『Financial markets』という所と、『The international economy』という所なんですけれども、こちらでは先ほど申し上げたように経済が悪化していますって話のオンパレードとなっていまして、その中でふーんというのはこの辺ですかな。
『For European banks in particular, short-term dollar funding conditions
had been increasingly tight with quantities declining and maturities shortening.
One consequence of the turbulence had been the virtual closure of corporate
bond and bank term funding markets to new issuance. Since May, there had
been no senior unsecured term debt issued by banks either in the United
Kingdom or elsewhere in Europe. Over the past month there had been some
covered bond issuance around the start of September but this had since
stopped. While UK banks had already met a significant proportion of their
funding needs for the year, if they were unable to access unsecured term
funding markets for much longer they might feel pressure to reduce lending.』
『In the euro area, output growth had slowed by more than expected in the
second quarter to 0.2% and there were now clear signs of growth slowing,
even in the hitherto robust core countries.』
『Having weakened in July, the Purchasing Managers’Indices had shown no
signs of recovery, with the services activity index broadly unchanged in
August and the manufacturing index falling below 50. Other surveys of business
and consumer confidence had also weakened. Overall, this suggested negligible
euro-area growth in the third quarter.』
『While the German Federal Constitutional Court had rejected the claims
that support for the troubled euro-area periphery countries was unconstitutional,
considerable challenges remained and it was difficult to see the present
uncertainty being resolved quickly. Looking further ahead, additional fiscal
consolidation measures announced in some of the larger economies could
also be expected to weigh on growth.』
英国経済については『Money, credit, demand and output』の所になるのですが、こちらは2QのGDPは改定されなかったものの、個人消費が弱くて住宅市場がダメ、更に6月の輸出は予想を大きく下回る、そしてサービス業中心に生産や活動のサーベイが大きく悪化したとか残念な話が続いております。
『Much but not all of the recent slowing in GDP growth appeared connected
to external developments, with trade linkages, financial markets and confidence
as key transmission channels.』
『The slowdown in global growth was already affecting UK exports and orders.
So far, however, world trade had moved broadly in line with global GDP
and orders were not falling sharply as they had in the autumn of 2008.
In financial markets there had been a generalised fall in prices of risky
assets and a deterioration in bank funding conditions. Those developments
in global demand and financial markets had probably already affected confidence
levels, with both business and consumer confidence measures falling this
『While the domestic headwinds to growth remained, including from fiscal
consolidation and the weakness of real household incomes, it was not clear
that these had intensified in recent months.』
『The recent deterioration in financial conditions could lead to a material
tightening in the cost and availability of credit. M4 lending had remained
weak and had declined in July, with the weakest monthly flow since April
2010. Twelve-month broad money growth had also stayed low but the threemonth
annualised growth rate of broad money had picked up to 3.5% in July. This
had included a stronger increase in household deposits in the latest month.』
material tighteningキタコレって所ですな。
『The increase in CPI inflation in July had included some upside news spread
across several components with the largest effect being in clothing and
footwear. However, the effect of this news had been offset by lower energy
prices and so the Committee’s expectation for the near-term path for inflation
had changed little. The ONS advance estimate for twelve-month CPI inflation
in August was broadly as expected.』
『The Committee’s view remained that the most likely near-term path for
inflation was for a temporary rise to a peak of over 5% before the year
end, in part reflecting announced utility price changes. Inflation was
then expected to fall back sharply in the first part of 2012, with the
impact of the change in VAT dropping out of the twelve-month comparison
contributing around 1 percentage point to the fall.』
『Beyond the near-term hump, the speed at which inflation declined would
be influenced by the behaviour of inflation expectations and the degree
of downward pressure from spare capacity.』
『The impact of inflation expectations depended on the extent to which
they were reflected in wage and price-setting decisions.』
『A key issue was the degree to which the weakening in the demand outlook
would feed into employment.』
『There remained a great deal of uncertainty regarding the amount of spare
capacity in the economy and the economy’s underlying rate of productivity
growth. The latest reports from the Bank’s Agents had indicated that manufacturing
firms were operating with broadly normal levels of spare capacity although
there remained some slack in much of the services sector.』
『Even if the pattern of demand were to rebalance quickly it would take
time for the economy’s supply potential to do so. It was also possible
that weaknesses in the financial system were limiting the speed at which
capital could be reallocated between different activities and that this
could impair the economy’s underlying growth rate now or in future.』
で、『The immediate policy decision』の所ですが、最初は先ほどの物価見通しの話をしていまして、上方リスクと下方リスクの話がそれぞれ第26、27パラグラフにあるのでございますが。
『The key risk to the upside was that the period of elevated inflation
would persist for longer than the Committee expected. That could be as
a result of expectations of above-target inflation becoming embedded in
wage and price-setting behaviour; the margin of spare capacity in the economy
being less than previously thought; or further upward external shocks to
the price level such as from commodity prices.』
『Recent data on households’ and firms’ inflation expectations had been
mixed but measures derived from financial markets had remained stable.
Overall, most indicators of longer-term expectations had remained close
to their series averages. Given that CPI inflation was expected to rise
further, it was likely that near-term inflation expectations would rise
『But medium-term inflation expectations might also depend on the economic
outlook, which had weakened. Wage growth had remained subdued and there
was little to suggest that higher inflation expectations were feeding through
into wage-setting behaviour.』
『The key risk to the downside was that demand growth would not be sufficient
to absorb the margin of spare capacity in the economy, causing inflation
to fall materially below target in the medium term.』
『There had been significant downside news on activity over the month,
including in the United States and the core euro-area countries, which
had pointed to a synchronised slowing in global growth.』
significant downside news on activityキタコレ。
『In the United Kingdom, there had been a marked deterioration in the business
surveys, especially for services. Together they pointed to materially weaker
growth in the second half of this year than that assumed in the August
Inflation Report. Indicators of consumer spending also pointed to continued
英国もmaterially weaker growthとな。
『Overall, the risk that growth would be insufficient to reduce the margin
of spare capacity had clearly increased and this would add to the downward
pressure on inflation in the medium term.』
で、物価が押し下げられるリスクはclearly increasedと来ました。
『It was puzzling, however, that oil prices had not fallen back more in
the face of the weaker news on global activity.』
『There remained substantial risks to inflation in the medium term in both
directions. While there had been little news on the upside risks to inflation,
the downside risks had clearly increased further.』
『In the light of that outlook, Committee members reviewed the range of
possible policy actions available to them to loosen monetary conditions
were that judged appropriate.』
『One possible action was to restart the asset purchase programme. This
programme had been primarily focused on purchases of UK government bonds
financed by the issuance of central bank reserves. There was inevitable
uncertainty about the precise impact of asset purchases on demand and inflation,
but asset purchases were an instrument that would continue to be effective
in further loosening monetary conditions in the current context.』
『The Committee also discussed a range of other possible policy options
including: changing the maturity of the portfolio of assets held in the
Asset Purchase Facility; revisiting the earlier decision not to lower Bank
Rate below 0.5%; and providing explicit guidance about the likely future
path of Bank Rate beyond the information about the Committee’s judgement
of the medium-term outlook for inflation contained in the Inflation Report
and the MPC minutes.』
『At the current juncture, none of these options appeared to be preferable
to a policy of further asset purchases should further policy loosening
be required.』
『Other members judged that it was appropriate to maintain the current
stance of policy at this meeting. The current weakness of demand growth
was likely to persist for longer than suggested by the central case in
the August Inflation Report. This meant that the balance of risks to inflation
in the medium term was likely to have shifted further to the downside.
Most of these members thought that it was increasingly probable that further
asset purchases to loosen monetary conditions would become warranted at
some point.』
『For most members, the decision of whether to embark on further monetary
easing at this meeting was finely balanced since the weakness and stresses
of the past month had significantly strengthened the case for an immediate
resumption of asset purchases. For some members, a continuation of the
conditions seen over the past month would probably be sufficient to justify
an expansion of the asset purchase programme at a subsequent meeting.』
statement」とだけ表記していたのですが、何故か今回「Federal Reserve issues
FOMC statement」と表記しているのは何か意味があるの????と不思議に思うのはワーディングの気にしすぎですかそうですか(^^)。
『Information received since the Federal Open Market Committee met in August
indicates that economic growth remains slow. Recent indicators point to
continuing weakness in overall labor market conditions, and the unemployment
rate remains elevated. 』(今回)
『Information received since the Federal Open Market Committee met in June
indicates that economic growth so far this year has been considerably slower
than the Committee had expected. Indicators suggest a deterioration in
overall labor market conditions in recent months, and the unemployment
rate has moved up. 』(前回)
『Household spending has been increasing at only a modest pace in recent
months despite some recovery in sales of motor vehicles as supply-chain
disruptions eased. Investment in nonresidential structures is still weak,
and the housing sector remains depressed. 』(今回)
『Household spending has flattened out, investment in nonresidential structures
is still weak, and the housing sector remains depressed. 』(前回)
家計消費については「increasing」に上がっているのですが、その後に「at only
a modest pace」以下延々とヘッジクローズのようなものが付いておりまして、(日本の震災による)自動車関連のサプライチェーンの毀損の影響が緩和されたにもかかわらず、極めて緩やかなペースですとかケチが付きまくっていますので、あまりポジティブ感が伝わらないような書き方になっています。住宅および住宅以外の建設関連についてはどちらも前月と同様にダメダメという見方を継続。
『However, business investment in equipment and software continues to expand. 』(今回)
『However, business investment in equipment and software continues to expand.
Temporary factors, including the damping effect of higher food and energy
prices on consumer purchasing power and spending as well as supply chain
disruptions associated with the tragic events in Japan, appear to account
for only some of the recent weakness in economic activity. 』(前回)
『Inflation appears to have moderated since earlier in the year as prices
of energy and some commodities have declined from their peaks. Longer-term
inflation expectations have remained stable. 』(今回)
『Inflation picked up earlier in the year, mainly reflecting higher prices
for some commodities and imported goods, as well as the supply chain disruptions.
More recently, inflation has moderated as prices of energy and some commodities
have declined from their earlier peaks. Longer-term inflation expectations
have remained stable.』(前回)
インフレに関しても上昇の話は遂に抜けて「appears to have moderated」とモデレートになってきた事が明らかになったとこちらも何気にしらっと緩和された感じです。
『Consistent with its statutory mandate, the Committee seeks to foster
maximum employment and price stability. 』(今回)
『The Committee continues to expect some pickup in the pace of recovery
over coming quarters but anticipates that the unemployment rate will decline
only gradually toward levels that the Committee judges to be consistent
with its dual mandate. 』(今回)
『The Committee now expects a somewhat slower pace of recovery over coming
quarters than it did at the time of the previous meeting and anticipates
that the unemployment rate will decline only gradually toward levels that
the Committee judges to be consistent with its dual mandate. 』(前回)
slower pace of recovery」というのが「some pickup in the pace of recovery」となっているのでニュアンス的には若干下がったかも知れませんが、そんなに大きく下がったイメージではないと思いましたがどうでしょう。
『Moreover, there are significant downside risks to the economic outlook,
including strains in global financial markets. 』(今回)
『Moreover, downside risks to the economic outlook have increased. 』(前回)
『The Committee also anticipates that inflation will settle, over coming
quarters, at levels at or below those consistent with the Committee's dual
mandate as the effects of past energy and other commodity price increases
dissipate further. However, the Committee will continue to pay close attention
to the evolution of inflation and inflation expectations.』(今回)
『To support a stronger economic recovery and to help ensure that inflation,
over time, is at levels consistent with the dual mandate, the Committee
decided today to extend the average maturity of its holdings of securities.
『The Committee intends to purchase, by the end of June 2012, $400 billion
of Treasury securities with remaining maturities of 6 years to 30 years
and to sell an equal amount of Treasury securities with remaining maturities
of 3 years or less. 』(今回)
『This program should put downward pressure on longer-term interest rates
and help make broader financial conditions more accommodative. 』(今回)
『The Committee will regularly review the size and composition of its securities
holdings and is prepared to adjust those holdings as appropriate.』(今回)
『To help support conditions in mortgage markets, the Committee will now
reinvest principal payments from its holdings of agency debt and agency
mortgage-backed securities in agency mortgage-backed securities. In addition,
the Committee will maintain its existing policy of rolling over maturing
Treasury securities at auction. 』(今回)
『The Committee also decided to keep the target range for the federal funds
rate at 0 to 1/4 percent and currently anticipates that economic conditions--including
low rates of resource utilization and a subdued outlook for inflation over
the medium run--are likely to warrant exceptionally low levels for the
federal funds rate at least through mid-2013.』(今回)
『The Committee discussed the range of policy tools available to promote
a stronger economic recovery in a context of price stability. It will continue
to assess the economic outlook in light of incoming information and is
prepared to employ its tools as appropriate.』(今回)
『Voting for the FOMC monetary policy action were: Ben S. Bernanke, Chairman;
William C. Dudley, Vice Chairman; Elizabeth A. Duke; Charles L. Evans;
Sarah Bloom Raskin; Daniel K. Tarullo; and Janet L. Yellen.』(今回)
『Voting against the action were Richard W. Fisher, Narayana Kocherlakota,
and Charles I. Plosser, who did not support additional policy accommodation
at this time.』(今回)
・・・・・・・で、声明文は終了の筈なのですが、その下にしらっと『Related Information』なるものがあるのにゃ。
Maturity Extension Program and Reinvestment Policy
Frequently Asked Questions
『Under the maturity extension program, the Federal Reserve intends to
sell $400 billion of shorter-term Treasury securities by the end of June
2012 and use the proceeds to buy longer-term Treasury securities. This
will extend the average maturity of the securities in the Federal Reserve’s
『By reducing the supply of longer-term Treasury securities in the market,
this action should put downward pressure on longer-term interest rates,
including rates on financial assets that investors consider to be close
substitutes for longer-term Treasury securities.』
『The reduction in longer-term interest rates, in turn, will contribute
to a broad easing in financial market conditions that will provide additional
stimulus to support the economic recovery.』
『How is the program expected to affect short-term Treasury rates?』
『Federal Reserve sales of short-term securities could put some upward
pressure on their yields, but the effect is likely to be small. The Committee
has stated that it anticipates that economic conditions will warrant the
current level of the federal funds rate at least until mid-2013. This expectation
should help anchor short-term rates near current levels, suggesting that
shorter-term Treasury rates should not be significantly affected by the
maturity extension program.』
『What is the expected economic effect of lengthening the maturity of the
Federal Reserve's portfolio?』
『The maturity extension program will provide additional stimulus to support
the economic recovery but the effect is difficult to estimate precisely.
The program is intended contribute to a broad easing in financial market
conditions that will provide additional stimulus to support the economic
recovery. The Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) will be reviewing the
pace of its securities transactions and the overall size of the program
regularly in light of incoming economic information.』
『Will lengthening the maturity of the portfolio complicate the Federal
Reserve's eventual exit from its accommodative strategy?』
『The Federal Reserve does not anticipate that the maturity extension program
will complicate its exit strategy. As noted in the minutes of the June
2011 FOMC meeting, the Committee can use a number of tools including redemptions,
changes in the interest paid on excess reserves, reserve draining tools,
and asset sales to remove policy accommodation at the appropriate time
and normalize the size and composition of the balance sheet.』
ちなみに、こちらにありますように、今回の措置は「operation twist」という表現で良いようでございます^^
What is the Federal Reserve's maturity extension program (referred to by
some as "operation twist") and what is its purpose?
Statement Regarding Maturity Extension Program and Agency Security Reinvestments
『Maturity Extension Program
Purchases of Treasury securities associated with the $400 billion maturity
extension program will be distributed across five sectors based on the
approximate weights in the following table, although this distribution
could be altered if market conditions warrant:
Nominal Coupon Securities by Maturity Range* TIPS**
6 - 8 Years 32%
8 - 10 Years 32%
10 - 20 Years 4%
20 - 30 Years 29%
TIPS 6 - 30 Years 3%
*The on-the-run 10-year note will be considered part of the 8- to 10-year sector.
**TIPS weights are based on unadjusted par amounts.
Sales associated with the $400 billion maturity extension program will
take place in Treasury securities with remaining maturities of 3 months
to 3 years.
Roughly three quarters of System Open Market Account (SOMA) holdings of
Treasury securities in this maturity range will be sold.』
ここの(10)のところに『(10) 日本銀行は、歴史的にも世界的にも類例のない思い切った金融緩和政策を講ずるとともに、この政策を「デフレ懸念の払拭が展望できるような情勢になるまで」続けることを明らかにしています。』とあるのが要するに第一次時間軸ですな。
の(2)にありますように『(2) 実施期間の目処として消費者物価を採用』として、『新しい金融市場調節方式は、消費者物価指数(全国、除く生鮮食品)の前年比上昇率が安定的にゼロ%以上となるまで、継続することとする。』となりましたわな。
『本稿での分析の主要な結果をあらかじめ紹介すると、次の4 点である。』
『(1) 1995 年以降についてわが国の中長期金利の推移を捉える場合、概ね3つの時期(1995
年〜1997 年、1998 年〜2000 年、2001 年〜2003 年初)に分けて考えることができ、段階的に中長期金利の水準が低下してきている。これは、景気の後退とそれに対応した金融緩和効果などを反映して、期待短期金利成分とリスクプレミアム成分の両者が低下した結果として理解できる。』
『(2) わが国の長期金利(10 年物)の推移を期待短期金利成分とリスクプレミアム成分に分解して観察すると、期待短期金利成分については、概ね前述の3つの時期ごとに段階的に低下してきている。この過程では、金融政策の時間軸効果が同成分の引き下げに寄与した面もある。』
『一方、リスクプレミアム成分は、1998 年以降2001 年末まで趨勢的な変化はなく比較的安定していたが、2002
年入り以降徐々に低下を始め、2003 年第1 四半期までにはかなり低い水準に達した。なお、本年7
『(3) わが国の中長期金利を分析した結果、ゼロ金利政策期や量的緩和期には、同政策の継続期間を将来のデフレ脱却と関連付けて判断するという日銀のアナウンスメントが長期金利の形成に対して有意な効果を及ぼしたことが確認された。』
年第3 四半期から2003年第1 四半期にかけては、市場参加者は日銀が将来の量的緩和解除の見極めをより慎重に行うと見るように変化してきた、あるいは時間軸のアナウンスメントの意味に対する市場の理解が進んだ可能性が検出された。なお、2003年8
『(4) 米国における1940〜50 年代の国債価格支持政策期と1960 年代前半のツイスト・オペ期について、それぞれ長期金利の推移を分析した。その結果、前者の時期には、期待短期金利成分が上昇してもリスクプレミアム成分の低下がそれを相殺する形で、長期金利の上昇が抑制されたケースが見出された。これは、国債価格支持政策が市場で信認を得ていたことを示唆する。また、当時は、金融政策がシステマティックに運営されるという認識が浸透していなかったことも、リスクプレミアムに政策的な影響を及ぼしやすかった一因と考えられる。』
The Fed’s Dual Mandate Responsibilities and Challenges Facing U.S. Monetary Policy
『Challenge #3: Monetary Policy Held Back by Zero Lower Bound』のところなんですけどね。
『Accordingly, these triggers remain quite conservatively tilted in favor
of disciplined inflation performance over enhanced growth and employment,
and it would not be unreasonable to consider an even lower unemployment
threshold that would be enough progress to justify the start of policy
『There are other policies that could give clearer communications of our
policy conditionality with respect to observable data. For example, I have
previously discussed how state-contingent, price-level targeting would
work in this regard. Another possibility might be to target the level of
nominal GDP, with the goal of bringing it back to the growth trend that
existed before the recession. I think these kinds of policies are worth
contemplating-they may provide useful monetary policy guidance during extraordinary
circumstances such as we find ourselves in today.』
『The trigger policy I noted above and level-targeting policies may result
in inflation running at rates that would make us uncomfortable during normal
times. But we should not be afraid of such temporarily higher inflation
results today.』
『As I noted earlier, Ken Rogoff (1985) has written that in normal times,
we may want conservative central bankers as institutional offsets to what
would otherwise be inflationary biases in the monetary policy process.
