Transcript of Chair Powell’s Press Conference
December 15, 2021
『RACHEL SIEGEL. Thank you very much, Michelle. And thank you, Chair Powell,
for taking our questions. The latest FOMC materials say that the FOMC thinks
it will be appropriate to keep rates near zero until labor market conditions
reach levels consistent with maximum employment. And there are also three
rate hikes penciled in the projections for next year. In order to set up
those hikes, what will maximum employment have to look like? When will
you know that that threshold has been met? And how will that be communicated?
Thank you.』
『CHAIR POWELL. So maximum employment, if you look at our statement of
longer-run goals in monetary policy strategy, maximum employment it --
is something that we look at a broad range of indicators.』
『And those would include, of course, things like the unemployment rate,
the labor force participation rate, job openings, wages, flows in and out
of the labor force in various parts of the labor force.』
『We'd also tend to look broadly and inclusively at different demographic
groups and not just at the headline and aggregate numbers.』
『So that's a judgment for the Committee to make.』
『The Committee will make a judgement that we've achieved labor market
conditions consistent with maximum employment when it makes that it is
admittedly a judgment call because it's a range of factors, unlike inflation,
where we have one number that sort of dominates. It's a broad range of
things. So, as I mentioned in my opening remarks, in my view, we are making
rapid progress toward maximum employment. And you see that in -- of course,
in some of the factors that I mentioned.』
『STEVE LIESMAN. All right. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. My question is if
-- It's often said that monetary policy has long and variable lags, how
does continuing to buy assets now, even though it's at a slower pace, address
the current inflation problem? Won't the impact of today's changes not
really have any impact for six months or a year down the road on the current
inflation problem? Aren't you actually lengthening that time by continuing
to buy assets such that it could be not until the long and variable lag
after you end purchases sometime in March, that you will start to have
any impact on the inflation problem?』
『CHAIR POWELL. So, on the first part of your question, which is, why not
stop purchasing now, I would just say this, we've learned that we're --
in dealing with balance sheet issues, we've learned that it's best to take
a careful sort of methodical approach to make adjustments. Markets can
be sensitive to it. And we thought that this was a doubling of the speed.We'll
-- We're basically two meetings away now from finishing the taper. And
we thought that was the appropriate way to go. So we announced it and that's
what will happen.』
『You know, the question of long and variable lags is an interesting one.』
『That's Milton Friedman's famous statement.』
『And I do think that in this world where everything is -- or the global
financial connect-- markets are connected together, financial conditions
can change very quickly.』
『And my own sense is that they get into -- financial conditions affect
the economy fairly rapidly, longer than the traditional thought of, you
know, a year or 18 months. Shorter than that, rather.』
『But in addition, when we communicate about what we're going to do, the
markets move immediately to that. So, financial conditions are changing
to reflect, you know, the forecasts that we made and -- basically, which
was, I think, fairly in line with what markets were expecting.』
『But financial conditions don't wait to change until things actually happen.
They change on the expectation of things happening. So, I don't think it's
a question of having to wait.』
『STEVE LIESMAN. Can I just follow up, thinking about having to wait, is
it still the policy or the position of the Committee that you will not
raise rates until the taper is complete? Thank you.』
『CHAIR POWELL. Yes. I -- The sense of that, of course, being that buying
assets is adding accommodation and raising rates is removing accommodation.
Since we're two meetings away from completing the taper, assuming things
go as expected, I think if we wanted to lift off before then, then what
we -- you would stop the taper potentially sooner, but it's not something
I expect to happen. But I do not think it would be appropriate and we don't
find ourselves in a situation where we might have to raise rates while
we -- while we're still purchasing assets.』
『COLBY SMITH. Thank you, Michelle. Chair Powell, I'm curious exactly how
much distance you think there should be between the end of the taper and
the first interest rate increase. Back in 2014, the guidance was -- that
was given was for the Fed funds rate to remain at the target level for
a considerable time after the end of the asset purchase program. Is that
an approach you support now or does the current economic situation warrant
something a bit different? Thank you』
『CHAIR POWELL. So we haven't made any decision of that nature. And so,
no, I wouldn't say that's our position at all, we really haven't taken
a position on that. I will say that we did talk today. We had our first
discussion about the balance sheet, for example. And we went through the
way the sequence of events regarding the runoff and that sort of thing
with the balance sheet last time. And I think people thought that was an
interesting discussion. They thought that it was informative, but people
pointed out that this is a significantly different economic situation that
we have at the current time, and that those -- the differences that we
see now would tend to influence how we think about the balance sheet, and
the same thing would be true about raising rates.』
『I don't foresee that there would be that kind of very extended wait at
this time. The economy is so much stronger. I was here at the Fed when
we lifted it off last time and the economy is so much stronger now, so
much closer to full employment. Inflation is running well above target
and growth as well above potential. There wouldn't be the need for that
kind of long delay. Having said that, I -- you know, we'll make this decision
in coming meetings and it's not a decision that the Committee has really
focused on yet』
『NICK TIMIRAOS. Thank you, Nick Timiraos at the Wall Street Journal. Chair
Powell, in March, you answered a question about maximum employment like
『You said 4 percent would be a nice unemployment rate to get to but it'll
take more than that to get to maximum employment.』
『More recently, you have hinted at a possible distinction between the
level of maximum employment that's achievable in the short run versus in
the long run.』
『Has your view of the level of maximum employment changed this year? And
if so, how? And how close is the economy right now to your judgment of
the short-run level of maximum employment? Thank you.』
『CHAIR POWELL. Right. So the -- You know, the thing is, we're not going
back to the same economy we had in February of 2020.』
『And I think early on, that was the sense was that that's where we were
headed. The post-pandemic labor market and the economy, in general, will
be different.』
『And the maximum level of employment that's consistent with price stability
evolves over time within a business cycle and over a longer period, in
part reflecting evolution of the factors that affect labor supply, including
those related to the pandemic.』
『So I would say, look, we're at 4.2 percent now and it's been -- the unemployment
rate has been dropping very quickly. So we're already in the vicinity of
4 percent. The way in which the -- The important metric that has been disappointing
really has been labor force participation, of course, where we had widely
thought, I had certainly thought that last fall as unemployment insurance
ran off as vaccinations increased, that schools reopened, that we would
see a significant surge, if you will, or at least a surge in labor force
participation. So we've begun to see some improvement. We certainly welcome
the 2/10 improvement that we got in the November report. But, I do think
that it's -- it feels likely now that the return to higher participation
is going to take longer. And, in fact, that's been the pattern in past
cycles that labor force participation is -- tend to recover in the wake
of a strong recovery in unemployment, which is what we're getting right
now. 』
『So, you -- It could well have been if this cycle was different because
of the short nature of it and a very strong -- the number of job openings,
for example, you would have thought that that would have pulled people
back in. But, really, it's the pandemic, it's a range of factors. But the
reality is, we don't have a strong labor force participation recovery yet
and we may not have it for some time.』
『At the same time, we have to make policy now. And inflation is well above
target. So this is something we need to take into account.』
我々は政策をやっているのだからwell above targetになっている物価の動向も同時に考慮に入れないと行けません。とぶっこんでいる訳で、これは最大雇用の定義についてああだこうだ言われてもそんなこと言ったって物価がwell
above targetなんだからそこから見れば最大雇用ジャン、と言い張りますよと予告ホームランをしているようなもん、と思ったんですが。
『NICK TIMIRAOS. If I could follow up, you've talked recently about risk
management. And so, does that mean that the Committee might feel compelled
to raise interest rates before you're convinced that you've achieved the
employment test in your forward guidance?』
従来ご説明されていたリスクマネジメントの観点からすれば(物価がwell above
『CHAIR POWELL. So this is not at all a decision that the Committee has
made, but you're really asking a question about how our framework works.
And, yes, there is a -- there's a provision, it used to be called the balanced
approach provision that says, in effect, that in situations in which the
pursuit of the maximum employment goal and the price stability goal are
not complementary, we have to take account of the distance from the goal
and the speed at which we're approaching it.』
『And so that is, in effect, an off-ramp which could in concept be taken
and it's in our framework, it's been in our framework a long time. I've
talked about it on a number of occasions. It is a provision that would
enable us to, in this case, because of high inflation, move before achieving
maximum employment. Now, we're -- as I said, we're making rapid progress
toward maximum employment in my thinking, in my opinion, and I don't at
all know that we will -- that we'll have to invoke that paragraph. But
just as a factual matter, that is part of our framework and has been really
for a very long time.』
「It is a provision that would enable us to, in this case, because of high
inflation, move before achieving maximum employment.」とか思いっきりぶっこんでいる訳でして、これはもうとっとと利上げしたいです、と言ってるのか、実際に利上げするかはともかくとして(さっきの金融市場が中銀の先を読んでファイナンシャルコンディションを動かすという話からしますと)ブラフを掛けて金融市場に影響を与えておきたいのか、というのは微妙ちゃあ微妙ですが、少なくとも情報発信的には冒頭からここまで(ちなみにここで質疑パート26ページ中6ページだったりします)は進軍ラッパ鳴らしまくっておりますな、という感じですわな。
Transcript of Chair Powell’s Press Conference
December 15, 2021
『CHAIR POWELL. Good afternoon. At the Federal Reserve, we are strongly
committed to achieving the monetary policy goals that Congress has given
us: maximum employment and price stability.』
『Today, in support of these goals, the Federal Open Market Committee kept
interest rates near zero and updated its assessment of the progress that
the economy has made toward the criteria specified in the Committee’s
forward guidance from interest rates. In addition, in light of the strengthening
labor market and elevated inflation pressures, we decided to speed up the
reductions in our asset purchases. As I will explain, economic developments
and changes in the outlook warrant this evolution of monetary policy, which
will continue to provide appropriate support for the economy.』
冒頭の所で決定内容の政策部分に関する説明がありますが、「in light of the
strengthening labor market and elevated inflation pressures」と思いっきりぶっこんできていまして、物価上昇だけではなくて労働市場の改善(というよりも語義的には「強くなっている」ですが)を受けて今回のテーパー加速を決定した、っていうんですから、単なる物価上昇がアイヤーなだけではないのですな。まあこの部分は声明文にも書かれていましたし、更に申し上げると声明文出た時に書いたと思うのですが、労働市場の記述が妙に今回詳しくなっていましたので、まあそういう事やぞという話。今日はパスしますけれども会見の方ではお賃金上昇からのブロードリーな物価上昇圧力、という話もしていますので、結構なタカちゃんなんですよねー。
『Economic activity is on track to expand at a robust pace this year, reflecting
progress on vaccinations and the reopening of the economy. Aggregate demand
remains very strong, buoyed by fiscal and monetary policy support and the
healthy financial positions of households and businesses. The rise in COVID
cases in recent weeks, along with the emergence of the Omicron variant,
pose risks to the outlook. Notwithstanding the effects of the virus and
supply constraints, FOMC participants continue to foresee rapid growth;
as shown in our Summary of Economic Projections, the median projection
for real GDP growth stands at 5.5 percent this year and 4 percent next
『Amid improving labor market conditions and very strong demand for workers,
the economy has been making rapid progress toward maximum employment. Job
gains have been solid in recent months, averaging 378,000 per month over
the last three months. The unemployment rate has declined substantially,
falling six tenths of a percentage point since our last meeting and reaching
4.2 percent in November.』
『The recent improvements in labor market conditions have narrowed the
differences in employment across groups, especially for workers at the
lower end of the wage distribution, as well as for African Americans and
『Labor force participation showed a welcome rise in November but remains
subdued, in part reflecting the aging of the population and retirements.
In addition, some who otherwise would be seeking work report that they
are out of the labor force because of factors related to the pandemic,
including caregiving needs and ongoing concerns about the virus.』
労働参加率もa welcome riseと来ました。
『At the same time, employers are having difficulties filling job openings,
and wages are rising at their fastest pace in many years. How long the
labor shortages will persist is unclear, particularly if additional waves
of the virus occur.』
そしてお賃金もwages are rising at their fastest pace in many yearsとか強い強い。
『Looking ahead, FOMC participants project the labor market to continue
to improve, with the median projection for the unemployment rate declining
to 3.5 percent by the end of the year. Compared with the projections made
in September, participants have revised their unemployment rate projections
noticeably lower for this year and next.』
『Supply and demand imbalances related to the pandemic and the reopening
of the economy have continued to contribute to elevated levels of inflation.
In particular, bottlenecks and supply constraints are limiting how quickly
production can respond to higher demand in the near term. These problems
have been larger and longer lasting than anticipated, exacerbated by waves
of the virus. As a result, overall inflation is running well above our
2 percent longer-run goal and will likely continue to do so well into next
現状はwell above our 2 percentだし、来年もその調子と。
『While the drivers of higher inflation have been predominantly connected
to the dislocations caused by the pandemic, price increases have now spread
to a broader range of goods and services. Wages have also risen briskly,
but thus far, wage growth has not been a major contributor to the elevated
levels of inflation. We are attentive to the risks that persistent real
wage growth in excess of productivity could put upward pressure on inflation.』
are attentive to the risks that persistent real wage growth in excess of
productivity could put upward pressure on inflation.」で締めてて無茶苦茶強い見通しジャンということです。
『Like most forecasters, we continue to expect inflation to decline to
levels closer to our 2 percent longer-run goal by the end of next year.
The median inflation projection of FOMC participants falls from 5.3 percent
this year to 2.6 percent next year; this trajectory is notably higher that
projected in September.』
『We understand that high inflation imposes significant hardship, especially
on those least able to meet the higher costs of essentials like food, housing,
and transportation.』
『We understand the difficulties that high inflation poses for individuals
and families, particularly those with limited means to absorb higher prices
for essentials such as food and transportation.』(この部分だけ11月FOMC後パウエル会見のオープニングリマークより引用)
『We are committed to our price stability goal.』
『We will use our tools both to support the economy and a strong labor
market and to prevent higher inflation from becoming entrenched. We will
be watching carefully to see whether the economy is evolving in line with
今回はprevent higher inflationを露骨にぶっこんできました。声明文にあるように物価目標の2%は達成どころか超過しています、という認識(いままではテンポラリーだった)を示しているんですからそらそうよというところでもありますが。
『The Fed’s monetary policy actions have been guided by our mandate to
promote maximum employment and stable prices for the American people. In
support of these goals, the Committee reaffirmed the 0 to 1/4 percent
target range for the federal funds rate. We also updated our assessment
of the progress the economy has made toward the criteria specified in our
forward guidance for the federal funds rate. With inflation having exceeded
2 percent for some time, the Committee expects it will be appropriate to
maintain this target range until labor market conditions have reached levels
consistent with the Committee’s assessments of maximum employment.』
『All FOMC participants forecast that this remaining test will be met next year.』
『The median projection for the appropriate level of the federal funds
rate is 0.9 percent at the end of 2022, about a half a percentage point
higher than projected in September.』
『Participants expect a gradual pace of policy firming, with the level
of the federal funds rate generally near estimates of its longer-run level
by the end of 2024.』
『Of course, these projections do not represent a Committee decision or
plan, and no one knows with any certainty where the economy will be a year
or more from now.』
『At today’s meeting, the Committee also decided to double the pace of
reductions in its asset purchases. Beginning in mid-January, we will reduce
the monthly pace of our net asset purchases by $20 billion for Treasury
securities and $10 billion for agency mortgage-backed securities.』
『If the economy evolves broadly as expected, similar reductions in the
pace of net asset purchases will likely be appropriate each month, implying
that increases in our securities holdings would cease by mid-March, a few
months sooner than we anticipated in early November.』
倍速をa few months soonerと言っちゃうとな(その前にはdoubleと入れてますが)。
『We are phasing out our purchases more rapidly because with elevated inflation
pressures and a rapidly strengthening labor market, the economy no longer
needs increasing amounts of policy support. 』
『In addition, a quicker conclusion of our asset purchases will better
position policy to address the full range of plausible economic outcomes.』
『We remain prepared to adjust the pace of purchases if warranted by changes
in the economic outlook. And even after our balance sheet stops expanding,
our holdings of securities will continue to foster accommodative financial
『To conclude, we understand that our actions affect communities, families,
and businesses across the country. Everything we do is in service to our
public mission. We at the Fed will do everything we can to complete the
recovery in employment and achieve our price stability goal. Thank you.
I look forward to your questions.』
『The Federal Reserve is committed to using its full range of tools to
support the U.S. economy in this challenging time, thereby promoting its
maximum employment and price stability goals.』(今回)
『The Federal Reserve is committed to using its full range of tools to
support the U.S. economy in this challenging time, thereby promoting its
maximum employment and price stability goals.』(前回)
『With progress on vaccinations and strong policy support, indicators of
economic activity and employment have continued to strengthen.』(今回)
『With progress on vaccinations and strong policy support, indicators of
economic activity and employment have continued to strengthen.』(前回)
『The sectors most adversely affected by the pandemic have improved in
recent months but continue to be affected by COVID-19.』(今回)
『The sectors most adversely affected by the pandemic have improved in
recent months, but the summer's rise in COVID-19 cases has slowed their
『Job gains have been solid in recent months, and the unemployment rate has declined substantially.』(今回)
『Supply and demand imbalances related to the pandemic and the reopening
of the economy have continued to contribute to elevated levels of inflation.』(今回)
『Inflation is elevated, largely reflecting factors that are expected to
be transitory. Supply and demand imbalances related to the pandemic and
the reopening of the economy have contributed to sizable price increases
in some sectors.』(前回)
price increases in some sectors」の言及を止めていますけど、これはもはやインフレがトランジトリーだったりサムセクターの話しだったりではないでっせ、という意味なのかね、とかとも取れるので、まあ削除されたからといってどうかというとよくわからん。
『Overall financial conditions remain accommodative, in part reflecting
policy measures to support the economy and the flow of credit to U.S. households
and businesses.』(今回)
『Overall financial conditions remain accommodative, in part reflecting
policy measures to support the economy and the flow of credit to U.S. households
and businesses.』(前回)
『The path of the economy continues to depend on the course of the virus.
Progress on vaccinations and an easing of supply constraints are expected
to support continued gains in economic activity and employment as well
as a reduction in inflation. Risks to the economic outlook remain, including
from new variants of the virus.』(今回)
『The path of the economy continues to depend on the course of the virus.
Progress on vaccinations and an easing of supply constraints are expected
to support continued gains in economic activity and employment as well
as a reduction in inflation. Risks to the economic outlook remain.』(前回)
to the economic outlook remain.」の後にウィルスのニュー変異体について言及しています。
『The Committee seeks to achieve maximum employment and inflation at the rate of 2 percent over the longer run.』(今回)
『The Committee seeks to achieve maximum employment and inflation at the rate of 2 percent over the longer run.』(前回)
『In support of these goals, the Committee decided to keep the target range
for the federal funds rate at 0 to 1/4 percent. With inflation having exceeded
2 percent for some time, the Committee expects it will be appropriate to
maintain this target range until labor market conditions have reached levels
consistent with the Committee's assessments of maximum employment.』(今回)
『With inflation having run persistently below this longer-run goal, the
Committee will aim to achieve inflation moderately above 2 percent for
some time so that inflation averages 2 percent over time and longer?term
inflation expectations remain well anchored at 2 percent. The Committee
expects to maintain an accommodative stance of monetary policy until these
outcomes are achieved. The Committee decided to keep the target range for
the federal funds rate at 0 to 1/4 percent and expects it will be appropriate
to maintain this target range until labor market conditions have reached
levels consistent with the Committee's assessments of maximum employment
and inflation has risen to 2 percent and is on track to moderately exceed
2 percent for some time.』(前回)
inflation having run persistently below this longer-run goal, the Committee
will aim to achieve inflation moderately above 2 percent for some time
so that inflation averages 2 percent over time and longer?term inflation
expectations remain well anchored at 2 percent.」が「With inflation having
exceeded 2 percent for some time」ということで、インフレーションの方は完全にマンデート達成(どころかエクシード状態ですが)で、その次に「雇用がマンデート達成するまで政策金利を据え置きます」とは書いてますな。
『In light of inflation developments and the further improvement in the
labor market, the Committee decided to reduce the monthly pace of its net
asset purchases by $20 billion for Treasury securities and $10 billion
for agency mortgage-backed securities. Beginning in January, the Committee
will increase its holdings of Treasury securities by at least $40 billion
per month and of agency mortgage?backed securities by at least $20 billion
per month. The Committee judges that similar reductions in the pace of
net asset purchases will likely be appropriate each month, but it is prepared
to adjust the pace of purchases if warranted by changes in the economic
『In light of the substantial further progress the economy has made toward
the Committee's goals since last December, the Committee decided to begin
reducing the monthly pace of its net asset purchases by $10 billion for
Treasury securities and $5 billion for agency mortgage-backed securities.
