








『The international economy』の第8パラグラフ以降になりますが。

『8 Indicators for the second quarter had continued to point to a broadly based slowing in the pace of global activity. The JP Morgan global manufacturing PMI, excluding Japan, had fallen again in May, as had the comparable services index, albeit by rather less. Taken together, these surveys indicated that global growth in the second quarter would be weaker than the Committee had assumed at the time of its May Inflation Report.』


『9 On one view, it was possible that the apparent slowdown in activity could be explained simply by the disruption to global supply chains caused by the earthquake and tsunami in Japan, together with the dampening impact of elevated oil prices.』


『The weakness of automotive manufacturing output in the United States and the slowdown in consumer spending growth there could be consistent with that.』


『On that view, unless oil prices rose further, activity might be expected to recover over the coming quarters as supply chains were re-established. Over the past month, the dollar price of Brent crude oil had fallen by almost 3%, notwithstanding an increase on the first day of the Committee’s meeting following OPEC’s lack of agreement on production quotas.』


『10 It was also possible, however, that the softening of global growth would be more sustained. Supply-chain disruption could not explain the apparent weakening in services activity in many countries or, for instance, relatively disappointing US employment and investment indicators. It was possible that private sector deleveraging and fiscal consolidation in many countries would prove more of a drag on growth than anticipated, though it remained too early to draw firm conclusions.』




『Money, credit, demand and output』の第12パラグラフから。

『12 It was not yet clear from the available data whether the recent weakness in growth would prove to be a temporary soft patch or something more lasting.』


『Despite a possible boost from the recovery from snow disruption at the end of 2010, real consumer spending had been estimated to have fallen by 0.6% in the first quarter. Although the unexpectedly rapid growth in the consumer expenditure deflator suggested that real consumption might eventually be revised upwards, the weakness of real household consumption had been consistent with the sharp reduction in indicators of consumer confidence in the early months of the year. Those indicators had recovered in May, although they remained at a level consistent with further falls in consumption.』

『House prices had remained broadly flat. Housing transactions had remained below the level normally implied by natural market turnover, although there had been some signs that the supply of houses for sale was beginning to edge up.』


『Business investment was estimated to have fallen by around 7% in the first quarter. Some, but not all, of that weakness was likely to reflect the unwinding of the erratically strong spending on aircraft in the second half of 2010 induced by tax changes at the start of 2011.』


『15 As in recent quarters, nominal spending indicators had been more robust. Nominal consumer spending was estimated to have grown by over 2% in the first quarter and by 5% over the previous year.』


『This might simply reflect households’ unwillingness or inability to alter some of their real spending patterns in the face of higher prices. But it might also provide a positive signal about households’ future spending.』


『The Committee noted that the strength of nominal spending in the economy had been possible despite the continued weakness of money and credit growth. Notwithstanding some erratic monthly movements, broad money growth had remained very subdued. And the stock of M4 lending had not grown at all since the beginning of 2010, while lending to private non-financial companies had continued to fall. Given the available data, it was not yet clear whether the reported increase in nominal spending in the first quarter had been associated with a reduction in saving or increased income.』










『25 Most members judged that it was appropriate to maintain the current stance of monetary policy at this meeting. The current weakness of demand growth was likely to persist for longer than previously thought. Moreover, the fiscal challenges in the euro-area periphery highlighted the potential for further adverse shocks to demand.』


『For some of these members, it was possible that further asset purchases might become warranted if the downside risks to medium-term inflation materialised.』


『For others, there remained a substantial upside risk to medium-term inflation stemming from the possibility that inflation expectations might rise significantly, compounded by the potential for further upward shocks to global prices. Although there was no sign that this risk was materialising as yet, that did not preclude it from doing so in the future.』










『Information received since the Federal Open Market Committee met in April indicates that the economic recovery is continuing at a moderate pace, though somewhat more slowly than the Committee had expected. Also, recent labor market indicators have been weaker than anticipated. 』(今回)

『Information received since the Federal Open Market Committee met in March indicates that the economic recovery is proceeding at a moderate pace and overall conditions in the labor market are improving gradually. 』(前回)


『The slower pace of the recovery reflects in part factors that are likely to be temporary, including the damping effect of higher food and energy prices on consumer purchasing power and spending as well as supply chain disruptions associated with the tragic events in Japan. 』(今回)


『Household spending and business investment in equipment and software continue to expand. However, investment in nonresidential structures is still weak, and the housing sector continues to be depressed. 』(今回)


『Inflation has picked up in recent months, mainly reflecting higher prices for some commodities and imported goods, as well as the recent supply chain disruptions. However, longer-term inflation expectations have remained stable.』(今回)

『Commodity prices have risen significantly since last summer, and concerns about global supplies of crude oil have contributed to a further increase in oil prices since the Committee met in March. Inflation has picked up in recent months, but longer-term inflation expectations have remained stable and measures of underlying inflation are still subdued.』(前回)

ということで、インフレに関する文言であたくしが真っ先に注目したのは「measures of underlying inflation are still subdued」というのが抜けている事でありまして、この先のパラグラフとかも読んでみたのでありますが、この「基調的なインフレが抑制されている」というのが抜けたのってまあそういうデータという事ではあるのでしょうけれども、これはこれで政策判断の重要ファクターの一つでありますし、景気認識下げたといっても足元の減速は一時的という認識を示している一方で基調的インフレの抑制の文言を外しているというのは中々芸が細かいなと思うのでございまして、一見dovishなのですけれども、よく見るとhawk成分も入っているというバランスの取り方が中々じゃないのとあたしゃ勝手に思いますけどどうっすかねえ。



『Consistent with its statutory mandate, the Committee seeks to foster maximum employment and price stability. 』(今回)


『The unemployment rate remains elevated; however, the Committee expects the pace of recovery to pick up over coming quarters and the unemployment rate to resume its gradual decline toward levels that the Committee judges to be consistent with its dual mandate. 』(今回)

『The unemployment rate remains elevated, and measures of underlying inflation continue to be somewhat low, relative to levels that the Committee judges to be consistent, over the longer run, with its dual mandate.』(前回)

『Inflation has moved up recently, but the Committee anticipates that inflation will subside to levels at or below those consistent with the Committee's dual mandate as the effects of past energy and other commodity price increases dissipate. However, the Committee will continue to pay close attention to the evolution of inflation and inflation expectations. 』(今回)

『Increases in the prices of energy and other commodities have pushed up inflation in recent months. The Committee expects these effects to be transitory, but it will pay close attention to the evolution of inflation and inflation expectations. The Committee continues to anticipate a gradual return to higher levels of resource utilization in a context of price stability. 』(前回)




『To promote the ongoing economic recovery and to help ensure that inflation, over time, is at levels consistent with its mandate, the Committee decided today to keep the target range for the federal funds rate at 0 to 1/4 percent.』(今回)

『To promote a stronger pace of economic recovery and to help ensure that inflation, over time, is at levels consistent with its mandate, the Committee decided today to continue expanding its holdings of securities as announced in November.』(前回)

ということで、まあ資産買入終了ですので当然ちゃあ当然ですけれども、最初に出てきたのが金利の方でございまして、金融政策の基本フレームは金利政策に回帰という話ですわな。それから「stronger pace」が「ongoing economic recovery」に格下げになってますな(^^)。


『The Committee continues to anticipate that economic conditions--including low rates of resource utilization and a subdued outlook for inflation over the medium run--are likely to warrant exceptionally low levels for the federal funds rate for an extended period. 』(今回)

『The Committee will maintain the target range for the federal funds rate at 0 to 1/4 percent and continues to anticipate that economic conditions, including low rates of resource utilization, subdued inflation trends, and stable inflation expectations, are likely to warrant exceptionally low levels for the federal funds rate for an extended period.』(前回の第4パラグラフ)


『The Committee will complete its purchases of $600 billion of longer-term Treasury securities by the end of this month and will maintain its existing policy of reinvesting principal payments from its securities holdings. 』(今回)


『The Committee will regularly review the size and composition of its securities holdings and is prepared to adjust those holdings as appropriate. The Committee will monitor the economic outlook and financial developments and will act as needed to best foster maximum employment and price stability.』(今回)




『Voting for the FOMC monetary policy action were: Ben S. Bernanke, Chairman; William C. Dudley, Vice Chairman; Elizabeth A. Duke; Charles L. Evans; Richard W. Fisher; Narayana Kocherlakota; Charles I. Plosser; Sarah Bloom Raskin; Daniel K. Tarullo; and Janet L. Yellen. 』(今回)







でまあデュアルマンデートを強調しているのも別に失業重視でビハインド・ザ・カーブを辞さずとかいうのとも違う感じでありまして(というのはあたくしが今までバーナンキ講演をつらつら見た印象論なので正確性については保証致しかねます)、どちらかというとバーナンキさんはインフレ重視とか失業率重視とかいうような感じでデュアルマンデートのどちらかに傾斜しないで、あくまでも経済状況を見ながらの金融政策運営、という事はまあ言ってしまえばある意味裁量的運営みたいな所もありそうですけれども、まあ「Data Dependent」ってえ奴で運営していきますよ的な感じじゃないかなあって思うのですよね。







『Commodity Prices』という所がこれまた説明がやたらめったら丁寧でありまして、更に(昨日も一部で見られましたが)一般ピープルだか海外だかよー知らんけど、要するに「FOMCのやっている事は正しいんです」という話を経済学的にどうのこうのと言うよりは政治的に対外説明をしてますなあという風情があると思うのですよ。






『When the price of any product moves sharply, the economist's first instinct is to look for changes in the supply of or demand for that product. And indeed, the recent increase in commodity prices appears largely to be the result of the same factors that drove commodity prices higher throughout much of the past decade: strong gains in global demand that have not been met with commensurate increases in supply. 』



『Importantly, in noting these facts, I intend no criticism of emerging markets; growth in those economies has conferred substantial economic benefits both within those countries and globally, and in any case, the consumption of raw materials relative to population in emerging-market countries remains substantially lower than in the United States and other advanced economies.』



『Nevertheless, it is undeniable that the tremendous growth in emerging market economies has considerably increased global demand for commodities in recent years.』



『In all, these cases reinforce the view that the fundamentals of global supply and demand have been playing a central role in recent swings in commodity prices. That said, there is usually significant uncertainty about current and prospective supply and demand. Accordingly, commodity prices, like the prices of financial assets, can be volatile as market participants react to incoming news. Recently, commodity prices seem to have been particularly responsive to news bearing on the prospects for global economic growth as well as geopolitical developments. 』




『As the rapid growth of emerging market economies seems likely to continue, should we therefore expect continued rapid increases in the prices of globally-traded commodities? While it is certainly possible that we will see further increases, there are good reasons to believe that commodity prices will not continue to rise at the rapid rates we have seen recently. 』


『In the short run, unexpected shortfalls in the supplies of key commodities result in sharp price increases, as usage patterns and available supplies are difficult to change quickly. Over longer periods, however, high levels of commodity prices curtail demand as households and firms adjust their spending and production patterns. 』


『Indeed, as I noted earlier, we have already seen significant reductions in commodity use in the advanced economies. Likewise, over time, high prices should elicit meaningful increases in supply, both as temporary factors, such as adverse weather, abate and as investments in productive capacity come to fruition. 』


『Finally, because expectations of higher prices lead financial market participants to bid up the spot prices of commodities, predictable future developments bearing on the demands for and supplies of commodities tend already to be reflected in current prices.』


『For these reasons, although unexpected developments could certainly lead to continued volatility in global commodity prices, it is reasonable to expect the effects of commodity prices on overall inflation to be relatively moderate in the medium term.』




『While supply and demand fundamentals surely account for most of the recent movements in commodity prices, some observers have attributed a significant portion of the run-up in prices to Federal Reserve policies, over and above the effects of those policies on U.S. economic growth. 』


『For example, some have argued that accommodative U.S. monetary policy has driven down the foreign exchange value of the dollar, thereby boosting the dollar price of commodities. 』


