





News - Forex | 2015年 09月 30日 04:07 JST

『[29日 ロイター] - 米クリーブランド地区連銀のメスター総裁は、今月の利上げ見送りの決定について、世界経済をめぐる懸念、および金融市場の混乱を背景とする「リスク管理」の一環と説明した。日本経済新聞とのインタビューで述べた。』(上記URL先より、以下同様)








Fed’s Dudley: Still Likely on Track for 2015 Rate Rise
New York Fed President remains upbeat on the U.S. economy
Updated Sept. 28, 2015 10:35 a.m. ET

『NEW YORK-Federal Reserve Bank of New York President William Dudley said Monday he continues to believe the U.S. central bank will be able to boost borrowing costs this year, saying the decision will be driven by a broad array of considerations.』

News - Forex | 2015年 09月 28日 23:55 JST
UPDATE 2-米、年内利上げの公算 来年中に物価目標達成も=NY連銀総裁

『[28日 ロイター] - ダドリー米ニューヨーク連銀総裁は28日、米連邦準備理事会(FRB)はおそらく年内に利上げする見通しで、早ければ10月にも決定を下す可能性があるとの見方を示した。ウォール・ストリート・ジャーナル(WSJ)主催のイベントで述べた。』(上記URL先より、以下同様)




2015/09/29 00:50 JST







2015/09/29 04:22 JST

『 (ブルームバーグ):米シカゴ連銀のエバンス総裁は、金融当局はインフレが長期間継続して上向きの動きを示す兆候が表れるまで、利上げを遅らせるべきだと指摘した。またそうした状況は2016年半ばになるまで起こらない可能性があると加えた。』(上記URL先より)

Thoughts on Leadership and Monetary Policy


小見出しに『A Risk-Management Approach to Monetary Policy』というのと『Effective Communications Is a Critical Policy Tool』というのがありまして、全部引用していると結構長いのでほんのさわりだけになりますがまあ大体小見出しでお察しという内容です。


『Currently, there are some downside risks to reaching our maximum employment goal - namely, the potential for weak foreign activity to weigh on U.S. growth. But, as I noted earlier, we have made tremendous progress toward this goal. Economic growth appears to have enough momentum that I am fairly confident that we will reach our maximum employment goal within a reasonable time.』


『However, to reiterate, I am far less confident that we can reach our 2 percent inflation target over the medium term because of a number of important downside risks to the inflation outlook.』


『With prospects of slower growth in China and other emerging market economies, low energy and import prices could exert downward pressure on inflation longer than I anticipate. In addition, while many survey-based measures of long-term inflation expectations have been relatively stable in recent years, we shouldn’t take them as confirmation that our 2 percent target is assured. In fact, some survey measures of inflation expectations have ticked down in the past year and a half. Furthermore, financial market-based measures of inflation compensation have moved quite low in recent months. These could reflect either lower expectations of inflation or a heightened concern for the economic conditions that are associated with low inflation.』

『Adding to my unease is anecdotal evidence: I talk to a wide range of business contacts, and none of them are mentioning rising inflationary or cost pressures. None of them are planning for higher inflation.』


『How does this asymmetric assessment of risks to achieving the dual mandate goals influence my view of the most appropriate path for monetary policy over the next three years? It leads me to conclude that a later liftoff and a gradual subsequent approach to normalizing monetary policy best position the economy for the potential challenges ahead.』

『Before raising rates, I would like to have more confidence than I do today that inflation is indeed beginning to head higher. Given the current low level of core inflation, some evidence of true upward momentum in actual inflation is critical to this assessment.』


『I believe that it could well be the middle of next year before the headwinds from lower energy prices and the stronger dollar dissipate enough so that we begin to see some sustained upward movement in core inflation. After liftoff, I think it would be appropriate to raise the target interest rate very gradually. This would give us sufficient time to assess how the economy is adjusting to higher rates and the progress we are making toward our policy goals』



『Effective Communications Is a Critical Policy Tool』の所はまあそうですなというお話なので引用します。

『In my remarks today, I stressed the need for the FOMC to follow interest rate policies that credibly demonstrate its commitment to a symmetric inflation target. As I noted earlier, one of the channels through which monetary policy affects the economy is through its influence on the public’s expectations about inflation and economic activity. Accordingly, a critical component of monetary policy is to effectively communicate how we aim to achieve our long-run goals and strategies.』


『Policymakers must clearly describe how their views on the appropriate path for monetary policy will help generate outcomes for employment and inflation that are consistent with achieving the mandated goals within a reasonable time frame. Moreover, they must demonstrate they have appropriately considered the risks to their outlooks on the economy.』

『I hope I have done that for you today by laying out my forecast for the economy and what I consider to be the appropriate path for policy.』


『We also need to be clear about how monetary policymakers will react to new data as the economy evolves. We talk a lot about data dependence, but what does that really mean?』


『To me, it involves the following: 1) evaluating how the new information alters the outlook and the assessment of risks around that outlook; and 2) adjusting my expected path for policy in a way that keeps us on course to achieve our dual mandate objectives in a timely manner.』


『So, if in the coming months inflation rises more quickly than I currently anticipate and appears to be headed to undesirably high levels, then I would argue to tighten financial conditions sooner and more aggressively than I presently do. If instead inflation headwinds persist, I would advocate a more gradual approach to normalization than I currently envision. In either case, my policy forecasts would change and I would explain how and why they did.』


『Such communication helps clarify our reaction to new information - the so-called Fed reaction function you hear financial market analysts talk about. This in turn makes it easier for households and businesses to plan for the future. Such transparency is a key feature of goal-oriented, accountable monetary policy.』





Transcript of Chair Yellen’s Press Conference
September 17, 2015


『CHAIR YELLEN. Good afternoon. As you know from our policy statement released a short time ago, the Federal Open Market Committee reaffirmed the current 0 to 1/4 percent target range for the federal funds rate.』


『Since the Committee met in July, the pace of job gains has been solid, the unemployment rate has declined, and overall labor market conditions have continued to improve. Inflation, however, has continued to run below our longer-run objective, partly reflecting declines in energy and import prices.』


『While we still expect that the downward pressure on inflation from these factors will fade over time, recent global economic and financial developments are likely to put further downward pressure on inflation in the near term. These developments may also restrain U.S. activity somewhat but have not led at this point to a significant change in the Committee’s outlook for the U.S. economy.』


『The Committee continues to anticipate that the first increase in the federal funds rate will be appropriate when it has seen some further improvement in the labor market and is reasonably confident that inflation will move back to its 2 percent objective over the medium term.』


『It remains the case that the Committee will determine the timing of the initial increase based on its assessment of the implications of incoming information for the economic outlook. I will note that the importance of the initial increase should not be overstated: The stance of monetary policy will likely remain highly accommodative for quite some time after the initial increase in the federal funds rate in order to support continued progress toward our objectives of maximum employment and 2 percent inflation. I will come back to today’s policy decision in a few moments, but first I would like to review recent economic developments and the outlook.』

2%への確信が高まる必要があるという話をしながらその前に物価見通しのリスク要因を増やして説明しておいて「the importance of the initial increase should not be overstated(キリッ)」と言われましてもという感じですわね。


『Moreover, net exports were a substantial drag on GDP growth during the first half of the year, reflecting the earlier appreciation of the dollar and weaker foreign demand. The Committee continues to expect a moderate pace of overall GDP growth even though the restraint from net exports is likely to persist for a time.』

ということでドル高と海外要因なのですが、ドル高は兎も角海外要因の方が「for a time」で済むのかねという感じはしますが、ここについてはインフレの見通しの所でまた出てきまして、さらにちょっと飛んで引用しますと・・・・

『Inflation has continued to run below our 2 percent objective, partly reflecting declines in energy and import prices. My colleagues and I continue to expect that the effects of these factors on inflation will be transitory.』


『However, the recent additional decline in oil prices and further appreciation of the dollar mean that it will take a bit more time for these effects to fully dissipate. 』


『Accordingly, the Committee anticipates that inflation will remain quite low in the coming months. As these temporary effects fade and, importantly, as the labor market improves further, we expect inflation to move gradually back toward our 2 percent objective. Survey-based measures of longer-term inflation expectations have remained stable. However, the Committee has taken note of recent declines in market-based measures of inflation compensation and will continue to monitor inflation developments carefully.』



『The outlook abroad appears to have become more uncertain of late, and heightened concerns about growth in China and other emerging market economies have led to notable volatility in financial markets.』

『Developments since our July meeting-including the drop in equity prices, the further appreciation of the dollar, and a widening in risk spreads-have tightened overall financial conditions to some extent. These developments may restrain U.S. economic activity somewhat and are likely to put further downward pressure on inflation in the near term. Given the significant economic and financial interconnections between the United States and the rest of the world, the situation abroad bears close watching. 』





『PETER BARNES. Hi, Chair Yellen. Peter Barnes, Fox Business. Could you talk about-a little bit more specifically about what foreign developments you discussed in the meeting today, what you’re concerned about? We all assume it might be China-that was in the July minutes. Are you concerned about the Chinese economy slowing, the markets there? Do you have any concerns about the European economy? And then, related to stock markets, could I ask you how you feel about U.S. equity markets right now? Because you did talk about your concerns about them back in May. You saw they were generally quite high and were worried about potential dangers in U.S. equity market valuations, but now equity prices have pulled back. Thank you.』


『CHAIR YELLEN. So, with respect to global developments, we reviewed developments in all important areas of the world, but we’re focused particularly on China and emerging markets. Now, we’ve long expected, as most analysts have, to see some slowing in Chinese growth over time as they rebalance their economy. And they have planned that, and I think there are no surprises there.』


『The question is whether or not there might be a risk of a more abrupt slowdown than most analysts expect. And I think developments that we saw in financial markets in August in part reflected concerns that Chinese-there was downside risk to Chinese economic performance and perhaps concerns about the deftness with which policymakers were addressing those concerns.』


『In addition, we saw a very substantial downward pressure on oil prices and commodity markets, and those developments have had a significant impact on many emerging market economies that are important producers of commodities as well as more advanced countries, including Canada, which is an important trading partner of ours that has been negatively affected by declining commodity prices, declining energy prices.』


『Now, there are a lot of countries that are net importers of energy that are positively affected by those developments, but emerging markets-important emerging markets-have been negatively affected by those developments. And we’ve seen significant outflows of capital from those countries, pressures on their exchange rates, and concerns about their performance going forward.』


『So a lot of our focus has been on risks around China, but not just China-emerging markets, more generally, and how they may spill over to the United States.』


『In terms of thinking about financial developments and our reaction to them, I think a lot of the financial developments were really-so, we don’t want to respond to market turbulence. The Fed should not be responding to the ups and downs of the markets, and it is certainly not our policy to do so. But when there are significant financial developments, it’s incumbent on us to ask ourselves what is causing them. And, of course, while we can’t know for sure, it seemed to us as though concerns about the global economic outlook were drivers of those financial developments. And so they have concerned us in part because they take us to the global outlook and how that will affect us. And, to some extent, look, we have seen a tightening of financial conditions during-as I mentioned, during the intermeeting period. So the stock market adjustment, combined with a somewhat stronger dollar and higher risk spreads, does represent some tightening of financial conditions.』


『Now, in and of itself, it’s not the end of story in terms of our policy because we have to put a lot of different pieces together.』


『We are looking at, as I emphasized, a U.S. economy that has been performing well and impressing us by the pace at which it’s creating jobs and the strength of domestic demand. So we have that. We have some concerns about negative impacts from global developments and some tightening of financial conditions. We’re trying to put all of that together in a picture. I think, importantly, we say in our statement that in spite of all of this, we continue to view the risks to economic activity and labor markets as balanced. So it’s a lot of different pieces, different cross currents, some strengthening the outlook, some creating concerns, but overall, no significant change in the economic outlook.』

最後に「no significant change in the economic outlook」と言ってもその前に色々と説明し過ぎだし、まあこういう説明だと利上げできないんじゃないのという話にはなりますなあと思うのでした。


『ANN SAPHIR. Ann Saphir with Reuters. Just to piggyback on the global considerations-as you say, the U.S. economy has been growing. Are you worried that, given the global interconnectedness, the low inflation globally, all of the other concerns that you just spoke about, that you may never escape from this zero lower bound situation?』


『CHAIR YELLEN. So I would be very-I would be very surprised if that’s the case. That is not the way I see the outlook or the way the Committee sees the outlook. Can I completely rule it out? I can’t completely rule it out. But, really, that’s an extreme downside risk that in no way is near the center of my outlook.』






Chair Janet L. Yellen
At the Philip Gamble Memorial Lecture, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, Amhearst, Massachusetts
September 24, 2015
Inflation Dynamics and Monetary Policy

小見出しを見たら『Historical Review of Inflation』『Inflation Costs』『Monetary Policy Actions since the Financial Crisis』『Inflation Dynamics』『Policy Implications』『Conclusion』とあるので、最後の2つ部分だけ斜め読みしてみた。



『To conclude, let me emphasize that, following the dual mandate established by the Congress, the Federal Reserve is committed to the achievement of maximum employment and price stability. To this end, we have maintained a highly accommodative monetary policy since the financial crisis; that policy has fostered a marked improvement in labor market conditions and helped check undesirable disinflationary pressures.』


『However, we have not yet fully attained our objectives under the dual mandate: Some slack remains in labor markets, and the effects of this slack and the influence of lower energy prices and past dollar appreciation have been significant factors keeping inflation below our goal.』


『But I expect that inflation will return to 2 percent over the next few years as the temporary factors that are currently weighing on inflation wane, provided that economic growth continues to be strong enough to complete the return to maximum employment and long-run inflation expectations remain well anchored.』


『Most FOMC participants, including myself, currently anticipate that achieving these conditions will likely entail an initial increase in the federal funds rate later this year, followed by a gradual pace of tightening thereafter. But if the economy surprises us, our judgments about appropriate monetary policy will change.』


でもってもうちょっと前の所も見てみます(インスタントですが)『Policy Implications』以降ね。


『Assuming that my reading of the data is correct and long-run inflation expectations are in fact anchored near their pre-recession levels, what implications does the preceding description of inflation dynamics have for the inflation outlook and for monetary policy?』


『This framework suggests, first, that much of the recent shortfall of inflation from our 2 percent objective is attributable to special factors whose effects are likely to prove transitory. As the solid black line in figure 8 indicates, PCE inflation has run noticeably below our 2 percent objective on average since 2008, with the shortfall approaching about 1 percentage point in both 2013 and 2014 and more than 1-1/2 percentage points this year. The stacked bars in the figure give the contributions of various factors to these deviations from 2 percent, computed using an estimated version of the simple inflation model I just discussed.30 As the solid blue portion of the bars shows, falling consumer energy prices explain about half of this year's shortfall and a sizable portion of the 2013 and 2014 shortfalls as well. 』

『Another important source of downward pressure this year has been a decline in import prices, the portion with orange checkerboard pattern, which is largely attributable to the 15 percent appreciation in the dollar's exchange value over the past year.』

FRBのサイトの方ですと「figure 8」って所をクリックすると図表が出てきて分かりやすい(こちらにはそんなことはしていませんすいません)のですが、最近の物価が弱いのは「原油と為替のせい」というお話をしています。

『In contrast, the restraint imposed by economic slack, the green dotted portion, has diminished steadily over time as the economy has recovered and is now estimated to be relatively modest.31 Finally, a similarly small portion of the current shortfall of inflation from 2 percent is explained by other factors (which include changes in food prices); importantly, the effects of these other factors are transitory and often switch sign from year to year.』


『Although an accounting exercise like this one is always imprecise and will depend on the specific model that is used, I think its basic message--that the current near-zero rate of inflation can mostly be attributed to the temporary effects of falling prices for energy and non-energy imports--is quite plausible. If so, the 12-month change in total PCE prices is likely to rebound to 1-1/2 percent or higher in 2016, barring a further substantial drop in crude oil prices and provided that the dollar does not appreciate noticeably further.』

『To be reasonably confident that inflation will return to 2 percent over the next few years, we need, in turn, to be reasonably confident that we will see continued solid economic growth and further gains in resource utilization, with longer-term inflation expectations remaining near their pre-recession level. Fortunately, prospects for the U.S. economy generally appear solid. Monthly payroll gains have averaged close to 210,000 since the start of the year and the overall economy has been expanding modestly faster than its productive potential. My colleagues and I, based on our most recent forecasts, anticipate that this pattern will continue and that labor market conditions will improve further as we head into 2016.』


『The labor market has achieved considerable progress over the past several years. Even so, further improvement in labor market conditions would be welcome because we are probably not yet all the way back to full employment. Although the unemployment rate may now be close to its longer-run normal level--which most FOMC participants now estimate is around 4.9 percent--this traditional metric of resource utilization almost certainly understates the actual amount of slack that currently exists: On a cyclically adjusted basis, the labor force participation rate remains low relative to its underlying trend, and an unusually large number of people are working part time but would prefer full-time employment.32 Consistent with this assessment is the slow pace at which hourly wages and compensation have been rising, which suggests that most firms still find it relatively easy to hire and retain employees.』


『Reducing slack along these other dimensions may involve a temporary decline in the unemployment rate somewhat below the level that is estimated to be consistent, in the longer run, with inflation stabilizing at 2 percent. For example, attracting discouraged workers back into the labor force may require a period of especially plentiful employment opportunities and strong hiring. Similarly, firms may be unwilling to restructure their operations to use more full-time workers until they encounter greater difficulty filling part-time positions. Beyond these considerations, a modest decline in the unemployment rate below its long-run level for a time would, by increasing resource utilization, also have the benefit of speeding the return to 2 percent inflation.』

『Finally, albeit more speculatively, such an environment might help reverse some of the significant supply-side damage that appears to have occurred in recent years, thereby improving Americans' standard of living. 33 』



『Consistent with the inflation framework I have outlined, the medians of the projections provided by FOMC participants at our recent meeting show inflation gradually moving back to 2 percent, accompanied by a temporary decline in unemployment slightly below the median estimate of the rate expected to prevail in the longer run. These projections embody two key judgments regarding the projected relationship between real activity and interest rates.』


『First, the real federal funds rate is currently somewhat below the level that would be consistent with real GDP expanding in line with potential, which implies that the unemployment rate is likely to continue to fall in the absence of some tightening. Second, participants implicitly expect that the various headwinds to economic growth that I mentioned earlier will continue to fade, thereby boosting the economy's underlying strength.』


『Combined, these two judgments imply that the real interest rate consistent with achieving and then maintaining full employment in the medium run should rise gradually over time. This expectation, coupled with inherent lags in the response of real activity and inflation to changes in monetary policy, are the key reasons that most of my colleagues and I anticipate that it will likely be appropriate to raise the target range for the federal funds rate sometime later this year and to continue boosting short-term rates at a gradual pace thereafter as the labor market improves further and inflation moves back to our 2 percent objective.』

「most of my colleagues and I anticipate that it will likely be appropriate to raise the target range for the federal funds rate sometime later this year and to continue boosting short-term rates at a gradual pace thereafter」だそうです、ってまあドットチャートはそう言っていますけど。

『By itself, the precise timing of the first increase in our target for the federal funds rate should have only minor implications for financial conditions and the general economy.』


『What matters for overall financial conditions is the entire trajectory of short-term interest rates that is anticipated by markets and the public. As I noted, most of my colleagues and I anticipate that economic conditions are likely to warrant raising short-term interest rates at a quite gradual pace over the next few years.』


『It's important to emphasize, however, that both the timing of the first rate increase and any subsequent adjustments to our federal funds rate target will depend on how developments in the economy influence the Committee's outlook for progress toward maximum employment and 2 percent inflation.』