Beginning later this month, the Committee will increase its holdings of
Treasury securities by at least $70 billion per month and of agency mortgage?backed
securities by at least $35 billion per month. Beginning in December, the
Committee will increase its holdings of Treasury securities by at least
$60 billion per month and of agency mortgage-backed securities by at least
$30 billion per month. The Committee judges that similar reductions in
the pace of net asset purchases will likely be appropriate each month,
but it is prepared to adjust the pace of purchases if warranted by changes
in the economic outlook.』(前回)
『The Federal Reserve's ongoing purchases and holdings of securities will
continue to foster smooth market functioning and accommodative financial
conditions, thereby supporting the flow of credit to households and businesses.』(今回)
『The Federal Reserve's ongoing purchases and holdings of securities will
continue to foster smooth market functioning and accommodative financial
conditions, thereby supporting the flow of credit to households and businesses.』(前回)
『In assessing the appropriate stance of monetary policy, the Committee
will continue to monitor the implications of incoming information for the
economic outlook. The Committee would be prepared to adjust the stance
of monetary policy as appropriate if risks emerge that could impede the
attainment of the Committee's goals. The Committee's assessments will take
into account a wide range of information, including readings on public
health, labor market conditions, inflation pressures and inflation expectations,
and financial and international developments.』(今回)
『In assessing the appropriate stance of monetary policy, the Committee
will continue to monitor the implications of incoming information for the
economic outlook. The Committee would be prepared to adjust the stance
of monetary policy as appropriate if risks emerge that could impede the
attainment of the Committee's goals. The Committee's assessments will take
into account a wide range of information, including readings on public
health, labor market conditions, inflation pressures and inflation expectations,
and financial and international developments.』(前回)
『Voting for the monetary policy action were Jerome H. Powell, Chair; John
C. Williams, Vice Chair; Thomas I. Barkin; Raphael W. Bostic; Michelle
W. Bowman; Lael Brainard; Richard H. Clarida; Mary C. Daly; Charles L.
Evans; Randal K. Quarles; and Christopher J. Waller.』(今回)
『Voting for the monetary policy action were Jerome H. Powell, Chair; John
C. Williams, Vice Chair; Thomas I. Barkin; Raphael W. Bostic; Michelle
W. Bowman; Lael Brainard; Richard H. Clarida; Mary C. Daly; Charles L.
Evans; Randal K. Quarles; and Christopher J. Waller.』(前回)
引用はHTMLの方から行います。例によってメディアン、数字は左から2021、2022、2023、2024、Longer runです。
Change in real GDP 5.5 4.0 2.2 2.0 1.8
September projection 5.9 3.8 2.5 2.0 1.8
Unemployment rate 4.3 3.5 3.5 3.5 4.0
September projection 4.8 3.8 3.5 3.5 4.0
PCE inflation 5.3 2.6 2.3 2.1 2.0
September projection 4.2 2.2 2.2 2.1 2.0
2021年12月11日7:07 午前
『[ニューヨーク 10日 ロイター] - 米金融・債券市場では、不安定な地合いの中、米債利回りはほぼ変わらずとなった。米インフレ指標がほぼ予想通りだったことを受け、米連邦準備理事会(FRB)がより積極的にインフレに対応しなければならないとの懸念が和らいだ。』(上記URL先より、以下同様)
Monetary policy and financial stability
Speech by Isabel Schnabel, Member of the Executive Board of the ECB, at the fifth annual conference of the European Systemic Risk Board
Frankfurt am Main, 8 December 2021
An incomplete macroprudential framework in the euro area
Too hesitant implementation of existing macroprudential measures
Insufficient macroprudential powers over non-bank financial sector
The need for monetary policy to take financial stability considerations into account
『These shortcomings imply that monetary policy needs to take financial
stability considerations into account for as long as the macroprudential
framework in the euro area is incomplete and not fully effective.』
『The pandemic has shown that this argument cuts both ways.』
『When risks materialise in a procyclical manner, monetary policy needs
to step in forcefully to secure price stability.』
『The announcement of our pandemic emergency purchase programme (PEPP)
in March 2020 had a strong and immediate stabilising effect on financial
markets. It instantly addressed illiquidity and instilled confidence, thereby
reducing systemic stress (Slide 4).』
『To deal with the risks stemming from the non-bank sector, we also extended
our purchases to commercial paper.』
『Many money market funds came under severe liquidation pressure as investors
redeemed large amounts of shares (Slide 5, left-hand chart). This, in turn,
led to a freeze in the demand for commercial paper and a measurable rise
in their issuance rate, draining liquidity from the system at a time when
it was most needed (Slide 5, right-hand chart).』
『In such situations, targeted interventions by the central bank are needed
to stabilise the financial system and help fix impairments in the monetary
policy transmission mechanism.[7] 』
『A failure to stabilise the financial system would severely jeopardise price stability.』
『During economic upswings, however, central banks must recognise that
the actions they take to deliver on their price stability mandate have
the potential to contribute to a build-up of risks to financial stability.』
『These risks have arguably increased in the vicinity of the zero lower
bound. The progressive decline in the real equilibrium interest rate over
the past few decades has severely limited the space that central banks
have available to maintain stable prices by changing their key policy rates.』
『As a result, central banks have to resort more often to balance sheet
policies that entail the risk of contributing to the build-up of financial
imbalances when the macroprudential policy framework is incomplete.』
『In our recently concluded monetary policy strategy review, we explicitly
recognised the potential financial stability risks that may accompany our
policy measures, in particular with a more forceful or persistent policy
response close to the lower bound.』
『We therefore decided that, in addition to our economic analysis, our
price stability assessment and proportionality analysis will now be based
on an enhanced monetary and financial analysis.[8]』
『In practice, taking financial stability considerations into account does
not mean that central banks should adopt a policy of “leaning against
the wind”, whereby monetary policy is systematically tightened when systemic
risk builds up. There is a large body of empirical evidence suggesting
that the costs of doing so typically outweigh the benefits.[9]』
久々に“leaning against the wind”の文字列見ましたが、これは有名な所謂BISビューVSFEDビューって奴で、金融バブルのような事が起きる事が察知されたら風が来る前に立ち向かって金融引き締め、というBISビューのお言葉を思いっきり否定しております。
『Instead, there are three complementary avenues available to monetary
policymakers to manage the conflict that may, at times, arise between price
stability and financial stability.』
次の小見出しが『Adjusting the medium-term horizon』
『The first relates to the horizon over which monetary policy aims to bring inflation back to its target.』
『The medium-term orientation of our monetary policy grants the flexibility
required to tailor our policy response to the size, persistence and type
of shock we are facing.』
『The current environment is a good example.』
『While a strong recovery in domestic demand and a rapid erosion of economic
slack are expected to gradually bring inflation back to our target in the
medium term, a combination of adverse supply-side shocks, mainly related
to rising energy prices and supply chain disruptions, is now pushing inflation
well above our target.』
『Responding to such supply-side shocks by raising policy rates prematurely
would risk choking the recovery and, given the long lags in transmission,
exert downward pressure on inflation at a time when the shocks are likely
to have already faded.』
『To prevent this outcome, supply-side shocks typically warrant a temporary
deviation from the target, provided price stability is restored over the
medium term and inflation expectations remain anchored.』
『The same logic applies to financial stability.』
『Take the Governing Council’s decisions of December 2020 as an example.[10]』
『At that time, the inflation outlook was fundamentally different from
today. Consumer price inflation was projected to reach no more than 1.4%
in 2023, well short of our 2% medium-term target. Vaccination campaigns
had barely begun.』
『Standard textbook economics would have prescribed a further easing of
the monetary policy stance. Instead, the Governing Council opted for a
policy of “preserving favourable financing conditions”, meaning that
we would purchase assets under the PEPP flexibly according to market conditions
rather than absorbing assets at a constant pace.』
『We did so, in large part, because there was a risk that pushing real
and nominal interest rates even lower - in an environment where monetary
policy was already highly accommodative - would have further fuelled emerging
overvaluations in parts of euro area financial and real estate markets.』
『By tolerating a potential lengthening of the medium-term horizon, we
effectively mitigated risks to financial stability which could have arisen
from a more intense use of our policy instruments.』
『In the future, challenges may reverse. For example, should inflation
expectations become unanchored in response to a persistent period of inflation
above our target, even if due to adverse supply-side shocks, this would
call for a shortening of the horizon.』
『In this case, monetary policy must not be held hostage by fiscal or financial
dominance - that is, even if financial markets have become more sensitive
to changes in policy, central banks need to find ways to secure price stability
without jeopardising financial stability.』
policy must not be held hostage by fiscal or financial dominance」ですよ!!!
『Reversing the communicated order of instrument sequencing is not an appropriate
policy response in such circumstances. Maintaining a high volume of asset
purchases merely to avoid adjustments in long-term yields in spite of imminent
risks to price stability would give way to fiscal and financial dominance.』
『That said, given its current architecture, the euro area remains vulnerable
to fragmentation, meaning there is a risk that unexpected policy adjustments
may be amplified in parts of the euro area, leading to changes in financing
conditions that are sharper than intended.』
『A credible backstop that commits to counter such risks of fragmentation
may help protect against disorderly movements and thereby allow the central
bank to focus on its price stability mandate. The PEPP has effectively
provided such a backstop function over the course of the pandemic.』
『Prioritising the most efficient tool』という小見出しが続きます。
『The second avenue to incorporate financial stability considerations into
the monetary policy decision-making process concerns the choice of policy
instruments. In short, provided the instruments are similarly effective,
policymakers should prioritise the use of those that have the least adverse
impact on financial stability.』
『Asset purchases, for example, are an important tool for stabilising the
economy at times of market turmoil or when the economy is at risk of falling
into a deep recession, jeopardising price stability. But their cost-benefit
ratio deteriorates as the economy gains ground, for three reasons.』
『The first is moral hazard.』
『If the financial sector can systematically count on central banks to
absorb large amounts of credit and duration risk on their balance sheets,
even in good times, this will create bad incentives.』
『For example, despite the traumatising events of last year, liquidity
holdings of investment funds remain at alarmingly low levels, leaving the
sector vulnerable to large-scale outflows (Slide 6, left-hand chart).』
『Liquidity risks are compounded by rising credit risks. Investment funds
purchased around 70% of firms’ newly issued BBB and high-yield bonds,
meaning they are exposed to the risk of substantial credit losses should
conditions in the corporate sector deteriorate (Slide 6, right-hand chart).
The average duration of their exposures has also increased during the pandemic,
raising their vulnerability to a rise in interest rates.』
『A second reason is asset valuations.』
『By removing safe assets from financial markets, central bank asset purchases
incentivise investors to rebalance their portfolios towards riskier and
less liquid assets.[11] 』
『These rebalancing effects are important when risk-taking is too low rather
than too high, in particular when the economy is in the midst of a recession.』
『Over time, however, as the outlook gradually improves, the portfolio
rebalancing channel may at some point result in excessive risk-taking and
overvaluations. ECB staff estimates suggest, for example, that the return
of a basket of global financial assets is currently far above its long-term
average, while the likelihood of a costly downturn in economic activity
has increased markedly over the medium term (Slide 7).』
『The experience of the past few years demonstrates that portfolio rebalancing
effects also extend to real assets, including residential and commercial
real estate.』
『New ECB research finds that monetary policy as well as mortgage supply
have been major drivers of the recent marked rise in real estate valuations
(Slide 8, left-hand chart). Unconventional measures, such as asset purchases,
are likely to have contributed to these developments as they have been
found to have a significantly larger impact on house prices than changes
in short-term policy rates (Slide 8, right-hand chart).[12]』
『The final reason relates to market functioning.』
『Years of balance sheet expansion have caused the bond free float in some
economies to decline to very low levels. In Germany, for example, our estimates
suggest that less than a quarter of sovereign bonds are currently available
for sale in financial markets (Slide 9, left-hand chart).』
『As such, the market is at risk of not having available the amount of
safe assets that it requires to function well. Although recent developments
in euro area repo markets reflect a variety of factors, the increasing
scarcity of assets may have contributed to amplifying the marked decline
in German repo rates (Slide 9, right-hand chart).』
『So, by gradually shifting the policy mix away from net asset purchases
when the monetary policy objectives are within reach, central banks can
mitigate financial stability risks effectively.』
次が『Mitigating risks through appropriate instrument design』で実質最終パラ(最後が纏め)。
『This brings me to the third avenue that is available to policymakers
in responding to financial stability concerns, namely designing policy
instruments in a way that mitigates the risks they may pose to financial
『At the ECB, we have done so in a number of ways.』
『For example, only a few weeks ago we doubled the limit on cash that counterparties
can pledge under our securities lending programme, thereby supporting bond
and repo market liquidity at a time when the demand for collateral is rising
and supply is limited.
『A second example relates to the design of our targeted longer-term refinancing
operations (TLTROs). The target for lending that banks need to achieve
to secure the most favourable rates deliberately focusses on bank lending
to firms and excludes housing loans. In doing so, we aim to steer bank
lending towards firms, limiting additional upward pressure on house prices.』
『A third example concerns measures that protect the bank lending channel.』
『There is abundant empirical evidence suggesting that the pass-through
of changes in the policy rate to deposit rates diminishes in a low or negative
rate environment, thereby reducing banks’ lending margins and their shock
absorption capacity (Slide 10, left-hand chart).』
『Even for deposits of firms, where the pass-through in negative territory
has been strongest, the largest share is still accounted for by deposits
with a rate stuck at, or slightly above, zero (Slide 10, right-hand chart).
『Two measures are contributing to offsetting some of the pressure that
negative or very low rates imply for banks’ profitability and hence for
the bank-based transmission of our monetary policy.[13]』
『One is the introduction of the two-tier system under which part of banks’
excess reserves are exempted from negative rates. The other is the favourable
rate at which banks can finance themselves through our TLTROs.』
『Internal ECB analysis shows that, together, both measures broadly offset
the costs banks incur when holding excess liquidity in a negative interest
rate environment (Slide 11).[14]』
『And both of these tools can be adapted and recalibrated should we see
risks to the bank lending channel emerging.』
『All in all, and with this I would like to conclude, a thorough financial
stability analysis is needed to inform the choice, design and calibration
of the various monetary policy instruments that we use in the pursuit of
our price stability mandate.』
『In doing so, we acknowledge that monetary policy itself may contribute
to the build-up of financial stability risks, the potential societal costs
of which are too large for central banks to ignore for as long as the macroprudential
policy framework remains incomplete or not fully effective.』
『Taking financial stability considerations into account does not mean
that financial stability is itself an objective of monetary policy. But
there is a broad consensus that it is a precondition for achieving price
Thank you.』
December 02, 2021
Between the Hither and the Farther Shore: Thoughts on Unfinished Business
Governor Randal K. Quarles
At the American Enterprise Institute, Washington, D.C.
『For all these reasons, I believe we should establish a clear understanding
that, should the Fed ever again use its 13(3) authority to establish credit
facilities similar to those of the COVID event, Congress will without delay
create a structure to transfer the ongoing funding and governance of the
credit facilities into a non-Fed vehicle that will fund, manage, and eventually
wind down the extraordinary credit support.26』
will without delay create a structure to transfer the ongoing funding and
governance of the credit facilities into a non-Fed vehicle that will fund,
manage, and eventually wind down the extraordinary credit support.」と恐ろしく真っ当な話をしておりますが、ここでアタクシが真っ当だと思うの「Congress」ってところでして、日銀とかワイルドカード切っても財務大臣の認可でオッケーな訳でして、買入社債CPに穴が空いたりETFで大損こいたりしたらどうしますのんという話をまあ普通に時代に先送りしながらワイルドカードを切るわ、その手の話はツッコミを受けるまで自分からは死んでもしないわ(個人の感想です)というのと比較すると、真っ当、というよりも民主的手続きとは何ぞや、というガバナンスが確りとしている国なんですよね、というのが良く分かって実にイイハナシダナー。
『Section 13(3) creates a standing power of the Fed to act rapidly and
forcefully to address a crisis. 13(3) allows the nature of that response
to be flexible depending on the nature of the crisis. Financial market
dysfunction can be addressed through 13(3) liquidity facilities that fit
comfortably within the Fed's operations and expertise, and in many cases
might not require any use of Treasury equity or other Congressionally appropriated
『But if the shock is one-like the COVID event-that requires real economy
credit support to address its root causes, the Fed can use 13(3) to provide
the same rapid and forceful response (with appropriate Treasury equity
for credit protection), but we should establish the expectation that this
credit support will be moved into a separate, non-Fed structure as quickly
as Congress can manage.
『In the same way that the 13(3) facilities developed in 2008 served as
templates in 2020, greatly increasing the speed of our response, the template
outlined here that we create for the future here should ideally become
the default expectation of Congress, markets, and the public should the
Fed ever again be called upon to provide credit facilities under section
『There are many precedents for such an approach. During the Great Depression,
for example, Congress created the Reconstruction Finance Corporation (RFC)
to provide emergency credit to the real economy, expressly steering clear
of the problems that would naturally have been associated with using the
Federal Reserve for such a purpose.27 The RFC had a limited life, separately
appropriated capitalization, and separate borrowing authority in order
to fund direct lending to borrowers.』
『More recently, during the 1990s financial and economic crisis in Sweden,
Norway, and Finland, after initial stabilizing responses from their central
banks, these countries established new governmental agencies outside their
central banks to manage the broader, continuing support programs. Measures
such as these have a number of advantages:』
『1.A separate entity can be expressly stated to be an emergency vehicle
with a limited life. It can be legally required to extend credit for a
short, specified period and then be wound down.
2.Providing credit support through a separate vehicle establishes a clear
division between fiscal measures and monetary policy.』
『3.Lending through a separate organization allows more flexibility on
the interest rate and other terms of government-sponsored credit support.
While we were lucky in the COVID event, one could easily have imagined
the economic crisis deepening to the point where achieving the purposes
of widespread credit support would have called for lending at a market
or even subsidized rate, rather than the penalty rate required for central
bank lending. Doing so is a decision that should be made by Congress, rather
than the Fed.』
『4.The separate incorporation and funding of a separate vehicle would
give transparency and clear boundaries to the degree of government financial
support being provided to the economy.
5.Placing the inherently political decisions around the allocation of
credit in a separately governed entity will keep the Fed from being fundamentally
transformed by efforts to politicize the credit-granting mechanism.
6.Finally, having a separate entity will facilitate hiring the necessary
people with the necessary expertise, which will likely be quite different
from the expertise usually found in either the Treasury or the Federal
a.In particular, the types of personnel and expertise required to work
out troubled loans made with government credit support are very different
from the personnel and expertise widely available in either the Fed or
the Treasury.』
『This would not be a U-turn from our decisive response to the COVID event,
but rather simply the logical next step. In addition to providing clarity
for the public as to what to expect in future crises, adopting this model
going forward could reduce concerns a future Fed might have that a forceful
response could entangle it in difficult political problems.』
『This could help give a future Fed the freedom to determine what it believes
is truly the right technocratic response to a particular future shock.
Adoption of such a framework would also reduce the attraction of the Fed
as a general purpose funder of credit-intensive political projects-we would
have established that the piper will not only always have to be paid, but
paid promptly. This framework also gives an appropriate role to 13(3),
consistent with the clear authority granted to us, but also consistent
with what we have learned about the entanglement of central banks with
fiscal policy and politics in the years since 13(3)'s enactment. We would
not be ignoring the credit support authority 13(3) gives us, rather we
would be anchoring it in its appropriate emergency context.』
St. Louis Fed’s Bullard Discusses “The Inflation Shock of 2021”
December 03, 2021
The Inflation Shock of 2021
James Bullard
President and CEO
2021 Executive Management Conference
Missouri Bankers Association
Dec. 3, 2021
Clayton, Mo.
『CLAYTON, Mo. - Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis President James Bullard
presented “The Inflation Shock of 2021” at a meeting of the Missouri
Bankers Association on Friday.』
『Bullard told the association that there has been an unexpected inflation
shock in the U.S. during 2021, and that U.S. monetary policy has so far
remained very accommodative. He added that asset price inflation has been
substantial as well.』
『He said that U.S. real gross domestic product (GDP) has fully recovered
and that labor markets are quite strong and likely to get stronger. He
also noted that pandemic risk remains.』
『“These considerations suggest, on balance, that the Federal Open Market
Committee (FOMC) should remove monetary policy accommodation,” he said.』
というのが前置きでして、説明の方は最初の小見出しが『An Inflation Shock
in 2021』と来やがりまして、
『Bullard explained that the inflation forecast in the December 2020 Summary
of Economic Projections indicated that the median FOMC participant thought
2021 inflation would be 1.8% for both core and headline PCE inflation,
which is below the FOMC’s 2% target. Measured from a year ago, headline
PCE inflation is currently over 5% and core PCE inflation is over 4%-well
in excess of the 2% target, he said. Furthermore, this is the highest inflation
in 30 years for both measures, he added.』
『“Monetary policy has remained accommodative even in the face of the
inflation shock. The recession ended about 19 months ago, but the FOMC’s
policy settings are still largely the same as when the recession began,”
he said. In particular, the Fed’s balance sheet is still growing, and
the policy rate remains near zero, he pointed out.』
プレゼンの方の11枚目に『Monetary policy stance』ってのがあって、まあ見てちょという感じなのですが、政策金利とFEDのバランスシートに関して、パンデミック前の水準から方や0に下がって方や盛大に拡大、というビジュアルが分かりやすい図表をだしているのがお茶目で、既に1年以上前にリセッション終わってるのに、未だにバランスシート拡大継続中(テーパリングってバランスシート縮小じゃないですからねえ)というのは怪しからんと仰せ。
次の小見出しが『U.S. Real GDP Has Fully Recovered』ときたもんで、
『“Monetary policy this accommodative might be justified if the real economy
had not yet recovered,” Bullard said. “However, real GDP has already
passed the pre-pandemic peak and is slated to move considerably higher.
In addition, many labor market measures indicate very tight labor market
ということで、経済はnot yet recoveredではないとの仰せで、上記と同じことがプレゼンの13枚目に箇条書きになった後、次の14枚目のスライドですけど、
『U.S. GDP poised to grow at an above-trend rate
・ Business cycles have a clear traditional definition. Periods of declining output are called “recessions.”
・ Periods of increasing output following a recession are called “recoveries” until the previous peak is attained.
・ Periods beyond the previous peak are called “expansions.”
・ The U.S. is currently in the expansion phase of the business cycle:
National income is higher than it was at the previous peak and is poised
to grow at an above-trend rate.』(この部分は上記PDFのスライド14枚目から引用)
『Bullard noted that the U.S. is currently in the expansion phase of the
business cycle. “National income is higher than it was at the previous
peak and is poised to grow at an above-trend rate,” he said.』
でもって次が『The FOMC’s New Monetary Policy Framework』つー小見出しで、
『Turning to the new monetary policy framework, Bullard said a key aspect
of it is the desire of the FOMC to allow inflation to run above the 2%
target for some time to make up for past misses of the inflation target
to the low side.』
『The new monetary policy framework
・ The FOMC’s new policy framework was announced in Chair Powell’s Jackson Hole speech in August 2020.
