










『Recent indicators suggest that economic activity has continued to expand at a solid pace.』(今回)
『Recent indicators suggest that economic activity has continued to expand at a solid pace.』(前回)


『Since earlier in the year, labor market conditions have generally eased, and the unemployment rate has moved up but remains low.』(今回)
『Since earlier in the year, labor market conditions have generally eased, and the unemployment rate has moved up but remains low.』(前回)


『Inflation has made progress toward the Committee's 2 percent objective but remains somewhat elevated.』(今回)
『Inflation has made progress toward the Committee's 2 percent objective but remains somewhat elevated.』(前回)



『The Committee seeks to achieve maximum employment and inflation at the rate of 2 percent over the longer run.』(今回)
『The Committee seeks to achieve maximum employment and inflation at the rate of 2 percent over the longer run. 』(前回)


『The Committee judges that the risks to achieving its employment and inflation goals are roughly in balance.』(今回)
『The Committee judges that the risks to achieving its employment and inflation goals are roughly in balance.』(前回)


『The economic outlook is uncertain, and the Committee is attentive to the risks to both sides of its dual mandate.』(今回)
『The economic outlook is uncertain, and the Committee is attentive to the risks to both sides of its dual mandate.』(前回)




『In support of its goals, the Committee decided to lower the target range for the federal funds rate by 1/4 percentage point to 4-1/4 to 4-1/2 percent.』(今回)
『In support of its goals, the Committee decided to lower the target range for the federal funds rate by 1/4 percentage point to 4-1/2 to 4-3/4 percent.』(前回)


『In considering the extent and timing of additional adjustments to the target range for the federal funds rate, the Committee will carefully assess incoming data, the evolving outlook, and the balance of risks. 』(今回)
『In considering additional adjustments to the target range for the federal funds rate, the Committee will carefully assess incoming data, the evolving outlook, and the balance of risks.』(前回)


前回は「今後の政策金利の追加調整を考慮する際には」(後半は状況を見て判断しますという当たり前の表現だし文言変更ないので気にしないでヨシ)となっていた表現が、今回は「今後の政策金利の追加調整の規模やタイミングを考慮する際には」と、「the extent and timing of」というのを挿入してきました。実質的に声明文で変更があったのがここだけなんですけど。



『The Committee will continue reducing its holdings of Treasury securities and agency debt and agency mortgage-backed securities.』(今回)
『The Committee will continue reducing its holdings of Treasury securities and agency debt and agency mortgage-backed securities.』(前回)


『The Committee is strongly committed to supporting maximum employment and returning inflation to its 2 percent objective.』(今回)
『The Committee is strongly committed to supporting maximum employment and returning inflation to its 2 percent objective.』(前回)



『In assessing the appropriate stance of monetary policy, the Committee will continue to monitor the implications of incoming information for the economic outlook. The Committee would be prepared to adjust the stance of monetary policy as appropriate if risks emerge that could impede the attainment of the Committee's goals. The Committee's assessments will take into account a wide range of information, including readings on labor market conditions, inflation pressures and inflation expectations, and financial and international developments.』(今回)

『In assessing the appropriate stance of monetary policy, the Committee will continue to monitor the implications of incoming information for the economic outlook. The Committee would be prepared to adjust the stance of monetary policy as appropriate if risks emerge that could impede the attainment of the Committee's goals. The Committee's assessments will take into account a wide range of information, including readings on labor market conditions, inflation pressures and inflation expectations, and financial and international developments.』(前回)




『Voting for the monetary policy action were Jerome H. Powell, Chair; John C. Williams, Vice Chair; Thomas I. Barkin; Michael S. Barr; Raphael W. Bostic; Michelle W. Bowman; Lisa D. Cook; Mary C. Daly; Philip N. Jefferson; Adriana D. Kugler; and Christopher J. Waller.』(今回)

『Voting against the action was Beth M. Hammack, who preferred to maintain the target range for the federal funds rate at 4-1/2 to 4-3/4 percent.』(今回)

『Voting for the monetary policy action were Jerome H. Powell, Chair; John C. Williams, Vice Chair; Thomas I. Barkin; Michael S. Barr; Raphael W. Bostic; Michelle W. Bowman; Lisa D. Cook; Mary C. Daly; Beth M. Hammack; Philip N. Jefferson; Adriana D. Kugler; and Christopher J. Waller.』(前回)


Implementation Note issued December 18, 2024
Decisions Regarding Monetary Policy Implementation



『Conduct standing overnight reverse repurchase agreement operations at an offering rate of 4.25 percent and with a per-counterparty limit of $160 billion per day. Setting this rate at the bottom of the target range for the federal funds rate is intended to support effective monetary policy implementation and the smooth functioning of short-term funding markets.』(今回)

『Conduct standing overnight reverse repurchase agreement operations at an offering rate of 4.55 percent and with a per-counterparty limit of $160 billion per day.』(前回)



Summary of Economic Projections




『Figure 2. FOMC participants' assessments of appropriate monetary policy: Midpoint of target range or target level for the federal funds rate』


ということで今回は、「Midpoint of target range or target level (Percent)」でみて、

『4.625    4
4.375    15』



『4.375    1
4.125     3
3.875     10
3.625     3
3.375     1
3.125     1』






3.750   1
3.625   1
3.500   2
3.375   2
3.250   1
3.125   0
3.000   2
2.875   2
2.750   3
2.625   1
2.500   3
2.375   1

3.875   1
3.750   1
3.625   2
3.500   2
3.375   1
3.250   0
3.125   1
3.000   3
2.875   4
2.750   1
2.625   1
2.500   1
2.375   1




US Dollar / Japanese Yen FX Spot Rate
直近の取引 154.56JPY
変化 1.06


By ロイター編集
2024年12月19日午前 6:29 GMT+9

『[ニューヨーク 18日 ロイター] - 米国株式市場は大幅続落して取引を終えた。米連邦準備理事会(FRB)が0.25%の利下げを実施すると同時に、来年の利下げペース鈍化を示唆したことを受け、当初の高値から下げに転じた。』(上記URL先より)




Our monetary policy statement at a glance - December 2024




『We cut our key interest rates by 0.25 percentage points』(今回)
『We cut our key interest rates by 0.25 percentage points』(前回)


『We did this because inflation is coming close to our 2% target and the economy is weakening. Our future decisions will depend on how we see the economy and inflation developing.』(今回)

『We can do this because inflation is coming down faster than expected towards our 2% target and also the economy is weaker. Our future decisions will depend on how we see the economy and inflation shaping up.』(前回)




『The economy is recovering more slowly than we expected』(今回)
『The economy is doing worse than expected』(前回)



『People are not buying as many goods and services. Firms are also holding back investments. Some industries find it difficult to compete with the rest of the world. But over time, the economy should get stronger.』(今回)

『Manufacturing and exports are weak. Firms are not investing much. But services have been doing a bit better, thanks to a good summer tourism season.』(前回)

文章も前回よりは先行きに希望のあるような言い方になっていますな(But over time, the economy should get stronger.)。ただまあこう言っているだけに思ったほど回復が進まなければまた利下げじゃ、というのも含めているということでもあります。


『Wages are going up, but by less than before』(今回)
『People are saving more of their money instead of spending it』(前回)


『Many people are in work and new jobs are still being created. But firms are posting fewer vacancies.』(今回)
『Even though many people have more money to spend, they are preferring to put it aside, even more so than before the pandemic.』(前回)



『Inflation is gradually on its way down』(今回)
『Inflation is the lowest it has been in years』(前回)


『Some services are still getting more expensive, as a late response to the high inflation of the past. In the coming months inflation may go up and down a bit. But overall, we expect it to soon settle at around our 2% target.』(今回)

『Energy prices, especially, have come down a lot. Inflation will likely go up in the coming months but is expected to return to our 2% target in 2025.』(前回)





By Lucia Mutikani
2024年12月7日午前 1:45 GMT+9

『[ワシントン 6日 ロイター] - 米労働省が6日発表した11月の雇用統計によると、非農業部門雇用者数は22万7000人増と、市場予想の20万人増を上回り、小幅な伸びにとどまっていた10月から急回復した。





Amara Omeokwe、Craig Torres
2024年12月7日 9:29 JST






Laura Curtis
2024年12月7日 5:08 JST



Conversation with Mary C. Daly at Stanford University’s Hoover Institution

Time 10:00 am PST
Location Stanford, California
Topics Artificial IntelligenceLabor MarketsMonetary PolicyTechnologyU.S. Economy


President Mary C. Daly will participate in a conversation on emerging technology and the economy at Stanford University’s Hoover Institution with Hoover Institution Senior Fellow John H. Cochrane.