But these are not usual times-we are in the aftermath of a financial crisis
with stubborn debt overhangs that are weighing on activity. And as Rogoff
himself wrote in a recent piece in the Financial Times, higher inflation
could aid the deleveraging process.』
『To quote him: “Any inflation above 2 per cent may seem anathema to those
who still remember the anti-inflation wars of the 1970s and 1980s, but
a once-in-75-year crisis calls for outside-the-box measures.”』
Rebalancing the Housing Market
The Outlook for the U.S. Economy and Role for Monetary Policy
『Looking ahead, I expect inflation to ease to about a 1-1/2 percent annual
pace next year. This is somewhat below the 2 percent level that I see as
the appropriate medium-term goal.』(分数部分をANSI文字に改変してます)
『My expectation that inflation will fall reflects the fact that the economy
is performing so far below its potential. Such economic slack tends to
depress inflationary pressures. It means that workers have very limited
ability to demand higher wages and businesses can’t push through price
increases that will stick.』
『For example, the latest report showed that wages grew around 2 percent
over the past year, hardly a prescription for high inflation. In addition,
surveys show that expectations for inflation remain stable.』
『To sum up, the economy is improving, but at such a modest pace that it
will be years before we see a substantial reduction in unemployment. At
the same time, we face heightened risks that could cause growth to fall
short of even these modest expectations or, even worse, send us back into
negative territory. And inflation, which has been running higher than I’d
like, is now moderating and likely to drop below preferred levels.』
『Like the hospital patient, the economy took a turn for the worse and
faces heightened risks. In addition, inflation is expected to drift down.
These circumstances called for additional monetary easing.』
『Right now, though, the real threat is an economy that is at risk of stalling
and the prospect of many years of very high unemployment, with potentially
long-run negative consequences for our economy. There are a number of potential
steps the Fed could take to ease financial conditions further and move
us closer to our mandated goals of maximum employment and price stability.』
『Of course, these “treatments” won’t make our economic problems go
away and their costs and benefits must be carefully balanced. But they
could offer a measure of protection against further deterioration in the
patient’s condition and perhaps help him get back on his feet.』
Opening remarks by President James Bullard
Dialogue with the Fed: Beyond Today’s Financial Headlines
New Evening Discussion Series Kicks Off Sept. 12 at the St. Louis Fed
『One of the primary concerns for the FOMC and for the nation is the subpar
performance of the U.S. economy during the first half of 2011.』
『The July GDP report indicated that the recent recession was generally
deeper than previously estimated and that growth since the recession ended
in mid-2009 has been weaker than previously thought. This has raised the
specter in the minds of some that the U.S. economy is about to return to
『However, I think the most likely path for the economy going forward is
one of modest, albeit unspectacular, growth, and that the chances of recession
are only modestly higher than they were earlier this year.』
『And, while disappointing economic performance certainly makes the case
for an aggressive monetary policy, the FOMC has in fact provided that aggressive
policy. The federal funds rate, the main policy rate of the FOMC, has been
near zero since December of 2008. The near-zero rate policy has been supplemented
with an additional promise to keep the rate near zero at least through
the middle of 2013, almost two more years. In addition, the Fed’s balance
sheet has been expanded to an unprecedented size as the Committee has authorized
the outright purchase of agency mortgage-backed securities and, more recently,
Treasury securities, with newly-created base money. In sum, the stance
of monetary policy has been appropriately calibrated to try to meet, as
best we can, the unusual macroeconomic circumstances.』
『Now, with further slowing in the economy, some call for further monetary accommodation.』
『Let me stress that no decision has been made on this difficult question.
However, should such a decision be made, I think it is time for the Committee
to discard one-time policy changes with fixed end dates.』
『As the federal funds rate was set meeting-by-meeting before December
2008, so any future policy path should be state-contingent and not of premeditated
size or duration. In addition, any policy path should be reviewed carefully
and seriously at each meeting for possible adjustment given the incoming
data. In short, optimal monetary policy is not a one-time action or event,
but a rule that takes the state of the economy and maps it into a setting
for a policy instrument. To the extent the Committee can return to this
principle, monetary policy will come closer to delivering the best outcomes
that can be achieved through this channel.』
最近良く出てきますが、金融政策は「state-contingent」(将来のパスを決め打ちするのではなく、あくまでもそのときの経済状況及びに先行き見通しに応じて運用すべきという話かと)であるべきで、時間軸政策のようなものは如何なものか、という話ですが、そもそもブラード総裁は昨年の7月28日に「Seven Faces of "The Peril"」というペーパーを出していまして、その中で「超低金利の長期化と物価の低迷は『望ましくないデフレ均衡』をもたらす」という主張をしていまして、だから時間軸政策の実施よりも資産買入を拡大すべきという話をしておりましたので、まあこの件に関してはブラード総裁が否定的見解をするのはお約束の展開ではございます。
The Fed’s Dual Mandate Responsibilities and Challenges Facing U.S. Monetary Policy
a Central Banker to Do? (Warning: Math Ahead)』という所に説明があって、何となく煙に巻かれてふーんと思いながら読みましたが、引用するとクソ長いので今日は割愛。
『The news over the past several months has proved this forecast wrong.
Gains in employment have slowed markedly, and the unemployment rate has
edged back up over 9%. The earlier improvements in labor markets now appear
to have reflected the lagged influence of previous output growth and not−as
we had hoped--the start of a virtuous circle of hiring and spending. Furthermore,
revised data now indicate that real GDP began to decelerate in late 2010
and then barely edged up in the first half of this year. Consumer spending
was particularly sluggish. Importantly, the weakness in growth began before
the bulk of the effects of higher energy prices hit the economy and before
the disaster in Japan. This timing, and the continued softness of most
economic indicators into the early summer, indicates that the headwinds
facing consumers and businesses are even stronger than we thought.』
『Putting these factors together, my outlook is for overall inflation over
the medium term to fall back towards core and remain below the 2% level
I see as consistent with the price stability leg of the Fed’s dual mandate.』
当然ながら金融政策に関しては追加緩和の実施を主張しているのですが、メインで考えているのはガイダンス文言の強化、というか本当の意味での時間軸政策の実施になっているというのはこの前もネタにした(CNBCでのインタビュー記事ネタをやりましたな)通りですが、その辺り(『Challenge #3: Monetary Policy Held Back by Zero Lower Bound』)から。
『To date, the Fed’s policy-making committee, the FOMC, has used a number
of nontraditional policy tools to impart greater financial accommodation.
I have fully supported these policies. Today, however, I simply think we
need to do more.』
『One way to provide more accommodation would be to make a simple conditional
statement of policy accommodation relative to our dual mandate responsibilities.
The goal would be to enhance economic growth and employment while maintaining
disciplined inflation performance. This conditionality could be conveyed
by stating that we would hold the federal funds rate at extraordinarily
low levels until the unemployment rate falls substantially, say from its
current level of 9.1% to 7.5% or even 7%, as long as medium-term inflation
stayed below 3%.』
15 September 2011 - ECB announces additional US dollar liquidity-providing operations over year-end
『The Governing Council of the European Central Bank (ECB) has decided,
in coordination with the Federal Reserve, the Bank of England, the Bank
of Japan and the Swiss National Bank, to conduct three US dollar liquidity-providing
operations with a maturity of approximately three months covering the end
of the year. These operations will be conducted in addition to the ongoing
weekly seven-day operations announced on 10 May 2010. The schedule for
these additional operations is as follows:(以下表になるので割愛)』
『○ 本日、欧州中央銀行、イングランド銀行、スイス国民銀行は、年末越えとなる3か月物の米ドル資金供給オペレーションを行うことを決定し、その日程を公表しました。日本銀行では、米ドル資金供給オペレーションについては、従来から、毎週1週間物をオファーするとともに、毎月3か月物のオファーを行っています。先行き1か月程度の日程については、既に公表しているところですが、今般、上記中央銀行の措置に合わせ、米国連邦準備制度とも調整のうえ、以下のとおり、年末越えとなる3か月物の米ドル資金供給オペレーションの日程を追加することとしましたので、お知らせします。』
Operation Twist and the Effect of Large-Scale Asset Purchases
米CPI:8月は予想上回る伸び、食品やエネルギーが押し上げ (1)
Fed's Lacker: Zero Rates Thru Mid-2013 'Highly Contingent'
Market News International
Mon, 15 Aug 2011 16:55:00 EST
(c) 2011. Market News International, Inc.
『 The FOMC's new "forward guidance" is "highly contingent"
and subject to change as economic and/or inflation circumstances evolve,
Lacker said in an interview with Market News International.』
『Many have read the FOMC statement as virtually guaranteeing that the
Fed will hold the funds rate near zero for at least another two years,
but Lacker said that is not a valid interpretation.』
『 "I would note that it's a fairly mild statement in the sense that
it's highly contingent," he said. "It's a commitment that could
change if economic data indicate."』
まあそういうconditional commitmentはコミットメントとは言わないのですがね。
『Some have suggested that it will be difficult for the FOMC to back out
of what is widely perceived as a promise to keep the funds rate near zero
through at least the middle of 2013. But Lacker said, "I think that
if the economic data come in differently than the Committee expected then
I think that will provide the opportunity to alter the terms of that statement."』
『"That statement isn't so much a commitment as it is a forecast," he added.』
『Asked about his stance on the extension of the extended period, Lacker
said "it doesn't strike me that more monetary stimulus is what this
economy needs." 』
『 Various objections have been raised to a two-year quasi-commitment to
holding the funds rate so low -- that it would benefit large borrowers
at the expense of savers, that it could cause a speculative search for
yield that might create new asset bubbles and that it could render the
interlink money market distinctional.』
『Lacker acknowledged those potential costs, but indicated those are not
his primary concerns.』
『 Lacker said his main objection to the extended zero rate policy is directed
elsewhere: "For me predominantly, it's a matter of money creation
and inflation." 』
『 "We operate monetary policy by moving short-term interest rates
around over the business cycle," he explained. "We do that because
what's required to get the money supply right, to keep inflation low and
stable, a lower interest rate is required when the economy is soft, and
a higher interest rate is required when the economy is strong." 』
『 "If we get the interest rate wrong we're going to get the money
supply wrong, and that's going to get inflation wrong," he continued.
"And that's why we vary interest rates with economic conditions the
way we do. People confuse that with providing stimulus and working to offset
shocks to growth, positive or negative."』
『 "So for me the chief risk is that it creates the ingredients for
an acceleration of inflation." 』
前回書いたのが9月5日で1週間の放置プレイ誠にすいません。『Economic Policy
and Longer-Term Growth in the United States』の第5パラグラフ以降です。
『The quality of economic policymaking in the United States will heavily
influence the nation's longer-term prospects. To allow the economy to grow
at its full potential, policymakers must work to promote macroeconomic
and financial stability; adopt effective tax, trade, and regulatory policies;
foster the development of a skilled workforce; encourage productive investment,
both private and public; and provide appropriate support for research and
development and for the adoption of new technologies.』
『The Federal Reserve has a role in promoting the longer-term performance
of the economy.』
『Most importantly, monetary policy that ensures that inflation remains
low and stable over time contributes to long-run macroeconomic and financial
『Low and stable inflation improves the functioning of markets, making
them more effective at allocating resources; and it allows households and
businesses to plan for the future without having to be unduly concerned
with unpredictable movements in the general level of prices.』
『The Federal Reserve also fosters macroeconomic and financial stability
in its role as a financial regulator, a monitor of overall financial stability,
and a liquidity provider of last resort.』
『Normally, monetary or fiscal policies aimed primarily at promoting a
faster pace of economic recovery in the near term would not be expected
to significantly affect the longer-term performance of the economy.』
『However, current circumstances may be an exception to that standard view--the
exception to which I alluded earlier. Our economy is suffering today from
an extraordinarily high level of long-term unemployment, with nearly half
of the unemployed having been out of work for more than six months. Under
these unusual circumstances, policies that promote a stronger recovery
in the near term may serve longer-term objectives as well.』
『In the short term, putting people back to work reduces the hardships
inflicted by difficult economic times and helps ensure that our economy
is producing at its full potential rather than leaving productive resources
fallow. In the longer term, minimizing the duration of unemployment supports
a healthy economy by avoiding some of the erosion of skills and loss of
attachment to the labor force that is often associated with long-term unemployment.』
『Notwithstanding this observation, which adds urgency to the need to achieve
a cyclical recovery in employment, most of the economic policies that support
robust economic growth in the long run are outside the province of the
central bank. 』
『We have heard a great deal lately about federal fiscal policy in the
United States, so I will close with some thoughts on that topic, focusing
on the role of fiscal policy in promoting stability and growth.』
『To achieve economic and financial stability, U.S. fiscal policy must
be placed on a sustainable path that ensures that debt relative to national
income is at least stable or, preferably, declining over time.』
『As I have emphasized on previous occasions, without significant policy
changes, the finances of the federal government will inevitably spiral
out of control, risking severe economic and financial damage. The increasing
fiscal burden that will be associated with the aging of the population
and the ongoing rise in the costs of health care make prompt and decisive
action in this area all the more critical.』
この件に関しては(ネタにしませんでしたが)議会証言で『Fiscal Sustainability』というお題でお話しています、と脚注にございます。
『Although the issue of fiscal sustainability must urgently be addressed,
fiscal policymakers should not, as a consequence, disregard the fragility
of the current economic recovery.』
『Fortunately, the two goals of achieving fiscal sustainability--which
is the result of responsible policies set in place for the longer term--and
avoiding the creation of fiscal headwinds for the current recovery are
not incompatible. Acting now to put in place a credible plan for reducing
future deficits over the longer term, while being attentive to the implications
of fiscal choices for the recovery in the near term, can help serve both
『Fiscal policymakers can also promote stronger economic performance through
the design of tax policies and spending programs.』
『To the fullest extent possible, our nation's tax and spending policies
should increase incentives to work and to save, encourage investments in
the skills of our workforce, stimulate private capital formation, promote
research and development, and provide necessary public infrastructure.
We cannot expect our economy to grow its way out of our fiscal imbalances,
but a more productive economy will ease the tradeoffs that we face.』
『Finally, and perhaps most challenging, the country would be well served
by a better process for making fiscal decisions. The negotiations that
took place over the summer disrupted financial markets and probably the
economy as well, and similar events in the future could, over time, seriously
jeopardize the willingness of investors around the world to hold U.S. financial
assets or to make direct investments in job-creating U.S. businesses.』
『Although details would have to be negotiated, fiscal policymakers could
consider developing a more effective process that sets clear and transparent
budget goals, together with budget mechanisms to establish the credibility
of those goals. Of course, formal budget goals and mechanisms do not replace
the need for fiscal policymakers to make the difficult choices that are
needed to put the country's fiscal house in order, which means that public
understanding of and support for the goals of fiscal policy are crucial.』
9 September 2011 - Jurgen Stark resigns from his position
『Today, Jurgen Stark, Member of the Executive Board and Governing Council
of the European Central Bank (ECB), informed President Jean-Claude Trichet
that, for personal reasons, he will resign from his position prior to the
end of his term of office on 31 May 2014.』
『Mr Stark will stay on in his current position until a successor is appointed,
which, according to the appointment procedure, will be by the end of this
year. He has been a Member of the Executive Board and Governing Council
since 1 June 2006.』
Recently publishedの所を見ますと、今朝の時点では直近のトップニュースが頭から順に、
09/09/2011 - Press release: Jurgen Stark resigns from his position,
08/09/2011 - Press release: Monetary policy decisions,
publishedの横にあるAll ECB newsのリンクをクリックする(ECB News: Last 30
08/09/2011Press conference Jean-Claude Trichet: Introductory statement to the press conference,
publishedの中にあるPress conferencesってリンクをクリックすると、そこの最近のニュースには・・・・・
08/09/2011Introductory statement to the press conference (with Q&A),
September 8, 2011
The U.S. Economic Outlook
『For example, state and local governments continue to tighten their belts
by cutting spending and reducing payrolls in the face of ongoing budgetary
pressures, and federal fiscal stimulus is being withdrawn. There is ample
room for debate about the appropriate size and role for the government
in the longer term, but--in the absence of adequate demand from the private
sector--a substantial fiscal consolidation in the shorter term could add
to the headwinds facing economic growth and hiring.』
『Although the issue of fiscal sustainability must urgently be addressed,
fiscal policymakers should not, as a consequence, disregard the fragility
of the current economic recovery. 』(これは8月26日のジャクソンホール講演です)
ジャクソンホールではインフレ見通しの話があっさり味でしたが、今回はThe Outlook
for Inflationというコーナーが発生しておりますのでその辺から少々。
『However, inflation is expected to moderate in the coming quarters as
these transitory influences wane. In particular, the prices of oil and
many other commodities have either leveled off or have come down from their
highs. Meanwhile, the step-up in automobile production should reduce pressure
on car prices.』
『Importantly, we see little indication that the higher rate of inflation
experienced so far this year has become ingrained in the economy. Longer-term
inflation expectations have remained stable according to the indicators
we monitor, such as the measure of households' longer-term expectations
from the Thompson Reuters/University of Michigan survey, the 10-year inflation
projections of professional forecasters, and the five-year-forward measure
of inflation compensation derived from yields of inflation-protected Treasury
『In addition to the stability of longer-term inflation expectations, the
substantial amount of resource slack that exists in U.S. labor and product
markets should continue to have a moderating influence on inflationary
pressures. Notably, because of ongoing weakness in labor demand over the
course of the recovery, nominal wage increases have been roughly offset
by productivity gains, leaving the level of unit labor costs close to where
it had stood at the onset of the recession. Given the large share of labor
costs in the production costs of most firms, subdued unit labor costs should
be an important restraining influence on inflation.』
『Given this outlook, the Committee decided at its August meeting to provide
more specific forward guidance about its expectations for the future path
of the federal funds rate. In particular, the statement following the meeting
indicated that economic conditions--including low rates of resource utilization
and a subdued outlook for inflation over the medium run--are likely to
warrant exceptionally low levels for the federal funds rate at least through
『That is, in what the Committee judges to be the most likely scenarios
for resource utilization and inflation in the medium term, the target for
the federal funds rate would be held at its current low level for at least
two more years.』
『In addition to refining our forward guidance, the Federal Reserve has
a range of tools that could be used to provide additional monetary stimulus.
We discussed the relative merits and costs of such tools at our August
August 25, 2011
Lacker Talks with MarketNews International
『During a discussion on the economy and recent monetary policy actions,
Lacker noted that it will be important for the Fed to keep an eye on inflation
and adjust policy in a timely way to avoid significant increases in inflation.
"Our credibility, the credibility that matters, has to do with [our
actions regarding] inflation."』
『The August 15 interview part 1, part 2 followed the August meeting of
the Federal Open Market Committee. That's when the committee downgraded
its economic outlook, citing economic growth as "considerably slower
than expected," a "deterioration of overall labor market conditions,"
and household spending as having "flattened out." One of the
more notable changes in the FOMC statement came with the Committee's announcement
to keep the federal funds rates low through mid-2013, rather than for "an
extended period."』
『Beckner asked Lacker about the change in the FOMC's language. "The
statement laid out an assessment of the economy that was notably less optimistic
than in the spring," said Lacker. But, he said, the stated time period
for low funds rates represented "more of a forecast than a commitment."