・ A key aspect of the new framework is the desire of the FOMC to allow
inflation to run above the 2% target for some time to make up for past
misses of the inflation target to the low side.
・ It now appears that the FOMC will be able to achieve this result with
an appropriate monetary policy over the next several years.』(この部分は上記PDFのスライド20枚目から引用)
ってありまして、21枚目の紙芝居が『Average inflation targeting』ってなってまして、何故か知らんが2016年からの年別コアPCEインフレ率をだしています。でもってそこを見ると、
2017-2021 average: 2.1%
2018-2022 average: 2.2%
2019-2023 average: 2.3%
new monetary policy framework」のコーナーで出て来る図表はこの1枚しか無かったりするんですけどね。
『“It now appears that the FOMC will be able to achieve this result with
an appropriate monetary policy over the next several years,” he said.』
次の小見出しが『Pandemic Risk Remains』でして、
『In discussing the pandemic risk, Bullard noted the arrival of the COVID-19 omicron variant.
“It is too soon to provide a meaningful assessment of the impact on the
public health situation or on the economy in the U.S.,” he said.』
COVID-19 cases』というのがあって、オミクロン株のケースが増えてきたとは書いてあるものの、EUでは新たに発見された患者数が増えているけど米国はそんな訳でもない、という図表を出してあっさり味に仕立て上げていますので、まああんまり大ごとだとは思ってないな。
本文最後の小見出しは『Implications for Current Monetary Policy』でして、
『Bullard pointed out that U.S. inflation has “surprised substantially
to the upside” during 2021, in an environment where measures of real economic
activity are “generally robust.” Monetary policy settings, however, largely
remain as set during the recession, when inflation was below target and
measures of real activity were very weak, he said.』
『“These considerations suggest that the FOMC at upcoming meetings may
want to consider removing accommodation at a faster pace,” he said.』
2021年12月1日2:56 午前
FRB、テーパリング加速検討すべき 次回会合で=パウエル議長
『[30日 ロイター] - 米連邦準備理事会(FRB)のパウエル議長は30日、上院銀行委員会で証言し、経済が堅調でインフレ高進が来年半ばまで持続すると予想される中、2週間後に開かれる次回の米連邦公開市場委員会(FOMC)で大規模な債券買い入れプログラムの縮小加速を検討すべきと述べた。』(上記URL先より)
November 30, 2021
Coronavirus and CARES Act
Chair Jerome H. Powell
Before the Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs, U.S. Senate, Washington, D.C.
『The economy has continued to strengthen. The rise in Delta variant cases
temporarily slowed progress this past summer, restraining previously rapid
growth in household and business spending, intensifying supply chain disruptions,
and, in some cases, keeping people from returning to work or looking for
a job. Fiscal and monetary policy and the healthy financial positions of
households and businesses continue to support aggregate demand. Recent
data suggest that the post-September decline in cases corresponded to a
pickup in economic growth. Gross domestic product appears on track to grow
about 5 percent in 2021, the fastest pace in many years.』
『As with overall economic activity, conditions in the labor market have
continued to improve. The Delta variant contributed to slower job growth
this summer, as factors related to the pandemic, such as caregiving needs
and fears of the virus, kept some people out of the labor force despite
strong demand for workers. Nonetheless, October saw job growth of 531,000,
and the unemployment rate fell to 4.6 percent, indicating a rebound in
the pace of labor market improvement.』
『There is still ground to cover to reach maximum employment for both employment
and labor force participation, and we expect progress to continue.』
is still ground to cover to reach maximum employment」であって、それは雇用に加えて労働参加がコロナの影響で戻っていない部分がある(つまり隠れたスラックがある)という説明をしていますが、この留保入るのかなり当たり前だのクラッカーでして、威勢の良い話だけで止めたらマンデート達成だーになってしまうので、それはさすがによー言わんじゃろと。
『The economic downturn has not fallen equally, and those least able to
shoulder the burden have been the hardest hit. In particular, despite progress,
joblessness continues to fall disproportionately on African Americans and
『Pandemic-related supply and demand imbalances have contributed to notable
price increases in some areas. Supply chain problems have made it difficult
for producers to meet strong demand, particularly for goods. Increases
in energy prices and rents are also pushing inflation upward. As a result,
overall inflation is running well above our 2 percent longer-run goal,
with the price index for personal consumption expenditures up 5 percent
over the 12 months ending in October.』
『Most forecasters, including at the Fed, continue to expect that inflation
will move down significantly over the next year as supply and demand imbalances
もはや来年の物価見通しが「will move down significantly over the next year」とか段々ヤケクソ気味になっているんじゃないかというような表現だが、「significantly」
『It is difficult to predict the persistence and effects of supply constraints,
but it now appears that factors pushing inflation upward will linger well
into next year.』
『In addition, with the rapid improvement in the labor market, slack is
diminishing, and wages are rising at a brisk pace.』
『We understand that high inflation imposes significant burdens, especially
on those less able to meet the higher costs of essentials like food, housing,
and transportation. We are committed to our price-stability goal. We will
use our tools both to support the economy and a strong labor market and
to prevent higher inflation from becoming entrenched.』
will use our tools both to support the economy and a strong labor market
and to prevent higher inflation from becoming entrenched.」という無理ゲーな話をしておりますが、ワシらは経済をサポートして強い労働市場をサポートして、しかもより高いインフレは阻止するとかどうするんでちゅかねえ。
『The recent rise in COVID-19 cases and the emergence of the Omicron variant
pose downside risks to employment and economic activity and increased uncertainty
for inflation.』
『Greater concerns about the virus could reduce people's willingness to
work in person, which would slow progress in the labor market and intensify
supply-chain disruptions.』
『To conclude, we understand that our actions affect communities, families,
and businesses across the country. Everything we do is in service to our
public mission. We at the Fed will do everything we can to support a full
recovery in employment and achieve our price-stability goal.
Thank you. I look forward to your questions.』
INTERVIEW 30 November 2021
We need to remain vigilant
The factors behind the high rate of inflation we’re experiencing will
not last and we should see them fade next year, Vice-President Luis de
Guindos told Les Echos on 24 November. But there’s a risk that inflation
will not go down as quickly and as much as we predicted.
INTERVIEW 26 November 2021
Keeping a close eye on inflation
We are monitoring inflation very closely, President Lagarde tells Frankfurter
Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung. We do not expect the current high levels of
inflation to last, she says, and adds that raising interest rates now would
only have an impact when inflation is expected to have fallen anyway.
EXPLAINERS 16 November 2021
Why is inflation currently so high?
After years of very low inflation, euro area prices are rising at the fastest
pace in more than a decade. Why is this happening, and what does it have
to do with droughts in Brazil, shipping containers and the pandemic? Find
out what we expect to happen to inflation next year.
って並んでいまして、昨日はEXPLAINERSの奴とラガルドはんのINTERVIEW 26 November
there’s a risk that inflation will not go down as quickly and as much
as we predicted.」ってのがきっちり入れ込まれています。
with Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung」なのにトップページは「Keeping
a close eye on inflation」とか、中々考えて作ってあるわと感心する(半分呆れてるけど)次第です。
Interview with Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung
Interview with Christine Lagarde, President of the ECB, conducted by Gerald
Braunberger, Dennis Kremer and Christian Siedenbiedel on 23 November and
published on 26 November 2021
『(質問)Madame Lagarde, inflation rates are increasing around the world.
Inflation in the United States is 6.2%, while in Germany a rate of close
to 6% is expected for November. Is inflation spiralling out of control?』
『(回答)At the European Central Bank we are of course monitoring that
very closely. And not only because our primary objective is maintaining
price stability and inflation is a crucial indicator of that. But also
because we know that inflation affects people. Those who are less privileged
and less well off are the ones who suffer the most from inflation. That’s
why we need to keep looking at it very carefully.』
inflation spiralling out of control?」と(ドイツの新聞なだけに)豪快に喧嘩を売っている事に関しては無回答ワロタ。
『(質問)Do you feel any effects of rising inflation in your own daily life?』
your own daily life」で何か影響を感じてますかあああああ?????って質問と勝手に妄想すると面白くて(個人の妄想です)、これはドイツの新聞様、「ラガルド様のようなスーパーおエリート様にはお分かりじゃないでしょうけど」物価上昇で人々が苦しんでいるんですよ、って言ってるように読みましたが妄想が過ぎますかね???
『(回答)Of course, the rise in energy prices is the most noticeable.
After all, energy price inflation now accounts for around half of the high
inflation rates. You can’t help noticing the price increase when you fill
up your tank at a petrol station or buy heating oil for the winter.』
『As a French person, I keep a close eye on the prices for good bread at the bakery.』
『That stands out at the moment and is making many people worried - but
we expect that this rise in inflation will not last. It will subside next
year. We expect that the inflation rates will start to fall from as early
as January.』
『(質問)What makes you so sure? Won’t there be second-round effects,
if the trade unions demand higher wages to compensate for the higher prices?』
『(回答)Judging by what we know from surveys of employers and trade unions
so far, no strong inflationary pressure is to be expected from that front
for the time being. The negotiated wage settlements have been very moderate
so far.』
『For next year, somewhat higher wage demands are partly to be expected.
But based on what we are seeing, the settlements should not be on a scale
that might trigger a wage-price spiral.』
『(質問)Do you not think that employees could become nervous and nonetheless
demand compensation for inflation if inflation rates now hit a level that
has not been seen for many years?』
『(回答)That does not seem to be the case at the moment. And if we look
at inflation expectations, both those which can be derived from the financial
markets and those resulting from surveys, then most people do not expect
higher inflation in the longer term. Inflation expectations have risen,
but they are below our inflation target of 2%. We don’t see any de-anchoring
of inflation expectations.』
『(質問)Do you personally never have any doubts that inflation might
persist for longer than your experts are currently predicting?』
『(回答)I ask myself this question again and again. To answer it you
have to consider what is driving the current high rates of inflation. I
would distinguish three groups of driving factors. The first are statistical
base effects which are related to the pandemic, such as the VAT reduction
in Germany last year and its reversal,which are now sharply pushing up
the price increase relative to the previous year. Similar passing pandemic
effects can be seen in respect of package holidays, for example. These
factors will automatically disappear next year, as they will fall out of
the year-on-year comparison. Supply bottlenecks are a second group of drivers.
Demand surged after the end of the first lockdown whereas supply is still
constrained. These bottlenecks in, say, computer chips, containers and
road haulage capacity are obviously persisting for longer than we had initially
thought. But the situation will gradually improve next year in that respect
too. The third group is energy prices. We expect that energy price developments
will at least stabilise next year.』
『(質問)But surely nobody can know for certain how oil prices, say, will develop next year?』
『(回答)We at least see good reasons why the strong price increase in
energy will not last into the second half of 2022. There is in any case
no expectation in the oil futures markets that the price increase will
continue. But we are seeking to evaluate and consider as many sources of
information on this topic as we can.』
『(質問)Do you understand the special concerns in Germany about the high inflation rates?』
『(回答)Yes, I understand these concerns very well; inflation in Germany
is higher than in some other countries - in Italy or France for example.
In addition, there are cultural differences and a special history with
inflation in Germany in the 1920s. The collective experience of inflation
in Germany is a different one to that of France or Italy. I understand
all that. That’s why we have to thoroughly explain why we nonetheless
think our strategy is correct and that we are following price developments
very carefully.』
『(質問)Many people in Germany have long been calling for signs that
the ECB will tighten its monetary policy strategy.』
『(回答)If we were to tighten monetary policy now, we would expect it
to have an impact in 18 months. That is the extent of the time lag before
our monetary policy measures take effect. According to our forecasts, however,
inflation would have fallen back again by then. We would cause unemployment
and high adjustment costs and would nonetheless not have countered the
current high level of inflation. I would find that wrong.』
『(質問)Prominent economists like Charles Goodhart think that the whole
world is about to enter an era of higher inflation. Does that not worry
『(回答)It goes without saying that we think about longer-term inflation
developments. The issue is whether factors which have so far dampened inflation,
such as demographic developments or globalisation, are now reversing and
could lead to higher rates of inflation. There could be changes; after
the pandemic firms may think differently about globalisation and relocating
production to cheaper countries. Globalisation will change, but it will
proceed and will in all likelihood continue to temper inflation.』
『(質問)But many firms have been talking about deglobalisation since the outbreak of the pandemic.』
『(回答)People have been talking about that for around a year, but it
is not really observable in practice. The incentive for firms to cut costs
will remain stronger than their desire for independence from suppliers
and control over the supply chains. I don’t see any sustainable price-increasing
development. By contrast, in my estimation, the changes in demographic
developments could have an impact on the future path of inflation, as indeed
could digitalisation. But all in all, I see factors that will suppress
inflation in the longer term rather than factors that will drive it up.
In any case, monetary policy has enough time to respond appropriately to
such longer-term trends.』
『(質問)But are climate policies themselves not going to make energy
more expensive and push inflation up, at least temporarily?』
『(回答)This could indeed be the case. If the governments keep their
commitments on the Paris Agreement and the recent climate conference in
Glasgow, it will have an impact on energy prices. Studies show that energy
prices react to climate protection measures by increasing significantly
at first. However, when demand falls, the price will drop significantly.
This effect will materialise.』
2021年11月30日1:21 午前
独CPI、11月は前年比5.2%上昇 ECBに圧力強まる
EXPLAINERS 16 November 2021
Why is inflation currently so high?
『After years of very low inflation, euro area prices are rising at the
fastest pace in more than a decade. Why is this happening, and what does
it have to do with droughts in Brazil, shipping containers and the pandemic?
Find out what we expect to happen to inflation next year.』
Why is inflation currently so high?
16 November 2021
『You may have noticed that filling up your car, going to the hairdresser
and shopping for groceries have become more expensive lately. While some
things are cheaper than a year ago, overall we are paying more for what
we buy. This is what we call inflation.』
Why are prices going up faster than before?
Our economy is reopening fast
Higher energy prices are pushing up inflation
『Inflation is high today because it was so low last year』
『To measure inflation, we compare how prices change from one year to the
next. Prices were exceptionally low at the height of the pandemic last
year, partly driven by a cut in Germany’s sales tax. Comparing today’s
higher prices to those very low levels means differences will seem large.
This is referred to as the “base effect” and will fade out quite quickly.』
what will happen to inflation next year?』ということで、ここからが纏めのコーナー。
『We expect inflation to go down over the course of 2022. Supply will gradually
catch up with demand, markets anticipate energy prices will go down next
year, and base effects will drop out of the yearly price comparison used
to measure inflation.』
『However, because the pandemic was unprecedented in modern times, this
recovery might also be different. It may take longer to repair the massive
disruptions to supply chains.』
『Energy prices may continue to rise, also due to the green transition.』
『We are also keeping a close eye on wages because prices and wages influence each other.』
『Employees and unions are currently asking for pay rises to compensate
for higher living costs. This is normal.』
『But if wages continue to increase, businesses may recoup their higher
costs by bumping up prices, which pushes up prices even more. If people
and businesses start to expect higher inflation to last, actual inflation
could rise as well. Economists call this a “second round effect”. So
far, however, we have not seen a large increase in wages.』
can the ECB do about all of this?』である。
『We are confident that inflation will decline in the course of 2022. Because
monetary policy works with some delay, it can’t help against short-lived
spikes in prices. Making borrowing more expensive at a time when higher
energy and fuel bills are squeezing people’s incomes and companies’ profits
would create unwarranted headwinds for the recovery.』
「Making borrowing more expensive at a time when higher energy and fuel
bills are squeezing people’s incomes and companies’ profits would create
unwarranted headwinds for the recovery.」ってのも言いたいことは分かるが理屈に無理があるような気がする。
『And, higher interest rates won’t solve the imbalance between supply
and demand, energy prices and base effects that are currently pushing up
prices: they won’t make more shipping containers available or boost the
supplies of semiconductors and fuel.』
『But monetary policy can ensure that prices don’t permanently go up at
such a rapid pace. We are therefore carefully examining the outlook for
inflation over the next years.』
さっき上記のような言い訳をしているのに、何で「monetary policy can ensure
that prices don’t permanently go up at such a rapid pace」となるのかも理屈が飛躍しておるな。でもって最後のパラグラフ。
『Our mission at the ECB is to keep prices stable, which means that we
are aiming at an inflation target of 2% in the medium term. That benefits
people across the euro area: stable prices help to ensure that the economy
is growing, jobs are safe and you can feel confident that the money in
your pocket will be worth roughly the same tomorrow as it is today.』
Interview with Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung
Interview with Christine Lagarde, President of the ECB, conducted by Gerald
Braunberger, Dennis Kremer and Christian Siedenbiedel on 23 November and
published on 26 November 2021
『Madame Lagarde, inflation rates are increasing around the world. Inflation
in the United States is 6.2%, while in Germany a rate of close to 6% is
expected for November. Is inflation spiralling out of control?』
『You said you would see yourself as an owl when it comes to monetary policy.
That is to say, you wouldn’t allow yourself to be limited to just one
monetary policy position. After two years leading the ECB, do you still
see yourself as an owl or are you now more of a dove?』
『(質問)Unconventional monetary policy measures have now become almost
normal - is this not a problem? When asset purchases and negative interest
rates were introduced, the general public was told that these measures
were temporary. Many now doubt that the ECB will ever go back.』
『(回答)Back in the summer we unanimously approved the outcome of our
monetary policy review. Part of that is the medium-term symmetrical inflation
target of two per cent. We also agreed on what makes up our toolbox, and
asset purchases are explicitly included. We need to ask ourselves which
instruments work best to help us fulfil our mandate. We should keep all
our tools ready, but we do not need to use all of them all the time.』
should keep all our tools ready, but we do not need to use all of them
all the time.」と来ているのは「さあ資産買入についての質問をして下さい」という諸葛孔明の罠なのか最初からブックされたプロレスなのか、というのは分かりませんが、予定調和の如くこの先にPEPPに関する質疑が開始されます。
『(質問)In 2020, following the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, the
ECB launched the pandemic emergency purchase programme (PEPP), which has
allowed it to buy bonds flexibly. Is it really going to end in March 2022,
as you promised? The pandemic is coming back with a vengeance right now.』
『(回答)Under the current circumstances, I have no reason to doubt that
we will stop net asset purchases under the PEPP in the spring. This does
not mean that the PEPP will end completely - the maturing bonds need replacing
and these reinvestments will need to continue. And let us not forget that
we have other purchase programs in our toolbox.』
『I sincerely hope - for the sake of everyone’s health - that the pandemic
will be over in the spring and that we will be more resistant to the new
infection waves like the one we are seeing in Europe now. That is out of
my hands, though - it is up to the scientists who develop vaccines, and
of course to the people themselves, who should decide to get vaccinated.』
『(質問)Robert Holzmann, the Governor of the Oesterreichische Nationalbank,
has suggested that the ECB should stop all of its asset purchases next
autumn if inflation has reached two per cent by then. What do you think
of this proposal?』
『(回答)I generally do not comment on what individual heads of central
banks have said. All opinions are welcome, but they should be expressed
at the right time. That time is 15 and 16 December, when the Governing
Council of the ECB meets again.』
『(質問)Some central banks, such as the Reserve Bank of New Zealand,
have recently voiced concerns about a global rise in asset prices. Are
you also concerned?』
『(回答)Asset purchases have been very efficient, but their impact may
weaken over time. Therefore, we must always be mindful of their side-effects,
for instance rising asset prices, to decide whether using this tool is
still proportionate. Rest assured - we are paying very close attention
to it.』
『(質問)Do you not feel that the side-effects are starting to dominate?』
『(回答)No, the impact of the bond purchases is still positive and clearly outweighs the negative side-effects.』
『(質問)Nevertheless, it seems like the ECB shies away from the exit for fear of spooking the financial markets.』
『(回答)It is my strong belief that monetary policy needs to work for
all Europeans. The markets are not our primary audience, nor are they the
main recipients of our communication. Nevertheless, we do need to pay attention
to financial stability. There is no price stability without financial stability.