『The economic outlook, of course, is highly uncertain and it is conceivable, for example, that inflation could remain appreciably below our 2 percent target despite the apparent anchoring of inflation expectations. Here, Japan's recent history may be instructive: As shown in figure 9, survey measures of longer-term expected inflation in that country remained positive and stable even as that country experienced many years of persistent, mild deflation.34』


『The explanation for the persistent divergence between actual and expected inflation in Japan is not clear, but I believe that it illustrates a problem faced by all central banks: Economists' understanding of the dynamics of inflation is far from perfect. Reflecting that limited understanding, the predictions of our models often err, sometimes significantly so.』

『Accordingly, inflation may rise more slowly or rapidly than the Committee currently anticipates; should such a development occur, we would need to adjust the stance of policy in response.』


『Considerable uncertainties also surround the outlook for economic activity.』


『For example, we cannot be certain about the pace at which the headwinds still restraining the domestic economy will continue to fade. Moreover, net exports have served as a significant drag on growth over the past year and recent global economic and financial developments highlight the risk that a slowdown in foreign growth might restrain U.S. economic activity somewhat further.』


『The Committee is monitoring developments abroad, but we do not currently anticipate that the effects of these recent developments on the U.S. economy will prove to be large enough to have a significant effect on the path for policy. That said, in response to surprises affecting the outlook for economic activity, as with those affecting inflation, the FOMC would need to adjust the stance of policy so that our actions remain consistent with inflation returning to our 2 percent objective over the medium term in the context of maximum employment.』


『Given the highly uncertain nature of the outlook, one might ask: Why not hold off raising the federal funds rate until the economy has reached full employment and inflation is actually back at 2 percent? 』


『The difficulty with this strategy is that monetary policy affects real activity and inflation with a substantial lag. If the FOMC were to delay the start of the policy normalization process for too long, we would likely end up having to tighten policy relatively abruptly to keep the economy from significantly overshooting both of our goals. Such an abrupt tightening would risk disrupting financial markets and perhaps even inadvertently push the economy into recession.』


『In addition, continuing to hold short-term interest rates near zero well after real activity has returned to normal and headwinds have faded could encourage excessive leverage and other forms of inappropriate risk-taking that might undermine financial stability.』


『For these reasons, the more prudent strategy is to begin tightening in a timely fashion and at a gradual pace, adjusting policy as needed in light of incoming data.』

だそうですが、まあ「adjusting policy as needed in light of incoming data」というのは理想としては美しいのですが、それは市場の期待が全く安定しなくなるのでどうなのよという風に思うのは既にこの利上げ騒動で経験済みのようにしか思えませんけどね。













『Information received since the Federal Open Market Committee met in July suggests that economic activity is expanding at a moderate pace.』(今回)
『Information received since the Federal Open Market Committee met in June indicates that economic activity has been expanding moderately in recent months.』(前回)

総括判断の表現はexpanding moderatelyからexpanding at a moderate paceなので微妙に上方修正。

『Household spending and business fixed investment have been increasing moderately, and the housing sector has improved further; however, net exports have been soft.』(今回)
『Growth in household spending has been moderate and the housing sector has shown additional improvement; however, business fixed investment and net exports stayed soft.』(前回)


『The labor market continued to improve, with solid job gains and declining unemployment. On balance, labor market indicators show that underutilization of labor resources has diminished since early this year.』(今回)
『The labor market continued to improve, with solid job gains and declining unemployment. On balance, a range of labor market indicators suggests that underutilization of labor resources has diminished since early this year.』(前回)

労働市場の認識については、基本的な部分の文言は同じですが、労働市場におけるスラックの減少についての表現が「labor market indicators show that」と前回の「labor market indicators suggests that」となっていまして、サジェストがショウなのですからまあ強い表現になっているなあという所です。

『Inflation has continued to run below the Committee's longer-run objective, partly reflecting declines in energy prices and in prices of non-energy imports.』(今回)
『Inflation continued to run below the Committee's longer-run objective, partly reflecting earlier declines in energy prices and decreasing prices of non-energy imports.』(前回)

物価が低迷している件についてはcontinuedからhas continuedになりまして、継続していますなあ感のある表現に。

『Market-based measures of inflation compensation moved lower; survey-based measures of longer-term inflation expectations have remained stable.』(今回)
『Market-based measures of inflation compensation remain low; survey?based measures of longer-term inflation expectations have remained stable.』(前回)

市場のインフレ期待がmoved lowerと認識として下がっていますが、サーベイベースのインフレ期待は安定していますとな。


『Consistent with its statutory mandate, the Committee seeks to foster maximum employment and price stability.』(今回)
『Consistent with its statutory mandate, the Committee seeks to foster maximum employment and price stability.』(前回)


『Recent global economic and financial developments may restrain economic activity somewhat and are likely to put further downward pressure on inflation in the near term. Nonetheless, the Committee expects that, with appropriate policy accommodation, economic activity will expand at a moderate pace, with labor market indicators continuing to move toward levels the Committee judges consistent with its dual mandate.』(今回)

『The Committee expects that, with appropriate policy accommodation, economic activity will expand at a moderate pace, with labor market indicators continuing to move toward levels the Committee judges consistent with its dual mandate.』(前回)


『The Committee continues to see the risks to the outlook for economic activity and the labor market as nearly balanced but is monitoring developments abroad.』(今回)
『The Committee continues to see the risks to the outlook for economic activity and the labor market as nearly balanced.』(前回)

リスクはバランス、の次に「but is monitoring developments abroad」とあるのが吹いた。

『Inflation is anticipated to remain near its recent low level in the near term but the Committee expects inflation to rise gradually toward 2 percent over the medium term as the labor market improves further and the transitory effects of declines in energy and import prices dissipate. The Committee continues to monitor inflation developments closely.』(今回)

『Inflation is anticipated to remain near its recent low level in the near term, but the Committee expects inflation to rise gradually toward 2 percent over the medium term as the labor market improves further and the transitory effects of earlier declines in energy and import prices dissipate. The Committee continues to monitor inflation developments closely.』(前回)

ここの部分ですが、物価に対して一時的に影響を与える、という触れ込みになっているエネルギーあんど輸入価格の影響について、従来「earlier declines in energy and import prices」だったのの最初の「earlier」がしらっと抜けておりまして、輸入価格やエネ価格の影響がやや長引いていることを示唆しているのもチャーミング。



『To support continued progress toward maximum employment and price stability, the Committee today reaffirmed its view that the current 0 to 1/4 percent target range for the federal funds rate remains appropriate.』(今回)


『In determining how long to maintain this target range, the Committee will assess progress--both realized and expected--toward its objectives of maximum employment and 2 percent inflation. This assessment will take into account a wide range of information, including measures of labor market conditions, indicators of inflation pressures and inflation expectations, and readings on financial and international developments.』(今回)

『The Committee anticipates that it will be appropriate to raise the target range for the federal funds rate when it has seen some further improvement in the labor market and is reasonably confident that inflation will move back to its 2 percent objective over the medium term.』(今回)

第3パラグラフはここまでですが、前回あった「利上げには労働市場のsome further improvementが必要」というのも同じですけど何の改善が必要ですねんという感じですな。


『The Committee is maintaining its existing policy of reinvesting principal payments from its holdings of agency debt and agency mortgage-backed securities in agency mortgage-backed securities and of rolling over maturing Treasury securities at auction. This policy, by keeping the Committee's holdings of longer-term securities at sizable levels, should help maintain accommodative financial conditions.』(今回)

『When the Committee decides to begin to remove policy accommodation, it will take a balanced approach consistent with its longer-run goals of maximum employment and inflation of 2 percent. The Committee currently anticipates that, even after employment and inflation are near mandate-consistent levels, economic conditions may, for some time, warrant keeping the target federal funds rate below levels the Committee views as normal in the longer run.』(今回)


『Voting for the FOMC monetary policy action were: Janet L. Yellen, Chair; William C. Dudley, Vice Chairman; Lael Brainard; Charles L. Evans; Stanley Fischer; Dennis P. Lockhart; Jerome H. Powell; Daniel K. Tarullo; and John C. Williams. Voting against the action was Jeffrey M. Lacker, who preferred to raise the target range for the federal funds rate by 25 basis points at this meeting.』(今回)

『Voting for the FOMC monetary policy action were: Janet L. Yellen, Chair; William C. Dudley, Vice Chairman; Lael Brainard; Charles L. Evans; Stanley Fischer; Jeffrey M. Lacker; Dennis P. Lockhart; Jerome H. Powell; Daniel K. Tarullo; and John C. Williams.』(前回)



Transcript of Chair Yellen’s FOMC Press Conference Opening Statement
September 17, 2015



『The outlook abroad appears to have become more uncertain of late, and heightened concerns about growth in China and other emerging market economies have led to notable volatility in financial markets.』


でまあエマージング経済への懸念がどうのこうのというのは兎も角として、ここで、「notable volatility in financial markets」という話をしているのがまたアレでして、そのボラは新興国懸念とかももちろんあるのですが、そもそも新興国の懸念の中に米国利上げの影響への懸念もありますし、その米国利上げがどうなるのかの不透明感が市場のボラを高めている、という状況もある訳なのですな。


『Developments since our July meeting, including the drop in equity prices, the further appreciation of the dollar, and a widening in risk spreads, have tightened overall financial conditions to some extent.』


『These developments may restrain U.S.economic activity somewhat and are likely to put further downward pressure on inflation in the near term. Given the significant economic and financial interconnections between the United States and the rest of the world, the situation abroad bears close watching. 』

ということで、海外情勢および国際金融情勢について動向によっては米国経済物価への下押し圧力の要因になりますのでclose watchingします、というのは自分の影に怯えているように見えまして大丈夫かこれという印象を受けちゃいますがな。


『Returning to monetary policy, we recognize that there has been a great deal of focus on today’s policy decision. The recovery from the Great Recession has advanced sufficiently far, and domestic spending appears sufficiently robust, that an argument can be made for a rise in interest rates at this time. We discussed this possibility at our meeting.』


『However, in light of the heightened uncertainties abroad and a slightly softer expected path for inflation, the Committee judged it appropriate to wait for more evidence, including some further improvement in the labor market, to bolster its confidence that inflation will rise to 2 percent in the medium term.』

海外の不確実性の増大と、物価見通しパスが若干弱くなったことによって、先行き経済がマンデート達成するというエビデンスをもっと欲しいという事になりました。でもってそのエビデンスは「some further improvement in the labor market」だそうなのですが、ここから何のimprovementが要るのですかねというお話は労働市場に関する説明部分を見ないといけませんのでちょっと後で。

『Now, I do not want to overplay the implications of these recent developments, which have not fundamentally altered our outlook. The economy has been performing well, and we expect it to continue to do so. 』


『The labor market has shown further progress so far this year toward our objective of maximum employment.』


『Over the past three months, job gains averaged 220,000 per month. The unemployment rate, at 5.1 percent in August, was down four-tenths of a percent from the latest reading available at the time of our June meeting, although that decline was accompanied by some reduction in the labor force participation rate over the same period. A broader measure of unemployment that includes individuals who want and are available to work but have not actively searched recently and people who are working part time but would rather work full time has continued to improve.』

『That said, some cyclical weakness likely remains: While the unemployment rate is close to most FOMC participants’ estimates of the longer-run normal level, the participation rate is still below estimates of its underlying trend, involuntary part-time employment remains elevated, and wage growth remains subdued.』

ということで、失業率とか非農業部門雇用者数とかみたいな数字は問題ないのだが、労働参加率とか非自発的なパートタイム労働の割合とか、労働者の賃金の伸びとかがまだ足りないと仰せになっておりまして、まあ実際に正常化着手するときにはこの話を反故にするという可能性もありますけれども、政策の論理的整合性を考えた場合には、ここで示された労働市場の指標が改善されないと正常化着手に向けた「some further improvement in the labor market」が確認されませんよね、という話になるのですが、改善しなかったらどうする気なんでしょ。






『1. For each period, the median is the middle projection when the projections are arranged from lowest to highest. When the number of projections is even, the median is the average of the two middle projections.』




『Figure 2.Overview of FOMC participants' assessments of appropriate monetary policy』の方がワロタという感じでして。

Appropriate timing of policy firming

               2015 2016  2017
Number of participants  13   3   1


Midpoint of target range or target level (Percent)の所を見ますと、一番吹くのは『-0.125』という所に2015年と2016年末の金利水準の票が1票入っている所で、政策提案に反映されていない所からして今年投票権のない人がファンキーな提言をしているの図という所でございますが、ここまで変態仮面なことを言い出すのはコチャラコタのおっちゃんですかねえ。







The low interest rate environment in the euro area

Keynote speech by Peter Praet, Member of the Executive Board of the ECB,
at a Pension Funds Conference organised by De Nederlandsche Bank in Bussum, The Netherlands,
10 September 2015


『My answer can be summarised as follows. Very low interest rates are not so much a choice of the central bank as a reflection of economic malaise in the global and euro area economy.』


『Some of the drivers of that malaise are secular, which are more challenging for public policy to affect. But others are related to demand conditions that appear weak even when compared with a long-term potential growth rate that is already disappointingly low.』

『Such persistent economic slack relative to potential can be reversed through targeted measures. That includes tackling the cyclical headwinds that are dragging on aggregate demand; facilitating the process of balance sheet repair; and removing the structural barriers to higher real growth prospects, which can itself reinvigorate demand through expectation and confidence channels.』


『The role of monetary policy is mainly to provide countercyclical stabilisation while the economy goes through this transition.』


『When the economy is weak, after all, disinflationary pressures increase, which we have to counter to deliver on our mandate. The monetary policy measures currently in place in the euro area follow from this: they were decided as a direct result of a euro area inflation rate well below comfortable levels and persistent weakness in the economy. And in meeting our objective, we support growth and inflation, which in turn creates the conditions for interest rates to “normalise” once more. Of course, the level that rates will return to in the future is dependent upon the degree to which the secular drivers, currently depressing rates, can be reversed.』





2015/09/11 05:17 JST












Bank of England maintains Bank Rate at 0.5% and the size of the Asset Purchase Programme at £375 billion



『The Committee set out its most recent detailed assessment of the economic outlook in the August Inflation Report. The aim of returning inflation to the target within two years was thought likely to be achieved conditional upon Bank Rate following the gently rising path implied by the market yields prevailing at the time. Private domestic demand growth was forecast to be robust enough to eliminate the margin of spare capacity over the next year or so, despite the continuing fiscal consolidation and modest global growth.』

『And that, in turn, was expected to result in the increase in domestic costs needed to return inflation to the target in the medium term, as the temporary negative impact on inflation of lower energy, food and import prices waned. In the third year of the projection, inflation was forecast to move slightly above the target as sustained growth led to a margin of excess demand.』


『The Committee noted in the August Report that the risks to the growth outlook were skewed moderately to the downside, in part reflecting risks to activity in the euro area and China. Developments since then have increased the risks to prospects in China, as well as to other emerging economies. This led to markedly higher volatility in commodity prices and global financial markets.』


『While these developments have the potential to add to the global headwinds to UK growth and inflation, they must be weighed against the prospects for a continued healthy domestic expansion.』

経済物価見通しに関しても悪影響、という話をしていまして、これは警戒モードかと思わせるのですが、返す刀で「they must be weighed against the prospects for a continued healthy domestic expansion」と来ていてちと楽観じゃネーノという気がせんでもない。

『Domestic momentum is being underpinned by robust real income growth, supportive credit conditions, and elevated business and consumer confidence. The rate of unemployment has fallen by over 2 percentage points since the middle of 2013, although that decline has levelled off more recently.』

『Global developments do not as yet appear sufficient to alter materially the central outlook described in the August Report, but the greater downside risks to the global environment merit close monitoring for any impact on domestic economic activity.』

海外情勢にはclose monitoringという話はしているものの、トーンは「海外問題はあるけど国内が強いのでヘーキヘーキ」というニュアンスの方が強いように(こちらのだけでみると)読めますな。まあここも結構ぶれぶれだったりしますが、米国と違ってそのぶれぶれがそこらじゅうに影響を与える訳ではないのでまあいっかという所なんですかね。




Introductory statement to the press conference
Mario Draghi, President of the ECB,
Vitor Constancio, Vice-President of the ECB,
Frankfurt am Main, 3 September 2015


『Based on our regular economic and monetary analysis, and in line with our forward guidance, the Governing Council decided to keep the key ECB interest rates unchanged.』

『Our asset purchase programme continues to proceed smoothly. Regarding non-standard monetary policy measures, following the announced review of the public sector purchase programme’s issue share limit after the first six months of purchases, the Governing Council decided to increase the issue share limit from the initial limit of 25% to 33%, subject to a case-by-case verification that this would not create a situation whereby the Eurosystem would have blocking minority power, in which case the issue share limit would remain at 25%.』


『Underlying our monetary policy assessment was a review of recent data, new staff macroeconomic projections and an interim evaluation of recent market fluctuations. The information available indicates a continued though somewhat weaker economic recovery and a slower increase in inflation rates compared with earlier expectations.』


『More recently, renewed downside risks have emerged to the outlook for growth and inflation. However, owing to sharp fluctuations in financial and commodity markets, the Governing Council judged it premature to conclude on whether these developments could have a lasting impact on the outlook for prices and on the achievement of a sustainable path of inflation towards our medium-term aim, or whether they should be considered to be mainly transitory.』



『All in all, the information that has become available since the Governing Council meeting in early June has been broadly in line with our expectations. Recent developments in financial markets, which partly reflect greater uncertainty, have not changed the Governing Council’s assessment of a broadening of the euro area’s economic recovery and a gradual increase in inflation rates over the coming years. The ECB’s monetary policy stance remains accommodative and market-based inflation expectations have, on balance, stabilised or recovered further since our meeting in early June. The latest information also remains consistent with a continued pass-through of our monetary policy measures to the cost and availability of credit for firms and households. Our measures thereby continue to contribute to economic growth, a reduction in economic slack, and money and credit expansion. The full implementation of all our monetary policy measures will lead to a sustained return of inflation rates towards levels below, but close to, 2% in the medium term, and will underpin the firm anchoring of medium to long-term inflation expectations.』(7月の会見から)



『Accordingly, the Governing Council will closely monitor all relevant incoming information. It emphasises its willingness and ability to act, if warranted, by using all the instruments available within its mandate and, in particular, recalls that the asset purchase programme provides sufficient flexibility in terms of adjusting the size, composition and duration of the programme.』


『Looking ahead, we will continue to closely monitor the situation in financial markets, as well as the potential implications for the monetary policy stance and for the outlook for price stability. If any factors were to lead to an unwarranted tightening of monetary policy, or if the outlook for price stability were to materially change, the Governing Council would respond to such a situation by using all the instruments available within its mandate.』(7月の会見から)



『In the meantime, we will fully implement our monthly asset purchases of ユーロ60 billion. These purchases have a favourable impact on the cost and availability of credit for firms and households. They are intended to run until the end of September 2016, or beyond, if necessary, and, in any case, until we see a sustained adjustment in the path of inflation that is consistent with our aim of achieving inflation rates below, but close to, 2% over the medium term.』







CBPP3 EUR111.1 billion +EUR 1.9 billion -
ABSPP EUR11.1 billion -      -EUR 0.1 billion(償還分)
PSPP EUR289.5 billion +EUR 9.8 billion -

CBPP3 EUR 109.2 billion +EUR 1.3 billion -EUR 0.2 billion(償還分)
ABSPP EUR 11.2 billion +EUR 0.3 billion
PSPP EUR 279.8 billion +EUR 9.9 billion

CBPP3 EUR 108.1 billion +EUR 1.4 billion
ABSPP EUR 11.0 billion +EUR 0.3 billion
PSPP EUR 269.9 billion +EUR 10.2 billion


CBPP3 EUR 106.6 billion +EUR 2.6 billion -
ABSPP EUR 10.6 billion +EUR 0.9 billion -
PSPP EUR 259.7 billion +EUR 10.8 billion -