The conversation will be livestreamed and available as a recording after the event.』



Jonnelle Marte
2024年12月7日 3:21 JST





Catarina Saraiva
2024年12月7日 4:01 JST


38th Annual Economic Outlook Symposium
December 6, 2024


『9:30 AM
Fireside Chat with Austan Goolsbee
Austan Goolsbee, President & CEO, Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago
Scott Horsley, Chief Economics Correspondent, NPR』

ってのがあって、このサイトの中に「Watch Replay」ってのがありますが、こちらをぽちっとなとしますと、40分の動画が出てきます。ちょっとこちらも詳しく見ている余裕がなかったのでこれまたお暇な方向けではあるのですが、中立金利の話をしているんですかね(見てないけど)。


Jonnelle Marte
2024年12月7日 2:52 JST





Lake Effect: Views from the Fourth District on the Economy and Monetary Policy
Beth M. Hammack
President and Chief Executive Officer

物凄い手抜きなので最後の『Policy Implications』以降を読みますと、

『The US economy at this time has a good amount of momentum and a history of surprising resilience. For example, in the first half of 2023, the Survey of Professional Forecasters captured the expectation that GDP growth would be low, ostensibly reflecting rising interest rates to combat inflation.8 』

『Instead, the economy grew at an above-trend pace that year. Resilient growth, a healthy labor market, and still-elevated inflation suggest to me that it remains appropriate to maintain a modestly restrictive stance for monetary policy for some time. Such a policy stance will help to sustainably return inflation all the way back to 2 percent in a timely fashion.』


『It is difficult to know precisely how restrictive our current policy setting is. Large fiscal deficits, elevated productivity growth, and the Fed’s ample reserves framework with many long-duration securities on the balance sheet are just some of the challenges we face in assessing what constitutes a neutral stance of policy, one which neither stimulates nor restricts economic activity.』


『 Some of the forces that appeared to be holding down the neutral rate following the Global Financial Crisis may have finally run their course or reversed. In addition, even estimates from the most sophisticated models of neutral rates tend to have a great deal of uncertainty around them. 』


『As I take into account strong economic growth, the low unemployment rate, still-elevated inflation, and signals from financial markets, among other factors, my overall view is that monetary policy is only somewhat restrictive today.』

でもってさっきの記事の中の話にもありましたが、「my overall view is that monetary policy is only somewhat restrictive today」と来ましたね。

『In economist-speak, given our sustained robust GDP growth, with U close to U-star and pi close to pi-star, perhaps r is already close to r-star as well. Or, to put it in plain English, we may not be too far from a neutral setting today.』

「we may not be too far from a neutral setting today」と重ねてご説明。

『The target range for the federal funds rate is the FOMC’s primary tool for communicating and implementing monetary policy. At our last two meetings in September and November, the FOMC reduced the fed funds target, which is now in a range of 4-1/2 to 4-3/4 percent. I supported these actions to recalibrate the stance of policy, reflecting the improvements seen thus far in reducing inflation.』


『To balance the need to maintain a modestly restrictive stance for monetary policy with the possibility that policy may not be far from neutral,』


『I believe we are at or near the point where it makes sense to slow the pace of rate reductions. Moving slowly will allow us to calibrate policy to the appropriately restrictive level over time given the underlying strength in the economy.』


『Indeed, since my initial foray into forecasting in the September Summary of Economic Projections, inflation, growth, and the labor market have all been stronger than I and the SEP median had expected. To me, this situation calls for a slower pace of rate cuts relative to my September forecast. Achieving our goals means seeing further convincing evidence that inflation is indeed continuing to decline to 2 percent while sustaining a healthy labor market.』


『The 1990s provide two separate episodes in which the FOMC reduced the federal funds rate by 75 basis points and then held it there for a time. While today’s economy has both parallels to and differences from that era, I see those shallow midcycle rate cuts as a relatively successful precedent for helping to sustain a long expansion, though I hope not to experience another bubble in equity prices along the way. It will be necessary to monitor financial conditions alongside a broad range of economic data and anecdotes from the business community to guide our decisions.』


『As of yesterday, financial markets appear to be pricing in about one reduction in the fed funds target range between now and the end of January and only a few cumulative reductions by the end of 2025. This path is consistent with my current expectation for the funds rate, based on my forecast that features solid economic growth, a low unemployment rate, and gradual improvements in inflation.』


『However, the incoming data, the outlook, and the balance of risks will ultimately determine the future path of interest rates. As with any forecast, there are risks on both sides of my expected policy path. Keeping interest rates higher than needed could unnecessarily harm the health of the labor market. But easing interest rates too much or too quickly could slow the return of inflation to 2 percent and contribute to froth in financial markets, a situation that could undermine financial stability and impede progress on our monetary policy goals. As long as inflation is above our objective and the labor market remains strong, my focus remains on finishing the task at hand. Admittedly, it’s a careful balancing act.』

『There are more data releases between now and the next FOMC meeting that will help to shape the outlook. I look forward to discussing my observations with my colleagues at the FOMC table and will maintain an open mind about the decision that will best position monetary policy to achieve our maximum employment and price stability objectives.』





Amara Omeokwe
2024年12月4日 4:17 JST




December 03, 2024
A Year in Review: A Tale of Two Supply Shocks
Governor Adriana D. Kugler
At the Detroit Economic Club, Detroit, Michigan

激烈に手抜きですが最後の小見出しに『Outlook for Monetary Policy』というのがあるのでとりあえずはそこを読んでみますが、2パラしかないので本当はその前の色々な話を読んでおくべきだと思います、本日は超手抜きで勘弁。

『Given how the economy has developed this year, most notably the continuation of disinflation and a modest cooling in the labor market, I see the Fed's dual-mandate goals of maximum employment and price stability as being roughly in balance.』


『In light of the progress toward our goals, my colleagues and I on the FOMC judged it appropriate to lower our policy rate in September and again last month. These actions were steps toward removing restraint, as we are in the process of moving policy toward a more neutral setting.』


『Looking ahead, it is important to emphasize that policy is not on a preset course.』


『I will make decisions meeting by meeting and carefully assess incoming data, the evolving outlook, and the balance of risks.』


『While I have gained more confidence that the two positive supply shocks I described have helped create the solid economic conditions that are currently in place, I will vigilantly monitor for incoming risks or negative supply shocks that may undo the progress that we have achieved in reducing inflation.』

『I view our current policy setting as well positioned to deal with any uncertainties we face in pursuing both sides of our dual mandate.』

『Thank you for your time, and I look forward to your questions.』

ということで政策のところはまあ簡単に終わっている訳ですが、「今の政策セッティングが今後の上下の不確実性に対して良い位置にいる」と言ってまして、その前の部分では何を言ってるかとゆーと、「I will vigilantly monitor for incoming risks or negative supply shocks that may undo the progress that we have achieved in reducing inflation.」ということで、具体的なことはここでは言ってない(前段で言ってる可能性もあるのですが斜めよみすらしていないので分からん)ですけれども、こんなんどう見ても「トランプ政策による各種の供給制約復活や関税による直接的な物価押上げ」の話でありますわな。

そうなりますと、「our current policy setting as well positioned」というのは、トランプ政策の動向とその影響を見極めるのに今の位置は宜しい、という話なので、前段であった「先行きは中立スタンスに持っていくプロセスにある」に対して、寧ろトランプの出方を待つと称してお地蔵さんになる、という意味合いになってきますわな。



Laura Curtis、Vince Golle
2024年12月4日 5:03 JST

『 米サンフランシスコ連銀のデーリー総裁は、12月の利下げは確実ではないが、政策当局者の選択肢としては残っているとの見解を示した。』(上記URL先より、以下同様)




Cavuto Coast To Coast
December 03, 2024


『The Fed is keeping 'an open mind' about rates, macroeconomy: San Francisco President Mary Daly

In an exclusive interview with FOX Business' Edward Lawrence, Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco President Mary Daly talks next rate decisions, keeping the economy 'in a good place' and potential impacts from a second Trump administration.』







インフレ引き続き低下へ、 不確実性は高い=米アトランタ連銀総裁
By Howard Schneider
2024年12月3日午前 5:14 GMT+9

『[2日 ロイター] - 米アトランタ地区連銀のボスティック総裁は2日、雇用を巡る経済指標が重要な判断材料になるとの考えを示し、今月の連邦公開市場委員会(FOMC)での追加利下げの可能性について、自身の見解はまだ決めていないと述べた。』




Heading into 2025 with Positive Economic Outlook, Mindful of Risks
Raphael Bostic - President and Chief Executive OfficerRaphael Bostic
President and Chief Executive Officer
Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta
December 2, 2024


ということで『Key Points』ですけど。

『・Conditions on both sides of the Fed's mandate appear to be broadly healthy, and Bostic's economic outlook is positive. He explains uncertainties still persist, however, and risks loom for price stability and the labor market.』


『・Atlanta Fed researchers are trying to determine whether the labor market may be cooling more dramatically than Bostic had imagined when he developed his outlook for the economy.』


『・While inflation readings have experienced bumpiness, Bostic doesn't think progress toward price stability has completely stalled.』


『・A major factor contributing to the continued stubbornness of elevated inflation has been housing prices. Market-based measures of rental price growth have been much more muted than the official inflation statistics, Bostic says, and that softening in market rents should eventually filter through to the statistics.』


『・Bostic also is not seeing signs that a surge in economic energy that could spark inflationary pressures is imminent. He explains inflation expectations have remained quite stable and relatively in line with prepandemic norms.』


『・Regarding the path ahead for monetary policy, Bostic says his strategy will be to look to the incoming data, information from the Atlanta Fed's portfolio of surveys, the balance of risks, and input from the Bank's business contacts.』



Craig Torres
2024年12月3日 5:47 JST



December 02, 2024
Cut or Skip?
Governor Christopher J. Waller
At "Building a Better Fed Framework," American Institute for Economic Research Monetary Conference, Washington, D.C.