The two are closely interconnected, although it is price stability that
is our primary mandate. And our monetary policy affects the economy not
only through banks, but also via the financial markets.』
でまあここでおーと思ったのですが、この「There is no price stability without
financial stability.」っての11月9日に「格差と金融政策」というお題でシュナーベル理事が講演をやって、なんかオモロイのでアタクシ3回シリーズでネタにしてしまったのがありますが、その3分割の最終回で16日にネタにした部分で、「Our
revised framework also explicitly recognises that financial stability is
a pre-condition for price stability.」ということで、金融の安定が物価安定の「pre-condition」と言ってたのと同じ文脈でのお話になっております。
Minutes of the Federal Open Market Committee
November 2-3, 2021
A joint meeting of the Federal Open Market Committee and the Board of Governors
of the Federal Reserve System was held in the offices of the Board of Governors
on Tuesday, November 2, 2021, at 1:00 p.m. and continued on Wednesday,
November 3, 2021, at 9:00 a.m.1
『Participants' Views on Current Economic Conditions and the Economic Outlook』を頭から昨日読んだ所の手前までまず読んでみます。
『In their discussion of current conditions, participants noted that, with
progress on vaccinations and strong policy support, indicators of economic
activity and employment had continued to strengthen. The sectors most adversely
affected by the pandemic had improved in recent months, but the summer's
rise in COVID-19 cases had slowed their recovery. Inflation was elevated,
largely reflecting factors that were expected to be transitory. Supply
and demand imbalances related to the pandemic and the reopening of the
economy had contributed to sizable price increases in some sectors. Overall
financial conditions remained accommodative, in part reflecting policy
measures to support the economy and the flow of credit to U.S. households
and businesses.』
『Participants noted that the path of the economy continued to depend on
the course of the virus. Progress on vaccinations and an easing of supply
constraints were expected to support continued gains in economic activity
and employment as well as a reduction in inflation, but risks to the economic
outlook remained.』
『Participants observed that growth in economic activity had slowed in
the third quarter to a rate significantly below the robust pace seen in
the first half of the year. The spread of the Delta variant had contributed
to the slowdown in growth in the third quarter by damping household and
business spending, holding down labor supply, and intensifying supply chain
『Participants noted that the underlying conditions supporting growth in
demand remained strong and that, as the number of COVID-19 cases remained
well below the summer's levels, growth in economic activity would likely
show a pickup in the fourth quarter.』
『They further foresaw robust growth in 2022, supported by progress on vaccinations and an easing of supply constraints.』
『In their discussion of the household sector, participants remarked that
demand for most consumer goods had remained strong. They noted that businesses
had generally recorded robust sales despite labor shortages and other supply
disruptions that had prevented them from fully meeting higher demand for
their products. Participants interpreted available data as suggesting that
the spread of the Delta variant had slowed the shift of consumer demand
toward purchases of services and away from spending on goods, stretching
out the full reopening of the economy and intensifying supply and demand
imbalances. Participants observed that households had strong balance sheets
and that consumer spending would also be supported by accommodative financial
conditions. A number of participants noted that there was likely to be
a drag on household spending as previous fiscal support faded, or that
fiscal policy might provide some support to aggregate demand if the Congress
authorized major new federal appropriations.』
observed that households had strong balance sheets and that consumer spending
would also be supported by accommodative financial conditions.」ってありまして、昨日ご紹介した後半のインフレやらファイナンシャルスタビリティやらのネタの方では住宅価格がヒャッハーしていることについてレントの上昇がペインというような話を入れていましたが、上記のように「家計のバランスシートの改善による消費の強さ」という話をする場合は、当然ながら住宅市場が堅調に推移しているのでホームエクイティーでよーしパパ夢のロールスロイスを買っちゃうぞー(は大袈裟ですが)みたいなのを別に全面否定してバブル退治じゃ住宅価格暴落や!みたいな話をする訳ではない、というのも入っていますな。
『Participants remarked that supply chain challenges and limited labor
availability continued to be major constraints on manufacturing activity
and the business sector more broadly. Bottleneck pressures faced by businesses
were accompanied by global supply chain disruptions associated with major
backlogs in shipments and transportation as well as surging demand for
a variety of goods, shortages of labor and other inputs, increases in costs
of production, and depleted inventory levels in key sectors.』
『Many business contacts had experienced a worsening of supply chain problems,
and participants reported that firms had responded to these challenges
by taking a variety of actions, including raising prices, turning away
customers, restructuring supply chains, and using alternative, but higher-cost,
shipping options.』
『Participants judged that supply constraints would likely continue for longer than they had previously expected.』
『Participants noted that data received over the intermeeting period indicated
that labor market conditions had continued to improve. Al-though the September
increase in payrolls had been moderate compared with recent months, the
unemployment rate had declined further and previous months' job growth
had been revised up. Participants observed that September's rise in payrolls
had been held down by a shortage of workers, in part reflecting the ongoing
effect of the virus on labor supply decisions.』
『With COVID-19 cases expected to remain below the summer's levels, participants
anticipated better payroll numbers in the months ahead. Participants indicated
that District contacts continued to report difficulties in finding and
retaining workers and that, in addition to offering higher wages, businesses
were turning to increased use of automation.』
『While recognizing that labor market conditions varied significantly across
the country, some participants cited a number of signs that the U.S. labor
market was very tight: These included data on quits, job availability,
and stronger rates of nominal wage growth reflected in the recent rise
in the employment cost index, as well as the readings provided by the Federal
Reserve Bank of Kansas City's Labor Market Conditions Indicators.』
数名some participantsは各種指標を見ても労働市場はタイトである、ということでこれでもかと色んな指標を出しています。
『A number of participants observed that the labor force participation
rate remained well below the level reached before the pandemic. Several
participants judged that labor force participation would be structurally
lower than in the past, and a few of these participants cited the high
level of retirements recorded since the start of the pandemic. Several
other participants suggested that labor supply was currently being depressed
by pandemic-related factors such as disruptions related to caregiving arrangements
and noted that the importance of such factors would likely diminish as
economic and public health conditions improved further.』
other participantsは、この労働参加の減少はコロナ関連、例えば託児関連業界の閉店によって労働市場に参加できない人が居る、などのような要因の方が強く、パンデミック一巡後に労働参加が増える(=ので今の数字は隠れたスラックをカバーできていない)というのに意見が分かれていますな。
『Participants noted that the path of the economy continued to depend on
the course of the virus. Progress on vaccinations and an easing of supply
constraints were expected to support continued gains in economic activity
and employment as well as a reduction in inflation, but risks to the economic
outlook remained.』(再掲)
『A few participants mentioned an upsurge in COVID-19 cases during the
coming winter or an emergence of new virus strains as possibilities that,
if they were realized, would damp economic activity and intensify price
とありまして、数名A few participantsの指摘として、コロ助のヤローがまた猛威を振るうナリ、となった場合において、供給制約がまーたまた高まることになるので、それによって供給制約あばばばばーからの企業活動の低迷、ってのと同時に供給制約あばばばばーからの物価上昇、という一番中央銀行涙目の展開になるリスクの記述がありますわな。
Economic Outlook』というのが直前にあってこれが気になったのよ。こちらは3パラしか無いんですが、まあめんどいのでアタクシが気になった、というその中の3パラ目に記載されているベースラインシナリオに対するリスクの部分を引用しますね。
『The staff continued to judge that the risks to the baseline projection
for economic activity were skewed to the downside and that the risks around
the inflation projection were skewed to the upside.』
『In particular, the possibility of another sizable wave of COVID-19 cases
in the winter was seen as an important source of downside risk to activity,
while the possibility of more severe and persistent supply issues was viewed
as an additional downside risk to activity and as an upside risk to inflation.』
Minutes of the Federal Open Market Committee
November 2-3, 2021
A joint meeting of the Federal Open Market Committee and the Board of Governors
of the Federal Reserve System was held in the offices of the Board of Governors
on Tuesday, November 2, 2021, at 1:00 p.m. and continued on Wednesday,
November 3, 2021, at 9:00 a.m.1
例によって『Participants' Views on Current Economic Conditions and the
Economic Outlook』の最終パラグラフから読む、という変態読みを致しますのでよろしくです。このパラグラフ。一応目を泳がせてみましたが、変態読みするのには今回はやりにくいかもしれませんけれども、まあ真面目な講釈は一杯出ているでしょうから、変態もまた楽しからずやということにしますけど、今回目を泳がせて思ったのは、インフレーションの全体的な記述から始まる第7パラグラフから、政策決定に関する第12パラグラフまでを通して読むと今回のとりあえずポイントはカバーできているように思えます(個人の感想です)のでオヌヌメ。
『Participants stressed that maintaining flexibility to implement appropriate
policy adjustments on the basis of risk-management considerations should
be a guiding principle in conducting policy in the current highly uncertain
in the current highly uncertain environmentなのでmaintaining flexibilityが必要、と来ています。この不確実性は9パラまで戻るとお話があるでしょう(おい)。
『Some participants suggested that reducing the pace of net asset purchases
by more than $15 billion each month could be warranted so that the Committee
would be in a better position to make adjustments to the target range for
the federal funds rate, particularly in light of inflation pressures.』
that以下をご覧になればわかるように、Some participantsは「特にインフレ圧力に対応してFF金利の調整(=引き上げ)を早く出来るようにすべきである」と来ておりまして、とにかくこのパラの冒頭からぶっこんで来るというのが威勢の良い話。
『Various participants noted that the Committee should be prepared to adjust
the pace of asset purchases and raise the target range for the federal
funds rate sooner than participants currently anticipated if inflation
continued to run higher than levels consistent with the Committee's objectives.』
さらにこの最近よく出て来る表現Various participantsは、インフレーションが目標値よりも高い状況を維持し続けるようであれば、従来考えていたよりもテーパリングを加速し、利上げ時期を早める準備をすべきである、ということで、さっきのSome
『At the same time, because of the continuing considerable uncertainty
about developments in supply chains, production logistics, and the course
of the virus, a number of participants stressed that a patient attitude
toward incoming data remained appropriate to allow for careful evaluation
of evolving supply chain developments and their implications for the labor
market and inflation.
一方で何人かa number of participantsは、サプライチェーンとか生産とか物流とかコロナの状況とかに不確実性が顕著にあるのが続く中、今後出て来るデータについては慎重に見て行き、ペイシャントな姿勢で臨むべきである、ということで、利上げ前倒し論に対してまあ落ち着けというのが出ておりまする。
『That said, participants noted that the Committee would not hesitate to
take appropriate actions to address inflation pressures that posed risks
to its longer-run price stability and employment objectives.
『In their consideration of the stance of monetary policy, participants
agreed that the economy had made substantial further progress toward the
Committee's goals since December 2020, when the Committee adopted its guidance
regarding asset purchases. The unemployment rate had declined to 4.8 percent
in September-about 2 percentage points lower than the level last December-and
job openings and other indicators also were pointing to widespread strength
in labor demand, consistent with a broad improvement in labor market conditions.』
『Consequently, participants assessed that the criterion of substantial
further progress had been met with regard to the Committee's maximum employment
『In addition, participants generally judged that the Committee's criterion
of substantial further progress had clearly been more than met with respect
to inflation.』
『Against this backdrop, all participants judged that, consistent with
the Committee's previous policy communications, it would be appropriate
to announce at this meeting a reduction in the pace of net asset purchases.』
『Participants generally supported the plan to implement reductions in
the pace of net purchases of Treasury securities and agency MBS by $10
billion and $5 billion per month, respectively, over the upcoming intermeeting
period and judged that similar reductions in the pace would likely be appropriate
in each subsequent month. 』
『Some participants preferred a somewhat faster pace of reductions that
would result in an earlier conclusion to net purchases. 』
もっとはよせえ、というのがSome participantsとのこと。
『Participants noted that beginning to scale back the pace of net asset
purchases was not intended to convey any direct signal regarding adjustments
to the target range for the federal funds rate. They highlighted the more
stringent criteria for raising the target range, compared with the criteria
that applied to beginning to reduce the pace of asset purchases.』
『A number of participants commented on issues related to financial stability.』
『A couple of participants noted factors supporting the strength and resilience
of the U.S. financial system, including the solid capital and liquidity
conditions of banks and the fact that underwriting standards for residential
mortgages had not eased substantially in an environment of rising house
『A few participants emphasized the importance of maintaining strong bank
capital positions, particularly at the largest banks.』
『A few participants also cited a number of factors representing potential
vulnerabilities to the financial system: These included elevated asset
valuations prevailing widely across asset classes, the growing exposure
of banks to nonbank financial firms, and the risk of a sudden reduction
in the liquidity of collateral used at central counterparty clearing and
settlement systems.』
一方で数名A fewの参加者は将来の金融脆弱性の元になり得る事象として、広範な資産価格の上昇、銀行のノンバンクに対するエクスポージャーの拡大、清算一括機関や決済システムで使われている担保商品の市場流動性が突如急低下した時のリスクなどを指摘、とありまして一応リスクの指摘はあるんですが、ただまあトーンとしてそんなにこっちの方面を意識した金融政策での対応という感じはしませんな。さらにこの続きが、
『In the area of cybersecurity, a few participants stressed the importance
of greater preparedness against a cyberattack that could disrupt the nation's
payments process and financial system.』
『Several participants commented on the financial stability risks-including
those relating to maturity and liquidity transformation-associated with
stablecoins and on the need for regulators to address these risks. 』
『A few participants noted the importance of developing systematic monitoring
of the climate-related risks facing the financial system.』
『Participants observed that uncertainty about the economic outlook remained high.』
『They particularly stressed uncertainties associated with the labor market,
including the evolution of labor force participation, and with the length
of time required to resolve the supply chain situation.』
『Participants cited upside risks to inflation, including those associated
with strong demand for goods and a tight labor market.』
『Upside risks to economic activity included a potential near-term boost
to aggregate demand that could arise from the drawing down of the substantial
savings accumulated by households since the beginning of the pandemic.』
『A few participants mentioned an upsurge in COVID-19 cases during the
coming winter or an emergence of new virus strains as possibilities that,
if they were realized, would damp economic activity and intensify price
『In their comments on inflation expectations, a number of participants
discussed the risk that, in light of recent elevated levels of inflation,
the public's longer-term expectations of inflation might increase to a
level above that consistent with the Committee's longer-run inflation objective;
such a development could make it harder for the Committee to achieve 2
percent inflation over the longer run.』
『A couple of participants pointed to increases in survey- and market-based
indicators of expected inflation-including the notable rise in the five-year
TIPS-based measure of inflation compensation-as possible signs that inflation
expectations were becoming less well anchored.』
『Several other participants, however, remarked that measures of near-
and medium-term inflation expectations typically had been sensitive to
movements in realized inflation and that they had not exhibited greater
sensitivity recently. They additionally pointed out that indicators of
longer-term inflation expectations-including the five-year, five-year-forward
measure of inflation compensation-continued to display less sensitivity
to realized inflation and remained well anchored at levels consistent with
the Committee's longer-run 2 percent goal.』
『Participants generally saw the current elevated level of inflation as
largely reflecting factors that were likely to be transitory but judged
that inflation pressures could take longer to subside than they had previously
『They remarked that the Delta wave had intensified the impediments to
supply chains and had helped sustain the high level of goods demand, adding
to the upward pressure on prices.』
『Participants also observed that increases in energy prices, stronger
rates of nominal wage growth, and higher housing rental costs had been
forces adding to inflation.』
『Some participants highlighted the fact that price increases had become more widespread.』
『Although participants expected significant inflation pressures to last
for longer than they previously expected, they generally continued to anticipate
that the inflation rate would diminish significantly during 2022 as supply
and demand imbalances abated.』
『Nonetheless, they indicated that their uncertainty regarding this assessment had increased.』
『Many participants pointed to considerations that might suggest that elevated
inflation could prove more persistent. These participants noted that average
inflation already exceeded 2 percent when measured on a multiyear basis
and cited a number of factors-such as businesses' enhanced scope to pass
on higher costs to their customers, the possibility that nominal wage growth
had become more sensitive to labor market pressures, or accommodative financial
conditions-that might result in inflation continuing at elevated levels.』
多くのMany participantsが物価上昇が既にマルイヤーベーシスの平均で2%を超えており、この状況が価格転嫁や、賃金上昇圧力などに繋がること、今の緩和的な金融環境も含めて、それらが物価を継続的に高すぎる水準に維持することに関しては考慮すべき、とか仰せで、アベレージインフレーションターゲットとは何だったのかというような突っ込みを入れたくなるこの認識はかなりチャーミングですね。まあドン・コーン大勝利という事で。
『Some other participants, however, remarked that al-though inflationary
pressures were lasting longer than anticipated, those pressures continued
to reflect the same pandemic-related imbalances and would likely abate
when supply constraints eased. These participants also noted that the most
sizable price increases may have already occurred, that there was as yet
little evidence of a change in inflation dynamics-such as the development
of a wage-price spiral-that would tend to prolong elevated levels of inflation,
and that forces already in motion would likely bring inflation down toward
2 percent over the medium term.』
一方で数名の他の人Some other participantsはまあ落ち着けとばかりに、物価上がってるの結局パンデミック関連だし、既に上がるもんは上がってしまっているのでここからのスパイラルみたいな事は起きんじゃろ、という指摘をしております。
『Participants were attentive to the sizable increase in the cost of living
that had taken place this year and the associated burden on U.S. households,
particularly those who had limited scope to pay higher prices for essential
goods and services.』
November 22, 2021
Statement by Federal Reserve Board Chair Jerome H. Powell on his nomination by President Biden
『Statement by Federal Reserve Board Chair Jerome H. Powell:』ということで、まあ別にどうという内容でもないですが、記念品(?)として。
『Thank you, Mr. President.
Mr. President, thank you for this extraordinary opportunity to continue
to serve the American people. If confirmed by the Senate, I pledge to do
everything within my power to meet the responsibilities that Congress has
entrusted to the Federal Reserve.』
『I'm joined today by my wife Elissa Leonard and our three adult children,
Susie, Lucy, and Sam and his wife Elyssa. Their love and support underpin
and make possible all that I do.
I am also grateful to the exceptionally talented and dedicated team at
the Federal Reserve, with whom it has been my great privilege to serve
over the last decade. My predecessor, Secretary Janet Yellen, left the
Fed in a strong position to meet every challenge, and I am thankful for
her leadership, her example, and her friendship.』
『When COVID hit our shores, American families and businesses were ten
years into a historic economic expansion, with a robust jobs market that
was reaching even those who had traditionally been left out. The pandemic,
however, brought an immediate and painful recession.』
『Fortunately, American resilience, along with strong policy actions and
vaccines that enabled the economy's reopening, cushioned the blows and
set the stage for a strong recovery.』
『Today, the economy is expanding at its fastest pace in many years, carrying
the promise of a return to maximum employment.』
『Challenges and opportunities remain, as always. The unprecedented reopening
of the economy, along with the continuing effects of the pandemic, led
to supply and demand imbalances, bottlenecks, and a burst of inflation.
We know that high inflation takes a toll on families, especially those
less able to meet the higher costs of essentials like food, housing, and
transportation. We will use our tools both to support the economy and a
strong labor market, and to prevent higher inflation from becoming entrenched.』
望ましくない高インフレに対しては「takes a toll on families, especially
those less able to meet the higher costs of essentials like food, housing,
and transportation」と特に中位層以下の家計にペインであるという話をしておりまして、ただまあそれだけではなくて「We
will use our tools both to support the economy and a strong labor market,
and to prevent higher inflation from becoming entrenched.」と経済と雇用の拡大にツールを使う、というのを入れつつも、その中に「prevent
higher inflation from becoming entrenched」とも入れているというところで、まあ物価上昇放置プレイは怪しからんというのは意識強いでしょうね。
『Other key priorities include vigilantly guarding the resilience and stability
of the financial system, addressing evolving risks from climate change
and cyber attacks, and facilitating the modernization of the payments system
while protecting consumers.』
『I look forward to continuing to work closely with my colleague of the
past seven years, Lael Brainard, as the Fed confronts these and other issues.
Lael brings formidable talent, a wealth of experience and good judgment
to our work.』
『Inside the Federal Reserve, we understand that our decisions matter for
American families and communities. I strongly share that sense of mission,
and I am committed to making those decisions with objectivity and integrity,
based on the best available evidence, in the longstanding tradition of
monetary policy independence.
Mr. President, thank you again.』
最後の「I am committed to making those decisions with objectivity and integrity,
based on the best available evidence, in the longstanding tradition of
monetary policy independence.」ってとりあえず日銀のボードメンバーには毎朝100回唱和して頂きたいのですが、「based
on the best available evidence」が置物理論の政策をやって、その失敗を糊塗するために昭和温泉旅館金融政策をどんどんグロテスクにしていくとか「integrity」の欠片もないし、インフレ期待に直接働きかけて物価目標を早期達成する、という触れ込みに失敗しているのに失敗を認めないのは「objectivity」の欠片もない(間違えたら死ぬ病に掛かっているので間違えたとは認めない、というobjectivityには合致していますが節子それはただの保身や)という辺りにお父ちゃん涙がちょちょ切れますな、と何故か日銀への悪態になって鑑賞終了。
November 22, 2021
Statement by Governor Lael Brainard on her nomination by President Biden
『Statement by Governor Lael Brainard:』は副議長なだけにあっさり味。
『Mr. President, I am deeply honored that you are entrusting me with this
responsibility at a critical time. I am committed to putting working Americans
at the center of my efforts at the Federal Reserve. This means getting
inflation down at a time when people are focused on their jobs and how
far their paychecks will go. It means supporting a growing economy that
includes everyone. It means ensuring that financial markets are thriving
and resilient, and the economy is sustainable for future generations. It
means serving all Americans in every community across the country, and
ensuring the Federal Reserve reflects the diversity of the communities
we serve.』
最初に「to putting working Americans at the center of my efforts at the
Federal Reserve」って言ってて、「This means」から役割の話をしているのですが、その一発目にいきなり「This
means getting inflation down at a time when people are focused on their
jobs and how far their paychecks will go.」ってぶっこんでいる訳でして、ブレイナードさん(しばらく前の講演から様子はそんな感じでしたが)高インフレを抑制しますってのを最初に普通にぶっこんで来る辺り、明らかに政治的な状況を意識してるでしょと思う訳で(個人の感想です)、そういう文脈からしたらブレイナードを議長にしたらパウエルよりもインフレ退治で目立とうとして来るのは見え見えだと思うんですけど、何故か相変わらず「ブレイナードはハト派だから云々」って話が多いんですよねー。
『I was privileged to work with Chair Powell as we made every effort to
protect workers, businesses, and families from the COVID financial shock,
with the support of Congress, and I look forward to working with him in
the months and years ahead to build a durable recovery. I want to thank
Secretary Yellen with whom I have also been privileged to work. I am grateful
to the many people who have supported my efforts. As a working mom, I am
especially grateful for the love and support of my three daughters, my
husband, my sisters, and my mother.