The FOMC meets again on September 20.』
said he has become less optimistic about the economic outlook than he was
a few months ago,(この続きはしらっと割愛)』としているので、まあそういう事だと思います)、FOMCのガイダンス文言変更に関してはコミットメントか予想かという点に関して問題がおきそうですね(超意訳ですいません)という話をしています。
『Many have read the FOMC statement as virtually guaranteeing that the
Fed will hold the funds rate near zero for at least another two years,
but Lacker said that is not a valid interpretation.』
『"I would note that it's a fairly mild statement in the sense that
it's highly contingent," he said. "It's a commitment that could
change if economic data indicate." 』
ということで、ラッカー総裁も「conditional commitment」という解釈でして、まあそういうのは時間軸政策とは言わないんすよね、とゆー所であります。
『All FOMC members participate fully in the Committee’s deliberations,
although several members vote on a rotating basis. Jeff has been a voting
member twice since becoming president in 2004. He will return as a voting
member in January 2012.』
Fed's Lacker: Zero Rates Thru Mid-2013 'Highly Contingent'
Market News International
Mon, 15 Aug 2011 16:55:00 EST
(c) 2011. Market News International, Inc.
The Fed's Dual Mandate Responsibilities and Challenges Facing U.S. Monetary Policy
『The most reasonable interpretation of our maximum employment objective
is an unemployment rate near its natural rate, and a fairly conservative
estimate of that natural rate is 6%. So, when unemployment stands at 9%,
we’re missing on our employment mandate by 3 full percentage points. That’s
just as bad as 5% inflation versus a 2% target. So, if 5% inflation would
have our hair on fire, so should 9% unemployment.』
8 September 2011 - Monetary policy decisions
『At today’s meeting the Governing Council of the ECB decided that the
interest rate on the main refinancing operations and the interest rates
on the marginal lending facility and the deposit facility will remain unchanged
at 1.50%, 2.25% and 0.75% respectively.』
Introductory statement to the press conference
Jean-Claude Trichet, President of the ECB,
Vitor Constancio, Vice-President of the ECB,
Frankfurt am Main, 8 September 2011
『Based on its regular economic and monetary analyses, the Governing Council
decided to keep the key ECB interest rates unchanged. Inflation has remained
elevated and is likely to stay above 2% over the months ahead before declining
next year.』
『Based on its regular economic and monetary analyses, the Governing Council
decided to keep the key ECB interest rates unchanged, following the 25
basis point increase on 7 July 2011. The information that has become available
since then confirms our assessment that an adjustment of the accommodative
monetary policy stance was warranted in the light of upside risks to price
『At the same time, the underlying pace of monetary expansion continues
to be moderate, while monetary liquidity remains ample. As expected, the
pace of economic growth in the euro area decelerated in the second quarter,
following strong growth in the first quarter. Looking ahead, we expect
the euro area economy to grow moderately, subject to particularly high
uncertainty and intensified downside risks.』
『At the same time, short-term interest rates are low. While our monetary
policy stance remains accommodative, some financing conditions have tightened.
It remains essential for monetary policy to focus on its mandate of maintaining
price stability over the medium term, thereby ensuring that recent price
developments do not give rise to broad-based inflationary pressures.』
『A very thorough analysis of all incoming data and developments over the
period ahead is warranted. Inflation expectations in the euro area must
remain firmly anchored in line with our aim of maintaining inflation rates
below, but close to, 2% over the medium term. Such anchoring is a prerequisite
for monetary policy to make its contribution towards supporting economic
growth and job creation in the euro area. We will continue to monitor very
closely all developments.』
monitor very closelyの文言は変更無かったですけれども、先ほど引用したようにインフレの部分がトーンダウンしていますので、金融政策の方向性は利上げ方向トーンがかなり落ちたと見ればよさそうな感じがします。
News Release
Bank of England maintains Bank Rate at 0.5% and the size of the Asset Purchase Programme at £200 billion
8 September 2011
『The Bank of England’s Monetary Policy Committee today voted to maintain
the official Bank Rate paid on commercial bank reserves at 0.5%. The Committee
also voted to maintain the stock of asset purchases financed by the issuance
of central bank reserves at £200 billion.
The minutes of the meeting will be published at 9.30am on Wednesday 21 September.』
Swiss National Bank sets minimum exchange rate at CHF 1.20 per euro
『The current massive overvaluation of the Swiss franc poses an acute threat
to the Swiss economy and carries the risk of a deflationary development.』
『The Swiss National Bank (SNB) is therefore aiming for a substantial and
sustained weakening of the Swiss franc. With immediate effect, it will
no longer tolerate a EUR/CHF exchange rate below the minimum rate of CHF
1.20. The SNB will enforce this minimum rate with the utmost determination
and is prepared to buy foreign currency in unlimited quantities.』
『Even at a rate of CHF 1.20 per euro, the Swiss franc is still high and
should continue to weaken over time. If the economic outlook and deflationary
risks so require, the SNB will take further measures.』
【EURCHF=X】欧州 ユーロ / スイス フラン
Short statement by Philipp Hildebrand on 6 September 2011 with regard to the introduction of a minimum Swiss franc exchange rate against the euro
『The Swiss economy has staged a remarkable recovery from the Great Recession.
It has benefited from tremendous efforts by thousands of companies, employees,
and decisive policy measures by the authorities.』
『International developments, however, have now caused the Swiss franc
to appreciate a great deal within a short period of time. This has resulted
in a massive overvaluation of our national currency. Switzerland is a small
and very open economy. Every second franc is earned abroad. A massive overvaluation
carries the risk of a recession as well as deflationary developments.』
『The Swiss National Bank is therefore aiming for a substantial and sustained
weakening of the Swiss franc. With immediate effect, it will no longer
tolerate a EUR/CHF exchange rate below one Swiss franc twenty. The SNB
will enforce this minimum rate with the utmost determination. It is prepared
to purchase foreign exchange in unlimited quantities. Even at a rate of
one Swiss franc twenty per euro, our currency is still at a high level.
It should continue to weaken over time. If the economic outlook and deflationary
risks demand it, the SNB will take further measures.』
is a small and very open economy. Every second franc is earned abroad.
『With today’s decision, the SNB sets foot on a challenging journey. We
have to accept the fact that the costs associated with it might be very
『At the same time, doing nothing would almost certainly inflict tremendous
long-term damage on our economy. With today’s measure, the Swiss National
Bank is acting in the interest of the country as a whole. 』
6 September 2011 - Statement of the Governing Council of the ECB on the decision of the Swiss National Bank
『The Governing Council of the European Central Bank has been informed
by the Swiss National Bank about its decision to “no longer tolerate a
EUR/CHF exchange rate below the minimum rate of CHF 1.20.”』
『The Governing Council takes note of this decision, which has been taken
by the Swiss National Bank under its responsibility.』
Communication, Credibility and Implementation: Some Thoughts on Past, Current and Future Monetary Policy
National Association of State Treasurers
Bismarck, North Dakota
August 30, 2011
『This perspective-that good policy responds to the current conditions
so as to achieve certain well-communicated future goals-will be a key theme
for the remainder of my remarks.』
『They will be divided into three parts. The first part is about the FOMC’s
objectives and my thoughts regarding them. In the second part, I discuss
the FOMC’s performance relative to those goals in the past three and a
half years since the beginning of the Great Recession. Finally, I close
with an analysis of recent FOMC decision-making. Here, my discussion is
perhaps a little more disengaged than usual, since I dissented from-that
is, formally disagreed with-the last FOMC decision.』
『And here it seems especially a propos to remind you that my remarks here
today reflect my thoughts alone, and not necessarily those of others in
the Federal Reserve System, including my colleagues on the Federal Open
Market Committee.』
でまあ『FOMC Objectives』の所ですが、最初の文章を見て「おや?」と思うのはマニアの証拠です(^^)。
『Let me turn first to a discussion of FOMC objectives. Congress has mandated
that the Federal Reserve set monetary policy so as to promote price stability
and maximum employment. 』
employment and price stability』とするのが一般的。
『The Congress established two key objectives for monetary policy--maximum
employment and stable prices--in the Federal Reserve Act. These objectives
are sometimes referred to as the Federal Reserve's dual mandate.』
『I’ve been emphasizing the importance of communication-and communication
matters greatly. But, ultimately, the public’s beliefs about the FOMC’s
inflation objective will also depend on inflationary outcomes. If annual
inflation averages less than 1.5 percent for more than three or four years,
onlookers will begin to suspect that the FOMC’s true objective for inflation
is lower than its declared “two percent or a bit under.” Correspondingly,
if inflation is persistently higher than 2 percent, then the public will
begin to believe that the FOMC’s true objective for inflation is higher
than 2 percent. In either case, inflation expectations could become unmoored,
and the FOMC could lose control of inflation itself. Communication can
only be effective if the FOMC also retains credibility.』
『As I mentioned, Congress has also mandated that the FOMC set monetary
policy so as to promote maximum employment. In the past, some have seen
an intrinsic conflict between the FOMC’s price stability mandate and its
maximum employment mandate.』
『In contrast, my thinking accords with the more modern viewpoint that
there is relatively little tension between these two goals. The modern
paradigm recognizes that monetary policy should allow the natural supply-and-demand
forces in the economy to operate without impediment. For example, if energy
costs spike, the basic forces of supply and demand dictate that firms will
cut back on production and demand less labor, creating higher unemployment.
It is inefficient for any policy-including monetary policy-to attempt to
interfere with this natural adjustment process. It follows that the Federal
Reserve’s operational definition of “maximum employment” has to vary
over time.』
『 In this way, the Federal Reserve’s mission of achieving price stability
is entirely consistent with its mission of achieving maximum employment.』
『Trying to offset these changes in the economy with monetary policy can
lead to a dangerous drift in inflationary expectations and ultimately in
inflation itself.』
『Through these actions, the Fed has provided an extraordinary amount of
monetary stimulus-and so has been able to meet its price stability mandate.』
『But what about the future? There are a number of ways to measure inflationary
expectations, which all-unfortunately-come with caveats.』
『Yet, I am sure it would be even higher without the enormous amount of
monetary stimulus that the FOMC has provided. Moreover, I believe that
the FOMC could only have systematically lowered the unemployment rate further
by generating inflation rates higher than 2 percent over a multiyear period.』
『Such an outcome could well lead the public to lose faith in the credibility
of the FOMC’s inflation objective and thereby increase the probability
that the FOMC would lose control of inflation. As I stressed earlier, this
scenario would require a policy response that would generate substantial
losses of employment.』
『Nonetheless, it still seems appropriate to me to view this change in
labor market conditions as representing a decline in labor market slack.
Intuitively, people who are non-employed, but not actively looking for
work, are less likely to apply for any given job opening. Hence, the recent
departures from the labor force imply that there is less downward pressure
on wages. Almost by definition, from an economic perspective, this means
that there is less slack in the labor market.』
『The rise in core inflation in the first part of the year is consistent
with the view that labor market slack has fallen. But some observers argue
that core PCE inflation is only temporarily high because of the tragic
events in Japan or transitory spikes in commodity prices. If so, the disinflationary
pressures of 2010 should soon reappear in the form of a sharp decline in
current and expected core PCE inflation rates. In that eventuality, increasing
policy accommodation might well be appropriate.』
『I’ve argued here that the Committee increased the level of accommodation
when standard rules seem to call for standing pat or even reducing accommodation.
What are the costs of such a move? The standard rules are meant to guide
the economy toward the Committee’s medium-term objectives. If monetary
policy is consistently overly accommodative relative to these rules, the
Committee risks generating inflation higher than 2 percent for several
years. As I’ve discussed, such an outcome could have significant consequences
for inflation and inflation expectations. Future Committees might have
to endure large losses in employment in order to fix these consequences.』
最後の部分ですが、今回のガイダンス文言変更に関しては「conditional commitment」として、まあ今後撤回の要求はしません、という話ですが、ここまでで判るようにどう見ても(物価が下がらない限り)追加緩和に反対するなあという感じです。
『As we go forward together on the Committee, I see no reason to revisit
the decisions of August 2011. The Committee has included what I regard
as a two-year conditional commitment in its statement. I believe that undoing
this commitment in the near term would undercut the ability of the Committee
to offer similar conditional commitments in the future-and this ability
has certainly proved very useful in the past three years. So, I plan to
abide by the August 2011 commitment in thinking about my own future decisions.
Of course, the case for any additional easing would have to be made on
its own merits. And, like the 19th century settlers of the American West,
the Committee will have to keep its eye on the future when deciding about
the present.』
Chicago Fed President Interviewed on CNBC
Charles Evans discusses economic topics with CNBC's Steve Liesman.
Part 1(external), Part 2(external)
Fed Needs More Easing Until Economy Grows: Evans
Published: Tuesday, 30 Aug 2011 | 8:33 AM ET
『In his view, QE needs to stay in place until unemployment plunges to
7 percent or if inflation gets past 3 percent. Core inflation, which strips
out food and transportation, is about 1.8 percent, though the number is
3.6 percent including the more volatile measures.』
『"Strong accommodation needs to be in place for a substantial period
of time," he said. "If we could sort of make everybody understand
that this is going to be in place for a longer period of time, we could
knock out some of that restraint that comes about when people talk about
premature tightening."』
『Critics say the low rates have fomented inflation, but Evans said that
is not a concern. The question of easing and the low rates have stirred
dissent within the Fed as well, with Philadelphia Fed President Charles
Plosser recently telling CNBC that more QE is not needed.』
『"Given the way the economy is growing and inflationary pressures
are not nearly as strong as a lot of people think, I think that there's
room for accommodation," Evans said. "As long as medium-term
inflation stays below 3 percent we could continue to have a low funds rate."』
『Economic Policy and Longer-Term Growth in the United States』というのがまあ今回の講演の真のお題と思われるので今更ですがその辺から。最初のパラグラフは飛ばしましてその次から。
『Notwithstanding the severe difficulties we currently face, I do not expect
the long-run growth potential of the U.S. economy to be materially affected
by the crisis and the recession if--and I stress if--our country takes
the necessary steps to secure that outcome.』
『Over the medium term, housing activity will stabilize and begin to grow
again, if for no other reason than that ongoing population growth and household
formation will ultimately demand it.』
for no other reason than that」の方が気になるわけで、「人口の増加」と「家計資産の構成」が必要とするならばという部分が欠落するとアカンタレになりますがなっつー話ですよねこれって。
『Good, proactive housing policies could help speed that process. Financial
markets and institutions have already made considerable progress toward
normalization, and I anticipate that the financial sector will continue
to adapt to ongoing reforms while still performing its vital intermediation
『Households will continue to strengthen their balance sheets, a process
that will be sped up considerably if the recovery accelerates but that
will move forward in any case.』
『Businesses will continue to invest in new capital, adopt new technologies,
and build on the productivity gains of the past several years.』
『I have confidence that our European colleagues fully appreciate what
is at stake in the difficult issues they are now confronting and that,
over time, they will take all necessary and appropriate steps to address
those issues effectively and comprehensively.』
『This economic healing will take a while, and there may be setbacks along the way.』
『Moreover, we will need to remain alert to risks to the recovery, including
financial risks. However, with one possible exception on which I will elaborate
in a moment, the healing process should not leave major scars.』
『Notwithstanding the trauma of the crisis and the recession, the U.S.
economy remains the largest in the world, with a highly diverse mix of
industries and a degree of international competitiveness that, if anything,
has improved in recent years. Our economy retains its traditional advantages
of a strong market orientation, a robust entrepreneurial culture, and flexible
capital and labor markets. And our country remains a technological leader,
with many of the world's leading research universities and the highest
spending on research and development of any nation.』
『Of course, the United States faces many growth challenges. Our population
is aging, like those of many other advanced economies, and our society
will have to adapt over time to an older workforce. Our K-12 educational
system, despite considerable strengths, poorly serves a substantial portion
of our population.』
このK-12 educational systemってのがナンジャラホイなのですが、まあそれは兎も角として人口動態の変化に関する「大きな課題」をしてきしてますわな。
『The costs of health care in the United States are the highest in the
world, without fully commensurate results in terms of health outcomes.』
『But all of these long-term issues were well known before the crisis;
efforts to address these problems have been ongoing, and these efforts
will continue and, I hope, intensify.』
『Monetary policy must be responsive to changes in the economy and, in
particular, to the outlook for growth and inflation. As I mentioned earlier,
the recent data have indicated that economic growth during the first half
of this year was considerably slower than the Federal Open Market Committee
had been expecting, and that temporary factors can account for only a portion
of the economic weakness that we have observed.』
『Consequently, although we expect a moderate recovery to continue and
indeed to strengthen over time, the Committee has marked down its outlook
for the likely pace of growth over coming quarters.』
『With commodity prices and other import prices moderating and with longer-term
inflation expectations remaining stable, we expect inflation to settle,
over coming quarters, at levels at or below the rate of 2 percent, or a
bit less, that most Committee participants view as being consistent with
our dual mandate.』
『In light of its current outlook, the Committee recently decided to provide
more specific forward guidance about its expectations for the future path
of the federal funds rate.』
『In particular, in the statement following our meeting earlier this month,
we indicated that economic conditions--including low rates of resource
utilization and a subdued outlook for inflation over the medium run--are
likely to warrant exceptionally low levels for the federal funds rate at
least through mid-2013.』
『That is, in what the Committee judges to be the most likely scenarios
for resource utilization and inflation in the medium term, the target for
the federal funds rate would be held at its current low levels for at least
two more years.』
『In addition to refining our forward guidance, the Federal Reserve has
a range of tools that could be used to provide additional monetary stimulus.
We discussed the relative merits and costs of such tools at our August
meeting. We will continue to consider those and other pertinent issues,
including of course economic and financial developments, at our meeting
in September, which has been scheduled for two days (the 20th and the 21st)
instead of one to allow a fuller discussion. The Committee will continue
to assess the economic outlook in light of incoming information and is
prepared to employ its tools as appropriate to promote a stronger economic
recovery in a context of price stability.』
of tools」の「relative merits and costs」を討議したという感じがあまりFOMCの議事要旨を見ても受けなかった(まああんまり細かく書く必要が無いので割愛している、という可能性もあるので決め打ち禁物ではあるが)のでございまして、それよりもそもそも論の所から意見が割れている感じを受けましたがどうでしょうかねえ。
『Economic Policy and Longer-Term Growth in the United States』が実に味わいのある部分なのですが間に合わなかったので(すいませんすいません)来週で勘弁してくんなまし。
Policy Action』を読むのである。
#安易に読みたければ基本的にこの部分と昨日ご紹介した『Participants' Views
on Current Conditions and the Economic Outlook』の最終パラグラフ辺りを読むのが吉である
『In the discussion of monetary policy for the period ahead, most members
agreed that the economic outlook had deteriorated by enough to warrant
a Committee response at this meeting.』
『While all felt that monetary policy could not completely address the
various strains on the economy, most members thought that it could contribute
importantly to better outcomes in terms of the Committee's dual mandate
of maximum employment and price stability.』
『In particular, some members expressed the view that additional accommodation
was warranted because they expected the unemployment rate to remain well
above, and inflation to be at or below, levels consistent with the Committee's
mandate. Those viewing a shift toward more accommodative policy as appropriate
generally agreed that a strengthening of the Committee's forward guidance
regarding the federal funds rate, by being more explicit about the period
over which the Committee expected the federal funds rate to remain exceptionally
low, would be a measured response to the deterioration in the outlook over
the intermeeting period.』
『A few members felt that recent economic developments justified a more
substantial move at this meeting, but they were willing to accept the stronger
forward guidance as a step in the direction of additional accommodation.』
何人か(A few)のメンバーは、最近の経済状況(の悪化)は今回の会合でガイダンス文言変更よりも更に積極的な緩和を実施するべきと感じているが、ガイダンス文言の強化は今後の追加金融緩和に向けてのステップとして賛成です、とより強い追加緩和を主張する人がいますわな。
『Three members dissented because they preferred to retain the forward
guidance language employed in the June statement.』
『The Committee agreed to keep the target range for the federal funds rate
at 0 to 1/4 percent and to state that economic conditions are likely to
warrant exceptionally low levels for the federal funds rate at least through
『That anticipated path for the federal funds rate was viewed both as appropriate
in light of most members' outlook for the economy and as generally consistent
with some prescriptions for monetary policy based on historical and model-based
『In choosing to phrase the outlook for policy in terms of a time horizon,
members also considered conditioning the outlook for the level of the federal
funds rate on explicit numerical values for the unemployment rate or the
inflation rate.』
『Some members argued that doing so would establish greater clarity regarding
the Committee's intentions and its likely reaction to future economic developments,
while others raised questions about how an appropriate numerical value
might be chosen.』
『No such references were included in the statement for this meeting.』
『One member expressed concern that the use of a specific date in the forward
guidance would be seen by the public as an unconditional commitment, and
it could undermine Committee credibility if a change in timing subsequently
became appropriate.』
今申し上げたことまんまでございます。「unconditional commitment」とありますように、「経済状況の変化にも関わらず少なくとも2013年半ばまでFF金利を異例の低水準に維持する」と市場が捉えた場合、その後の経済状況の変化によって早期の政策変更が適切になった場合に、FOMCの信頼性を傷つける結果となるのではないか、という事ですな。ちなみにこの指摘は後のほうでの反対理由を読みますとプロッサー総裁の見解っぽいです。
『Most members, however, agreed that stating a conditional expectation
for the level of the federal funds rate through mid-2013 provided useful
guidance to the public, with some noting that such an indication did not
remove the Committee's flexibility to adjust the policy rate earlier or
later if economic conditions do not evolve as the Committee currently expects.』
『In the statement to be released following the meeting, members generally
agreed that it was important to acknowledge that the recovery had been
considerably slower than the Committee had expected. Although some of the
slowdown in the first half of the year reflected transitory factors, most
members now judged that only part of that weakness could be attributed
to those factors. The Committee decided to note that the declines in energy
and commodity prices from their recent peaks had led to a moderation of
inflation and that longer-term inflation expectations remained stable.