『For example, some have argued that accommodative U.S. monetary policy has driven down the foreign exchange value of the dollar, thereby boosting the dollar price of commodities. Indeed, since February 2009, the trade-weighted dollar has fallen by about 15 percent. However, since February 2009, oil prices have risen 160 percent and nonfuel commodity prices are up by about 80 percent, implying that the dollar's decline can explain, at most, only a small part of the rise in oil and other commodity prices; indeed, commodity prices have risen dramatically when measured in terms of any of the world's major currencies, not just the dollar. 』


『But even this calculation overstates the role of monetary policy, as many factors other than monetary policy affect the value of the dollar. For example, the decline in the dollar since February 2009 that I just noted followed a comparable increase in the dollar, which largely reflected flight-to-safety flows triggered by the financial crisis in the latter half of 2008; the dollar's decline since then in substantial part reflects the reversal of those flows as the crisis eased. Slow growth in the United States and a persistent trade deficit are additional, more fundamental sources of recent declines in the dollar's value; in particular, as the United States is a major oil importer, any geopolitical or other shock that increases the global price of oil will worsen our trade balance and economic outlook, which tends to depress the dollar. In this case, the direction of causality runs from commodity prices to the dollar rather than the other way around. The best way for the Federal Reserve to support the fundamental value of the dollar in the medium term is to pursue our dual mandate of maximum employment and price stability, and we will certainly do that. 』



『Another argument that has been made is that low interest rates have pushed up commodity prices by reducing the cost of holding inventories, thus boosting commodity demand, or by encouraging speculators to push commodity futures prices above their fundamental levels. 』


『In either case, if such forces were driving commodity prices materially and persistently higher, we should see corresponding increases in commodity inventories, as higher prices curtailed consumption and boosted production relative to their fundamental levels. In fact, inventories of most commodities have not shown sizable increases over the past year as prices rose; indeed, increases in prices have often been associated with lower rather than higher levels of inventories, likely reflecting strong demand or weak supply that tends to put pressure on available stocks.』



『Finally, some have suggested that very low interest rates in the United States and other advanced economies have created risks of economic overheating in emerging market economies and have thus indirectly put upward pressures on commodity prices.』

『In fact, most of the recent rapid economic growth in emerging market economies appears to reflect a bounceback from the previous recession and continuing increases in productive capacity, as their technologies and capital stocks catch up with those in advanced economies, rather than being primarily the result of monetary conditions in those countries.』

『More fundamentally, however, whatever the source of the recent growth in the emerging markets, the authorities in those economies clearly have a range of fiscal, monetary, exchange rate, and other tools that can be used to address any overheating that may occur. As in all countries, the primary objective of monetary policy in the United States should be to promote economic growth and price stability at home, which in turn supports a stable global economic and financial environment.』









『I would like to thank the organizers for inviting me to participate once again in the International Monetary Conference. I will begin with a brief update on the outlook for the U.S. economy, then discuss recent developments in global commodity markets that are significantly affecting both the U.S. and world economies, and conclude with some thoughts on the prospects for monetary policy.』


・The Outlook for Growth
・The Outlook for Inflation
・Commodity Prices
・Monetary Policy



『The Outlook for Growth』の一発目の文がこれですからねえ。

『U.S. economic growth so far this year looks to have been somewhat slower than expected.』


『Aggregate output increased at only 1.8 percent at an annual rate in the first quarter, and supply chain disruptions associated with the earthquake and tsunami in Japan are hampering economic activity this quarter. A number of indicators also suggest some loss of momentum in the labor market in recent weeks. We are, of course, monitoring these developments. That said, with the effects of the Japanese disaster on manufacturing output likely to dissipate in coming months, and with some moderation in gasoline prices in prospect, growth seems likely to pick up somewhat in the second half of the year.』


『Overall, the economic recovery appears to be continuing at a moderate pace, albeit at a rate that is both uneven across sectors and frustratingly slow from the perspective of millions of unemployed and underemployed workers.』




『Developments in the labor market will be of particular importance in setting the course for household spending. As you know, the jobs situation remains far from normal.』


『Particularly concerning is the very high level of long-term unemployment--nearly half of the unemployed have been jobless for more than six months. People without work for long periods can find it increasingly difficult to obtain a job comparable to their previous one, as their skills tend to deteriorate over time and as employers are often reluctant to hire the long-term unemployed.』


『I expect hiring to pick up from last month’s pace as growth strengthens in the second half of the year, but, again, the recent data highlight the need to continue monitoring the jobs situation carefully.』



『The housing sector typically plays an important role in economic recoveries; the depressed state of housing in the United States is a big reason that the current recovery is less vigorous than we would like.』




『Although the recent increase in inflation is a concern, the appropriate diagnosis and policy response depend on whether the rise in inflation is likely to persist. So far at least, there is not much evidence that inflation is becoming broad-based or ingrained in our economy; indeed, increases in the price of a single product--gasoline--account for the bulk of the recent increase in consumer price inflation.』



『First, the still-substantial slack in U.S. labor and product markets should continue to have a moderating effect on inflationary pressures. Notably, because of the weak demand for labor, wage increases have not kept pace with productivity gains. Thus the level of unit labor costs in the business sector is lower than it was before the recession. Given the large share of labor costs in the production costs of most firms (typically, a share far larger than that of raw materials costs), subdued unit labor costs should remain a restraining influence on inflation. To be clear, I am not arguing that healthy increases in real wages are inconsistent with low inflation; the two are perfectly consistent so long as productivity growth is reasonably strong.』


『The second additional factor restraining inflation is the stability of longer-term inflation expectations. Despite the recent pickup in overall inflation, measures of households’ longer-term inflation expectations from the Michigan survey, the 10-year inflation projections of professional economists, the 5-year-forward measure of inflation compensation derived from yields on inflation-protected securities, and other measures of longer-term inflation expectations have all remained reasonably stable. As long as longer-term inflation expectations are stable, increases in global commodity prices are unlikely to be built into domestic wage- and price-setting processes, and they should therefore have only transitory effects on the rate of inflation.』


『That said, the stability of inflation expectations is ensured only as long as the commitment of the central bank to low and stable inflation remains credible. Thus, the Federal Reserve will continue to closely monitor the evolution of inflation and inflation expectations and will take whatever actions are necessary to keep inflation well controlled.』



『Monetary Policy』から。

『As I have discussed today, the economic recovery in the United States appears to be proceeding at a moderate pace and--notwithstanding unevenness in the rate of progress and some recent signs of reduced momentum--the labor market has been gradually improving. At the same time, the jobs situation remains far from normal, with unemployment remaining elevated. Inflation has risen lately but should moderate, assuming that commodity prices stabilize and that, as I expect, longer-term inflation expectations remain stable.』


『Although it is moving in the right direction, the economy is still producing at levels well below its potential; consequently, accommodative monetary policies are still needed. Until we see a sustained period of stronger job creation, we cannot consider the recovery to be truly established.』



『At the same time, the longer-run health of the economy requires that the Federal Reserve be vigilant in preserving its hard-won credibility for maintaining price stability. As I have explained, most FOMC participants currently see the recent increase in inflation as transitory and expect inflation to remain subdued in the medium term.』


『Should that forecast prove wrong, however, and particularly if signs were to emerge that inflation was becoming more broadly based or that longer-term inflation expectations were becoming less well anchored, the Committee would respond as necessary. Under all circumstances, our policy actions will be guided by the objectives of supporting the recovery in output and employment while helping ensure that inflation, over time, is at levels consistent with the Federal Reserve’s mandate.』





9 June 2011 - Monetary policy decisions

『At today’s meeting the Governing Council of the ECB decided that the interest rate on the main refinancing operations and the interest rates on the marginal lending facility and the deposit facility will remain unchanged at 1.25%, 2.00% and 0.50% respectively.』


Introductory statement to the press conference

『Based on its regular economic and monetary analyses, the Governing Council decided to keep the key ECB interest rates unchanged. The information that has become available since our meeting on 5 May 2011 confirms continued upward pressure on overall inflation, mainly owing to energy and commodity prices. The underlying pace of monetary expansion is gradually recovering. Monetary liquidity remains ample, with the potential to accommodate price pressures in the euro area. Furthermore, the most recent data confirm the positive underlying momentum of economic activity in the euro area, while uncertainty remains elevated. Overall, our monetary policy stance remains accommodative, lending support to economic activity. On balance, risks to the outlook for price stability are on the upside. Accordingly, strong vigilance is warranted.』

「upward pressure on overall inflation」だの「risks to the outlook for price stability are on the upside」だの威勢の良い言葉が続いて「strong vigilance is warranted」とゆー事で利上げ予告ですかそうですか。いやあ威勢の良いことですなあ(棒読み)





St. Louis Fed’s Bullard Discusses Commodity Prices, Inflation Measures, and Inflation Targeting

MAY 24

Current Issues in U.S. Monetary Policy

Global Interdependence Center Conference: Capital Markets in the Post-Crisis Environment Part IV
Rome, Italy
April 7, 2011






『Bullard said ignoring energy prices in measures of inflation may understate the true inflation rate if rising energy prices represent a relative price shift for energy. In addition, he discussed headline and core inflation and stressed that the key policy goal with respect to prices is headline inflation rather than core.』


『He also said that the Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) “should de-emphasize core inflation in order to reconnect with households and businesses that experience important price changes every day.”』


『Bullard briefly discussed the merits of commodity standards and inflation targeting, concluding that “inflation targeting is a better choice in the current environment.”』


『With respect to monetary policy, “a pause allows more time to assess the strength of the economy,” he said.』


では何で現状維持かという話なんですけど、それはブラードさんの講演趣旨を書いた上記の最初の方のURLの『Commodity Prices』にあるのですけれども。

『While there have been substantial increases in commodity prices in recent months, Bullard noted that energy prices cannot continue to increase indefinitely. “Still, some sectoral prices do continuously move in one direction for a long time,” he added, citing two examples: prices for medical care, which have increased, and prices for computer technology, which have decreased.』


『Bullard said that as the giant economies of Asia converge toward Western levels of real income per capita, “it is at least a reasonable hypothesis that global demand for energy will outstrip increased supply over the coming decades.” He added, “If that scenario unfolds, then ignoring energy prices in a price index may systematically understate inflation for many years.”』



『Bullard also discussed monetary policy after the Fed’s current quantitative easing program ends. “Past behavior of the FOMC indicates that the Committee sometimes puts policy on hold,” he said. He noted that hold in the current environment would mean:

・the policy rate remains near zero;
・the “extended period” language remains intact; and
・the balance sheet remains at the level as of the time of the decision to go on hold.

