9ページ目のFox BusinessのPETER BARNES記者の質問から。
『PETER BARNES. Peter Barnes, Fox Business. Sir, you had talked about trying
to get maybe a little help from some of the other branches of government,
so that leads to the questions about the “fiscal cliff.” Have you seen
any evidence that the lack of progress on resolving the fiscal-cliff issue
is having an impact on the economy right now? Is it slowing economic growth
right now, job creation as we saw last year during this very same debate?
And if you’re not seeing it, and if you haven’t seen it yet, when could
we-might we start to see it hit the economy and hurt the economy?』
『CHAIRMAN BERNANKE. Well, I think it’s still a bit early, but as we move
forward in the year, we do anticipate that the uncertainty associated with
the so-called fiscal cliff will have some economic effects.』
『We heard anecdotes today in the meeting about firms that might be government
contractors that were, you know, not sure about whether the contracts would
still be in place come January and making employment decisions based on
『More generally, financial markets don’t like uncertainty and, particularly,
uncertainty of this magnitude, and that, I think, will be a negative. So
that uncertainty is there, that’s going to be an issue.』
『I think most importantly, though, is that Congress get the policy right.
I’ve talked about three elements for fiscal policy. The first is to do
no harm as far as the recovery is concerned, to try to avoid a fiscal cliff
that would significantly damage the recovery. But second, to maintain the
effort to achieve a sustainable fiscal path over the longer term. And third,
to use fiscal policy effectively-to have a better tax code, to make good
use of government spending programs and make them efficient and effective,
and so on. So I think if Congress does all those things, the ultimate benefits
would be substantial.』
『TOSHIKI YAZAWA. Thank you, Chairman. I’m Toshiki Yazawa from Nikkei.
I hear a lot of conversations on liquidity trap in U.S. That was a familiar
concept in Japan after a bubble burst in the lost decades. Is U.S. economy
in liquidity trap? And if that happens, how could economy escape from here?
Thank you.』
『CHAIRMAN BERNANKE. Well, the U.S. economy is in a situation where short-term
interest rates are close to zero. And so what that means is the Federal
Reserve cannot add monetary accommodation by cutting short-term interest
rates, the usual approach.』
『It’s been one of the themes of my own work for a long time, including
some of the work I did on the Bank of Japan, that central banks are not
out of tools once the short-term interest rate hits zero.』
『There are additional steps that can be taken. And we have demonstrated
through both communications techniques-guidance about future policy, which
is something the Japanese have done as well, by the way-and through asset
purchases, also something the Bank of Japan has done, that central banks
do have some ability to provide financial accommodation to support their
recovery even when short-term interest rates are close to zero.』
『That being said, as I mentioned to Mr. Ip, these nonstandard policies
are less well understood, and they do have some costs and risks. But I
do think that, at the same time, that they can be effective in helping
the economy.』
Mr. Ipってのは昨日引用した質疑でして、逆さ絵おじさんに麿が憑依した記念すべき(??)質疑応答での話でして、つまりここでも麿モードになっているのが中々アレです。
『BINYAMIN APPELBAUM. Binya Appelbaum, New York Times. I’m looking at
the projections you all released today that show that unemployment will
be between 8 and 8.2 percent at the end of the year. You told Congress
earlier this month that the defining factor in your decision about whether
to do more would be whether unemployment was coming down. That’s barely
a decrease. And I guess I’m struggling to understand why, in that context,
you are not doing more now, particularly when you say that you can do more
and that you would do more if it wasn’t happening.』
『CHAIRMAN BERNANKE. Well, first of all, again, we are-we did take a substantive
step today by extending the maturity extension program to the end of the
year. Again, I think that’s a meaningful additional step.』
『BINYAMIN APPELBAUM. The projections included that step, right?』
『CHAIRMAN BERNANKE. It depends on-each individual has their own path of
optimal policy, so we’ll provide more information about that in the minutes.
But-and again, we’re prepared to do more. We have to get, I think, further
information about the state of the economy, about where things are going,
about what’s happening in Europe.』
『I guess I would add to that, though, that, you know, each of these nonstandard
programs does have various costs and risks associated with it with respect
to market functioning, with respect to financial stability, with respect
to the exit process, and so I don’t think they should be launched lightly.』
『I think there should be some conviction that they’re needed, but if
we do come to that conviction, then we’ll take those additional steps.』
『GREG ROBB. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. Greg Robb, MarketWatch. I just wanted
to get back to lending and credit. The U.K. has started a program where
the Bank of England is going to make lending to banks only if they lend
to households and companies. Is that something the Fed has under consideration?
Would that be something you’d start here?』
『CHAIRMAN BERNANKE. Well, we’re very interested in it, and we’re certainly
going to follow it. The details are not yet available. And I think it should
be noted that it’s not just a Bank of England program, but it’s joint
with the British Treasury. So the question-one question might be, how much
of a fiscal component is there? Is there some kind of fiscal subsidy being
included there?』
『But we are looking for-as you know, throughout the crisis, we’ve looked
for new programs, new ways to help the economy. And this will be a type
of thing that will be on the list of programs that we look at.』
『GREG IP. Hi. Greg Ip of the Economist. You have an inflation target of
2 percent, but your projections show inflation centered below 2 percent
over the medium term. I was wondering if you could explain why. And secondly,
you said that the Fed is prepared to do more if necessary. Could you briefly
comment on what sort of form additional action might take? And, specifically,
what are the relative costs and benefits of doing more QE versus more maturity
『CHAIRMAN BERNANKE. Well, the-in terms of the inflation forecasts, again,
I think it should be said, as a preliminary point, that economic projections
have a lot of uncertainty about them. We talk about that uncertainty in
the survey of economic projections. So we shouldn’t take a false sense
of precision from those numbers.』
『That being said, there is an issue about whether or not there’s sufficient
stimulus in the economy. As I mentioned earlier, one problem is that we
are now at the zero bound, and that the types of unconventional programs
that are available are-we know less about them, they have various costs
and risks, and, for that reason, you may get a different amount of financial
accommodation in this kind of regime than you would in one where short-term
interest rates can be varied freely. So I think that’s really a critical
『Now, in terms of the costs, I would list, briefly, large asset purchases
increase the size of our balance sheet and therefore ultimately will make
exit a more extended process.』
『Large asset purchases-which means that the Fed owns a larger share of
a particular type of asset-may have implications for market functioning,
which in turn might affect the ability of the Fed to have stimulative effects
on the economy.』
『There are some financial stability issues that we are monitoring and
that have to be taken into account. So any kind of assessment of appropriate
policy must look both at the outlook for the economy and for-and at the
costs and risks associated with new measures, new steps that might be taken.』
『That being said, again, I think at this point, we still do have considerable
scope to do more, and we are prepared to do more. We’ll continue to monitor
the economy and see how things evolve. And if-again, we’re looking primarily
at the labor market in this respect-if we’re not seeing a sustained improvement
in the labor market, that would require additional action.』
『In terms of balance sheet actions, we are unlikely to do more maturity
extension for a while because we have taken that about as far as we can.