The Committee also characterized the economic outlook in terms of its statutory
mandate and indicated that it expected the slower pace of economic expansion
to result in an unemployment rate that would decline only gradually toward
levels consistent with its dual mandate and that it saw the downside risks
to the economic outlook as having increased. Most members also anticipated
that inflation would settle, over coming quarters, at levels at or below
those consistent with the Committee's mandate. The Committee noted that
it had discussed the range of policy tools that were available to promote
a stronger economic recovery in a context of price stability, and to indicate
that those tools, including adjustments to the Committee's securities holdings,
would be employed as appropriate.』
『At the conclusion of the discussion, the Committee voted to authorize
and direct the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, until it was instructed
otherwise, to execute transactions in the System Account in accordance
with the following domestic policy directive:』
『Voting against this action: Richard W. Fisher, Narayana Kocherlakota, and Charles I. Plosser.』
『Messrs. Fisher, Kocherlakota, and Plosser dissented because they would
have preferred to continue to describe economic conditions as likely to
warrant exceptionally low levels for the federal funds rate for an "extended
period," rather than characterizing that period as "at least
through mid-2013." 』
『Mr. Fisher discussed the fragility of the U.S. economy but felt that
it was chiefly nonmonetary factors, such as uncertainty about fiscal and
regulatory initiatives, that were restraining domestic capital expenditures,
job creation, and economic growth. He was concerned both that the Committee
did not have enough information to be specific on the time interval over
which it expected low rates to be maintained, and that, were it to do so,
the Committee risked appearing overly responsive to the recent financial
market volatility.』
『Mr. Kocherlakota's perspective on the policy decision was shaped by his
view that in November 2010, the Committee had chosen a level of accommodation
that was well calibrated for the condition of the economy. Since November,
inflation had risen and unemployment had fallen, and he did not believe
that providing more monetary accommodation was the appropriate response
to those changes in the economy. 』
『Mr. Plosser felt that the reference to 2013 might well be misinterpreted
as suggesting that monetary policy was no longer contingent on how the
economic outlook evolved.』
『Although financial markets had been volatile and incoming information
on growth and employment had been weaker than anticipated, he believed
the statement conveyed an excessively negative assessment of the economy
and that it was premature to undertake, or be perceived to signal, further
policy accommodation.』
『He also judged that the policy step would do little to improve near-term
growth prospects, given the ongoing structural adjustments and external
challenges faced by the U.S. economy.』
Policy Action』の直前の部分になりますだよ。
『Participants discussed the range of policy tools available to promote
a stronger economic recovery should the Committee judge that providing
additional monetary accommodation was warranted.』
『Reinforcing the Committee's forward guidance about the likely path of
monetary policy was seen as a possible way to reduce interest rates and
provide greater support to the economic expansion; a few participants emphasized
that guidance focusing solely on the state of the economy would be preferable
to guidance that named specific spans of time or calendar dates.』
で、一方で何人か(a few)の委員は「ガイダンス文言は特定の期間や特定の期限などを明示するのではなく、あくまでも経済の条件に対してのみフォーカスすべきである」という反論をしていますが、この部分が単に景況感の違いで反論しているのか、それとも「時期の特定を行う事に対するリスク」の話をしているのかは良く判らんですな。何となく前者っぽいですが、もしかしたら「経済状況にのみフォーカス」というのは、経済状況の変化が起きた場合の時間軸の揺らぎについての認識もFOMCメンバーの中で持ってる人がいるのではないかという気も。
『Some participants noted that additional asset purchases could be used
to provide more accommodation by lowering longer-term interest rates. Others
suggested that increasing the average maturity of the System's portfolio--perhaps
by selling securities with relatively short remaining maturities and purchasing
securities with relatively long remaining maturities--could have a similar
effect on longer-term interest rates. Such an approach would not boost
the size of the Federal Reserve's balance sheet and the quantity of reserve
『A few participants noted that a reduction in the interest rate paid on
excess reserve balances could also be helpful in easing financial conditions.』
まあ説明もなくてあっさり味な何人か(A few)の委員の話でありますが、まあこちらが一応対抗みたいなもんだと思います。ただ、ここまでの部分に見られますように、基本的にどうもFOMC的には「長期金利アプローチ」的なロジックで向かっていくようですので、まあロジック的に短期金利を下げる方向というのは違う感じかなと思われます。
・追加緩和に対して否定的なsome participantsキタコレ
『In contrast, some participants judged that none of the tools available
to the Committee would likely do much to promote a faster economic recovery,
either because the headwinds that the economy faced would unwind only gradually
and that process could not be accelerated with monetary policy or because
recent events had significantly lowered the path of potential output.』
これわwwwwwwwww「none of the tools available」ってこらまたキツイお話を。
『Consequently, these participants thought that providing additional stimulus
at this time would risk boosting inflation without providing a significant
gain in output or employment.』
・いわゆる「pros and cons」をもっと検討しないといけませんねという話
『Participants noted that devoting additional time to discussion of the
possible costs and benefits of various potential tools would be useful,
and they agreed that the September meeting should be extended to two days
in order to provide more time.』
『I can certainly appreciate these concerns and am fully aware of the challenges
that we face in restoring economic and financial conditions conducive to
healthy growth, some of which I will comment on today.』
『With respect to longer-run prospects, however, my own view is more optimistic.』
『As I will discuss, although important problems certainly exist, the growth
fundamentals of the United States do not appear to have been permanently
altered by the shocks of the past four years.』
『It may take some time, but we can reasonably expect to see a return to
growth rates and employment levels consistent with those underlying fundamentals.
In the interim, however, the challenges for U.S. economic policymakers
are twofold: first, to help our economy further recover from the crisis
and the ensuing recession, and second, to do so in a way that will allow
the economy to realize its longer-term growth potential. Economic policies
should be evaluated in light of both of those objectives.』
『This morning I will offer some thoughts on why the pace of recovery in
the United States has, for the most part, proved disappointing thus far,
and I will discuss the Federal Reserve's policy response. I will then turn
briefly to the longer-term prospects of our economy and the need for our
country's economic policies to be effective from both a shorter-term and
longer-term perspective.』
ということで最初の小見出しは『Near-Term Prospects for the Economy and Policy』であります。
『We meet here today almost exactly three years since the beginning of
the most intense phase of the financial crisis and a bit more than two
years since the National Bureau of Economic Research's date for the start
of the economic recovery. Where do we stand?』
『There have been some positive developments over the past few years, particularly
when considered in the light of economic prospects as viewed at the depth
of the crisis. Overall, the global economy has seen significant growth,
led by the emerging-market economies.』
『In the United States, a cyclical recovery, though a modest one by historical
standards, is in its ninth quarter. In the financial sphere, the U.S. banking
system is generally much healthier now, with banks holding substantially
more capital. Credit availability from banks has improved, though it remains
tight in categories--such as small business lending--in which the balance
sheets of potential borrowers remain impaired. Companies with access to
the public bond markets have had no difficulty obtaining credit on favorable
terms. Importantly, structural reform is moving forward in the financial
sector, with ambitious domestic and international efforts underway to enhance
the capital and liquidity of banks, especially the most systemically important
banks; to improve risk management and transparency; to strengthen market
infrastructure; and to introduce a more systemic, or macroprudential, approach
to financial regulation and supervision.』
『In the broader economy, manufacturing production in the United States
has risen nearly 15 percent since its trough, driven substantially by growth
in exports. Indeed, the U.S. trade deficit has been notably lower recently
than it was before the crisis, reflecting in part the improved competitiveness
of U.S. goods and services.』
『Business investment in equipment and software has continued to expand,
and productivity gains in some industries have been impressive, though
new data have reduced estimates of overall productivity improvement in
recent years.』
『Households also have made some progress in repairing their balance sheets--saving
more, borrowing less, and reducing their burdens of interest payments and
『Commodity prices have come off their highs, which will reduce the cost
pressures facing businesses and help increase household purchasing power.』
『Notwithstanding these more positive developments, however, it is clear
that the recovery from the crisis has been much less robust than we had
『From the latest comprehensive revisions to the national accounts as well
as the most recent estimates of growth in the first half of this year,
we have learned that the recession was even deeper and the recovery even
weaker than we had thought; indeed, aggregate output in the United States
still has not returned to the level that it attained before the crisis.』
『Importantly, economic growth has for the most part been at rates insufficient
to achieve sustained reductions in unemployment, which has recently been
fluctuating a bit above 9 percent. Temporary factors, including the effects
of the run-up in commodity prices on consumer and business budgets and
the effect of the Japanese disaster on global supply chains and production,
were part of the reason for the weak performance of the economy in the
first half of 2011; accordingly, growth in the second half looks likely
to improve as their influence recedes. However, the incoming data suggest
that other, more persistent factors also have been at work.』
persistent factorsということでstructuralと言ってないのがチャーミングですが、まあこれは先般の声明文で「あれ?」と思った部分をより詳しく話してまして、要するに米国経済の基礎的な成長力の低下のリスクに関して指摘している、という中々重いフレーズであると思います。
『Why has the recovery from the crisis been so slow and erratic?』
『Historically, recessions have typically sowed the seeds of their own
recoveries as reduced spending on investment, housing, and consumer durables
generates pent-up demand.』
『As the business cycle bottoms out and confidence returns, this pent-up
demand, often augmented by the effects of stimulative monetary and fiscal
policies, is met through increased production and hiring. Increased production
in turn boosts business revenues and household incomes and provides further
impetus to business and household spending. 』
『Improving income prospects and balance sheets also make households and
businesses more creditworthy, and financial institutions become more willing
to lend. Normally, these developments create a virtuous circle of rising
incomes and profits, more supportive financial and credit conditions, and
lower uncertainty, allowing the process of recovery to develop momentum.
income prospects and balance sheets」つまり「家計や企業における将来収入増加の期待およびバランスシートの状況が改善することと」という部分にある訳でして、この先での「何故足元の景気回復力が弱いのか」という話はこの論点を中心に展開されています。
『These restorative forces are at work today, and they will continue to
promote recovery over time. Unfortunately, the recession, besides being
extraordinarily severe as well as global in scope, was also unusual in
being associated with both a very deep slump in the housing market and
a historic financial crisis. These two features of the downturn, individually
and in combination, have acted to slow the natural recovery process.』
『Notably, the housing sector has been a significant driver of recovery
from most recessions in the United States since World War II, but this
time--with an overhang of distressed and foreclosed properties, tight credit
conditions for builders and potential homebuyers, and ongoing concerns
by both potential borrowers and lenders about continued house price declines--the
rate of new home construction has remained at less than one-third of its
pre-crisis level.』
『The low level of construction has implications not only for builders
but for providers of a wide range of goods and services related to housing
and homebuilding. Moreover, even as tight credit for some borrowers has
been one of the factors restraining housing recovery, the weakness of the
housing sector has in turn had adverse effects on financial markets and
on the flow of credit. For example, the sharp declines in house prices
in some areas have left many homeowners "underwater" on their
mortgages, creating financial hardship for households and, through their
effects on rates of mortgage delinquency and default, stress for financial
institutions as well. Financial pressures on financial institutions and
households have contributed, in turn, to greater caution in the extension
of credit and to slower growth in consumer spending.』
『I have already noted the central role of the financial crisis of 2008
and 2009 in sparking the recession. As I also noted, a great deal has been
done and is being done to address the causes and effects of the crisis,
including a substantial program of financial reform, and conditions in
the U.S. banking system and financial markets have improved significantly
overall. Nevertheless, financial stress has been and continues to be a
significant drag on the recovery, both here and abroad. 』
『Bouts of sharp volatility and risk aversion in markets have recently
re-emerged in reaction to concerns about both European sovereign debts
and developments related to the U.S. fiscal situation, including the recent
downgrade of the U.S. long-term credit rating by one of the major rating
agencies and the controversy concerning the raising of the U.S. federal
debt ceiling. It is difficult to judge by how much these developments have
affected economic activity thus far, but there seems little doubt that
they have hurt household and business confidence and that they pose ongoing
risks to growth.』
『The Federal Reserve continues to monitor developments in financial markets
and institutions closely and is in frequent contact with policymakers in
Europe and elsewhere.』
6月14日に『Fiscal Sustainability』というお題で議会証言をした時の話を繰り返して「以前も申し上げたように、顕著な財政政策の変化を行わなければ、連邦政府の財政ファイナンスは制御不能となり、経済と金融に深刻なダメージをもたらすリスクを招く」と思いっきり言ってますし、その後では「この夏に起きた(債務上限問題に関する)交渉は、金融市場に対して悪影響を与え、恐らくは米国経済にも悪影響を与えている。そして将来において同じような事が起きた場合、米国資産に対する投資への意欲に対して極めて大きな悪影響を与え、それによって米国企業の雇用創出力に直接的な悪影響を与えるでしょう」という茶会あたりが発狂しそうな話をしているのですな。
○商品価格上昇に関するセントルイス連銀の「The Regional Economist」記事
Commodity Price Gains: Speculation vs. Fundamentals
By Brett W. Fawley and Luciana Juvenal
『This synchronization of price movements across a range of commodities
has fostered, in part, the assertion that the commodity price boom is a
bubble, driven primarily by near-zero interest rates and excessive speculation
in commodity futures markets.』
『The counter argument is that market fundamentals-supply and demand for
the commodities themselves-can fully explain the price gains. Ultimately,
understanding the sources of the price gains is essential for determining
the proper policy response, if any.』
『In the absence of "irrational exuberance," the price of any
good or asset should be driven by supply and demand. On both the supply
and demand side of commodities, there is no shortage of shocks to explain,
at least in part, recent price gains.』
『Overall, there is no doubt that fundamental shocks to supply and demand
in commodities, both transitory and persistent, can account for significant
price pressures in these markets. Some, however, remain unconvinced that
these fundamental shocks are enough to explain the entirety of price increases.
Instead, they place some blame on a bubble in commodity prices.』
『An asset bubble is characterized by prices detached from fundamentals,
instead driven by the anticipation of profiting from higher prices tomorrow.』
『Commodity markets, however, do not meet the usual theoretical criteria for a bubble.』
『Arguments for a speculative bubble focus primarily on one market-place
for commodities: the futures market.』
『Commodity futures markets are where both commercial and noncommercial
traders can buy and sell standardized contracts for delivery of a specified
quantity of goods at a specified date in the future. These contracts are
short-term instruments that have few constraints on short-selling (betting
on price decreases) and that are easy to arbitrage (profit risk-free from
『In contrast, theory holds that bubbles are limited to markets such as
real estate, where the good in question has a long lifespan, is hard to
sell before you own, and buying and selling is costly in terms of time
and money.』
『Still, some believe that a bubble is forming in commodities due to either
expansionary U.S. monetary policy and/or record flows of investment funds
into commodity futures. These possibilities warrant careful consideration.』
キタコレ、ということでこの先の小見出しが『The Role of Expansionary U.S.
Monetary Policy』でございます。
『The impact of increased speculation in commodity futures markets, perhaps
exacerbated by low traditional investment returns, has been an area of
intense research in recent years, however.』
『Logical inconsistencies include a tenuous link between speculative inflows
and demand for the underlying commodity and doubt over the extent that
index fund investors could artificially increase futures and cash prices
while only participating in the futures market and not the spot market,
where commodities are sold for immediate delivery.』
『Factual inconsistencies are numerous. For example, inventories should
have risen between 2006 and 2008 according to the bubble theory, but they
actually fell.』
『Other reasons for discounting this theory include:
・arbitraging index-fund buying is fairly easy due to its predictable nature,
・commodity prices rose in markets with and without index funds,
・speculation was not excessive after accounting for hedging demand, and
・price impacts across markets were not consistent for the same level of index fund activity.』
『In addition to their own analysis, the authors of the OECD report reviewed
four studies supporting a pre-recession commodity bubble and five studies
discounting a bubble. The authors concluded that "the weight of the
evidence at this point in time clearly tilts in favor of the argument that
index funds did not cause a bubble in commodity futures prices." 』
『Of the studies supporting a bubble, they write, "These studies are
subject to a number of important criticisms that limit the degree of confidence
one can place in their results." Still, the OECD report contains an
important caveat regarding the markets most often linked to a speculative
bubble: "The evidence is weaker in the two energy markets studied
because of considerable uncertainty about the degree to which the available
data actually reflect index trader positions in these markets." Sorting
out the bubble arguments has extremely important policy implications going
『Are Policy Responses Required in Commodity Markets?』って所ですが。
『・Is strong regulation in futures markets needed?
・Are large subsidies on biofuels good policy?
・Should U.S. monetary policy take into consideration global economic conditions?』
『The final question regarding the consideration of global economic conditions
in U.S. monetary policy debate will require much more convincing evidence
before a firm conclusion can be reached.』
『If expansionary U.S. monetary policy is transmitted globally to economies
in danger of overheating, which in turn bids up commodity prices and, hence,
increases price levels back at home, then U.S. monetary policy should care
about output gaps around the world. At the same time, the mere correlation
of commodity price increases with loose U.S. monetary policy, without any
convincing empirical evidence or theoretical mechanisms for this avenue,
is not enough to determine that U.S. policy decisions should factor in
economic conditions from Latin America to Europe, from Asia to Africa.』
Money market debt register claims of the Swiss Confederation: Results
Series :6.7928
Auction date:23.08.2011
Payment : 25.08.2011
Date ofredemption:23.02.2012
Total bids (CHF m):8'829.00
Unpriced bids :904.45
Allotment :599.80
Unit price :100.508
○たまたまこんなのを見つけたのだが(セントルイス連銀の「The Regional Economist」より)
Commodity Price Gains: Speculation vs. Fundamentals
By Brett W. Fawley and Luciana Juvenal
『Are Policy Responses Required in Commodity Markets?』って所から。
『The most important thing to remember with respect to commodity markets
is that they are volatile. The traditional decision of central banks to
focus on core inflation, which excludes food and energy, is easy to understand
in the context of recent movement in rubber markets.』
『To try to design policy around commodity prices would require abrupt
about-faces and would detract from a central bank's goal of bringing stability
to markets.』
『More pertinent questions with respect to commodity markets are:
・Is strong regulation in futures markets needed?
・Are large subsidies on biofuels good policy?
・Should U.S. monetary policy take into consideration global economic conditions?』
『Some countries, like India, have already begun to regulate commodity
futures markets; other countries, including the United States, have debated
the issue.』
『Both those who believe in a speculative commodity bubble and those who
do not can agree that properly functioning commodity futures markets are
integral to the real economy because they allow those who do not wish to
hold the risk of future price movements to sell that risk to willing parties.