『In deciding which of these two approaches to take at the FOMC's next meeting, I will be watching additional data very closely. Tomorrow, we get the Labor Department's Job Openings and Labor Turnover Survey. On Friday, we get the employment report, which, as I noted, may have misleading payroll data. Then next week, we get consumer and producer price indexes for November, which will allow a good estimate of PCE inflation for the month. Finally, on the first day of the FOMC meeting, we receive retail sales data for November that will give us an idea of how consumer spending is holding up.』


『All of that information will help me decide whether to cut or skip. 』



『As of today, I am leaning toward continuing the work we have started in returning monetary policy to a more neutral setting.』


『Policy is still restrictive enough that an additional cut at our next meeting will not dramatically change the stance of monetary policy and allow ample scope to later slow the pace of rate cuts, if needed, to maintain progress toward our inflation target.』


『That said, if the data we receive between today and the next meeting surprise in a way that suggests our forecasts of slowing inflation and a moderating but still-solid economy are wrong, then I will be supportive of holding the policy rate constant.』


『I will be watching the incoming data closely over the next couple weeks to help me make my decision as to what path to take.』




Minutes of the Federal Open Market Committee
November 6-7, 2024


ということで『Participants' Views on Current Conditions and the Economic Outlook』を頭から読む。



でまあさすがに目が慣れてきたなと思ったので、さっき物は試しに過去の議事要旨をホイホイと当たってみたのですけれども、今年の1月のFOMCまでは議事要旨の書き出しは「In their discussion of current economic conditions」でして、経済情勢と経済先行き→インフレ情勢とインフレ先行き→雇用情勢と雇用先行き、ってな感じで構成を組んでいまして、3月会合の議事要旨から最初にインフレを書くようになった、というのを再確認しておきました。


『In their discussion of inflation developments, participants continued to observe that inflation had eased substantially from its peak, although core inflation remained somewhat elevated.』

現状は「remained somewhat elevated」だそうです、まあ数字がその通りなんでしゃーないですが。

『Almost all participants judged that, though month-to-month movements would remain volatile, incoming data generally remained consistent with inflation returning sustainably to 2 percent.』


『Participants commented that disinflationary progress had been seen across a broad range of core goods and services prices. Notably, in both the core goods and nonhousing services categories, prices were now increasing at rates close to those seen during earlier periods of price stability.』


『Many participants noted that the slowing in these components of core inflation corroborated reports received from their business contacts that firms were more reluctant to increase prices, as consumers appeared to be more price sensitive and were increasingly seeking discounts.』


『Some participants remarked that although increases in housing services prices remained somewhat elevated, they continued to expect that these increases would slow, as the more subdued pace of rent increases faced by new tenants would eventually be reflected further in housing services prices.』




『With regard to the outlook for inflation, participants indicated that they remained confident that inflation was moving sustainably toward 2 percent, although a couple noted the possibility that the process could take longer than previously expected.』


『A few participants remarked that insofar as recent robust increases in real GDP reflected favorable supply developments, the strength of economic activity was unlikely to be a source of upward inflation pressures.』



『Participants cited various factors likely to put continuing downward pressure on inflation, including waning business pricing power, the Committee's still-restrictive monetary policy stance, and well-anchored longer-term inflation expectations.』


『Several participants noted that nominal wage growth had continued to move down and that the wage premium available to job switchers had diminished. In addition, some participants observed that, with supply and demand in the labor market being roughly in balance and in light of recent productivity gains, wage increases were unlikely to be a source of inflationary pressure in the near future.』





『In discussing labor market developments, participants generally viewed recent readings as consistent with labor market conditions remaining solid, although labor strikes and the devastating hurricanes had been important sources of temporary fluctuations in the employment data.』

一時的要因による攪乱はあるものの、労働市場に関しては「remaining solid」であると。

『Participants continued to cite declines in job vacancies, the quits rate, and turnover as consistent with a gradual easing in labor demand.』


『Some participants reported that businesses were becoming more selective in hiring as they faced larger pools of more qualified job applicants, and job applicants were more willing to accept less accommodative work arrangements and more moderate wage offers.』


『Participants generally noted, however, that there was no sign of rapid deterioration in labor market conditions, with layoffs remaining low.』


『A few participants cited business contacts who were using attrition, instead of layoffs, to manage the size of their workforce. Some participants observed that the evaluation of underlying trends in labor market developments had continued to be challenging- with difficulties in measuring the effects of immigration on labor supply, revisions to data, and the effects of natural disasters and labor strikes among the factors cited as complicating this evaluation-and that assessments of the outlook for the labor market were associated with considerable uncertainty. Participants generally judged that current labor market conditions were broadly consistent with the Committee's longer-run goal of maximum employment.』

でもってアネク中心の話が続いていますが、その中にしらっと今後の懸念として企業が挙げているものの中に「with difficulties in measuring the effects of immigration on labor supply」などとあって、おーおーおー早速大統領選挙の結果が反映されとるわ、と思いました。


『With regard to the outlook for the labor market, participants generally anticipated that with an appropriate recalibration of the Committee's monetary policy stance over time, the labor market would remain solid.』


『Participants generally agreed that labor market indicators merited close monitoring. Some participants still saw elevated risks that the labor market could deteriorate, though many participants saw the risk of an excessive cooling in the labor market as having diminished somewhat since the Committee's September meeting.』




『Participants observed that recent data on economic activity and consumer spending were largely stronger than anticipated, and they assessed that economic activity had continued to expand at a solid pace and consumer spending remained strong.』


『Participants remarked that consumption had been supported by a solid labor market, rising real wages, and elevated household wealth. Many participants observed that recent upward revisions in data on household income and the saving rate had made these series' behavior more consistent with the strength in consumer spending.』

『However, several participants cautioned that low- and moderate-income households continued to experience financial strains, which could damp their spending. A couple of participants cited recent increases in rates of delinquencies on credit card borrowing and automobile loans as signs of such strains.』



『Regarding the business sector, a few participants noted that favorable aggregate supply developments-including increases in labor supply, business investment, and productivity-continued to support solid expansion of business activity.』

企業部門のお話になりますが、供給面の改善、というのがさっきも出ていましたが、ここではいわゆる供給制約の問題だけではなくて、「business investment, and productivity」ということで、企業の設備投資および生産性について指摘されているのは何気にポイントではなかろうかと。


『A couple of participants remarked that there was considerable uncertainty about the durability of recent rates of increase in productivity. Although a few participants attributed some of the productivity gains to potentially transitory factors-such as one-time efficiency gains in response to earlier labor shortages-or the possible underestimation of labor inputs, some participants highlighted more durable factors, such as new business formation and investment, as well as the integration into the workplace of technological advances. A couple of participants discussed some of these recent trends, noting especially possible implications of the expanded use of artificial intelligence in the workplace. Several participants indicated that their District contacts reported larger corporations and firms in sectors like financial services, construction, professional services, and technology as having a generally more optimistic outlook than smaller businesses or firms in the manufacturing sector. Several participants remarked that the agricultural sector continued to face significant strains due to low crop prices and high input costs.』






『In participants' evaluation of the risks and uncertainties associated with the economic outlook, upside risks to the inflation outlook were seen as little changed, while downside risks to employment and growth were seen as having decreased somewhat.』


『Among the upside risks to inflation cited by participants were the possibility of sudden disruptions in global supply chains due to geopolitical developments, a larger-than-anticipated easing in financial conditions, stronger-than-expected consumption, more-persistent shelter price increases, or sharp rises in insurance charges for health, autos, or homes.』

『Some participants pointed to various downside risks to economic activity and employment, including weaker global growth, sharply worsening financing conditions due to an escalation of geopolitical tensions or a sizable asset price correction, or an unwelcome weakening of the labor market.』

この辺はアップサイドとダウンサイドの両方についてどんなのがありますねんというのが指摘されていますが、「larger-than-anticipated easing in financial conditions,」とかいうのがしらっと入っているのはお茶目。

『Almost all participants judged the risks to the attainment of their dual-mandate objectives of maximum employment and price stability to be roughly in balance.』

とは言え結論は「be roughly in balance」です。



『In their discussion of financial stability, participants who commented noted vulnerabilities to the financial system that they assessed warranted monitoring.』


『A couple of participants observed that the banking system was sound but that there continued to be potential risks associated with unrealized losses on bank assets.』


『Many participants discussed vulnerabilities associated with CRE exposures, focusing on risks in the office sector. A few of these participants noted signs that the deterioration of conditions in this sector of the CRE market might be lessening.』


『A couple of participants noted concerns about asset valuation pressures in other markets.』


『Some participants commented on cyber risks that could impair the operation of financial institutions, financial infrastructure, and, potentially, the overall economy; these participants noted, in particular, vulnerabilities that could emanate from third-party service providers. A couple of participants also mentioned third-party service providers in the context of risks associated with brokered and reciprocal deposit arrangements.』


『Several participants noted that leverage in the market for Treasury securities remained a risk and commented that it would be important to monitor developments regarding the market's resilience.


