credit』『Mortgage Refinancing』『Bridge Financing』『Earned Principal Reduction』『REO Portfolio』と続くのですが段々お助け策になっているのがオモシロスなのでございますけれども、時間と量の関係で今日はスルーします。

・『Moral Hazard』って所が凄いのよ


『Some argue that any interventions to improve the real estate market would lead to moral hazard-that is these intervention would reward bad behaviors. I think these concerns are overstated.』


『First, the programs that have been proposed can be designed with the proper incentives to limit moral hazard and to encourage desireable behavior.』


『Second, in contrast to the earlier phase of housing crisis when mostly subprime borrowers came under stress, many of the borrowers running into trouble with their mortgages today took out conforming loans subject to standard downpayment requirements, had respectable FICO scores and borrowed a moderate amount to finance an average house.』


『The problem was that these purchases occurred near the peak in the market and now many of the buyers have suffered an adverse life shock such as unemployment or illness. This isn't a moral hazard issue, this is just the bad luck associated with the timing of the purchase and an exceptionally weak jobs market. Punishing such misfortune accomplishes little.』

えーっと、つまりバブルの頂点で買った人は買ったタイミングとその後の経済状況の悪化による「bad luck」なのでそのような不運な人を罰するのは宜しくない、とおっしゃっているように見えるのですが、あのその日本のバブル崩壊後のあれこれの時にあんさんら何っておっしゃっていましたっけ??????????????????????????

もうね、何つーかこれぞ雨公のご都合主義炸裂という感じですけれども、その次には『The Taxpayer Interest』という小見出しがあって、単なるお助けではないんです(キリッ)と説明するのがこれまた米国クオリティですなあとか思うのですけれども。

『I believe that the proposals I put forward are strongly in the public interest. I also believe that they would be good for taxpayers. Consider, for instance, the proposal for earned principal reduction. While this would certainly involve outlays, these would be offset by reduced defaults. Whether there is a net cost or not depends on the reduction in the default rate that would come with principal reduction and how this reduction would affect the performance of the overall housing market and the economy.』

『Based on recent data on borrower behavior, my staff calculates that the taxpayer (through the effect on Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac) would be better off with earned principal reduction under a base case of roughly flat house prices and persistent weakness in the jobs market. Under a scenario of modest house price increases, the combination of fewer defaults and shared appreciation also produces a net benefit.』







Introductory statement to the press conference (with Q&A)

Mario Draghi, President of the ECB,
Vitor Constancio, Vice-President of the ECB,
Frankfurt am Main, 12 January 2012




『Based on its regular economic and monetary analyses, the Governing Council decided today to keep the key ECB interest rates unchanged, following the 25 basis point decreases on 3 November and 8 December 2011. The information that has become available since early December broadly confirms our previous assessment.』(今回)


『Inflation is likely to stay above 2% for several months to come, before declining to below 2%. At the same time, the underlying pace of monetary expansion remains moderate. As expected, ongoing financial market tensions continue to dampen economic activity in the euro area, while, according to some recent survey indicators, there are tentative signs of a stabilisation in activity at low levels. The economic outlook remains subject to high uncertainty and substantial downside risks.』(今回)

『Inflation is likely to stay above 2% for several months to come, before declining to below 2%. The intensified financial market tensions are continuing to dampen economic activity in the euro area and the outlook remains subject to high uncertainty and substantial downside risks.』(前回)


『In such an environment, cost, wage and price pressures in the euro area should remain modest and inflation rates should develop in line with price stability over the policy-relevant horizon. Overall, it is essential for monetary policy to maintain price stability over the medium term, thereby ensuring a firm anchoring of inflation expectations in the euro area in line with our aim of maintaining inflation rates below, but close to, 2% over the medium term. Such anchoring is a prerequisite for monetary policy to make its contribution towards supporting economic growth and job creation in the euro area. A very thorough analysis of all incoming data and developments over the period ahead is warranted. 』(今回)

『In such an environment, cost, wage and price pressures in the euro area should remain modest over the policy-relevant horizon. At the same time, the underlying pace of monetary expansion remains moderate. Overall, it is essential for monetary policy to maintain price stability over the medium term, thereby ensuring a firm anchoring of inflation expectations in the euro area in line with our aim of maintaining inflation rates below, but close to, 2% over the medium term. Such anchoring is a prerequisite for monetary policy to make its contribution towards supporting economic growth and job creation in the euro area.』(前回)





『The provision of liquidity and the allotment modes for refinancing operations will continue to support euro area banks, and thus the financing of the real economy. The extensive recourse to the first three-year refinancing operation indicates that our non-standard policy measures are providing a substantial contribution to improving the funding situation of banks, thereby supporting financing conditions and confidence.』(今回)


『In addition, we are actively working towards the implementation of all the measures announced at our December meeting, which should provide additional support to the economy.』(今回)


『As stated on previous occasions, all the non-standard monetary policy measures are temporary in nature.』(今回)




『Let me now explain our assessment in greater detail, starting with the economic analysis. Real GDP in the euro area grew by 0.1% quarter on quarter in the third quarter of 2011. At present, a number of factors seem to be dampening the underlying growth momentum in the euro area. They include moderate global demand growth and weak business and consumer confidence in the euro area. Domestic demand is likely to be dampened by the ongoing tensions in euro area sovereign debt markets, as well as the process of balance sheet adjustment in the financial and non-financial sectors.』(今回)