So we would have to take other types of steps in order to add to the amount
of stimulus in the economy.』
実質2番目の質疑はロイターのMark Felsenthal記者の質問から。5ページ目からになります。
『Mark Felsenthal: Mark Felsenthal with Reuters. Mr. Chairman, many analysts
have characterized today's step as somewhat modest. Your own outlook has
a much lower GDP projection. The unemployment rate in your outlook is--shows
possibly no improvement at all in the unemployment rate through the end
of this year. The program itself is smaller and of shorter duration than
the original Operation Twist. Given this weaker outlook, why such a modest
program? And when you say you are prepared to take further action, which
is a stronger characterization than in your last meeting, does that mean
you are prepared to do a full-on new asset purchase program?』
『Chairman Bernanke: Well, there has been a great deal of economic news
since our last meeting. The incoming data were somewhat disappointing,
but not entirely clear how to read them. We had issues with weather and
seasonal adjustments and other factors. Meanwhile, Europe has had additional
problems. We've seen some of those effects in financial markets. So, I
think, there is some case to be made for making some additional judgments
about where the economy is going.』
『That being said, the step we took, the extension of the Maturity Extension
Program, I think is a substantive step and it will provide some additional
support. And yes, additional asset purchases would be among the things
that we would certainly consider if we need to take additional measures
to strengthen the economy.』
『Jon Hilsenrath: Jon Hilsenrath from the Wall Street Journal. Mr.Chairman,
I'd like to ask you to respond to a different set of criticisms. This criticism
which you hear from Capitol Hill and Wall Street and different places is
that the Fed has already pushed interest rates to an extraordinarily low
level, a historically low level and that there isn't anything more that
the Fed can do to help the recovery.』
『That criticism is that the Fed at this point should stand down and let
Congress or the White House attend to the economy's ailments or let market
forces attend to the economy's ailments. What do you think of those arguments
and how would you respond to them?』
『Chairman Bernanke: Well, as I've said many times, monetary policy is not a panacea.』
『Monetary policy by itself is not going to solve our economic problems.
We welcome help and support from any other part of the government, from
other economic policy makers.』
『So, collaboration is--would be great.』
『I wouldn't accept the proposition, though, that the Fed has no more ammunition.
I do think that our tools, while they are nonstandard, still can create
more accommodative financial conditions, can still provide support for
the economy, can still help us return to a more normal economic situation.』
『That being said again, any other support that is forthcoming, any other
economic policies that are undertaken that are helpful in terms of making
our economy stronger are welcome. But I do think that monetary policy still
does have some capacity to strengthen the economy by easing financial conditions.』
『Zach Goldfarb: Thank you. Mitt Romney recently said that QE2 had a relatively
little impact on the economy. He said that was in part because of the President's
policies, and he said that QE3 was unwarranted and could have negative
effects. Do you agree that QE2 had little effect on the economy? Do you
think the President's policies has had an effect on the effectiveness of
monetary policy? And do you think it's appropriate for a presidential candidate
to comment on the future path of monetary policy?』
『Chairman Bernanke: Well, I just say first that we think that both of
the asset purchase programs, so-called QE1 and QE2, did have significant
effects on asset prices and financial conditions and although there were
certain problems in transmission for example, the housing market has not
been as responsive as it's been in some times in the past.』
『We do think that they were both effective in providing support for the
economy and in particular, so-called QE2 ended what looked to be an incipient
deflation problem when we first introduced it. So, I do think those have
been effective and as I said to Mr. Hilsenrath, we think that these kinds
of programs can still provide additional support. 』
『With respect to the rest of your questions, I just want to reiterate
that the Federal Reserve is nonpartisan, we are very serious about taking
our decisions based on purely economic grounds without political considerations,
and we'll continue to do that.』
>we are very serious about taking our decisions based on purely economic grounds without political considerations
『Jim Puzzanghera: Thanks. Jim Puzzanghera with the LA Times. Long-term
interest rates, mortgage rates are already at historic lows. How much more
help can an extension of Operation Twist do and--to lower interest rates?』
『Chairman Bernanke: Well, the interest rates are quite low and they're
being pushed down more by safe-haven flows and other factors.』
『That being said, I think we can lower interest rates more.』
逆さ絵おじさん「That being said」ってのが良く出てくるのですが、この会見読んでて1つ勉強になりました(→英語力がアレなのがばれますかそうですか)。
『But beyond that, Operation Twist and asset purchases work also through other channels.』
『In particular, by acquiring securities in the market and bringing them
on to the Fed's balance sheet. We essentially induce investors to move
into substantive securities. So for example, an investor who sells a Treasury
security to the Fed may end up buying a corporate bond instead and so the
effect will be to lower corporate bond rates and corporate spreads or a
bank may, having sold its Treasury securities, may decide to make a loan
instead. So, it's not just the effect on the long-term interest rate, but
there's a broader set of effects that feed through other asset prices,
other interest rates, other spreads, and provide a broader ease in financial
conditions which is supportive to the economy.』
『Steve Liesman: Steve Liesman, CNBC. Mr. Chairman, looking back on the
last four years of Fed policy, I think it's probably fair to say it has
been bold and yet at the same time halting. You did QE1 and then you stopped
and you did QE2. You did Operation Twist and you told us it was going to