『A few participants discussed vulnerabilities posed by the growth of private credit and potential links to banks and other financial institutions. 』


『A couple of participants commented on the financial condition of low- and moderate-income households that have exhausted their savings and the importance of monitoring rising delinquency rates on credit cards and auto loans. 』


『A couple of participants remarked on the successful implementation of the Securities and Exchange Commission's money fund rules, noting that it would reduce financial stability risks posed by domestic MMFs.』






Minutes of the Federal Open Market Committee
November 6-7, 2024
A joint meeting of the Federal Open Market Committee and the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System was held in the offices of the Board of Governors on Wednesday, November 6, 2024, at 10:00 a.m. and continued on Thursday, November 7, 2024, at 9:00 a.m.1


いつものハイパー手抜き読みなので『Participants' Views on Current Conditions and the Economic Outlook』の政策部分を、と思ったらパラグラフが3つですがシンプルっぽいな、と見ましたが読んでみましょう。


『In their consideration of monetary policy at this meeting, participants noted that inflation had made progress toward the Committee's objective but remained somewhat elevated. Participants also observed that recent indicators suggested that economic activity had continued to expand at a solid pace, labor market conditions had generally eased since earlier in the year, and the unemployment rate had moved up but remained low.』


『Almost all participants judged that the risks to achieving the Committee's employment and inflation goals were roughly in balance.』


『In support of the Committee's goals, all participants viewed it as appropriate to lower the target range for the federal funds rate by 25 basis points to 4-1/2 to 4-3/4 percent.』


『Participants observed that such a further recalibration of the monetary policy stance would help maintain the strength in the economy and the labor market while continuing to enable further progress on inflation. 』


『Participants judged that it was appropriate to continue the process of reducing the Federal Reserve's securities holdings.』




『In discussing the outlook for monetary policy, participants anticipated that if the data came in about as expected, with inflation continuing to move down sustainably to 2 percent and the economy remaining near maximum employment, it would likely be appropriate to move gradually toward a more neutral stance of policy over time.』

今後の経済物価推移が「about as expected」であれば、徐々に金融政策スタンスをニュートラルに近づけていく(to move gradually toward a more neutral stance of policy over time)のが適切と考えている、からの、

『Participants noted that monetary policy decisions were not on a preset course and were conditional on the evolution of the economy and the implications for the economic outlook and the balance of risks; they stressed that it would be important for the Committee to make this clear as it adjusted its policy stance.』


『While emphasizing that monetary policy would be data dependent, many participants noted the volatility of recent economic data and highlighted the importance of focusing on underlying economic trends and the evolution of the outlook when assessing incoming information.』


『Some participants remarked that, at a future meeting, there would be value in the Committee considering a technical adjustment to the rate offered at the ON RRP facility to set the rate equal to the bottom of the target range for the federal funds rate, thereby bringing the rate back into an alignment that had existed when the facility was established as a monetary policy tool.』



『In discussing risk-management considerations that could bear on the outlook for monetary policy, almost all participants agreed that risks to achieving the Committee's employment and inflation goals remained roughly in balance.』


『Some participants judged that downside risks to economic activity or the labor market had diminished.』


『Participants noted that monetary policy would need to balance the risks of easing policy too quickly, thereby possibly hindering further progress on inflation, with the risks of easing policy too slowly, thereby unduly weakening economic activity and employment.』


『In discussing the positioning of monetary policy in response to potential changes in the balance of risks, some participants noted that the Committee could pause its easing of the policy rate and hold it at a restrictive level if inflation remained elevated, and some remarked that policy easing could be accelerated if the labor market turned down or economic activity faltered.』


『Many participants observed that uncertainties concerning the level of the neutral rate of interest complicated the assessment of the degree of restrictiveness of monetary policy and, in their view, made it appropriate to reduce policy restraint gradually.』

でもってここの最後ですが中立金利水準の話をしているのが味わいがあって、「多くの参加者(Many participants)」が言っていることとして、中立金利水準に関しては不確実性があって、この不確実性によって金融政策の引き締め度合いというのを測定するのが難しくなっていることを勘案すると、金融引き締めの減少については徐々に行うことが適切であろう。という話で締めています。





By Howard Schneider
2024年11月21日午前 3:18 GMT+9

『[シャーロッツビル(米バージニア州)/ワシントン 20日 ロイター] - 米連邦準備理事会(FRB)のクック理事は20日、インフレは引き続き緩和しているとした上で、利下げ継続が適切となる可能性が高いとの見方を示した。賃金の伸びや雇用市場が鎮静化し、価格の過剰な上昇は主に住宅に限られていると指摘した。』



November 20, 2024
Economic Outlook
Governor Lisa D. Cook
At the University of Virginia, Charlottesville, Virginia

By ロイター編集
2024年11月21日午前 4:09 GMT+9

『[20日 ロイター] - 米連邦準備理事会(FRB)のボウマン理事は20日、インフレが依然として懸念材料となる一方で労働市場は堅調だと指摘し、さらなる利下げには慎重な姿勢を取るよう求めた。』




November 20, 2024
Approaching Policymaking Pragmatically
Governor Michelle W. Bowman
At the Forum Club of the Palm Beaches, West Palm Beach, Florida





November 14, 2024
Economic Outlook
Chair Jerome H. Powell
At Conversation with Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell, Dallas, Texas


『Good afternoon. Thank you to the World Affairs Council, the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas, and the Dallas Regional Chamber for the kind invitation to be with you today. I will start with some brief comments on the economy and monetary policy.』

『Looking back, the U.S. economy has weathered a global pandemic and its aftermath and is now back to a good place. The economy has made significant progress toward our dual-mandate goals of maximum employment and stable prices. The labor market remains in solid condition. Inflation has eased substantially from its peak, and we believe it is on a sustainable path to our 2 percent goal. We are committed to maintaining our economy's strength by returning inflation to our goal while supporting maximum employment.』

というご挨拶はさておきまして、最初の小見出しが『Recent Economic Data』である。


小見出しにさらに小見出しがあって最初のが『Economic growth』ですな。

『The recent performance of our economy has been remarkably good, by far the best of any major economy in the world.』


『Economic output grew by more than 3 percent last year and is expanding at a stout 2.5 percent rate so far this year. Growth in consumer spending has remained strong, supported by increases in disposable income and solid household balance sheets. Business investment in equipment and intangibles has accelerated over the past year. In contrast, activity in the housing sector has been weak. 』


『Improving supply conditions have supported this strong performance of the economy. The labor force has expanded rapidly, and productivity has grown faster over the past five years than its pace in the two decades before the pandemic, increasing the productive capacity of the economy and allowing rapid economic growth without overheating.』



次が『The labor market』ですな。

『The labor market remains in solid condition, having cooled off from the significantly overheated conditions of a couple of years ago, and is now by many metrics back to more normal levels that are consistent with our employment mandate.』


『The number of job openings is now just slightly above the number of unemployed Americans seeking work. The rate at which workers quit their jobs is below the pre-pandemic pace, after touching historic highs two years ago. Wages are still increasing, but at a more sustainable pace. Hiring has slowed from earlier in the year. The most recent jobs report for October reflected significant effects from hurricanes and labor strikes, making it difficult to get a clear signal. Finally, at 4.1 percent, the unemployment rate is notably higher than a year ago but has flattened out in recent months and remains historically low.』




『The labor market has cooled to the point where it is no longer a source of significant inflationary pressures. This cooling and the substantial improvement in broader supply conditions have brought inflation down significantly over the past two years from its mid-2022 peak above 7 percent.』


『Progress on inflation has been broad based. Estimates based on the consumer price index and other data released this week indicate that total PCE prices rose 2.3 percent over the 12 months ending in October and that, excluding the volatile food and energy categories, core PCE prices rose 2.8 percent.』


『Core measures of goods and services inflation, excluding housing, fell rapidly over the past two years and have returned to rates closer to those consistent with our goals.』


『We expect that these rates will continue to fluctuate in their recent ranges.』


『We are watching carefully to be sure that they do, however, just as we are closely tracking the gradual decline in housing services inflation, which has yet to fully normalize.』