A pause “gives the Committee more time to assess economic conditions,” Bullard said.』

ということで、現在の「実質ゼロ金利」「extended periodの文言」を継続し、更にバランスシートは当面現状水準を維持すべきという話をしています。




景気認識に関しては割愛しますが、基本的には「回復はしているけれども緩やか」という話をしていまして、『The Outlook for Growth and Inflation』の頭の所でこんな話をしています。

『For almost two years since we emerged from the deep recession, the U.S. economy has been recovering, but at a gradual and bumpy pace.』


『Despite these sources of strength, not all Americans are sharing equally in the recovery. Unemployment continues to be a significant problem. At this point, the U.S. economy has added back only 1.5 million of the 9 million lost jobs. Also, the continuing problems in the housing sector pose a significant drag on economic growth.』



『Nevertheless, if energy and commodity prices continue to increase sharply, people could start to worry about the consequences for inflation. The natural question in these times is whether the recent surge in oil prices will be enough of a driving force to cause a lasting increase in the rate of inflation in the United States. At this point, I don’t think it will, and let me explain why.』


『First, large increases in food or energy prices tend to be temporary. History shows that they are often followed by sharp declines. For example, in 2006, oil prices in the United States rose significantly over the first eight months of the year but then dropped in the remainder of the year.』


『Second, to cause a lasting rise in inflation, the increases in food or energy prices have to be large enough and persist long enough that they spill over and cause sustained increases in a wide array of other consumer prices. At this point, there is no evidence of a broad spillover, but as a central banker, I keep a close eye on this.』


で、そのあとクリーブランド連銀が計測している『median CPI』の話があってこれもオモロスなのですがそこは割愛しまして、その次の部分。

『Another important factor in my outlook for inflation is the public’s expectation that the Federal Reserve will keep inflation contained. While it may sound like a self-fulfilling prophecy to say that we will have low inflation because we collectively expect low inflation, the relationship between actual and expected inflation has been borne out over history. One reason is that expectations of inflation play a crucial role in the price-setting decisions of firms. When firms expect lower inflation, they raise prices more slowly. Despite the recent surge in food and energy prices, measures of longer-run inflation expectations remain below 2 percent. These measures come from bond yields and surveys of economic forecasters.』


『Implications for Monetary Policy』の所からですが、最初はまあ金融政策の話を比較的普通の話をしていますが、途中からインフレ目標導入の話になります。

『The current stability in inflation expectations was not achieved just by good fortune. The public’s expectation that inflation will remain low and stable over the long run comes from their expectation that the Federal Reserve’s monetary policy will deliver low and stable inflation over the long run.』


『As a Federal Reserve policymaker, I believe that it is my responsibility to do everything I can to underscore confidence in our commitment to maintain price stability. But I understand that price stability can mean different things to different people. Today, the concept is vague and the FOMC has not established a formal inflation objective.』


『With the potential for inflation expectations to be more volatile in the face of energy and commodity price shocks, I think it could be an opportune time for the FOMC to be more specific and publicly announce an explicit numerical inflation objective.』


『Adopting an explicit numerical objective would have to be the decision of the whole FOMC. My own preference is 2 percent over the medium term, an inflation objective that is quite similar to the targets of many central banks around the world. As much as the concept of “zero inflation” appeals to me, 2 percent is a much more practical numerical objective than zero. An objective set much below 2 percent increases the likelihood that the FOMC would need to push short-term interest rates down to zero for an extended time to head off a deflation or to fulfill its mandate for maximum employment. As we are seeing today, keeping interest rates near zero complicates the monetary policy process.』


『Although I remain committed to fulfilling both aspects of our dual mandate for price stability and maximum employment, I think it would be unwise for the Federal Reserve to establish a corresponding numerical objective for unemployment. The long-run sustainable rate of unemployment can move around for a variety of reasons, such as the demographic makeup of the population and changes in how labor markets function. Since the Federal Reserve cannot know what the sustainable level of unemployment is, or how it will evolve over time, it should not set a numerical objective for unemployment.』



『Establishing an explicit inflation objective need not imply any material change in the current conduct of monetary policy.』


『The U.S. economic expansion is still quite uneven, and it has considerable ground to make up. History suggests that the effects of recent commodity price pressures on consumer price inflation are likely to be transitory. From my perspective, economic conditions, including low levels of resource utilization, subdued inflation trends, and stable long-term inflation expectations, warrant the continuation of our current monetary policy stance. Indeed, my outlook for economic growth and inflation assumes that we complete our asset purchase program as originally scheduled, and keep our federal funds rate target at exceptionally low levels for an extended period. As always, if my outlook for economic growth or inflation changes, I stand ready to adjust my view about what constitutes appropriate monetary policy.』







『Participants' Views on Current Conditions and the Economic Outlook』の第9パラグラフから。

『Participants discussed the recent rise in inflation, which had been driven largely by significant increases in energy and, to a somewhat lesser extent, other commodity prices. These commodity price increases, in turn, reflected robust global demand and geopolitical developments that had reduced supply.』


『One participant suggested that excess liquidity might be leading to speculation in commodity markets, possibly putting upward pressure on prices.』


『Many participants reported that an increasing number of business contacts expressed concerns about rising cost pressures and were intending, or already attempting, to pass on at least a portion of these higher costs to their customers in order to protect profit margins. This development was also reflected in the rising indexes of prices paid and received in several regional manufacturing surveys. 』


『Some participants noted that higher commodity prices were negatively affecting both business and consumer sentiment. 』


『Core inflation and other indicators of underlying inflation over the medium term had increased modestly in recent months, but their levels remained subdued.』


『Participants generally anticipated that the higher level of overall inflation would be transitory. This outlook was based partly on a projected leveling-off of commodity prices and the belief that longer-run inflation expectations would remain stable.』


『Some participants noted that pressures on labor costs continued to be muted; if such circumstances continued, a large, persistent rise in inflation would be unusual.』


『Measures of near-term inflation expectations had risen along with the recent rise in overall inflation. While some indicators of longer-term expectations had increased, others were little changed or down, on net, since March.』


『Many participants had become more concerned about the upside risks to the inflation outlook, including the possibilities that oil prices might continue to rise, that there might be greater pass-through of higher commodity costs into broader price measures, and that elevated overall inflation caused by higher energy and other commodity prices could lead to a rise in longer-term inflation expectations.』


『Participants agreed that monitoring inflation trends and inflation expectations closely was important in determining whether action would be needed to prevent a more lasting pickup in the rate of general price inflation, which would be costly to reverse.』



『Maintaining well-anchored inflation expectations would depend on the credibility of the Committee's commitment to deliver on the price stability part of its mandate.』


『A few participants suggested that clearer communication about the Committee's inflation outlook, such as explaining the measures it uses to gauge medium-term trends in general price inflation and announcing an explicit numerical inflation objective, would be helpful in this regard.』



『While rising energy prices posed an upside risk to the inflation forecast, they also posed a downside risk to economic growth.』


『Although most participants continued to see the risks to their outlooks for economic growth as being broadly balanced, a number now judged those risks to be tilted to the downside.』


『These downside risks included a larger-than-expected drag on household and business spending from higher energy prices, continued fiscal strains in Europe, larger-than-anticipated effects from supply disruptions in the aftermath of the disaster in Japan, continuing fiscal adjustments at all levels of government in the United States, financial disruptions that would be associated with a failure to increase the federal debt limit, and the possibility that the economic weakness in the first quarter was signaling less underlying momentum going forward.』


『However, participants also noted that the rapid decline in the unemployment rate over the past several months suggested the possibility of stronger-than-anticipated economic growth over coming quarters. 』




『In their discussion of monetary policy, some participants expressed the view that in the context of increased inflation risks and roughly balanced risks to economic growth, the Committee would need to be prepared to begin taking steps toward less-accommodative policy.』


『A few of these participants thought that economic conditions might warrant action to raise the federal funds rate target or to sell assets in the SOMA portfolio later this year, but noted that even with such steps, monetary policy would remain accommodative for some time to come.』



『However, some participants indicated that underlying inflation remained subdued; that longer-term inflation expectations were likely to remain anchored, partly because modest changes in labor costs would constrain inflation trends; and that given the downside risks to economic growth, an early exit could unnecessarily damp the ongoing economic recovery.』



ということで、その次の『Committee Policy Action』に関しては今回はそんなにこれという話は無く、最後まで「資産買入の効果は不透明」という人がいたり、出口政策の検討もという人がいたりとかありますが、まあ長く引っ張りすぎたのでこのネタ終了と言うことで(汗)。







『Participants' Views on Current Conditions and the Economic Outlook』の第6パラグラフから。

『Several participants indicated that, in contrast to the somewhat weaker recent economic data, their business contacts were more positive about the economy's prospects, which supported the participants' view that the recent weakness was likely to prove temporary. They acknowledged, however, that sentiment can change quickly; indeed, one participant noted that his contacts had recently turned more pessimistic, and several participants indicated that their business contacts expressed concern about the effects of higher commodity prices on their own costs and on the purchasing power of households. 』




『Participants judged that overall conditions in labor markets had continued to improve, albeit gradually. The unemployment rate had decreased further and payroll employment had risen again in March.』


『Some participants reported that more of their business contacts have plans to increase their payrolls later this year. A few participants noted that firms may be poised to accelerate their pace of hiring because they have exhausted potential productivity gains, but others indicated that some firms may be putting hiring plans on hold until they are more certain of the future trend in materials and other input costs.』


『Signs of rising wage pressures were reportedly limited to a few skilled job categories for which workers are in short supply, while, in general, increases in wages have been subdued.』


『Participants discussed whether the significant drop in the unemployment rate might be overstating the degree of improvement in labor markets because many of the unemployed have dropped out of the labor force or have accepted jobs that are less desirable than their former jobs.』




『A few participants expressed concern that the easing of credit conditions was creating incentives for increased leverage and risk-taking in some areas, such as leveraged syndicated loans and loans to finance land acquisition, and that this trend, if it became widespread and excessive, could pose a risk to financial stability. 』

ということで、クレジット環境の緩和が続くと金融の不均衡が発生するリスクについて「A few」なメンバーが指摘しておりますな、うんうん。







『Staff Review of the Financial Situation』のところは華麗にスルーしますが、まあ全般的に金融環境は改善傾向ですね、という話をしています。

でもってその後が『Staff Economic Outlook』ですが、基本的には「目先の見通しを下げている」という感じでしょうなこれ。

『With the recent data on spending somewhat weaker, on balance, than the staff had expected at the time of the March FOMC meeting, the staff revised down its projection for the rate of increase in real gross domestic product (GDP) over the first half of 2011. The effects from the disaster in Japan were also anticipated to temporarily hold down real GDP growth in the near term.』


『Over the medium term, the staff's outlook for the pace of economic growth was broadly similar to its previous forecast: As in the March projection, the staff expected real GDP to increase at a moderate rate through 2012, with the ongoing recovery in activity receiving continued support from accommodative monetary policy, increasing credit availability, and further improvements in household and business confidence. The average pace of GDP growth was expected to be sufficient to gradually reduce the unemployment rate over the projection period, though the jobless rate was anticipated to remain elevated at the end of 2012. 』


『Recent increases in consumer food and energy prices, together with the small uptick in core consumer price inflation, led the staff to raise its near-term projection for consumer price inflation.』


『However, inflation was expected to recede over the medium term, as food and energy prices were anticipated to decelerate. As in previous forecasts, the staff expected core consumer price inflation to remain subdued over the projection period, reflecting stable longer-term inflation expectations and persistent slack in labor and product markets.』




『Participants' Views on Current Conditions and the Economic Outlook』ですな。


『In discussing intermeeting developments and their implications for the economic outlook, participants agreed that the information received since their previous meeting was broadly consistent with continuation of a moderate economic recovery, despite an unexpected slowing in the pace of economic growth in the first quarter.』


『While construction activity remained anemic, measures of consumer spending and business investment continued to expand and labor market conditions continued to improve gradually.』


『Participants viewed the weakness in first-quarter economic growth as likely to be largely transitory, influenced by unusually severe weather, increases in energy and other commodity prices, and lower-than-expected defense spending. 『As a result, they saw economic growth picking up later this year. 』



『Participants' forecasts for economic growth for 2012 and 2013 were largely unchanged from their January projections and continued to indicate expectations that the recovery will strengthen somewhat over time.』


『Nonetheless, the pickup in the pace of the economic expansion was expected to be limited, reflecting the effects of high energy prices, modest changes in housing wealth, subdued real income gains, and fiscal contraction at the federal, state, and local levels.』


『Participants continued to project the unemployment rate to decline gradually over the forecast period but to remain elevated compared with their assessments of its longer-run level.』


『Participants revised up their projections for total inflation in 2011, reflecting recent increases in energy and other commodity prices, but they generally anticipated that the recent increase in inflation would be transitory as commodity prices stabilize and inflation expectations remain anchored. However, they all agreed on the importance of closely monitoring developments regarding inflation and inflation expectations. 』

インフレに関しては今年の予想を引き上げていますが、足元の要因は一時的であり、中長期的な予想に変化は無いとしていますが、今後もインフレ状況とインフレ期待の動向に「closely monitoring」が必要との話をしていて一応警戒ちっくになっていまふ。