『Let me now explain our assessment in greater detail, starting with the economic analysis. Real GDP in the euro area grew by 0.2% quarter on quarter in the third quarter of 2011, unchanged from the previous quarter. Evidence from survey data points to weaker economic activity in the fourth quarter of this year. A number of factors seem to be dampening the underlying growth momentum in the euro area. They include a moderation in the pace of global demand growth and unfavourable effects on overall financing conditions and on confidence resulting from ongoing tensions in euro area sovereign debt markets, as well as the process of balance sheet adjustment in the financial and non-financial sectors.』(前回)



『At the same time, we continue to expect euro area economic activity to recover, albeit very gradually, in the course of 2012, supported by developments in global demand, very low short-term interest rates and all the measures taken to support the functioning of the financial sector.』(今回)

『At the same time, we expect euro area economic activity to recover, albeit very gradually, in the course of next year, supported by resilient global demand, very low short-term interest rates and all the measures taken to support the functioning of the financial sector.』(前回)




『In the Governing Council’s assessment, substantial downside risks to the economic outlook for the euro area continue to exist in an environment of high uncertainty. They notably relate to a further intensification of the tensions in euro area debt markets and their potential spillover to the euro area real economy. Downside risks also relate to the global economy, protectionist pressures and the possibility of a disorderly correction of global imbalances.』(今回)




『With regard to price developments, euro area annual HICP inflation was 2.8% in December 2011, according to Eurostat’s flash estimate, after 3.0% in the preceding three months. This decline was expected and reflects a downward base effect stemming from energy prices. Inflation rates have been at elevated levels since the end of 2010, mainly driven by higher energy and other commodity prices. Looking ahead, they are likely to stay above 2% for several months to come, before declining to below 2%. This pattern reflects the expectation that, in an environment of weaker growth in the euro area and globally, underlying cost, wage and price pressures in the euro area should remain modest.』(今回)


『The Governing Council continues to view the risks to the medium-term outlook for price developments as broadly balanced. On the upside, the main risks relate to further increases in indirect taxes and administered prices, owing to the need for fiscal consolidation in the coming years, and possible increases in commodity prices. The main downside risks relate to the impact of weaker than expected growth in the euro area and globally.』(今回)





Housing and the Economic Recovery
January 6, 2012

William C. Dudley, President and Chief Executive Officer
Remarks at the New Jersey Bankers Association Economic Forum, Iselin, New Jersey




んでもってその先に『The Case for Housing Intervention』という小見出しの部分があって、この辺りから先が中々アレでございまして、包括的なアプローチが重要という話があるのですけれども、詳しい話は以前講演したテキストを見てちょとかあるので忌々しい事にそれをまた読む(もしかしたら読んだのを忘却している鴨^^)という話ですが(−−)、まあそこから先が『Access to Mortgage Credit』『Mortgage Refinancing』『Bridge Financing』『Earned Principal Reduction』『REO Portfolio』という小見出しが続くのですけれども、この小見出しって最初のうちはまあそうですかなあという話なのでございますが、後に行くほどドンドンお助け施策の香りが高くなるのが非常に香ばしいという所です。

そしてお助け施策の話が延々と続くという中銀の仕事かそれというようなネタが続いたためにその次の小見出しが『Moral Hazard』と来て『The Taxpayer Interest』と来るのが非常にこう味わいが深いと申しますか何と申しますかという感じです。

最後の最後が『Housing Policy and Monetary Policy』でして、こちらの部分が市場の反応を起こした部分ですな。


『Housing Policy and Monetary Policy』A4の紙に打ち出すと8ページ(正味7ページ)の講演の中で最後の14行だけなんですけれどもね。

『In closing, the housing policy agenda I describe would address one factor that has impeded the economic recovery. Implementing such policies would improve the economic outlook and make monetary accommodation more effective.』


『However, because the outlook for unemployment is unacceptably high relative to our dual mandate and the outlook for inflation is moderate, I believe it is also appropriate to continue to evaluate whether we could provide additional accommodation in a manner that produces more benefits than costs, regardless of whether action in housing is undertaken or not.』


『Monetary policy and housing policy are much more complements than substitutes.』


『As I hope I have convinced you today, while the Fed has will do all it can to achieve our dual mandate of maximum sustainable employment in the context of price stability, we have to recognize that there is more to economic policy than just monetary policy. Low interest rates help housing, but cannot resolve the problems in that sector that are pressing on wider economic activity. With additional housing policy interventions, we could achieve a better set of economic outcomes than with just monetary policy alone.』


『Thank you for your kind attention. I would be happy to take a few questions.』





A Risk Management Approach to Monetary Policy


小見出し『A Risk-Management Approach to Policy Changes』の所から。

『Of course, I realize that I could be wrong in my assessment. So let us consider how we should conduct policy when we don’t know for sure which scenario is really the one we face today. How can we avoid risking a repeat of either the stagflation of the 1970s or the slow growth of the 1930s?』

『The problem, of course, is that policies that are optimal for the liquidity trap scenario would tend to generate higher inflation without significant reductions in unemployment if the structural impediments scenario were true. Conversely, policies that are optimal for the structural impediments scenario would leave the economy unnecessarily mired in depression and deflation if we were actually in the liquidity trap scenario.』

エバンス総裁としては米国経済を1930年代パターンと見ているのですが、1970年代型であった場合には取るべきアプローチが逆になってくるという事を踏まえた政策アプローチは何ですかという話ですが、次の小見出し『A Middle Ground Proposal』に繋がります。

『Fortunately, between these two extreme scenarios, there is a robust middle ground policy approach. The Fed could sharpen its forward guidance in two directions by implementing a state-contingent policy. The first part of such a policy would be to communicate that we will keep the funds rate at exceptionally low levels as long as unemployment is somewhat above its natural rate. The second part of the policy is to have an essential safeguard - that is, a commitment to pull back on accommodation if inflation rises above a particular threshold.』