The OECD report provides a reminder that index fund investors are an important
source of liquidity and of risk absorption for these markets. Pushing such
investors out of the market could result in huge costs, which must be weighed
against the evidence that their activity is hindering, and not enhancing,
the proper functioning of these markets.』
The National and Regional Economic Outlook
August 18, 2011
Remarks at the New Jersey Performing Arts Center, Newark, New Jersey
前半は全部スルーしまして中盤の『Macro Conditions』からなのですが・・・・・・
『The statement issued by the Federal Open Market Committee earlier last
week presents a sober assessment of the state of the U.S. economy. Economic
growth so far in 2011 has been quite a bit slower than we expected earlier
in the year. While jobs growth picked up early in the year, in the last
few months conditions in the labor market have deteriorated again and the
unemployment rate has edged up. Household spending has flattened out, and
the housing sector is depressed. Business investment in equipment and software
is expanding, but investment in corporate offices and other commercial
buildings is weak.』
もうね、最初の一文だけは「先週のFOMCで米国経済のsober assessment(ってのがイマイチわからんのですが、デイリーコンサイスちゃんで引いたら「酔いが覚める」というのと「穏当な」っていうのがあったんですけど。まあ文脈からしてあまり強くないって事だと思いますが)を表明した」ってのがありますが、その後は思いっきり声明文の話してやがりますな。
『Some of the weakness in economic activity in the first half of the year
was due to temporary factors such as the hit to household income from higher
food and energy prices, and supply chain disruptions following the tragic
earthquake in Japan. These restraining forces have abated and thus, we
should see stronger growth in the second half. But it is clear that not
all of the weakness was due to these one-time factors - and in light of
this, I have revised down my expectations for the pace of recovery going
『On the inflation front, the committee noted that inflation has moderated
recently as energy and commodity prices have declined from their peaks-having
picked up earlier in the year, mainly reflecting higher prices for commodities
and imported goods, as well as the supply disruptions from Japan. Longer
term inflation expectations remain stable, and the committee now expects
inflation to settle over the coming quarters at levels at or below those
consistent with our mandate to promote full employment and price stability.
『In light of the current outlook, the FOMC in its statement noted that
we now anticipate that we are likely to keep short-term interest rates
exceptionally low at least through mid-2013.』
で、ガイダンス文言に関しては、ダドリー総裁は「we now anticipate」と説明(声明文では「The
Committee currently anticipates」となっています)していまして、「今はこう予想しています」という説明になっていまして、昨日ご紹介したフィッシャー総裁やその前にご紹介したコチャラコタ総裁などは今回のガイダンス文言変更をコミットメントとして捉えているのと対照的であります。
『We also discussed the range of policy tools available to promote a stronger
economic recovery in a context of price stability. Further details on the
discussion at the meeting will be available when the minutes are published
later this month. I will not comment on monetary policy any further today.』
『Following the release of the FOMC’s statement, market interest rates
generally moved lower, which should help provide some additional support
for economic activity and jobs. I would note, however, that conditions
remain unsettled and the equity market in particular has been quite volatile
Connecting the Dots: Texas Employment Growth; a Dissenting Vote; and the Ugly Truth (With Reference to P.G. Wodehouse)
Remarks at the Midland Community Forum
Midland, Texas
August 17, 2011
ちなみに「雇用に関して中央銀行の貢献できる余地は限られている」という話は今年の1月にも同じような講演(http://www.dallasfed.org/news/speeches/fisher/2011/fs110112.cfm)をしていまして、この時のお題も『The Limits of Monetary Policy: ‘Monetary Policy Responsibility Cannot Substitute for Government Irresponsibility’』という大概なお題の講演でございまして(以前ネタにしました)、まあ雇用に関してはそのときと似たような話をしています。
『Now to the second matter I wish to discuss with you today: my decision
to dissent from the commitment of the majority of my colleagues on the
FOMC in their decision to hold the base interest rate for interbank lending―the
fed funds rate, the anchor of the yield curve―at its current level well
into 2013.』
『I voted against that commitment-cum-signal. In the press’ reporting
of my dissenting vote and those of the other two members of the FOMC who
voted against that commitment―Mr. Kocherlakota, my counterpart from the
Minneapolis Fed, and Mr. Plosser, my counterpart from Philadelphia―there
was substantial speculation as to the reasons for our dissent. I will let
my other two colleagues speak for themselves; I can only speak for myself.
Let me make clear why I was opposed to freezing the fed funds rate for
two years. 』
『I have posited both within the FOMC and publicly for some time that there
is abundant liquidity available to finance economic expansion and job creation
in America. The banking system is awash with liquidity. It is a rare day
when the discount windows―the lending facilities of the 12 Federal Reserve
banks―experience significant activity. Domestic banks are flush; they
have on deposit at the 12 Federal Reserve banks some $1.6 trillion in excess
reserves, earning a mere 25 basis points―a quarter of 1 percent per annum―rather
than earning significantly higher interest rates from making loans to operating
businesses. These excess bank reserves are waiting on the sidelines to
be lent to businesses. Nondepository financial firms-private equity funds
and the like―have substantial amounts of investable cash at their disposal.
U.S. corporations are sitting on an abundance of cash―some estimate excess
working capital on publicly traded corporations’ books exceeds $1 trillion―well
above their working capital needs. Nonpublicly held businesses that are
creditworthy have increasing access to bank credit at historically low
nominal rates.』
『I have said many times that through the initiatives we took to counter
the crisis of 2008-09, and the dramatic extension of the balance sheet
that ensued, the Fed has refilled the tanks needed to fuel economic expansion
and domestic job creation. Though I questioned the efficacy of the expansion
of our balance sheet through the purchase of Treasury securities known
as “QE2,” I have come to expect that the Federal Open Market Committee
would continue to anchor the base lending rate at current levels and also
maintain our abnormally large balance sheet, now with footings of almost
$2.9 trillion, for “an extended period.”』
『My concern is with the transmission mechanism for activating the use
of the liquidity we have created, which remains on the sidelines of the
economy. I posit that nonmonetary factors, not monetary policy, are retarding
the willingness and ability of job creators to put to work the liquidity
that we have provided.』
『I have spoken to this many times in public. Those with the capacity to
hire American workers―small businesses as well as large, publicly traded
or private―are immobilized. Not because they lack entrepreneurial zeal
or do not wish to grow; not because they can’t access cheap and available
credit. Rather, they simply cannot budget or manage for the uncertainty
of fiscal and regulatory policy. In an environment where they are already
uncertain of potential growth in demand for their goods and services and
have yet to see a significant pickup in top-line revenue, there is palpable
angst surrounding the cost of doing business. According to my business
contacts, the opera buffa of the debt ceiling negotiations compounded this
uncertainty, leaving business decisionmakers frozen in their tracks.』
『Moreover, you might now say to yourself, “I understand from the Federal
Reserve that I don’t have to worry about the cost of borrowing for another
two years. Given that I don’t know how I am going to be hit by whatever
new initiatives the Congress will come up with, but I do know that credit
will remain cheap through the next election, what incentive do I have to
invest and expand now? Why shouldn’t I wait until the sky is clear?”』
『No amount of monetary accommodation can substitute for that needed clarity.
In fact, it can only make it worse if business comes to suspect that the
central bank is laying the groundwork for eventually inflating our way
out of our fiscal predicament rather than staying above the political fray-thus
creating another tranche of uncertainty.』
『In the interest of full disclosure, I should add that I was also concerned
that just by tweaking the language the way the committee did, our action
might be interpreted as encouraging the view that there is an FOMC so-called
“Bernanke put” that would be too easily activated in response to a reversal
in the financial markets.』
『For those of you unfamiliar with the expression “Bernanke put,” or
more generally, a “central bank put,” this term refers to the concept
that a central bank will allow the stock market to rise significantly without
tightening monetary policy, but will ease monetary policy whenever there
is a stock market “correction.”』
『Given the extent of the drop in the stock market leading up to and following
Standard & Poor’s downgrade of U.S. debt, combined with the FOMC’s
commitment to hold short-term rates near zero until mid-year 2013, some
cynical observers might interpret such a policy action as a “Bernanke
ここでは「some cynical observers」と一応控えめに言ってますけど、どう見てもフィッシャーさんは「多くの人がそう思うようになるのはケシカラン」と言いたそう(^^)。
『My long-standing belief is that the Federal Reserve should never enact
such asymmetric policies to protect stock market traders and investors.
I believe my FOMC colleagues share this view. 』
『Connecting the Dots』ってのが次のお題で、『Now, how do you connect the
dots between Texas’ record of economic growth and my dissenting vote?』という話なのですが華麗にスルー。
『The sooner they get on it, the better. Uncertainty is corrosive; it is
hurting job creation and capital expansion when we need it most. As Margaret
Thatcher would say: “Don’t dawdle. And don’t go wobbly on us, Congress.”
Monetary policy cannot substitute for what you must get on with doing.
Get on with your job.』
『I think I have made it pretty clear today that I believe what is restraining
our economy is not monetary policy but fiscal misfeasance in Washington.
We elect our national leaders to safeguard our country. An integral part
of that consists of safeguarding the nation’s fiscal probity. Pointing
fingers at the Fed only diminishes credibility―the ugly truth is that
the problem lies not with monetary policy but in the need to construct
a modern, appropriate set of fiscal and regulatory levers and pulleys to
better incentivize the private sector to channel money into productive
use in expanding our economy and enriching our people. Only Congress, working
together with the president, has the power to write the rules and provide
the incentives to correct the course of the great ship we know and love
as America. I hope you, as the voters who put them in office, will demand
no less of them.』
NYダウ 工業株30種 10,990.58 -419.63
S&P 500種 1,140.65 -53.24
ナスダック 総合指数 2,380.43 -131.05
米国10年国債 2.073 -0.092
米国30年国債 3.432 -0.131
Connecting the Dots: Texas Employment Growth; a Dissenting Vote;
and the Ugly Truth (With Reference to P.G. Wodehouse)
Remarks at the Midland Community Forum
Midland, Texas
August 17, 2011
『I do not believe it wise to commit to more than that, or to signal further
accommodation, when the cheap and abundant liquidity we have made available
is presently lying fallow, and when the velocity of money remains so subdued
as to be practically comatose. At the FOMC meeting, the committee announced
that it “currently anticipates that economic conditions … are likely
to warrant exceptionally low levels for the federal funds rate at least
through mid-2013.” In monetary parlance, that is language designed to
signal that we are on hold until then. 』
『I voted against that commitment-cum-signal. In the press’ reporting
of my dissenting vote and those of the other two members of the FOMC who
voted against that commitment―Mr. Kocherlakota, my counterpart from the
Minneapolis Fed, and Mr. Plosser, my counterpart from Philadelphia―there
was substantial speculation as to the reasons for our dissent. I will let
my other two colleagues speak for themselves; I can only speak for myself.
Let me make clear why I was opposed to freezing the fed funds rate for
two years.』
『First, in reporting my views to the committee, I noted my concern for
the fragility of the U.S. economy and weak job creation. It might be noted
by the press here today that although I am constantly preoccupied with
price stability―in the aviary of central bankers, I am known as a “hawk”
on inflation―I did not voice concern for the prospect of inflationary
pressures in the foreseeable future. Indeed, the Dallas Fed’s trimmed
mean analysis of the inflationary developments in June indicated that the
trimmed mean PCE turned in its softest reading of the year. The trimmed
mean analysis we do at the Dallas Fed focuses on the price movements of
personal consumption expenditures. It is an analysis that tracks the price
movements of 178 items that people actually buy, such as beer, haircuts,
shoe repair, food and energy prices. In June, the trimmed mean came in
at an annualized rate of 1.3 percent, versus 2.1 percent for the first
five months of the year. The 12-month rate was 1.5 percent.』
『My concern is not with immediate inflationary pressures. Core producer
prices are still increasing at a higher than desirable rate. But I have
suggested to my colleagues that while many companies have begun and will
likely continue to raise prices to counter rising costs that derive from
a range of factors-including the run-up of commodity prices in 2010 and
increases in the costs of production in China-weak demand is beginning
to temper the ability of providers of goods and services to significantly
raise prices to consumers. 』
『My concern is with the transmission mechanism for activating the use
of the liquidity we have created, which remains on the sidelines of the
economy. I posit that nonmonetary factors, not monetary policy, are retarding
the willingness and ability of job creators to put to work the liquidity
that we have provided.』
Ugly Truth』という小見出しの所から。
『I think I have made it pretty clear today that I believe what is restraining
our economy is not monetary policy but fiscal misfeasance in Washington.』
『We elect our national leaders to safeguard our country. An integral part
of that consists of safeguarding the nation’s fiscal probity. Pointing
fingers at the Fed only diminishes credibility―the ugly truth is that
the problem lies not with monetary policy but in the need to construct
a modern, appropriate set of fiscal and regulatory levers and pulleys to
better incentivize the private sector to channel money into productive
use in expanding our economy and enriching our people.』
『Only Congress, working together with the president, has the power to
write the rules and provide the incentives to correct the course of the
great ship we know and love as America. I hope you, as the voters who put
them in office, will demand no less of them.』
The National and Regional Economic Outlook
August 18, 2011
William C. Dudley, President and Chief Executive
Remarks at the New Jersey Performing Arts Center, Newark, New Jersey
immediate policy decision』を斜め読みしただけだわさ。
『The Committee set monetary policy in order to meet the inflation target
in the medium term. Inflation had been well above the 2% target as a result
of the temporary impact of higher energy and other commodity prices, the
increase in the standard rate of VAT and the past depreciation of sterling.』
『CPI inflation had fallen in June, but it was judged likely to rise again
temporarily, to reach 5% in the coming months, boosted by further increases
in utility prices.』
『The Committee’s central view remained that inflation was likely to fall
back in the medium term, as the impact of the factors raising inflation
diminished and some downward pressure from a degree of slack in the labour
market persisted. There were risks to that view, to the upside and the
『The key upside risk continued to be that inflation would be elevated
for longer than the Committee expected. That could be as a result of expectations
of above-target inflation becoming embedded in wage and price-setting behaviour;
the margin of spare capacity in the economy being less than currently thought;
or of further shocks to the price level.』
『Wage growth remained subdued, which suggested that employees had not
so far been able to secure higher pay increases in response to the recent
squeeze on real incomes. Some measures of the longer-term inflation expectations
of households had risen over the past year. But longer-term expectations
of professional forecasters and financial market participants had been
broadly stable. Overall, most indicators remained close to their series
『Nevertheless, CPI inflation was expected to reach 5% in the coming months,
and it was unclear how medium-term inflation expectations would react.
Margin levels in consumer-facing sectors probably remained below their
pre-recession levels, and any attempt by those firms to rebuild their margins
could put upward pressure on inflation.』
『The indications that the pace of global growth was moderating suggested
that energy and other commodity prices were less likely to continue rising.
Import price pass-through from sterling’s past depreciation appeared to
be more or less complete, although the possibility of further pass-through
could not be excluded.』
『The key risk to the downside remained that demand growth would not be
sufficiently strong to absorb the pool of spare capacity in the economy,
causing inflation to fall materially below target in the medium term. News
over the month had generally reinforced the weak tone of indicators of
global activity growth over the past few months, which had been particularly
notable in data releases for the advanced economies. While some of the
slowing would have reflected the impact of continuing disruption to global
supply chains, and the effects of the elevated price of oil, the Committee
judged it increasingly likely that the global slowdown would prove to be
more prolonged than previously assumed.』
『In the United Kingdom, it was likely that underlying growth in the second
quarter had been stronger than suggested by the headline number for GDP,
but indicators of the evolution of activity in the near term had been subdued,
especially for consumption and in the manufacturing sector.』
『Much of the moderation in UK manufacturing output appeared to be related
to the slowdown in world activity, and the consequent implications for
export orders. Business confidence had fallen, and appeared to be weighing
on investment intentions, and perhaps also on employment growth.』
『The lower path for Bank Rate now implied by market interest rates would
serve partly to offset this weaker outlook. Evidence of slowing activity,
and more particularly concerns about fiscal policy in the United States
and the substantial challenges faced by the euro area, had resulted in
stressed conditions in financial markets which were reflected in a wide
range of asset classes. This had further elevated the funding costs faced
by banks. If stress in financial markets persisted, it also had the potential
to constrain banks’ ability to raise as much term funding as they desired.
In consequence, the price and availability of credit to many households
and businesses could be adversely affected.』
『The greatest risk to the downside stemmed from the euro area.』
”The greatest risk”キタコレ。
『Concerns about the euro area were likely already to be affecting the
economic outlook through their impact on asset prices, bank funding costs
and the level of household and business confidence. Reflecting that, the
Committee’s projections were conditioned on relatively slow growth in
the euro area. There were, however, additional risks relating to a significant
further intensification of concerns.』
『These could affect the United Kingdom through a number of channels, including:
the impact a further slowing in euro-area activity would have on UK exports;
financial and banking sector interlinkages; and possibly, and perhaps most
significantly, through a disruption to the functioning of the international
financial system more generally - hitting global asset prices, wholesale
funding markets, and business and household confidence.』
『Those additional risks were almost impossible to calibrate in terms of
their probability or impact. Members of the Committee held differing views
about the extent to which those risks should influence the Committee’s
immediate policy decision. On balance, most members saw little merit in
seeking to react to the possibility of these risks crystallising by adjusting
monetary policy in advance.』
『There remained substantial risks to inflation in the medium term in both
directions. But overall the news on the month had increased the downside
risks. Committee members considered the cases for different policy actions.』
Swiss National Bank intensifies measures against strong Swiss franc
『The measures taken thus far by the Swiss National Bank (SNB) against
the strength of the Swiss franc are having an impact. Nevertheless, the
Swiss franc remains massively overvalued. The SNB has therefore decided
to expand again significantly the supply of liquidity to the Swiss franc
money market.』
『In so doing, it is increasing the downward pressure on money market interest
rates with a view to further weakening the Swiss franc exchange rate. With
immediate effect, it aims to expand banks’ sight deposits at the SNB further,
from CHF 120 billion to CHF 200 billion. In order to achieve this new target
level as quickly as possible, it will continue to repurchase outstanding
SNB Bills and to employ foreign exchange swaps. Furthermore, the SNB reiterates
that it will, if necessary, take further
measures against the strength of the Swiss franc.』
簡単に見るのでしたらまずは『The immediate policy decision』から見るのが吉。
『Inflation had been well above the 2% target as a result of the temporary
boost from higher energy and other commodity prices, the increase in the
standard rate of VAT and the past depreciation of sterling. Despite the
fall in CPI inflation in June, it was likely that inflation would rise
further, to over 5%, in the coming months.』
『In the light of recent developments in utility and food prices, the peak
in inflation was likely to be a little higher and come sooner than the
Committee had previously expected.』
『The Committee’s central view remained that a margin of spare capacity
in the economy was likely to push down inflation and bring it back towards
the target in the medium term, as the impact of the factors temporarily
boosting inflation subsided.』
『But there were material risks to that view, both to the upside and to
the downside. The Committee discussed how those risks had evolved since
its previous meeting.』
『The key risk to the downside was that demand growth would not be sufficiently
strong to soak up the pool of spare capacity in the economy, leading inflation
to fall materially below the target in the medium term.』
『The latest indicators suggested that the pace of global activity had
slowed, although it was not clear how persistent this would prove to be.