『Participants' judgment that the recovery was continuing at a moderate pace reflected both the incoming economic indicators and information received from business contacts. Growth in consumer spending remained moderate despite the effects of higher gasoline and food prices, which appeared to have largely offset the increase in disposable income from the payroll tax cut. Participants noted that these higher prices had weighed on consumer sentiment about near-term economic conditions but that underlying fundamentals for continued moderate growth in spending remained in place. These underlying factors included continued improvement in household balance sheets, easing credit conditions, and strengthening labor markets. 』










『A second key issue was the extent to which the Committee might choose to vary the pace of any asset sales it undertakes in response to economic and financial conditions. If it chose to make the pace of sales quite responsive to conditions, the FOMC would be able to actively use two policy instruments--asset sales and the federal funds rate target--to pursue its economic objectives, which could increase the scope and flexibility for adjusting financial conditions.』

『In contrast, sales at a pace that varied less with changes in economic and financial conditions and was preannounced and largely predetermined would leave the federal funds rate target as the Committee's primary active policy instrument, which could result in policy that is more straightforward for the Committee to calibrate and to communicate.』




『Participants expressed a range of views on some aspects of a normalization strategy. Most participants indicated that once asset sales became appropriate, such sales should be put on a largely predetermined and preannounced path; however, many of those participants noted that the pace of sales could nonetheless be adjusted in response to material changes in the economic outlook. Several other participants preferred instead that the pace of sales be a key policy tool and be varied actively in response to changes in the outlook. 』





とは言いましてもFFレートの誘導が重要なのでありまして、そちらがそもそもワークしないとだめですよねという話になる訳で、その辺についての論点が先日引用した部分の続きになります。『Developments in Financial Markets and the Federal Reserve's Balance Sheet』の第7パラグラフ以降。

『Most participants saw changes in the target for the federal funds rate as the preferred active tool for tightening monetary policy when appropriate.』


『A number of participants noted that it would be advisable to begin using the temporary reserves-draining tools in advance of an increase in the Committee's federal funds rate target, in part because doing so would put the Federal Reserve in a better position to assess the effectiveness of the draining tools and judge the size of draining operations that might be required to support changes in the interest on excess reserves (IOER) rate in implementing a desired increase in short-term rates.』


『A number of participants also noted that they would be prepared to sell securities sooner if the temporary reserves-draining operations and the end of the reinvestment of principal payments were not sufficient to support a fairly tight link between increases in the IOER rate and increases in short-term market interest rates.』




『In the discussion of normalization, some participants also noted their preferences about the longer-run framework for monetary policy implementation.』

『Most of these participants indicated that they preferred that monetary policy eventually operate through a corridor-type system in which the federal funds rate trades in the middle of a range, with the IOER rate as the floor and the discount rate as the ceiling of the range, as opposed to a floor-type system in which a relatively high level of reserve balances keeps the federal funds rate near the IOER rate.』


『A couple of participants noted that any normalization strategy would likely involve an elevated balance sheet with the federal funds rate target near the IOER rate--as in floor-type systems--for some time, and therefore the Committee would accumulate experience during the process of normalizing policy that would allow it to make a more informed choice regarding the longer-term framework at a later date.』

2名の主張する「a more informed choice regarding the longer-term framework」ってナンジャラホイという話ですが、あたくしが勝手に想像するのは「明示的な物価ターゲットの導入」というインフレーションターゲットの件でしょうなあとか思うのですけどどうでしょ。


『Staff Review of the Economic Situation』のところですが、まあこれを引用するとキリが無いのでスルーしますけど、基本的にはそんなに弱くは無いです。



『Overall U.S. consumer price inflation moved up further in February and March, as increases in the prices of energy and food commodities continued to be passed through to the retail level.』


『More recently, survey data through the middle of April pointed to additional increases in retail gasoline prices, while increases in the prices of food commodities appeared to have moderated somewhat.』


『Excluding food and energy, core consumer price inflation remained relatively subdued. Although core consumer price inflation over the first three months of the year stepped up somewhat, the 12-month change in the core consumer price index through March was essentially the same as it was a year earlier.』


『Near-term inflation expectations from the Thomson Reuters/University of Michigan Surveys of Consumers remained elevated in early April. But longer-term inflation expectations moved down in early April--reversing their uptick in March--and stayed within the range that has prevailed over the past several years.』



『Available measures of labor compensation suggested that wage increases continued to be restrained by the presence of a large margin of slack in the labor market. Average hourly earnings for all employees were flat in March, and their average rate of increase over the preceding 12 months remained low.』


『The pace of recovery abroad appeared to have strengthened earlier this year, but the disaster in Japan raised uncertainties about foreign activity in the near term.』


『In the euro area, production expanded at a solid pace, though indicators of consumer spending weakened. While measures of economic activity in Germany posted strong gains, economic conditions in Greece and Portugal deteriorated further.』


『The damage caused by the earthquake and tsunami in Japan appeared to be sharply curtailing Japanese economic activity and posed concerns about disruptions to supply chains and production in other economies.』


『Emerging market economies (EMEs) continued to expand rapidly.』


『Rising prices of oil and other commodities boosted inflation in foreign economies. However, core inflation remained subdued in most of the advanced foreign economies, and inflation in the EMEs seemed to have declined as food price inflation slowed.』







『Developments in Financial Markets and the Federal Reserve's Balance Sheet』の第3パラグラフ以降になります。



『The staff next gave a presentation on strategies for normalizing the stance and conduct of monetary policy over time as the economy strengthens.』

『Normalizing the stance of policy would entail the withdrawal of the current extraordinary degree of accommodation at the appropriate time, while normalizing the conduct of policy would involve draining the large volume of reserve balances in the banking system and shrinking the overall size of the balance sheet, as well as returning the SOMA to its historical composition of essentially only Treasury securities.』


『The presentation noted a few key issues that the Committee would need to address in deciding on its approach to normalization.』


『The first key issue was the extent to which the Committee would want to tighten policy, at the appropriate time, by increasing short-term interest rates, by decreasing its holdings of longer-term securities, or both. Because the two policies would restrain economic activity by tightening financial conditions, they could be combined in various ways to achieve similar outcomes.』


『For example, in principle, the Committee could accomplish essentially the same degree of monetary tightening by selling assets sooner and faster but raising the target for the federal funds rate later and more slowly, or by selling assets later and more slowly but increasing the federal funds rate target sooner and faster. The SOMA portfolio could be reduced by selling securities outright, by ceasing the reinvestment of principal payments on its securities holdings, or both.』


『A second key issue was the extent to which the Committee might choose to vary the pace of any asset sales it undertakes in response to economic and financial conditions. If it chose to make the pace of sales quite responsive to conditions, the FOMC would be able to actively use two policy instruments--asset sales and the federal funds rate target--to pursue its economic objectives, which could increase the scope and flexibility for adjusting financial conditions. In contrast, sales at a pace that varied less with changes in economic and financial conditions and was preannounced and largely predetermined would leave the federal funds rate target as the Committee's primary active policy instrument, which could result in policy that is more straightforward for the Committee to calibrate and to communicate.』


『Finally, the staff presentation noted that the Committee would need to decide if and when to use the tools that it has developed to temporarily reduce reserve balances--reverse repurchase agreements and term deposits--in order to tighten the correspondence between any changes in the interest rate the Federal Reserve pays on excess reserves and the changes in the federal funds rate.』





『Meeting participants agreed on several principles that would guide the Committee's strategy for normalizing monetary policy.』

『First, with regard to the normalization of the stance of monetary policy, the pace and sequencing of the policy steps would be driven by the Committee's monetary policy objectives for maximum employment and price stability. Participants noted that the Committee's decision to discuss the appropriate strategy for normalizing the stance of policy at the current meeting did not mean that the move toward such normalization would necessarily begin soon.』


『Second, to normalize the conduct of monetary policy, it was agreed that the size of the SOMA's securities portfolio would be reduced over the intermediate term to a level consistent with the implementation of monetary policy through the management of the federal funds rate rather than through variation in the size or composition of the Federal Reserve's balance sheet.』

『Third, over the intermediate term, the exit strategy would involve returning the SOMA to holding essentially only Treasury securities in order to minimize the extent to which the Federal Reserve portfolio might affect the allocation of credit across sectors of the economy. Such a shift was seen as requiring sales of agency securities at some point.』


『And fourth, asset sales would be implemented within a framework that had been communicated to the public in advance, and at a pace that potentially could be adjusted in response to changes in economic or financial conditions.』




『In addition, nearly all participants indicated that the first step toward normalization should be ceasing to reinvest payments of principal on agency securities and, simultaneously or soon after, ceasing to reinvest principal payments on Treasury securities. Most participants viewed halting reinvestments as a way to begin to gradually reduce the size of the balance sheet.』


『It was noted, however, that ending reinvestments would constitute a modest step toward policy tightening, implying that that decision should be made in the context of the economic outlook and the Committee's policy objectives. In addition, changes in the statement language regarding forward policy guidance would need to accompany the normalization process. 』

また、ステートメントにおけるガイダンス文言(for an extended period)の変更も正常化プロセスの中に含まれるという事で、この辺りも変更になりまっせという事で。


『Participants expressed a range of views on some aspects of a normalization strategy.』


『Most participants indicated that once asset sales became appropriate, such sales should be put on a largely predetermined and preannounced path; however, many of those participants noted that the pace of sales could nonetheless be adjusted in response to material changes in the economic outlook.』


『Several other participants preferred instead that the pace of sales be a key policy tool and be varied actively in response to changes in the outlook.』


『A majority of participants preferred that sales of agency securities come after the first increase in the FOMC's target for short-term interest rates, and many of those participants also expressed a preference that the sales proceed relatively gradually, returning the SOMA's composition to all Treasury securities over perhaps five years.』


『Participants noted that, for any given degree of policy tightening, more-gradual sales that commenced later in the normalization process would allow for an earlier increase of the federal funds rate target from its effective lower bound than would be the case if asset sales commenced earlier and at a more rapid pace.』


『As a result, the Committee would later have the option of easing policy with an interest rate cut if economic conditions then warranted. An earlier increase in the federal funds rate was also mentioned as helpful to limit the potential for the very low level of that rate to encourage financial imbalances.』


『A few participants expressed a preference that sales begin before any increase in the federal funds rate target, and a few other participants indicated that sales and increases in the federal funds rate target should commence at the same time.』

「a few」と「その他のa few」なメンバーは資産売却をFFレートの引き上げ以前または同時に行う事を推奨しています。

『The participants who favored earlier sales also generally indicated a preference for relatively rapid sales, with some suggesting that agency securities in the SOMA be reduced to zero over as little as one or two years.』


『Such an approach was viewed as allowing for a faster return to a normal policy environment, potentially reducing any upside risks to inflation stemming from outsized reserve balances, and more quickly eliminating any effects of SOMA holdings of agency securities on the allocation of credit.』








冒頭の『Developments in Financial Markets and the Federal Reserve's Balance Sheet』の途中から。

『Meeting participants agreed on several principles that would guide the Committee's strategy for normalizing monetary policy.』


『First, with regard to the normalization of the stance of monetary policy, the pace and sequencing of the policy steps would be driven by the Committee's monetary policy objectives for maximum employment and price stability.』


『Participants noted that the Committee's decision to discuss the appropriate strategy for normalizing the stance of policy at the current meeting did not mean that the move toward such normalization would necessarily begin soon.』


『Second, to normalize the conduct of monetary policy, it was agreed that the size of the SOMA's securities portfolio would be reduced over the intermediate term to a level consistent with the implementation of monetary policy through the management of the federal funds rate rather than through variation in the size or composition of the Federal Reserve's balance sheet.』


『Third, over the intermediate term, the exit strategy would involve returning the SOMA to holding essentially only Treasury securities in order to minimize the extent to which the Federal Reserve portfolio might affect the allocation of credit across sectors of the economy. Such a shift was seen as requiring sales of agency securities at some point.』


『And fourth, asset sales would be implemented within a framework that had been communicated to the public in advance, and at a pace that potentially could be adjusted in response to changes in economic or financial conditions.』