『Furthermore, I believe the inflation-safeguard threshold needs to be above our current 2 percent inflation objective - perhaps something like 3 percent.』


『Now, the “3 percent inflation” number may seem shocking coming from a conservative central banker. However, as Kenneth Rogoff recently wrote in a Financial Times piece, “Any inflation above 2 percent may seem anathema to those who still remember the anti-inflation wars of the 1970s and 1980s, but a once-in-75-year crisis calls for outside-the-box measures.”I agree wholeheartedly with Professor Rogoff.』


『And actually, this middle ground policy guidance is not as out-of-the box as one might think.』


『Importantly, it is consistent with the most recent liquidity trap research, which shows that improved economic performance during a liquidity trap requires the central bank, if necessary, to allow inflation to run higher than its target for some time over the medium term.』



『Such policies can generate the above-trend growth necessary to reduce unemployment and return overall economic activity to its productive potential. In fact, I have seen model simulation results that suggest to me that core inflation is unlikely to rise as high as 3 percent under such a policy.』


『But suppose the structural impediments scenario turns out to be correct. In this case, inflation will rise more quickly and without any improvements to the real side of the economy. In such an adverse situation, the inflation safeguard triggers an exit from the now-evident excessive policy accommodation before inflation expectations become unhinged.』





『Today, I have outlined an appropriate course for monetary policy to take when we cannot know with certainty the degrees to which various forces are driving the economic weakness we currently face. 』

『If, as I fear, the liquidity trap scenario describes the present environment, we risk being mired in recession-like circumstances for an unacceptably long period. Indeed, each passing month of stagnation represents real economic losses that are borne by all. In addition, I worry that even when the economy does regain traction, its new potential growth path will be permanently impaired.』


『The skills of the long-term unemployed may atrophy and incentives for workers to invest in acquiring new skills may be diminished. Similarly, businesses facing uncertain demand are less inclined to invest in new productive capacity and technologies. All of these factors may permanently lower the path of potential output.』


『As I said in the fall of 2010 and I repeat the message again today: I think state-contingent policies such as those I just described are a productive way to provide such necessary monetary accommodation. There is simply too much at stake for us to be excessively complacent while the economy is in such dire shape. It is imperative to undertake action now.』







A Risk Management Approach to Monetary Policy

今日は『Two Different Perspectives on the Economy』の所である。

『Central bankers must formulate monetary policy with the understanding that our knowledge is imperfect. We may have incomplete and sometimes competing views of the forces that generate current economic conditions. This is especially true in the difficult circumstances we face today.』


『In my view, we should try to formulate a monetary policy strategy that carefully balances the risks associated with the reasonable alternative economic scenarios that we face and is as robust as possible to miscalculations as to which of these scenarios is predominantly true.』


『Let me now discuss two quite different perspectives that could account for the disappointing slow growth and continued high unemployment that we confront today. These two conditions are important to consider in that they have markedly different monetary policy prescriptions.』


『The first storyline I will refer to as the “structural impediments scenario.” In this scenario, the recent period, which has been referred to as the Great Recession, was accompanied by an acute period of structural change, skills mismatch, job-killing uncertainties and excessive regulatory burdens. Accordingly, these structural impediments have caused the natural rate of unemployment to increase.』


『The structural impediments scenario sounds plausible to many, but I do not find it compelling. As best I can tell, it rests on lots of conjecture about economic forces and outcomes that are not confirmed by the evidence at hand. As an economist seeking firm quantitative explanations, I am not aware of any rigorously studied economic models that both match critically important time-series properties of the data and support the notion that today’s high unemployment rate arises from special structural impediments. Even generous estimates of the impact of structural reallocation and other factors on today’s equilibrium, or the so-called natural rate of unemployment, do not come anywhere near the current 9 percent rate of unemployment.』


『Nevertheless suppose this scenario were true. In this case the role for additional monetary accommodation is modest at best: The economy faces a supply constraint that monetary policy simply cannot address. Accordingly, those subscribing to this view think that additional easing would likely raise inflation without having a sizable impact on unemployment. In this scenario, our running a more accommodative monetary policy potentially risks repeating the stagflation of the 1970s. At that time, the Fed did not understand that the changing structure of the economy had caused the natural rate of unemployment to rise. In an effort to reduce the unemployment rate, it provided too much accommodation that only served to raise inflation and inflation expectations. To avoid that mistake today, under the structural impediments scenario, the Fed should revert to a “business-as-usual” monetary policy and begin to consider removing excess accommodation before inflation rises above its target and inflation expectations start to creep unalterably upward.』


『There is a second competing storyline - one that I refer to as the “liquidity trap scenario.” First, consider what occurs during normal times when nominal rates of interest are considerably above zero and real rates of interest are positive. If the supply of savings increased but the demand for investment remained unchanged, market forces would drive down real interest rates to some natural rate of interest that equilibrates savings and investment. This market dynamic is thwarted in the case of a liquidity trap.』


『Here, cautious behavior holding back spending - whether it is due to risk aversion, extreme patience or deleveraging - causes the supply of savings to exceed the demand for investment even at very low interest rates. Today short-term, risk-free interest rates are close to zero and actual real rates are only modestly negative. But they are still not low enough - because short-term nominal interest rates cannot fall below zero, real rates cannot become negative enough to equilibrate savings and investment.』