『Inflation is running much closer to our 2 percent longer-run goal, but it is not there yet. We are committed to finishing the job. With labor market conditions in rough balance and inflation expectations well anchored, I expect inflation to continue to come down toward our 2 percent objective, albeit on a sometimes-bumpy path.』

でもってインフレの締めのところですが、色々と言ってたんですけど結局は物価はインフレ目標に対して、「but it is not there yet」と言ってまして、今後の推移に関しても目標に向けて戻るでしょうと言いながら、「albeit on a sometimes-bumpy path」と締めていますので政策の話はお察しという感じですか。


でもってまあいつもだと手抜きでここしか読まない(今日のは文章量が一見して短いのでこれなら全文行けると踏んで手抜きをしませんでしたw)『Monetary Policy』ですな。

『Given progress toward our inflation goal and the cooling of labor market conditions, last week my Federal Open Market Committee colleagues and I took another step in reducing the degree of policy restraint by lowering our policy interest rate 1/4 percentage point.』


『We are confident that with an appropriate recalibration of our policy stance, strength in the economy and the labor market can be maintained, with inflation moving sustainably down to 2 percent.』

FOMC会見ネタすっ飛ばしてこれ見ているのでアレですが、足許の利下げに関してはFOMCでも「an appropriate recalibration of our policy stance」と政策スタンスの「再調整」としていますな。

『We see the risks to achieving our employment and inflation goals as being roughly in balance, and we are attentive to the risks to both sides. We know that reducing policy restraint too quickly could hinder progress on inflation. At the same time, reducing policy restraint too slowly could unduly weaken economic activity and employment.』


『We are moving policy over time to a more neutral setting. But the path for getting there is not preset.』

方向性としては「より政策スタンスをニュートラルにする」とは言っていますが、「over time」であって別に急ぐ話はしていませんし(直近の流れからもそういう話が出るとは思えないので順当ですが)、先行きのコースは事前決め打ちしていませんってのも同じ(だったらドットプロットもう次回から出すなよと思うけど)。

『In considering additional adjustments to the target range for the federal funds rate, we will carefully assess incoming data, the evolving outlook, and the balance of risks.』


『The economy is not sending any signals that we need to be in a hurry to lower rates.』

>The economy is not sending any signals that we need to be in a hurry to lower rates.
>The economy is not sending any signals that we need to be in a hurry to lower rates.
>The economy is not sending any signals that we need to be in a hurry to lower rates.


『The strength we are currently seeing in the economy gives us the ability to approach our decisions carefully.』


『Ultimately, the path of the policy rate will depend on how the incoming data and the economic outlook evolve.』


『We remain resolute in our commitment to the dual mandate given to us by Congress: maximum employment and price stability. Our aim has been to return inflation to our objective without the kind of painful rise in unemployment that has often accompanied past efforts to bring down high inflation. That would be a highly desirable result for the communities, families, and businesses we serve. While the task is not complete, we have made a good deal of progress toward that


『Thank you, and I look forward to our discussion.』


ということで全文引用しましたが、中々わかりやすいのは、キーメッセージの「The economy is not sending any signals that we need to be in a hurry to lower rates.」以外は既に説明済みの話に関して一部最新データをアップデートした部分があるかな、っていう程度で(FOMCから間が短いせいもあるけど)余計な事を言わないし、余計なこと言わないけれども説明は丁寧、ということで、丁寧な説明とか必死に議論している極東のポンコツ中銀の政策委員会のカボチャ頭の皆さんや振付が絶望的にヘタクソな振付師の皆さんはちったあ参考にしていただきたいものだと思うところでありますな(隙あらば悪態w)。


2024年11月14日 4:31 [会員限定記事]

US Dollar / Japanese Yen FX Spot Rate
直近の取引 155.46JPY
変化 0.84
変化% +0.54%



Molly Smith
2024年11月13日 22:43 JST 更新日時 2024年11月14日 2:02 JST







By ロイター編集
2024年11月13日午後 11:48 GMT+9




By ロイター編集
2024年11月14日午前 12:30 GMT+9

『[13日 ロイター] - 米ダラス地区連銀のローガン総裁は13日、インフレを不用意に再燃させないよう、連邦準備理事会(FRB)は追加利下げを「慎重に」進めるべきという見解を示した。』(上記URL先より、以下同様)




Amara Omeokwe、Craig Torres
2024年11月14日 4:25 JST






Musalem: Remarks on Monetary Policy and the U.S. Economic Outlook
Nov. 13, 2024

『St. Louis Fed President Alberto Musalem spoke at an Economic Club of Memphis event in Tennessee. He gave the talk “Remarks on Monetary Policy and the U.S. Economic Outlook” and participated in a Q&A moderated by Douglas Scarboro, senior vice president and regional executive of the St. Louis Fed’s Memphis Branch.』











Alicia Diaz、Catarina Saraiva
2024年11月11日 3:16 JST







By ロイター編集
2024年11月9日午前 6:21 GMT+9








『Recent indicators suggest that economic activity has continued to expand at a solid pace.』(今回)
『Recent indicators suggest that economic activity has continued to expand at a solid pace.』(前回9月)


『Since earlier in the year, labor market conditions have generally eased, and the unemployment rate has moved up but remains low.』(今回)
『Job gains have slowed, and the unemployment rate has moved up but remains low.』(前回9月)


『Inflation has made progress toward the Committee's 2 percent objective but remains somewhat elevated.』(今回)
『Inflation has made further progress toward the Committee's 2 percent objective but remains somewhat elevated.』(前回9月)



『The Committee seeks to achieve maximum employment and inflation at the rate of 2 percent over the longer run.』(今回)
『The Committee seeks to achieve maximum employment and inflation at the rate of 2 percent over the longer run.』(前回9月)


『The Committee judges that the risks to achieving its employment and inflation goals are roughly in balance.』(今回)
『The Committee has gained greater confidence that inflation is moving sustainably toward 2 percent, and judges that the risks to achieving its employment and inflation goals are roughly in balance.』(前回9月)


『The economic outlook is uncertain, and the Committee is attentive to the risks to both sides of its dual mandate.』(今回)
『The economic outlook is uncertain, and the Committee is attentive to the risks to both sides of its dual mandate.』(前回9月)



『In support of its goals, the Committee decided to lower the target range for the federal funds rate by 1/4 percentage point to 4-1/2 to 4-3/4 percent.』(今回)
『In light of the progress on inflation and the balance of risks, the Committee decided to lower the target range for the federal funds rate by 1/2 percentage point to 4-3/4 to 5 percent.』(前回9月)


『In considering additional adjustments to the target range for the federal funds rate, the Committee will carefully assess incoming data, the evolving outlook, and the balance of risks.』(今回)
『In considering additional adjustments to the target range for the federal funds rate, the Committee will carefully assess incoming data, the evolving outlook, and the balance of risks.』(前回9月)


『The Committee will continue reducing its holdings of Treasury securities and agency debt and agency mortgage-backed securities.』(今回)
『The Committee will continue reducing its holdings of Treasury securities and agency debt and agency mortgage-backed securities.』(前回9月)


『The Committee is strongly committed to supporting maximum employment and returning inflation to its 2 percent objective.』(今回)
『The Committee is strongly committed to supporting maximum employment and returning inflation to its 2 percent objective.』(前回9月)




『In assessing the appropriate stance of monetary policy, the Committee will continue to monitor the implications of incoming information for the economic outlook. The Committee would be prepared to adjust the stance of monetary policy as appropriate if risks emerge that could impede the attainment of the Committee's goals. The Committee's assessments will take into account a wide range of information, including readings on labor market conditions, inflation pressures and inflation expectations, and financial and international developments.』(今回)

『In assessing the appropriate stance of monetary policy, the Committee will continue to monitor the implications of incoming information for the economic outlook. The Committee would be prepared to adjust the stance of monetary policy as appropriate if risks emerge that could impede the attainment of the Committee's goals. The Committee's assessments will take into account a wide range of information, including readings on labor market conditions, inflation pressures and inflation expectations, and financial and international developments.』(前回9月)


『Voting for the monetary policy action were Jerome H. Powell, Chair; John C. Williams, Vice Chair; Thomas I. Barkin; Michael S. Barr; Raphael W. Bostic; Michelle W. Bowman; Lisa D. Cook; Mary C. Daly; Beth M. Hammack; Philip N. Jefferson; Adriana D. Kugler; and Christopher J. Waller.』(今回)

『Voting for the monetary policy action were Jerome H. Powell, Chair; John C. Williams, Vice Chair; Thomas I. Barkin; Michael S. Barr; Raphael W. Bostic; Lisa D. Cook; Mary C. Daly; Beth M. Hammack; Philip N. Jefferson; Adriana D. Kugler; and Christopher J. Waller.