I am confident that by working together we will see a strong recovery that is broad-based and inclusive.』
2021年11月20日4:13 午前
November 19, 2021
Perspectives on Global Monetary Policy Coordination, Cooperation, and Correlation
Vice Chair Richard H. Clarida
At the "Macroeconomic Policy and Global Economic Recovery" 2021
Asia Economic Policy Conference, sponsored by the Federal Reserve Bank
of San Francisco Center for Pacific Basin Studies, San Francisco, California
(via webcast)
Policy Spillovers Flow in Both Directions』ということで金融政策のスピルオーバーという話ですが、こちらに関しては過去のメキシコペソ危機だのアジア通貨危機だのLTCM破綻からのロシア通貨危機だのユーロ危機(リーマンショックの後に起きたギリシャ危機などで起きた奴の方)だの中国の人民元切り下げ問題だの、という話に米国の金融政策がどの程度作用した&海外の状況に米国金融政策が反応したというような話がありまする。
という辺りを全部すっ飛ばして最後の所だけ読みますわ。『The Federal Reserve
and ECB Framework Reviews』という小見出し以降になります。
『The monetary policy framework reviews conducted by the Federal Reserve
and the ECB provide another example of monetary policy correlation.』
『In February 2019, the Federal Reserve System launched a review of its
monetary policy strategy, tools, and communication practices. A key motivation
for the Fed's review as well as the ECB's review was the substantial decline
in estimates of the neutral real interest rate, r*, that, over the longer
run, is consistent with price stability.』
『This decline has critical implications for monetary policy because it
leaves central banks with less conventional policy space to offset adverse
shocks to aggregate demand.5』
『As discussed in Clarida (2020), the Fed's review, from the outset, built
on three pillars: a series of Fed Listens events, a flagship research conference,
and a series of rigorous briefings for the Committee commencing in July
2019 and running through January 2020.6 While our plans to conclude the
review earlier in 2020 were, like so many things, delayed by the arrival
of the pandemic, in August 2020, the Federal Reserve did announce, with
unanimous support, an evolution of its monetary policy strategy to flexible
average inflation targeting.7』
『Similar to the Federal Reserve, the ECB launched a review of its monetary
policy strategy in January 2020.8 Since the time of its previous strategy
review in 2003, like the Fed, the ECB observed profound structural changes
in the global and euro-area economies that have driven down neutral interest
rates and increased the incidence and duration of episodes in which nominal
policy interest rates are close to the ELB.』
『So the ECB's review sought to adapt its monetary policy to the current
economic environment and to ensure that its policy could remain effective
at the ELB. In its review, the ECB heard from a wide variety of European
organizations and citizens, including through a series of ECB Listens events.9
The ECB's Governing Council engaged in a series of deliberations, also
informed by extensive staff background analysis on a range of topics. In
July 2021, with unanimous support from its Governing Council, the ECB announced
its new strategy.10 』
『Key elements of that strategy are a symmetric 2 percent inflation target,
a view that the ELB requires especially forceful or persistent monetary
policy measures to keep inflation expectations from drifting lower, and
the affirmation that the full range of measures it has used in recent years
will remain in its toolkit.』
『The similarities in the two framework evolutions are due to the fact
that powerful common global forces are driving down neutral policy rates
and limiting the effectiveness of monetary policy in downturns to offset
declines in aggregate demand.』
『This asymmetry of policy effectiveness caused by the ELB imparts a secular
downward bias to inflation that, if not offset, could de-anchor inflation
expectations below the central bank's price-stability objectives.』
『In addition, the similarities in the processes according to which these
two framework reviews were conducted reflected also a convergence in thinking
about best practices for such reviews that was facilitated by a working
group on central bank frameworks set up by the BIS.』
『In this speech, I have offered some perspectives on global monetary policy
correlation and what it can-and cannot-reveal about the prevalence and
value of global monetary policy coordination or, in the limit, binding
global monetary cooperation.』
monetary policy coordination」は起こり得るけど、それは別に金融政策を協調して実施している訳ではないです。
『I have argued that, while there are several recent and historical examples
where we certainly do observe that national monetary policies are often
correlated, adopting formal global monetary policy cooperation could plausibly
erode central bank credibility and public support for central bank independence.』
『But I also observe that international monetary policy coordination, defined
as including the sharing of information and analysis among central banks
regarding the evolution of their individual economies and information about
their policy reaction functions, can enhance the design and effectiveness
of monetary policy execution for each country.』
『Thank you very much for your time and attention. I look forward to my conversation with Sylvain.』
November 19, 2021
Economic Outlook
Governor Christopher J. Waller
At the Center for Financial Stability, New York, New York
『It is a pleasure to speak today at the Center for Financial Stability,
and I look forward to our conversation. Let me take the next several minutes
to speak about the continued improvement of the U.S. economy, recent inflation
data, and their implications for monetary policy.1』
『I will also discuss the Federal Open Market Committee's (FOMC) recent
decision to begin reducing monthly purchases of securities and how incoming
data may affect the pace of tapering. Finally, I will address issues concerning
the size of our balance sheet.』
『Let me start with my views on the economy. Since I last spoke on the
subject exactly a month ago, the basic shape of my outlook hasn't changed:
The economy continues to grow and add jobs at a strong pace, making steady
progress toward the Federal Reserve's goal of maximum employment.』
『New data shows that employment gains were better than first reported
in August and September and were back to a strong level in October. But
we also have learned that supply constraints-both bottlenecks and labor
shortages-are having a larger and more persistent effect on the economy.
Due to a combining of those supply constraints with strong demand, inflation
pressures are becoming more widespread and may last longer into 2022 than
I thought they would.』
『These factors haven't dented my optimism that the strong recovery will
continue but they have raised the risks that supply constraints may limit
job gains and output growth, and that inflation may complicate the FOMC's
management of monetary policy in 2022.』
『Turning to inflation, inflation has escalated substantially this year,
along with a significant rise in inflation expectations.』
のっけから物価は「has escalated substantially this year」と単にrisenとかじゃなくてescalatedと来ていますし、おまけにインフレ期待まで「a
significant rise in inflation expectations」という評価でして、もういきなりのキタコレ状態。
『The October consumer price index report showed an unexpected surge in
inflation. The monthly print corresponds to an annualized rate exceeding
10 percent, while the year-over-year increase was 6.2 percent-the highest
since December 1990.』
『Despite the highest wage gains in years, inflation this year has wiped
out any real wage increase for the average worker. High inflation is painful
to Americans who have little choice about the goods and services they buy
for everyday living. Prices are up significantly at the grocery store,
which is a major problem for many individuals and families.』
『Unlike earlier this summer, price pressures are no longer concentrated
in a few categories, they appear to have broadened.2 There has been a notable
increase in the prices of energy, food, goods, and services as well as
the cost of owning a home.』
『Even trimmed mean measures of inflation that exclude some big price increases,
such as the Cleveland Fed and the Dallas Fed measures, report inflation
rates above the Fed's 2 percent target.』
『Diffusion indexes of price changes, which are often useful in detecting
turning points in the data, show an increasing number of categories with
3 or 12-month inflation exceeding 3 percent, compared with earlier this
『I expect that these pressures are related to both supply constraints,
which may be beginning to improve, and strong demand, which shows no sign
of abating.』
でもって物価上昇圧力に関して、supply constraintsの方は改善が徐々に起きつつあるものの、strong
demandの方は、which shows no sign of abatingということで、こっちがそう簡単に落ちてこないでしょう理論になっております。
『Wages continue to grow quickly on a more sustained basis than they have
in more than 20 years, most recently reflected in a striking increase in
the employment cost index, which considers both pay and benefits. Wages
and employment costs seem to be widespread across industries and among
businesses of different sizes. Crucial to the path of inflation will be
whether we see input cost increases consistently reflected in final goods
prices. Our business contacts report that companies are comfortable passing
along these cost increases to their customers.』
continue to grow quickly on a more sustained basis than they have in more
than 20 years」な訳ですが、これによって勿論良い事もあるのですが、インフレーションのパスという意味ではこのお賃金の上昇に伴う労働コストの価格転嫁も進んできているというアネクドータルなお話もありまっせ、と来ています。
『It has been argued that because price pressures connected to supply constraints
are transitory, they will come to an end, so monetary policy does not need
to respond to temporary price pressures.』
『I find this argument puzzling for a few reasons.』
『First, all shocks tend to be transitory and eventually fade away; by
this logic, the Fed should never respond to any shocks, but it sometimes
does, as it should.』
『Second, the macroeconomic models we use to guide policy typically have
cost shocks built in that cause inflation to move. In those models, appropriate
monetary policy responds to these inflation movements; it doesn't ignore
them, even though they are transitory.』
『Finally, the choice to take a policy action depends on how large the
shocks are and how long they are expected to persist. To make this point
clearer, consider a snowfall, which we know will eventually melt. Snow
is a transitory shock. If the snowfall is one inch and is expected to melt
away the next day, it may be optimal to do nothing and wait for it to melt.
But if the snowfall is 6 to 12 inches and expected to be on the ground
for a week, you may want to act sooner and shovel the sidewalks and plow
the streets.』
『To me, the inflation data are starting to look a lot more like a big
snowfall that will stay on the ground for a while, and that development
is affecting my expectations of the level of monetary accommodation that
is needed going forward.』
『Inflation expectations on the part of the public also play a role in the conduct of monetary policy.』
『Two surveys of consumers-by the University of Michigan and the New York
Fed-show medium inflation expectations running over 4 percent, and bond
investors are requiring over 3 percent compensation for future inflation
and inflation risks. It is very concerning to me that households and markets
are no longer expecting us to keep inflation near our 2 percent target
over the next three to five years.』
is very concerning to me」であると仰せです。
『Now, it is true that there is some evidence that these consumer survey
measures of future inflation tend to move around a lot based on changes
in current inflation. So I hope these large movements in inflation expectations
are-wait for it-transitory and will come back down as bottlenecks and labor
shortages resolve themselves over the coming months.
『But if these measures were to continue moving upward, I would become
concerned that expectations would lead households to demand higher wages
to compensate for expected inflation, which could raise inflation in the
near term and keep it elevated for some time. This possibility is a risk
to the inflation outlook that I'm watching carefully.』
『So, what are the implications of all these considerations for monetary policy?』
『The economy made faster progress in 2021 than most of us expected back
in December 2020. This substantial progress toward our dual mandate goals
allowed us to begin reducing the $120 billion a month in asset purchases
that are aiding the recovery by steadily providing accommodation to financial
When we started tapering a few days ago, it happened several months earlier
than was expected by market participants in the early months of 2021. We
cut both the amount of Treasury securities purchases to $70 billion per
month from $80 billion per month, and the amount of agency mortgage-backed
securities (MBS) to $35 billion from $40 billion. We will make another
$10 billion and $5 billion cut to the monthly purchases in mid-December.』
『The next few months will be critical, however, in determining how the tapering process plays out.』
「The next few months will be critical」ですってよ奥様♪
『The Committee has been very clear, in the months leading up to our decision,
and in making that decision, that the pace of reducing asset purchases
would depend on progress toward our dual mandate goals. If COVID or some
other factor substantially slows the recovery, hindering the progress toward
maximum employment, the FOMC could slow the taper. But if the economy makes
quick progress toward maximum employment or inflation data show no signs
of retreating from their currently high readings, the Committee may choose
to speed up the taper, which would position it to accelerate subsequent
steps in tightening monetary policy if necessary. 』
『The timing of any policy action is a decision for the FOMC, but for my
part the rapid improvement in the labor market and the deteriorating inflation
data have pushed me towards favoring a faster pace of tapering and a more
rapid removal of accommodation in 2022.』
『Another policy action already being discussed in public by market participants
is the timing of the first increase, or liftoff, of the target range for
the federal funds rate.』
『The FOMC has described the conditions that must be met to consider liftoff.
They are when the economy has reached maximum employment, and when inflation
has risen to 2 percent and is on track to moderately exceed 2 percent for
some time.』
『Assuming inflation expectations are well-anchored, I judge that the timing
of liftoff is any time after both of these conditions have been met.』
『I believe the condition for inflation has been met and we are making
great strides towards achieving the employment leg of our mandate. I will
be looking at the incoming data to determine when we have achieved both
these criteria.』
『After that point, whenever the Committee ultimately decides to raise
the target range for the federal funds rate from zero, monetary policy
will still be providing an extraordinary extent of support for the economy-short-term
interest rates will still be very low, and the large amount of securities
holdings on the Fed's balance sheet will continue to put significant downward
pressure on longer-term interest rates.』
『This fact leads to another policy action that the FOMC needs to consider:
when to begin reducing securities holdings.』
『It is important to remember that the FOMC makes monetary policy decisions
with the best interest of the American people in mind and not based on
how these actions affect the balance sheet. 』
『Between March of 2020 and today, the Fed's securities holdings have increased
by $4.2 trillion to stand a bit over $8 trillion. These holdings are about
35 percent of the level of annual real GDP. This percentage sounds quite
large, but the Fed's share is not out of line with what is found on the
balance sheets of other advanced foreign economies' central banks.
『For example, our share is larger than that of the Bank of Canada, but
it is about the same as the Bank of England's, and much smaller than the
shares of the European Central Bank and the Bank of Japan.』
『One must remember that there is no economic theory that tells us what
the optimal size of a central bank balance sheet should be. So, just because
our balance sheet is "large" does not mean there is anything
wrong with it. However, arguments can be made that we should reduce the
size of our balance sheet. 』
『First, we expanded it for emergency reasons due to the pandemic. As the
emergency passes, we can undo those actions and get the balance sheet down
to something close to its pre-pandemic trend.』
『Second, by doing so, we free up balance sheet space in the event we need
to expand it in the future to deal with economic shocks.』
『Third, the private sector appears to be inundated with liquidity, as
evidenced by the large take-up at our overnight reverse repurchase agreement
facility. Draining some of this liquidity would help maintain smooth market
『Going forward, the Committee will need to decide what type of reinvestment policy to have in place.』
『Currently, when securities on the Fed's balance sheet mature, the proceeds
are reinvested in new securities, keeping the balance sheet growing in
line with net purchases. Under this policy, when net asset purchases cease,
reinvestment will keep the balance sheet constant at the size at that time.
Based on past experience, an effective way to gradually reduce the balance
sheet to a more efficient level is to change that reinvestment policy to
limit, or cease, reinvestment. Allowing this "runoff" was the
main way the FOMC shrank the balance sheet before the pandemic.』
『I expect the reinvestment strategy will be heavily influenced by the
Fed's experience with this policy between 2017 and 2019. During that time,
the FOMC recognized that the monthly maturity of securities was lumpy;
some months there were many securities maturing, and others few. The FOMC
ensured a gradual and predictable roll-off of securities that allowed market
participants to plan for the Fed's gradual retreat from the Treasury and
MBS markets, which was done by instituting monthly redemption caps that
gradually increased over time. I would support a similar process when the
time comes to alter reinvestment policy.』
『As securities holdings declined, so did reserves in the banking system.
In mid-September 2019, upward pressures emerged in funding markets as reserves
dropped to about $1.4 trillion or 6.6 percent of GDP at that time. Most
thought the Fed's balance sheet could be reduced further. In fact, the
median of the respondents to the June 2019 primary dealer survey conducted
by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York indicated reserves could fall to
$1.2 trillion.3 But, the underlying level of reserves wanted by financial
markets seemed to be more than we anticipated. In response to the emerging
pressures at that time, the Fed stopped redemptions and instituted a number
of actions over a few days that boosted reserves to at least the level
seen in early September of that year.4』
『With this experience in hand, we will need to proceed with caution with
future securities redemptions. That said, clearly today's balance sheet
is elevated, and we can decrease our holdings. Should we drain reserves
too quickly, we have a new tool to help correct this action should our
pace of runoff prove to be too fast again. The standing repurchase agreement
facility provides a backstop in cases where demand for liquidity is more
than the Fed otherwise thought. Counterparties can come to the facility
and obtain financing for their Treasury securities.』
『Of course, I do not anticipate reducing reserves to a level where this
tool would be used, but it is nice to know that, as we move forward, we
have an additional support available to us that we did not have in 2019.』
『To close, I have outlined how I see the economy evolving and mentioned
several policy steps in the future that underly that outlook. The tapering
of our asset purchases has started and should continue over coming months.
Then the Fed will turn to normalizing other aspects of monetary policy
as the economy continues to recover from the severe COVID shock we encountered
last year. I believe that policy may need to pivot to a faster taper based
on incoming data that I will be monitoring.』
2021年11月18日5:42 午前
Policymaking in a Time of Uncertainty
Mary C. Daly, President and Chief Executive Officer
Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco
The Commonwealth Club of California
San Francisco, CA
November 16, 2021
『The very worst of the pandemic looks to be behind us-a welcome relief.
But the impact of COVID and its ongoing threat continue to disrupt and
delay the full recovery of the economy.』
『Worse perhaps is that we don’t know how long any of this will last.
We are in flux-limbo-waiting for the pandemic to be done so we can move
on to whatever the new future holds.』
『But waiting is hard, and it’s tempting to want to act. To want to respond
to what we see today as if it’s a clear signal of what we will see tomorrow.』
『Action, after all, feels empowering.
『But feeling empowered and empowering our future are two different things.
Acting without clarity is risky. It can lead to decisions that have costly
unintended consequences, box us into outcomes, and make the flux we feel
today a more persistent feature of our economic future than it needs to
『Today, I’m going to talk about how the recognition of ongoing uncertainty
affects monetary policy and the Federal Reserve’s dual mandate of price
stability and full employment. And about why the Fed is taking a vigilant
and measured approach as we navigate the long tail of the pandemic.』
『But before I get too far along, I want to remind you that the views I
will express today are my own and do not necessarily reflect those of anyone
else within the Federal Reserve System.』
ということで始まりますが、最初は『Taking Stock of the Economy We Have』という小見出しが入りまして、物価動向と雇用状況の説明になっております。物価と雇用の現状に関しては纏めの所だけ読みますと、
『Given the factors boosting prices that I’ve just described, I expect
a moderation in price pressures as the pandemic recedes. Consumers will
likely pivot back to their normal bundles of goods and services-spending
some time with their new home entertainment centers, but also going to
movies, concerts, dinners and, hopefully, holiday parties.』
『Similarly, as fiscal support rolls off and many households move their
savings back to historically normal levels, demand will likely become more
in sync with the overall strength of the economy. Production and supply
chains should also catch up and repair, reducing bottlenecks and easing
the pressure on prices.』
『As these things happen, we should return to the typical dynamics that drive the economy.』
『These behaviors are understandable reactions to an unprecedented shock.
As COVID recedes, I expect people to settle in, land a job they want, and
return to the labor market to support their families and build a career.』
『And history supports this prediction. Although labor force participation
tends to lag behind falling unemployment, workers do come back. We saw
this in the last expansion and in most expansions before that.7 In other
words, it’s too early to count out the millions of people sitting on the
『To summarize, although inflation is high and the labor market seems tight,
when we dig into the data, it’s easy to see that some of what we observe
today reflects the ongoing effects of the pandemic. This makes it harder
to conclude that we are facing a completely new world that will persist
once the worst of COVID is behind us.』
次の小見出しが『Getting to the Economy We Want』ってなっていて、もうこの小見出しの付け方の時点で「利上げを急げという人もいますが、経済は実は我々に望ましい方向に向かっている途中なんですよ」と早期利上げ論をけん制する形になっています。
『Of course, the truth is, none of us is completely certain how the economy
will evolve. We can’t say for sure that the eye-popping rates of inflation
won’t leave a more lasting imprint on overall price setting. And we don’t
know how long it will take for sidelined workers to come back.』
『And this is a hard place for policymakers. We have the tools to support
the economy if it needs it, and we have the tools to beat back inflation
and cool the labor market if necessary. The question is, which of these
scenarios will turn out to be true? 』
『In the face of this uncertainty, many have argued that we should act
preemptively-get ahead of things, rather than fall behind the curve.』
『This logic has some appeal. If the high readings on inflation last long
enough, they could seep into our psychology and change our expectations
about future inflation. Households would then expect prices to keep rising
and ask for higher wages to offset that. Businesses, of course, would pass
those increases on to consumers in the form of higher prices, causing workers
to ask for even higher wages. And on it would go, in a vicious wage-price
spiral that would end well for no one.』
『Although this would be a deeply disturbing trend should it occur, so
far, there is little evidence that this is happening now. Despite the large
jumps in measured inflation, inflation expectations in the longer run remain
relatively stable and well-anchored around the Fed’s price stability goal.8
This suggests that households and businesses expect inflation to moderate
as the global economy emerges from the pandemic.』
『And most importantly, these readings suggest that people understand that
the Fed will act if inflation begins to look more persistent.』
『But why not take out some insurance-preemptively raise rates to make
sure that a painful inflation spiral doesn’t occur?』
『The main answer is that preemptive action isn’t free. Like all insurance,
there are costs. And policymakers must balance these costs against the
risk of waiting.』
『Monetary policy is a blunt tool that acts with a considerable lag. So,
raising interest rates today would do little to increase production, fix
supply chains, or stop consumers from spending more on goods than on services.
But it would curb demand 12 to 18 months from now.』
『Should current high inflation readings and worker shortages turn out
to be COVID-related and transitory, higher interest rates would bridle
growth, slow recovery in the labor market and unnecessarily sideline millions
of workers.』
『Against this calculus, I come down on the side of waiting to gain greater
clarity. The Fed is well positioned to act should inflation begin to look
more persistent. It’s much harder to unwind a preemptive action that turns
out to be wrong.』
『But “not now” for interest rates does not mean “not ever” for policy.
In fact, earlier this month, we announced that we will reduce the monthly
pace of net asset purchases in response to substantial improvement in the
economy from the depths of the recession. This will slow the amount of
support we are adding to the economy, allowing it to function more on its
『Over the next several quarters, as tapering occurs, we will watch to
see how the economy does and whether inflation eases and workers come back.
As we get a clearer signal, we will be ready to act, continuing to provide
or remove support as needed to ensure the economy settles at a sustainable
the next several quarters,」ってあるいからそんなに余裕ねえだろと思ったらそこに「as
tapering occurs,」ってあるから3四半期位の積りでいる(テーパリング終了までは利上げを我慢しましょう)事になるんですが、これ逆にテーパリングのペースを早める=利上げが早くなる、ってなるので良し悪しの議論だなーとは思います。
最後の小見出しは『The Boldest Action We Can Take』ということで、利上げは最終兵器位の勢いの小見出しが纏めパートになっています。
『Let me leave you with a few concluding thoughts. As a policymaker and
a person, I’m biased toward action. I like to solve problems. So, I understand
the desire to immediately confront the challenges in front of us. Action
gives us a sense of agency, especially at a time when it feels like we
have none.』
『But not all motion is forward motion. Reacting in response to things
that aren’t likely to last will move us farther from-not closer to-our
goals. And while it’s easy to mistake motion for competence or action
for attention, running headlong into a fog can be costly.So in the face
of unprecedented uncertainty, the best policy is recognizing the need to
『Although this can be hard, in the end, patience is the bravest action we can take.