で、ラインハートとロゴフの「This Time Is Different」が出てくる。

『As I weigh the evidence, I find the case for the liquidity trap scenario more compelling than one for the structural impediments scenario. My assessment has been influenced by the book titled This Time Is Different: Eight Centuries of Financial Folly by Carmen Reinhart and Kenneth Rogoff. Reinhart and Rogoff document the substantially detrimental effects that financial crises typically impose on the subsequent economic recovery. As we all know, the recent recession was accompanied by a large financial crisis. When I look at the U.S. economy today, I see it tracking Reinhart and Rogoff’s observation that such recoveries are usually painfully slow - and are so for reasons that have little to do with structural impediments in the labor market and the like.』


『Liquidity traps are rare and difficult events to manage. They present a clear and present danger that we risk repeating the experience of the U.S. in the 1930s or that of Japan over the past 20 years.』


『However, liquidity traps have been studied over the years in rigorous analytical models by a number of prominent economists, including Paul Krugman, Gauti Eggertsson, Michael Woodford and Ivan Werning. Variants of these models have successfully explained business cycle developments in the United States.』

で、ここの部分の脚注を見ると『See Eggertsson and Woodford (2003); Krugman (1998); and Werning (2011).』ってあるんですが、クルーグマンはこの前「正直スマンカッタ」って話をしてたような気がするんだがががががが。

『The lesson drawn from this literature is that the performance of economies stuck in a liquidity trap can be vastly improved by lowering real interest rates and lifting economic activity using an appropriately prolonged and forward-looking period of accommodative monetary policy. Of course, such monetary accommodation is the antithesis of the policy prescription for the structural impediments scenario.』









Bank Council statement on resignation of Swiss National Bank Chairman, Philipp Hildebrand

Loss of an outstanding central banker

『The Bank Council of the Swiss National Bank (SNB) has taken note of the decision by Philipp Hildebrand, Chairman of the SNB Governing Board, to resign his post. With him, Switzerland is losing an outstanding central banker with excellent international connections, which have brought great benefit to our country.』



Japanese Banks Get 'Stress Tests'


『TOKYO-The International Monetary Fund is conducting "stress tests" on Japanese banks to gauge how vulnerable they are to a potential drop in the value of their huge holdings of Japanese government bonds, people familiar with the matter said. The move could sharpen investors' focus on the risk to Japan's economy from its ballooning debt.』

『Credit-ratings firms, investors, and even Japan's central-bank governor have expressed concerns about the growing debt, now equal to about twice the country's annual economic output, but much of the attention has been on the government's ability to sustain its large budget deficits. 』(以上上記URLより、以下は有料記事)

以下は有料記事の為引用しませんけど、まあ話としては日本の財政がアレで金利が急騰したら日本の銀行がエライコッチャであることを懸念するのでストレステストをするでしょうというような記事ですが、まあこの手の記事によくある毎度おなじみのソース、『people familiar with the matter』って奴なのが実にこうアレな上に書きっぷりがどうも日本に対して悪意ある記事だわとか思う訳で、日本の心配する前にお前らの心配しやがれや雨公はと思ってよくよくこの記事のクレジット見たら『By TAKASHI NAKAMICHI』って海外メディアに良く存在する反日あるいは侮日日本人ですかそうですかこんなの日本入国拒否モンだろこんなのという感じではございましたです、はい。

ちなみに、IMFでは「Financial Sector Assessment Program (FSAP)」というのをやっていまして、過去のレポートとかこちらを見ると出ています。

Financial Sector Assessment Program (FSAP)
Last updated: Monday, November 14, 2011

んでもって年ごとのソート(デフォだとそうなっている)と国ごとのソート(Sort By: Date | Countryという所をクリックするあるよろしある)ができますが、日本の場合は2003年の9月に実施されています。

Japan: Financial System Stability Assessment and Supplementary Information
Published: September 5, 2003



Bank of Japan’s Quantitative and Credit Easing: Are They Now More Effective?

『Summary: This paper asks whether the BoJ’s recent experience with unconventional monetary easing has been effective in supporting economic activity and inflation. Using a structural VAR model, the paper finds some evidence that BoJ’s monetary policy measures during 1998-2010 have had an impact on economic activity but less so on inflation. These results are stronger than those in earlier studies looking at the quantitative easing period up to 2006 and may reflect more effective credit channel as a result of improvements in the banking and corporate sectors. Nevertheless, the relative contribution of monetary policy measures to the variation in output and inflation is rather small.』





A Risk Management Approach to Monetary Policy


『Mr. Evans dissented because he continued to view additional policy accommodation as appropriate in circumstances where his outlook was for growth to be too slow to make sufficient progress in reducing the unemployment rate and for inflation to drop below levels consistent with the Committee's dual mandate. He continued to support the use of more-explicit forward guidance about the economic conditions under which the federal funds rate could be maintained in its current range, and he suggested that the Committee also consider additional asset purchases.』(12月FOMC議事要旨より)


『For those of you who follow monetary policy deliberations, you will certainly be aware that I was the lone dissenter at the last policy meeting held in early November. So it should come as no surprise when I say that the views that I am presenting today are my own and not necessarily those of the Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) or my other colleagues in the Federal Reserve System.』



最初の小見出しが『Real Output Gap』です。


『This timing, along with the continued softness of most economic indicators into the early summer, indicates that the slowing in output growth was not all due to temporary factors. Even with slightly firmer economic data that have come out recently, the sense of building momentum seems absent. Rather, the headwinds facing consumers and businesses are even stronger than we had thought.』