end in June. Now you've extended it. How would you respond if several years
from now, a young MIT Graduate student came forward and said, "You
know what the problem with that policy was during this period is it was
too incremental and that the reason why the economy underperformed was
because of that incrementalism." And what do you think the dangers
are right now that today's action is also being too incremental?』
『Chairman Bernanke: Well, of course, you know, we cut the federal funds
rate in a continuous fashion until December of 2008. And since then, we've
been operating with nonstandard monetary tools including asset purchases
and extension of maturities. By their nature, these tend to be lumpy. We
haven't done them in a continuous way.』
『But our view of the effects of these programs on the economy is that
the total stock of outstanding securities in our portfolio is what determines
the level of accommodation that the economy is receiving. So in that respect,
it wouldn't be really a start and stop rather, whenever we have stopped
purchasing the level of accommodation that was already in the system remains
there until conditions warrant further action.』
『Now,underlying all this, of course, is the fact that the outlook has changed. 』
『Like many other forecasters, the Federal Reserve was too optimistic early
in the recovery about the pace of recovery.』
『And we've had to add additional accommodation going forward as we have
seen in fact that the headwinds have kept the recovery from being as strong
as we would like. But again, by the nature of these unconventional tools,
they are--tend to be more discreet in their size but they continue to have
accommodative effects even after the pattern of purchases has ended.』
『Steve Liesman: Don't you worry about incrementalism now?』
『Chairman Bernanke: Well, we've taken a step today which is a substantive
step which will provide additional accommodation for the economy. And moreover,
we have stated that we're prepared to take further steps if necessary to
promote sustainable growth and recovery in the labor market. So, we are
prepared to do what is necessary. We are prepared to provide support for
the economy.』
6 AND 7 JUNE 2012
今月頭のMPCの議事要旨が出たのですが、まあ今回は何と言っても『The immediate
policy decision』の最後の方が白眉中の白眉。
『31 Finally, the Committee discussed further asset purchases. The Committee
agreed that asset purchases remained an effective tool for lowering a range
of market interest rates, supporting asset prices and so nominal demand.
Nevertheless, a significant current impediment to the economic recovery
in the United Kingdom lay in the interaction between the financial threats
emanating from the euro area, their implications for bank funding costs,
and consequently for lending to businesses and households.』
『This might have contributed to the rise in interest rate spreads on mortgages and loans to small and medium-sized businesses in recent months, despite the extension of the asset purchase programme in February. Other complementary policy measures that the authorities might take could be better suited to mitigating these problems than asset purchases on their own, and some members expressed a wish for the MPC to consider additional policy tools.』
『In this context, the Governor informed the Committee that initial discussions
were underway with the Treasury on possible measures to ease banks’ funding
costs and enhance their ability to lend.』
『32 While acknowledging that further stimulus was likely to become warranted
at some point, most members noted that there were several key events occurring
over the coming weeks that could have a material bearing on the situation
in the euro area and that there was merit in waiting to see how matters
evolved there before the MPC reached a conclusion on whether to add any
further monetary stimulus.』
and seeの方がメリットあるじゃろという見解が出ている訳ですな。
『That would also allow time for an assessment of any policy recommendations
made by the FPC and for the possibility of other policy tools, designed
to ease bank funding costs, to be explored.』
『In any event, the reduction in market interest rates that had occurred
over the month had already provided some additional monetary stimulus.
And some of these members remained concerned about the possible persistence
of inflation at above-target rates.』
『33 Some other members judged that there was already a sufficiently compelling
case for providing a further monetary stimulus in the form of some additional
asset purchases immediately.』
『34 The Governor invited the Committee to vote on the propositions that:
Bank Rate should be maintained at 0.5%;
The Bank of England should maintain the stock of asset purchases financed
by the issuance of central bank reserves at £325 billion.
Regarding Bank Rate, the Committee voted unanimously in favour of the proposition.』
『Regarding the stock of asset purchases, five members of the Committee
(Charles Bean, Paul Tucker, Ben Broadbent, Spencer Dale and Martin Weale)
voted in favour of the proposition. Four members of the Committee voted
against the proposition. The Governor, David Miles and Adam Posen preferred
to increase the size of the asset purchase programme by £50 billion to
a total of £375 billion. Paul Fisher preferred to increase the size of
the asset purchase programme by £25 billion to a total of £350 billion.』
against the proposition」の次に燦然と輝く「The Governor」の文字でありまして、総裁の見解も貫録の否決(しかも総裁と副総裁2名(=マネタリーポリシーウィングの副総裁がCharles
Beanで、プルーデンスウィングの副総裁がPaul Tucker)の見解が違う・・・)と言うのが英国クオリティで実に素晴らしいと思う次第で、先般のマンションハウスでのキング総裁の講演が全力で景気に弱気で追加金融緩和をやるべしという全力の講演に繋がったのですねとまああたくしだけ一人合点しておりますが、キング総裁講演については月曜にでも(週末はバーナンキの記者会見ネタも追加されるものと思われる(あたくしは英語力がアレなのでテキスト起こしした物が無いとあばばばばーなのです)ので気が向いたら土日に更新するかもしれないが期待しないでちょ)投入したいと存じます。
『Information received since the Federal Open Market Committee met in April
suggests that the economy has been expanding moderately this year. 』(今回)
『Information received since the Federal Open Market Committee met in March
suggests that the economy has been expanding moderately. 』(前回)
『However, growth in employment has slowed in recent months, and the unemployment rate remains elevated.』(今回)
『Labor market conditions have improved in recent months; the unemployment rate has declined but remains elevated.』(前回)
『Business fixed investment has continued to advance. Household spending