『Money, credit, demand and output』の第13パラグラフから。

『A key question was how long the current weakness in demand and output was likely to persist.』


『Some indicators were consistent with the economy having entered a period of sustained weakness. The GDP data for the first quarter had been weaker than the Committee had expected at the time of the February Inflation Report. And a greater proportion of demand growth during 2010 had come from stockbuilding than previous vintages of the data had suggested. Lending to companies and individuals had remained weak, notwithstanding some signs of a slight easing in credit conditions. And, against the backdrop of a broadly flat level of household spending over the previous year, the GfK measure of consumer confidence had fallen further, to its lowest level since March 2009.』

『Any additional increases in energy prices would further reduce real personal disposable incomes. Moreover, the Bank’s Agents had reported anecdotal evidence of pressures on consumers: an increasing concentration of retail sales around pay days; shoppers making smaller, more frequent purchases; and a shift away from spending on discretionary items.』




『Other indicators had pointed to stronger growth. The Labour Force Survey showed that employment had picked up and this was supported by business surveys of employment and recruitment intentions. And, although the CIPS/Markit business activity surveys of manufacturing and services had fallen in April, they remained in line with the pace of growth seen during the middle of 2010.』

『It was possible that real household spending growth had been temporarily held back at the turn of the year given the rise in the standard rate of VAT, and retail sales volumes had risen slightly in March. Surveys of investment intentions suggested that a period of above-average spending growth on capital goods might be in prospect. And surveys of export orders in manufacturing remained solid and in services continued to pick up, consistent with the improvement in the trade balance seen in the official data for January and February.』



で、インフレに関する議論のところも面白かったのですが、そっちはスルーしまして『The immediate policy decision』のところに行くのでありますが、この冒頭の所でいきなり論点が出ているのであった。第29パラグラフから。

『The Committee set monetary policy in order to meet the inflation target in the medium term. As had been the case for the previous few months, the Committee was confronted with two key questions in reaching a view on the outlook for inflation: how prolonged the current weakness in demand would be; and how persistent the impact on inflation of increases in VAT, energy and import prices would be, either directly or via second-round effects.』


で、今回はついに「second-round effects」の論点まで前面で議論されるようになってきましたなあという感じでありまするが、まあ結論から申し上げますとその手の2次的効果はまだ観測されていませんというのが結論になっていまふ。


『On the first of these questions, there was a risk that demand would not grow sufficiently strongly to eliminate the current margin of spare capacity, leading to inflation falling below the target in the medium term.』

毎度の話で、需要が足元における経済の余剰(margin of spare capacity)を打ち消すほどの伸びを示さないことによってインフレが中期的にターゲット以下まで下がるリスクでありますが。

『The probability of that risk crystallising was hard to evaluate, in part because there were mixed signals from indicators of business and consumer confidence, the interpretation of which was further complicated by the impact of the snow in December and erratic movements in construction output. The level of household spending had been stagnant over the previous year. And, against the backdrop of the continuing fiscal consolidation and the likely intensification of the squeeze on real disposable incomes from the current high level of energy prices, consumption growth was likely to remain weak for some time. 』

『But, set against that, activity balances from business surveys were consistent with continuing modest underlying growth in the bulk of the economy in the near term and firms were indicating that they intended to recruit and invest at around long-run average rates.』




『On the second question, there was a risk that the period of elevated inflation could persist for longer than the Committee expected.』


『Although they had been broadly flat over the month, oil prices had risen substantially since the February Inflation Report and the near-term outlook for inflation was higher. Continued robust growth in emerging economies, or an intensification of political instability in key oil-producing regions, might put further upward pressure on the prices of energy and other commodities.』


『The sustained period of above-target inflation might cause expectations of inflation to drift upwards. To the extent that people placed weight on past outturns in forming their expectations, it might then take time for inflation expectations to decline again, even as inflation itself fell back.』


『Moreover, the further squeeze in households’ purchasing power might result in some upward pressure on nominal wages to the extent that workers sought to maintain real living standards.』


『Thus far, however, there had been few material signs of the period of high inflation having fed into elevated medium-term inflation expectations or higher wage demands.』





『Regarding Bank Rate, six members of the Committee (the Governor, Charles Bean, Paul Tucker, Paul Fisher, David Miles and Adam Posen) voted in favour of the proposition.

Three members of the Committee voted against the proposition.

Andrew Sentance preferred to increase Bank Rate by 50 basis points.
Spencer Dale and Martin Weale preferred to increase Bank Rate by 25 basis points.』

『Regarding the stock of asset purchases, eight members of the Committee (the Governor, Charles Bean, Paul Tucker, Spencer Dale, Paul Fisher, David Miles, Andrew Sentance and Martin Weale) voted in favour of the proposition.

Adam Posen voted against the proposition, preferring to increase the size of the asset purchase programme by £50 billion to a total of £250 billion.』




『In particular, the royal wedding and supply chain disruptions following the earthquake in Japan were likely to dampen GDP growth in the second quarter and boost it in the third.』



『But temporary factors, such as the effects of the additional bank holiday associated with the royal wedding and supply chain disruption from the Japanese earthquake and tsunami, were likely to add some volatility to quarterly GDP over the coming quarters.』




さすがにこれを朝起きてから斜め読みするのは無理なので後日ですが、慌てて読みたければ後半の『Participants' Views on Current Conditions and the Economic Outlook』以降、またはその最終パラグラフから読むのが吉。


『In their discussion of monetary policy, some participants expressed the view that in the context of increased inflation risks and roughly balanced risks to economic growth, the Committee would need to be prepared to begin taking steps toward less-accommodative policy. A few of these participants thought that economic conditions might warrant action to raise the federal funds rate target or to sell assets in the SOMA portfolio later this year, but noted that even with such steps, monetary policy would remain accommodative for some time to come. However, some participants indicated that underlying inflation remained subdued; that longer-term inflation expectations were likely to remain anchored, partly because modest changes in labor costs would constrain inflation trends; and that given the downside risks to economic growth, an early exit could unnecessarily damp the ongoing economic recovery. 』


『Committee Policy Action』から。


『Recent movements in measures of longer-term inflation expectations were discussed. While some measures of longer-term inflation expectations had risen, others were little changed or down, on net, since March, and members agreed that longer-term inflation expectations had remained stable. 』


『Given this economic outlook, the Committee agreed to continue to expand its holdings of longer-term Treasury securities as announced in November in order to promote a stronger pace of economic recovery and to help ensure that inflation, over time, is at levels consistent with the Committee's mandate. Specifically, the Committee maintained its existing policy of reinvesting principal payments from its securities holdings and affirmed that it will complete purchases of $600 billion of longer-term Treasury securities by the end of the current quarter.』

そして、「資産買入の効果が不明ですなあ」という人は今回も「A few」おいでです。

『A few members remained uncertain about the benefits of the asset purchase program but, with the program nearly completed, judged that making changes to the program at this time was not appropriate. 』


『The Committee continued to anticipate that economic conditions, including low rates of resource utilization, subdued inflation trends, and stable inflation expectations, were likely to warrant exceptionally low levels for the federal funds rate for an extended period. That said, a few members viewed the increase in inflation risks as suggesting that economic conditions might well evolve in a way that would warrant the Committee taking steps toward less-accommodative policy sooner than currently anticipated. 』








News Release
Letter from the Governor to the Chancellor (10.30am)





St. Louis Fed’s Bullard Discusses Economic Outlook and Recent Monetary Policy Developments



プレゼンの方に『Controlling headline inflation as the key policy goal.』と思いっきり書いてあるのがチャーミングですが、それに該当する部分は、上記URLの講演概要の方になりますが、『Recent Developments in U.S. Monetary Policy』という小見出しの部分の後半となります。

『In light of higher inflation and inflation expectations recently, Bullard discussed headline and core inflation measures (which refer to overall price index measures and measures without the food and energy components). 』


『He said core inflation is often smoother than headline inflation, but “the ‘core’ concept has little theoretical backing” and is “very arbitrary.”』


『“Headline inflation is the ultimate objective of monetary policy with respect to prices,” Bullard said, noting that these are the prices households actually pay.』


『“Core inflation is not an objective in itself,” he added. “The only reason to look at core is as an indicator for headline.”』


『However, Bullard said that core inflation was consistently below headline inflation from 2003-2006. Thus, “core was not a good indicator of headline during this period.” He noted that core inflation averaged about 2 percent while headline inflation averaged about 2.9 percent for the Consumer Price Index (CPI) and about 2.6 percent for the Personal Consumption Expenditures (PCE) price index. This difference between headline and core is “substantial over a period of four years,” he said. He attributed the difference during those years to rising energy prices and the expanding economy. 』



で、これは前回の講演でもありましたので紹介したのと同じ話になるのですけれども、『Commodity Standards and Inflation Targeting』という小見出しの部分で今後の金融政策のフレームワークについて説明していまして、その中でインフレーションターゲットの導入をすべし、という話をしていますが、前回ブラードさんの講演紹介した時にその辺りはネタにしたので引用は割愛致します。今回の講演で前回対比での新しいネタは上記の部分でした(^^)。






ECB総裁、「強い警戒」発言せず−追加利上げ6月は見送り示唆 (2)








ちなみに逆さ絵おじさんの英語ですが、最初のところで「私の会見での発言はmy own responsibility」と仰せのようでしたが、あたくし脳味噌が足りないのでよく判らないのですが、「話はFOMCの見解だが発言内容に関しては私の責任で行うので」という話になるんですよね。今回からの会見って基本的に「FOMCの政策を説明する場所」なのですからコンセンサス取れていない話されても困るんですけどにゃ。









『Information received since the Federal Open Market Committee met in March indicates that the economic recovery is proceeding at a moderate pace and overall conditions in the labor market are improving gradually.』(今回)

『Information received since the Federal Open Market Committee met in January suggests that the economic recovery is on a firmer footing, and overall conditions in the labor market appear to be improving gradually.』(前回)

景気全体の話については「on a firmer footing」(より堅い足取り?)となっていたのが「proceeding at a moderate pace」(緩やかなペースで進展している)となっているので上方修正下方修正になるんですかね。(追記:お前これは下方修正だろと大量に突っ込みを受けましたどうもすいませんすいません、つーかGDP見通し下がってますよね)

『Household spending and business investment in equipment and software continue to expand. However, investment in nonresidential structures is still weak, and the housing sector continues to be depressed. 』(今回)


『Commodity prices have risen significantly since last summer, and concerns about global supplies of crude oil have contributed to a further increase in oil prices since the Committee met in March. 』(今回)

『Commodity prices have risen significantly since the summer, and concerns about global supplies of crude oil have contributed to a sharp run-up in oil prices in recent weeks. 』(前回)


『Inflation has picked up in recent months, but longer-term inflation expectations have remained stable and measures of underlying inflation are still subdued.』(今回)

『Nonetheless, longer-term inflation expectations have remained stable, and measures of underlying inflation have been subdued.』(前回)

あたしゃ何気にここの所気になったのですが、まず「インフレがここ数か月引きあがっている」という文言が入った事でして、次に基調的なインフレに関する部分の記述なのですけれども、「抑制されている」という「be subdued」という基本部分は同じなのですが、前回まではこの部分が現在完了形で表現されていたのが、今回現在形で表現され、その中に「still」というのが入っているのが気になったんですけど。いやあのあたくし純ドメ人間なもんで、正直この変化のニュアンスとか本石町日記様あたりに解説して欲しいと思うのでありますが(とお願いをする^^)、何せモノが基調的インフレという部分ですので気になるわけですよね、うんうん。



『Consistent with its statutory mandate, the Committee seeks to foster maximum employment and price stability. The unemployment rate remains elevated, and measures of underlying inflation continue to be somewhat low, relative to levels that the Committee judges to be consistent, over the longer run, with its dual mandate. 』(今回)