『Against this backdrop, the outlook has weakened substantially.』


『Last June my colleagues on the FOMC and I were projecting real GDP growth would be around 2-3/4 percent in 2011 and 3-1/2 percent in 2012. As I alluded to a moment ago, some of the recent incoming numbers - on manufacturing activity and automobile sales, for example - have improved. Even so, our latest forecast made in early November revised down our outlook for 2011 by a full percentage point and projected GDP growth at just 2-3/4 percent in 2012 - barely above most analysts’ views of the potential rate of output growth for the economy.』


『Such growth rates certainly are not strong enough to make much of a dent in the unemployment rate and other measures of resource slack.』


『Indeed, the FOMC’s latest forecasts are for the unemployment rate to remain above 8-1/2 percent through 2012 and to fall only to about 8 percent in 2013. Without new developments or changes in policy, I don’t believe the U.S. economy is poised to achieve escape velocity anytime soon.』



次の小見出しが『Inflation Outlook under 2 Percent』とキタコレな話。


『Putting these factors together, I would argue that inflation is likely to remain moderate over the foreseeable future. The FOMC forecasts for core inflation were concentrated near 1.8 percent this year, and its forecasts for total inflation were in the range of 1.5 percent to 2.0 percent for 2012, 2013 and 2014. My own assessment is that inflation will be at the lower end of these ranges.』



次の小見出しは『Fed Performance』で更にキタコレ。

『These disappointing forecasts pose a challenge for monetary policy. The Fed is charged by Congress in the Federal Reserve Act to encourage conditions that foster both maximum employment and price stability. This is what you hear us refer to as the Fed’s “dual mandate.” Given the high unemployment rate and low job growth, I think it is clear that the Fed has fallen short in achieving its goal of maximum employment.』

Fedはマンデートの「maximum employment」のゴールに達していないキタコレ。

『I will return to this point shortly. As for the price stability component of our dual mandate, the majority of FOMC participants - including me - judge our objective for overall inflation to average 2 percent over the medium term. With my own view that inflation is likely to run below this rate over the next few years, I believe we run the risk of missing on our inflation objective as well.』

エバンス総裁の物価の見通しによれば「inflation objective」も同様に達成できないリスクが高まっているとキタコレ。

・・・・・という認識の下で、じゃあどういう政策をするかという話ですが、FOMC議事要旨にある『the use of more-explicit forward guidance about the economic conditions under which the federal funds rate could be maintained in its current range』ということですけれども、その趣旨に関してが続きでして、今日は前座の部分で時間切れとなりましたどうもすいませんすいません。












Financial transactions by the Hildebrand family and events of the past few days



『Let me start, however, by saying this: My conduct has not only been in accordance with the regulations at all times, but it has also always been above board, and all of my actions have been fully disclosed to the relevant bodies. I want to say this perfectly clearly: I am not aware of any legal wrongdoing on my part. However, I do realise that the general public is also expressing a moral concern.』


『I would now like to provide a detailed explanation of the transactions specifically mentioned in the compliance reports.』

『 Related to this is the question of why the Chairman of the SNB’s Governing Board has foreign currency holdings. For family reasons - my wife has dual Swiss and American citizenship - part of our assets are invested in US dollars. This is not short-term currency speculation, but rather a long-term distribution of our assets over a number of different currencies.』


『This year was a special one for us, since we sold our holiday home in the Bernese Oberland. The sale resulted in an inflow of funds on 18 February 2011, of around CHF 3.3 million. As you can see from the PwC report published yesterday, on 10 March 2011 I invested part of the sale proceeds - namely CHF 1.1 million - in US dollars at an exchange rate of CHF 0.9375 to the dollar. On 6 October 2011, we then bought a holiday apartment in the canton of Graubunden. I covered part of the purchase price, i.e. CHF 475,000, through a sale of US dollars on 4 October at an exchange rate of CHF 0.9202.』


『As you can see, purely in terms of the exchange rate, this was not a profit-making transaction. Instead, our aim was to maintain the distribution of our assets in roughly equal shares of Swiss francs and US dollars. There was an interval of six months between these two transactions, and they are fully in compliance with the regulations.』


『In the critical period prior to the decision to impose a minimum exchange rate against the euro, there were two foreign exchange transactions on 15 August 2011, in which around USD 504,477 was purchased, costing CHF 400,000 in total. The bank statements show two transactions at the same exchange rate (USD 484,477.24 against CHF 384,142, and USD 20,000 against CHF 15,858 ? a total of CHF 400,000), because I opened a sub-account for our daughter; USD 20,000 was transferred to this account on my instructions. This corresponds to around one-third of the sub-account’s value at that time.』

『The large transaction was requested by my wife - who has always had power of attorney for my accounts - on 15 August 2011 at 1.20 pm, by means of an e-mail to our account manager at Bank Sarasin, and without my knowledge.』







昨日の続きで『Committee Policy Action』から。

『Members viewed the information on U.S. economic activity received over the intermeeting period as suggesting that the economy was expanding moderately. While overall labor market conditions had improved some in recent months, the unemployment rate remained elevated relative to levels that the Committee anticipated would prevail in the longer run. Inflation had moderated, and longer-term inflation expectations remained stable. However, available indicators pointed to some slowing in the pace of economic growth in Europe and in some emerging market economies. Members continued to expect a moderate pace of economic growth over coming quarters, with the unemployment rate declining only gradually toward levels consistent with the Committee's dual mandate. Strains in global financial markets continued to pose significant downside risks to economic activity. Members also anticipated that inflation would settle, over coming quarters, at levels at or below those consistent with the dual mandate.』