appears to be rising at a somewhat slower pace than earlier in the year.』(今回)
『Household spending and business fixed investment have continued to advance.』(前回)
『Despite some signs of improvement, the housing sector remains depressed.』(今回)
『Despite some signs of improvement, the housing sector remains depressed.』(前回)
『Inflation has declined, mainly reflecting lower prices of crude oil and
gasoline, and longer-term inflation expectations have remained stable.』(今回)
『Inflation has picked up somewhat, mainly reflecting higher prices of
crude oil and gasoline. However, longer-term inflation expectations have
remained stable.』(前回)
『Consistent with its statutory mandate, the Committee seeks to foster
maximum employment and price stability. The Committee expects economic
growth to remain moderate over coming quarters and then to pick up very
『Consistent with its statutory mandate, the Committee seeks to foster
maximum employment and price stability. The Committee expects economic
growth to remain moderate over coming quarters and then to pick up gradually.』(前回)
『Consequently, the Committee anticipates that the unemployment rate will
decline only slowly toward levels that it judges to be consistent with
its dual mandate.』(今回)
『Consequently, the Committee anticipates that the unemployment rate will
decline gradually toward levels that it judges to be consistent with its
dual mandate.』(前回)
失業の改善について、「will decline gradually」だったのが「will decline
only slowly」となっていて見通しが下がるという残念な結果ですが、これまたSEPにその辺反映されていますです、はい。
『Furthermore, strains in global financial markets continue to pose significant
downside risks to the economic outlook.』(今回)
『Strains in global financial markets continue to pose significant downside
risks to the economic outlook.』(前回)
『The Committee anticipates that inflation over the medium term will run
at or below the rate that it judges most consistent with its dual mandate.』(今回)
『The increase in oil and gasoline prices earlier this year is expected
to affect inflation only temporarily, and the Committee anticipates that
subsequently inflation will run at or below the rate that it judges most
consistent with its dual mandate.』(前回)
『To support a stronger economic recovery and to help ensure that inflation,
over time, is at the rate most consistent with its dual mandate, the Committee
expects to maintain a highly accommodative stance for monetary policy.
In particular, the Committee decided today to keep the target range for
the federal funds rate at 0 to 1/4 percent and currently anticipates that
economic conditions--including low rates of resource utilization and a
subdued outlook for inflation over the medium run--are likely to warrant
exceptionally low levels for the federal funds rate at least through late
『The Committee also decided to continue through the end of the year its
program to extend the average maturity of its holdings of securities. Specifically,
the Committee intends to purchase Treasury securities with remaining maturities
of 6 years to 30 years at the current pace and to sell or redeem an equal
amount of Treasury securities with remaining maturities of approximately
3 years or less.』(今回)
『The Committee also decided to continue its program to extend the average
maturity of its holdings of securities as announced in September.』(今回)
or redeem」の償還ってナンジャラホイと思ったのですが、これは(これまた詳しくはこの後に書きますが)オペの概要みたら判るのですけど、FEDの現在の手持ちの中で年内に償還が来る債券があるのでそれの再投資もオペレーションツイストに含めるという話のようですが・・・・・
『This continuation of the maturity extension program should put downward
pressure on longer-term interest rates and help to make broader financial
conditions more accommodative.』(今回)
『The Committee is maintaining its existing policy of reinvesting principal
payments from its holdings of agency debt and agency mortgage-backed securities
in agency mortgage-backed securities.』(今回)
『The Committee is maintaining its existing policies of reinvesting principal
payments from its holdings of agency debt and agency mortgage-backed securities
in agency mortgage-backed securities and of rolling over maturing Treasury
securities at auction.』(前回)
『The Committee is prepared to take further action as appropriate to promote
a stronger economic recovery and sustained improvement in labor market
conditions in a context of price stability.』(今回)
『The Committee will regularly review the size and composition of its securities
holdings and is prepared to adjust those holdings as appropriate to promote
a stronger economic recovery in a context of price stability.』(前回)
今後に関する文言については「is prepared to take further action」という表現にして、まあサービス成分を高めましたねという所ですな、うんうん。
『Voting for the FOMC monetary policy action were: Ben S. Bernanke, Chairman;
William C. Dudley, Vice Chairman; Elizabeth A. Duke; Dennis P. Lockhart;
Sandra Pianalto; Jerome H. Powell; Sarah Bloom Raskin; Jeremy C. Stein;
Daniel K. Tarullo; John C. Williams; and Janet L. Yellen. Voting against
the action was Jeffrey M. Lacker, who opposed continuation of the maturity
extension program.』(今回)
最初にFRBのトップを見たらここの「Maturity Extension Program and Reinvestment
『Under the maturity extension program, the Federal Reserve intends to
sell or redeem a total of $667 billion of shorter-term Treasury securities
by the end of 2012 and use the proceeds to buy longer-term Treasury securities.』
『This will extend the average maturity of the securities in the Federal Reserve’s portfolio.』
『By reducing the supply of longer-term Treasury securities in the market,
this action should put downward pressure on longer-term interest rates,
including rates on financial assets that investors consider to be close
substitutes for longer-term Treasury securities. The reduction in longer-term
interest rates, in turn, will contribute to a broad easing in financial
market conditions that will provide additional stimulus to support the
economic recovery. 』
FAQはスルーしましてFederal Reserve Bank of New York operating statementってのを。
Statement Regarding Continuation of the Maturity Extension Program
June 20, 2012
『Purchases of Treasury securities for the maturity extension program will
be distributed across five sectors using the same approximate weights that
have been used in the purchases to date:』
『Nominal Coupon Securities by Remaining Maturity*
*The on-the-run 10-year note will be considered part of the 8-to 10-year sector.