CBPP3 EUR 104.0 billion +EUR 2.3 billion -
ABSPP EUR 9.7 billion +EUR 0.3 billion -
PSPP EUR 248.9 billion +EUR 11.0 billion -



Assessing the new phase of unconventional monetary policy at the ECB

Panel remarks prepared by Vitor Constancio, Vice-President of the ECB,
at the Annual Congress of the European Economic Association
University of Mannheim, 25 August 2015

昨日の続きで恐縮ですが、『Evaluating the new phase of unconventional monetary policy』という小見出しの所から参ります。


『In order to correctly assess the effects of our policies, we should use what would have happened had we not adopted these measures as a benchmark for comparison. Of course, this is virtually impossible to do since there are no sufficiently reliable and complete models to construct the counterfactual world. We can only analyse how the variables related to the transmission channels or the end results have evolved since we started the new policy. This is what I will do below.』



『Figure 3 shows the evolution of lending rates in the euro area. It shows that the sequence of interest rate cuts implemented by the Governing Council between mid-2012 and mid-2014 was not transmitted to the effective borrowing costs faced by firms. By June 2014 we had cut the main refinancing operation (MRO) rate by 95 basis points, bringing it to 0.05%, down from 1% in June 2012. However, the decline in lending rates for loans in most countries was much smaller, with the median lending rate applied to small-sized loans in the median country having declined by not more than 30 basis points.』

『Since June 2014 the transmission of policy rates to lending rates has improved considerably, with declines in lending rates becoming more pronounced as well as more widely distributed across euro area countries.』



『Our quarterly bank lending survey confirms the improvements in broader credit conditions since the introduction of our new non-standard measures. The survey, addressed to the senior loan officers of a representative sample of euro area banks, provides information on financing conditions in euro area credit markets and on banks’ lending policies. The left-hand chart in Figure 4 shows that banks have consistently eased their credit standards for loans to non-financial corporations over the past year.』

『The easing of credit standards stems, notably, from the lower cost of funds and balance sheet constraints, as well as from greater competition among banks. Both developments were clearly objectives of our measures, in particular of the TLTROs. The right-hand chart in Figure 4 shows net credit demand conditions and their contributing factors. Easier access to credit has been coupled with a consistent increase in firms’ demand for loans. The general level of interest rates, according to the survey respondents, is contributing most to the recovery in loan demand.』





『As I have already mentioned, an important transmission channel for asset purchases relates to the fact that different assets are imperfect substitutes. Consequently, interventions by the central bank that affect the supply of various assets available to private investors influence the prices of many other assets, including investment grade bonds, equities, real estate and foreign assets, with consequences for the exchange rate. Figure 5 shows the increase in equity and bond prices (the latter illustrated by investment grade corporate bond yields).』




『The ongoing deterioration of long-term inflation expectations was a major factor in the extension of our purchase programme in January this year. Figure 6 shows the evolution of these expectations over the past decade and since 2012. Euro area longer-term inflation expectations (both market-based and, to a lesser extent, survey-based) had been falling since early 2013, reaching an all-time low by early 2015.』

『Expectations of inflation five years ahead, as expressed in the ECB Survey of Professional Forecasters, fell from 1.98% in the first quarter of 2013 to 1.77% in the first quarter of 2015. The five-year inflation-linked swap rate five years ahead fell from 2.4% to 1.5% over the same period. Since January 2015 this declining trend has been reversed.』


『Both market-based and survey-based measures of longer-term inflation expectations have recovered from their lows. While broadly similar dynamics in market-based measures of longer-term inflation expectations have been observed in other countries, the decline in the euro area somewhat preceded them and was more prolonged.』



『I will now turn briefly to macro developments, both in terms of inflation and economic growth.』


『Since last April headline inflation has turned positive but remains very low, affected by the renewed decline in oil prices. Core inflation, excluding food and energy, continues however to firm, reflecting the ongoing economic recovery which is evolving in accordance with our baseline scenario.』


『The latest round of our staff macroeconomic projections indicates that by 2017 inflation will be below, but close to, 2% and that GDP growth will also be hovering around 1.9%.』



『We do not deny that there are risks and shortcomings associated with the type of policies that we have been forced to adopt in view of our mandate to safeguard price stability in a symmetric way. Very briefly I will refer to several of these:』


『Medium-term inflation risks are very low and central banks have enough instruments to deal with them.』


『The exit strategy may involve the possibility of losses for the central bank. However, as Ben Bernanke has said, this is a possibility that, measured against the gains from a stronger economy and the previous contributions to government budgets, is “not a true social economic risk”. [4]』


『Financial stability risks, stemming from search for yield and higher leverage, are real, but monetary policy cannot be inhibited in the pursuit of its priority goals. Those risks must be addressed by macroprudential policies of a regulatory and administrative nature, and the policy toolkit available to central banks in this respect should be enlarged for that purpose.』

『Potential laxity of credit risk management by financial institutions in a climate of low rates. Supervision, appropriate risk management governance and the regulation of provisions should deal with this problem.』



『Wealth effects and increased inequality. The stronger economy and lower unemployment that result from the LSAPs mitigate but do not eliminate this possible side effect.』

『Sometimes the criticism directed at our policies implicitly attributes responsibility for the low interest-rate environment to central bank policies. But the truth is precisely the opposite: central banks are simply reacting to and trying to correct a situation that they did not create. 』

『Indeed, medium and long-term market interest rates are mostly influenced by investors and market players, as the recent so-called “bund tantrum” illustrates. More importantly though, it should be pointed out that for a few decades now we have been witnessing a sort of secular trend towards lower real interest rates. This trend is related to secular stagnation in advanced economies, resulting from a continuous deceleration of total productivity growth and an increase in planned savings accompanied by less buoyant investment prospects. Monetary policy short-term rates are low because of those developments, not the other way around.』

『At the same time, our monetary policy has to be accommodative precisely in order to normalise inflation and growth rates, thereby opening up the possibility of higher interest rates. Furthermore, in the present short-term conditions, with no fiscal room for manoeuvre, it is monetary policy that has the capacity to create the hope that this normalisation will protect savers in the future and improve net margins for banks.』


でまあこの後に株価と不動産価格とクレジット市場のバリュエーションに関する説明があるのですが、その最初に『Regarding the risks associated with the search for yield and rich asset valuations, it is important to highlight that there are currently no signs of a general situation of asset overvaluation in the euro area.』という事でお察しの内容ですから引用は割愛します。



『Our new non-standard measures have successfully improved financial and credit conditions in the euro area and contributed to supporting the normalisation of price stability, as well as the ongoing economic recovery. I am confident that full implementation of the private and public sector asset purchase programmes, as announced, will lead to a sustained return of inflation rates towards levels consistent with our definition of price stability, underpinning the firm anchoring of medium to long-term inflation expectations. As always, the Governing Council stands ready to use all the instruments available within its mandate to respond to any material change to the outlook for price stability.』






コンスタンシオのおっちゃん今朝も『Understanding Inflation Dynamics and Monetary Policy』ってお題の講演をしているのですが、

Assessing the new phase of unconventional monetary policy at the ECB

Panel remarks prepared by Vitor Constancio, Vice-President of the ECB,
at the Annual Congress of the European Economic Association
University of Mannheim, 25 August 2015


『My plan today is to present some key features of the monetary policy measures recently implemented by the ECB. As you all know, in January this year the ECB launched the most recent addition to its suite of tools - the public sector purchase programme (PSPP), popularly referred to as quantitative easing. Together with a programme of targeted liquidity provision and a programme of private sector asset purchases, the PSPP marked a new phase of the ECB’s unconventional monetary policy.』


『Previous non-standard measures were mainly aimed at redressing impairments in the monetary policy transmission mechanism and fostering a regular pass-through of the monetary policy stance. Their implications for the ECB’s balance sheet were accommodated in a merely passive way to satisfy the liquidity demand created by banks.』

『In contrast, with the new measures implemented since June 2014, the Governing Council is more actively steering the size of the ECB’s balance sheet towards much higher levels in order to avoid the risks of too prolonged a period of low inflation in a situation where policy rates have reached their effective lower bound.』



次が『General considerations underlying the new phase of unconventional monetary policy』という小見出し。

『The launch of the new phase of non-standard measures in June 2014 must be viewed in the context of the decline in inflation rates since the second half of 2013, which was accompanied by persistently fragile euro area growth prospects, even after the sovereign debt crisis abated over the course of 2012.』


『The economy was still in recession for most of 2013 and annual GDP growth figures only became positive in late 2013, leaving significant economic slack. A weak recovery took hold over the course of 2014 with growth rates around and below 1%, but the outlook deteriorated again during the autumn, with inflation turning negative later that year. The 2015 GDP growth forecasts for the euro area in the ECB staff macroeconomic projections had declined from 1.7% in June to 1% by December. At the same time, and in contrast to previous developments, weak growth was accompanied by a prolonged period of declining inflation, which went from 3% at the end of 2011 to -0.2% in December 2014.』


『Credit supply conditions in the euro area remained tight, despite signs of improvement, as indicated by the responses to bank lending surveys. These developments were particularly worrying because they were accompanied by a decline in longer-term inflation expectations.』




『The effects of the measures have to be assessed jointly and taking into consideration that some of the measures started to produce results before the decisions were actually taken. This is particularly true of the PSPP, which was adopted in January; a survey of market participants conducted in October 2014 showed that over 50% were already anticipating that such a programme would shortly be adopted.』

『The distinguishing feature of the new phase of our unconventional monetary policy is the switch to a more active steering of the ECB’s balance sheet.』


『It is important to emphasise the nature of this new phase. Our intention is not to expand our monetary base in the expectation that, through the workings of a stable multiplier, this will result in an increase in monetary aggregates, which will in turn cause an upward movement in inflation by whatever means conceived by the traditional quantitative approach.』


『Our main reason for adopting a large-scale asset purchase programme was to harness several new channels for the transmission of an expansionary monetary policy.』


『The expansion in the monetary base and total balance sheet is rather a consequence of these new types of monetary stimulus.』

「rather a consequence」って「MB数値」を「目標」にしているどこぞの中央銀行涙目。

『Recent experience shows abundantly that those traditional relationships are not working well in the new realities of the financial system (see Figure 2).』


『The first channel through which these new unconventional monetary policy measures are expected to stimulate aggregate demand is by signalling the ECB’s commitment to maintain an accommodative monetary policy stance. [1] The TLTROs are a particularly clear example of this signalling channel. With their pre-specified interest rate and their maturity extending over many years, these operations provided information on the likely path of future interest rates. In the case of asset purchase programmes, the signalling channel operates more indirectly, through the expansion of the Eurosystem’s balance sheet.』

緩和的な金融政策スタンスに対するコミットメントによって需要を喚起する、という話がメインで、その中でTLTROについては緩和的な金融環境を作るというコミットに直接つながるものであり、APPに関してはバランスシートの拡大によって間接的なコミットメント効果のようなものがある、というお話。途中の「With their pre-specified interest rate and their maturity extending over many years, these operations provided information on the likely path of future interest rates.」はホンマカイナという気はするけど。

『The second channel results in part from the first, and relates to the direct impact on medium-term inflation expectations that a LSAP programme implies. It is expected that when forming expectations about future inflation, market players factor in the effect of this non-standard policy measure.』


『Non-standard measures can also stimulate activity through a third channel, specifically by lowering the effective cost and availability of credit to the non-financial private sector. Again, the TLTRO programme does this, providing explicit incentives for banks to extend their credit supply. The effectiveness of this programme was reinforced by the conclusion of our comprehensive assessment of the quality of banks’ balance sheets in autumn 2014, which provided strong incentives for banks to speed up the repair of their balance sheets.』

3番目のチャネルはクレジットのコストやアベイラビリティーを緩和することによって民間の借入を容易にしますという話をしているのだが、最後の「The effectiveness of this programme was reinforced by the conclusion of our comprehensive assessment of the quality of banks’ balance sheets in autumn 2014, which provided strong incentives for banks to speed up the repair of their balance sheets.」というのはホンマカイナという気がする(規制強化方向なのだから逆じゃネーノ)。

『The fourth channel of transmission of the new unconventional monetary policy, which is specific to the asset purchase programmes, operates through portfolio rebalancing. By means of its purchase programmes, the ECB exchanges longer-term and relatively less liquid assets for very short-term and highly liquid central bank money. This mitigates liquidity and duration risks in private sector portfolios and, given liquidity and Value at Risk constraints, reduces the required compensation for holding risky and illiquid assets. [2] As a result, the programmes encourage portfolio rebalancing and support asset prices. The ensuing improvement in the balance sheet position of investors and banks eases leverage constraints and allows banks to extend more credit at lower costs to the private sector. [3] Better financing conditions improve growth prospects, increase profitability and mitigate default probabilities in the non-financial sector. These positive feedback effects further improve the condition of the balance sheets of investors and banks, and increase their willingness to extend new credit in a self-reinforcing positive spiral.』


というのが政策の効果という説明でして、この次に『Evaluating the new phase of unconventional monetary policy』と定量コーナーが登場するのですが時間の都合上ここで勘弁ということで(汗)。




Vice Chairman Stanley Fischer
At the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City Economic Symposium, Jackson Hole, Wyoming
August 29, 2015
U.S. Inflation Developments


『I will focus my remarks today on forces--domestic and international--that have been holding down inflation in the United States,1 and some of the consequences of recent--primarily international--developments.



『Although the economy has continued to recover and the labor market is approaching our maximum employment objective, inflation has been persistently below 2 percent. That has been especially true recently, as the drop in oil prices over the past year, on the order of about 60 percent, has led directly to lower inflation as it feeds through to lower prices of gasoline and other energy items.』


『As a result, 12-month changes in the overall personal consumption expenditure (PCE) price index have recently been only a little above zero (chart 1).』


『The past year's energy price declines ought to be largely a one-off event (chart 2). That is, while futures markets suggest that the level of oil prices is expected to remain well below levels seen last summer, markets do not expect oil prices to fall further, so their influence in holding down inflation should be temporary. But measures of core inflation, which are intended to help us look through such transitory price movements, have also been relatively low (return to chart 1). The PCE index excluding food and energy is up 1.2 percent over the past year. The Dallas Fed's trimmed mean measure of the PCE price index is higher, at 1.6 percent, but still somewhat below our 2 percent objective. Moreover, these measures of core inflation have been persistently below 2 percent throughout the economic recovery.』


『That said, as with total inflation, core inflation can be somewhat variable, especially at frequencies higher than 12-month changes. Moreover, note that core inflation does not entirely "exclude" food and energy, because changes in energy prices affect firms' costs and so can pass into prices of non-energy items.』


『Of course, ongoing economic slack is one reason core inflation has been low. Although the economy has made great progress, we started seven years ago from an unemployment rate of 10 percent, which guaranteed a lengthy period of high unemployment. Even so, with inflation expectations apparently stable, we would have expected the gradual reduction of slack to be associated with less downward price pressure.』

『All else equal, we might therefore have expected both headline and core inflation to be moving up more noticeably toward our 2 percent objective. Yet, we have seen no clear evidence of core inflation moving higher over the past few years. This fact helps drive home an important point: While much evidence points to at least some ongoing role for slack in helping to explain movements in inflation, this influence is typically estimated to be modest in magnitude, and can easily be masked by other factors.2 』



『In the first instance, as already noted, core inflation can to some extent be influenced by oil prices. However, a larger effect comes from changes in the exchange value of the dollar, and the rise in the dollar over the past year is an important reason inflation has remained low (chart 4).』


『A higher value of the dollar passes through to lower import prices, which hold down U.S. inflation both because imports make up part of final consumption, and because lower prices for imported components hold down business costs more generally. In addition, a rise in the dollar restrains the growth of aggregate demand and overall economic activity, and so has some effect on inflation through that more indirect channel.3 』


『To get a sense of the timing and magnitude of these exchange rate effects, chart 5 shows dynamic simulations of a 10 percent real dollar appreciation, based on one of the models we maintain at the Federal Reserve.4 The estimated pass-through from import prices to consumer price inflation occurs relatively quickly, with effects becoming evident within a quarter and the bulk of the overall effect occurring within one year. By contrast, the portion of the dollar effects on inflation that work through the channel of overall economic activity occurs with considerable lags. In the model shown here, the appreciation has its largest effect on gross domestic product (GDP) growth in the second year after the shock.』


『Thus, it is plausible to think that the rise in the dollar over the past year would restrain growth of real GDP through 2016 and perhaps into 2017 as well. The rise in the dollar since last summer, of about 17 percent in nominal terms, with its associated declines in non-oil import prices, could plausibly be holding down core inflation quite noticeably this year.』



『Commodity prices other than oil are also of relevance for inflation in the United States. Prices of metals and other industrial commodities, and agricultural products, are affected to a considerable extent by developments outside the United States, and the softness we've seen in these commodity prices, has in part reflected a slowing of demand from China and elsewhere. These prices likely have also been a factor in holding down inflation in the United States.』



『The dynamics with which all these factors affect inflation depend crucially on the behavior of inflation expectations. One striking feature of the economic environment is that longer-term inflation expectations in the United States appear to have remained generally stable since the late 1990s (chart 6). The source of that stability is open to debate, but the fact that the Fed has kept inflation relatively low and stable for three decades must be an important part of the explanation.』


『Expectations that are not stable, but instead follow actual inflation up or down, would allow inflation to drift persistently. In the recent period, movements in inflation have tended to be transitory. For example, one might have expected the Great Recession to generate a downward wage-price spiral, but this did not occur. Thus, the stability of inflation expectations has prevented inflation from falling further below our objective than occurred, and it has enabled the Federal Open Market Committee to look through some upward inflation shocks without compromising price stability.5』



『We should however be cautious in our assessment that inflation expectations are remaining stable. One reason is that measures of inflation compensation in the market for Treasury securities have moved down somewhat since last summer (chart 7). But these movements can be hard to interpret, as at times they may reflect factors other than inflation expectations, such as changes in demand for the unparalleled liquidity of nominal Treasury securities.』




『Can the Committee be "reasonably confident that inflation will move back to its 2 percent objective over the medium term"? As I have discussed, given the apparent stability of inflation expectations, there is good reason to believe that inflation will move higher as the forces holding down inflation dissipate further.』

2%行くと信じるには「there is good reason」とな。

『While some effects of the rise in the dollar may be spread over time, some of the effects on inflation are likely already starting to fade. The same is true for last year's sharp fall in oil prices, though the further declines we have seen this summer have yet to fully show through to the consumer level.』


『And slack in the labor market has continued to diminish, so the downward pressure on inflation from that channel should be diminishing as well.』


『Reflecting all these factors, the Committee has indicated in its post-meeting statements that it expects inflation to return to 2 percent. With regard to our degree of confidence in this expectation, we will need to consider all the available information and assess its implications for the economic outlook before coming to a judgment.』


・some further improvementに何が必要なのか???