最初のパラグラフは昨日引用した『Participants' Views on Current Conditions and the Economic Outlook』のまとめみたいな感じになっています。で、ここを見ますと「先行きのダウンサイドリスクがあって、特に世界的な金融市場の束縛は引き続き高いリスク」という話をしてはいますけれども、その一方で基本的な見方という意味では経済の拡大が緩やかながらも継続という話になっていますわな。

『In their discussion of monetary policy for the period ahead, Committee members generally agreed that their overall assessments of the economic outlook had not changed greatly since their previous meeting.』


『As a result, almost all members agreed to maintain the existing stance of monetary policy at this meeting. In particular, they agreed to continue the program of extending the average maturity of the Federal Reserve's holdings of securities as announced in September, to retain the existing policies regarding the reinvestment of principal payments from Federal Reserve holdings of securities, and to keep the target range for the federal funds rate at 0 to 1/4 percent.』


『With regard to the forward guidance to be included in the statement to be released following the meeting, several members noted that the reference to mid-2013 might need to be adjusted before long.』


『A number of members noted their dissatisfaction with the Committee's current approach for communicating its views regarding the appropriate path for monetary policy, and looked forward to considering possible enhancements to the Committee's communications.』


『For now, however, the Committee agreed to reiterate its anticipation that economic conditions--including low rates of resource utilization and a subdued outlook for inflation over the medium run--are likely to warrant exceptionally low levels for the federal funds rate at least through mid-2013.』


『A number of members indicated that current and prospective economic conditions could well warrant additional policy accommodation, but they believed that any additional actions would be more effective if accompanied by enhanced communication about the Committee's longer-run economic goals and policy framework.』




『A few others continued to judge that maintaining the current degree of policy accommodation beyond the near term would likely be inappropriate given their outlook for economic activity and inflation, or questioned the efficacy of additional monetary policy actions in light of the nonmonetary headwinds restraining the recovery.』

ロジックだけで押していけばこちらの「A few others」の方が理があると思うのですけれども、まあさっき言ったファットテール対応の金融政策運営になっているちゅう事ではないでしょうかね。

『For this meeting, almost all members were willing to support maintaining the existing policy stance while emphasizing the importance of carefully monitoring economic developments given the uncertainties and risks attending the outlook.』


『One member preferred to undertake additional accommodation at this meeting and dissented from the policy decision.』


『Voting against this action: Charles L. Evans.』

『Mr. Evans dissented because he continued to view additional policy accommodation as appropriate in circumstances where his outlook was for growth to be too slow to make sufficient progress in reducing the unemployment rate and for inflation to drop below levels consistent with the Committee's dual mandate.』


『He continued to support the use of more-explicit forward guidance about the economic conditions under which the federal funds rate could be maintained in its current range, and he suggested that the Committee also consider additional asset purchases.』








『Participants' Views on Current Conditions and the Economic Outlook』以下をまあ斜め読み(ちなみに本当にインスタントで読むときはこの部分の最終パラグラフと『Committee Policy Action』を読んでおくと吉)したんですけどね・・・・・・



『In their discussion of the economic situation and outlook, meeting participants agreed that the information received since their previous meeting indicated that economic activity was expanding at a moderate rate, notwithstanding some apparent slowing in global economic growth.』

海外経済の成長に対して「some apparent slowing」という認識を示しつつも、それにも関わらず最近の米国経済は緩やかな拡大を継続しているというのが足もとの総括認識。

『Consumer spending continued to advance, but business fixed investment appeared to be decelerating, and home sales and construction remained at very low levels. Labor market conditions improved some in recent months, but the unemployment rate remained elevated despite a noticeable drop in November. Inflation moderated from the rates earlier in the year, and longer-term inflation expectations remained stable.』



『Regarding the economic outlook, participants continued to anticipate that economic activity would expand at a moderate rate in the coming quarters and that, consequently, the unemployment rate would decline only gradually.』


『The factors that participants cited as likely to restrain the pace of the economic expansion included an expectation that financial markets would remain unsettled until the fiscal and banking issues in the euro area were more fully addressed. Other factors that were expected to weigh on the pace of economic activity were the slowdown of economic activity abroad, fiscal tightening in the United States, high levels of uncertainty among households and businesses, the weak housing market, and household deleveraging.』


『In assessing the economic outlook, participants judged that strains in global financial markets continued to pose significant downside risks.』


『With the rate of increase in economic activity anticipated to remain moderate, most participants expected that inflation would settle over coming quarters at or below levels consistent with their estimates of its longer-run mandate-consistent rate.』




『In discussing the household sector, meeting participants generally commented that consumer spending in recent months had been stronger than expected, and several reported cautious optimism among some of their business contacts about prospects for the holiday shopping season.』

足元の消費者支出は予想よりも強いとか、ホリデー商戦も一部からは「cautious optimism」な声が聞かれるとか。

『A few participants thought that the recent strength in motor vehicle sales and other consumer spending could reflect pent-up demand from households for goods and services, and so thought that it might persist for a time.』

背景にペントアップ需要があるので暫くは持続するのではという見方を示す「A few」の人。

『However, others noted that real disposable personal income had weakened and that households remained pessimistic about their income prospects and uncertain about the economic outlook.』


『As a result, a number of those participants suggested that the recent stronger pace of consumer spending might not be sustained. Moreover, some participants mentioned that households were likely still adjusting to the loss of wealth over the past few years, which would weigh on consumer spending going forward.』

つーことで、多くの(a number of)委員は足元の強い消費支出のペースは持続的ではないでしょとしていますな。で、更に家計のバランスシート調整が継続している点も指摘と。

『Participants generally saw few signs of recovery in the housing market, with house prices continuing to decline in most areas and the overhang of foreclosed and distressed properties still substantial. Several participants observed that the ongoing weakness in the housing market came despite low borrowing rates and government initiatives to resolve problems in the foreclosure process.』