Voting against this action was Michelle W. Bowman, who preferred to lower the target range for the federal funds rate by 1/4 percentage point at this meeting.』(前回9月)




November 07, 2024
Implementation Note issued November 7, 2024
Decisions Regarding Monetary Policy Implementation





Transcript of Chair Powell’s Press Conference Opening Statement
November 7, 2024


『We at the Fed will do everything we can to achieve our maximum employment and price stability goals. Thank you. I look forward to our discussion.』(今回)


『We at the Fed will do everything we can to achieve our maximumemployment and price-stability goals.Thank you. I look forward to your questions.』(前回9月)

『We at the Fed will do everything we can to achieve our maximum-employment and price-stability goals. Thank you. I look forward to your questions.』(前々回7月)




Christine Lagarde, President of the ECB,
Luis de Guindos, Vice-President of the ECB
Ljubljana, 17 October 2024


『The first question is about economic growth. Is a soft landing still your main scenario, and am I correct to see that perhaps your attention has shifted slightly from inflation concerns to growth concerns? (後半割愛というか次に)』


『On the issue of economic growth, are we still on a soft landing expectation? The answer is: on the basis of the information that we have, we certainly do not see a recession. The euro area, on the basis of what we have, is not heading for a recession, and we are still looking at that soft landing that you have just mentioned.

リセッションは見ていません( ー`дー´)キリッ

『You asked me whether we are more concerned about growth than we are about inflation. I would say that we are concerned about growth to the extent that it has an impact on inflation, and we have to be particularly attentive to both because of the impact that it has on inflation, which is our main focus and our key objective, as you know.(後半割愛というか次)』




『(前半割愛、というかさっきの部分)The second question is about a line in the statement which says the rate is still restrictive. But I’m curious. We thought restrictive is this unobservable concept because we don’t know where the neutral rate is. Perhaps you maybe started having a discussion in the Governing Council on where does restrictive stop? I’m curious if you have any thoughts about where does restriction end and where does accommodation begin?』



『(前半割愛、というかさっきの部分)So there is, and you pointed to it, that sentence which is sort of the magic language.』


『And I’m sure that you will be very attentive if and when that magic language changes a bit. 』


『We still say that “we will keep policy rates sufficiently restrictive for as long as necessary to achieve this aim”, which refers to the previous sentence, which is that “we are determined to ensure that inflation returns to our 2% medium-term target in a timely manner”. 』



『The Governing Council is determined to ensure that inflation returns to its 2% medium-term target in a timely manner. It will keep policy rates sufficiently restrictive for as long as necessary to achieve this aim. 』(この部分だけ直上URL先の声明文から)


『So there is no question in our mind that we are currently restrictive, hence that sentence. There is also no question in our mind that we are not yet at this 2% medium-term target in a timely manner, and this has to be sustainable.』


『So even if it could well be as markets anticipate, but they are not always right, that the time at which we reach that 2% sustainably has advanced a bit, it is not yet now. And we will have to wait further in order to make sure that we are at that 2% sustainable medium-term target.』





『In the introductory statement you refer to this updated assessment of your inflation outlook. Does this refer to the September staff forecast, or has this changed since September within the Governing Council? And if so, could you give us a little bit more colour on what the actualchange in the inflation outlook has been that you’re referring to? 』


『And my second question is also again on the theme of undershooting the 2% target. Even the September forecast projected the 1.9% inflationary rate for 2026, I think from the second or third quarter onwards. Has this been changed, and to which degree do you think it already shows that monetary policy is too tight?』


『If anything, I would say that what the numbers are showing at the moment is that our monetary policy is working.』

でもってそれに対してラガルドはんは「これは政策がワークしているからです( ー`дー´)キリッ」という説明をしておりますな。なんかやや無理のある説明な気もするけどw

『And the fact that we’ve managed to bring inflation down as we have so far, not to a complete victory, but to have brought it down so much is an indication that our monetary policy is actually working.』

でもって今までの経過は物価抑制に勝利する道を進んでいるということです( ー`дー´)キリッ、だそうです。

『It’s not the only thing that is operating in that respect, but it is certainly part of the elements to explain that we have moved from very high inflation numbers to much lower [inflation] and hopefully soon to target on a sustainable basis.』


『Our assessment of inflation as we stand now is really based on all the numbers that are available, and that leads us to assess and take a view on inflation now and the potential impact going forward. But that will be done in a strict, rigorous, published way when we have our December projection exercise. And you will be obviously not privy because it will be public, but you will be on the receiving end of this very clear updating.』


『But in the meantime, we are not blind to what happens. And when we receive inflation by way of HICP at 1.7%, when we see core at 2.7%, when we see services moving down to 3.9% and when we look at the three-month-over-three-month services moving significantly from August to September, all of that put together leads us to believe that inflation is definitely on that disinflationary track that I was referring to earlier.』


『On the forecast, again we had a forecast in September. Between September and December, a lot of data, a lot of numbers, a lot of indicators and a lot of surveys will come into play and will be integrated in the work that we do. And we will have a forecast that will be, by the way, extended to 2027 because the December forecast always takes one further year into account. And we shall see. We shall see whether there is a move and in which direction in terms of inflation and in terms of activity.』

『But in between projection exercises, as I said as a case in point, that data matters. We look at everything that we have available, and if it is appropriate to take us closer to this timely reaching of our target of 2% medium-term symmetric, we make the decision, as we have today.』




Christine Lagarde, President of the ECB,
Luis de Guindos, Vice-President of the ECB
Ljubljana, 17 October 2024




『Inflation is expected to reach target in the course of next year instead of at the end. Will we reach the neutral rate earlier than before? Will you recalibrate monetary policy and cuts to come?』

『The second question is whether the German economy is the main reason for the shift since September, when today’s cut was unlikely, or at least is it a good reason?』




『First of all, we don’t recalibrate, we calibrate, and this is really the process through which we go.』


『As laborious as it is, we believe in our three-pronged approach. I won’t bore you with the repetition of it all, but it is inflation outlook, underlying inflation and transmission.』


『And we calibrate our monetary policy on the basis of all the data that are available and applying that three-pronged approach.』


『 It’s obvious that the state of the economy and the activity has a bearing on inflation. And to that extent, of course, we take that into account in order to assess inflation and its return in a timely manner to our target. But that’s the extent of our consideration: the bearing of activity on inflation. Because our job is price stability and our mission is to return inflation back to the 2% target in the medium term.』




『You said earlier we will have more data in December, not much more, but more data, and if they all point in the same direction as you outlined earlier as well, you will just have opened the door widely for a new rate cut in December if I interpret you well?』


『You mentioned tensions in the Middle East that could feed inflation through energy prices. What about domestic stimulus in China, which is huge and could also revive pressures on energy prices through domestic demand and then feed inflation? Is it something that you will combine with those Middle East tensions and look very carefully at in the next months?』


『It is a fact that at each projection exercise, we receive more data and in particular more updated projections of course, and typically, given that between now and the December meeting there will be more than six weeks, we will also receive more data.』


『As I said, I did not open the door to anything. I repeated that at each and every meeting we will look at the data. Hence we will be data dependent, not data point dependent, nor anything else. Data dependent - all of it.』


『We will determine what is the best rate, what is the best speed, how far and how deep we have to go in order to return inflation to its 2% medium-term target. This is what we will do in December, and I would not give any other commitment, nor make any other statement in that respect. 』


『As I said in the monetary policy statement that I read earlier on, we are not pre-committing.』


『Again, I think that the decision that we’re making today is a perfect example of how we can be data dependent. You refer to two areas of big concern. One coupled with obviously a major conflict and horrifying one that is taking place in the Middle East. We of course are concerned beyond the humanitarian approach, beyond the conflict aspects. We are looking at the economic consequences and we are looking in particular at the impact that this conflict could have on trade, because that part of the world is very much open to trade and the passing of ships of all sorts. We are also very attentive to the price of oil that can be impacted, and this oil price is a good segue into your question about China. What will happen in China, what kind of stimulus will be activated, with all full details as is expected at some stage, will also be an indication of the demand addressed by China to the oil market and the impact that it will have on the price of such a commodity. 』


『We are looking at all those components and obviously focusing on the economic consequences and the impact that they could have on inflation, and obviously activity to the extent that it impacts inflation.』




By ロイター編集
2024年10月24日午前 5:56

『[23日 ロイター] - 欧州中央銀行(ECB)のパネッタ専務理事は23日、ECBは再び経済を刺激するために十分な低水準まで金利を引き下げる必要があるかもしれないと述べた。訪問先のワシントンで出席したイベントで語った。』





Christine Lagarde, President of the ECB,
Luis de Guindos, Vice-President of the ECB
Ljubljana, 17 October 2024



『My first question would be on the next steps. It sounds like you expect to reach a 2% target maybe sooner than predicted in September. Does the decision to cut today really represent a shift of gear? Do you expect a cut at every meeting for the next few meetings now to be the most likely scenario? (後半は米国大統領選挙の件なので割愛)』


『We decided to cut all our rates by 25 basis points because we believe that the disinflationary process is well on track and all the information that we received in the last five weeks since our last monetary policy decision was heading in the same direction - lower! 』