『In addition, the July announcement set a condition of requiring "some further improvement in the labor market." From May through July, non-farm payroll employment gains have averaged 235,000 per month. We now await the results of the August employment survey, which are due to be published on September 4.』


『Of course, the FOMC's monetary policy decision is not a mechanical one, based purely on the set of numbers reported in the payroll survey and in our judgment on the degree of confidence members of the committee have about future inflation.』



『We are interested also in aspects of the labor market beyond the simple U-3 measure of unemployment, including for example the rates of unemployment of older workers and of those working part-time for economic reasons; we are interested also in the participation rate. And in the case of the inflation rate we look beyond the rate of increase of PCE prices and define the concept of the core rate of inflation.』


『While thinking of different aspects of unemployment, we are concerned mainly with trying to find the right measure of the difficulties caused to current and potential participants in the labor force by their unemployment. In the case of the core rate of inflation, we are mainly looking for a good indicator of future inflation, and for better indicators than we have at present.』



『In making our monetary policy decisions, we are interested more in where the U.S. economy is heading than in knowing whence it has come. That is why we need to consider the overall state of the U.S. economy as well as the influence of foreign economies on the U.S. economy as we reach our judgment on whether and how to change monetary policy.』


『That is why we follow economic developments in the rest of the world as well as the United States in reaching our interest rate decisions. At this moment, we are following developments in the Chinese economy and their actual and potential effects on other economies even more closely than usual.』



『The Fed has, appropriately, responded to the weak economy and low inflation in recent years by taking a highly accommodative policy stance. By committing to foster the movement of inflation toward our 2 percent objective, we are enhancing the credibility of monetary policy and supporting the continued stability of inflation expectations. To do what monetary policy can do towards meeting our goals of maximum employment and price stability, and to ensure that these goals will continue to be met as we move ahead, we will most likely need to proceed cautiously in normalizing the stance of monetary policy.』

『For the purpose of meeting our goals, the entire path of interest rates matters more than the particular timing of the first increase.』



『With inflation low, we can probably remove accommodation at a gradual pace. Yet, because monetary policy influences real activity with a substantial lag, we should not wait until inflation is back to 2 percent to begin tightening. Should we judge at some point in time that the economy is threatening to overheat, we will have to move appropriately rapidly to deal with that threat. The same is true should the economy unexpectedly weaken.』




『Finally, while I have been talking today about some international influences on economic conditions in the United States, I am well aware that, when the Federal Reserve tightens policy, this affects other economies.』


『The Fed's statutory objectives are defined in terms of economic goals for the economy of the United States, but I believe that by meeting those objectives, and so maintaining a stable and strong macroeconomic environment at home, we will be best serving the global economy as well.6』


『6. For more discussion on this theme, see Stanley Fischer (2014), "The Federal Reserve and the Global Economy," speech delivered at the 2014 Annual Meetings of the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank Group, Washington, October 11.』




2015/08/28 01:58 JST


2015/08/28 00:04 JST

2015/08/28 04:38 JST




2015/08/27 19:30 JST






2015年 08月 26日 10:36 JST

『[上海 26日 ロイター] - 中国当局は、株式取引に関する規則違反や情報改ざんの疑いで国内の証券会社などを捜査している。株価が急落するなか、市場の取り締まりを強化する取り組みの一環。

新華社が25日報じたところによると、警察当局は証券取引法違反の容疑で、中国の証券最大手、中信証券(CITICS) の従業員8人の取り調べを行っている。




The Regional Economic Outlook
August 26, 2015
William C. Dudley, President and Chief Executive Officer
Remarks by William C. Dudley, President and Chief Executive Officer, New York, New York



2015/8/27 0:59


2015/08/27 04:17 JST













2015年 08月 27日 04:30 JST














『Recently, two themes have emerged from our community visits that warrant special attention.』


『The first is in the arena of workforce development. Employers often have difficulty finding potential employees with the specific skills they need, and workers often lack the specific skills employers are looking for. Workforce development aims to bridge this gap. Good jobs increasingly require higher levels of skill and education, and a skilled workforce that is matched to the needs of employers is also necessary for an economy to grow and prosper. That is why I believe workforce development is so important for the long-term health of the economy.』


『Access to credit for small businesses is another important issue we've focused on in recent years. Our outreach group conducts a bi-annual poll of small businesses in our region to better understand their credit needs and access to credit. The results consistently show that gaining access to credit is one of the top growth challenges for small businesses. In my visits across the District, I have heard small business owners voice similar concerns. 』



『These are just a few examples of the activities that reflect the Bank's commitment to the region. Let me turn now to the subject matter of today's briefing: the economic outlook for the regional economy.』

『There is a lot of good news to share. Many parts of the region have bounced back quite well from the Great Recession, and now have more jobs than before the downturn.』


『New York City really stands out in this regard. While the Great Recession was the deepest and longest recession in modern history for the nation as a whole, New York City bucked that trend to a surprising degree, and did it with little help from Wall Street. As we will discuss later in the briefing, one of New York City's strongest sectors has been technology. In this recovery, employment in the city's tech sector has added nearly 50,000 jobs, many of which pay well. The growth of the so-called Silicon Alley has not only helped the city bounce back from the recession, but, I believe, is a key for the city moving forward. When I visited Brooklyn late last year, I saw firsthand how technology is spurring economic activity, directly and indirectly. For example, Etsy, the popular e-commerce website, which in many ways resembles a retail company, relies on technology to underpin its business model.』


『But it's not just New York City that is growing nicely. Employment levels on Long Island and in parts of upstate New York-most notably the Albany, Buffalo and Rochester metro areas-have also climbed and are at or near record highs. During my recent trip to upstate New York, I saw first-hand some of the positive developments in Rochester and Buffalo. After undergoing a prolonged period of economic transformation and reinvention, Rochester's economy is now more diverse and dynamic than ever before. Meanwhile, the growth in Buffalo was striking. The numbers show a dramatic uptick in construction employment, and the visual evidence of development was widespread. I was especially impressed with the downtown and waterfront areas, as well as the new SolarCity factory-all of which looked dramatically different than when I visited the area less than two years ago. Both of these places are well positioned for future success.』


『On the other hand, the employment recovery has been slow to take hold in both Northern New Jersey and the Lower Hudson Valley, where jobs are still not back to their pre-recession peak despite employment growing steadily. For Northern New Jersey, this lag is due, in part, to a stall in the growth of jobs in professional and business services. But the education and health sectors continue to add jobs, and construction employment is seeing a rebound.』


『I also saw a number of bright spots on my visit to the area a few months ago. One was Jersey City, which is leveraging its proximity to New York City to attract residents and jobs. Another was Newark, where I saw signs of downtown development, including Teacher's Village, a mixed-use community of teachers with new schools, housing and retail businesses.』


『But pockets of weakness remain. For example, in upstate New York, Binghamton has had no meaningful rebound in employment. Although the U.S. Virgin Islands and Puerto Rico remain in a deep economic slump, employment appears to have steadied in both places in recent months. However, Puerto Rico's weak economy coupled with a fiscal crisis means its economic outlook remains uncertain as it struggles to address its unique set of problems.』





2015/08/26 00:13 JST






2015/08/26 05:40 JST

2015/08/26 04:12 JST







Interview with Borsen-Zeitung

Interview of Benoit Coure, Member of the Executive Board of the ECB,
conducted by Mark Schrors of Borsen-Zeitung and published on 15 August 2015

Mr Coure, the last two bailout programmes have failed to get Greece back on its feet. What makes you think that this time everything will be different and this third programme will turn Greece into a “thriving economy”, to use the expression recently employed by Mario Draghi, President of the European Central Bank (ECB)?




『Let’s talk about monetary policy. Some economists are already speculating that the renewed drop in oil prices could ensure that the inflation rate, which was 0.2% in July, falls below 0% again. Longer-term inflation expectations have also fallen again slightly. Are you starting to get worried again?』


『We do not wake up every morning and look at the economic indicators in order to decide whether to raise or lower interest rates or whether to stop or expand QE. We have a medium-term perspective.』


『We have oriented our monetary policy stance - with low and even negative interest rates and forward guidance, together with bond purchases - towards a long time horizon. Hence, we have said that those purchases can run until at least September 2016, or later if necessary. There was a good reason for this long-term focus, namely that the economic recovery is still weak and is only gradually strengthening.』




『So, at the moment you do not see any need to act?』

『Our monetary policy decisions are gradually finding their way into the provision of credit and the real economy, even if only slowly. We therefore want to keep a steady hand. We would only see ourselves forced to act if there was a fundamental change in the economic situation or the monetary stance was materially altered because of developments in the markets - for example, in the event of a sharp increase in long-term bond yields. So far, I am not worried by what I am seeing.』

『So, renewed worries about deflation are exaggerated?』

『There is nothing in the data that supports such an assessment.』



『In the United States, the first interest rate rise is on the horizon. Would this make the ECB’s job easier, for example because the euro would lose value against the US dollar, or more difficult because rising US bond yields have often pushed up their European counterparts in the past?』

『If the Federal Reserve comes to the conclusion that it can raise interest rates, that means that the US economy is strong. That would be good news for the global economy, and therefore also good news for the euro area. It will be crucial that global financial markets are resilient enough to deal with this change in monetary policy.』


『And, are they resilient enough? Or should we be worried that the first US interest rate rise since June 2006 will cause chaos in the markets?』

『We have been living with very low interest rates for a very long time. The challenge is to ensure that market participants recognise that the future regime will be more like it normally was in the past - with higher interest rates. There is a risk that some have forgotten what that looks like. That also applies to us in Europe. It is extremely important that our unconventional monetary policy does not damage financial markets.』

>It is extremely important that our unconventional monetary policy does not damage financial markets.
>It is extremely important that our unconventional monetary policy does not damage financial markets.
>It is extremely important that our unconventional monetary policy does not damage financial markets.




『But that is exactly what many market participants are accusing central bankers of - especially the ECB. They are accusing them of overriding market mechanisms and ousting private investors.』


『It is clear to me that these unconventional measures have to be of a temporary nature.』

『If they became a permanent phenomenon, that would have much more significant implications for market structures and the profitability of financial intermediaries. Then I would be worried.』


『But I am convinced that this regime will be temporary, and that is because our purchase programme is already bearing fruit.』




『To come back to the ECB: there is a global discussion about central banks’ mandates, for example whether financial stability should become an explicit target, and about inflation targets, i.e. whether 2% is still appropriate. Do you see a need for the ECB to rethink its operational framework?』


『Here in the euro area, we are slowly fighting our way out of the crisis. Now is definitely not the right time to be having these discussions. We have fared well with our narrow mandate. We are mindful of financial stability considerations, but our primary mandate remains price stability. As regards the figure of 2%, there is not much point in thinking about this when inflation is at 0.2%. We should concentrate first of all on bringing inflation back towards 2%.』


『But that is precisely the point. Some people in Germany believe that price stability is not 2% inflation, but rather 0% inflation.』


『Price stability does not mean 0% inflation. When inflation is measured at 0%, the actual rate of inflation is less than 0%, as there is a tendency to overestimate the rate of inflation by underestimating the underlying adjustments in the quality of goods and services. And just think: if we reduce our inflation objective when inflation stands at 0.2%, how are we to prevent it from being raised the next time it stands at 3.5%? Our inflation objective has served us well, and the medium-term orientation gives us sufficient flexibility.』





2015/08/25 05:30 JST



The Interplay of Public Pensions and the Broad Economy

Dennis Lockhart
President and Chief Executive Officer
Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta

Public Pension Funding Forum Speech
Berkeley, California
August 24, 2015



『・Atlanta Fed President and CEO Dennis Lockhart, in an August 24, 2015, speech to the Public Pension Funding Forum in Berkeley, California, discusses ways that public pensions and the broad economy interact.

・Lockhart says that state and local government spending cuts can become a headwind in a downturn and subsequent recovery, and pension funding gaps can exacerbate this tendency. But he doesn't see the underfunding of public pension funds as a systemic risk.

・Lockhart believes the time to address funding gaps is before the next downturn arrives.』


『・Lockhart says that since the recession ended, the U.S. economy has grown at an average annual rate of 2.1 percent. His baseline forecast is for moderate growth with continuing employment gains and a gradually rising rate of inflation.

・Consistent with the picture of moderate growth, Lockhart expects the normalization of monetary policy-that is, interest rates-to begin sometime this year, and to proceed gradually, in an environment of low rates for quite some time.』



A Story of Economic Progress

Dennis Lockhart
President and Chief Executive Officer
Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta

Atlanta Press Club Speech
Atlanta, Georgia
August 10, 2015

『・Atlanta Fed President and CEO Dennis Lockhart, in an August 10, 2015, speech to the Atlanta Press Club, discusses the economic progress achieved since the Great Recession and the anticipated FOMC decision to move the federal funds rate off zero.

・Lockhart says that from its peak of 10 percent, the rate of unemployment has fallen to 5.3 percent. However, the average rate of inflation over the six-plus years of recovery has been 1 1/2 percent. He expects to see convincing evidence emerge that inflation is rising to a safer level and approaching the FOMC's 2 percent target.

・Lockhart reiterates that the economy has made great gains and is approaching an acceptable normal, and policy should shortly acknowledge this reality. He is prepared to see mixed data, but he thinks the time to begin normalizing monetary conditions is close.

・Lockhart stresses that the path of interest-rate increases will likely be gradual and such a stance of policy will be appropriate for some time after liftoff.』

ということで、サマリー部分で比較するというのも手抜きにも程がありますが、前回は「he thinks the time to begin normalizing monetary conditions is close.」と纏められていたのですが、今回に関しては「the normalization of monetary policy-that is, interest rates-to begin sometime this year」と纏められていましたので、これは年内利上げが可能という基本シナリオを崩すことは無いけれども9月利上げに対してビビっているよという印象を与えそうな纏め方になっているのはまあそうでしょうなあと思うのです。




最後の小見出し『Economic growth and pension funding/investments』をざっと引用します。(その前の話も割とオモロイけど。

『I'll conclude by turning the lens in the other direction. I'll comment on how the macroeconomic growth environment can interact with pension funding.』

『I would think the macroeconomic outlook is of great interest to you as you set your investment objectives for the coming years, review your allocation, and decide how much risk you must accept.』

『Let me frame the topic in this way: it's about the alignment of assumptions about overall investment portfolio returns with realistic assumptions about macroeconomic momentum and trends. Not all investments in portfolios of public pension funds are correlated with broad economic outcomes, but I suspect many are. Forecast assumptions regarding GDP growth underpin, to an extent, forecasts of fixed-income portfolio returns and total returns of other asset classes.』


『My outlook for GDP growth (for the medium term, at least) cannot help but be influenced by recent economic history.』


『Since the recession ended in the summer of 2009, the domestic economy has grown at an average annual rate of 2.1 percent. Compared to other post-World War II recoveries, this is slow growth.』


『Over this period, the economy has faced a number of headwinds and shocks. We've pushed through several domestic fiscal showdowns?including one federal government shutdown-a tsunami, two major winter weather events, geopolitical tensions, and wide swings of global energy prices. These developments slowed activity, shook confidence, and bred cautious economic behavior on the part of American consumers and businesses. These spells of cautious behavior have contributed to a slow pace of recovery.』


『More recently, the Greek fiscal crisis was unsettling with its potential for a major financial event or worse. Currently, developments such as the appreciation of the dollar, the devaluation of the Chinese currency, and the further decline of oil prices are complicating factors in predicting the pace of growth.』


『Our baseline forecast at the Atlanta Fed is for moderate growth with continuing employment gains and a gradually rising rate of inflation.』


『The fundamentals underlying this outlook relate to consumer spending, business investment, and the related issues of wage and income growth. I'll comment on the current state of each of these.』


『Over the past year, consumer spending has strengthened to a pace consistent with the solid, but unspectacular, pace of growth I just predicted. This spending has been supported by reasonably good aggregate income growth, but it is important to note that aggregate income expansion has come more from employment gains in the workforce than from gains in wage rates paid to workers.』


『Average wage growth has persisted at levels well below the prerecession pace, very likely in part due to subpar labor productivity growth over most of the recovery.』


『Weakness in the pace of labor productivity gains has been associated with a relatively tepid pace of business investment. For example, during the past year, business spending on equipment has merely matched the lackluster growth of the overall economy.』


『I am looking for some improvement in business investment spending other than energy-sector spending on wells and production infrastructure. The lower oil price has caused major cutbacks in that category of investment.』


『The fundamental factors underlying GDP growth are linked. Business investment supports productivity growth. Growth of productivity fuels wage growth. Wage growth fosters the acceleration of consumer activity. I'm expecting continuing improvement in all these elements of the growth outlook, but I'm not predicting sharp acceleration in the foreseeable future.』

ということで、今のファクターというのは相互に繋がって居るのですけれども、結論としては「I'm expecting continuing improvement in all these elements of the growth outlook」であって、ただしそれは当面の間は力強く成長することもないでしょうなあというお話ではないかと。


『Consistent with this picture, I expect the normalization of monetary policy-that is, interest rates-to begin sometime this year.』


『I expect normalization to proceed gradually, the implication being an environment of rather low rates for quite some time.』


『Let me wrap up. I've had the following basic messages for you today.』


『I don't see the underfunding of public pension funds as a systemic risk. Nor do I see state and local government fiscal stresses, to which pension underfunding can contribute, plausibly posing systemic-event risk individually or collectively. However, state and local government spending cuts can become a headwind in a downturn and subsequent recovery. Pension funding gaps can exacerbate this tendency. Failure to shore up the funding of public pensions when times are relatively good can compound stresses on state and local budgets when economic conditions become more challenging. For the sake of the overall economy, the time to address funding gaps is before the next downturn arrives.』


『Finally, in setting your expectations for returns, you may wish to consider the outlook for growth over the medium term. My own outlook foresees moderate growth, but not a breakout to strongly accelerating growth.』





『For me, the cumulative evidence of the economy's healing, and the likelihood the economy is on a path to achieving the Fed's mandated objectives, makes me comfortable that the economy can handle a gradually rising interest-rate environment.』

『Fed Chair Janet Yellen has stated she expects conditions to jell, justifying a start to policy normalization sometime later this year. I agree. I think the point of liftoff is close.』


『As the Committee approaches what I consider a historic decision, I am not expecting the data signals to point uniformly in the same direction. I don't need this. I'm prepared to see mixed data. Data are inherently noisy month to month and quarter to quarter.』

『Given the progress made over the recovery and the overall recent tone of the economy, I for one do not intend to let the gyrating needle of monthly data be the decisive factor in decision making.』



『Let me recap my main points. Much progress has been achieved since December 2008, when the Fed's policy rate reached zero, and mid-2009, when the recession ended. That progress has been accomplished with the support of extraordinary monetary policy.』


『Current and prospective economic conditions increasingly do not demand the most aggressive stance of policy. I think the time to begin normalizing monetary conditions is close.』


『Once underway, the process of raising interest rates to more normal, sustainable levels will likely be gradual. It has been a long story, sometimes frustratingly so, but one I am increasingly confident will have a happy ending.』











・『Committee Policy Action』の所でも議論が展開されているとな


『In their discussion of monetary policy for the period ahead, members judged that information received since the FOMC met in June indicated that economic activity had been expanding moderately in recent months. The labor market had also continued to improve, with solid job gains and declining unemployment. A range of labor market indicators, on balance, suggested that underutilization of labor resources had diminished since early this year.』

『Members generally viewed these developments, together with appropriate monetary policy accommodation, as supporting their expectations for moderate economic growth in the medium term and for further improvement in labor market conditions. They also continued to see the risks to the outlook for economic activity and the labor market as nearly balanced. Inflation had continued to run below the Committee's longer-run objective, but members expected it to rise gradually toward 2 percent over the medium term as the labor market improved further and the transitory effects of earlier declines in energy and import prices dissipated.』


『In assessing whether economic conditions had improved sufficiently to initiate a firming in the stance of monetary policy, the Committee noted that, on balance, a range of labor market indicators suggested that underutilization of labor resources had diminished further.』


『With respect to its objective of maximum employment, the Committee judged that, on balance, a range of labor market indicators suggested that underutilization of labor resources had diminished somewhat over the intermeeting period. Most members saw room for additional progress in reducing labor market slack, while a couple of members indicated that they viewed the unemployment rate as very close or essentially identical to its mandate-consistent level.』(6月FOMC議事要旨より)


『Most members saw room for some additional progress in reducing labor market slack, although several viewed current labor market conditions as at or very close to those consistent with maximum employment.』

severalというのはどうも3名よりは多いけどそこまでは多くない(3名だとa fewで来る、severalはsomeよりは人数少なくて、manyだと多分過半数)のですが、利上げに十分という見解がある訳で。