Thank you.』
2021年11月17日1:36 午前
『[ワシントン 16日 ロイター] - 米セントルイス地区連銀のブラード総裁は16日、物価上昇が予想通りに緩和しなかった場合に備え、連邦準備理事会(FRB)は向こう数回の連邦公開市場委員会(FOMC)で「一段とタカ派的な方向に取り組む」必要があるとの考えを示した。』(上記URL先より、以下同様)
2021年11月16日7:35 午前
『[ワシントン 15日 ロイター] - 米リッチモンド地区連銀のバーキン総裁は15日、高インフレと労働力不足が新型コロナウイルス流行の影響でありいずれ緩和するのか、それとも経済のより持続的な変化を反映したものなのかを連邦準備理事会(FRB)が理解するには少なくともあと数カ月かかる可能性があると述べた。』
course, the timing of that is highly uncertain, but certainly we should
see inflation moving down by the second or third quarter.」(冒頭のニック・ティミロス記者の質問に対して)と言っていまして、バーキン総裁は「少なくともあと数か月(これがもっとクソ長い期間を念頭に置いた言い方なのかは実物を当たらんとわからんですが)」と割とタイムスケールの短い話をしていまして、オイ大丈夫かという気はしますですがな。
2021/11/15 16:05 (JST)11/15 18:20 (JST)updated
コピーライト 一般社団法人共同通信社
Monetary policy and inequality
Speech by Isabel Schnabel, Member of the Executive Board of the ECB,
at a virtual conference on “Diversity and Inclusion in Economics, Finance, and Central Banking”
Frankfurt am Main, 9 November 2021
ということで最後に『Conclusion and policy implications』になるのですが、
『Let me conclude with the policy implications, which are twofold.』
『First, central banks must pay more attention to house prices, from both
a price stability and a financial stability perspective.』
『As part of our monetary policy strategy review, the Governing Council
recommended a roadmap for the inclusion of owner-occupied housing in the
Harmonised Index of Consumer Prices (HICP).』
『The augmented HICP will not only better represent actual consumption
expenditures by households, but also better reflect the transmission of
our monetary policy.』
『Preliminary estimates show that the inclusion of owner-occupied housing
costs would have increased the cyclicality of inflation in past years and
led to persistently higher inflation since around 2014 (Slide 11, right-hand
chart). 』
purchases have a larger impact on house prices than policy rate changes』となっていて、右の図表は『Owner-occupied
housing,residential property prices and HICP rents』という名前です。
『In the second quarter of this year, owner-occupied housing would have
contributed between 0.4 and 0.5 percentage points to a new, augmented HICP.』
『Should we judge that differences of this magnitude are likely to persist
over the medium term, they then become relevant for the appropriate calibration
of our monetary policy stance.』
『Our revised framework also explicitly recognises that financial stability
is a pre-condition for price stability.』
ちょwwwwwwwwwそんなに「financial stability」が重要なのかよwwwwwwwwwww
『ECB estimates suggest that, in the euro area as a whole, house prices
are currently overvalued relative to fundamentals, making them vulnerable
to future price corrections (Slide 12, left-hand chart).』
prices are increasingly overvalued while lending remains buoyant』となっているわ、左のチャートは『Overvaluation
of euro area house prices』となっているわで実に滋味深い物件となっております。
『Bank lending for house purchase has also increased notably, particularly
in Germany and France, and, in the euro area as a whole, it is now expanding
at its fastest pace since 2008 (Slide 12, right-hand chart).』
『Monetary policy cannot turn a blind eye on such developments in an institutional
setting in which macroprudential policies are, in principle, the first
line of defence but are not yet fully effective.』
『This brings me to the second implication.』
『All of our policy actions are subject to a careful proportionality assessment,
which consists in a systematic analysis of the evolving balance between
the benefits and costs of our actions. Distributional effects with regard
to income and wealth, as well as financial stability risks, are part of
this assessment.』
『If we conclude that a different policy configuration would achieve our
mandate with fewer side effects, we would need to alter the relative intensity
with which we use our various instruments.』
『At the current juncture, for example, it is likely that the large stock
of acquired assets, in conjunction with our strong forward guidance on
policy rates, will prevent an unwarranted tightening of long-term rates
once net asset purchases have been terminated.』
『From today’s perspective, this can be expected to happen in March 2022
in the case of net purchases under the PEPP, while the pace and duration
of our net purchases under the asset purchase programme (APP) will critically
depend on a thorough reassessment of the medium-term inflation outlook.』
『By gradually shifting the policy mix away from net asset purchases, we
will prevent the distributional footprint of our measures from increasing
and mitigate financial stability risks while the economy recovers.』
思いっきり「gradually shifting the policy mix away from net asset purchases」と仰せですな。
『These considerations are also relevant in determining the appropriate
sequencing when the time has come to gradually withdraw monetary stimulus.』
『One reason for ending net asset purchases before raising policy rates
has to do with the potentially adverse distributional consequences of reversing
the order of policy normalisation.』
『In raising policy rates before ending net asset purchases, central banks
would be willingly accepting losses on their balance sheets that would
ultimately lead to losses for the average taxpayer, and the continuation
of net asset purchases would benefit mostly wealthier households.』
『Our forward guidance, in turn, ensures that we will not respond hastily to rising inflation rates.』
『We are taking the impact of current high inflation rates on the purchasing
power of people very seriously. We recognise that current high energy inflation
has a particularly concerning effect on the incomes of households at the
lower end of the income distribution.』
『However, monetary policy cannot mitigate short-term spikes in inflation.
Because of the long lags in the transmission of monetary policy, our mandate
is firmly framed in terms of the medium term. Our efforts are therefore
focused on assessing how persistent current price pressures will ultimately
『At our last Governing Council meeting, we concluded that there remains
good reason to believe that euro area inflation will decline visibly over
the course of next year and gradually fall back below our target of 2%
in the medium term, meaning that the conditions for raising interest rates,
as set out in our revised forward guidance, are very unlikely to be met
next year.』
will decline visibly over the course of next year)2%に落ち着くので、利上げは特に急ぐ必要ないし来年中に利上げ局面にはならんがな、という見通しになっとりますと金利の話になると急に賢者モードになる。
『Prematurely raising policy rates in response to a temporary inflation
surge would hurt households with low incomes the most. By choking the recovery,
it would put employment opportunities at risk, especially for the many
workers that have still not been able to rejoin the labour market.』
『Nonetheless, significant uncertainty remains as to how persistent some
of the current price pressures will prove to be. The ECB therefore continues
to carefully monitor inflationary developments in the euro area.
Thank you.』
Monetary policy and inequality
Speech by Isabel Schnabel, Member of the Executive Board of the ECB, at
a virtual conference on “Diversity and Inclusion in Economics, Finance,
and Central Banking”
Frankfurt am Main, 9 November 2021
金曜の続きで『Asset prices, wealth and monetary policy』って話ですが、まあだいたい金曜の趣旨から言いますと「金融政策でアセットパーチェスをしているのは資産価格を上昇させるために行っている訳ではなく、あくまでも経済物価情勢を望ましい方向に持って行くためのものです」って論理だてにするんでしょうなあ、というのは概ね連想が出来る訳です。
『New research, however, suggests that the effects of monetary policy on
the broader income distribution are more nuanced when also considering
realised capital gains, such as from sales of shares or real estate, which
are typically not included in official measures of personal income.』
『Based on highly disaggregated data, economists at Sveriges Riksbank found
that the effects of monetary policy on the income distribution are U-shaped
once realised capital gains are included - that is, both low and high-income
earners benefit disproportionally from lower interest rates, at the expense
of the middle class.』
『In other words, net wealth also generates revenue. And capital income
and realised capital gains typically constitute a larger share of total
income for those at the top of the income distribution.』
Monetary policy easing predominantly affects labour income, not interest rate income
Effect of a policy rate rate cut on savers and borrowers
Monetary policy reduces income inequality as low-income households benefit most
Assets purchased by central banks are typically held by wealthiest households
ってあって、左のグラフがAPP and PEPP holdings of the EurosystemとAPPで何を買ったかというのがあるのですけれども、右のグラフがShare
of households owning bonds, mutual funds and sharesとあって、平均とトップとボトムの家計における債券や投資信託や株式の家計資産における保有比率、というのが出ていまして、つまりはスライドのお題にある「中央銀行が購入する資産は富裕層の家計に典型的に保有されている」というお話。
Portfolio rebalancing by institutional investors may have spurred house price increases
Asset purchases have a larger impact on house prices than policy rate changes
House prices are increasingly overvalued while lending remains buoyant
『Evidence from Denmark, also based on household-level data, even suggests
that households with the highest incomes tend to benefit the most from
lower interest rates. Monetary policy then increases income inequality.』
policy then increases income inequality」というお話になりました。
『These different findings do not necessarily contradict each other. After
all, the distribution of assets and liabilities varies across economies.
But they do suggest that the distribution of net wealth, and the effects
of monetary policy on the prices of real and financial assets, play an
important role in the overall picture.』
『This asset price channel is likely to have become more important over time.』
『Faced with the constraints of the zero-lower bound and years of subdued
price pressure, many central banks have increasingly resorted to asset
purchases to stimulate or stabilise the economy. The ECB, for example,
since late 2014 has bought sovereign and corporate bonds worth more than
-4.5 trillion, or nearly 40% of euro area GDP in 2019 (Slide 9, left-hand
『Such purchases are a necessary, suitable and proportionate instrument
for central banks to fulfil their statutory mandates when policy rates
are close to the effective lower bound.』
『But since they directly affect the prices of longer-dated assets, their
impact on relative incomes and wealth may be more pronounced than that
of changes in short-term policy rates.』
次の小見出しが『Direct distributional effects of asset purchases』ということで資産買入の直接的な分配に与える効果、とのことですが、だいたいさっきネタにしたスライドで話の展開はお察しかと思いますが、アタクシのつけた小見出しのように、更に重要な論点をぶっこみにいっておるシュナーベル理事。
『I would distinguish between two types of effect: direct and indirect.』
『The direct effect relates to the capital gains that the holders of securities
accrue because of our purchases. These benefits tend to be highly concentrated.
In the euro area, low-wealth households tend to predominantly invest their
financial assets in short-term bank deposits. Less than 0.1% of households
in the bottom net wealth quintile hold bonds, compared with more than 10%
of the top decile (Slide 9, right-hand chart).
And only around 1% of low-wealth households hold shares in mutual funds,
compared with 30% of households in the top net wealth decile. Similar shares
are found for stock holdings.』
『Hence, central banks purchasing longer-dated assets disproportionally
benefit wealthier households whose assets tend to have longer durations
than their liabilities.』
『In addition, when considering the consolidated balance sheet of the public
sector, which includes the central bank, there is a risk that very long
periods of asset purchases may penalise the average taxpayer in a future
『New research shows that there is a trade-off between protecting bondholders
by making debt safe, and protecting taxpayers by providing fiscal support
in economic downturns.』
『Low and negative interest rates have mitigated this trade-off. But to
the extent that asset purchases contribute to making debt safer, they may,
at some point, be protecting bondholders at the expense of the average
『None of these effects call into question the stabilising power of asset
purchases that benefits society at large in a deep recession, or when financial
markets are at risk of collapse. At the lower bound, asset purchases have
become an indispensable tool for monetary policy.』
『Research also suggests that the eventual welfare consequences from higher
asset prices are, on the face of it, unclear - that is, whether valuation
gains will translate into higher consumption inequality depends critically
on whether households will ultimately respond to higher market values of
assets. Often, this is not the case.』
『Rather, what these findings suggest is that, once the economy has stabilised,
undesirable distributional effects from asset purchases may increase.』
よって案の定ですが、「資産買入の直接的な影響」の締めは「once the economy
has stabilised, undesirable distributional effects from asset purchases
may increase.」と実にイイハナシダナーなことを仰せになっておりまして、日本はどう見ても主要国の流れに置いて行かれているのが明白ですし、こういう話題が「主な意見」を見てもレーン理事の毛髪程も出てこないというジャパンの政策委員会というのはやはり首から上に乾燥ヘチマを乗せておられる方々の集団である、と断じざるを得ませんわな。
次が『Indirect distributional effects of asset purchases』である。
『This brings me to the indirect effects of our purchases on the distribution
of wealth and income, namely the broader portfolio rebalancing triggered
by the compression of risk-free interest rates.』
『Faced with low and falling yields, many investors have looked beyond
financial markets to generate returns for their clients. Real assets, including
residential and commercial real estate, have been among the key asset classes
experiencing significant investor interest, even well before the pandemic.』
『In the Netherlands, for example, real estate investment trusts owned
assets worth almost 10% of the country’s GDP in 2018 (Slide 10, left-hand
chart). In Germany, that percentage share reached 5% last year, having
continued to rise even during the pandemic.』
『Residential real estate transactions account for a growing share of the
acquisitions of these and other institutional investors. According to data
from Real Capital Analytics, residential real estate assets accounted for
one-fifth of institutional investors’ total transactions in the first
half of 2021.』
『Research by the International Monetary Fund (IMF) has found that those
investors respond to global financial conditions. By searching for yield
in a low interest rate environment, they may have played a non-negligible
role in pushing up real estate prices in recent years, not only in the
euro area but across advanced economies, especially in major cities.』
『As a result, house prices are increasingly behaving like those of any
other globally traded financial asset, and therefore risk diverging from
national income developments.』
『In the euro area, for example, residential property prices have risen
by 35% since 2015, noticeably faster than disposable income (Slide 10,
right-hand chart). In Germany, house prices have even soared by nearly
60% over the same period, and by more than 10% compared with last year.』
『Of course, rising house prices reflect a variety of factors, in particular
supply constraints owing to a lack of building permits and demand-side
factors such as the migration to urban areas or greater demand for living
space per capita. Monetary policy and low interest rates are only one factor.』
『Yet, new ECB research corroborates the IMF’s findings, suggesting that
unconventional monetary policy measures, such as asset purchases, are likely
to have a significantly larger impact on house prices than changes in short-term
policy rates (Slide 11, left-hand chart).』
『In countries where homeownership rates have traditionally been high,
such as Spain, Italy and Portugal, the impact of rising house prices on
economic inequality is less alarming, with house price increases generally
benefiting a large share of the population.』
『But in countries such as Germany and Austria, where less than half of
the population owns their main residence, the recent sharp increase in
house prices could heighten inequality and social tensions. In the Netherlands
and France too, over 40% of households do not own their main residence.』
『Surging house prices are making it more difficult for people living in
those countries to afford housing and accumulate wealth - a concern that
has been raised at a number of our “ECB Listens” events.』
この住宅価格上昇の問題はこれらの国での“ECB Listens”で多く指摘されました、ってそらそうだ。
『Indeed, homeownership rates in most euro area countries have fallen over
the past few years. Today, fewer households own their main residence, both
in countries that have suffered economic hardship in the wake of the sovereign
debt crisis, and in countries that have prospered, such as Germany and
『Rising house prices are also making it harder for low-income workers
and younger generations to relocate, potentially exacerbating labour shortages
in major cities.』
『Even before the pandemic, around one-third of all households in the lowest
quintile of the income distribution were overburdened, meaning that their
total housing costs amounted to more than 40% of their disposable income.』
『Although the pass-through of house price increases to rents is not generally
one to one, in part reflecting the relatively large share of administered
rental contracts, over time investors who have acquired property while
prices are high will want to recover some of their purchase price.』
で、最後に『Conclusion and policy implications』という肝心のお話になるのですが、ここで時間切れになってしまいましたのですいません続きは明日で勘弁して下さい。まあでもこの話から言ったらお察しの内容だと思いますし、まあそういう話をしております。
Monetary policy and inequality
Speech by Isabel Schnabel, Member of the Executive Board of the ECB, at a virtual conference on
“Diversity and Inclusion in Economics, Finance, and Central Banking”
Frankfurt am Main, 9 November 2021
『Economic and social inequality is one of the biggest challenges facing
societies worldwide. Even before the outbreak of the coronavirus (COVID-19)
pandemic, a large majority of European citizens considered differences
in people’s incomes to be too large and thought the government should
take measures to reduce them.』
『The pandemic has exacerbated perceptions of rising inequality. Despite
far-reaching fiscal measures supporting the incomes of those most affected
by the crisis in particular, rising asset prices, such as those of stocks
and real estate, have fuelled concerns in parts of society about an economic
system that is increasingly perceived as being unjust.』
economic system that is increasingly perceived as being unjust」とか正義不正義問題の論点になっております、というのは割と踏み込んでまして(個人の感想です)、
『Central banks are no longer considered bystanders in this discussion.
The use of asset purchases, in particular, has triggered concerns that
monetary policy may raise economic inequality by favouring those who own
financial assets.』
『In my remarks today I would like to respond to these concerns by discussing
the distributional effects of monetary policy. I will start by explaining
that structural trends, far beyond the realm of monetary policy, have been
the main drivers of rising economic inequality, and that it is the responsibility
of elected governments to mitigate their effects.』
『I will then show that, by pursuing our primary mandate, monetary policy
tends to reduce labour income inequality, as the earnings of households
in lower income quintiles are, on average, more sensitive to sharp downturns
in economic activity.』
『Finally, I will argue that the effects of monetary policy on wealth inequality
are less clear. A substantial part of the euro area population do not own
bonds, shares or real estate, and - to the extent that some policy instruments,
such as asset purchases, boost the prices of these assets - there is a
risk that monetary policy may disproportionally benefit those in the higher
ranks of the wealth distribution.』
『Central banks therefore have a duty to integrate such considerations
into their decision-making process as part of their regular proportionality
assessment, so as to choose a set of policy instruments that ensures their
mandate is fulfilled while minimising the potential distributional effects
of monetary policy.』
and inflation」ってお題で、「Inflation is unexpectedly high at the moment,
but there are powerful reasons to believe it will fall next year, Chief
Economist Philip R. Lane tells El Pais. In our monetary policy, we have
to be sufficiently patient so as not to overreact to a temporary increase
in inflation.」とかスペインの代表的新聞のElPais紙インタビューにお答えしてますな)のですが、「中央銀行の資産買入が富の不均衡を生じさせている」とか益々火の玉ストレートな批判が飛んできてて、こうやって説明しなけりゃいかんのか、というような状況になってきてるんだなあと思いましたが、まあこちとらEU市民でも何でもないので事実として欧州でどういう話になっているのかとかイマイチ良くワカランチ会長で困りますが、まあこの手の「ご説明」が来るというのはそれなりに状況としてキタコレモードなのでは無いかと愚考する次第。
次の小見出しが『Structural forces driving trends in inequality』なのですが、ここは読み物としては面白そうなのですが、要は「このような構造問題は金融政策としてはシランガナということしかできませんのでご勘弁」の材料を並べておる項目なので後で読むかもしれないけど先を急ぐために全部飛ばしまして(手抜き)、金融政策の分配効果という小見出し、『Distributional
effects of monetary policy』から参ります。
『Inequality is thus, by and large, the result of long-term structural
trends. The question, then, is whether there is also a link between monetary
policy and inequality, and whether and how central banks should take distributional
effects into account when conducting policy.