6-8 Years :32%
8-10 Years :32%
10-20 Years :4%
20-30 Years :29%
**TIPS weights are based on unadjusted par amounts.
6-30 Years :3%』(ここは本当は表形式ですがテキストに落とす都合上これで勘弁)
『A combination of sales and redemptions of Treasury securities will be
conducted to match the amount of purchases over the program. Sales of Treasury
securities will take place in securities maturing between January 2013
and January 2016.』
『Securities maturing in the second half of 2012 will be redeemed-that
is, allowed to mature without reinvestment-since redeeming maturing Treasury
securities has a nearly identical effect on the portfolio as selling securities
that are approaching maturity.』
『Once the maturity extension program is completed, the Federal Reserve
will hold almost no securities maturing through January 2016.』
Central tendencyの所を見ますとこんな感じかと。
Change in real GDP:2012年、2013年の見通しが前回対比で下がっていて2014年は割と変わらない
Unemployment rate:全体的にやや上がっている(ので良くない方向)
PCE inflation:全体的にやや下がっていて、Central tendencyの下限とRangeの下限が同じになっている
『Overview of FOMC participants’ assessments of appropriate monetary policy,
June 2012』ということで政策金利の適正水準の予想ですな。
『Appropriate timing of policy firming』に関しては2015年が2票増えているのですが、そもそも頭数が2名増えていまして、増えた2名が2015年なのか、中の人が転んだのかはまあ判らんですわな。
『Target federal funds rate at year-end』の方ですが、
Longer Run:概ね4%〜4.5%のレンジに納まっている(4%未満の人は前回は2名で3.50%と3.75%、今回は3名で3.00%と3.50%と3.75%)のですけれども、4.50%が7名→5名、4.25%が2名→5名(4.00%が6名で同じ)となっていて、その0.25%の変化は何ですねんというのが不思議ちゃんですなあと思いましたです、はい。
Speech given by Sir Mervyn King, Governor of the Bank of England
で、その流動性供給策として昨年12月に枠組みだけ作ってある「Extended Collateral
Term Repo Facility」が本日発動予定。
News Release - Auctions to be held under the Extended Collateral Term Repo Facility
『In his Mansion House speech last night, Sir Mervyn King, the Governor
of the Bank of England, announced that in the current turbulent period,
the Bank of England will be commencing operations under the Extended Collateral
Term Repo (ECTR) Facility. Activation of this Facility, introduced in December
2011, is intended to mitigate prospective risks to financial stability
arising from a market-wide shortage of sterling liquidity by lending to
the banking system against the widest range of collateral.』
『The Bank intends to hold an ECTR auction at least monthly until further
notice. The first auction under the ECTR Facility will be held on 20 June
2012. In its ECTR auctions, the Bank will offer sterling liquidity with
a term of 6 months against collateral pre-positioned for use in the Bank’s
Discount Window Facility (DWF). The minimum bid rate in these auctions
will be a spread to Bank Rate of 25 basis points. All firms registered
for access to the Bank’s DWF are eligible for ECTR auctions. The size
of ECTR auctions will be announced the day prior to each operation and
will be subject to a minimum of £5 billion.』
『The ECTR Facility is part of the Bank’s permanent framework of operations,
the Sterling Monetary Framework, and as such is incorporated in the “Red
Book”. In conjunction with the Indexed Long-Term Repo (ILTR) operations,
and the permanent availability of the Discount Window Facility (DWF) for
bilateral transactions, the ECTR Facility enables the Bank to ensure that
the banking sector has sufficient access to sterling liquidity to mitigate
risks arising from unexpected shocks.』
『Further operational details are available in the accompanying Market Notice. 』
Market Notice 15 June 2012
Sterling Monetary Framework: Extended Collateral Term Repo Facility
ちなみに既にある常設ファシリティであるところのOperational Standing Facilities
Current Inflation 2.8%
Next due:17 Jul 2012
Headwinds, Risks, and Monetary Policy
Dennis P. Lockhart
President and Chief Executive Officer
Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta
『Key points
・Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta President Dennis Lockhart said the U.S.
economy remains in recovery, which he expects to continue. As recent disappointing
employment numbers illustrate, however, the economy is working against
some strong headwinds.
・Lockhart said these headwinds include continued deleveraging by the household
and financial sectors, a weak housing market, a contracting government
sector, and an "uncertainty drag" on confidence and economic
・In addition to headwinds, Lockhart described four risks in his outlook:
the behavior of home prices, effect of pending sharp federal fiscal adjustment,
financial instability along with recession in Europe, and slowdown in emerging
market economies.
・Lockhart views today's highly accommodative stance of monetary policy
as being appropriate for the outlook he envisions.
・His views about further policy measures consider two possibilities. First,
if his baseline scenario of continued, though modest, growth becomes unrealistic,
further monetary actions to support the recovery will need to be considered.
Second, he believes the FOMC must maintain a state of readiness to respond
to financial or economic instability.』
the euro area as a whole is in or near recession, as I mentioned earlier.
in emerging market economies」と思いっきり言及していて、これまた講演本文では『Another
connected global risk is the apparent slowdown occurring in a number of
large emerging economies−notably in the economies of China, India, and
Brazil. 』と国名も挙げて指摘しているという所で、下振れ警戒感を強く印象付ける講演になっております。
Monetary Policy, Economics and the Recovery
『Economic Impacts of the Recession: Structural or Cyclical』の所をちょっと引用。
『Many of you are trained economists and are very familiar with the concept
of dividing economic activity into structural and cyclical components.
Broadly defined, cyclical impacts of a recession will be recovered as the
economy works through the business cycle and as economic conditions improve.
Such impacts rise and fall, but they do not persist. In contrast, impacts
that persist even after the economy has been expanding for years are considered
『This distinction is often applied to unemployment rates, but it can also
be applied to spending on plants and equipment. The underlying question
in either case is, How much of the reduced demand for labor and capital
will persist even when the U.S. economy has fully recovered from the recession?』
『The U.S. construction sector was at the bull's-eye of the recession.
The impact on construction workers was immense and the thinking was that,
even after the economy recovered, we would need far fewer construction
workers than before the steep downturn. Unemployed construction workers
are often cited as examples of structural unemployment because of a belief
that many of the pre-recession construction jobs were never coming back.