『However, one participant noted that some homebuilders were reporting that land prices were edging up and that financing was available from nontraditional sources, suggesting that conditions in the housing market could be improving.』

1名がこんな事指摘してまして、その「nontraditional sources」によるファンディングってナンジャソラという感じですが、ここだけちと明るい話です。



『Reports from business contacts indicated that, in addition to the rise in consumer spending, activity in the manufacturing, energy, and agriculture sectors continued to advance in recent months.』


『Nonetheless, businesses generally reported that they remained cautious regarding capital spending and hiring because of a high level of uncertainty about the economic outlook and the political environment. In particular, some contacts raised concerns about the uncertain fiscal outlook in the United States or the possible drag on sales and production from an economic slowdown abroad, while others cited uncertainty about the cost implications of potential changes in regulatory policies.』

企業が先行きを懸念する要因として経済見通しに加えてしらっと「political environment」というのが入っているのがチャーミングでして、米国の財政政策の見通しとか、規制の見通しなどというのが入っているのにほほーという感じです(後は海外経済の見通し)。

『Several participants noted that their contacts had ready access to credit at attractive rates. However, some participants continued to view credit as tight, particularly in mortgage markets or among small businesses in their Districts that were facing difficulties meeting collateral requirements and obtaining bank loans.』



『A number of recent indicators showed some improvement in labor market conditions: Payroll employment had posted moderate gains for five months, new claims for unemployment insurance had drifted lower, and the unemployment rate had turned down.』


『One participant noted that the series of upward revisions to the initial estimates of payroll employment in recent months was an encouraging sign of sustained hiring, although several participants remarked that they saw the labor market as still improving only slowly. Others indicated that because part of the recent decline in the jobless rate was associated with a reduction in labor force participation, the drop in the unemployment rate likely overstated the overall improvement in the labor market.』

現状の流れに関して「encouraging sign」としたのは1名でして、他の人たちはああだこうだと問題点を指摘しているのはまあそうですなという感じ。

『Moreover, unemployment, particularly longer-term unemployment, remained high, and the number of involuntary part-time workers was still elevated. Some participants again expressed concern that the persistence of high levels of long-duration unemployment and the underutilization of the workforce could eventually lead to a loss of skills and an erosion of potential output.』


『Another participant suggested that the unemployment rate was a more useful indicator of cyclical labor market developments than the level of employment relative to the size of the population, which was more likely to be influenced by structural changes in labor demand and supply. Participants expressed a range of views on the current extent of slack in the labor market. It was noted that because of factors including ongoing changes in the composition of available jobs and workers' skills, some part of the increase in unemployment since the beginning of the recession had been structural rather than cyclical. Others pointed out that the very modest increases in labor compensation of late suggested that underutilization of labor was still significant.』




『Meeting participants observed that financial markets remained volatile over the intermeeting period in large part because of developments in Europe. Participants noted the recent moves by the European authorities to strengthen their commitment to fiscal discipline and to provide greater resources to backstop sovereign debt issuance. But many anticipated that further efforts to implement and perhaps to augment these policies would be necessary to fully resolve the area's fiscal and financial problems and commented that financial markets would remain focused on the situation in Europe as it evolves.』


『It was noted that the changes to the central bank currency swap lines announced in late November helped to ease dollar funding conditions facing European institutions, but such conditions were still strained. However, participants generally saw little evidence of significant new constraints on credit availability for domestic borrowers. The balance sheets of most U.S. banks appeared to have improved somewhat, and domestic banks reported increases in commercial lending, even as some European lenders were pulling back. Several participants commented on strains affecting some community banks, which reportedly had led to tighter credit conditions for their small business clients.』



『Participants observed that inflation had moderated in recent months as the effects of the earlier run-up in commodity prices subsided. Retail prices of gasoline had declined, and prices of non-oil imported goods had softened. In addition, labor compensation had risen only slowly, and productivity continued to rise. Some business contacts suggested that pricing pressures had diminished. Longer-run inflation expectations were still well anchored. Most participants anticipated that inflation would continue to moderate. Although some energy prices had recently increased, many participants judged that the favorable trends in commodity prices might persist in the near term, particularly in light of softer global activity, and one noted that expanded crop production, if realized, would hold down agricultural prices.』


『More broadly, many participants judged that the moderate expansion in economic activity that they were projecting and the associated gradual reduction in the current wide margins of slack in labor and product markets would be consistent with subdued inflation going forward.』


『Indeed, some expressed the concern that, with the persistence of considerable resource slack, inflation might run below mandate-consistent levels for some time.』


『However, a couple of participants noted that the rate of inflation over the past year had not fallen as much as would be expected if the gap in resource utilization were large, suggesting that the level of potential output was lower than some current estimates.』


『Some participants were concerned that inflation could rise as the recovery continued, and some business contacts had reported that producers expected to see an increase in pricing power over time. A few participants argued that maintaining a highly accommodative stance of monetary policy over the medium run would erode the stability of inflation expectations.』

一方でインフレの拡大を懸念する声もあって、数名(Some)は景気回復が継続した場合に企業の価格設定が変化してインフレの上昇の可能性があると指摘し、一部(A few)の委員は極めて緩和的な金融政策が安定しているインフレ期待を引き上げる懸念があると指摘していまして、まあインフレに関する先行きの懸念というか注目材料に関しては見事に委員の間で意見は分かれていますな。