『Many members thought that labor market underutilization would be largely eliminated in the near term if economic activity evolved as they expected. However, several were concerned that labor market conditions consistent with maximum employment could take longer to achieve, noting, for example, the lack of convincing signs of accelerating wages, which might be signaling that the natural rate of unemployment could currently be lower than they previously thought.』


『In considering the Committee's criteria with respect to inflation for beginning policy normalization, most members viewed the incoming data as reinforcing their earlier assessment that, although inflation continued to run below the Committee's objective, the downward pressure on inflation from the previous decreases in energy prices and the effects of past dollar appreciation would abate.』


『However, core inflation on a year-over-year basis also was still below 2 percent. Moreover, some members continued to see downside risks to inflation from the possibility of further dollar appreciation and declines in commodity prices. In addition, several members noted that higher rates of resource utilization appeared to have had only very limited effects to date on wages and prices, and underscored the uncertainty surrounding the inflation process as well as the role and dynamics of inflation expectations.』

でまあ物価はそう簡単に上がらないのではないかという反論の方は色々と出ていまして、「some members」は「continued to see downside risks to inflation」としてドル高とエネ価格を上げ、「several members」はもうちょっとそもそも論として経済のスラックの解消が進んでいるのに物価が上がらんという点についてこれは今後インフレが本当に上昇するんかいねという話やインフレ期待に関する話にもなるという事で、まあここの反論の方に分がありそうな気もせんでもない訳で、そうなるとそもそも利上げ着手大丈夫という話になってしまいますな。





『The Committee agreed to continue to monitor inflation developments closely, with almost all members indicating that they would need to see more evidence that economic growth was sufficiently strong and labor markets conditions had firmed enough for them to feel reasonably confident that inflation would return to the Committee's longer-run objective over the medium term.』

ということなので、今回は利上げ無しという事ですが、物価に関しての踏ん切りをつけるにはエネルギー価格がどうのこうのなのではなく、「economic growth was sufficiently strong and labor markets conditions had firmed」とありますので、これはつまり「基調が強いことが重要」という毎度おなじみの話をしている訳でして、原油価格ガーと言って将来の金融政策に対する思惑が市場で盛り上がるのはまあお気持ちは非常に良くわかるのですが、実際問題としてそれはちと違うようにも思えます。


『The Committee concluded that, although it had seen further progress, the economic conditions warranting an increase in the target range for the federal funds rate had not yet been met.』


『Members generally agreed that additional information on the outlook would be necessary before deciding to implement an increase in the target range.』


『One member, however, indicated a readiness to take that step at this meeting but was willing to wait for additional data to confirm a judgment to raise the target range.』



『In their discussion of language for the postmeeting statement, members agreed that the wording should reflect their assessment that economic conditions showed continued progress toward the Committee's objectives.』


『The Committee updated the statement to indicate that economic activity had been expanding moderately in recent months and that it had seen further improvement in labor market conditions over the intermeeting period, pointing specifically to solid job gains and declining unemployment. In addition, the Committee agreed to state that a range of labor market indicators suggested that underutilization of labor resources had diminished since early this year, acknowledging the cumulative progress that had been made in the labor market.』


『The Committee also modified the discussion of inflation developments slightly to recognize the more recent declines in energy prices while restating the expectation that inflation would rise gradually toward 2 percent over the medium term as the labor market improved further and the transitory effects of earlier declines in energy and import prices dissipated.』


とまあそういう事で、普段は割とスルー気味(一応読むには読んでいるが)な『Committee Policy Action』の部分ですが、読んでいて「おやこれ前回と書き振りのニュアンスが違うな」と思いましたので敢えてネタにしてみましたが、やはりちょっと金融市場が「9月利上げもう無しだぜヒャッハー」のやり過ぎのような気がだいぶしないでも無いなあ、とまあそんな風に思うのでした。





2015/08/21 05:27 JST







Public Debt and the Long-Run Neutral Real Interest Rate

Narayana Kocherlakota | President
Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis
Bank of Korea Conference
Seoul, South Korea
August 19, 2015



『Thanks for the introduction and the invitation to be here today. It is a pleasure to be back in Seoul. My remarks today are divided into three parts.』


『In the first part of the talk, I examine the behavior of the yields to Treasury Inflation-Protected Securities (that is, TIPS) and the yields to nominal Treasuries over the past decade. Using this evidence, I argue that, over that period of time, there has been a notable decline in the long-run neutral real interest rate.』


『By the long-run neutral real interest rate, I mean the real interest rate that I expect to prevail when the economy is at maximum employment and inflation is at the central bank’s target.』



『In the second part of my talk, I discuss two costs associated with the decline in the long-run neutral real interest rate.』


『The first cost is that there is an increased risk that monetary policymakers will be constrained by the lower bound on the nominal interest rate. The second cost is that there is an increased risk of financial instability.』



『Finally, I discuss how fiscal policy can be used to increase the long-run neutral real interest rate.』


『I consider a permanent increase in the market value of the public debt that is serviced by an increase in future taxes or a reduction in future transfers. This policy change increases the supply of assets available to investors. I argue that, in a wide class of plausible economic models, such an increase in supply would push downward on debt prices, and so upward on the long-run neutral real interest rate.』


『When I put these three points together, I reach my main conclusion. The decline in the long-run neutral real interest rate increases the likelihood of financial instability and the likelihood that the economy will run into the lower bound on nominal interest rates.』


『Fiscal policymakers can mitigate these risks by choosing to maintain higher levels of public debt than markets currently anticipate.』


『I want to be clear at the outset that I am not saying that it is appropriate for fiscal policymakers to increase the long-run level of public debt.』


『I am simply pointing to two key benefits associated with such an increase.』


『I will also point to other costs (and benefits) associated with increasing the level of public debt. Sorting through them is outside the scope of my remarks today, and really outside my purview as a monetary policymaker.』


・そもそも「Neutral Real Interest Rate」とは何ぞやと

『I begin with some context: What do I mean by the neutral real interest rate?』


『The neutral real interest rate refers to the real interest rate that would prevail if the economy were at maximum employment and inflation were at target. The neutral real interest rate is a latent-that is, unobservable-variable. But it is a critical variable for monetary policymakers. The goal of the Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) is to achieve maximum employment and keep inflation at 2 percent over the longer run. Definitionally, the FOMC can achieve this goal only by ensuring that the market real interest rate is, in fact, equal to the neutral real interest rate over the longer run.』

『In contrast, if the market real interest rate is expected to be too high relative to the neutral real interest rate, then the FOMC is providing insufficient accommodation. In such a case, I would generally expect the inflation rate to run below target and employment to be below its maximal level.』


『As I say, the neutral real interest rate is unobserved. However, there is valuable information about the expected neutral real interest rate in the behavior of observed real interest rates and inflation forecasts. I next turn to how best to use that information.』



次のコーナーが『The Decline in the Long-Run Neutral Real Interest Rate』ですが・・・・・・

『My first point is that the long-run neutral real interest rate has declined over the past few years in the United States. We can see evidence of this decline in the recent behavior of the long-run market real interest rate.』


『Consider the behavior of the 10 year-10 year forward yield on TIPS. This is a measure of what financial markets expect the annual real interest rate to average over the 10-year period that starts 10 years from the current date.』


『Assuming that perceptions of future inflation mismeasurement have not changed over time, I see at least two possible reasons that market real interest rates could have declined.』

『The first is that the long-run neutral real interest rate has declined. The second is that investors expect looser monetary policy, conditional on an unchanged long-run neutral real interest rate.』


『To disentangle these two possible explanations, it is helpful to look at the behavior of inflation forecasts implied by financial market data. This graph depicts the behavior of 10 year-10 year forward inflation breakevens imputed from TIPS. This is a measure of anticipated inflation over a 10-year period that begins 10 years from the current date.』


『The graph shows that anticipated average inflation has risen little over the past few years, and may well have fallen.』


『This suggests that the decline in the long-run market real interest rate is associated with investors expecting tighter monetary policy in the future, not looser policy.』


『I conclude that the long-run neutral real interest rate has also declined-and possibly by even more than the long-run real interest rate itself.』




2015/08/20 05:29 JST





例によって『Participants' Views on Current Conditions and the Economic Outlook』のケツの辺りから利上げタイミングの話を引用するとこうなる。

『During their discussion of economic conditions and monetary policy, participants mentioned a number of considerations associated with the timing and pace of policy normalization.』


『Most judged that the conditions for policy firming had not yet been achieved, but they noted that conditions were approaching that point.』


『Participants observed that the labor market had improved notably since early this year, but many saw scope for some further improvement.』

「some further improvement」って声明文にあって話題になった部分ですな。

『Many participants indicated that their outlook for sustained economic growth and further improvement in labor markets was key in supporting their expectation that inflation would move up to the Committee's 2 percent objective, and that they would be looking for evidence that the economic outlook was evolving as they anticipated.』



『However, some participants expressed the view that the incoming information had not yet provided grounds for reasonable confidence that inflation would move back to 2 percent over the medium term and that the inflation outlook thus might not soon meet one of the conditions established by the Committee for initiating a firming of policy.』


『Several of these participants cited evidence that the response of inflation to the elimination of resource slack might be attenuated and expressed concern about risks of further downward pressure on inflation from international developments.』

でもって物価の先行きに懸念を示す向きの意見が続くのですが、労働市場のスラックが縮小しても物価に上昇圧力が掛かりにくくなっているという現状から、海外要因から来る物価押し下げ圧力が一段と強まることによってさらに物価が上がらないんじゃネーノという見解ですな。ちなみにここで「Several of these participants」って言ってるからさっきの「Some」は割と多めの複数だということですな、うんうん。

『Another concern related to the risk of premature policy tightening was the limited ability of monetary policy to offset downside shocks to inflation and economic activity when the federal funds rate was near its effective lower bound.』




『Some participants, however, emphasized that the economy had made significant progress over the past few years and viewed the economic conditions for beginning to increase the target range for the federal funds rate as having been met or were confident that they would be met shortly.』

ということで、別の「Some participants」は次回FOMC位での利上げ適切っぽい見解を示しているのでございましてですな。

『A few of these participants judged that the stance of monetary policy, including the extraordinarily low level of the federal funds rate and the current size of the Federal Reserve balance sheet, was very accommodative.』

『A couple of others thought that an appreciable delay in beginning the process of normalization might result in an undesirable increase in inflation or have adverse consequences for financial stability.』


『Some participants advised that progress toward the Committee's objectives should be viewed in light of the cumulative gains made to date without overemphasizing month-to-month changes in incoming data. It was also noted that a prompt start to normalization would likely convey the Committee's confidence in prospects for the economy.』






『In their discussion of the appropriate path for the federal funds rate and associated communications at and after the time of the first increase in the target range, participants expressed support for emphasizing that the course of policy would remain conditional on the Committee's assessment of economic developments and the outlook relative to its objectives. It was also noted that the Committee's communications around the time of the first rate increase should emphasize that the expected path for policy, not the initial increase, would be the most important determinant of financial conditions and should acknowledge that policy would continue to be accommodative to support progress toward the Committee's dual objectives.』


『While monetary policy adjustments ultimately would be data dependent, some participants expressed the view that, in light of their current outlook, it likely would be appropriate to adjust the federal funds rate gradually after the first increase to help ensure that the economy would be able to absorb higher interest rates and that inflation was moving toward the Committee's objective.』



議決の後に『Long-Run Monetary Policy Implementation Framework』というコーナーがあるのだが。

『At the conclusion of the meeting, the Chair noted that the staff would soon begin an extended effort to evaluate potential long-run monetary policy implementation frameworks.』


『In view of the likely time frames for normalization of the stance of monetary policy and the System's balance sheet, the Committee probably would not need to reach any final decisions regarding such a framework for several years.』


『Moreover, the process of normalization will likely provide a great deal of information about money markets and the Federal Reserve's policy tools that will help inform the Committee's judgment about a long-run implementation framework. Nonetheless, because the analysis will likely address a wide range of topics, it seemed appropriate to begin now to organize and undertake the work.』


『Previous staff work on implementation frameworks was presented to the Committee in April 2008 and focused largely on alternative frameworks that could be used to target the federal funds rate. Those topics would be an important part of the current undertaking as well. However, in light of experience over recent years, policymakers agreed that a number of related issues warranted attention, including topics such as the effectiveness of alternative implementation frameworks in scenarios that could require a return to the zero lower bound, regulatory and other structural developments that could affect financial institutions and markets in ways that would affect monetary policy implementation, and the long-run structure of the Federal Reserve's assets and liabilities that best supports the System's macroeconomic objectives and financial stability.』

『In discussing the range of issues contemplated for study under this project, it was noted that the Policy Normalization Principles and Plans reflect the Committee's intention that, in the longer run, the Federal Reserve will hold no more securities than necessary to implement monetary policy efficiently and effectively and that the Federal Reserve will hold primarily Treasury securities.』


『Policymakers agreed that it would be important to draw on the perspectives of staff across the Federal Reserve System and to consult widely with other central banks, academics, and other experts on markets, financial institutions, and monetary policy. The project was expected to run through the end of 2016. Policymakers will review progress and provide input as the work proceeds.』



『Participants' Views on Current Conditions and the Economic Outlook』というのは経済の状況と見通しという位ですからそういう話をしていて、全体観の後に項目別の話をしておりますが、そのコーナーの6パラグラフ目に海外経済の話がありますぞな。

『In their discussion of the foreign economic outlook, participants generally viewed the risks from the fiscal and financial problems in Greece as having diminished somewhat, although it was observed that Greece still faced many challenges and that Greek economic progress was likely to be limited over the near term.』


『While the recent Chinese stock market decline seemed to have had limited implications to date for the growth outlook in China, several participants noted that a material slowdown in Chinese economic activity could pose risks to the U.S. economic outlook.』

中国に関してですが、株価の急落に関してはまあそこまで気にせんでもよかろうというのも順当でして、中国経済の減速に関して米国経済へのリスクが増大という指摘は確かにあるのですが、それゆうとるの「several participants」なのであって、中国経済への懸念が示されているのでハト派的ってな講釈をモーサテ方面で垂れていた(東京の解説の人ではないです、為念)のはちとそこまで言うかとは思った。

『Some participants also discussed the risk that a possible divergence in interest rates in the United States and abroad might lead to further appreciation of the dollar, extending the downward pressure on commodity prices and the weakness in net exports.』






Governor Jerome H. Powell
At the The Brookings Institution, Washington, D.C.
August 3, 2015
Structure and Liquidity in Treasury Markets



『Regulation is only one of the factors--and clearly not the dominant one--behind the evolution in market making.』


『As we have seen, markets were undergoing dramatic change long before the financial crisis. Technological change has allowed new types of trading firms to act as market makers for a large and growing share of transactions, not just in equity and foreign exchange markets but also in Treasury markets.』


『As traditional dealers have lost market share, one way they have sought to remain competitive is by attempting to internalize their customer trades--essentially trying to create their own markets by finding matches between their customers who are seeking to buy and sell.』



『Internalization allows these firms to capture more of the bid-ask spread, but it may also reduce liquidity in the public market. At the same time it does not eliminate the need for a public market, where price discovery mainly occurs, as dealers must place the orders that they cannot internalize into that market.』


『While the changes I've just discussed are unlikely to go away, I believe that markets will adapt to them over time. In the meantime, we have a responsibility to make sure that market and regulatory incentives appropriately encourage an evolution that will sustain market liquidity and functioning.』



『In thinking about market incentives, one observer has noted that trading rules and structures have grown to matter crucially as trading speeds have increased--in her words, "At very fast speeds, only the [market] microstructure matters."8 Trading algorithms are, after all, simply a set of rules, and they will necessarily interact with and optimize against the rules of the trading platforms they operate on. If trading is at nanoseconds, there won't be a lot of "fundamental" news to trade on or much time to formulate views about the long-run value of an asset; instead, trading at these speeds can become a game played against order books and the market rules.』


『We can complain about certain trading practices in this new environment, but if the market is structured to incentivize those practices, then why should we be surprised if they occur?』


『The trading platforms in both the interdealer cash and futures markets are based on a central limit order book, in which quotes are executed based on price and the order they are posted. A central limit order book provides for continuous trading, but it also provides incentives to be the fastest.』


『A trader that is faster than the others in the market will be able to post and remove orders in reaction to changes in the order book before others can do so, earning profits by hitting out-of-date quotes and avoiding losses by making sure that the trader's own quotes are up to date.』


『Technology and greater competition have led to lower costs in many areas of our economy. At the same time, slower traders may be put at a disadvantage in this environment, which could cause them to withdraw from markets or seek other venues, thus fracturing liquidity.』



『 And one can certainly question how socially useful it is to build optic fiber or microwave networks just to trade at microseconds or nanoseconds rather than milliseconds. The cost of these technologies, among other factors, may also be driving greater concentration in markets, which could threaten their resilience.』

『The type of internalization now done by dealers is only really profitable if done on a large scale, and that too has led to greater market concentration.』


『A number of observers have suggested reforms for consideration. For example, some recent commentators propose frequent batch auctions as an alternative to the central limit order book, and argue that this would lead to greater market liquidity.9 Others have argued that current market structures may lead to greater volatility, and suggested possible alterations designed to improve the situation.10』


『To be clear, I am not embracing any particular one of these ideas. Rather, I am suggesting that now is a good time for market participants and regulators to collectively consider whether current market structures can be improved for the benefit of all.』



『Questions about market structure also arise in the funding markets for Treasuries. As many have noted, there is a link between funding liquidity and market liquidity, and for Treasury markets the links to funding in the repo market are especially close.11』


『Post crisis reforms have made the repo market safer but also raised the costs of repo transactions. Greater use of central clearing could potentially lower these costs by allowing participants to net more of their transactions. Authorities have emphasized a greater use of clearing for a wide range of products, and I believe there could be benefits to greater clearing in repo markets as well. There are several private proposals to accomplish that, and any solution will have to satisfy demanding regulatory requirements.』



『To wrap up, we need more clarity on the implications of structural changes in these critical markets for market liquidity and function. This is a good time to hold another public conference to discuss Treasury market structure. In fact, that is one of the recommendations in the October 15 report released last month.』


『The conference will take place this fall at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, in cooperation with the Treasury Department, the Board of Governors, the Securities and Exchange Commission and the Commodity Futures Trading Commission. My hope and expectation is that it will bring market participants and regulators closer to an understanding of whether there are changes in trading and risk management practices, regulation and market structure that could make our Treasury markets even more liquid and more resilient.』






Governor Jerome H. Powell
At the The Brookings Institution, Washington, D.C.
August 3, 2015
Structure and Liquidity in Treasury Markets



『Perhaps the most fundamental change in these markets is the move to electronic trading, which began in earnest about 15 years ago. It is hard to overstate the transformation in these markets.』


『Only two decades ago, the dealers who participated in primary Treasury auctions had to send representatives, in person, to the offices of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York to submit their bids on auction days. They dropped their paper bids into a box.』


『The secondary market was a bit more advanced. There were electronic systems for posting interdealer quotes in the cash market, and the Globex platform had been introduced for futures.』


『Still, most interdealer trades were conducted over the phone and futures trading was primarily conducted in the open pit.』


『Today these markets are almost fully electronic. Interdealer trading in the cash Treasury market is conducted over electronic trading platforms.6 Thanks to advances in telecommunications and computing, the speed of trading has increased at least a million-fold.7』


『Advances in computing and faster access to trading platforms have also allowed new types of firms and trading strategies to enter the market. Algorithmic and high-frequency trading firms deploy a wide and diverse range of strategies. In particular, the technologies and strategies that people associate with high frequency trading are also regularly employed by broker-dealers, hedge funds, and even individual investors. Compared with the speed of trading 20 years ago, anyone can trade at high frequencies today, and so, to me, this transformation is more about technology than any one particular type of firm.』