Given that construction workers typically have relatively low levels of
formal education and relatively high levels of specialized skills that
they acquire on the job, some believed their prospects for employment in
other sectors were limited.』
『The statistics tell a different story.』
『The recession increased the number of unemployed workers in the construction
sector by 1.1 million, raising the unemployment rate of construction workers
to a peak of roughly 20 percent. Nonetheless, recent employment statistics
indicate that the number of unemployed construction workers is now just
300,000 higher than it was in 2007, even as the construction sector has
continued to shrink since the end of the recession. Indeed, the number
of unemployed workers from construction has declined more rapidly than
the total number of unemployed workers in the United States.』
『Another sector of the economy often cited for evidence of structural
unemployment is manufacturing.』
『Today, manufacturing requires more specialized skills than ever, and
some manufacturing activities have moved to other parts of the world. The
recession increased the numbers of unemployed workers in the manufacturing
sector by 1.2 million people. Here again, unemployment figures in manufacturing
have declined more rapidly than economy-wide numbers. The number of unemployed
manufacturing workers is now just 300,000 higher than it was in 2007.』
『The employment data for these two large sectors of the economy in part
reflects the flexibility of U.S. workers to move out of one sector into
another and demonstrates that there has been less structural unemployment
than many had thought.』
『A major part of the ongoing unemployment problem today is the elevated
numbers of young unemployed people.』
『The number of unemployed people in the early-career ages of 20 to 34
rose by 2.6 million in the recession. The recovery has been less effective
at shrinking this pool of unemployed workers, with 1.8 million young and
recently trained workers still looking for work. While it is hard to categorically
rule out structural unemployment, people in this age group are typically
very flexible about which sector or region they work. In addition, this
generation is more educated than prior generations, and that education
should be more relevant to current employment opportunities. The employment
weakness in this age group points more to a broad-based lack of demand
for labor - that is, a cyclical shortfall in employment.』
『What is extraordinary about today's economy is the number of unemployed
people compared to the number of job openings. Before the recession, there
was a little over one job seeker for every open position. Today, despite
progress, there are about three people looking for work for every job opening.
The only long-run solution to the unemployment problem is to increase the
number of job openings through more growth in overall economic activity.』
『Together, these facts make a lot of today's unemployment look more cyclical
than structural to me, although persistent cyclical unemployment runs the
risk of translating into structural unemployment through the loss of skills.
I encourage you to read our latest Annual Report, just published, for a
thorough discussion of the employment side of the Federal Reserve’s dual
Monetary Policy Transparency: Changes and Challenges
『Over the past ten minutes or so, I have talked about the recent adverse
changes in U.S. labor market performance. I have discussed two sharply
different possible ways to view those changes: first, that they are largely
reversible under appropriate monetary policy and, second, that they are
likely to be highly persistent. These two possibilities suggest that the
FOMC is confronted with an unusually high degree of uncertainty about the
level of “maximum employment” it can achieve.』
『This uncertainty translates directly into a corresponding uncertainty
about the appropriate approach to policy. In particular, policymakers who
see the deterioration in labor market performance as reversible using monetary
policy will typically favor more accommodative policy than those who view
the deterioration as more protracted.』
『Fortunately, we can use other sources of information to reduce the level
of uncertainty about the maximum level of employment achievable through
monetary policy.』
『“Maximum employment” for monetary policy is widely interpreted as the
level of employment that is sustainable through monetary policy actions
without an acceleration in inflation.』
『 While we cannot directly observe “maximum employment,” we do observe
inflation, and its behavior is a useful signal of how close we are to the
maximum level of employment achievable by the FOMC.』
『So, what has been happening with inflation? Inflation was distinctly
higher in 2011 than in 2010. Even core measures of inflation, which strip
out energy goods and services, and food, went up notably.』
『I see these changes as a signal that our country’s current labor market
performance is closer to “maximum employment,” given the tools available
to the FOMC, than the post-World War II U.S. data alone would suggest.』
Swedish experience』というのがありまして90年代初頭の通貨危機だの金融システム不安を通過したスウェーデンの失業率が危機前の水準から大きく上昇し、水準そのものが変化している(けど同国の経済は最近まで良いパフォーマンスを示していた)というような話をしているのでそれを読んでくらはい(手抜き)。
『As I’ve argued in the past, appropriate monetary policy should be responsive
to such signals.』
『It is worth reiterating a point that I made earlier. “Maximum employment”
for monetary policy is not the same as “maximum employment” for all policymakers.』
『Congress and the president can choose to provide direct subsidies to
employers for hiring. Such subsidies will increase the federal deficit,
but they do have the power to increase “maximum employment” for the FOMC.』
Perspectives on Monetary Policy
んでまあ安直に読む順序としてお勧めなのは本文17ページの『Looking Ahead』から『Conclusion』までを読むのが吉です。あと、前半は経済に関する話で、当然ながら労働市場に関する話もあるのですが、労働市場に関しては「現在の悪い状況は循環的なものである」という認識になっております。また中盤は非伝統的金融政策の効果についての話が合って、フォワードガイダンスの効果の話をしている部分がかなーり我田引水成分が強いのが中々香ばしいのですが、その辺までああだこうだ引用するとオワランチ会長になるのでそれは気が向いたら(というか次回FOMCまでにネタが無いのであれば)後日ネタに。
『Looking Ahead』の部分を引用します。
『Recent labor market reports and financial developments serve as a reminder
that the economy remains vulnerable to setbacks.』
『Indeed, the simulations I described above did not take into account this
new information. In our policy deliberations at the upcoming FOMC meeting
we will assess the effects of these developments on the economic forecast.