Some of the slowing in global activity reflected the temporary impact of
the continuing disruption to supply chains caused by the Japanese earthquake
and tsunami in March, and the effects of the elevated price of oil.』
『The risks posed by an intensification of the sovereign debt and banking
problems within the euro area to the prospects for economic activity and
the financial system at home had remained substantial. The funding costs
faced by the major UK banks remained elevated, in part reflecting those
risks emanating from within the euro area, and were likely to continue
to affect the price and availability of credit to many households and businesses
『Indicators had pointed towards continued modest underlying UK GDP growth
in the second quarter and, more tentatively, to some softening in the outlook
for the third quarter. But the implications of weaker activity for inflation
would depend on the factors that had caused it. Partly in response to the
more downbeat news on the outlook for economic activity, investors had
put back their central estimate of when official interest rates would begin
to rise and the sterling effective exchange rate had fallen modestly. This
was likely, in time, to provide some countervailing stimulus to economic
『The key risk to the upside was that the period of elevated inflation
would persist for longer than the Committee expected. Expectations of above-target
inflation could become entrenched in price and wage-setting behaviour;
employees might press harder for wage increases in response to recent declines
in living standards; or there might be further upward pressure on prices
arising from energy and other internationally traded goods prices.』
『According to one survey-based measure, households’expectations of inflation
in the medium term had increased markedly, to a little above their previous
peak in 2008. But measures of inflation expectations derived from financial
markets had been stable.』
『There was no clear evidence that higher inflation expectations had begun
to feed through into wage-setting behaviour. Earnings growth had remained
subdued. But earnings growth was affected by a range of factors, making
it hard to infer clearly what impact inflation expectations might have
had. It remained unclear how much comfort to draw from recent labour market
developments, given the puzzling behaviour of productivity over the recent
『Most members judged that it was appropriate to maintain the current stance
of monetary policy at this meeting.』
『It was likely that the current weakness in activity would persist for
longer than previously thought, although the reduction over the month in
the exchange rate and in market interest rates would provide some countervailing
stimulus to the economy.』
『That weakness, together with the continued subdued behaviour of earnings,
reinforced the case that inflation was likely to fall back once the temporary
impact of the factors pushing up on it had waned.』
『But there also remained upside risks associated with the sustained period
of above-target inflation.』
『There was a range of views on the balance of these downside and upside
risks. Overall, however, recent developments had reduced the likelihood
that a tightening in policy would be warranted in the near term.』
Statement by Narayana Kocherlakota on Dissenting Vote at August 9, 2011, Meeting of the Federal Open Market Committee
Narayana Kocherlakota - President
Published August 12, 2011
『One of my jobs as president of the Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis
is to serve on the Federal Open Market Committee. At its last meeting on
August 9, the Committee took what I viewed as a significant policy step.
I dissented from its decision. I believe that transparency is an essential
part of effective policy formation, and so I’m offering this brief explanation
of my decision. These views are not necessarily those of others on the
Federal Open Market Committee, including presidents Richard Fisher and
Charles Plosser.』
『Entering the meeting, the FOMC was following an unprecedentedly accommodative
monetary policy. There were three elements to this policy.』
『First, the Federal Reserve owned over $2.5 trillion of long-term government
and government-backed securities. The purchase of the final $600 billion
of these assets was announced in November 2010 and completed by the end
of June 2011.』
『Second, as it had since December 2008, the Committee was maintaining
the fed funds rate at between 0 and 25 basis points.』
『Third, as it had since March 2009, the Committee statement included the
forward guidance that it anticipated keeping the fed funds rate at this
low level for “an extended period.” The “extended period” is generally
interpreted as being between three and six months. 』
extended period.”というのがポイントで、今回変更になったのはご案内のようにこの(3)ですな。で、一般的にはこの“an
extended period”が3か月から6か月程度の期間を意味すると解釈されています、とコチャラコタ総裁は認識。
『The Committee adopted this three-part policy stance in November 2010.
I agreed with this decision and supported it publicly at that time and
throughout this year.』
『In its August 9 meeting, the Committee changed this “extended period”
language to say instead that it “currently anticipates economic conditions
… are likely to warrant extraordinarily low levels of the federal funds
rate through mid-2013.”』
『This statement is designed to let the public know that the fed funds
rate is likely to stay between 0 and 25 basis points over the next two
years, not just over the next three to six months. Hence, the new language
is intended to provide more monetary accommodation than before.』
『I dissented from this change in language because the evolution of macroeconomic
data did not reflect a need to make monetary policy more accommodative
than in November 2010. In particular, personal consumption expenditure
(PCE) inflation rose notably in the first half of 2011, whether or not
one includes food and energy. At the same time, while unemployment does
remain disturbingly high, it has fallen since November.』
『I can summarize my reasoning as follows. I believe that in November,
the Committee judiciously chose a level of accommodation that was well
calibrated for the prevailing economic conditions. Since November, inflation
has risen and unemployment has fallen. I do not believe that providing
more accommodation-easing monetary policy-is the appropriate response to
these changes in the economy. 』
『Going forward, my votes on monetary policy will continue to be based
on the evolution of the data on PCE inflation and its components, medium-term
PCE inflation expectations, and unemployment. 』
2011年 08月 11日 23:30 JST
『[ニューヨーク 11日 ロイター] 11日午前中盤のニューヨーク外国為替市場でドルとユーロが対スイスフランで5%超上昇している。スイス国立銀行(中央銀行、SNB)のジョルダン副総裁が為替介入に踏み切ることなく金融政策のさらなる緩和が可能との考えを示したほか、スイスフラン高の抑制のため、スイスフランをユーロにペッグさせる可能性を示唆したことが背景。』(上記URLより)
2011年 08月 11日 15:19 JST
Introductory statement to the press conference (with Q&A)
『Question: I would like to ask about the intervention in the forex market
of Japan. Are you in support of that, and is it also the same recognition
as the consolidated intervention in March? Is it critical or not? Is it
some kind of critical movement or decision? How do you evaluate this decision?』
『Trichet: I will only say that we have a very clear position in the Governing
Council of the ECB. We consider that such interventions have to be made
on the basis of a multilateral consensus and a multilateral decision. That
is our position. It’s a clear-cut position that we have always had. To
my knowledge what has been done is not part of a multilateral decision.』
『Question: One question again about the EFSF.(以下割愛)』
Swiss National Bank expands measures against strong Swiss franc
『The substantial rise in risk aversion on the international financial
markets has further intensified the overvaluation of the Swiss franc in
the last few days. In the light of these developments, the Swiss National
Bank (SNB) is taking additional measures against the strength of the Swiss
franc. It will again significantly increase the supply of liquidity to
the Swiss franc money market. The SNB aims to rapidly expand banks’ sight
deposits at the SNB from currently CHF 80 billion to CHF 120 billion.』
『To accelerate the increase in Swiss franc liquidity, the SNB will additionally
conduct foreign exchange swap transactions. The foreign exchange swap is
a monetary policy instrument which the SNB uses to create Swiss franc liquidity.
It was last employed in autumn 2008.』
『The massive overvaluation of the Swiss franc poses a threat to the development
of the economy in Switzerland and has further increased the downside risks
to price stability. The SNB is keeping a close watch on developments on
the foreign exchange market and on financial markets. If necessary, it
will take further measures against the strength of the Swiss franc.』
『The Committee currently anticipates that economic conditions--including
low rates of resource utilization and a subdued outlook for inflation over
the medium run--are likely to warrant exceptionally low levels for the
federal funds rate at least through mid-2013.』(昨日のFOMC声明文の例の部分をしつこく再掲)
Committee currently anticipates」という所を素直に読んだらそうなりますよね、という話でしたが昨日の駄文(そういや昨日のFOMC声明文読みで途中でパラグラフ番号を1つ飛ばしてましたねすいません)を詳しくはご参照ありたしざます。
『Information received since the Federal Open Market Committee met in June
indicates that economic growth so far this year has been considerably slower
than the Committee had expected. 』(今回)
『Information received since the Federal Open Market Committee met in April
indicates that the economic recovery is continuing at a moderate pace,
though somewhat more slowly than the Committee had expected. 』(前回)
『Indicators suggest a deterioration in overall labor market conditions
in recent months, and the unemployment rate has moved up. Household spending
has flattened out, investment in nonresidential structures is still weak,
and the housing sector remains depressed. However, business investment
in equipment and software continues to expand. 』(今回)
『Also, recent labor market indicators have been weaker than anticipated.
The slower pace of the recovery reflects in part factors that are likely
to be temporary, including the damping effect of higher food and energy
prices on consumer purchasing power and spending as well as supply chain
disruptions associated with the tragic events in Japan. Household spending
and business investment in equipment and software continue to expand. However,
investment in nonresidential structures is still weak, and the housing
sector continues to be depressed. 』(前回)
(1)労働市場の環境については「weaker than anticipated」(予想より弱い)から「a
(2)家計支出に関しては「expanding」(拡大)だったのが「flattened out」(これをまともにあたくしのデイリーコンサイスで見ると「飛行姿勢に直る」なのですが、「水平になっている」という風に読むものではないかと)になっています。
『Temporary factors, including the damping effect of higher food and energy
prices on consumer purchasing power and spending as well as supply chain
disruptions associated with the tragic events in Japan, appear to account
for only some of the recent weakness in economic activity. 』(今回)
『The slower pace of the recovery reflects in part factors that are likely
to be temporary, including the damping effect of higher food and energy
prices on consumer purchasing power and spending as well as supply chain
disruptions associated with the tragic events in Japan. 』(前回(先ほど引用したものの一部再掲))
『Inflation picked up earlier in the year, mainly reflecting higher prices
for some commodities and imported goods, as well as the supply chain disruptions.
More recently, inflation has moderated as prices of energy and some commodities
have declined from their earlier peaks. Longer-term inflation expectations
have remained stable.』(今回)
『Inflation has picked up in recent months, mainly reflecting higher prices
for some commodities and imported goods, as well as the recent supply chain
disruptions. However, longer-term inflation expectations have remained
『Consistent with its statutory mandate, the Committee seeks to foster
maximum employment and price stability. 』(今回)
『The Committee now expects a somewhat slower pace of recovery over coming
quarters than it did at the time of the previous meeting and anticipates
that the unemployment rate will decline only gradually toward levels that
the Committee judges to be consistent with its dual mandate. 』(今回)
『The unemployment rate remains elevated; however, the Committee expects
the pace of recovery to pick up over coming quarters and the unemployment
rate to resume its gradual decline toward levels that the Committee judges
to be consistent with its dual mandate. 』(前回)
今後数四半期における景気回復ペースについて今回は「a somewhat slower pace
of recovery」「than it did at the time of the previous meeting」と景気回復のペースについて「前回のFOMCで委員会が予想したよりも幾分か弱いペースになるでしょう」という表現に変更し、更に失業率に関しては「the
unemployment rate will decline only gradually」となりまして、前回の「the
unemployment rate to resume its gradual decline」という表現との差は微妙ではありますが、おそらく「only」っつーのが強調表現だと思う(のだが違ってたら教えてジェネラル)ので、先行きの失業率改善に対しても回復ペースが弱まるとの見立てになっているのでしょう。
『Moreover, downside risks to the economic outlook have increased. 』(今回)
『The Committee also anticipates that inflation will settle, over coming
quarters, at levels at or below those consistent with the Committee's dual
mandate as the effects of past energy and other commodity price increases
dissipate further.』(今回)
『Inflation has moved up recently, but the Committee anticipates that inflation
will subside to levels at or below those consistent with the Committee's
dual mandate as the effects of past energy and other commodity price increases
『However, the Committee will continue to pay close attention to the evolution
of inflation and inflation expectations. 』(今回)
『To promote the ongoing economic recovery and to help ensure that inflation,
over time, is at levels consistent with its mandate, the Committee decided
today to keep the target range for the federal funds rate at 0 to 1/4 percent.』(今回)
『The Committee currently anticipates that economic conditions--including
low rates of resource utilization and a subdued outlook for inflation over
the medium run--are likely to warrant exceptionally low levels for the
federal funds rate at least through mid-2013.』(今回)
『The Committee continues to anticipate that economic conditions--including
low rates of resource utilization and a subdued outlook for inflation over
the medium run--are likely to warrant exceptionally low levels for the
federal funds rate for an extended period.』(前回)
an extended period」という表現から時期を明示したという形になりました。
『The Committee also will maintain its existing policy of reinvesting principal
payments from its securities holdings. The Committee will regularly review
the size and composition of its securities holdings and is prepared to
adjust those holdings as appropriate.』(今回)
『The Committee discussed the range of policy tools available to promote
a stronger economic recovery in a context of price stability. It will continue
to assess the economic outlook in light of incoming information and is
prepared to employ these tools as appropriate.』(今回)
『The Committee will monitor the economic outlook and financial developments
and will act as needed to best foster maximum employment and price stability.』(前回)
『Voting for the FOMC monetary policy action were: Ben S. Bernanke, Chairman;
William C. Dudley, Vice Chairman; Elizabeth A. Duke; Charles L. Evans;
Sarah Bloom Raskin; Daniel K. Tarullo; and Janet L. Yellen.
Voting against the action were: Richard W. Fisher, Narayana Kocherlakota,
and Charles I. Plosser, who would have preferred to continue to describe
economic conditions as likely to warrant exceptionally low levels for the
federal funds rate for an extended period.』(今回)
ということで、今回は「for an extended period」の文言変更に関してフィッシャー、コチャラコタ、プロッサーの各地区連銀総裁が反対票を突っ込んで参りまして、さあ盛り上がってまいりましたというところですが、実はここもと地区連銀総裁とかが景気や金融政策に関する講演とかが色々出てたので、もっと読んでおかないといけない所なのですが、何せ色々と微妙にネタがアルモンテなので中々追いつかないでござるの巻でありまする。
『The Committee currently anticipates that economic conditions--including
low rates of resource utilization and a subdued outlook for inflation over
the medium run--are likely to warrant exceptionally low levels for the
federal funds rate at least through mid-2013.』(今回の時間軸部分再掲)
Introductory statement to the press conference (with Q&A)
Jean-Claude Trichet, President of the ECB,
Vitor Constancio, Vice-President of the ECB,
Frankfurt am Main, 4 August 2011
7 August 2011 - Statement by the President of the ECB
03.08.2011 Press release
Swiss National Bank takes measures against strong Swiss franc
『Swiss National Bank takes measures against strong Swiss franc』
『The Swiss National Bank (SNB) considers the Swiss franc to be massively
overvalued at present. This current strength of the Swiss franc is threatening
the development of the economy and increasing the downside risks to price
stability in Switzerland. The SNB will not tolerate a continual tightening
of monetary conditions and is therefore taking measures against the strong
Swiss franc.』
Swiss National Bank condacts Switzerland's monetary policy as an independent
central bank.』という文言が(金融政策のトリレンマ的に)ニヤニヤという感じもしますが細けぇこたあいいんだよってなもんで。いやまあ一応「オーバーバリューとなっているスイスフランは経済に引き締め効果を与える」とありますけれどもね。
『Effective immediately, the SNB is aiming for a three-month Libor as close
to zero as possible, narrowing the target range for the three-month Libor
from 0.00-0.75% to 0.00-0.25%.』
『The Swiss National Bank (SNB) is maintaining its expansionary monetary
policy. The target range for the three-month Libor remains at 0.0-0.75%,
and the SNB intends to keep the Libor within the lower part of the target
range at around 0.25%.』(これは6月のリリースです、お間違えの無い様に)
『At the same time, it will very significantly increase the supply of liquidity
to the Swiss franc money market over the next few days. It intends to expand
banks’ sight deposits at the SNB from currently around CHF 30 billion
to CHF 80 billion.』
『Consequently, with immediate effect, the SNB will no longer renew repos
and SNB Bills that fall due and will repurchase outstanding SNB Bills,
until the desired level of sight deposits has been reached.』
『Since the SNB’s last quarterly monetary policy assessment, the global
economic outlook has worsened. At the same time the appreciation of the
Swiss franc has accelerated sharply during the last few weeks. Consequently,
the outlook for the Swiss economy has deteriorated substantially.』
『The SNB is keeping a close watch on developments on the foreign exchange
market and will take further measures against the strength of the Swiss
franc if necessary.』
3-month LIBOR CHF
0.14 03.08.2011
SNB target range: 0.00 - 0.25
スライドの28ページ『Productivity trend largely undiminished (yet!)』から(最初のところ再掲ね)。
『The other big 1970s mistake was trying to keep growth up at an unsustainable
level - arguably because a productivity growth slowdown went unrecognized
(Orphanides (1994) and others)
When there is an economic downturn, how much is a shock to trend?
・ Lots of talk about output gap, but trend both matters more and is more
measurable (Kuttner and Posen (2001, 2004))
An apparent puzzle in the UK right now:
・ The numbers on UK productivity of late are pretty bad looking
・ Firms are hiring workers and in surveys citing capacity constraints
・ Should this lead us to revise down our estimate of trend growth?』
『NO, we should continue to treat UK trend growth as largely unchanged
There are good reasons to doubt the observed productivity data:
・ Companies with low margins are hiring labour and increasing hours- counted
data that we can believe in, and that cannot be easily reconciled with
belief in declining labour productivity
・ The UK economy has shown great adaptability and limited evidence of sectoral
or labour market mismatch to date
・ Direct measures of the way that supply shocks are usually felt - corporate
liquidations, investment shortfall, long-term unemployment - have not yet
accumulated to very much impact
・ There is no comparable international ‘technology shock’
・ GDP data tends to get revised up after recessions (particularly in UK)
and there is an obvious candidate in Net Export measures
・ If there remain overemployed sectors, then productivity will rise』
historical mistakes (so far)』というものでございまして、最初の所からいきなり吹いたのですが、曰く。
『Independent central banks have a tendency to err on the preemptive deterrent
side, not to be too soft』
『BIS just said all central banks should raise rates, and pointed to the
UK’s above target past inflation - NONSENSE』
『Some central banks, particularly in EMs pegged to the US dollar, should
raise rates as their conditions demand
In the UK and the west more broadly, there is little or no credit growth,
little wage growth beyond productivity, little evidence of rising inflation
expectations, and oil prices are not (yet) a one way bet
Every MPC meeting, I sit opposite the huge portrait of Montagu Norman,
and ask myself “What Would Montagu Do?” and do the opposite. So should
other central bankers.』
Montagu Norman
『We are in an economic situation in the UK today where:
・ Monetary policy anchors inflation expectations
・ Workers have limited bargaining power over wages
・ Oil prices are not obviously accelerating one way
・ Trend productivity growth is largely undiminished
Therefore little risk of inflation let alone stagflation
・ But we still risk echoing that 30’s show writ small』
『The immediate policy decision』の第26パラグラフから。
『26 Most members judged that it was appropriate to maintain the current
stance of monetary policy at this meeting.』
『It was likely that the current weakness in activity would persist for
longer than previously thought, although the reduction over the month in
the exchange rate and in market interest rates would provide some countervailing
stimulus to the economy.』
『That weakness, together with the continued subdued behaviour of earnings,
reinforced the case that inflation was likely to fall back once the temporary
impact of the factors pushing up on it had waned.』
『But there also remained upside risks associated with the sustained period
of above-target inflation. There was a range of views on the balance of
these downside and upside risks. Overall, however, recent developments
had reduced the likelihood that a tightening in policy would be warranted
in the near term.』
『25 Overall, the balance between the upside and the downside risks to
inflation in the medium term had not changed sufficiently over the month
for Committee members to change their views of the appropriate setting
for monetary policy. The risks to inflation in the medium term remained
substantial in both directions.』
『Not That‘70’s Show Why Stagflation is Unlikely』
『1. What kind of world are we in today?
2. Monetary policy that anchors inflation expectations
3. Labor markets with limited bargaining power for workers over wages
4. Oil price trends not obviously accelerating upwards (yet?)
5. Productivity trend largely undiminished (yet!)
6. Avoiding historical mistakes (so far)』
『・ For foreign policy , the question facing an intervention decision is
whether this is Munich (deter) or Vietnam (accommodate)?
・ For monetary policy, the question is similar but reversed: is this the
1930s (accommodate) or 1970s (deter)?