『Consistent with its statutory mandate, the Committee seeks to foster maximum employment and price stability. Currently, the unemployment rate remains elevated, and measures of underlying inflation continue to be somewhat low, relative to levels that the Committee judges to be consistent, over the longer run, with its dual mandate. 』(前回)


『Increases in the prices of energy and other commodities have pushed up inflation in recent months. The Committee expects these effects to be transitory, but it will pay close attention to the evolution of inflation and inflation expectations. The Committee continues to anticipate a gradual return to higher levels of resource utilization in a context of price stability. 』(今回)

『The recent increases in the prices of energy and other commodities are currently putting upward pressure on inflation. The Committee expects these effects to be transitory, but it will pay close attention to the evolution of inflation and inflation expectations. The Committee continues to anticipate a gradual return to higher levels of resource utilization in a context of price stability. 』(前回)

1番目の文章が足元の商品等の価格の与えるインフレ圧力に関して今回「have pushed up inflation in recent months」と最近の物価上昇に言及していますけれども、「影響は一時的だがインフレ期待の動向に注意」「物価の安定によって徐々に資源の活用状況は高いレベルになっていくと予想」という部分には変化がありませんですな。あと何か会見冒頭の説明部分で「second-round effect」がどうしたといってたように聞こえましたが、多分従来の流れからして「足元で商品や原油価格上昇の2次的効果は見られないが今後も注視する」程度の話をしたんでしょと思うだよ。



『To promote a stronger pace of economic recovery and to help ensure that inflation, over time, is at levels consistent with its mandate, the Committee decided today to continue expanding its holdings of securities as announced in November. 』(今回)


『In particular, the Committee is maintaining its existing policy of reinvesting principal payments from its securities holdings and will complete purchases of $600 billion of longer-term Treasury securities by the end of the current quarter. 』(今回)

『In particular, the Committee is maintaining its existing policy of reinvesting principal payments from its securities holdings and intends to purchase $600 billion of longer-term Treasury securities by the end of the second quarter of 2011. 』(前回)


『The Committee will regularly review the size and composition of its securities holdings in light of incoming information and is prepared to adjust those holdings as needed to best foster maximum employment and price stability. 』(今回)

『The Committee will regularly review the pace of its securities purchases and the overall size of the asset-purchase program in light of incoming information and will adjust the program as needed to best foster maximum employment and price stability.』(前回)

6月で買入プログラムの一旦終了が見えているので「買入ペースを見直す」という部分が抜けるのはまあテクニカルに当たり前ですからそっちは良いのですが、小見出しでも書いたように、今回見直すものの対象に「composition of its securities holdings」とFEDの資産構成のレビューを行い、必要があればその調整を行う、という文言が入りましたので、これはつまり先行きの金融政策においてMBSやら長期国債やらの売却がありまっせと思いっきり予告と言うか瀬踏みをしているように見える訳でして、いやまあいずれそうなるのかなあとも思ったわけですが、いきなり売りを想像させる話を打ち込んでくるとはちと早い気がしましたけどどうっすかね。

○第4パラグラフの「for an extended period」とか第5パラグラフの宣言文みたいなのは変化無し


『The Committee will maintain the target range for the federal funds rate at 0 to 1/4 percent and continues to anticipate that economic conditions, including low rates of resource utilization, subdued inflation trends, and stable inflation expectations, are likely to warrant exceptionally low levels for the federal funds rate for an extended period. 』(今回)


『The Committee will continue to monitor the economic outlook and financial developments and will employ its policy tools as necessary to support the economic recovery and to help ensure that inflation, over time, is at levels consistent with its mandate.』(今回)



『Voting for the FOMC monetary policy action were: Ben S. Bernanke, Chairman; William C. Dudley, Vice Chairman; Elizabeth A. Duke; Charles L. Evans; Richard W. Fisher; Narayana Kocherlakota; Charles I. Plosser; Sarah Bloom Raskin; Daniel K. Tarullo; and Janet L. Yellen.』(今回)




















『The immediate policy decision』の所も意見が割れる割れる。


『Inflation had risen to well above the 2% target as a consequence of higher energy and other commodity prices, increased VAT and the impact of the past depreciation of sterling. It was likely to remain well above the 2% target for much of 2011. Nevertheless, the Committee’s central view remained that a substantial margin of spare capacity in the economy was likely to persist for some time and would bear down on inflation in the medium term, as the impact of the factors temporarily boosting inflation waned.』


『On the downside, the key risk was that private final demand would not pick up sufficiently strongly to offset the impact on aggregate demand of the fiscal consolidation, and that the resulting margin of spare capacity would cause inflation to fall materially below the target in the medium term.』


『Data on output during the month had been mixed and did not provide clear guidance about the extent to which activity had recovered since the slowdown in growth at the end of 2010. Indicators of output in the manufacturing and services sectors pointed to reasonably healthy growth. But weak output in the construction and energy sectors was likely to depress GDP growth in the first quarter of 2011, and assessing the outlook for economic activity as a whole was likely to be complicated by the volatility in these sectors.』



『On the upside, the key risk was that the period of elevated inflation could persist for longer than the Committee expected if there were further pass-through from the past depreciation of sterling; if externally generated inflation pressures continued to raise CPI inflation; or if expectations of higher future inflation became entrenched, leading households and businesses to set higher wages and prices.』


『The price of oil had risen further during the month, but this was likely to have been influenced by temporary supply disruptions. CPI inflation had fallen sharply in March, but until more detail became available it was hard to know how to interpret this. In the light of recent developments in the prices of energy, imported commodities and other goods, the near-term path of CPI inflation was likely to be higher than in the February Inflation Report.』

『And there remained a significant risk that inflation would exceed 5% in the near term. Survey-based measures of inflation expectations from household surveys had been mixed, while those derived from financial markets had been little changed. It was encouraging that the data on pay settlements suggested that wage growth had remained muted. There was a risk, however, that the rate of wage growth consistent with hitting the inflation target in the medium term could be lower than the Committee had previously assumed if labour productivity growth remained weak.』




『The risks to medium-term inflation in both directions were substantial. It was possible that medium-term inflation would deviate from the target in one direction or the other, perhaps materially. Overall, however, the balance between the upside and downside risks to the outlook for inflation in the medium term had not changed sufficiently over the month for Committee members to change their views of the appropriate stance of monetary policy.』


『Developments over the month had, on balance, not been sufficient to alter that view. There remained a material chance that the prolonged period of above-target inflation could cause companies and households to expect inflation to come back to target only slowly and this could become embedded in wage and price-setting. Waiting for this risk to crystallise before beginning to tighten monetary policy could be costly. Moreover, the continuing growth in employment suggested that the degree of spare capacity could be less than the Committee had assumed and that the degree of downward pressure on prices could be commensurately lower.』








景気に関する部分ですが、『The international economy』の所では日本の震災の影響が不透明という話をしていましたが、それ以外の部分は強い話が多くて、『Money, credit, demand and output』の冒頭でも生産が強くて製造業やサービス業の活動が強いという話をしています。その辺り全部引用すると長くなりすぎるのでスルー(どうせ後でもその辺の話が出ますので)しますが、まあ途中までは「あらら、景気強い話が続くじゃないの??」と思いながら読んでおったのですが・・・・・


『The prospects for consumption would have an important bearing on the outlook for activity. Consumer spending was estimated to have fallen during the second half of 2010 and to have been broadly flat over the year as a whole, consistent with stagnant real household income growth over that period. The near-term prospects for consumption had weakened further over the month. Survey-based measures pointed to weak consumption of services in the first quarter. The volume of retail sales had been broadly flat for some months. And surveys of consumer confidence had remained far below their historic average levels.』


『A key question was whether this softening in measures of household spending indicated that the medium-term outlook for consumption was weaker than the Committee had previously expected. The continuing squeeze on households’ real incomes, as a result of subdued post-tax pay growth and the elevated rate of near-term inflation, was likely to dampen consumption materially over the next year or so if some consumers had not yet fully adjusted their spending.』


『It was also possible that some people might seek to increase their rate of saving if, for example, they perceived future income prospects to be more uncertain.』


『Alternatively, the weakness in consumption growth might be temporary, due to factors such as the rise in the standard rate of VAT. Output growth was typically uneven during the early stages of economic recoveries, so some unevenness in consumption growth would not be surprising.』




『Nominal GDP had increased by 4.2% in 2010 and nominal domestic demand had risen by 5.6%. Nominal consumption had grown by 5%, close to its historic average rate. This might provide a positive signal about households’ and businesses’ willingness to spend.』


『But higher nominal spending might simply have been a mechanical consequence of tax changes and other factors that had raised prices.』


『Broad money and credit growth had remained weak, with M4 excluding the holdings of interbank intermediaries increasing by 0.5% on a three-month annualised basis in February and M4 lending rising by 2% on a similar basis. Subdued money and credit growth could nevertheless remain consistent with more robust nominal spending growth if companies continued to become less reliant on bank credit to fund investment.』



『Supply, costs and prices』の第22パラグラフから。ちなみに3月CPIが4.0%に低下するというのはMPC時点で速報の予想ベースで議事に乗っているのはここを見れば判ると思います。

『Despite the fall in CPI inflation in March, recent developments in the prices of energy, imported commodities and other goods indicated that the most likely near-term path of inflation would be higher than the Committee had thought at the time of the February Inflation Report.』


『Recent developments in wholesale gas and other energy prices pointed towards further likely increases in utility prices later this year. These factors represented disturbances to the price level whose direct impact on inflation should abate over time. But it would be a source of concern if import prices were to continue rising rapidly.』


『Moreover, it was possible that there were further effects from the past depreciation of sterling still to come. Near-term developments in inflation were also a source of concern to the extent that businesses were finding it easier than might have been expected to pass on cost increases.』



『A key risk remained that expectations of above-target inflation would become entrenched, adding to wage and price pressures. The evidence from surveys about households’ medium and longer-term inflation expectations had been mixed. Implied measures of inflation expectations derived from financial market prices had shown no consistent pattern on the month. Options-based measures of uncertainty about the level of inflation in the United Kingdom, United States and euro area five to ten years ahead had remained elevated relative to the period before the financial crisis, but had not risen much further. It was possible that this reflected a view among market participants that the shocks affecting inflation would be larger or more persistent than before.』




『The evidence from published employment data and surveys of employment intentions had remained consistent with gentle growth in employment and the total number of hours worked. The LFS employment measure had increased by 32,000 in the three months to January by comparison with the previous non-overlapping three-month period and average hours worked had increased by around 1%. It was possible that the growth in employment over recent months indicated that underlying demand in the economy had been stronger than suggested by the official data. To the extent that it indicated that firms were less able to meet demand from existing resources, it might also be a sign that the degree of spare capacity in the economy was less than the Committee had assumed.』

ということで、最近時々この指摘が出ている訳ですが、雇用が予想よりも強くなっているというのはいわゆる「経済の余剰」(degree of spare capacity in the economy)がMPCが予想するよりも大きくないのではないか、という指摘が今回も出ていまして、この論点は従来より(今回もそうですが)「足元のインフレは上昇しているけれども、それは一時的な要因によるものであり、先行きで見た場合には経済の余剰によってインフレは押し下げられてターゲットに落ち着く」という理屈によって金融政策の現状維持をおこなっているロジックに対するカウンターとなりますので、まあ今回もキタコレという感じです。

で、この後の『The immediate policy decision』は時間切れのため明日にでも(汗)。






『24 One important channel through which an increase in inflation expectations could lead to a sustained increase in inflation was through a pickup in wage growth. Pay settlements and total earnings had risen over the past year, but remained below pre-recession averages. The data on private sector wage settlements agreed so far in 2011 remained limited, but the additional evidence over the month had suggested that the underlying level of settlements remained muted. The contribution to pay growth of bonuses and regular pay drift had also remained subdued; annual whole-economy regular pay growth had been 2.2% in the three months to January. But there was a risk that pay growth could rise further in response to elevated inflation. And the sustainable rate of wage growth consistent with meeting the inflation target depended upon the growth rate of labour productivity, which had also remained weak in the latest data.』