If the Committee were to judge that the recovery is unlikely to proceed
at a satisfactory pace (for example, that the forecast entails little or
no improvement in the labor market over the next few years), or that the
downside risks to the outlook had become sufficiently great, or that inflation
appeared to be in danger of declining notably below its 2 percent objective,
I am convinced that scope remains for the FOMC to provide further policy
accommodation either through its forward guidance or through additional
balance-sheet actions.』
『In taking these decisions, however, we would need to balance two considerations. 』
『On the one hand, our unconventional tools have some limitations and costs.』
『For example, the effects of forward guidance are likely to be weaker
the longer the horizon of the guidance, implying that it may be difficult
to provide much more stimulus through this channel.』
『As for our balance sheet operations, although we have now acquired some
experience with this tool, there is still considerable uncertainty about
its likely economic effects. Moreover, some have expressed concern that
a substantial further expansion of the balance sheet could interfere with
the Fed's ability to execute a smooth exit from its accommodative policies
at the appropriate time. I disagree with this view: The FOMC has tested
a variety of tools to ensure that we will be able to raise short-term interest
rates when needed while gradually returning the portfolio to a more normal
size and composition.』
『But even if unjustified, such concerns could in theory reduce confidence
in the Federal Reserve and so lead to an undesired increase in inflation
『On the other hand, risk management considerations arising from today's
unusual circumstances strengthen the case for additional accommodation
beyond that called for by simple policy rules and optimal control under
the modal outlook.』
『In particular, as I have noted, there are a number of significant downside
risks to the economic outlook, and hence it may well be appropriate to
insure against adverse shocks that could push the economy into territory
where a self-reinforcing downward spiral of economic weakness would be
difficult to arrest.』
“The Economic Outlook and Its Policy Implications”
講演の中盤にそのものずばりの『Labor Markets』というのがあるのですが、こちらでローゼングレン総裁は米国労働市場の問題については「循環的な要因が構造的な要因よりも大きい」という事で、色々と図表を出して説明していまして中々説得的な展開をしています。
Economic Data』のケツの部分でこんな話をしています。
『At the Fed, we are now producing and publicly disclosing the estimates
of real GDP growth, unemployment, and PCE[4] inflation rates produced by
the FOMC participants in a Summary of Economic Projections. The central
tendency of the FOMC participants’ estimated forecasts, and my own current
forecast, are provided in Figure 5.』
『You can see that my own forecasts are a little more pessimistic than
the central tendency of the participants at the April FOMC meeting. I am
expecting growth of only 2.3 percent for the full year, I’m sorry to say;
and unfortunately no improvement in the current U.S. unemployment rate
of 8.1 percent. As you can see, I also expect both total PCE inflation
and core PCE inflation to be below 2 percent for 2012. My forecast of relative
weakness in the economy reflects concern that the uncertainty about both
Europe and the U.S. federal “fiscal cliff” will restrain spending by
households and businesses - but it also assumes that Europe and our own
fiscal situation achieve a “muddling through.”』
『I would, however, highlight the uncertainty and downside risks to my
forecast. One downside risk is that European problems could become a much
greater restraint on growth this year. Another downside risk is that Middle
East problems could cause an oil supply shock that negatively affects economic
growth. And another is that much greater fiscal austerity could result
from a potential failure to reach budget agreements.』
『Given my expectations of only modest growth, no improvement in the unemployment
rate, an inflation forecast below 2 percent, and significant downside risks
to the forecast, I believe monetary policy should remain accommodative
at this time and indeed that we should be looking for ways that monetary
policy can foster more rapid growth, to bring down the unemployment rate
more quickly. I believe further monetary policy accommodation is both appropriate
and necessary.』
『The U.S., like many other countries, needs to facilitate a more rapid
recovery, and monetary policy is one important tool with the potential
still for encouraging faster growth.』
Monetary Policy, Economics and the Recovery
Impacts of the Recession: Structural or Cyclical』って所なのですが、これまた上記2名と同様に労働市場の問題は主に循環的要因によるものが強いという認識になっていまして、量的にこの講演が一番短くて説明がシンプルなので、とりあえず立論の背景を確認するという意味ではこちらの講演がお勧めであります。
Monetary Policy: Responsive and Measured』という所で説明されているのですが・・・・・・
『Currently, I am projecting the economy to grow at a moderate rate, slightly
above 2-1/2 percent this year and around 3 percent in 2013 and 2014. At
this pace of growth, I expect that it could take as long as four to five
years for the unemployment rate to fall to the 6 percent rate I judge to
be consistent with maximum employment. I also project inflation to run
very close to the Federal Reserve's longer-run objective of 2 percent as
measured by the PCE price index through 2014.』
『My inflation outlook, although it is close to the 2 percent objective,
is based on an economy that is working through a significant amount of
cyclical weakness over the projection horizon. My outlook for both economic
activity and inflation relies on monetary policy remaining accommodative.
Therefore, I have voted in favor of the FOMC's policy statements and actions,
including the statement that economic conditions "are likely to warrant
exceptionally low levels for the federal funds rate at least through late
『Nonetheless, my current assessment is that the real economy continues
to show considerable cyclical weakness. This assessment, along with my
outlook for moderate growth and subdued inflation, calls for today's highly
accommodative monetary policy.』
Monetary Policy Transparency: Changes and Challenges
Swedish experience』としてスウェーデンの例を挙げております。
『Labor market conditions improved in the latter part of 2011 and earlier
this year. The unemployment rate has fallen about 1 percentage point since
last August; and payroll employment increased 225,000 per month, on average,
during the first three months of this year, up from about 150,000 jobs
added per month in 2011. In April and May, however, the reported pace of
job gains slowed to an average of 75,000 per month, and the unemployment
rate ticked up to 8.2 percent.』
『This apparent slowing in the labor market may have been exaggerated by
issues related to seasonal adjustment and the unusually warm weather this
past winter. But it may also be the case that the larger gains seen late
last year and early this year were associated with some catch-up in hiring
on the part of employers who had pared their workforces aggressively during
and just after the recession. If so, the deceleration in employment in
recent months may indicate that this catch-up has largely been completed,
and, consequently, that more-rapid gains in economic activity will be required
to achieve significant further improvement in labor market conditions.』
『Economic growth appears poised to continue at a moderate pace over coming
quarters, supported in part by accommodative monetary policy. In particular,
increases in household spending have been relatively well sustained. Income
growth has remained quite modest, but the recent declines in energy prices
should provide some offsetting lift to real purchasing power. While the
most recent readings have been mixed, consumer sentiment is nonetheless
up noticeably from its levels late last year. And, despite economic difficulties
in Europe, the demand for U.S. exports has held up well. The U.S. business
sector is profitable and has become more competitive in international markets.』
『However, some of the factors that have restrained the recovery persist.