ということで、この次に『Committee Policy Action』があるのですが、この辺まで見ていると追加緩和がそんなに近くにあるような感じではないのですが、見通しに則ると追加緩和が必要になる場面が来るでしょうみたいな人がいるというのも何だか不思議感のする議事要旨でございます、が時間が無くなったので今日はここで勘弁m(__)m





票決の後に『Monetary Policy Communications』というのがあるのでそこから少々。

『After the Committee's vote, participants turned to a further consideration of ways in which the Committee might enhance the clarity and transparency of its public communications.』


『The subcommittee on communications recommended an approach for incorporating information about participants' projections of appropriate future monetary policy into the Summary of Economic Projections (SEP), which the FOMC releases four times each year. In the SEP, participants' projections for economic growth, unemployment, and inflation are conditioned on their individual assessments of the path of monetary policy that is most likely to be consistent with the Federal Reserve's statutory mandate to promote maximum employment and price stability, but information about those assessments has not been included in the SEP. 』


『A staff briefing described the details of the subcommittee's recommended approach and compared it with those taken by several other central banks.』


『Most participants agreed that adding their projections of the target federal funds rate to the economic projections already provided in the SEP would help the public better understand the Committee's monetary policy decisions and the ways in which those decisions depend on members' assessments of economic and financial conditions.』


『One participant suggested that the economic projections would be more understandable if they were based on a common interest rate path. Another suggested that it would be preferable to publish a consensus policy projection of the entire Committee.』


『Some participants expressed concern that publishing information about participants' individual policy projections could confuse the public; for example, they saw an appreciable risk that the public could mistakenly interpret participants' projections of the target federal funds rate as signaling the Committee's intention to follow a specific policy path rather than as indicating members' conditional projections for the federal funds rate given their expectations regarding future economic developments.』





『Most participants viewed these concerns as manageable; several noted that participants would have opportunities to explain their projections and policy views in speeches and other forms of communication.』


『Nonetheless, some participants did not see providing policy projections as a useful step at this time.』


『At the conclusion of their discussion, participants decided to incorporate information about their projections of appropriate monetary policy into the SEP beginning in January.』


『Specifically, the SEP will include information about participants' projections of the appropriate level of the target federal funds rate in the fourth quarter of the current year and the next few calendar years, and over the longer run; the SEP also will report participants' current projections of the likely timing of the first increase in the target rate given their projections of future economic conditions.』

真面目な話「longer run」の適正なFF金利水準ってナンジャソリャという感じなのですが、どうもSEPの経済見通しと同様のスパンで「適正なFF金利水準」というのを示す上に今度の利上げ時期はいつとかいうのも出すらしい。

『An accompanying narrative will describe the key factors underlying those assessments as well as qualitative information regarding participants' expectations for the Federal Reserve's balance sheet.』


『A number of participants suggested further enhancements to the SEP; the Chairman asked the subcommittee to explore such enhancements over coming months.』


『Following up on the Committee's discussion of policy frameworks at its November meeting, the subcommittee on communications presented a draft statement of the Committee's longer-run goals and policy strategy.』


『Participants generally agreed that issuing such a statement could be helpful in enhancing the transparency and accountability of monetary policy and in facilitating well-informed decisionmaking by households and businesses, and thus in enhancing the Committee's ability to promote the goals specified in its statutory mandate in the face of significant economic disturbances. However, a couple of participants expressed the concern that a statement that was sufficiently nuanced to capture the diversity of views on the Committee might not, in fact, enhance public understanding of the Committee's actions and intentions.』


『Participants commented on the draft statement, and the Chairman encouraged the subcommittee to make adjustments to the draft and to present a revised version for the Committee's further consideration in January.』


『It was agreed that the next meeting of the Committee would be held on Tuesday-Wednesday, January 24-25, 2012. The meeting adjourned at 4:00 p.m. on December 13, 2011.』




The Implementation of Monetary Policy in the euro Area
General Documentation on Eurosystem monetary policy instruments and procedures


んでまあボチボチとネタにしようかと思いますが、基本的な事について確認したい場合はこちらの『CHAPTER 1 OVERVIEW OF THE MONETARY POLICY FRAMEWORK』というのを読むと吉でして、適格担保についてとか、適格担保の掛け目について確認したいという場合にはこちらの『CHAPTER 6 ELIGIBLE ASSETS』を読むと吉だと存じますので、まあその辺を読まれると宜しいかと。



『1.3.1 Open market operations』の所から。

『Fine-tuning operations are executed on an ad hoc basis with the aim of managing the liquidity situation in the market and steering interest rates, in particular in order to smooth the effects on interest rates caused by unexpected liquidity fluctuations in the market. Fine-tuning operations may be conducted on the last day of a reserve maintenance period to counter liquidity imbalances which may have accumulated since the allotment of the last main refinancing operation.』

以下詳しく説明が続くのですが、この前のECB理事会でこのFine-tuning operationsが一時的に停止になりました。でまあその効果って何ですねんという所ですが、準備預金の積み最終日に調整オペ(吸収方向の)を実施しないということは、すなわち積み最終日の必要以上にある超過準備を放置するという事になりますので、当日の銀行間翌日物金利は預金ファシリティー金利まで低下致します(理念的には、ですが)。



『1.3.2 Standing facilities』の所から。


『The standing facilities are administered in a decentralised manner by the national central banks.』



『1.3.3Minimum reserves』の所から。

『The Eurosystem’s minimum reserve system applies to credit institutions in the euro area and primarily pursues the aims of stabilising money market interest rates and creating (or enlarging) a structural liquidity shortage.』


『Institutions’ holdings of required reserves are remunerated at the rate of the Eurosystem’s main refinancing operations.』