『In conclusion, let me say that we’ve come through an extraordinary period in our nation’s history. Despite all the challenges, there are good reasons for an affirmative view of the future, as long as policymakers follow coherent, sustainable long-term policy plans. I look forward to working with my colleagues in the Federal Reserve to meet the unique monetary policy challenges we face this year.』





『Many observers were disappointed with that modest growth, which was barely above the long-run trend rate that results from population growth and productivity growth. But at least real GDP has improved, since its level is now above its previous peak in the fourth quarter of 2007.』


『Other important indicators of growth have not recovered. The number of employees on nonfarm payrolls has risen by 1.4 million persons in the last 15 months, but that increase is dwarfed by the 8.7 million jobs that were lost in the previous two years. It’s fair to say that we have a ways to go before we will fully recover from what many are calling the Great Recession.』



『A natural question is whether growth could be stronger. After all, we can remember other times when the recovery from a recession was much more rapid than this current recovery. Consider the recoveries from the other two deep recessions in the postwar period, the recessions of 1981-82 and 1974-75. In the first six quarters after those recessions ended, real GDP growth averaged a 6.3 percent annual rate. Accompanying that output growth, job growth averaged 4.5 million persons in those two recoveries.』


『Two factors account for much of the sluggishness of this first stage of the recovery. The most obvious is the collapse of housing construction. We built too many houses in the boom years from 1995 to 2005, and many of those houses are now vacant and are pretty good substitutes for new construction. As a consequence, residential investment fell by 57 percent from the end of the housing boom to the end of the recession, and has fallen further in this recovery. In contrast, residential investment increased an average of 40 percent in the first year of recovery following the two recessions I mentioned earlier.』


『While housing is the most obvious factor dampening this recovery, residential investment accounts for only 2.4 percent of GDP at this point. A much larger factor is consumer spending, which accounts for over 70 percent of GDP. In the first five quarters of this recovery, consumer expenditures increased at an annual rate just below 2 percent. This is in contrast to the two other recessions, where household spending grew by an average of 6-1/2 percent in the first year of expansion.』(フォントの関係で分数表記改変しました)



『Thus a key to the outlook is consumer behavior. At over two-thirds of GDP, it is impossible to imagine a robust recovery without a substantial advance in consumer spending. And it is easy to understand why consumers were cautious at the beginning of the recovery. A large number of households experienced unemployment during the recession, and many more were uncertain about their job security. Wage growth fell during the recession. Housing prices declined, in many cases unexpectedly, significantly reducing the value of housing equity on the consumer balance sheet. Stock prices declined sharply during the recession. It should not be too surprising that consumers responded to this adversity by deferring nonessential spending and rebuilding their balance sheets. That behavior is reflected in statistics such as personal saving, which was slightly below 2 percent of income in mid-2007 but was slightly above 6 percent of income at the end of the recession.』



『Some important fundamentals underlying household spending plans have improved significantly since the recession’s end.』


『New claims for unemployment insurance have trended down since last summer. The unemployment rate has fallen by 1.3 percentage points from its peak, and as a result, those who are employed have reason to be more confident in their job security. Employment has picked up, with growth in the last two months averaging slightly better than 200,000 jobs per month. The employment components of the Institute for Supply Management’s monthly surveys of manufacturing and nonmanufacturing activity are at extremely high levels, signaling broad gains in labor market conditions.』


『The stock market has more than doubled from its recession low point, and the net worth of households has increased by $8 trillion since early 2009. As these fundamentals have improved, so has consumer spending. Retail sales rose 5.2 percent in the first year of recovery, and in the next nine months improved at a 9.9 percent annualized growth rate.』




『I would stress that this higher pace of consumer spending is solidly grounded in improving fundamentals. Thus I expect robust growth to persist, as consumers see continuing improvements in job markets, incomes and wealth. Moreover, households have deferred nonessential spending for several years and a stock of pent-up demand has built up; as they gain confidence, it is likely they will draw down that stock and boost spending as a result.』


『Thus I see consumer spending as an important part of the recovery, but there are other areas of strength as well. Exports of goods and services have risen 18 percent since the end of the recession, adding 2 percent to real GDP growth. Yes, exports fell in February, as reported yesterday by the U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis, but they remain well ahead of the fourth quarter’s pace. Moreover, the key fundamental factor for export demand is growth abroad, and here the prospects are excellent.』

『Although growth in the highly industrialized economies has been similar to domestic growth, many less developed economies are growing very rapidly. Especially notable are the two most populous countries; China’s GDP grew 9.7 percent last year and India’s GDP grew 8.3 percent. Again, this growth is solidly based, as these countries are deploying a large labor base more effectively. Japan’s growth miracle following World War II lasted for several decades, and the current crop of rapidly growing economies can look forward to several decades on the fast track.』


『As they grow, they will buy more of our products. Consumers who join their middle class will buy goods we make that were formerly luxuries, from pharmaceuticals to motion pictures. Demand for our agricultural products will rise. Most importantly, newly industrializing economies will want to acquire more capital goods in order to allow workers to move into more productive activities. For all of these reasons, export demand is likely to contribute strongly to U.S. growth for the foreseeable future as we produce goods and services that the world wants to buy, especially the most rapidly growing parts of the world.』




『One reason that the consensus of forecasters is so positive about the national economy is that they believe that the inflation environment will remain benign. Over the 12 months ending in February, the price index for personal consumption expenditure has risen 1.6 percent. In the absence of further energy price increases most forecasters do not foresee a significant acceleration in prices this year.』


『We should not take that outcome for granted, however. Commodity price increases have squeezed profit margins for many firms, and we are increasingly hearing that some are looking for an opportunity to raise prices. If firms see robust demand growth, they will be increasingly willing to pass input price increases through to their customers. Such increases can be common in this stage of the business cycle.』











『A few participants expressed concern that the easing of credit conditions in some sectors was becoming or might become excessive as investors took on more risk in order to obtain higher yields. 』




『Participants observed that headline inflation was being boosted by higher prices for energy and other commodities, and that prices of other imported goods also had risen by a substantial, though smaller, amount. A number of business contacts indicated that they were passing on at least a portion of these higher costs to their customers or that they planned to try to do so later this year; however, contacts were uncertain about the extent to which they could raise prices, given current market conditions and the cautious attitudes toward spending still held by households and businesses.』


『Other participants noted that commodity and energy costs accounted for a relatively small share of production costs for most firms and that labor costs accounted for the bulk of such costs; moreover, they observed that unit labor costs generally had declined in recent years as productivity growth outpaced wage gains. Several participants noted that even large commodity price increases have had only limited effects on underlying inflation in recent decades. 』



『In contrast to headline inflation, core inflation and other measures of underlying inflation remained subdued, though they appeared to have bottomed out.』


『A number of participants noted that, with significant slack in resource utilization and with longer-term inflation expectations stable, underlying inflation likely would remain subdued for some time.』


『However, the importance of resource slack as a factor influencing inflation was debated.』


『Some participants pointed to research indicating that measures of slack were useful in predicting inflation. Others argued that, historically, such measures were only modestly helpful in explaining large movements in inflation; one noted the 2003-04 episode in which core inflation rose rapidly over a few quarters even though there appeared to be substantial resource slack. 』


『Participants expected that the boost to headline inflation from recent increases in energy and other commodity prices would be transitory and that underlying inflation trends would be little affected as long as commodity prices did not continue to rise rapidly and longer-term inflation expectations remained stable.』


『However, a significant increase in longer-term inflation expectations could contribute to excessive wage and price inflation, which would be costly to eradicate. Accordingly, participants considered it important to pay close attention to the evolution not only of headline and core inflation but also of inflation expectations.』


『In this regard, participants observed that measures of longer-term inflation compensation derived from financial instruments had remained stable of late, suggesting that longer-term inflation expectations had not changed appreciably, although measures of one-year inflation compensation had risen notably. Survey-based measures of inflation expectations also indicated that longer-term expected inflation had risen much less than near-term inflation expectations.』


『A few participants noted that the adoption by the Committee of an explicit numerical inflation objective could help keep longer-term inflation expectations well anchored.』

これは先日引用したプロッサーさんの講演にもありましたが、ここにあるのは「One」ではなくて「A few」となっているので、プロッサーさん以外にも「明示的なインフレ目標の設定」によってインフレ期待の上昇を抑えるという主張をしている人がいるようですな。ドタ勘だとミネアポリス連銀のコチャラコタ総裁が賛同していると見ましたがどうでしょうかね。


『Participants generally judged the risks to their forecasts of growth in economic activity to be roughly balanced. 』


『They continued to see some downside risks from the banking and fiscal strains in the European periphery, the continuing fiscal adjustments by U.S. state and local governments, and the ongoing weakness in the housing market. Several also noted the possibility of larger-than-anticipated near-term cuts in federal government spending. Moreover, the economic implications of the tragedy in Japan--for example, with respect to global supply chains--were not yet clear. 』


『On the upside, the improvement in labor market conditions in recent months raised the possibility that household spending--and subsequently business investment--might expand more rapidly than anticipated; if so, the recovery could be stronger than currently projected. Participants judged that the potential for more-widespread disruptions in oil production, and thus for a larger jump in energy prices, posed both downside risks to growth and upside risks to inflation. Several of them indicated, in light of recent developments, that the risks to their forecasts of inflation had shifted somewhat to the upside. Finally, a few participants noted that if the large size of the Federal Reserve's balance sheet were to lead the public to doubt the Committee's ability to withdraw monetary accommodation when appropriate, the result could be upward pressure on inflation expectations and so on actual inflation. 』

長々とありますが、基本的にはインフレリスクに関する部分がアップサイドとして大きくて、労働市場の改善に伴う賃金拡大からのインフレとか、エネルギー価格上昇に伴うインフレ期待へのシフトとかがありますが、最後のところで「a few」ではありますけれども、FEDのバランスシートの大きさによってインフレ期待が高まるという話が出てきたのがこれまたほほうという感じです。

『To mitigate such risks, participants agreed that the Committee would continue its planning for the eventual exit from the current, exceptionally accommodative stance of monetary policy. In light of uncertainty about the economic outlook, it was seen as prudent to consider possible exit strategies for a range of potential economic outcomes. A few participants indicated that economic conditions might warrant a move toward less-accommodative monetary policy this year; a few others noted that exceptional policy accommodation could be appropriate beyond 2011.』


ということで、まあとりあえずそこだけ読んでおけば大丈夫という『Participants' Views on Current Conditions and the Economic Outlook』を2回に分けて読んで見ましたが、まあ最後の所にありますように、どうも委員の間での意見がバラバラにも程がある状態で、これで6月のQE2期限に向けて話が進むのか非常に不安があるというところだと思います。






ということで、本日は手抜きで『Participants' Views on Current Conditions and the Economic Outlook』(PDFだと6ページ)から参ります。あ、そこの貴方、証文出し遅れの上に手抜きとはケシカランとか突っ込まないようにorz



『In discussing intermeeting developments and their implications for the economic outlook, participants agreed that the information received since their previous meeting was broadly consistent with their expectations and suggested that the economic recovery was on a firmer footing. 』


『Participants noted that recent increases in the prices of oil and other commodities were putting upward pressure on headline inflation, but that measures of underlying inflation remained subdued.』


『They anticipated that the effects on inflation of the recent run-up in commodity prices would prove transitory, in part because they saw longer-term inflation expectations remaining stable. Moreover, a number of participants expected that slack in resource utilization would continue to restrain increases in labor costs and prices. 』


『Nonetheless, participants observed that rapidly rising commodity prices posed upside risks to the stability of longer-term inflation expectations, and thus to the outlook for inflation, even as they posed downside risks to the outlook for growth in consumer spending and business investment.』


『In addition, participants noted that unfolding events in the Middle East and North Africa, along with the recent earthquake, tsunami, and subsequent developments in Japan, had further increased uncertainty about the economic outlook.』