『Whether you looked at inflation numbers, headline core, whether you looked at PMI numbers, all categories, composite manufacturing, services, employment - are heading downwards as well. If we look at all the surveys that are in the works at the moment, of which the specific numbers and data will be available soon, it is the same story. Whether it is the corporate telephone survey or other surveys that we have available, it’s all heading in the same direction - downwards!』


『That really confirmed for us the confidence that we have that the disinflationary process is well on track.』


『That is what has caused us to make the decision to cut our three rates by 25 basis points.』


『We have also reiterated that we will continue to be data dependent and honestly, this decision is a case in point of us being data dependent.』


『We have all the available data all heading in the same direction, the largest countries all also moving in negative territories in PMI numbers. Those are really strong elements - and because of their synchronisation and the similar direction - we have to take into account those data and make the decision that we have made. We are going to continue doing exactly the same thing. It’s clear that between this meeting and the next meeting we have in December, we will be receiving more data - some of it soft, some of it hard - and more readings. All of that will help us decide, as I have said, “meeting by meeting,” what monetary policy stance we should decide at that time. I think there were no variations in that respect from the decision that we made in the past, in terms of methodology. 』

『It’s the same steer, the same stance, the three-pronged approach and the meeting-by-meeting data dependency, no predetermined path. (以下は後半質問の回答なので割愛)』

エライワチャワチャ説明しているのですが、結局「データディペンデントです( ー`дー´)キリッ」って言ってるだけですねこれ。



『My first question would be on the economic outlook. You were now referring to and pointing out that the economy doesn’t really look great and all signs point towards more downspin. Why didn’t you go for a 50 basis point cut? 』


『Is that something you have discussed or whether this is on the table for the next ones? And have you been discussing the topic of the possibility that inflation could also undershoot, if you keep your policy stance restrictive? Thank you.』


『It is a fact that the economic activity has come in, on the basis of the elements that we have and the indicators that are available, a bit below what we had anticipated. But this is not a projection exercise.』

実際に足元の経済が若干弱かった(a bit below what we had anticipated)のは事実だが、これは経済物価の先行き見通しの話とは別問題、というなんかエライ強引な説明から始まり、

『We are in between two projection exercises, and clearly December will be another opportunity for us to run all the data and all the information through our models and to apply the three-pronged approach to our stance. 』


『What was on the table and what was debated and proposed by our Chief Economist Philip Lane was a 25 basis point cut. End of the story.』



『We had discussions and debates and rationales and narratives, and all of that is part of the debate and the legitimate discussions that we have within the Governing Council. But at the end of the day, there was a unanimous decision to cut rates by 25 basis points. 』


『It may have been the Slovenian great atmosphere that precipitated this more than consensus.』


『There was a unanimous decision to cut by 25 basis points and we thought that it was the appropriate decision to make in view of the moment, in view of the indicators that we have and our assessment of this disinflationary process that is really under way and well on track.』


『On the risk of undershooting or overshooting, we can debate ad nauseam on this particular matter and you will find views on both sides of the equation. What is clear to all is that we still have risks on both sides of our forecast, upside and downside, probably a bit more on one than the other, probably more downside risk than upside risk. 』

引き締め的にしてたら物価がアンダーシュートするリスクはないんですか、という質問には斜め上の回答をぶちかましておりまして、常に上下のリスクはあるもんだけど、いろいろな要因を勘案すると、物価のリスクはほんのちょっとだけダウンサイドリスクかなあ(probably a bit more on one than the other, probably more downside risk than upside risk.)と引き締め的であることの影響について触れないで説明していて、これまた忍法煙に巻くの術でドロンドロンと逃げている感が強いんですがアタクシの気のせいでしょうかw


『But I’m talking here about our forecast for inflation and that’s what we are looking at.』






Our monetary policy statement at a glance - October 2024

Our monetary policy statement at a glance - September 2024

ECBのサイトなんですけど、この手のページを見るときにトップの場所にあった階層表示(例えば日銀のサイトであれば、『ホーム>日本銀行について>講演・記者会見・談話>講演・挨拶等 2024年>【挨拶】安達審議委員「わが国の経済・物価情勢と金融政策」(香川)』ってやつ)が無くなったのと、トップページのサムネから個別の内容に飛ぶときになぜか「別窓で開ける」ができなくなっていて(その下にある「more」からなら行ける)、やたらめったら使い勝手が悪くなった、などと極東で日本語で書いてもECBには届かないのですが、日銀様におかれましてはこのようなクソのようなサイトデザイン変更をしないようにお願いしたいので書いてみました。



『We cut our key interest rates by 0.25 percentage points』(今回)
『We cut our key interest rate by 0.25 percentage points』(前回9月)


『We can do this because inflation is coming down faster than expected towards our 2% target and also the economy is weaker. Our future decisions will depend on how we see the economy and inflation shaping up.』(今回)

『We did this because inflation is gradually coming down and has been developing as we expected. Our future decisions will depend on how we see the economy and inflation developing.』(前回9月)





『The economy is doing worse than expected』(今回)
『The economy has been weaker than we expected…』(前回9月)


『Manufacturing and exports are weak. Firms are not investing much. But services have been doing a bit better, thanks to a good summer tourism season.』(今回)

『Industry and construction are not doing well. People are spending less and companies are cutting their investments.』(前回9月)



『…but it should gradually recover』(前回9月)


『Services, especially, are keeping the economy going at the moment. Rising wages and lower inflation mean that in future people will be able to buy more. Together with lower interest rates, this will help the economy.』




『People are saving more of their money instead of spending it

Even though many people have more money to spend, they are preferring to put it aside, even more so than before the pandemic.』(今回)




『Inflation is the lowest it has been in years』(今回)
『Overall, inflation is on its way down』(前回9月)

『Energy prices, especially, have come down a lot. Inflation will likely go up in the coming months but is expected to return to our 2% target in 2025.』(今回)

『Services prices are still increasing strongly because of rising wages. Inflation may also go up in the coming months because of energy prices. But it is on track to come down to 2% in the second half of next year.』(前回9月)




『Many people are in jobs

Unemployment remains the lowest it has been since the start of the euro. But firms are posting fewer job adverts. Wages are still growing quite strongly.』(今回)


『Firms are demanding more loans

People are also feeling more encouraged to apply for mortgages because of lower interest rates and better prospects for the housing market.』(今回)



『The Governing Council today decided to lower the three key ECB interest rates by 25 basis points. In particular, the decision to lower the deposit facility rate - the rate through which the Governing Council steers the monetary policy stance - is based on its updated assessment of the inflation outlook, the dynamics of underlying inflation and the strength of monetary policy transmission.』

『 The incoming information on inflation shows that the disinflationary process is well on track. The inflation outlook is also affected by recent downside surprises in indicators of economic activity.』


『Meanwhile, financing conditions remain restrictive.』

ということで、借入環境は引き締め的ってあるので、『Firms are demanding more loans』の小見出しとも『People are also feeling more encouraged to apply for mortgages because of lower interest rates and better prospects for the housing market.』とも「引き締め的」がイマイチ整合していないように見えます、というかポンチ絵の方が現状判断に整合していないってことですけど、うーんここは言いたいことはわからんでもないのだがちょっと疑問でした。





Minutes of the Federal Open Market Committee
September 17-18, 2024

昨日はインスタント読みで政策決定と先行き運営のところだけ見ましたが、経済物価情勢の認識はどうですかという話で『Participants' Views on Current Conditions and the Economic Outlook』の2パラ(1パラは「SEP作ったよ」というパラなので割愛)からサラサラと確認します。



『In their discussion of inflation developments, participants observed that inflation remained somewhat elevated, but almost all participants judged that recent monthly readings had been consistent with inflation returning sustainably to 2 percent』


『Some participants commented that, though food and energy prices had played an important part in the decline in the overall inflation rate, slower rates of price increases had become more evident across a broad range of goods and services.』


『Notably, core goods prices had declined in recent months, and the rate of increase in core nonhousing services prices had moved down further.』


『Many participants remarked that the recent inflation data were consistent with reports received from business contacts, who had indicated that their pricing power was limited or diminishing and that consumers were increasingly seeking discounts.』


『Many participants also observed that inflation developments in the second and third quarters of 2024 suggested that the stronger-than-anticipated inflation readings in the first quarter had been only a temporary interruption of progress toward 2 percent.』


『Participants remarked that even though the rate of increase in housing services prices had slowed, these prices were continuing to rise at an elevated rate, in contrast to many other core prices.』




『With regard to the outlook for inflation, almost all participants indicated they had gained greater confidence that inflation was moving sustainably toward 2 percent』


『Participants cited various factors that were likely to put continuing downward pressure on inflation. These included a further modest slowing in real GDP growth, in part due to the Committee's restrictive monetary policy stance; well-anchored inflation expectations; waning pricing power; increases in productivity; and a softening in world commodity prices.』


『Several participants noted that nominal wage growth was continuing to slow, with a few participants citing signs that it was set to decline further. These signs included lower rates of increases in cyclically sensitive wages and data indicating that job switchers were no longer receiving a wage premium over other employees.』