『Given all these changes, we need to have a more nuanced discussion as to the state of the markets. Are there important market failures that are not likely to self-correct? If so, what are the causes, and what are the costs and benefits of potential market-led or regulatory responses?』



『Some observers point to post-crisis regulation as a key factor driving any decline or change in the nature of liquidity.』


『Although regulation had little to do with the events of October 15, I would agree that it may be one factor driving recent changes in market making.』


『Requiring that banks hold much higher capital and liquidity and rely less on wholesale short-term debt has raised funding costs. Regulation has also raised the cost of funding inventories through repurchase agreement (repo markets). Thus, regulation may have made market making less attractive to banks.』


『But these same regulations have also materially lowered banks' probabilities of default and the chances of another financial crisis like the last one, which severely constrained liquidity and did so much damage to our economy.』


『These regulations are new, and we should be willing to learn from experience, but their basic goals--to make the core of the financial system safer and reduce systemic risk--are appropriate, and we should be prepared to accept some increase in the cost of market making in order to meet those goals.』








Governor Jerome H. Powell
At the The Brookings Institution, Washington, D.C.
August 3, 2015
Structure and Liquidity in Treasury Markets

>Structure and Liquidity in Treasury Markets
>Structure and Liquidity in Treasury Markets
>Structure and Liquidity in Treasury Markets





『I'm very pleased to be here to discuss the current structure of the Treasury markets.1 My involvement with these markets dates back to the early 1990s, when I served as Under Secretary of the Treasury for Finance.』


『Some of you will recall the Salomon Brothers auction bidding scandal that broke in the summer of 1991.』


『That event required those of us with oversight responsibilities to do a thorough evaluation of the structure of the primary Treasury market, and ultimately to propose a series of reforms.2 As part of that process, we put together a public conference to consider further reforms to Treasury auction procedures, with the participation of regulators, academics, and the financial sector. Some of the ideas that came out of that conference eventually led to changes in the way primary auctions were conducted, changes that I believe were beneficial to the efficiency and integrity of the Treasury market.』


『The issues we are discussing today relate to the secondary market rather than to the auctions.』


『Although the Treasury market remains deep and resilient, there are nonetheless reasonable questions as to whether market functioning can be improved.』



2014/10/16 06:50 JST


『The events of October 15 last year have been folded into the more general debate about market liquidity across a number of markets. I take the concerns about a decline in market liquidity seriously.』


『Hard evidence on the level of liquidity in secondary Treasury markets is mixed, with some measures at or above pre-crisis levels and some suggesting a reduced ability to buy or sell large positions without material price effect--a reasonable definition of liquidity.3 It is also possible that liquidity may be more prone to disappearing at times of stress.』


『On October 15, for example, market depth declined sharply, and we saw a sudden spike in prices that was without precedent for a period with little relevant news. Other events--such as the 2013 "taper tantrum," the "bund tantrum" last spring, and the sharp moves on March 18 in the euro-dollar exchange rate--all broadly show the same pattern: rapidly diminishing liquidity, and large price moves for a given quantum of news.4』


『But the causes and implications of these events are unclear. Is this the new normal? We don't know. Current macroeconomic and market conditions are unprecedented in many respects. For now, what we have is a small number of broadly similar events that bear careful consideration.』


『Most of these considerations apply across markets, but they are particularly important here because of the crucial role that Treasury securities play within the global financial system.』


『In addition to serving the financing needs of the U.S. government, Treasury markets are important for the conduct of monetary policy. Treasuries serve as high-quality liquid assets (HQLA) for a wide range of financial institutions, including dealers in the Treasury market, and as collateral in myriad transactions conducted bilaterally and through clearing houses and exchanges. Treasury securities are a global reserve asset, and Treasury markets are a key vehicle through which market participants manage their interest-rate risk. The integrity and continued liquidity of the Treasury markets affect nearly everyone.』



『Treasury markets have undergone important changes over the years. The footprints of the major dealers, who have long played the role of market makers, are in several respects smaller than they were in the pre-crisis period.』


『Dealers cite a number of reasons for this change, including reductions in their own risk appetite and the effects of post-crisis regulations.』


『At the same time, the Federal Reserve and foreign owners (about half of which are foreign central banks) have increased their ownership to over two-thirds of outstanding Treasuries (up from 61 percent in 2004).』


『Banks have also increased their holdings of Treasuries to meet HQLA requirements. These holdings are less likely to turn over in secondary market trading, as the owners largely follow buy and hold strategies.5』


『Another change is the increased presence of asset managers, which now hold a bigger share of Treasuries as well. Mutual fund investors, who are accustomed to daily liquidity, now beneficially own a greater share of Treasuries.』







2015-08-13 12:57:19





中国、「定期的な」為替介入中止 極端な変動は「効果的に管理」へ
Business | 2015年 08月 13日 18:45 JST

『[上海 13日 ロイター] - 中国人民銀行の易綱・副総裁は13日会見し、外為市場での「定期的な」介入はすでに中止したと述べる一方、極端な変動が見られた場合は人民元を「効果的に管理」する方針を示した。副総裁は、12日の市場で元買い介入を実施したのかとの質問に「人民銀行は定期的な介入からはすでに手を引いた」と発言。ただ、極端なショックや極端な為替変動が見られた場合は相場を「効果的に管理」すると述べた。ただ、人民銀行は、元安を食い止め、市場の動揺を収めるために動いているとみられる。市場筋によると、大手国有銀行は人民元買い・ドル売りを行っているもようで、人民元の対ドル相場は12日、取引終了間際に一時大幅に上昇した。』(上記URLより)






『 Effective from 11 August 2015,the quotes of central parity that market makers report to the CFETS daily before market opens should refer to the closing rate of the inter-bank foreign exchange market on the previous day, in conjunction with demand and supply condition in the foreign exchange market and exchange rate movement of the major currencies.』



『First, after the improvement of the quotation of the RMB central parity, the market makers may quote by reference to the closing rate of the previous day and, therefore, the accumulated gap between the central parity and the market rate received a one-time correction. 』

と説明して「a one-time correction」とか言ってしまったのに翌日にまたリファレンスレートをいじったというのがトンマな話で、確かにアナウンスの言うとおりで前日終値が元安方向に大きく乖離していたので、アナウンスにあるような仕切りの通りにリファレンスレートを下げました、というだけの話だったのですが、Q&Aの方で「one-time correction」と余計なことを言ったが為に水曜もあばばばばーとなるの巻という結果になった訳ですよねこれって。









The PBC Spokesman Answered More Press Questions on the RMB Exchange Rate
2015-08-12 10:32:19

『1. Why does the central parity of RMB exchange rate against US dollar change nearly 1.6% on 12 August from that of 11 August?』


『The central parity of RMB exchange rate against US dollar changed nearly 1.6% (in depreciation direction) on 12 August from that of 11 August. The main reason is that market makers make quotations based on the analysis of financial data of July newly released on 11 August and the announcement of improving central parity quotation of RMB exchange rate against US dollar on the same day.』


『Due to the existence of intra-day fluctuation in FX market, if the closing rate of previous day deviates significantly from the central parity of that day, the central parity of the following day will deviate from that of the previous day accordingly. The closing rate on 11 August was 6.3231 Yuan per US dollar, depreciating by 1.5% from the central parity on 11 August. This was the major reference for market makers to report quotation on 12 August.』


『Other relevant factors include demand and supply condition in the foreign exchange market and exchange rate movement of major currencies. It is clear that under the managed floating exchange rate regime, the fluctuation of RMB central parity is normal, reflecting not only the enhancement of the market-orientation, but also the key role played by market demand and supply in the formation of exchange rate.』


『After the announcement of improving quotation yesterday, it will take some time for the market makers to adjust quotation and trading practices, as well as explore and find the equilibrium price of the foreign exchange market.』


『This may lead to potentially significant fluctuation of RMB central parity in the short run. After a short period of adaptation, the intra-day exchange rate movements and the resulting central parity fluctuation will converge to a reasonably stable zone.』


『2. Will the central parity of RMB against US dollar converge to the equilibrium market rate?』

『As noted by several market observers, the improvement of central parity quotation helps reduce distortion and push central parity of RMB against US dollar towards the equilibrium market rate. Under the managed floating exchange rate regime, the market rate should fluctuate around the central parity, which serves as the benchmark exchange rate. The trading forces in the market will help correct divergence between the market rate and the central parity.』


『Since the third quarter of 2014, China’s significant trade surplus and the appreciation of USD against other major currencies have affected the RMB exchange rate in different directions. Market makers’ expectation diverged, and market rate deviated from the central parity for an extended period.』


『By improving quotation of market makers, we expect market demand and supply to play a bigger role in central parity formation. This should help prevent persistent divergence between central parity and market rate, enhancing the soundness of central parity as a benchmark.』


『In the future, the RMB central parity will be formed, primarily by reference to the equilibrium market rate, and at the same time it will play a guiding role for the market rate.』


『3. Will RMB depreciate persistently in the future?』


『In view of both domestic and international economic and financial condition, currently there is no basis for persistently depreciation of RMB.』

いやあのジンバブエじゃないんだからpersistently depreciationはせんじゃろ。

『First, China registered a relatively rapid economic growth in the first half of 2015, facing complex and challenging environment both in China and abroad. China’s GDP grew by 7% during the six months ending 30 June 2015, which is considerably higher than most other major economies. The relatively large fluctuation of money supply and credit aggregates in July is temporary and tractable. China will continue to pursue prudent monetary policy. Recently, major economic indicators stabilized and showed good signs, which provides a favorable macroeconomic environment for a stable RMB.』

『Second, China has maintained a current account surplus for a long time. In the first seven months of 2015, the trade surplus of goods reached USD 305.2 billion. This is a fundamental factor in determining the supply and demand of foreign exchange, and is also an important foundation to support the RMB exchange rate. Third, in recently years, the RMB internationalization and opening up of domestic financial markets have accelerated. The international demand for RMB-denominated trade, investment and asset allocation is gradually increasing, which creates new momentum for stabilizing RMB exchange rate.』

『Fourth, the USD has been strengthening for some time due to the market expectation that FOMC will raise its policy rate this year, an event that is being absorbed by the market. We believe that the market will have a more rational judgment on exchange rate after the temporary shock of a rate hike.』

『Finally, China maintains abundant foreign exchange reserve, stable fiscal condition and a healthy financial system, which should help bolster a stable RMB exchange rate.』





The PBC Announcement on Improving Quotation of the Central Parity of RMB against US Dollar
2015-08-11 09:25:09

『For the purpose of enhancing the market-orientation and benchmark status of central parity, the PBC has decided to improve quotation of the central parity of RMB against US dollar. Effective from 11 August 2015,the quotes of central parity that market makers report to the CFETS daily before market opens should refer to the closing rate of the inter-bank foreign exchange market on the previous day, in conjunction with demand and supply condition in the foreign exchange market and exchange rate movement of the major currencies.』


The PBC Spokesman Answered Press Questions on Improving Quotation of the RMB Central Parity
2015-08-11 09:26:08


『1.Why choosing the current time to improve quotation of the central parity of RMB against US dollar?』


『Currently, the international economic and financial conditions are very complex. The U.S. economy is recovering and markets are expecting at least one interest rate hike by the FOMC this year. As such, the U.S. dollar is strengthening, while the Euro and Japanese Yen are weakening. Emerging market and commodities currencies are facing downward pressure, and we are seeing increasing volatilities in international capital flow.』


『This complex situation is posing new challenges. As China is maintaining a relatively large trade surplus, RMB’s real effective exchange rate is relatively strong, which is not entirely consistent with market expectation. Therefore, it is a good time to improve quotation of the RMB central parity to make it more consistent with the needs of market development.』


『Since the reform of the foreign exchange rate formation mechanism in 2005, the RMB central parity, which serves as the benchmark of China’s exchange rate, has played an important role in market expectation and stabilizing RMB exchange rate. Recently, however, the central parity of RMB has deviated from the market rate to a large extent and with a larger duration, which, to some extent, has undermined the market benchmark status and the authority of the central parity.』

『Currently, the foreign exchange market is developing in a sound manner, and market participants are increasingly strengthening their pricing and risk management capacities. The market expectation of RMB exchange rate is diverging, and the preconditions for improving quotation of the RMB central parity are becoming mature. Improving the market makers’ quotation will help enhance the market-orientation of RMB central parity, enlarging the operation room of market rate and enabling the exchange rate to play a key role in adjusting foreign exchange demand and supply.』


『2.Why did the central parity of RMB against US dollar of 11 August change by nearly 2% compared to that of 10 August?』


『We noticed that the central parity of RMB against US dollar of 11 August changed (in the depreciation direction) by nearly 2% compared to that of 10 August. The following two factors may be relevant.』


『First, after the improvement of the quotation of the RMB central parity, the market makers may quote by reference to the closing rate of the previous day and, therefore, the accumulated gap between the central parity and the market rate received a one-time correction. Second, a series of macro economic and financial data released recently made the market expectation diverge. Market makers paid more attention to the changes of market demand and supply. Compared with the closing rate of 6.2097 Yuan per dollar in the previous day, today’s central parity depreciated by about 200 bps. The market still needs some time to adapt. The PBC will monitor the market condition closely, stabilizing the market expectation and ensuring the improvement of the formation mechanism of the RMB central parity in an orderly manner.』


『3.RMB exchange rate reform: what’s next?』


『Next, the reform of RMB exchange rate formation mechanism will continue to be pushed forward with a market orientation. Market will play a bigger role in exchange rate determination to facilitate the balancing of international payments.』


『Foreign exchange market development will be accelerated and foreign exchange products will be enriched. In addition, the PBC will push forward the opening-up of the foreign exchange market, extending FX trading hours, introducing qualified foreign institutions and promoting the formation of a single exchange rate in both on-shore and off-shore markets. Based on the developing condition of foreign exchange market and the macroeconomic and financial environment, the PBC will enhance the flexibility of RMB exchange rate in both directions and keep the exchange rate basically stable at an adaptive and equilibrium level, enabling the market rate to play its role, and improving the managed floating exchange rate regime based on market demand and supply.』


『Currently, under the complex international economic and financial condition, we are seeing increasingly large and volatile cross-border capital flow. As such, the PBC and SAFE will strengthen the examination of banks’ FX transactions according to relevant laws and regulations, adopt effective measures to fight money laundering, terrorist financing and tax evasion activities, and improve the monitoring of suspicious cross-border capital flow. The PBC and SAFE will severely punish illegal FX transactions, including underground banks, and maintain a compliant and orderly capital flow.』





CBPP3 EUR 106.6 billion +EUR 2.6 billion -
ABSPP EUR 10.6 billion +EUR 0.9 billion -
PSPP EUR 259.7 billion +EUR 10.8 billion -

CBPP3 EUR 104.0 billion +EUR 2.3 billion -
ABSPP EUR 9.7 billion +EUR 0.3 billion -
PSPP EUR 248.9 billion +EUR 11.0 billion -

CBPP3 EUR 101.7 billion +EUR 1.5 billion -
ABSPP EUR 9.5 billion +EUR 0.1 billion -
PSPP EUR 237.9 billion +EUR 10.3 billion -



CBPP3 EUR 100.2 billion +EUR 1.9 billion -
ABSPP EUR 9.4 billion +EUR 0.1 billion -
PSPP EUR 227.6 billion +EUR 11.2 billion -

CBPP3 EUR 98.2 billion +EUR 2.2 billion
ABSPP EUR 9.3 billion +EUR 0.4 billion -
PSPP EUR 216.3 billion +EUR 11.7 billion

CBPP3 EUR 96.1 billion +EUR 1.8 billion -EUR 0.3 billion
ABSPP EUR 8.9 billion +EUR 0.3 billion
PSPP EUR 204.7 billion +EUR 10.2 billion -EUR 0.6 billion






Fischer Says Temporary Inflation Factors Still a Fed Concern
August 10, 2015 - 9:00 PM KST Updated on August 11, 2015 ? 4:55 AM KST

『Federal Reserve Vice Chairman Stanley Fischer said low U.S. inflation, while probably restrained by temporary factors, remains a concern as the labor market nears a sweet spot.』


『“A large part of the current inflation is temporary,” Fischer said in an interview Monday with Tom Keene on Bloomberg Television. After the effects of cheaper oil and other raw materials dissipate, “these things will stabilize at some point, so we’re not going to be as low as we are forever.”』

『Fischer’s remarks indicate that while he’s pleased with progress on employment, he may be waiting for signs inflation will start moving up toward the central bank’s target. The Federal Open Market Committee meets Sept. 16-17 for a gathering at which many investors and economists expect it will raise interest rates for the first time in almost 10 years.』

『“Employment has been rising pretty fast relative to previous performance, and yet inflation is very low,” he said. “And the concern about this situation is not to move before we see inflation, as well as employment, returning to more normal levels.”』



『“The problem is not with the part that’s unusual in the dual mandate, namely employment, that’s doing just fine,” Fischer, 71, said. “It’s with the inflation part.”』



A Story of Economic Progress

Dennis Lockhart
President and Chief Executive Officer
Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta

Atlanta Press Club Speech
Atlanta, Georgia
August 10, 2015


『・Atlanta Fed President and CEO Dennis Lockhart, in an August 10, 2015, speech to the Atlanta Press Club, discusses the economic progress achieved since the Great Recession and the anticipated FOMC decision to move the federal funds rate off zero.』


『・Lockhart says that from its peak of 10 percent, the rate of unemployment has fallen to 5.3 percent. However, the average rate of inflation over the six-plus years of recovery has been 1 1/2 percent. He expects to see convincing evidence emerge that inflation is rising to a safer level and approaching the FOMC's 2 percent target.』

まあ当然ではありますがフィッシャーさんと同じで「雇用に関してはよろしい」という話で、問題の物価に関しては物価2%については「He expects to see convincing evidence emerge」ということで「上昇するより確かなエビデンスが現れます(キリッ)」という辺りは微妙。

『・Lockhart reiterates that the economy has made great gains and is approaching an acceptable normal, and policy should shortly acknowledge this reality. He is prepared to see mixed data, but he thinks the time to begin normalizing monetary conditions is close.』


『・Lockhart stresses that the path of interest-rate increases will likely be gradual and such a stance of policy will be appropriate for some time after liftoff.』





2015/08/08 00:09 JST

2015/08/08 06:54 JST

2015/08/08 06:51 JST







Bank of England maintains Bank Rate at 0.5% and the size of the Asset Purchase Programme at £375 billion
06 August 2015
Monetary policy summary, August 2015

Available as PDF


Monetary policy summary and minutes of the Monetary
Policy Committee meeting ending on 5 August 2015
Publication date: 6 August 2015

で、構成なのですが、決定内容とその背景を示した日銀で言えば声明文だしFOMCで言えばステートメントのようなものが登場しているのが『Monetary policy summary, August 2015』というのと、『Minutes of the Monetary Policy Committee meeting ending on 5 August 2015』という従来から出ている議事要旨というのがあります。


『Monetary policy summary, August 2015』


『The Bank of England’s Monetary Policy Committee (MPC) sets monetary policy in order to meet the 2% inflation target and in a way that helps to sustain growth and employment. At its meeting ending on 5 August 2015, the MPC voted by a majority of 8-1 to maintain Bank Rate at 0.5%. The Committee voted unanimously to maintain the stock of purchased assets financed by the issuance of central bank reserves at £375 billion, and so to reinvest the £16.9 billion of cash flows associated with the redemption of the September 2015 gilt held in the Asset Purchase Facility.』



『CPI inflation fell back to zero in June. As set out in the Governor’s open letter to the Chancellor, around three quarters of the deviation of inflation from the 2% target, or 1-1/2 percentage points, reflects unusually low contributions from energy, food, and other imported goods prices. The remaining quarter of the deviation of inflation from target, or 1/2 a percentage point, reflects the past weakness of domestic cost growth, and unit labour costs in particular. The combined weakness in domestic costs and imported goods prices is evident in subdued core inflation, which on most measures is currently around 1%.』