・ The underlying dynamic today is parallel to the 1930s, but we have avoided
repeating that for several reasons:
- Structural changes (automatic stabilizers, flexible x/r, deposit insurance)
- A smaller share of the world in synchronized contraction
- Aggressive coordinated macroeconomic stimulus 2008‐2010
・ Is there a risk to go from such a state to one of overheating and inflation
- or inflation and contraction (aka stagflation)? 』
『・ Let’s assess what it took for stagflation to occur in the 1970s
・ This is a serious question, not a straw man
- Stagflation is unusual historically, especially following a recession
- The historical and theoretical imagery of ‘pre‐emptive monetary policy’stems
completely from the 1970s experience
・ What would be involved in repeating the wage‐price spirals?
- Unanchored inflation expectations
- Transmission of expectations into real wage resistance
- Economically significant energy supply shock(s)
- An unrecognized decline in trend productivity growth
・ Only the third of these (oil) seems to possibly be at work
- Bruno and Sachs (1985), Blanchard and Gali (2007) show that all of them
have to interact to (re)produce the 1970s』
スライドの6枚目が『Monetary policy that anchors inflation expectations』というお題。
『・ The theoretical literature on central banking (and some press) treats
monetary policymaking as under constant suspicion
・ The empirical evidence has not supported this view (Blinder,McCallum,
Posen on CBI; Kuttner and Posen on CB governors)
・ Right now in global markets, there is understanding of explanations
- Recent Inflation Report and my February speech on financial expectations
・ Several factors contribute to this real‐world anchoring:
- Central bank independence from fiscal authorities
- Better knowledge of how some (not all) of the economy works
- Inflation targeting and transparent disclosure by central banks
・ A reasonable discourse and accountability, not a ‘trigger‐strategy’game
of needing to pre‐empt (fighting the last war?)』
どどーんと飛んでスライドの18枚目は『Labor markets with limited bargaining
power for workers over wages』というお題。
『Everyone in the UK should remember (or know) about the 1970s, the Winter
of Discontent, Britain Against Itself (Beer (1982))…
- That was in part the result of 30 years of rising union power
・ But that was then, this is now
・ Today, we are seeing the result of 30 years of declining union power
Labour market structures have changed in the UK and globally
- Liberalization and other policies from Thatcher and Blair
- Pressures from globalization of production and global labour force
- Changes in the technology and specialization of work
I am NOT saying one state is better or worse normatively
I am saying that as a policymaker, one has to recognize reality』
『Oil price trends not obviously accelerating upwards (yet?)』というお題。
『Oil matters for modern economies, but less than it did 30 years ago
・ Is there a major supply shock, or an exaggerated response to one given high demand?
・ What is the elasticity of demand by consumers and businesses?
・ How fast would/could there be a supply response to demand?
Deciding the importance of the trend in energy prices depends on:
・ The size of the trend and the good’s importance in the basket・ The size
of the underlying trend versus the fluctuations around trend
IF the trend is big enough and reversals short‐enough, we will respond
to keep inflation in line with the target (Bean (2011))
But, a majority of the MPC (and I agree) says not yet there』
『The other big 1970s mistake was trying to keep growth up at an unsustainable
level - arguably because a productivity growth slowdown went unrecognized
(Orphanides (1994) and others)』
『Once the temporary shocks that have been holding down economic activity
pass, we expect to again see the effects of policy accommodation reflected
in stronger economic activity and job creation. However, given the range
of uncertainties about the strength of the recovery and prospects for inflation
over the medium term, the Federal Reserve remains prepared to respond should
economic developments indicate that an adjustment in the stance of monetary
policy would be appropriate.』
『On the one hand, the possibility remains that the recent economic weakness
may prove more persistent than expected and that deflationary risks might
reemerge, implying a need for additional policy support.』
『Even with the federal funds rate close to zero, we have a number of ways
in which we could act to ease financial conditions further.』
『One option would be to provide more explicit guidance about the period
over which the federal funds rate and the balance sheet would remain at
their current levels.』
『Another approach would be to initiate more securities purchases or to
increase the average maturity of our holdings.』
『The Federal Reserve could also reduce the 25 basis point rate of interest
it pays to banks on their reserves, thereby putting downward pressure on
short-term rates more generally.』
『Of course, our experience with these policies remains relatively limited,
and employing them would entail potential risks and costs. However, prudent
planning requires that we evaluate the efficacy of these and other potential
alternatives for deploying additional stimulus if conditions warrant.』
『On the other hand, the economy could evolve in a way that would warrant
a move toward less-accommodative policy. Accordingly, the Committee has
been giving careful consideration to the elements of its exit strategy,
and, as reported in the minutes of the June FOMC meeting, it has reached
a broad consensus about the sequence of steps that it expects to follow
when the normalization of policy becomes appropriate.』
『In brief, when economic conditions warrant, the Committee would begin
the normalization process by ceasing the reinvestment of principal payments
on its securities, thereby allowing the Federal Reserve's balance sheet
to begin shrinking. At the same time or sometime thereafter, the Committee
would modify the forward guidance in its statement. Subsequent steps would
include the initiation of temporary reserve-draining operations and, when
conditions warrant, increases in the federal funds rate target.』
『From that point on, changing the level or range of the federal funds
rate target would be our primary means of adjusting the stance of monetary
policy in response to economic developments.』
『Sometime after the first increase in the federal funds rate target, the
Committee expects to initiate sales of agency securities from its portfolio,
with the timing and pace of sales clearly communicated to the public in
advance. Once sales begin, the pace of sales is anticipated to be relatively
gradual and steady, but it could be adjusted up or down in response to
material changes in the economic outlook or financial conditions. Over
time, the securities portfolio and the associated quantity of bank reserves
are expected to be reduced to the minimum levels consistent with the efficient
implementation of monetary policy.』
『Of course, conditions can change, and in choosing the time to begin policy
normalization as well as the pace of that process, should that be the next
direction for policy, we would carefully consider both parts of our dual
前半が『The Economic Outlook』ですけれども、まあ足元の状況については最初の1パラグラフが端的に言えばまとめという感じですが。
『The U.S. economy has continued to recover, but the pace of the expansion
so far this year has been modest. After increasing at an annual rate of
2-3/4 percent in the second half of 2010, real gross domestic product (GDP)
rose at about a 2 percent rate in the first quarter of this year, and incoming
data suggest that the pace of recovery remained soft in the spring. At
the same time, the unemployment rate, which had appeared to be on a downward
trajectory at the turn of the year, has moved back above 9 percent.』
『In part, the recent weaker-than-expected economic performance appears
to have been the result of several factors that are likely to be temporary.
Notably, the run-up in prices of energy, especially gasoline, and food
has reduced consumer purchasing power. In addition, the supply chain disruptions
that occurred following the earthquake in Japan caused U.S. motor vehicle
producers to sharply curtail assemblies and limited the availability of
some models.』
『Looking forward, however, the apparent stabilization in the prices of
oil and other commodities should ease the pressure on household budgets,
and vehicle manufacturers report that they are making significant progress
in overcoming the parts shortages and expect to increase production substantially
this summer.』
『Much of the slowdown in aggregate demand this year has been centered
in the household sector, and the ability and willingness of consumers to
spend will be an important determinant of the pace of the recovery in coming
『Real disposable personal income over the first five months of 2011 was
boosted by the reduction in payroll taxes, but those gains were largely
offset by higher prices for gasoline and other commodities. Households
report that they have little confidence in the durability of the recovery
and about their own income prospects. Moreover, the ongoing weakness in
home values is holding down household wealth and weighing on consumer sentiment.』
『On the positive side, household debt burdens are declining, delinquency
rates on credit card and auto loans are down significantly, and the number
of homeowners missing a mortgage payment for the first time is decreasing.
The anticipated pickups in economic activity and job creation, together
with the expected easing of price pressures, should bolster real household
income, confidence, and spending in the medium run.』
『Most of the recent rise in inflation appears likely to be transitory,
and FOMC participants expected inflation to subside in coming quarters
to rates at or below the level of 2 percent or a bit less that participants
view as consistent with our dual mandate of maximum employment and price
stability. 』
ということで、またまたこちらでも「at or below the level of 2 percent」とbelowが入っていますな、当たり前ですけれども。
まあここまでは前振りみたいなもんで、後半の『Monetary Policy』がネタなのでありますが。
『As you know, that policy currently consists of two parts.』
『First, the target range for the federal funds rate remains at 0 to 1/4
percent and, as indicated in the statement released after the June meeting,
the Committee expects that economic conditions are likely to warrant exceptionally
low levels of the federal funds rate for an extended period.』
『The second component of monetary policy has been to increase the Federal
Reserve's holdings of longer-term securities, an approach undertaken because
the target for the federal funds rate could not be lowered meaningfully
『The Federal Reserve's acquisition of longer-term Treasury securities
boosted the prices of such securities and caused longer-term Treasury yields
to be lower than they would have been otherwise. In addition, by removing
substantial quantities of longer-term Treasury securities from the market,
the Fed's purchases induced private investors to acquire other assets that
serve as substitutes for Treasury securities in the financial marketplace,
such as corporate bonds and mortgage-backed securities. 』
『By this means, the Fed's asset purchase program--like more conventional
monetary policy--has served to reduce the yields and increase the prices
of those other assets as well. The net result of these actions is lower
borrowing costs and easier financial conditions throughout the economy.
We know from many decades of experience with monetary policy that, when
the economy is operating below its potential, easier financial conditions
tend to promote more rapid economic growth. Estimates based on a number
of recent studies as well as Federal Reserve analyses suggest that, all
else being equal, the second round of asset purchases probably lowered
longer-term interest rates approximately 10 to 30 basis points. Our analysis
further indicates that a reduction in longer-term interest rates of this
magnitude would be roughly equivalent in terms of its effect on the economy
to a 40 to 120 basis point reduction in the federal funds rate.』
『In June, we completed the planned purchases of $600 billion in longer-term
Treasury securities that the Committee initiated in November, while continuing
to reinvest the proceeds of maturing or redeemed longer-term securities
in Treasuries. Although we are no longer expanding our securities holdings,
the evidence suggests that the degree of accommodation delivered by the
Federal Reserve's securities purchase program is determined primarily by
the quantity and mix of securities that the Federal Reserve holds rather
than by the current pace of new purchases. Thus, even with the end of net
new purchases, maintaining our holdings of these securities should continue
to put downward pressure on market interest rates and foster more accommodative
financial conditions than would otherwise be the case.』
『When we began this program, we certainly did not expect it to be a panacea
for the country's economic problems. However, as the expansion weakened
last summer, developments with respect to both components of our dual mandate
implied that additional monetary accommodation was needed. In that context,
we believed that the program would both help reduce the risk of deflation
that had emerged and provide a needed boost to faltering economic activity
and job creation. 』
『The experience to date with the round of securities purchases that just
ended suggests that the program had the intended effects of reducing the
risk of deflation and shoring up economic activity. In the months following
the August announcement of our policy of reinvesting maturing and redeemed
securities and our signal that we were considering more purchases, inflation
compensation as measured in the market for inflation-indexed securities
rose from low to more normal levels, suggesting that the perceived risks
of deflation had receded markedly. This was a significant achievement,
as we know from the Japanese experience that protracted deflation can be
quite costly in terms of weaker economic growth. 』
『With respect to employment, our expectations were relatively modest;
estimates made in the autumn suggested that the additional purchases could
boost employment by about 700,000 jobs over two years, or about 30,000
extra jobs per month. Even including the disappointing readings for May
and June, which reflected in part the temporary factors discussed earlier,
private payroll gains have averaged 160,000 per month in the first half
of 2011, compared with average increases of only about 80,000 private jobs
per month from May to August 2010.』
『Not all of the step-up in hiring was necessarily the result of the asset
purchase program, but the comparison is consistent with our expectations
for employment gains. Of course, we will be monitoring developments in
the labor market closely.』
『Nevertheless, the staff still projected real GDP to increase at a moderate
rate in the second half of 2011 and in 2012, with the ongoing recovery
in activity receiving continued support from accommodative monetary policy,
further increases in credit availability, and anticipated improvements
in household and business confidence. The average pace of real GDP growth
was expected to be sufficient to bring the unemployment rate down very
slowly over the projection period, and the jobless rate was anticipated
to remain elevated at the end of 2012.』
『Although increases in consumer food and energy prices slowed a bit in
recent months, the continued step-up in core consumer price inflation led
the staff to raise slightly its projection for core inflation over the
coming quarters. However, headline inflation was still expected to recede
over the medium term, as increases in food and energy prices and in non-oil
import prices were anticipated to ease further. As in previous forecasts,
the staff continued to project that core consumer price inflation would
remain relatively subdued over the projection period, reflecting both stable
long-term inflation expectations and persistent slack in labor and product
で、次が『Participants' Views on Current Conditions and the Economic Outlook』なのですが、今回はこの辺が色々とオモロイのです(つまり昨日は前振りみたいなもん)。
『In their discussion of the economic situation and outlook, meeting participants
agreed that the economic information received during the intermeeting period
indicated that the economic recovery was continuing at a moderate pace,
though somewhat more slowly than they had anticipated at the time of the
April meeting.』
『Participants noted several transitory factors that were restraining growth,
including the global supply chain disruptions in the wake of the Japanese
earthquake, the unusually severe weather in some parts of the United States,
a drop in defense spending, and the effects of increases in oil and other
commodity prices this year on household purchasing power and spending.』
『Participants expected that the expansion would gain strength as the influence
of these temporary factors waned.』
『Nonetheless, most participants judged that the pace of the economic recovery
was likely to be somewhat slower over coming quarters than they had projected
in April.』
『This judgment reflected the persistent weakness in the housing market,
the ongoing efforts by some households to reduce debt burdens, the recent
sluggish growth of income and consumption, the fiscal contraction at all
levels of government, and the effects of uncertainty regarding the economic
outlook and future tax and regulatory policies on the willingness of firms
to hire and invest.』
『Moreover, the recovery remained subject to some downside risks, such
as the possibility of a more extended period of weak activity and declining
prices in the housing sector, the chance of a larger-than-expected near-term
fiscal tightening, and potential financial and economic spillovers if the
situation in peripheral Europe were to deteriorate further.』
『Participants still projected that the unemployment rate would decline
gradually toward levels they saw as consistent with the Committee's dual
mandate, but at a more gradual pace than they had forecast in April.』
『While higher prices for energy and other commodities had boosted inflation
this year, with commodity prices expected to change little going forward
and longer-term inflation expectations stable, most participants anticipated
that inflation would subside to levels at or below those consistent with
the Committee's dual mandate.』
『Meeting participants generally noted that the most recent data on employment
had been disappointing, and new claims for unemployment insurance remained
elevated. The recent deterioration in labor market conditions was a particular
concern for FOMC participants because the prospects for job growth were
seen as an important source of uncertainty in the economic outlook, particularly
in the outlook for consumer spending.』
『Several participants reported feedback from business contacts who were
delaying hiring until the economic and regulatory outlook became more certain
and who indicated that they expected to meet any near-term increase in
the demand for their products without boosting employment; these participants
noted the risk that such cautious attitudes toward hiring could slow the
pace at which the unemployment rate normalized.』
『Wage gains were generally reported to be subdued, although wages for
a few skilled job categories in which workers were in short supply were
said to be increasing relatively more rapidly. 』
『In identifying possible risks to financial stability, a few participants
expressed concern that credit conditions in some sectors--most notably
the agriculture sector--might have eased too much amid signs that investors
in these markets were aggressively taking on more leverage and risk in
order to obtain higher returns. 』
『However, a number of participants pointed out that the recent faster
pace of price increases was widespread across many categories of spending
and was evident in inflation measures such as trimmed means or medians,
which exclude the most extreme price movements in each period. The discussion
of core inflation and similar indicators reflected the view expressed by
some participants that such measures are useful for forecasting the path
of inflation over the medium run. In addition, reports from business contacts
indicated that some already had passed on, or were intending to try to
pass on, at least a portion of their higher costs to customers in order
to maintain profit margins.』
『Most participants expected that much of the rise in headline inflation
this year would prove transitory and that inflation over the medium term
would be subdued as long as commodity prices did not continue to rise rapidly
and longer-term inflation expectations remained stable.』
『Nevertheless, a number of participants judged the risks to the outlook
for inflation as tilted to the upside.』
『Moreover, a few participants saw a continuation of the current stance
of monetary policy as posing some upside risk to inflation expectations
and actual inflation over time. However, other participants observed that
measures of longer-term inflation compensation derived from financial instruments
had remained stable of late, and that survey-based measures of longer-term
inflation expectations also had not changed appreciably, on net, in recent
months. These participants noted that labor costs were rising only slowly,
and that persistent slack in labor and product markets would likely limit
upward pressures on prices in coming quarters. Participants agreed that
it would be important to pay close attention to the evolution of both inflation
and inflation expectations.』
『A few participants noted that the adoption by the Committee of an explicit
numerical inflation objective could help keep longer-term inflation expectations
well anchored.』
『Another participant, however, expressed concern that the adoption of
such an objective could, in effect, alter the relative importance of the
two components of the Committee's dual mandate.』
『Participants also discussed the medium-term outlook for monetary policy.』
『Some participants noted that if economic growth remained too slow to
make satisfactory progress toward reducing the unemployment rate and if
inflation returned to relatively low levels after the effects of recent
transitory shocks dissipated, it would be appropriate to provide additional
monetary policy accommodation.』
『Others, however, saw the recent configuration of slower growth and higher
inflation as suggesting that there might be less slack in labor and product
markets than had been thought.』
『Several participants observed that the necessity of reallocating labor
across sectors as the recovery proceeds, as well as the loss of skills
caused by high levels of long-term unemployment and permanent separations,
may have temporarily reduced the economy's level of potential output. In
that case, the withdrawal of monetary accommodation may need to begin sooner
than currently anticipated in financial markets.』
『A few participants expressed uncertainty about the efficacy of monetary
policy in current circumstances but disagreed on the implications for future
『Committee Policy Action』の最初の部分はまあ普通の話(今回の決定に関する話)をしているのですが、その後に両論併記コーナーが。
『On the one hand, a few members noted that, depending on how economic
conditions evolve, the Committee might have to consider providing additional
monetary policy stimulus, especially if economic growth remained too slow
to meaningfully reduce the unemployment rate in the medium run.』
『On the other hand, a few members viewed the increase in inflation risks
as suggesting that economic conditions might well evolve in a way that
would warrant the Committee taking steps to begin removing policy accommodation
sooner than currently anticipated.』
『In the discussion of inflation in the statement, members decided to reference
inflation--meaning overall inflation--rather than underlying inflation
or inflation trends, in order to be clear that the Committee's objective
is the level of overall inflation in the medium term. 』(ちなみに原文では一部斜字体なんですけどめんどいから普通のフォントで勘弁)
『External Communications』って小見出しです。
『In follow-up to discussions at the January meeting, the Committee turned
to consideration of policies aimed at supporting effective communication
with the public regarding the outlook for the economy and monetary policy.
The subcommittee on communication, chaired by Governor Yellen and composed
of Governor Duke and Presidents Fisher and Rosengren, proposed policies
for Committee participants and for Federal Reserve System staff to follow
in their communications with the public in order to reinforce the public's
confidence in the transparency and integrity of the monetary policy process.』
『By unanimous vote, the Committee approved the policies.』
脚注があって、(The policies are available at http://www.federalreserve.gov/monetarypolicy/files/FOMC_ExtCommunicationParticipants.pdf and http://www.federalreserve.gov/monetarypolicy/files/FOMC_ExtCommunicationStaff.pdf.)だそうですがまだ読んでないっす(汗)。
『Participants all supported the policies, but several of them emphasized
that the policy for staff, in particular, should be applied with judgment
and common sense so as to avoid interfering with legitimate research.』
『Upward pressures on core consumer prices appeared to reflect the elevated
prices of commodities and other imports, along with notable increases in
motor vehicle prices likely arising from the effects of recent supply chain
disruptions and the resulting extremely low level of automobile inventories.』
『Headline consumer price inflation, which had risen in the first quarter,
edged down a bit in April and May, as the prices of consumer food and energy
decelerated from the pace seen in previous months. More recently, survey
data through the middle of June pointed to declines in retail gasoline
prices, and prices of food commodities appeared to have decreased somewhat.