There are two aspects to this question.』
『The first is the impact of inequality on the transmission of monetary
policy. For a long time, policymakers have largely ignored distributional
effects, with mainstream central bank models building on the notion of
a single representative household.』
『Today, heterogeneity in income and wealth is widely considered to be a prime channel of policy transmission.』
『Differences in how spending behaviour of individual households changes
in response to income and wealth shocks - the marginal propensity to consume
- are likely to significantly influence the effectiveness of monetary policy.』
『Income inequality can also constrain how much space there is for monetary policy to respond to disinflationary shocks.』
『In the United States, for example, new research suggests that the marked
rise in the income share of high-income cohorts is likely to have been
a prime driver behind the significant and persistent increase in the economy’s
aggregate savings rate, putting downward pressure on real interest rates.』
『Lower real interest rates, in turn, have made it more difficult for monetary
policy to stabilise or stimulate the economy through cuts in the main policy
『The second aspect is whether or not, and how, monetary policy itself may affect the distribution of income and wealth.』
『A natural starting point to answering this question is the primary mandate
of many central banks: protecting price stability.』
『Inflation is often considered one of the most regressive taxes.』
『Differences in spending patterns across households often imply that the
cost of living of poorer households is most sensitive to fluctuations in
the level of prices.』
『By protecting the purchasing power of people, monetary policy has been
an important source of improvement in livelihoods of households with low
income. There is broad empirical evidence suggesting that income inequality
tends to decline visibly when monetary policy succeeds in anchoring inflation
at low and stable levels.』
『Monetary policy also has effects on the distribution of income and wealth
in the way it transmits through the economy.』
『Changes in interest rates, for example, always have distributional consequences,
whether they reflect a change in the monetary policy stance or whether
they are the result of other macroeconomic factors, such as changes in
the demand for capital.』
『As a rule, changes in interest rates redistribute income between debtors
and creditors. They also have an impact on aggregate spending by changing
the incentives for savings and investments, which then affects prices,
employment, income and wealth.』
『Research shows that the impact on aggregate spending by far dominates
the redistributive effect between debtors and creditors. While interest
income of net savers declines in response to a cut in policy rates, labour
income rises significantly for both net borrowers and net savers owing
to the stimulating effects of monetary easing on aggregate demand and employment
(Slide 7).』
『On net, a decline in interest rates is found to reduce income inequality,
as households with lower incomes tend to have, on average, a higher risk
of losing employment during a recession than workers further up the income
ladder, so that the positive effect of an expansionary monetary policy,
through its effect on GDP growth, mainly benefits the lowest income group
(Slide 8, left-hand chart).』
『This was also the case during the pandemic, where monetary policy has
played an important role in dampening cyclical increases in income inequality.』
『There is broad consensus that our pandemic emergency purchase programme
(PEPP) has prevented a collapse of the financial system, which could have
had dramatic consequences for society at large.』
『The global financial crisis of 2008-09 laid bare that large and protracted
recessions primarily hurt younger and less-skilled workers, with significant
risks of permanent scarring (Slide 8, right-hand chart).』
『The implication is that stability-oriented central banks, by pursuing
their primary mandate, tend to protect the most vulnerable and disadvantaged
members of society first and foremost.』
でもって次がメインイベントの『Asset prices, wealth and monetary policy』なのですがここで毎度の如く時間がなくなってしまいまして恐縮至極ですが、ただこのように金融政策への風当たりが米国もそうですが欧州でもキテルわーってのは思った訳でして、いやー日本は太平楽で結構なもんですなあ(白目)といった所で続きは来週にでも(すいません)。
Craig Torres、Jennifer Jacobs、Saleha Mohsin
2021年11月9日 11:30 JST 更新日時 2021年11月9日 12:48 JST
July 30, 2021
Assessing Progress as the Economy Moves from Reopening to Recovery
Governor Lael Brainard
『I am attentive to the risk that inflation pressures could broaden or
prove persistent, perhaps as a result of wage pressures, persistent increases
in rent, or businesses passing on a larger fraction of cost increases rather
than reducing markups, as in recent recoveries.』(上記URL先の7/30ブレイナード講演より)
2021年11月10日1:50 午前UPDATED
『[フランクフルト 9日 ロイター] - 欧州中央銀行(ECB)のシュナーベル専務理事は9日、ユーロ圏全体の住宅価格は現在、ファンダメンタルズに比べて過大評価されており、将来の価格調整に対して脆弱になっているとし、不動産価格の高騰を見過ごすことはできないと述べた。』(上記URL先より、以下同様)
Monetary policy and inequality
Speech by Isabel Schnabel, Member of the Executive Board of the ECB, at
a virtual conference on “Diversity and Inclusion in Economics, Finance,
and Central Banking”
Frankfurt am Main, 9 November 2021
prices, wealth and monetary policy』にああだこうだとあります。
ちなみにその中に「In the second quarter of this year, owner-occupied housing
would have contributed between 0.4 and 0.5 percentage points to a new,
augmented HICP.」とか仰せなのでロイターの記事は本件ということですが、「Conclusion
and policy implications」のところだけでも割と長いですね。
raising policy rates in response to a temporary inflation surge would hurt
households with low incomes the most. By choking the recovery, it would
put employment opportunities at risk, especially for the many workers that
have still not been able to rejoin the labour market.」って言ってますが、住宅価格上昇に関してもっと中央銀行は注意を払うべき的な事は全力で特攻しているのは確かに特攻している感がありまして、上記講演の『Asset
prices, wealth and monetary policy』以下辺りはネタになるなーとニッコリ(処理能力不足でゲッソリ)している所でございます。
Transcript of Chair Powell’s Press Conference
November 3, 2021
『HOWARD SCHNEIDER. Thanks, and thanks for doing this. So, given that answer
about employment, I would like to get back to Steve's question a little
bit. On a headline basis, just as it's evolved this year, do you feel that
the two tests on inflation have been met?』
『CHAIR POWELL. Sorry, the two tests?』
『HOWARD SCHNEIDER. The two tests, in the statement, the guidance, that
it has to hit 2 percent and be on track to moderately be above 2 percent.
Has the economy cleared that?』
『CHAIR POWELL. That's a decision for the Committee. I would put it to
you this way. When we reach maximum employment, when we reach a state where
labor market conditions are at maximum employment in the Committee's judgment,
it's very possible that the inflation test will already be met. We're aware
that that language sounds, it sounds a little out of touch with what's
going on, but you know, we're not at maximum employment. When that is the
case, we'll look to see whether the inflation test is met, and there's
a good chance that it will be if you look at how inflation has evolved
in the last year and a half.』
物価は目標達成したよ、とは説明しているけど冒頭に「That's a decision for
the Committee.」とか言ってる時点で引っ掛け質問に引っ掛からないようにしている感があって(個人の感想です)パウエルさんやりますな、と思ったら更問いが来ました。
『HOWARD SCHNEIDER. So, to follow up, so you're not willing to commit that
the current levels of inflation and their persistence have met moderately
and for some time. So, given that, I mean how should we wonder what moderately
over for some time means?』
今度はまた物価の方に砲撃されていますな。利上げ着手の条件として「be on track
to moderately be above 2 percent」があるんですが、じゃあこの「moderately
over for some time」とはどんな期間を言うのか?とか言われて、こんなの当然誤魔化して答えるしかないと思うのですがパウエルさんの回答は、
『CHAIR POWELL. What I'm really saying is that question is not before us right now.』
『You know, we had the question on when to taper. We've now answered that
question and the speed of it and all that. We have not focused on whether
we meet the lift-off test because we don't meet the lift-off test now because
we're not at maximum employment. What I'm saying is, given where inflation
is and where it's projected to be, let's say we do meet the maximum employment
test, then the Committee, the question for the Committee at that time will
be has the inflation test been met, and you know, I don't want to get ahead
of the Committee on that, but the answer may very well be, yes, it's been
met, but we're not asking that question today because we're not running
a lift-off test, we're not evaluating a lift-off test today.』
『We didn't have that discussion at today's meeting. We did talk about
the economy and the development of the economy, but we didn't ask ourselves
whether the lift-off test is met, because, you know, it's clearly not met
on the maximum employment side.』
『MATTHEW BOESLER. Hi Chair Powell, Matthew Boesler with Bloomberg. So,
when you're looking at this question of assessing whether or not the U.S.
economy is at maximum employment, do you have a framework for making that
judgment that is independent of what inflation is doing? And if not, does
it kind of complicate that assessment given all of the uncertainty about
inflation right now and the inclination to believe that, you know, the
high inflation we're seeing is not related to capacity utilization in the
labor market. Thank you. 』
『CHAIR POWELL. So, we don't actually define maximum employment as, we
define it in terms of inflation, but of course, there is a connection there.』
『Maximum employment has to be a level that is consistent with stable prices.
But that's not really how we think about it. We think about maximum employment
as looking at a broad range of things. You can't just look at, unlike inflation
where you can have a number, but with maximum employment you could be in
a situation hypothetically where the unemployment rate is low, but there
are many people who are out of the labor force and will come back in.』
『And so, you wouldn't really be at maximum employment because there's
this group that isn't counted as unemployed. So, we look at a range of
things. So, the thing is by many measures we are at a very tight labor
market. I mentioned quits and job openings and wages and things, many of
them are signaling a tight labor market, but the issue is, how persistent
is that? Because you have people who are held out of the labor market,
you know, of their own, they're holding themselves out of the labor market
because of caretaking needs or because of fear of COVID or for whatever
reason, they're staying out. And it's clear that there are, you know, with
tremendous demand for workers and wages moving up, it does seem like we're
set up to go back to a higher job creation. So, that would suggest that
you're not at maximum employment.』
『So, at the end of the day, it is a judgment thing. But of course, at
the end of it, it also has to be a level of employment that's consistent
with price stability.』
『MATTHEW BOESLER. And if I could just follow up briefly, you know, you
talked a little bit about this possibility that the two goals might be
in tension and how you would have to balance those two things, could you
talk a little bit about what the Fed's process for balancing those two
goals would be in the event that, say come next year you decide there's
a serious risk of persistent inflationary pressures despite ongoing employment
『CHAIR POWELL. Yeah. I mean, again, it's a risk management thing. It's
not, I can't reduce it to an equation, but ultimately, it's about risk
『So, you want to be in a position to act, to cover the full range of plausible
outcomes, not just the base case. And in this case, the risk is skewed
for now. It appears to be skewed toward higher inflation. So, we need to
be in a position to act in case it becomes necessary to do so or appropriate
to do so, and we think we will be. So, that's how we're thinking about
『And I think, though, that judgmentally too, it's appropriate to be patient.
It's appropriate for us to see what the labor market and what the economy
look like when they heal further.』
『We know that we were on a path to a different place, as I mentioned,
when Delta arrived, and Delta stopped, it stopped job creation. It stopped
that transition away from a goods focused economy where there's excess
demands for goods because their services are not available, people are
not traveling.』
『That transition itself could help bring inflation down, because presumably
people would spend a little less on goods while they start spending more
on travel and all sorts of travel services and things like that. So, we
want to see that healthy process unfold as we decide what the true state
of the economy is, and we think it will evolve in a way that will mean
lower inflation. 』
『Bottlenecks should be abating. We start to see that now with some of
them, but overall, they haven't gotten better overall, and you know, we're
very aware of that. So, that's really how we're thinking about it. We're
thinking that time will tell us more.』
『In the meantime, we don't think it's time to raise rates now. You know,
if we do conclude that it's necessary to do so, then we'll be patient,
but we won't hesitate.』
利上げに関しては、「if we do conclude that it's necessary to do so, then
we'll be patient, but we won't hesitate.」ってまたまたペイシャントのキーワードをぶっこんでいるのですが、結局必要ならヘジテートしませんって言ってて、どっちやねんって感じですが、まあこれ以上言いようがないって事で、ここから先は物価と、ベースの物価がどうなっているかという話で多分賃金とか、雇用者数云々よりもレーバーフォースの辺りとかを見ながらさてどうなんでしょ、って話になるんでしょうかね、よーわからんけど。
ビジネス特集 危機は、終わったのか
2021年11月2日 17時36分
2021年11月9日3:45 午前
David Goodman (London)
2021年11月4日 23:34 JST
Alaa Shahine
2021年10月18日 2:36 JST 更新日時 2021年10月18日 7:32 JST
おまいらこっちがFOMC後の会見テキストのネタ終わってないのにバンバンぶち込むんじゃねえよ、と思うのですが、まあどうせ来年6月まではオートパイロット(ただし前方には雷雲ありウィンドシェアあり視界は不良)でしょう、と今のところは割り切ってのんびりと構えておりますが、そうは言いましてもさっきマクラに乗っけた公共放送ちゃんの特集記事での「物価上昇がアカンタレ状態になっておる」ネタ(再掲するとhttps://www3.nhk.or.jp/news/html/20211102/k10013331531000.htmlビジネス特集 危機は、終わったのか 2021年11月2日
2021年11月9日6:15 午前
FRB当局者、金利巡る議論に焦点 雇用・インフレ注視
『[ワシントン 8日 ロイター] - 米連邦準備理事会(FRB)当局者は8日、政策金利を巡る議論に焦点を当て始めた。FRBがテーパリング(量的緩和の縮小)開始を発表し、早ければ来年見込まれる利上げへの準備を進める中、このような議論が今後数カ月で活発化する見込みだ。』(上記URL先より、以下同様)
Craig Torres
2021年11月8日 23:41 JST 更新日時 2021年11月9日 6:24 JST
November 08, 2021
Flexible Average Inflation Targeting and Prospects for U.S. Monetary Policy
Vice Chair Richard H. Clarida
At the Symposium on Monetary Policy Frameworks, The Brookings Institution, Washington, D.C. (via webcast)
2021年11月9日4:45 午前
Last Updated: 11/08/21
What’s Driving Growth and Inflation?
A speech presented virtually by Charles Evans, president and chief executive
officer, Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago, on November 8, 2021, at the Original
Equipment Suppliers Association (OESA) 2021 Automotive Supplier Conference:
Beyond Disruption in Novi, MI.
2021年11月9日3:40 午前
UPDATE 1-FRB、緩和縮小完了まで利上げせず=フィラデルフィア連銀総裁
The Economy, Inflation, and Housing
Patrick T. Harker
by Patrick T. Harker President and Chief Executive Officer
08 Nov ’21
The Economic Club of New York | Virtual Event
Narayana Kocherlakota
2021年11月6日 5:16 JST
2021年11月9日2:15 午前4時間前更新
『[8日 ロイター] - 米ニューヨーク連銀が8日公表した10月の月次調査では、米消費者の1年先のインフレ期待中央値が5.7%と12カ月連続で上昇し、2013年6月の調査開始以降で最高となった。9月は5.3%だった。』(上記URL先より、以下同様)
Transcript of Chair Powell’s Press Conference
November 3, 2021
『CHRIS RUGABER. Great. Thank you, Michelle. Thank you, Chair Powell. Well,
I wonder if you could update us, you talked about getting back to full
employment, and so, could you update how you define that? I mean you've,
you know, a few months ago, yourself and other Fed officials talked about
getting back to the pre-COVID labor market. There was even hints you might
try to do something better than that. Now, we heard talk of, as you mentioned,
people retiring, and there's talk of not being able to get back as, all
the jobs back because of that and other trends. You did mention the prime-age
folks. So, can you give us some examples of things you're looking at specifically
to measure full employment. Will you be looking at prime-age employment
population ratio, for example, and if so, do you need to see it get back
to preCOVID levels to achieve maximum employment, or is there something
short of that that would work? Thank you.』
『CHAIR POWELL. Thanks. So, maximum employment is, it's a broad, what we
say broad-based and inclusive goal that's not directly measurable and changes
over time due to various factors.』
あと、強いて申し上げますとこの最大雇用に関して「changes over time due to
various factors.」って言ってるのは、そのこと自体はその通りなので別に意図的じゃないのかなとも思いますが、この部分をわざと意図的に入れている可能性というのもあるのですよ。
『You can't specify a specific goal. So, it's taking into account quite
a broad range of things, and of course, employment, levels of employment,
participation are a part of that. But in addition, there are other measures
of what's going on in the labor market, like wages is a key measure of
how tight the labor market is. The level of quits. The amount of job openings.
The flows in and out of various states. So, we look at so many different
things, and you make an overall judgment.』
色々と列挙しているどさくさに紛れて「wages is a key measure of how tight
the labor market is」とか入れ込んでいるのよね。
『Now, the temptation at the beginning of the recovery was to look at the
data in February of 2020 and say, well, that's the goal because we didn't
know any, that's what we knew. We knew that as achievable in a context
of low inflation.』
『I think we're in a, you know, we're learning that. We have to be humble
about what we know about this economy, which is still very, you know, COVID
affected, by the way. A lot of what we're seeing in the last 90 days is
because of Delta.』
『We were on a path to a very different place. Delta put us on a different
path, and we see these things. But, so, I think we're going to have to,
ideally we would have, we would see further development of the labor market
in a context where there isn't another COVID spike, and then we would be
able to see, I think, a lot. We would see whether, how does participation
react in that world, in that sort of post-COVID world. 』
『Right now, people are staying out of the labor market because of caretaking,
because of fear of COVID to a significant extent. You know, we thought
that schools reopening and elapsing unemployment benefits would produce
some sort of additional labor supply. That doesn't seem to have been the
case, interestingly. So, I think there's room for a whole lot of humility
here as we try to think about what maximum employment would be.』
『We're going to have to see some time post-COVID so that we know, or post-Delta,
anyway, to see what is possible.』
『And I think the learning for those of us who lived through the last cycle
is that over time you can get to places that didn't look possible. Now,
what we also have now though is we have high inflation. So, we have a completely
different situation now where we have high inflation, and we have to balance
that with what's going on in the employment market.』
『So, it's a complicated situation, and I would say we will, we hope to
achieve significantly greater clarity about where this economy is going
and what the characteristics of the post-pandemic economy are over the
first half of next year.』
Transcript of Chair Powell’s Press Conference
November 3, 2021
『NICK TIMIRAOS. Hi. Nick Timiraos of The Wall Street Journal. Chair Powell,
the markets anticipate you will raise rates once or twice next year. Are
they wrong?』
『CHAIR POWELL. So, I would say it this way. We try to focus on what we
can control,and that is how to communicate as clearly as possible in this
highly uncertain world how we're thinking about the economic outlook and
the balance of risks and how policy will evolve in that case and also in
the cases, which are frequent where the economy evolves in unexpected ways.』
『So, the focus at this meeting is on tapering asset purchases, not on
raising rates. It is time to taper, we think, because the economy has achieved
substantial further progress toward our goals, measured from last December.
We don't think it's time yet to raise interest rates. There is still ground
to cover to reach maximum employment both in terms of employment and in
terms of participation.』
『Getting to your question, our baseline expectation is that supply bottlenecks
and shortages will persist well into next year, and elevated inflation
as well and that as the pandemic subsides, supply chain bottlenecks will
abate, and job growth will move back up. And as that happens, inflation
will decline from today's elevated levels. 』
『Of course, the timing of that is highly uncertain, but certainly we should
see inflation moving down by the second or third quarter.』
『The time for lifting rates and beginning to remove accommodation will
depend on the path of the economy. We think we can be patient. If a response
is called for, we will not hesitate.』
is expectedではあるのですが、「物価の高止まりが一時的だと思うんだけどうーむ」みたいな記述になっている辺り、別にダビッシュでも何でもないので、もうパウエルの黄金パターンになっていますが、声明文でやや強めの事を入れるんですが、会見ではダビッシュに捉えられるような言い方の工夫を物凄い勢いでしていて、今回だってよく考えてみれば今年の頭の頃には来年の頭にテーパリング着手位ですかねえ精々、とか言ってたのがなんと来年の6月半ばにテーパー終了のプログラムをぶっこんでも何も市場が動揺しない(2月3月の金利上昇時よりとくに長い所上昇してないわな)んですから、きちんとやることはやりながら良く計算してやってると思うのよね。ダマテンテーパーする代わりにマクロ加算のミルフィーユ作るのどっかの中銀と違って。
『So, what I will tell you is we will be watching carefully to see whether
the economy evolves inl ine with our expectations, and policy will adapt
appropriately. And that's what I would say.』
『NICK TIMIRAOS. Based on, if I could follow up, based on your current
outlook for the labor market, do you think it's possible or likely even
that maximum employment could be achieved by the second half of next year?』
『CHAIR POWELL. So, if you look at the progress that we've made over the
course of the last year, if that pace were to continue, then the answer
would be yes, I do think that that is possible. Of course, we measure maximum
employment based on a wide range of figures, but it's certainly within
the realm of possibility.』
『NICK TIMIRAOS. Thank you. 』
まあ「second half of next year」には幅があって、年末近くでも「年後半」であることは変わりないですし、「来年2回利上げ」について聞かれるとそうは言えんでしょうが、SEPのドットプロット(いい加減止めれば良いのですが、事ここに至るとドットプロット公表を止めること自体が変な思惑を生んでしまうので、正常化が終わらないとドットプロット継続するしかないでしょうねえ)で来年末には1回は利上げしている派の方が多いのですから全否定はできませんな。
とは言いましてもパウエルさん、「if that pace were to continue, then the
answer would be yes」ということで、「昨年の雇用改善ペースがもし仮に継続するようであれば」と言ってて、FEDの経済情勢のメインシナリオだったら、と言わないで説明するところが中々の狸おじさんでして、FEDの見通し通りだったら金利政策どうなるの、という話からきっちりと逃げながら最後はニックさんにサンキューと言わせて逃げるのでありました。
『JEANNA SMIALEK. Hi Chair Powell. I was wondering if you could detail
a little bit how you're thinking about wages at this moment.』
『Obviously, we're seeing strong wage growth, particularly for people in
sort of lower-income fields. I wonder if you see that as a positive thing
or as a potential start to a wage price spiral and sort of how you sort
of delineate those two things.』
『CHAIR POWELL. So, wages have been moving up strongly, very strongly,
and in particular, I would point to the Employment Compensation Index reading
that we got last Friday.』
『Now, in real terms, they've been, they had been running a little bit
below inflation, so real wages were not really increasing. I think with
the ECI reading, it becomes close to maybe not increasing but close to
back to zero in terms of the real increase.』
『So, wages moving up, of course, is how standard of living increases over
the years for generation upon generation. It's very important, and it's
generally a good thing.』
『You know, the concern is a somewhat unusual case where if wages were
to be rising persistently and materially above inflation and productivity
gains, that could put upward pressure on or downward pressure on margins
and cause companies to their employers really to raise prices as a result,
and you can see yourself, find yourself in what we used to call a wage
price spiral.』
スパイラルが起きるのは「a somewhat unusual case」だそうで、まあそこについて今から警戒しているとも言わない辺りは下手なヘッドライン打たれないようにという配慮が物凄いんですけど、パウエルさん、「if
wages were to be rising persistently and materially above inflation and
productivity gains, that could put upward pressure on or downward pressure
on margins and cause companies to their employers really to raise prices
as a result」とゆうとるんですが、じゃあ物価上昇率程度にしか賃金が上がらんかったらスパイラルにならんのか、というとこれまた別もんのような気がする(個人の霊感です)のですけどね。
somewhat unusual case」なんじゃなかろうかと思うのだがどうでしょうかね。
『We don't have evidence of that yet. Productivity has been very high.
The ECI reading is just one reading. Again, if you look back, we -- so
we'll be watching this carefully, but I would say that at this point we
don't see troubling increases in wages, and we don't expect those to emerge,
but we'll be watching carefully.』
ただ、そう言いながらも最後の方では「at this point we don't see troubling
increases in wages, and we don't expect those to emerge, but we'll be watching
『STEVE LIESMAN. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. I wonder if you could perhaps
give us your thinking about the tradeoffs between inflation and unemployment.』
『You talked about the shortfall of unemployment, reemployment relative
to before the pandemic, and yet, you have inflation, which is affecting
『Are we at or close to a point where the risk of inflation is greater
than the benefit that you'd, for recovering these lost jobs so that now
from a risk management standpoint, it makes sense to move more aggressively
on rate hikes.』
『Kind of a related question, the statement today says you'll keep policy
accommodative until you hit that 2 percent inflation target. Our surveys
show looking for 5 percent inflation this year, 3.5 percent next year,
it sure seems like you're on track to modestly or moderately exceed that
2 percent target. Thanks.』
track to modestly or moderately exceed that 2 percent target」と言うのか、とイヤミ全開です。
『CHAIR POWELL. Yeah. So, I'm not sure I totally got your first question,
but I would say -- in fact, could you just quickly, succinctly say your
first question again?』
『STEVE LIESMAN. Sure. The idea that the tradeoff between inflation and
unemployment, that you would keep the policy accommodative to put this
5 million folks, or find these 5 million jobs again, at the same time all
Americans will be suffering from higher inflation.』
『Is that tradeoff worth it or is it better or smarter to raise rates right
now to combat inflation and perhaps not lean so heavily on the employment
side of the mandate?』
露骨に来ましたな。「all Americans will be suffering from higher inflation」になっても雇用の最大化を目指すのけ??とはこれはまた。
『CHAIR POWELL. Yeah, so, you know, this isn't the traditional Phillips
curve situation where there's a direct tradeoff. That's really what we're
talking about.』
現状の物価と雇用の関係はダイレクトなトレードオフのある「traditional Phillips
curve situation」ではない、という説明で来ました。即ち、
『The inflation that we're seeing is really not due to a tight labor market.