『With some underutilised resources remaining in the economy and with inflation below the target, the Committee intends to set monetary policy in order to ensure that growth is sufficient to absorb the remaining economic slack so as to return inflation to the target within two years. Conditional upon Bank Rate following the gently rising path implied by market yields, the Committee judges that this is likely to be achieved. 』



『In its latest economic projections, the Committee projects UK-weighted world demand to expand at a moderate pace. Growth in advanced economies is expected to be a touch faster, and growth in emerging economies a little slower, than in the past few years. The support to UK exports from steady global demand growth is expected to be counterbalanced, however, by the effect of the past appreciation of sterling. Risks to global growth are judged tobe skewed moderately to the downside reflecting, for example, risks to activity in the euro area and China.』


『Private domestic demand growth in the United Kingdom is expected to remain robust. Household spending has been supported by the boost to real incomes from lower food and energy prices. Wage growth has picked up as the labour market has tightened and productivity has strengthened.』


『Business and consumer confidence remain high, while credit conditions have continued to improve, with historically low mortgage rates providing support to activity in the housing market. Business investment has made a substantial contribution to growth in recent years. Firms have invested to expand capacity, supported by accommodative financial conditions. Despite weakening slightly, surveys suggest continued robust investment growth ahead. This will support the continuing increase of underlying productivity growth towards past average rates.』


『Robust private domestic demand is expected to produce sufficient momentum to eliminate the margin of spare capacity over the next year or so, despite the continuing fiscal consolidation and modest global growth. This is judged likely to generate the rise in domestic costs expected to be necessary to return inflation to the target in the medium term. 』



『The near-term outlook for inflation is muted. The falls in energy prices of the past few months will continue to bear down on inflation at least until the middle of next year. Nonetheless, a range of measures suggest that medium-term inflation expectations remain well anchored. There is little evidence in wage settlements or spending patterns of any deflationary mindset among businesses and households.』



『Sterling has appreciated by 3-1/2% since May and 20% since its trough in March 2013. The drag on import prices from this appreciation will continue to push down on inflation for some time to come, posing a downside risk to its path in the near term.』


『Set against that, the degree of slack in the economy has diminished substantially over the past two and a half years. The unemployment rate has fallen by more than 2 percentage points since the middle of 2013, and the ratio of job vacancies to unemployment has returned from well below to around its precrisis average. The margin of spare capacity is currently judged to be around 1/2% of GDP, with a range of views among MPC members around that central estimate.』


『A further modest tightening of the labour market is expected, supporting a continued firming in the growth of wages and unit labour costs over the next three years, counterbalancing the drag on inflation from sterling.』



『Were Bank Rate to follow the gently rising path implied by market yields, the Committee judges that demand growth would be sufficient to return inflation to the target within two years.』


『In its projections, inflation then moves slightly above the target in the third year of the forecast period as sustained growth leads to a degree of excess demand.』


『Underlying those projections are significant judgements in a number of areas, as described in the August Inflation Report.』


『In any one of these areas, developments might easily turn out differently than assumed with implications for the outlook for growth and inflation, and therefore for the appropriate stance of monetary policy. Reflecting that, there is a spread of views among MPC members about the balance of risks to inflation relative to the best collective judgement presented in the August Report.』


『At the Committee’s meeting ending on 5 August, the majority of MPC members judged it appropriate to leave the stance of monetary policy unchanged at present. Ian McCafferty preferred to increase Bank Rate by 25 basis points, given his view that demand growth and wage pressures were likely to be greater, and the margin of spare capacity smaller, than embodied in the Committee’s collective August projections.』






Atlanta Fed’s Lockhart: Fed Is ‘Close’ to Being Ready to Raise Short-Term Rates
Lockhart says September could be ‘appropriate time’ to lift interest rate
By Jon Hilsenrath Updated Aug. 4, 2015 3:33 p.m. ET


『Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta President Dennis Lockhart said the economy is ready for the first increase in short-term interest rates in more than nine years and it would take a significant deterioration in the data to convince him not to move in September.』

『“I think there is a high bar right now to not acting, speaking for myself,” Mr. Lockhart said in an exclusive interview with The Wall Street Journal.』(上記URL先より、以下は会員用記事になります)










『Information received since the Federal Open Market Committee met in June indicates that economic activity has been expanding moderately in recent months.』(今回)
『Information received since the Federal Open Market Committee met in April suggests that economic activity has been expanding moderately after having changed little during the first quarter.』(前回)

この総括判断ですが、「1Qちょっと弱かったのから改善して」というのが抜けたのは兎も角として、「economic activity has been expanding moderately」という基本認識は同じなのですが、ここまで得られた情報がその基本認識を「indicates」となっていて、前回が「suggests」ということで、動詞が変わっているのですな。



『Growth in household spending has been moderate and the housing sector has shown additional improvement; however, business fixed investment and net exports stayed soft.』(今回)
『Growth in household spending has been moderate and the housing sector has shown some improvement; however, business fixed investment and net exports stayed soft.』(前回)

住宅セクターに関する評価が「some improvement」から「additional improvement」に変わっていますので上方修正。家計と企業の投資と純輸出に関しての評価は同じですね。

『The labor market continued to improve, with solid job gains and declining unemployment. On balance, a range of labor market indicators suggests that underutilization of labor resources has diminished since early this year.』(今回)
『The pace of job gains picked up while the unemployment rate remained steady. On balance, a range of labor market indicators suggests that underutilization of labor resources diminished somewhat.』(前回)

労働市場に関する表現はかなり強くなっていて、一発目に「The labor market continued to improve」とぶちかましていまして、更に労働の増加に関しての表現も「picked up」から「solid job gains」になり、失業に関しても「remained steady」から「declining unemployment」になっていますし、労働市場のスラックに関する表現もスラックが「diminished somewhat」「has diminished since early this year」と、これもまた強くなっていて、労働市場に関する表現はやたら強くなったなあという感じです。

『Inflation continued to run below the Committee's longer-run objective, partly reflecting earlier declines in energy prices and decreasing prices of non-energy imports. Market-based measures of inflation compensation remain low; survey?based measures of longer-term inflation expectations have remained stable.』(今回)

『Inflation continued to run below the Committee's longer-run objective, partly reflecting earlier declines in energy prices and decreasing prices of non-energy imports; energy prices appear to have stabilized. Market-based measures of inflation compensation remain low; survey-based measures of longer-term inflation expectations have remained stable.』(前回)

物価に関してですが、エネルギー等の輸入価格の影響ガーとかインフレ期待は安定している(これは安定していないというアセスメント出したら政策アクション直結なのでそれ以外のものは出てこないでしょうが)という話は同じなのですが、前回にあった「energy prices appear to have stabilized」というのが抜けて残念無念というかぐぬぬという所でして、まあここに関しては「原油価格の安定という見通しが遅れるから利上げは先に延びた」という解釈をすることも可能だと思いますが、次のパラグラフで先行き見通しがあるのですが、こいつが一言半句変更なし、という状況になっている所からして、「原油価格の一時的な動きではなくて重要なのは基調の見通し(キリッ)」という理屈が飛び出すの巻で大きく変化させるという事でも無かろうという解釈をすることも可能で、どちらかというと後者押しのアタクシ(別に前者の考えが無いとは言わない)。



『Consistent with its statutory mandate, the Committee seeks to foster maximum employment and price stability.』(今回)
『Consistent with its statutory mandate, the Committee seeks to foster maximum employment and price stability.』(前回)


『The Committee expects that, with appropriate policy accommodation, economic activity will expand at a moderate pace, with labor market indicators continuing to move toward levels the Committee judges consistent with its dual mandate.』(今回)

『The Committee expects that, with appropriate policy accommodation, economic activity will expand at a moderate pace, with labor market indicators continuing to move toward levels the Committee judges consistent with its dual mandate.』(前回)


『The Committee continues to see the risks to the outlook for economic activity and the labor market as nearly balanced. Inflation is anticipated to remain near its recent low level in the near term, but the Committee expects inflation to rise gradually toward 2 percent over the medium term as the labor market improves further and the transitory effects of earlier declines in energy and import prices dissipate. The Committee continues to monitor inflation developments closely.』(今回)

『The Committee continues to see the risks to the outlook for economic activity and the labor market as nearly balanced. Inflation is anticipated to remain near its recent low level in the near term, but the Committee expects inflation to rise gradually toward 2 percent over the medium term as the labor market improves further and the transitory effects of earlier declines in energy and import prices dissipate. The Committee continues to monitor inflation developments closely.』(前回)



『To support continued progress toward maximum employment and price stability, the Committee today reaffirmed its view that the current 0 to 1/4 percent target range for the federal funds rate remains appropriate. In determining how long to maintain this target range, the Committee will assess progress--both realized and expected--toward its objectives of maximum employment and 2 percent inflation. This assessment will take into account a wide range of information, including measures of labor market conditions, indicators of inflation pressures and inflation expectations, and readings on financial and international developments.』(今回)

『To support continued progress toward maximum employment and price stability, the Committee today reaffirmed its view that the current 0 to 1/4 percent target range for the federal funds rate remains appropriate. In determining how long to maintain this target range, the Committee will assess progress--both realized and expected--toward its objectives of maximum employment and 2 percent inflation. This assessment will take into account a wide range of information, including measures of labor market conditions, indicators of inflation pressures and inflation expectations, and readings on financial and international developments.』(前回)


『The Committee anticipates that it will be appropriate to raise the target range for the federal funds rate when it has seen some further improvement in the labor market and is reasonably confident that inflation will move back to its 2 percent objective over the medium term. 』(今回)

『The Committee anticipates that it will be appropriate to raise the target range for the federal funds rate when it has seen further improvement in the labor market and is reasonably confident that inflation will move back to its 2 percent objective over the medium term.』(前回)

ということで、今回変わったのは利上げタイミングに関しての話の部分で、利上げに対しては労働市場のさらなる改善と中期的に物価が2%レベルのマンデート水準に戻るという見通しが妥当であるという自信が出来たときですよーんという所で、物価の所は相変わらず「reasonably confident」という表現になりますけれども、労働市場に関しては前回が「when it has seen further improvement」だったのが、今回は「 when it has seen some further improvement」となっていて、この「some」ってのが入ったのは条件を厳しくしたのか緩くしたのかどっちですねんっていう謎文言。



『The Committee is maintaining its existing policy of reinvesting principal payments from its holdings of agency debt and agency mortgage-backed securities in agency mortgage-backed securities and of rolling over maturing Treasury securities at auction. This policy, by keeping the Committee's holdings of longer-term securities at sizable levels, should help maintain accommodative financial conditions.』(今回)

『The Committee is maintaining its existing policy of reinvesting principal payments from its holdings of agency debt and agency mortgage-backed securities in agency mortgage-backed securities and of rolling over maturing Treasury securities at auction. This policy, by keeping the Committee's holdings of longer-term securities at sizable levels, should help maintain accommodative financial conditions.』(前回)




『When the Committee decides to begin to remove policy accommodation, it will take a balanced approach consistent with its longer-run goals of maximum employment and inflation of 2 percent. The Committee currently anticipates that, even after employment and inflation are near mandate-consistent levels, economic conditions may, for some time, warrant keeping the target federal funds rate below levels the Committee views as normal in the longer run.』(今回)

『When the Committee decides to begin to remove policy accommodation, it will take a balanced approach consistent with its longer-run goals of maximum employment and inflation of 2 percent. The Committee currently anticipates that, even after employment and inflation are near mandate-consistent levels, economic conditions may, for some time, warrant keeping the target federal funds rate below levels the Committee views as normal in the longer run.』(前回)




『Voting for the FOMC monetary policy action were: Janet L. Yellen, Chair; William C. Dudley, Vice Chairman; Lael Brainard; Charles L. Evans; Stanley Fischer; Jeffrey M. Lacker; Dennis P. Lockhart; Jerome H. Powell; Daniel K. Tarullo; and John C. Williams. 』(今回)

『Voting for the FOMC monetary policy action were: Janet L. Yellen, Chair; William C. Dudley, Vice Chairman; Lael Brainard; Charles L. Evans; Stanley Fischer; Jeffrey M. Lacker; Dennis P. Lockhart; Jerome H. Powell; Daniel K. Tarullo; and John C. Williams.』(前回)









CBPP3 EUR 100.2 billion +EUR 1.9 billion -
ABSPP EUR 9.4 billion +EUR 0.1 billion -
PSPP EUR 227.6 billion +EUR 11.2 billion -


CBPP3 EUR 98.2 billion +EUR 2.2 billion
ABSPP EUR 9.3 billion +EUR 0.4 billion -
PSPP EUR 216.3 billion +EUR 11.7 billion

CBPP3 EUR 96.1 billion +EUR 1.8 billion -EUR 0.3 billion
ABSPP EUR 8.9 billion +EUR 0.3 billion
PSPP EUR 204.7 billion +EUR 10.2 billion -EUR 0.6 billion


CBPP3 EUR 94.6 billion +EUR 2.5 billion
ABSPP EUR 8.6 billion +EUR 0.3 billion
PSPP EUR 193.9 billion +EUR 11.6 billion


CBPP3 EUR 92.1 billion +EUR 2.2 billion
ABSPP EUR 8.3 billion +EUR 0.1 billion
PSPP EUR 182.3 billion +EUR 11.9 billion











Mario Draghi, President of the ECB,
Vitor Constancio, Vice-President of the ECB,
Frankfurt am Main, 16 July 2015


『Ladies and gentlemen, the Vice-President and I are very pleased to welcome you to our press conference. We will now report on the outcome of today’s meeting of the Governing Council, which was also attended by the Commission Vice-President, Mr Dombrovskis.』

『Based on our regular economic and monetary analyses, and in line with our forward guidance, we decided to keep the key ECB interest rates unchanged.』


『Regarding non-standard monetary policy measures, the asset purchase programmes continue to proceed smoothly. As explained on previous occasions, our monthly asset purchases of ユーロ60 billion are intended to run until the end of September 2016 and, in any case, until we see a sustained adjustment in the path of inflation that is consistent with our aim of achieving inflation rates below, but close to, 2% over the medium term.』

APPは「continue to proceed smoothly」だそうで、2016年9月まで継続してその後も2%目標達成に向けたパスに対しての進捗に応じて調整しますよと。

『When carrying out its assessment, the Governing Council will follow its monetary policy strategy and concentrate on trends in inflation and the medium-term outlook for price stability.』

で、その判断としては「trends in inflation and the medium-term outlook for price stability」に集中するよという話をしておりまして、まあ昔からそういう話はしていますけれども、現実の足元の物価ではなくて、「物価のトレンドと中期的な物価安定の見通し」を見ますという話を入れているのであって、ここでも原油価格ガーとか物価のトレンドガーという話がある訳ですな。

『All in all, the information that has become available since the Governing Council meeting in early June has been broadly in line with our expectations.』


『Recent developments in financial markets, which partly reflect greater uncertainty, have not changed the Governing Council’s assessment of a broadening of the euro area’s economic recovery and a gradual increase in inflation rates over the coming years.』


『The ECB’s monetary policy stance remains accommodative and market-based inflation expectations have, on balance, stabilised or recovered further since our meeting in early June.』


『The latest information also remains consistent with a continued pass-through of our monetary policy measures to the cost and availability of credit for firms and households. Our measures thereby continue to contribute to economic growth, a reduction in economic slack, and money and credit expansion. The full implementation of all our monetary policy measures will lead to a sustained return of inflation rates towards levels below, but close to, 2% in the medium term, and will underpin the firm anchoring of medium to long-term inflation expectations.』

んな訳で、金融政策効果の話をしている中でしらっと「pass-through of our monetary policy measures to the cost and availability of credit for firms and households」ということで、実際の市場金利が暴れてあばばばばーとなっている点は華麗にスルーして、金融緩和政策の効果で家計や企業に対してそのパススルーが起きて金融環境が緩和している、というのを効果として強調しているのがチャーミングというものです。

『Looking ahead, we will continue to closely monitor the situation in financial markets, as well as the potential implications for the monetary policy stance and for the outlook for price stability. If any factors were to lead to an unwarranted tightening of monetary policy, or if the outlook for price stability were to materially change, the Governing Council would respond to such a situation by using all the instruments available within its mandate.』

先行きに関してはギリシャ絡みも含めまして「closely monitor the situation in financial markets」というのはそら入れますなという所で、例によって「unwarranted tightening」になったら金融政策を投下とは言っていますけれども、恐らくその場合っていうのはコア国の金利を下げても仕方ない(というか上段のようにそもそもコア国の金利については華麗にスルーしてクレジットコンディション的な話をしている訳ですから)ので、そうではなくてクレジットイージング的な事にならざるを得ないという所ではないですかね。


『Inflation bottomed out at the beginning of the year and has moved back into positive territory in recent months. According to Eurostat, euro area annual HICP inflation was 0.2% in June 2015, slightly down from 0.3% in May.』


『On the basis of the information available and current oil futures prices, annual HICP inflation is expected to remain low in the months ahead and to rise towards the end of the year, also on account of base effects associated with the fall in oil prices in late 2014. Supported by the expected economic recovery, the impact of the lower euro exchange rate and the assumption embedded in oil futures markets of somewhat higher oil prices in the years ahead, inflation rates are expected to pick up further during 2016 and 2017.』


『The Governing Council will continue to monitor closely the risks to the outlook for price developments over the medium term. In this context, we will focus in particular on the pass-through of our monetary policy measures, as well as on geopolitical, energy and exchange rate developments.』



『Turning to the monetary analysis, recent data confirm robust growth in broad money (M3). The annual growth rate of M3 was 5.0% in May 2015, compared with 5.3% in April. Annual growth in M3 continues to be strongly supported by its most liquid components, with the narrow monetary aggregate M1 growing at an annual rate of 11.2% in May.』


『Loan dynamics continued to improve.』


『The annual rate of change of loans to non-financial corporations (adjusted for loan sales and securitisation) increased to 0.1% in May, up from -0.1% in April, continuing its gradual recovery from a trough of -3.2% in February 2014.』

『This is consistent with the positive evidence from the bank lending survey for the second quarter of 2015. Banks reported a continued net easing of credit standards on loans to enterprises which was stronger than expected in the previous survey round. Net demand for loans to enterprises increased further, supported by demand for credit related to fixed investment.』

『Fragmentation in terms of credit demand in individual countries decreased and the targeted longer-term refinancing operations helped to improve the terms and conditions for credit supply.』


『Despite these improvements, the dynamics of loans to non-financial corporations remain subdued. They continue to reflect the lagged relationship with the business cycle, credit risk, credit supply factors, and the ongoing adjustment of financial and non-financial sector balance sheets. The annual growth rate of loans to households (adjusted for loan sales and securitisation) increased to 1.4% in May 2015, after 1.3% in April.』


『Overall, the monetary policy measures we have put in place since June 2014 provide clear support for improvements both in borrowing conditions for firms and households and in credit flows across the euro area.』






時間の関係上金融政策のパートだけ引用します(汗)。『Monetary Policy』って所ね。

『Regarding monetary policy, the FOMC conducts policy to promote maximum employment and price stability, as required by our statutory mandate from the Congress. Given the economic situation that I just described, the Committee has judged that a high degree of monetary policy accommodation remains appropriate. Consistent with that assessment, we have continued to maintain the target range for the federal funds rate at 0 to 1/4 percent and have kept the Federal Reserve's holdings of longer-term securities at their current elevated level to help maintain accommodative financial conditions.』