『A couple of participants remarked that, with wages being a relatively large portion of business costs in the services sector, that sector's disinflation process would be particularly assisted by slower nominal wage growth. In addition, several participants observed that, with supply and demand in the labor market roughly in balance, wage increases were unlikely to be a source of general inflation pressures in the near future.』


『With regard to housing services prices, some participants suggested that a more rapid disinflationary trend might emerge fairly soon, reflecting the slower pace of rent increases faced by new tenants. 』


『Participants emphasized that inflation remained somewhat elevated and that they were strongly committed to returning inflation to the Committee's 2 percent objective.』




『Participants noted that labor market conditions had eased further in recent months and that, after being overheated in recent years, the labor market was now less tight than it had been just before the pandemic.』


『As evidence, participants cited the slowdown in payroll employment growth and the uptick in the unemployment rate in the two employment reports received since the Committee's July meeting, lower readings on hiring and job vacancies, reduced quits and job-finding rates, and widespread reports from business contacts of less difficulty in hiring workers.』


『Some participants highlighted the fact that the unemployment rate had risen notably, on net, since April 2023. Participants noted, however, that labor market conditions remained solid, as layoffs had been limited and initial claims for unemployment insurance benefits had stayed low. Some participants stressed that, rather than using layoffs to lower their demand for labor, businesses had instead been taking steps such as posting fewer openings, reducing hours, or making use of attrition. A few participants suggested that firms remained reluctant to lay off workers after having difficulty obtaining employees earlier in the post-pandemic period.』


『Some participants remarked that the recent pace of payroll increases had fallen short of what was required to keep the unemployment rate stable on a sustained basis, assuming a constant labor force participation rate. 』

『Many participants observed that the evaluation of labor market developments had been challenging, with increased immigration, revisions to reported payroll data, and possible changes in the underlying growth rate of productivity cited as complicating factors. 』

『Several participants emphasized the importance of continuing to use disaggregated data or information provided by business contacts as a check on readings on labor market conditions obtained from aggregate data. Participants agreed that labor market conditions were at, or close to, those consistent with the Committee's longer-run goal of maximum employment.』



『With regard to the outlook for the labor market, participants noted that further cooling did not appear to be needed to help bring inflation back to 2 percent.』


『Participants indicated that in their baseline economic outlooks, which included an appropriate recalibration of the Committee's monetary policy stance, the labor market would remain solid. Participants agreed that labor market indicators merited close monitoring, with some noting that as conditions in the labor market have eased, the risk had increased that continued easing could transition to a more serious deterioration.』







Minutes of the Federal Open Market Committee
September 17-18, 2024

『A joint meeting of the Federal Open Market Committee and the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System was held in the offices of the Board of Governors on Tuesday, September 17, 2024, at 10:30 a.m. and continued on Wednesday, September 18, 2024, at 9:00 a.m.1』

ということでインスタント読みをしてみます。引用はHTMLから。例によってインスタントなので政策決定に関するパラグラフだけ今朝は読んでまいります。『Participants' Views on Current Conditions and the Economic Outlook』の最後の3パラグラフが該当しますが、3パラと言っても結構長いです「。


『In their consideration of monetary policy at this meeting, participants noted that inflation had made further progress toward the Committee's objective but remained somewhat elevated. Almost all participants expressed greater confidence that inflation was moving sustainably toward 2 percent.』

物価の水準はまだ高いが(高くなかったら目標達成だから速やかに中立金利に戻さないといけないから「まだ高い」になるのは理の当然)f「グレーターコンフィデンス」になったわよ、とほとんどすべて(Almost all)の参加者が示しました。

『Participants also observed that recent indicators suggested that economic activity had continued to expand at a solid pace, job gains had slowed, and the unemployment rate had moved up but remained low.』


『Almost all participants judged that the risks to achieving the Committee's employment and inflation goals were roughly in balance.』


『In light of the progress on inflation and the balance of risks, all participants agreed that it was appropriate to ease the stance of monetary policy.』


『Given the significant progress made since the Committee first set its target range for the federal funds rate at 5-1/4 to 5-1/2 percent, a substantial majority of participants supported lowering the target range for the federal funds rate by 50 basis points to 4-3/4 to 5 percent.』

今の政策金利に引き上げて以降のインフレ鎮静化の「significant progress」を背景にすると、「a substantial majority of participants」というナンジャソラという形容詞があるのですが、これは「かなりの多数の参加者」ってことでよろしいですかね、と思いますが、何はともあれ大勢の方が50下げに賛同したようで、

『These participants generally observed that such a recalibration of the stance of monetary policy would begin to bring it into better alignment with recent indicators of inflation and the labor market. They also emphasized that such a move would help sustain the strength in the economy and the labor market while continuing to promote progress on inflation, and would reflect the balance of risks.』


『Some participants noted that there had been a plausible case for a 25 basis point rate cut at the previous meeting and that data over the intermeeting period had provided further evidence that inflation was on a sustainable path toward 2 percent while the labor market continued to cool.』


『However, noting that inflation was still somewhat elevated while economic growth remained solid and unemployment remained low, some participants observed that they would have preferred a 25 basis point reduction of the target range at this meeting, and a few others indicated that they could have supported such a decision.』

何かここの表現も微妙に妙な感じの書き方になっているのですが、まだ物価も高いし雇用も強いし経済も堅調なので今回の利下げは25の方が良い、という some participantsがいる、というのは良いんですけど、その後半に、「a few others indicated that they could have supported such a decision.」ってあって、何でこれ同じカテゴリにしないで、「数名が25bpの利下げが望ましいと言ったら他の何人かがその意見に賛同した」って妙な言い方になっているのかな、という違和感があるのですが、ワシ英米人ではないのでこの辺のニュアンスは正直ワカランチ会長。


『Several participants noted that a 25 basis point reduction would be in line with a gradual path of policy normalization that would allow policymakers time to assess the degree of policy restrictiveness as the economy evolved.』


『A few participants also added that a 25 basis point move could signal a more predictable path of policy normalization.』



『A few participants remarked that the overall path of policy normalization, rather than the specific amount of initial easing at this meeting, would be more important in determining the degree of policy restriction.』


『Participants judged that it was appropriate to continue the process of reducing the Federal Reserve's securities holdings.』




『In discussing the outlook for monetary policy, participants anticipated that if the data came in about as expected, with inflation moving down sustainably to 2 percent and the economy near maximum employment, it would likely be appropriate to move toward a more neutral stance of policy over time.』


『Participants emphasized that it was important to communicate that the recalibration of the stance of policy at this meeting should not be interpreted as evidence of a less favorable economic outlook or as a signal that the pace of policy easing would be more rapid than participants' assessments of the appropriate path.』


『Those who commented on the degree of restrictiveness of monetary policy observed that they believed it to be restrictive, though they expressed a range of views about the degree of restrictiveness.』


『Participants generally remarked on the importance of communicating that the Committee's monetary policy decisions are conditional on the evolution of the economy and the implications for the economic outlook and balance of risks and therefore not on a preset course.』



『Several participants discussed the importance of communicating that the ongoing reduction in the Federal Reserve's balance sheet could continue for some time even as the Committee reduced its target range for the federal funds rate.』




『In discussing risk-management considerations that could bear on the outlook for monetary policy, almost all participants agreed that the upside risks to inflation had diminished, and most remarked that the downside risks to employment had increased.』


『Some participants emphasized that reducing policy restraint too late or too little could risk unduly weakening economic activity and employment. A few participants highlighted in particular the costs and challenges of addressing such a weakening once it is fully under way. 』


『Several participants remarked that reducing policy restraint too soon or too much could risk a stalling or a reversal of the progress on inflation. Some participants noted that uncertainties concerning the level of the longer-term neutral rate of interest complicated the assessment of the degree of restrictiveness of policy and, in their view, made it appropriate to reduce policy restraint gradually.』






By ロイター編集
2024年10月1日午前 4:12 GMT+9

『[ニューヨーク 30日 ロイター] - 米シカゴ地区連銀のグールスビー総裁は30日、経済の現状と今後の見通しを踏まえると、米連邦準備理事会(FRB)による大幅な利下げが必要だとの見方を改めて表明した。フォックス・ビジネスのインタビューで語った。』(上記URL先より)


By ロイター編集
2024年10月1日午前 2:48 GMT+9

『[ナッシュビル(米テネシー州)30日 ロイター] - 米アトランタ地区連銀のボスティック総裁は30日、今後入手される指標が労働市場のさらなる軟化を示せば、11月の連邦公開市場委員会(FOMC)でさらに0.5%ポイントの利下げを実施することに「オープン」という認識を示した。




Amara Omeokwe
2024年10月1日 3:05 JST 更新日時 2024年10月1日 5:24 JST














September 30, 2024
Economic Outlook
Chair Jerome H. Powell
At the National Association for Business Economics Annual Meeting, Nashville, Tennessee