Excluding food and energy, core consumer price inflation picked up in April
and May, pushing the 12-month change in the core consumer price index through
May above its level of a year earlier.』
pressures 〜」になります。
『However, near-term inflation expectations from the Thomson Reuters/University
of Michigan Surveys of Consumers moved down a little in May and early June
from the high level seen in April, and longer-term inflation expectations
remained within the range that has generally prevailed over the preceding
few years.』
『With the recent data on spending, income, production, and labor market
conditions mostly weaker than the staff had anticipated at the time of
the April FOMC meeting, the near-term projection for the rate of increase
in real gross domestic product (GDP) was revised down. The effects of the
disaster in Japan and of higher commodity prices on the rate of increase
in real consumer spending were expected to hold down U.S. real GDP growth
in the near term, but those effects were anticipated to be transitory.』
『However, the staff also read the incoming economic data as suggesting
that the underlying pace of the recovery was softer than they had previously
anticipated, and they marked down their outlook for economic growth over
the medium term.』
『Nevertheless, the staff still projected real GDP to increase at a moderate
rate in the second half of 2011 and in 2012, with the ongoing recovery
in activity receiving continued support from accommodative monetary policy,
further increases in credit availability, and anticipated improvements
in household and business confidence. The average pace of real GDP growth
was expected to be sufficient to bring the unemployment rate down very
slowly over the projection period, and the jobless rate was anticipated
to remain elevated at the end of 2012.』
『Although increases in consumer food and energy prices slowed a bit in
recent months, the continued step-up in core consumer price inflation led
the staff to raise slightly its projection for core inflation over the
coming quarters. However, headline inflation was still expected to recede
over the medium term, as increases in food and energy prices and in non-oil
import prices were anticipated to ease further. As in previous forecasts,
the staff continued to project that core consumer price inflation would
remain relatively subdued over the projection period, reflecting both stable
long-term inflation expectations and persistent slack in labor and product
『Developments in Financial Markets and the Federal Reserve's Balance Sheet』の所にございますが、
『In light of ongoing strains in some foreign financial markets, the Committee
considered a proposal to extend its dollar liquidity swap arrangements
with foreign central banks past August 1, 2011. Following their discussion,
members unanimously approved the following resolution:』
あと、次のコーナーが『Dynamic Stochastic General Equilibrium Models』という小見出しでして、DSGEモデルがどうしたこうしたという話があるのですが、あたくし的にはふーん程度しか興味が無い(すいません)ので結論らしき部分だけ一応引用。
『In discussing the staff presentation, meeting participants expressed
the view that DSGE models are a useful addition to the wide range of analytical
approaches traditionally used at the Federal Reserve, in part because they
provide an internally consistent way of exploring how the behavior of economic
agents might change in response to systematic adjustments to policy. Some
participants also expressed interest in seeing on a regular basis projections
of key macroeconomic variables and other products from the DSGE models
developed in the System.』
『Finally, participants encouraged further staff work to improve these
models by, for example, expanding the range of questions they can be used
to address.』
んでもって次のコーナーが『Exit Strategy Principles』でござる。
『The Committee discussed strategies for normalizing the stance and conduct
of monetary policy, following up on its discussion of this topic at the
April meeting. Participants stressed that the Committee's discussions of
this topic were undertaken as part of prudent planning and did not imply
that a move toward such normalization would necessarily begin sometime
soon. For concreteness, the Committee considered a set of specific principles
that would guide its strategy of normalizing the stance and conduct of
monetary policy.』
『Participants discussed several specific elements of the principles, including
how they should characterize the monetary policy framework that the Committee
would adopt after the conduct of policy returned to normal and whether
the principles should encompass the possible timing between the normalization
steps. At the conclusion of the discussion, all but one of the participants
agreed on the following key elements of the strategy that they expect to
follow when it becomes appropriate to begin normalizing the stance and
conduct of monetary policy:』
『The Committee will determine the timing and pace of policy normalization
to promote its statutory mandate of maximum employment and price stability.』
『To begin the process of policy normalization, the Committee will likely
first cease reinvesting some or all payments of principal on the securities
holdings in the SOMA.』
『At the same time or sometime thereafter, the Committee will modify its
forward guidance on the path of the federal funds rate and will initiate
temporary reserve-draining operations aimed at supporting the implementation
of increases in the federal funds rate when appropriate.』
an extended period)の変更」と「一時的なリザーブ吸収オペレーション(リバースレポとかタームデポジットファシリティーとか)を開始して必要な時にFFレートを引き上げるようにできるようにする」という事だそうで。
『When economic conditions warrant, the Committee's next step in the process
of policy normalization will be to begin raising its target for the federal
funds rate, and from that point on, changing the level or range of the
federal funds rate target will be the primary means of adjusting the stance
of monetary policy. During the normalization process, adjustments to the
interest rate on excess reserves and to the level of reserves in the banking
system will be used to bring the funds rate toward its target.』
で、ここ読んでいて「ほー」と思ったのは金利誘導に関して『changing the level
or range of the federal funds rate target』という文言が入っている事でして、金利誘導政策メインに戻すとしても、超過準備が過大にある中では実効FF金利の調整をピンポイントで実施するのは難しい面があるかもしれないとFOMCメンバーが認識していて、もしかしたら最初の利上げの時には誘導目標をピンポイントではなくてレンジで引き上げとなる可能性もあるのかなあとか思うのでありました。
『Sales of agency securities from the SOMA will likely commence sometime
after the first increase in the target for the federal funds rate. The
timing and pace of sales will be communicated to the public in advance;
that pace is anticipated to be relatively gradual and steady, but it could
be adjusted up or down in response to material changes in the economic
outlook or financial conditions.』
『Once sales begin, the pace of sales is expected to be aimed at eliminating
the SOMA's holdings of agency securities over a period of three to five
years, thereby minimizing the extent to which the SOMA portfolio might
affect the allocation of credit across sectors of the economy. Sales at
this pace would be expected to normalize the size of the SOMA securities
portfolio over a period of two to three years. In particular, the size
of the securities portfolio and the associated quantity of bank reserves
are expected to be reduced to the smallest levels that would be consistent
with the efficient implementation of monetary policy.』
『The Committee is prepared to make adjustments to its exit strategy if
necessary in light of economic and financial developments. 』
○単にこの話は「data dependent」という話なのではないかと思うのだが
バーナンキFRB議長:刺激策が必要なら「対応の用意」 (3)
St. Louis Fed’s Bullard Discusses Effectiveness of QE2
QE2: An Assessment
その名もずばりQuantitative Easing (QE) Conferenceが実施されましたとゆーメモだけ作りましたので、まあこの前切った手形の決済ということで(汗)。
『During his presentation, Bullard discussed the use of balance sheet policy
(or quantitative easing) to conduct stabilization policy once short-term
nominal interest rates are near zero.』
『“The purchase and sale of liquid assets, such as Treasury securities,
is very similar to ordinary monetary policy, except that a particular nominal
interest rate target is not set,” he said.』
『Bullard focused mostly on the Fed’s second round of quantitative easing
(which is commonly referred to as “QE2”), analyzing the motivation for
and effectiveness of this policy action. Overall, Bullard said that QE2
was classic monetary policy easing. “This experience shows that monetary
policy can be eased aggressively even when the policy rate is near zero,”
he said.』
『1 Editor’s Note: For more discussion, see Bullard’s paper published last year, “Seven Faces of ‘The Peril.’”』
で、まあこの講演“Seven Faces of ‘The Peril.’”(http://research.stlouisfed.org/publications/review/10/09/Bullard.pdf)が色々とその辺りに関して議論していた奴でして、あたくしもネタにした(昨年の8月後半である)ので、元の議論の前提を確認したい場合はそちらを読んで味噌。
で、その資産買入の効果ですけれども。次の『Balance Sheet Policy』の所に基本的な論点がございます。
『When short-term nominal interest rates are near zero, Bullard said, “asset
purchases at longer maturities can substitute for ordinary monetary policy.”
These purchases put downward pressure on nominal interest rates further
out the yield curve and upward pressure on expected inflation.』
『Thus, expanding the balance sheet puts downward pressure on real interest rates.』
『With the policy rate near zero since December 2008, the FOMC has voted
to pursue a balance sheet policy twice. The first quantitative easing program―announced
in late November 2008 and expanded in March 2009―consisted of more than
$1.7 trillion in purchases of agency debt, agency mortgage-backed securities,
and long-term Treasury debt. The second quantitative easing program―announced
in November 2010―included $600 billion in purchases of longer-term Treasury
『“Balance sheet policy, like all monetary policy, should be conducted
in a state-contingent way,” Bullard added. (In other words, policy should
be adjusted based on the state of the economy.)』
『QE2: Motivation』って辺りからがプレゼン資料的に言うと本題になってくる感じでございますので、まあここまでがマクラでこのあとが具体的にQE2に関する評価という所になろうかと思います。
『Regarding the motivation for QE2, Bullard highlighted the disinflation
trend that developed during 2010 and the slower pace of recovery during
the summer of 2010. “These developments left the U.S. at risk of a Japanese-style
outcome,” he said. The “Japanese experience with mild deflation and a
near-zero nominal interest rate has been poor.”』
『In 2010, U.S. monetary policy included a near-zero policy rate, a large
balance sheet, and “extended period” language for the near-zero policy
rate. Lengthening the “extended period” in response to the economic developments
could potentially be counter-productive and send the U.S. to a Japanese-style
outcome. In order to avoid that, the FOMC voted to pursue QE2.』
『Bullard said that macroeconomists and policymakers are generally very
fragmented on the issues raised by Benhabib, Schmitt-Grohe, and Uribe.』
で、この部分に関しては先ほどご照会した “Seven Faces of ‘The Peril.’”を参考にとゆー所ですが、要旨の文書的にはサラサラ流しています(昨年の講演とかぶるからというのもあるのでしょうが)が、プレゼン資料的にはこの部分のスライドが一番気合入っているように見えますので、この辺が今回のメインの話だったと思料されます。
次の章が『QE2: Was It Effective?』という話です。まあ結論は当然ながら効果があったとゆー話であることはお分かりかと存じますが。
『Markets began pricing in additional FOMC action after Chairman Ben Bernanke’s
Jackson Hole speech in late August 2010. Although the FOMC made the decision
to purchase additional assets in November 2010, “most effects were already
priced into financial markets at that point,” Bullard said.』
『“The financial market effects of QE2 looked the same as if the FOMC
had reduced the policy rate substantially,” Bullard said. “In particular,
real interest rates declined, inflation expectations rose, the dollar depreciated,
and equity prices rose. These are the ‘classic’ financial market effects
one might observe when the Fed eases monetary policy in ordinary times.”』
inflation increased』(プレゼンより)ということでTIPSの数値、『The
dollar depreciated』(プレゼンより)ということで貿易加重後の名目ドルインデックス、『Real
interest rates declined』(プレゼンより)ということで5年物TIPSの利回り、『Equity
prices increased』(プレゼンより)ということでWilshire5000PriceIndexっつーのが出ていまして、効果がありましたという話をしています。
『Although the financial market effects were priced in ahead of the November
decision, Bullard said that the effects of QE2 on the real economy would
be expected to lag by six to 12 months.』
『“Real effects are difficult to disentangle because other shocks hit
the economy in the meantime,” he said, adding this seems to have happened
during the first half of 2011. Disentangling the real effects is a standard
problem in evaluating monetary policy, he noted.』
『“QE2 has shown that the Fed can conduct an effective monetary stabilization
policy even when policy rates are near zero,” Bullard concluded.』
7 July 2011 - Monetary policy decisions
『At today’s meeting the Governing Council of the ECB took the following monetary
policy decisions:
1.The interest rate on the main refinancing operations of the Eurosystem
will be increased by 25 basis points to 1.50%, starting from the operation
to be settled on 13 July 2011.
2.The interest rate on the marginal lending facility will be increased
by 25 basis points to 2.25%, with effect from 13 July 2011.
3.The interest rate on the deposit facility will be increased by 25 basis
points to 0.75%, with effect from 13 July 2011.』
左の頭の所に『Key figures at a glance』がありますが・・・・
『Marginal lending facility 2.25 %
Main refinancing operations (fixed rate) 1.50 %
Deposit facility 0.75 %
Effective from 13 July 2011』
7 July 2011 - ECB announces change in eligibility of debt instruments
issued or guaranteed by the Portuguese government
『The Governing Council of the European Central Bank (ECB) has decided
to suspend the application of the minimum credit rating threshold in the
collateral eligibility requirements for the purposes of the Eurosystem’s
credit operations in the case of marketable debt instruments issued or
guaranteed by the Portuguese government. This suspension will be maintained
until further notice.』
『The Portuguese government has approved an economic and financial adjustment
programme, which has been negotiated with the European Commission, in liaison
with the ECB, and the International Monetary Fund. The Governing Council
has assessed the programme and considers it to be appropriate. This positive
assessment and the strong commitment of the Portuguese government to fully
implement the programme are the basis, also from a risk management perspective,
for the suspension announced herewith.』
『The suspension applies to all outstanding and new marketable debt instruments
issued or guaranteed by the Portuguese government.』
Introductory statement to the press conference
Jean-Claude Trichet, President of the ECB,
Vitor Constancio, Vice-President of the ECB,
Frankfurt am Main, 7 July 2011
『Based on its regular economic and monetary analyses, the Governing Council
decided to increase the key ECB interest rates by 25 basis points, after
raising rates by 25 basis points in April 2011 from historically low levels.』
『The further adjustment of the current accommodative monetary policy stance
is warranted in the light of upside risks to price stability.』
『The underlying pace of monetary expansion is continuing to gradually
recover, while monetary liquidity remains ample with the potential to accommodate
price pressures in the euro area. All in all, it is essential that the
recent price developments do not give rise to broad-based inflationary
pressures over the medium term.』
『Our decision will contribute to keeping inflation expectations in the
euro area firmly anchored in line with our aim of maintaining inflation
rates below, but close to, 2% over the medium term.』
『Such anchoring is a prerequisite for monetary policy to contribute to
economic growth in the euro area.』
『At the same time, interest rates across the entire maturity spectrum
remain low. Thus, our monetary policy stance remains accommodative, lending
support to economic activity and job creation. As expected, recent economic
data indicate some deceleration in the pace of economic growth in the second
quarter of 2011.』
『While the underlying momentum of economic growth in the euro area continues
to be positive, uncertainty remains elevated.』
『We will continue to monitor very closely all developments with respect
to upside risks to price stability.』
monitor very closelyキタコレという感じでございますが、「現在の金融環境は緩和的」であって、ここにあるように「物価安定に対するアップサイドリスクに対して引き続き注意深く見守る」という話をしている上に、中段の辺りでわざわざ「足元の物価上昇が広範囲にわたって拡大している訳ではなく、インフレ期待も安定している」という話をしていますので、まあ物価警戒スタンスについては継続でしょうし、現在の金融政策の適切な調整とは何ぞやと言われたらそらまあ金利引き上げ方向になるんでしょ、としか読めない会見冒頭のフレーズなのでございました。
『20 There had remained little sign of higher CPI inflation feeding into
wage claims. Private sector regular annual pay growth in the three months
to March had been 1.9%, a little weaker than in the three months to December.
And private sector wage settlements had remained subdued at 2.1% in the
three months to April.』
『A key question for the MPC was over the rate of pay growth that was likely
to be consistent with inflation returning to the 2% target in the medium
term. That would depend upon the future path of productivity, which had
so far barely grown at all during the recovery. It would also depend on
the extent to which businesses sought to rebuild profit margins that had
been compressed during the recession, as the level of productivity had
fallen sharply.』
『21 Survey measures of capacity utilisation had suggested that some spare
capacity remained in the service sector, although less than a year ago,
while capacity utilisation in the manufacturing sector appeared at around
normal rates. On the one hand, this appeared broadly consistent with the
price trends seen in the manufacturing and service sectors, after abstracting
from the estimated impacts of changes in VAT, energy and import prices.
『On the other hand, it was puzzling that measures of spare capacity had
narrowed to such an extent, given the very substantial fall in output during
the recession, coupled with the sluggish demand and very weak productivity
growth that had followed during the recovery. While cross-country evidence
suggested that it was typical for recoveries after recessions accompanied
by financial crisis to be slow, the weakness of productivity growth observed
in the United Kingdom over the past year had been abnormal and had reflected
stronger-than-anticipated employment growth. The Committee had for some
time thought it possible that the official output data during the recession
and recovery would be revised upwards. An upward revision, with commensurate
changes to estimated productivity growth, would resolve some of that puzzle
in the published data.』
『Supply, costs and prices』の部分で物価に関する話があるのですけれども、この中の論点が色々とヤヤコシアルねという風情で。
『UK producer output price inflation had been significantly greater than
in the euro area between the middle of 2008 and late 2010, most likely
reflecting the impact of the depreciation of sterling on manufacturers’
costs and pricing decisions.』
『More recently, UK and euro-area producer output price inflation rates
had been similar, perhaps indicating that the bulk of the pass-through
from sterling’s depreciation to domestic output prices was complete. It
was also possible, however, that continued pass-through had been offset
by other factors depressing UK output price growth.』
『There had remained little sign of higher CPI inflation feeding into wage
『Private sector regular annual pay growth in the three months to March
had been 1.9%, a little weaker than in the three months to December. And
private sector wage settlements had remained subdued at 2.1% in the three
months to April.』
『A key question for the MPC was over the rate of pay growth that was likely
to be consistent with inflation returning to the 2% target in the medium
term. That would depend upon the future path of productivity, which had
so far barely grown at all during the recovery. It would also depend on
the extent to which businesses sought to rebuild profit margins that had
been compressed during the recession, as the level of productivity had
fallen sharply.』
『Survey measures of capacity utilisation had suggested that some spare
capacity remained in the service sector, although less than a year ago,
while capacity utilisation in the manufacturing sector appeared at around
normal rates.』
『On the one hand, this appeared broadly consistent with the price trends
seen in the manufacturing and service sectors, after abstracting from the
estimated impacts of changes in VAT, energy and import prices.』
『On the other hand, it was puzzling that measures of spare capacity had
narrowed to such an extent, given the very substantial fall in output during
the recession, coupled with the sluggish demand and very weak productivity
growth that had followed during the recovery. While cross-country evidence
suggested that it was typical for recoveries after recessions accompanied
by financial crisis to be slow, the weakness of productivity growth observed
in the United Kingdom over the past year had been abnormal and had reflected
stronger-than-anticipated employment growth.』
『The Committee had for some time thought it possible that the official
output data during the recession and recovery would be revised upwards.
An upward revision, with commensurate changes to estimated productivity
growth, would resolve some of that puzzle in the published data.』
『The immediate policy decision』に関して。
『The primary upside risks flowed from: the possibility that above-target
inflation would become engrained in expectations and subsequently in wage
and price-setting behaviour; and the possibility of further upward shocks
to the price level, particularly from global prices. The Committee judged
that the likelihood of these risks materialising, while substantial, had
changed little over the month.』
『The key downside risk was that the strength of demand would prove insufficient
to eliminate the current margin of spare capacity, leading to inflation
falling below the target in the medium term. GDP growth, and especially
consumer spending, had been weak.』
『Notwithstanding that uncertainty, on balance, the Committee judged that
the downside risks to the prospects for medium-term inflation had increased
over the month.』
『Most members judged that it was appropriate to maintain the current stance
of monetary policy at this meeting. The current weakness of demand growth
was likely to persist for longer than previously thought. Moreover, the
fiscal challenges in the euro-area periphery highlighted the potential
for further adverse shocks to demand.』
『For some of these members, it was possible that further asset purchases
might become warranted if the downside risks to medium-term inflation materialised.』
『For others, there remained a substantial upside risk to medium-term inflation
stemming from the possibility that inflation expectations might rise significantly,
compounded by the potential for further upward shocks to global prices.
Although there was no sign that this risk was materialising as yet, that
did not preclude it from doing so in the future.』