It's due to bottlenecks, and it's due to shortages, and it's due to very
strong demand meeting those.』
『So, I think it's not the classical situation where you have that precise
tradeoff. But, you know, in this situation, we do have a provision in our
statement of longer-run goals, as you know, that says when those two things
are in tension, what we do is we take into account the employment shortfalls
and inflation deviations and the potentially different time horizons over
which employment and inflation are projected to return to levels judged
consistent with the mandate.』
『So, we used to call that balanced approach paragraph. We have to think
about the amount of the deviation. We have to think about the time it will
take, and we have to make policy in a world where the two goals are in
tension. It's very difficult.』
『But what it really boils down to is something that's common sense, and that is risk management.』
『We have to be aware of the risks that we're, particularly now the risk
of significantly higher inflation. We see shortages and bottlenecks persisting
into next year, well into next year. We see higher inflation persisting,
and we have to be in position to address that risk should it become really
a threat to, should it create a threat of more persistent, longer-term
inflation, and that's what we think our policy is doing now. It's putting
us in a position to be able to address the range of plausible outcomes.』
『RACHEL SIEGEL. Hi, Chair Powell. Thank you so much for taking our questions.
You mentioned at the beginning that the Fed understands the difficulties
that high inflation poses for individuals and families, especially those
with limited means.』
『What is your message to those families or consumers that are struggling
with higher prices right now, and do you feel that your expectations around
transitory inflation, that message is reaching them? Thank you.』
『CHAIR POWELL. Yeah. So, first of all, it is our job to, and we accept
the responsibility and accountability for inflation in the medium term.
We're accountable to Congress and to the American people for maximum employment
and price stability.』
『The level of inflation we have right now is not at all consistent with price stability.』
『By the way, we're also not at maximum employment, as I mentioned.』
『So, I would want to assure people that we will use our tools as appropriate to get inflation under control.』
『We don't think it's a good time to raise interest rates though because
we want to see the labor market heal further, and we have very good reason
to think that that will happen as the Delta variant declines.』
『So, which it's doing now. So, transitory is a word that people have had
different understandings of. For some, it carries a sense of short lived,
and that's, you know, there's a real time component, measured in months,
let's say. Really for us, what transitory has meant is that if something
is transitory, it will not leave behind it permanently or very persistently
higher inflation.』
『So, that's why we, you know, we took a step back from transitory. We
said expected to be transitory, first of all, to show uncertainty around
that. We've always said that, by the way, in other context. We just hadn't
done it in a statement. But also to acknowledge, really, that it means
different things to different people.』
『And then, we added some language to really explain more what we're talking
about in paragraph two and paragraph three. We said that supply and demand
imbalances related to the pandemic and the reopening of the economy have
contributed to sizeable price increases, and we said progress on vaccinations
and an easing of supply constraints are expected to support continued gains
in economic activity and employment as well as a reduction in inflation.
So, we're trying to explain what we mean and also acknowledging more uncertainty
about transitory. So, it's, I mean it's become a word that's attracted
a lot of attention that maybe is distracting from our message, which we
want to be as clear as possible. 』
『Ultimately, the only other thing I would say is, look, we understand
completely that it's particularly people who are living paycheck to paycheck
or seeing higher grocery costs, higher gasoline costs, when the winter
comes, higher heating costs for their homes. We understand completely what
they're going through, and you know, we will use our tools over time to
make sure that that doesn't become a permanent feature of life, really.
『That's one of our principal jobs, along with achieving maximum employment, and that's our commitment.』
Media Release
Statement by Philip Lowe, Governor: Monetary Policy Decision
Date2 November 2021
『At its meeting today, the Board decided to:
・maintain the cash rate target at 10 basis points and the interest rate on Exchange Settlement balances at zero per cent
・continue to purchase government securities at the rate of $4 billion a week until at least mid February 2022
・discontinue the target of 10 basis points for the April 2024 Australian Government bond.』
『The Board is committed to maintaining highly supportive monetary conditions
to achieve a return to full employment in Australia and inflation consistent
with the target. While inflation has picked up, it remains low in underlying
terms. Inflation pressures are also less than they are in many other countries,
not least because of the only modest wages growth in Australia.』
『The Board will not increase the cash rate until actual inflation is sustainably
within the 2 to 3 per cent target range. This will require the labour market
to be tight enough to generate wages growth that is materially higher than
it is currently. This is likely to take some time. The Board is prepared
to be patient, with the central forecast being for underlying inflation
to be no higher than 2-1/2 per cent at the end of 2023 and for only a gradual
increase in wages growth.』(分数表記数値部分だけ表示できる形式に直しました)
『The Governor will conduct a webinar, including a question and answer
session, at 4.00 pm AEDT today. This will be broadcast live on rba.gov.au.』
『Housing prices are continuing to rise in most markets and housing credit
growth has picked up due to stronger demand for credit by both owner-occupiers
and investors. The Bank welcomes APRA's recent decision to increase the
interest rate serviceability buffer on home loans. It is important that
lending standards are maintained at a time of historically low interest
Today's Monetary Policy Decision
Philip Lowe
2021年11月5日12:51 午前
英中銀、緩和策維持 経済想定通りなら「向こう数カ月」で引き締め必要
『[ロンドン 4日 ロイター] - イングランド銀行(英中央銀行)は4日の金融政策委員会で、7対2で政策金利を過去最低の0.1%に据え置くことを決定した。ただ、景気が想定通りに推移すれば「向こう数カ月」で利上げが必要になると表明し、近く引き締めに転じる可能性を排除しなかった。』(上記URL先より)
Bank Rate maintained at 0.1% - November 2021
Monetary Policy Summary and minutes of the Monetary Policy Committee meeting.
Policy Summary, 』の方の物価部分記述を拾ってみる。
『Twelve-month CPI inflation fell slightly from 3.2% in August to 3.1%
in September. Bank staff expect inflation to rise to just under 4% in October,
accounted for predominantly by the impact on utility bills of past strength
in wholesale gas prices. CPI inflation is then expected to rise to 4-1/2%
in November and remain around that level through the winter, accounted
for by further increases in core goods and food price inflation. Wholesale
gas prices have risen sharply since August. CPI inflation is now expected
to peak at around 5% in April 2022, materially higher than expected in
the August Report.』
『The upward pressure on CPI inflation is expected to dissipate over time,
as supply disruption eases, global demand rebalances, and energy prices
stop rising. As a result, CPI inflation is projected to fall back materially
from the second half of next year.』
『Conditioned on the market-implied path for Bank Rate and the MPC’s current
forecasting convention for future energy prices, CPI inflation is projected
to be a little above the 2% target in two years’ time and just below the
target at the end of the forecast period. 』
『In an alternative scenario that is conditioned on energy prices following
forward curves throughout the forecast period and as set out in the November
Report, CPI inflation falls back towards the target more rapidly than in
the MPC’s central projection, and is materially lower over the second
half of the forecast period.』
Transcript of Chair Powell’s Press Conference
November 3, 2021
『CHAIR POWELL. Good afternoon. At the Federal Reserve, we are strongly
committed to achieving the monetary policy goals that Congress has given
us: maximum employment and price stability.』
『Today the FOMC kept interest rates near zero and, in light of the progress
the economy has made toward our goals, decided to begin reducing the pace
of asset purchases.』
『With these actions, monetary policy will continue to provide strong support to the economic recovery.』
『Given the unprecedented nature of the disruptions related to the pandemic
and the reopening of the economy, we remain attentive to risks and will
ensure that our policy is well positioned to address the full range of
plausible economic outcomes. I will say more about our monetary policy
decisions after reviewing recent economic developments.』
とは言え、「we remain attentive to risks and will ensure that our policy
is well positioned to address the full range of plausible economic outcomes」と言ってて、金融市場がタントラムで暴れてアイヤーとなるのも困るが、一方で金融市場をあおるだけでオールアメリカンズの生活とか考えないで馬鹿緩和してやがる、と言われるのも困る、というような中々難しいポジションにいるんでしょうなあって思いました(個人の感想です)。
『Economic activity expanded at a 6.5 percent pace in the first half of
the year, reflecting progress on vaccinations, the reopening of the economy,
and strong policy support. In the third quarter, real GDP growth slowed
notably from this rapid pace. The summer’s surge in COVID cases from the
Delta variant has held back the recovery in the sectors most adversely
affected by the pandemic, including travel and leisure. Activity has also
been restrained by supply constraints and bottlenecks, notably in the motor
vehicle industry. As a result, both household spending and business investment
flattened out last quarter. Nonetheless, aggregate demand has been very
strong this year, buoyed by fiscal and monetary policy support and the
healthy financial positions of households and businesses. With COVID case
counts receding further and progress on vaccinations, economic growth should
pick up this quarter, resulting in strong growth for the year as a whole.』
『Conditions in the labor market have continued to improve and demand for workers remains very strong.』
『As with overall economic activity, the pace of improvement slowed with
the rise in COVID cases. In August and September, job gains averaged 280,000
per month, down from an average of about 1 million jobs per month in June
and July. The slowdown has been concentrated in sectors most sensitive
to the pandemic, including leisure and hospitality and education.』
『The unemployment rate was 4.8 percent in September; this figure understates
the shortfall in employment, particularly as participation in the labor
market remains subdued. Some of the softness in participation likely reflects
the aging of the population and retirements. But participation for prime-aged
individuals also remains well below prepandemic levels, in part reflecting
factors related to the pandemic, such as caregiving needs and ongoing concerns
about the virus. As a result, employers are having difficulties filling
job openings. These impediments to labor supply should diminish with further
progress on containing the virus, supporting gains in employment and economic
『The economic downturn has not fallen equally on all Americans, and those
least able to shoulder the burden have been hardest hit. Despite progress,
joblessness continues to fall disproportionately on African Americans and
『The supply and demand imbalances related to the pandemic and the reopening
of the economy have contributed to sizable price increases in some sectors.
In particular, bottlenecks and supply chain disruptions are limiting how
quickly production can respond to the rebound in demand in the near term.
As a result, overall inflation is running well above our 2 percent longer-run
some sectors」と言っており、オーバーオールインフレーションとしていない所ですが。そこはオーバーオールとか言い出したら、すわ早期利上げってなってしまうからそら言わんわな。
『Supply constraints have been larger and longer lasting than anticipated.
Nonetheless, it remains the case that the drivers of higher inflation have
been predominantly connected to the dislocations caused by the pandemic,
specifically the effects on supply and demand from the shutdown, the uneven
reopening, and the ongoing effects of the virus itself.』
『We understand the difficulties that high inflation poses for individuals
and families, particularly those with limited means to absorb higher prices
for essentials such as food and transportation.』
『Our tools cannot ease supply constraints.』
『Like most forecasters, we continue to believe that our dynamic economy
will adjust to the supply and demand imbalances, and that as it does, inflation
will decline to levels much closer to our 2 percent longer-run goal. Of
course, it is very difficult to predict the persistence of supply constraints
or their effects on inflation. Global supply chains are complex; they will
return to normal function, but the timing of that is highly uncertain.』
『We are committed to our longer-run goal of 2 percent inflation and to
having longerterm inflation expectations well anchored at this goal. If
we were to see signs that the path of inflation, or longer-term inflation
expectations, was moving materially and persistently beyond levels consistent
with our goal, we would use our tools to preserve price stability. We will
be watching carefully to see whether the economy is evolving in line with
『The Fed’s policy actions have been guided by our mandate to promote
maximum employment and stable prices for the American people, along with
our responsibilities to promote the stability of the financial system.
Our asset purchases have been a critical tool. They helped preserve financial
stability early in the pandemic and since then have helped foster smooth
market functioning and accommodative financial conditions to support the
『Last December, the Committee stated its intention to continue asset purchases
at a pace of at least $120 billion per month until substantial further
progress has been made toward our maximum employment and price stability
goals. At today’s meeting, the Committee judged that the economy has met
this test, and decided to begin reducing the pace of its asset purchases.』
『Beginning later this month, we will reduce the monthly pace of our net
asset purchases by $10 billion for Treasury securities and $5 billion for
agency mortgage-backed securities. We also announced another reduction
of this size in the monthly purchase pace starting in midDecember, since
that month’s purchase schedule will be released by the Federal Reserve
Bank of New York prior to our December FOMC meeting.』
『If the economy evolves broadly as expected, we judge that similar reductions
in the pace of net asset purchases will likely be appropriate each month,
implying that increases in our securities holdings would cease by the middle
of next year. That said, we are prepared to adjust the pace of purchases
if warranted by changes in the economic outlook. And even after our balance
sheet stops expanding, our holdings of securities will continue to support
accommodative financial conditions.』
『Our decision today to begin tapering our asset purchases does not imply
any direct signal regarding our interest rate policy. We continue to articulate
a different and more stringent testfor the economic conditions that would
need to be met before raising the federal funds rate.』
『To conclude, we understand that our actions affect communities, families,
and businesses across the country. Everything we do is in service to our
public mission. We at the Fed will do everything we can to complete the
recovery in employment and achieve our price stability goal. Thank you.
I look forward to your questions.』
『The Federal Reserve is committed to using its full range of tools to
support the U.S. economy in this challenging time, thereby promoting its
maximum employment and price stability goals.』(今回)
『The Federal Reserve is committed to using its full range of tools to
support the U.S. economy in this challenging time, thereby promoting its
maximum employment and price stability goals.』(9月)
『With progress on vaccinations and strong policy support, indicators of
economic activity and employment have continued to strengthen.』(今回)
『With progress on vaccinations and strong policy support, indicators of
economic activity and employment have continued to strengthen.』(9月)
『The sectors most adversely affected by the pandemic have improved in
recent months, but the summer's rise in COVID-19 cases has slowed their
『The sectors most adversely affected by the pandemic have improved in
recent months, but the rise in COVID-19 cases has slowed their recovery.』(9月)
summer's rise in COVID-19 cases」と過去のイベントであった事を示していますので、1パラにあるように感染症モードなのは変わらんのですが、その度合いはおちついてきてるって評価じゃな、うんうん。
『Inflation is elevated, largely reflecting factors that are expected to be transitory.』(今回)
『Inflation is elevated, largely reflecting transitory factors.』(9月)
『Supply and demand imbalances related to the pandemic and the reopening
of the economy have contributed to sizable price increases in some sectors.』(今回)
that are expected to be transitory」と一時的じゃないかもしれませんなあ、ってニュアンスにとれる言い方になったのは、物価の状況に関してサガランチ会長リスクをより見るようになった、つまり利上げのタイミングは後と決め打ちすることもちょっと自信が、という感じだと思うんだけど市場はどう反応したのかね(ガチで見てない)。
『Overall financial conditions remain accommodative, in part reflecting
policy measures to support the economy and the flow of credit to U.S. households
and businesses.』(今回)
『Overall financial conditions remain accommodative, in part reflecting
policy measures to support the economy and the flow of credit to U.S. households
and businesses.』(9月)
『The path of the economy continues to depend on the course of the virus.』(今回)
『The path of the economy continues to depend on the course of the virus.』(9月)
『Progress on vaccinations and an easing of supply constraints are expected
to support continued gains in economic activity and employment as well
as a reduction in inflation. Risks to the economic outlook remain.』(今回)
『Progress on vaccinations will likely continue to reduce the effects of
the public health crisis on the economy, but risks to the economic outlook
activity and employment as well as a reduction in inflation」と丁寧にしているのが目立ちました。
『The Committee seeks to achieve maximum employment and inflation at the
rate of 2 percent over the longer run. With inflation having run persistently
below this longer-run goal, the Committee will aim to achieve inflation
moderately above 2 percent for some time so that inflation averages 2 percent
over time and longer-term inflation expectations remain well anchored at
2 percent. The Committee expects to maintain an accommodative stance of
monetary policy until these outcomes are achieved. The Committee decided
to keep the target range for the federal funds rate at 0 to 1/4 percent
and expects it will be appropriate to maintain this target range until
labor market conditions have reached levels consistent with the Committee's
assessments of maximum employment and inflation has risen to 2 percent
and is on track to moderately exceed 2 percent for some time. 』(今回)
『The Committee seeks to achieve maximum employment and inflation at the
rate of 2 percent over the longer run. With inflation having run persistently
below this longer-run goal, the Committee will aim to achieve inflation
moderately above 2 percent for some time so that inflation averages 2 percent
over time and longer-term inflation expectations remain well anchored at
2 percent. The Committee expects to maintain an accommodative stance of
monetary policy until these outcomes are achieved. The Committee decided
to keep the target range for the federal funds rate at 0 to 1/4 percent
and expects it will be appropriate to maintain this target range until
labor market conditions have reached levels consistent with the Committee's
assessments of maximum employment and inflation has risen to 2 percent
and is on track to moderately exceed 2 percent for some time.』(9月)
『Last December, the Committee indicated that it would continue to increase
its holdings of Treasury securities by at least $80 billion per month and
of agency mortgage-backed securities by at least $40 billion per month
until substantial further progress has been made toward its maximum employment
and price stability goals. Since then, the economy has made progress toward
these goals. If progress continues broadly as expected, the Committee judges
that a moderation in the pace of asset purchases may soon be warranted.
『In light of the substantial further progress the economy has made toward
the Committee's goals since last December, the Committee decided to begin
reducing the monthly pace of its net asset purchases by $10 billion for
Treasury securities and $5 billion for agency mortgage-backed securities.』(今回)
『Beginning later this month, the Committee will increase its holdings
of Treasury securities by at least $70 billion per month and of agency
mortgage-backed securities by at least $35 billion per month. Beginning
in December, the Committee will increase its holdings of Treasury securities
by at least $60 billion per month and of agency mortgage-backed securities
by at least $30 billion per month.』(今回)
『The Committee judges that similar reductions in the pace of net asset
purchases will likely be appropriate each month, but it is prepared to
adjust the pace of purchases if warranted by changes in the economic outlook.』(今回)
『The Federal Reserve's ongoing purchases and holdings of securities will
continue to foster smooth market functioning and accommodative financial
conditions, thereby supporting the flow of credit to households and businesses.』(今回)
『These asset purchases help foster smooth market functioning and accommodative
financial conditions, thereby supporting the flow of credit to households
and businesses.』(9月)
『In assessing the appropriate stance of monetary policy, the Committee
will continue to monitor the implications of incoming information for the
economic outlook. The Committee would be prepared to adjust the stance
of monetary policy as appropriate if risks emerge that could impede the
attainment of the Committee's goals. The Committee's assessments will take
into account a wide range of information, including readings on public
health, labor market conditions, inflation pressures and inflation expectations,
and financial and international developments.』(今回)
『In assessing the appropriate stance of monetary policy, the Committee
will continue to monitor the implications of incoming information for the
economic outlook. The Committee would be prepared to adjust the stance
of monetary policy as appropriate if risks emerge that could impede the
attainment of the Committee's goals. The Committee's assessments will take
into account a wide range of information, including readings on public
health, labor market conditions, inflation pressures and inflation expectations,
and financial and international developments.』(9月)
『Voting for the monetary policy action were Jerome H. Powell, Chair; John
C. Williams, Vice Chair; Thomas I. Barkin; Raphael W. Bostic; Michelle
W. Bowman; Lael Brainard; Richard H. Clarida; Mary C. Daly; Charles L.
Evans; Randal K. Quarles; and Christopher J. Waller.』(今回)
『Voting for the monetary policy action were Jerome H. Powell, Chair; John
C. Williams, Vice Chair; Thomas I. Barkin; Raphael W. Bostic; Michelle
W. Bowman; Lael Brainard; Richard H. Clarida; Mary C. Daly; Charles L.
Evans; Randal K. Quarles; and Christopher J. Waller.』(9月)
November 03, 2021
Implementation Note issued November 3, 2021
Decisions Regarding Monetary Policy Implementation
『The Federal Reserve has made the following decisions to implement the
monetary policy stance announced by the Federal Open Market Committee in
its statement on November 3, 2021:
The Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System voted unanimously
to maintain the interest rate paid on reserve balances at 0.15 percent,
effective November 4, 2021.
As part of its policy decision, the Federal Open Market Committee voted
to authorize and direct the Open Market Desk at the Federal Reserve Bank
of New York, until instructed otherwise, to execute transactions in the
System Open Market Account in accordance with the following domestic policy
"Effective November 4, 2021, the Federal Open Market Committee directs the Desk to:』
『・Complete the increase in System Open Market Account (SOMA) holdings
of Treasury securities by $80 billion and of agency mortgage-backed securities
(MBS) by $40 billion, as indicated in the monthly purchase plans released
in mid-October.』
『・Increase the SOMA holdings of Treasury securities by $70 billion and
of agency MBS by $35 billion, during the monthly purchase period beginning
in mid-November.』
『・Increase the SOMA holdings of Treasury securities by $60 billion and
of agency MBS by $30 billion, during the monthly purchase period beginning
in mid-December.』
2021年11月1日3:05 午後
2021年10月28日11:46 午前
豪3年債利回り急騰、中銀が買いオペ見送り 早期利上げ観測強まる
『[シドニー 28日 ロイター] - オーストラリア準備銀行(中央銀行、RBA)は28日の定例オペで、3年債利回り目標の対象である2024年4月償還債の買い入れを見送った。これを受けて同国債の利回りは目標を大きく上回る水準に急上昇し、市場の早期利上げ観測が強まった。』
2021年10月25日2:54 午後