『In its most recent statement, the FOMC again noted that it judged it would be appropriate to raise the target range for the federal funds rate when it has seen further improvement in the labor market and is reasonably confident that inflation will move back to its 2 percent objective over the medium term. The Committee will determine the timing of the initial increase in the federal funds rate on a meeting-by-meeting basis, depending on its assessment of realized and expected progress toward its objectives of maximum employment and 2 percent inflation. If the economy evolves as we expect, economic conditions likely would make it appropriate at some point this year to raise the federal funds rate target, thereby beginning to normalize the stance of monetary policy. Indeed, most participants in June projected that an increase in the federal funds target range would likely become appropriate before year-end.』


『But let me emphasize again that these are projections based on the anticipated path of the economy, not statements of intent to raise rates at any particular time.』


『A decision by the Committee to raise its target range for the federal funds rate will signal how much progress the economy has made in healing from the trauma of the financial crisis.』


『That said, the importance of the initial step to raise the federal funds rate target should not be overemphasized. What matters for financial conditions and the broader economy is the entire expected path of interest rates, not any particular move, including the initial increase, in the federal funds rate.』


『Indeed, the stance of monetary policy will likely remain highly accommodative for quite some time after the first increase in the federal funds rate in order to support continued progress toward our objectives of maximum employment and 2 percent inflation.』


『In the projections prepared for our June meeting, most FOMC participants anticipated that economic conditions would evolve over time in a way that will warrant gradual increases in the federal funds rate as the headwinds that still restrain real activity continue to diminish and inflation rises.』

『Of course, if the expansion proves to be more vigorous than currently anticipated and inflation moves higher than expected, then the appropriate path would likely follow a higher and steeper trajectory; conversely, if conditions were to prove weaker, then the appropriate trajectory would be lower and less steep than currently projected. As always, we will regularly reassess what level of the federal funds rate is consistent with achieving and maintaining the Committee's dual mandate.』


『I would also like to note that the Federal Reserve has continued to refine its operational plans pertaining to the deployment of our various policy tools when the Committee judges it appropriate to begin normalizing the stance of policy. Last fall, the Committee issued a detailed statement concerning its plans for policy normalization and, over the past few months, we have announced a number of additional details regarding the approach the Committee intends to use when it decides to raise the target range for the federal funds rate.』






Consolidated financial statement of the Eurosystem as at 10 July 2015
14 July 2015

Consolidated financial statement of the Eurosystem as at 3 July 2015
8 July 2015



CBPP3 EUR 98.2 billion +EUR 2.2 billion
ABSPP EUR 9.3 billion +EUR 0.4 billion -
PSPP EUR 216.3 billion +EUR 11.7 billion

CBPP3 EUR 96.1 billion +EUR 1.8 billion -EUR 0.3 billion
ABSPP EUR 8.9 billion +EUR 0.3 billion
PSPP EUR 204.7 billion +EUR 10.2 billion -EUR 0.6 billion

7/3の残高に関しては謎の「with 26 June 2015 - quarter-end adjustments」というのがあって、四半期なので何か決算的な補正が入っているみたいなのですが、恥ずかしながらこの会計処理まで詳しく知らない(調べればわかると思うのだがまだ調べていませんすいません)のでそこはスルー致しますと、基本的には淡々と買入が進んでいる感じがします。



CBPP3 EUR 94.6 billion +EUR 2.5 billion
ABSPP EUR 8.6 billion +EUR 0.3 billion
PSPP EUR 193.9 billion +EUR 11.6 billion


CBPP3 EUR 92.1 billion +EUR 2.2 billion
ABSPP EUR 8.3 billion +EUR 0.1 billion
PSPP EUR 182.3 billion +EUR 11.9 billion


CBPP3 EUR 89.9 billion +EUR 2.6 billion
ABSPP EUR 8.2 billion +EUR 0.7 billion
PSPP EUR 170.2 billion +EUR 10.6 billion



Chair Janet L. Yellen
At the City Club of Cleveland, Cleveland, Ohio
July 10, 2015
Recent Developments and the Outlook for the Economy


The Recovery from the Great Recession
Current Conditions in the Labor Market
Recent Inflation Developments
The Outlook for the Economy
Implications for Monetary Policy
Long-Run Economic Growth



『Implications for Monetary Policy』から

『My own outlook for the economy and inflation is broadly consistent with the central tendency of the projections submitted by FOMC participants at the time of our June meeting.』


『Based on my outlook, I expect that it will be appropriate at some point later this year to take the first step to raise the federal funds rate and thus begin normalizing monetary policy.』


『But I want to emphasize that the course of the economy and inflation remains highly uncertain, and unanticipated developments could delay or accelerate this first step.』

先行きはとても不透明なので、不測の事態が起きたら・・・・・と言う話の部分でもまあ手堅いなあと思うのは、ここの後半の部分がたとえば「unanticipated developments could ”change” this first step」みたいな表現にしちゃうと「不透明なので利上げ先送りを示唆ヒャッハー」と反応されてしまうのを警戒してわざわざ「could delay or accelerate」とか表現する辺りの細かさというか手堅さというかで、相当注意深く書いているなあというのがアタクシの印象ですがどうでしょうかね。

『We will be watching carefully to see if there is continued improvement in labor market conditions, and we will need to be reasonably confident that inflation will move back to 2 percent in the next few years.』

で、労働市場が継続して改善することと、物価が「in the next few years」に2%戻るのが「reasonably confident」であれば正常化ステップという事ですので、この辺も同様ですし、別に物価が2%にならなくても普通に正常化ステップに入るという話。

『Let me also stress that this initial increase in the federal funds rate, whenever it occurs, will by itself have only a very small effect on the overall level of monetary accommodation provided by the Federal Reserve. Because there are some factors, which I mentioned earlier, that continue to restrain the economic expansion, I currently anticipate that the appropriate pace of normalization will be gradual, and that monetary policy will need to be highly supportive of economic activity for quite some time.』


『The projections of most of my FOMC colleagues indicate that they have similar expectations for the likely path of the federal funds rate. But, again, both the course of the economy and inflation are uncertain. If progress toward our employment and inflation goals is more rapid than expected, it may be appropriate to remove monetary policy accommodation more quickly. However, if progress toward our goals is slower than anticipated, then the Committee may move more slowly in normalizing policy.』



最後が『Long-Run Economic Growth』でありまして・・・・・・・・・・・・

『Before I conclude, let me very briefly place my discussion of the economic outlook into a longer-term context.』


『The Federal Reserve contributes to the nation's economic performance in part by using monetary policy to help achieve our mandated goals of maximum employment and price stability.』


『But success in promoting these objectives does not, by itself, ensure a strong pace of long-run economic growth or substantial improvements in future living standards. The most important factor determining continued advances in living standards is productivity growth, defined as the rate of increase in how much a worker can produce in an hour of work. Over time, sustained increases in productivity are necessary to support rising household incomes.』


『Here the recent data have been disappointing.』


『The growth rate of output per hour worked in the business sector has averaged about 1-1/4 percent per year since the recession began in late 2007 and has been essentially flat over the past year. In contrast, annual productivity gains averaged 2-3/4 percent over the decade preceding the Great Recession.』


『I mentioned earlier the sluggish pace of wage gains in recent years, and while I do think that this is evidence of some persisting labor market slack, it also may reflect, at least in part, fairly weak productivity growth.』


『There are many unanswered questions about what has slowed productivity growth in recent years and about the prospects for productivity growth in the longer run.』


『But we do know that productivity ultimately depends on many factors, including our workforce's knowledge and skills along with the quantity and quality of the capital equipment, technology, and infrastructure that they have to work with. As a general principle, the American people would be well served by the active pursuit of effective policies to support longer-run growth in productivity. Policies to strengthen education and training, to encourage entrepreneurship and innovation, and to promote capital investment, both public and private, could all potentially be of great benefit in improving future living standards in our nation.』







2015年 07月 14日 05:24 JST

『[ブリュッセル 13日 ロイター] - ユーロ圏財務相会合(ユーログループ)は、ギリシャ第3次支援協議が約4週間かかるとみて、同国向けのつなぎ融資を検討する。14日夜か15日朝に、つなぎ融資の方法を決める方向だ。』(上記URL先より)


Euro Summit, 12/07/2015

『Main results

On 13 July 2015, the leaders from the euro area member states agreed in principle that they are ready to start negotiations on an ESM financial assistance programme for Greece.』

で、「Euro Summit statement, Brussels, 12 July 2015」ってのがあって、 そこをクリックすると条件がああだこうだと書いてあるPDFに飛ぶのですが、ページ上の表示がハイパーテキストプロトコルになっているのでアタクシの手元のPC環境(というかアドビのバージョンとWindowsの関係で)だとPDFアドレスが表示できませんすいません。

『There are a number of strict conditions to be met before negotiations can formally begin.

The agreement will have to be approved by the Greek parliament and by several national parliaments.』


『"I welcome the progress and the constructive position of Greece that helps to bring back trust among euro zone partners", said Euro Summit President Donald Tusk.』

ということで、『Next steps』というのがあって、

『Following national procedures, the Eurogroup will work with the institutions to swiftly take forward the negotiations. Euro area finance ministers will also urgently discuss how to help Greece meet its financial needs in the short term, the so-called bridge-financing.』

つーことでギリシャ議会の動向が重要というお話でして、条件でああしろこうしろという話はさっきの「Euro Summit statement, Brussels, 12 July 2015」先のファイルに(7ページ組で色々とあります)あって、これを議会が承認したらつなぎ融資出るよという話のようですな。


Press remarks by J. Dijsselbloem, President of the Eurogroup after the Eurozone summit of 12 July 2015


『So over the next two days the focus of attention will be on the Greek Parliament. As soon as they have completed the legislative process, the other national parliaments will get to work, and hopefully by the end of the week we can take a decision on mandating the institutions to draw up an agreement.』







Consolidated financial statement of the Eurosystem as at 26 June 2015

CBPP3 EUR 94.6 billion +EUR 2.5 billion
ABSPP EUR 8.6 billion +EUR 0.3 billion
PSPP EUR 193.9 billion +EUR 11.6 billion


CBPP3 EUR 92.1 billion +EUR 2.2 billion
ABSPP EUR 8.3 billion +EUR 0.1 billion
PSPP EUR 182.3 billion +EUR 11.9 billion


CBPP3 EUR 89.9 billion +EUR 2.6 billion
ABSPP EUR 8.2 billion +EUR 0.7 billion
PSPP EUR 170.2 billion +EUR 10.6 billion


CBPP3 EUR 87.3 billion +EUR 2.2 billion
ABSPP EUR 7.5 billion +EUR 0.3 billion
PSPP EUR 159.6 billion +EUR 12.9 billion


CBPP3 EUR 85.1 billion +EUR 2.3 billion
ABSPP EUR 7.2 billion +EUR 1.0 billion
PSPP EUR 146.7 billion +EUR 12.4 billion



The APP impact on the economy and bond markets

Intervention by Peter Praet, Member of the Executive Board of the ECB,
at the annual dinner of the ECB’s Bond Market Contact Group,
Frankfurt am Main, 30 June 2015

「at the annual dinner of the ECB’s Bond Market Contact Group」と言う位ですので市場の方を集めて年次で会合をしているようなのだが、ディナーとはこらまた威勢の良い事をしてるのですねとゆーか何かやっぱりこの辺ってジャパンや米国とかのノリとちょっと違う気がする。


『We regard the BMCG as a forum to improve our dialogue with the financial market community on bond market-related issues. Understanding bond markets is obviously key for us, and even more so as bond purchases have become a central part of our non-standard measures. The broad composition of the group has proved useful for understanding the implications of our actions and other market developments for all bond market participants. In remarks today I would like to briefly assess the current economic situation before addressing a few salient points about the ECB’s expanded Asset Purchase Programme (APP).』



『So far the economic recovery in the euro area remains on track and, importantly, we are seeing evidence that it is starting to broaden. Real GDP rose by 0.4% q-o-q in the first quarter of 2015, with domestic demand continuing to be the main driver behind output growth.』


『While growth has been mainly supported by private consumption in recent quarters, there are encouraging signs that private investment is picking up as well. The latest survey results, though showing some signs of stabilisation, remain consistent with continued growth in the second quarter at around the same rate as in the first quarter.』


『A number of factors are underpinning the recovery in activity. First, the earlier fall in oil prices is contributing to higher real disposable incomes and corporate profitability. Second, the accommodative monetary policy stance, including the expanded APP, has led to improvements in financial conditions and credit supply conditions. Third, euro area activity is expected to be increasingly supported by the past depreciation of the euro and the gradual strengthening of external demand.』

『These three factors mean that, while remaining on the downside, the risks surrounding the economic outlook have become more balanced.』


『It is nonetheless clear that monetary policy and external factors cannot alone be the basis for a lasting recovery. I see two risks in particular to a stronger, structural recovery. The first is that pessimism among firms about future growth prospects continues to weigh on investment. 5 years ahead growth expectations among forecasters have been falling continuously since 2001, from around 2.7% then to 1.4% today, which may have sapped “animal spirits”. The second is the persistence of a debt overhang in parts of the euro area which acts as a major drag on firm and household spending. In both cases structural reforms come to the fore, as lifting expectations of trend growth is key to reduce uncertainty about the outlook and deleverage private sector balance sheets.』


『This context of a firming recovery underpins our expectation for inflation to steadily return towards our objective. Since the trough in January, headline inflation for the euro area has followed a generally upward trajectory as the negative contributions from energy prices have declined. Though Eurostat’s flash estimate for euro area HICP in June came in at 0.2% - 0.1 percentage points lower than for May - this slight decrease largely reflects calendar effects and does not affect our baseline forecast. We still expect inflation to remain low in the months ahead before accelerating later this year, in part on account of base effects associated with the fall in oil prices in late 2014. Thereafter, inflation is expected to gradually converge towards levels closer to but still below 2%.』



『That outlook is of course contingent on the full implementation of our APP. As of 26 June 2015 the ECB had purchased EUR 297.1 bn under the entire APP, including EUR 193.9 bn under the Public Sector Purchase Programme (PSPP), EUR 94.6 bn under the Covered Bond Purchase Programme (CBPP3) and EUR 8.6 bn under the Asset-Backed Securities Purchase Programme (ABSPP).』


『Accordingly, the ECB’s balance sheet has expanded by EUR 527 bn to EUR 2,539.5 bn since end-September 2014, mainly due to the asset purchases and the four TLTROs.』



『For the PSPP we have been able to achieve all operational targets (i.e. announced quantities and parameters of the asset allocation) and purchases have by and large not been disruptive to market functioning. Since mid-April, however, volatility has risen markedly, reversing the initial downward impact of the PSPP on sovereign bond yields.』


『GDP-weighted euro area sovereign yields are now roughly half a percentage point higher than the level reached on the day of the PSPP announcement. But we need to be patient in assessing the significance of these developments. Such a reversal of the downward trend in sovereign yields following a QE announcement is common to other jurisdictions which undertook similar policies in the past.』



『Our purchases of private assets have also proceeded relatively well. The CBPP3 has had a strong downward impact on covered bonds spreads, which reached the tightest levels in the last five years at the start of June this year. And though from mid-April yields have increased in line with other fixed income assets, they have done so to a lesser extent. As a result, the attractiveness of covered bonds has declined compared to government bonds, contributing to an increase in the amount of offers available for CBPP3 purchases. This has helped the smooth implementation of the programme thus far.』


『In terms of ABS, while the announcement and start of ABSPP led to a general compression of spreads across all euro area countries, since mid-April the spreads of more stressed jurisdictions have widened and moved above the levels prevailing at the start of the programme. Even so, we understand that the ABSPP is seen as providing the asset class with a credibility boost, which should in turn contribute to revitalising simple and transparent securitisation and reducing its stigma among investors - a key objective of the programme. We have also recently had some encouraging re-openings of public issuance across a broader set of euro area countries, which could invite other issuers to follow up.』

ABSについてはやはりスプレッド縮小の話をしているのですが、それよりも「Even so, we understand that the ABSPP is seen as providing the asset class with a credibility boost, which should in turn contribute to revitalising simple and transparent securitisation and reducing its stigma among investors - a key objective of the programme.」とあるのが興味深く、ECBの買入によって市場を作っていくというようなネタって昔の速水さん時代を思い出す理屈ですなそれは。


『What ultimately matters from a monetary policy perspective, however, is not how well we achieve our operational targets but how much our interventions are reflected in a reduced cost of borrowing for firms and households.』


『Here we see a positive impact from the APP on both the bank and market finance. The cost of market-based debt has followed a downward trend since end-2011 and stabilised at historically low levels in February-April 2015, before rising again somewhat in May (+16 bp) and June (+20 bp). Market-based financing flows have nevertheless continued to increase in recent months, implying that the lower cost of market-based finance has had an important “first order” monetary policy effect.』


『On the bank side, the APP seems to have been effective in further reducing wholesale funding costs, as portfolio rebalance effects have led to a compression of, for example, bank bond yields. Consequently, while the cost of borrowing from banks for households and firms has been declining since mid-2014, the pace of the decline has increased in recent months. In April, the composite bank lending rates for households for house purchase and for non-financial corporations stood at 2.25 and 2.30%, respectively 61 and 49 bps below the values observed in June 2014. These developments reflect both the effect of the APP and of the previous measures taken in the summer of last year.』


『While it may be too early to see a clear upward effect in terms of quantities, there are several signs that the APP is also contributing to an easing of credit constraints in the euro area.』


『For instance, according to the Bank Lending Survey (BLS) banks have indicated that they intend to react to APP purchases primarily by granting loans. In addition, banks in the survey expect capital gains and a slight improvement in their capital ratios from the APP which could support an expansion of lending, notwithstanding their expectations of a negative impact of the programme on net interest margins and overall profitability (due to sharp flattening of the term structure in a QE environment).』



『It must be noted, however, that banks’ expectations that the APP will negatively impact profitability do not seem to be aligned with either market evaluations or our own internal appraisals.』


『Market studies suggest that, on average, monetary policy news that is expected to lead to a flattening of the yield curve causes an increase, rather than a decline, in banks’ share prices. This is confirmed by estimates of the impact of the APP on banks’ profit and loss accounts and their solvency situation performed by ECB staff. The overall effect on bank capital is found to be positive, as capital gains on securities held, lower funding costs, improved credit quality and higher intermediation volumes outweigh the negative impact of the flattening of the term structure on net interest income.』



『In sum, it is fair to conclude that, thus far, the APP has been producing its intended aim of easing of monetary and financial conditions, including in the context of heightened volatility since mid-April.』


『The very short end of the curve - because of expanding surpluses of liquidity - has remained well-anchored around levels that are broadly in line with our forward guidance over those horizons.』


『We note however that the expected policy rate path implied by markets has shifted up and steepened noticeably in a context of market re-pricing. Still, at present we judge that the recent strong fluctuations in financial markets have not materially altered money and credit dynamics, but close monitoring and continuous assessment are warranted from a monetary policy perspective.』


『Moreover, to ensure sufficient predictability for markets and citizens about our future policy, we have provided communication on our reaction function. We have underlined that the APP is intended to run until the end of September 2016 and, in any case, until we see a sustained adjustment in the path of inflation. Our monetary policy stimulus will stay in place as long as needed to deliver our mandate on a truly sustained basis.』




『We are not only willing to act, but capable of doing so. The recent ruling by the European Court of Justice, while finding that OMTs fall within the scope of the ECB’s mandate of maintaining price stability, also stated clearly that the ECB must be allowed “broad discretion” when preparing and implementing its monetary policy.』


『In short, we have the tools available, if needed, to ensure the appropriate monetary policy stance for the whole euro area, and to react to specific impairments in the transmission mechanism - if, as was the case in the past, such impairments were judged to undermine the recovery and slow the process by which we anticipate inflation to return to levels closer to 2%.』

「we have the tools available」とアピールアピール。

『Stability cannot however be provided by monetary policy alone. All policymakers have to play their role in improving the functioning of monetary union, both by meeting their responsibilities domestically and by fundamentally strengthening the euro area’s common institutions.』