『 Some easing of credit conditions for households, particularly for auto loans, also appeared to be supporting growth in consumer spending. On the other hand, declining house prices remained a drag on household wealth and thus on consumer spending. In addition, sizable recent increases in oil and gasoline prices had reduced real incomes and weighed on consumer confidence. 』



『A further increase in business activity also indicated that the economic recovery remained on track. Industrial production posted solid gains, supported in part by continuing growth in U.S. exports. Business contacts in a number of regions reported they were more confident about the recovery; a growing number of contacts indicated they were planning for an expansion in hiring and production to meet an anticipated rise in sales. Manufacturing firms were particularly upbeat. Some contacts reported they were increasing capital budgets to undertake investment that had been postponed during the recession and early stages of the recovery; in some cases, firms were planning to expand capacity.』


『Consistent with the anecdotal evidence, indicators of current and planned business investment in equipment and software continued to rise and surveys showed a further improvement in business sentiment. In addition, although residential construction remained weak, investment in energy extraction was growing and spending on commercial construction projects appeared to be bottoming out. 』



『Meeting participants judged that overall conditions in labor markets had continued to improve gradually. The unemployment rate had decreased significantly in recent months; other labor market indicators, including measures of job growth and hours worked, showed more-modest improvements.』


『Several participants noted that the drop in unemployment was attributable more to people withdrawing from the labor force and to fewer layoffs than to increased hiring. Even so, participants agreed that gains in employment seemed to be on a gradually rising trajectory, although the recent data had been somewhat erratic and distorted by worse-than-usual weather in many parts of the country. In addition, surveys of employers showed that an increasing number of firms were planning to hire.』

失業率の低下要因としてlabor forceの低下要因というよりは雇用の絶対数の回復という指摘がありますなあ。

『 Participants noted regional differences in the speed of improvement in labor markets; scattered reports indicated that firms in some regions were having difficulty hiring some types of highly skilled workers. Participants generally judged that there was still substantial slack in the labor market, though estimates of the degree of slack were admittedly imprecise and depended in part on judgments about a number of factors, including the extent to which labor force participation would increase as the recovery progresses and employment expands.』






の右下の方に燦然と『Current Inflation 4.0%』という文言が昨晩入りました。





Put all your eggs in one basket
(11-15 & 18-21 April)
10:00am - 4:30pm

During the Easter break (11-15 & 18-21 April) the Museum presents Put all your eggs in one basket, a special event to entertain the whole family. There will be a treasure trail to find eggs hidden in the Museum, with a chocolate egg for every child who takes part. Children can also indulge their imagination by creating and decorating their own Easter basket to take home.

A family fun day out is guaranteed with all the other museum attractions including banknote jigsaws, a roller ball game, interactive displays and the opportunity for some safe cracking. You can also take control of a virtual hot air balloon and chart it on a stable course to simulate the role of the Bank in keeping inflation steady. Visitors can even try to lift a genuine gold bar with a current value of over £340,000 -although, weighing 13kg, it will take many people by surprise!

ちなみに、最後の文にある「try to lift a genuine gold bar with a current value of over £340,000」って奴ですが、指をフックのようにして延べ棒に引っ掛けると持ち上がるようなのですが、そんなのが出来るのは博物館の係員だけだと思います(^^)。




St. Louis Fed’s Bullard Discusses Recent Developments in U.S. Monetary Policy




St. Louis Fed’s Bullard Discusses Quantitative Easing, Global Inflation, and Commodity Standards


『During his discussion, Bullard explained how the Fed’s second round of quantitative easing was “a classic easing of monetary policy” and “an effective tool, even while the policy rate is near zero.”』


『He also discussed the situation in early 2011, stating that “U.S. growth prospects remain reasonably good for 2011.” He added that recent global and domestic events “present considerable uncertainty, but can be resolved in benign ways.”』


『Finally, Bullard talked about the path to normalization. “Discussion of the normalization of U.S. policy will likely return as the key issue in 2011,” he concluded.』



『Bullard stated that, relative to last summer, U.S. growth prospects improved by early 2011. “Private sector forecasters and the FOMC all marked up their forecasts,” he said. “Anecdotal reports were more bullish,” showing “profitable businesses with considerable cash and an improving outlook.” He added, “An improving economy 18 months post-recession is generally a strong positive.”』


『Noting the improved economic outlook since QE2 was implemented, “the natural debate is how and when the exit should begin,” Bullard said. “However, additional uncertainty has clouded this picture.”』


『1.turmoil in the Middle East and North Africa and the associated uncertainty premium in oil prices;

2.the natural disaster and the damaged nuclear reactors in Japan;

3.the U.S. fiscal situation and the possibility of a government shutdown; and

4.continued uncertainty regarding resolution of the European sovereign debt crisis. 』


『Bullard pointed out that all four situations have the potential to escalate. If escalation occurs, he added, how and when to begin normalizing monetary policy would become less clear. “Still, the most likely prospect is that all four are resolved without becoming global macroeconomic shocks,” he said. 』

で、その次の『Normalization of U.S. Monetary Policy』というそのまんまにも程がある小見出しの部分から。

『Bullard said that U.S. monetary policy cannot remain ultra-accommodative indefinitely. “The process of normalizing policy, even once it begins, will still leave unprecedented policy accommodation on the table,” he stated. “The FOMC may not be willing or able to wait until all global uncertainties are resolved to begin normalizing policy.”』


『Bullard noted that normal monetary policy has two parts: “QE accommodation is removed by returning the balance sheet to an ordinary size over time,” and “the policy rate begins to approach levels associated with moderate expansion.”』


『Bullard said that normalization will take time and added that it is the most difficult part of the business cycle for a central bank.』


『“Exit strategy was widely discussed in 2010, and that debate will likely revive during 2011,” Bullard said.』






7 April 2011 - Monetary policy decisions

『At today’s meeting the Governing Council of the ECB took the following monetary policy decisions:

1.The interest rate on the main refinancing operations of the Eurosystem will be increased by 25 basis points to 1.25%, starting from the operation to be settled on 13 April 2011.

2.The interest rate on the marginal lending facility will be increased by 25 basis points to 2.00%, with effect from 13 April 2011.

3.The interest rate on the deposit facility will be increased by 25 basis points to 0.50%, with effect from 13 April 2011.』




News Release
Bank of England maintains Bank Rate at 0.5% and the size of the Asset Purchase Programme at £200 billion









『Economic Outlook』の所は今回の本旨ではないので簡単に。


『The tragic events in Japan and the potential for sharply higher oil prices given the turmoil in the Middle East and North Africa pose some risk to our recovery. Yet, I believe this risk is small and short term, assuming Japan is able to stabilize its nuclear reactors and political unrest in the Middle East does not dramatically disrupt Saudi Arabia, the region’s largest oil producer.』



『The Monetary Policy Operating Framework After Exit』の所から。


『In designing an effective exit strategy, we must start by deciding what the operating framework should look like at the end of the process. We must then articulate a systematic approach that will get us to that framework in a reasonable time frame. The approach must be easily communicated and thus transparent to the public and the markets, so that they understand not just where we are headed but how we plan to get there.』


『Of course, monetary policy actions should be dependent on economic conditions, that is, state contingent, and the exit strategy should be as well. While there is very little economic theory to guide systematic policymaking using nontraditional tools, we nonetheless should not act with complete discretion. I have frequently advocated a systematic approach to policy and our exit strategy should be no different. Such a systematic approach reduces uncertainty by offering a degree of commitment by policymakers to the exit strategy.』




『First, monetary policy should operate using the federal funds rate as its policy instrument. Because the Fed can now pay interest on reserves, monetary policy could use the interest rate on reserves (IOR) as its instrument, establishing a floor for rates and allow reserves to be supplied in an elastic manner. However, targeting the federal funds rate is more familiar to both the markets and policymakers than is an administered rate paid on reserves.』

『To make the funds rate the primary policy instrument, the target federal funds rate would be set above the rate paid on reserves and below the discount or primary credit rate that banks pay when they borrow from the Fed. This operating framework is sometimes referred to as a corridor or channel system and is used by a number of other central banks around the world.』

有名どころではECBが以前からmarginal ledding facilityとdeposit facilityを使った金利コリドア方式を採用していましたが、その他各国でも採用されていますなという事で。

『I have argued elsewhere that our goal should be to operate with a corridor system instead of a floor system, in part because it constrains the size of the balance sheet while the floor system does not.』



『The second element of the environment follows from the first. To ensure that the funds rate constitutes a viable policy instrument and thus is above the interest rate on reserves, the volume of reserves in the banking system must shrink to the point where the demand for reserves is consistent with the targeted funds rate.』


『This will require a significant reduction in the size of the Fed’s balance sheet, with reserve balances falling by $1.4 trillion to $1.5 trillion to about $50 billion.』




『The third characteristic of my preferred operating environment has to do with the composition of the Fed’s assets and in particular the System Open Market Account, or SOMA, portfolio.』


『I believe this portfolio should consist predominantly of U.S. Treasury securities concentrated in short-term issues, similar to its composition prior to the crisis. At that time, about 90 percent of the SOMA assets were Treasuries, of which about 35 percent were Treasury bills.』


『Currently, only about 60 percent of the portfolio is in Treasuries, while around 40 percent is housing-related assets, such as mortgage-backed securities (MBS). Moreover, Treasury bills are less than 2 percent of the Treasury securities in the portfolio. Thus, the exit plan must contemplate a significant restructuring of the balance sheet in terms of its composition and average maturity.』




『Fourth, my preferred operating environment would make explicit the Fed’s commitment to a numerical inflation objective, a proposal I have made many times. Numerical inflation objectives are fairly common among major central banks around the world and many academics and students of central banking regard adopting such an objective as best practice.』

『I believe it is time for the Federal Reserve to adopt this best practice and clearly announce a numerical inflation objective in support of our dual mandate. This would be particularly valuable as we exit our accommodative stance.』


『Since our large balance sheet poses significant risks for inflation down the road, an explicit commitment to a low and stable inflation rate would help reassure the public that we will exit in a way that is consistent with that goal. This would also help keep expectations of inflation well anchored.』


『A Proposed Exit Plan』という所から。


『My proposed strategy involves raising rates and shrinking the balance sheet concurrently and tying the pace of asset sales to the pace and size of interest rate increases.』


『The first element of the plan to exit and normalize policy would be to move away from the zero bound and stop the reinvesting program and allow securities to run off as they mature. Thus, we would raise the interest paid on reserves from 25 basis points to 50 basis points and seek to achieve a funds rate of 50 basis points rather than the current range of 0 to 25 basis points.』


『We would also announce that between each FOMC meeting, in addition to allowing assets to run off as they mature or are prepaid, we would sell an additional specified amount of assets. These “continuous sales,” plus the natural run-off, imply that the balance sheet, and thus reserves, would gradually shrink between each FOMC meeting on an ongoing basis.』




『The second element of the plan would be to announce that at each subsequent meeting the FOMC will, as usual, evaluate incoming data to determine if the interest rate on reserves and the funds rate should rise or not.』

『Monetary policy should be conditional on the state of the economy and the outlook. If the funds rate and interest on excess reserves do not change, the balance sheet would continue to shrink slowly due to run-off and the continuous sales. On the other hand, if the FOMC decides to raise rates by 25 basis points, it would automatically trigger additional asset sales of a specified amount during the intermeeting period.』

『This approach makes the pace of asset sales conditional on the state of the economy, just as the Fed’s interest rate decisions are. If it were necessary to raise the interest rate target more, say, by 50 basis points, because the economy was improving faster and inflation expectations were rising, then the pace of conditional sales would also be doubled during the intermeeting period.』



『The third element of the exit plan must address the composition of the Fed’s portfolio. If we are to return to an all-Treasuries portfolio, then asset sales, particularly in the early part of the program, must be concentrated in MBS.』



調子に乗って引用していたら講演の大部分を引用する勢いになってきたので反省して、『Examples of the Exit Strategy』の所は訳だけにしておきます。