Notably, households and businesses still appear quite cautious about the
economy. For example, according to surveys, households continue to rate
their income prospects as relatively poor and do not expect economic conditions
to improve significantly. Similarly, concerns about developments in Europe,
U.S. fiscal policy, and the strength and sustainability of the recovery
have left some firms hesitant to expand capacity.』
『The depressed housing market has also been an important drag on the recovery.
Despite historically low mortgage rates and high levels of affordability,
many prospective homebuyers cannot obtain mortgages, as lending standards
have tightened and the creditworthiness of many potential borrowers has
been impaired. At the same time, a large stock of vacant houses continues
to limit incentives for the construction of new homes, and a substantial
backlog of foreclosures will likely add further to the supply of vacant
homes. However, a few encouraging signs in housing have appeared recently,
including some pickup in sales and construction, improvements in homebuilder
sentiment, and the apparent stabilization of home prices in some areas.』
historically low mortgage rates and high levels of affordability, many
prospective homebuyers cannot obtain mortgages, as lending standards have
tightened and the creditworthiness of many potential borrowers has been
『Banking and financial conditions in the United States have improved significantly
since the depths of the crisis. Notably, recent stress tests conducted
by the Federal Reserve of the balance sheets of the 19 largest U.S. bank
holding companies showed that those firms have added about $300 billion
to their capital since 2009; the tests also showed that, even in an extremely
adverse hypothetical economic scenario, most of those firms would remain
able to provide credit to U.S. households and businesses. Lending terms
and standards have generally become less restrictive in recent quarters,
although some borrowers, such as small businesses and (as already noted)
potential homebuyers with less-than-perfect credit, still report difficulties
in obtaining loans.』
『Concerns about sovereign debt and the health of banks in a number of
euro-area countries continue to create strains in global financial markets.
The crisis in Europe has affected the U.S. economy by acting as a drag
on our exports, weighing on business and consumer confidence, and pressuring
U.S. financial markets and institutions.』
『European policymakers have taken a number of actions to address the crisis,
but more will likely be needed to stabilize euro-area banks, calm market
fears about sovereign finances, achieve a workable fiscal framework for
the euro area, and lay the foundations for long-term economic growth.』
『U.S. banks have greatly improved their financial strength in recent years,
as I noted earlier. Nevertheless, the situation in Europe poses significant
risks to the U.S. financial system and economy and must be monitored closely.』
『As always, the Federal Reserve remains prepared to take action as needed
to protect the U.S. financial system and economy in the event that financial
stresses escalate.』
『With unemployment still quite high and the outlook for inflation subdued,
and in the presence of significant downside risks to the outlook posed
by strains in global financial markets, the FOMC has continued to maintain
a highly accommodative stance of monetary policy. The target range for
the federal funds rate remains at 0 to 1/4 percent, and the Committee has
indicated in its recent statements that it anticipates that economic conditions
are likely to warrant exceptionally low levels of the federal funds rate
at least through late 2014.』
『In addition, the Federal Reserve has been conducting a program, announced
last September, to lengthen the average maturity of its securities holdings
by purchasing $400 billion of longer-term Treasury securities and selling
an equal amount of shorter-term Treasury securities. The Committee also
continues to reinvest principal received from its holdings of agency debt
and agency mortgage-backed securities (MBS) in agency MBS and to roll over
its maturing Treasury holdings at auction.』
『These policies have supported the economic recovery by putting downward
pressure on longer-term interest rates, including mortgage rates, and by
making broader financial conditions more accommodative.』
『The Committee reviews the size and composition of its securities holdings
regularly and is prepared to adjust those holdings as appropriate to promote
a stronger economic recovery in a context of price stability. 』
Introductory statement to the press conference (with Q&A)
Mario Draghi, President of the ECB,
Vitor Constancio, Vice-President of the ECB,
Frankfurt am Main, 6 June 2012
『Based on our regular economic and monetary analyses, we decided to keep
the key ECB interest rates unchanged. While inflation rates are likely
to stay above 2% for the remainder of 2012, over the policy-relevant horizon
we expect price developments to remain in line with price stability.』
『Consistent with this picture, the underlying pace of monetary expansion
remains subdued. Inflation expectations for the euro area economy continue
to be firmly anchored in line with our aim of maintaining inflation rates
below, but close to, 2% over the medium term.』
『At the same time, economic growth in the euro area remains weak, with
heightened uncertainty weighing on confidence and sentiment, giving rise
to increased downside risks to the economic outlook. 』
『In previous months we have implemented both standard and non-standard
monetary policy measures. This combination of measures has supported the
transmission of our monetary policy.』
『Today, we have decided to continue conducting our main refinancing operations
(MROs) as fixed rate tender procedures with full allotment for as long
as necessary, and at least until the end of the 12th maintenance period
of 2012 on 15 January 2013. This procedure will also remain in use for
the Eurosystem’s special-term refinancing operations with a maturity of
one maintenance period, which will continue to be conducted for as long
as needed. The fixed rate in these special-term refinancing operations
will be the same as the MRO rate prevailing at the time.』
『Furthermore, the Governing Council has decided to conduct the three-month
longer-term refinancing operations (LTROs) to be allotted until the end
of 2012 as fixed rate tender procedures with full allotment. The rates
in these three-month operations will be fixed at the average rate of the
MROs over the life of the respective LTRO.』
『Keeping in mind that all our non-standard monetary policy measures are
temporary in nature, we will monitor further developments closely and ensure
medium-term price stability for the euro area by acting in a firm and timely
『Based on our regular economic and monetary analyses, we decided to keep
the key ECB interest rates unchanged. Inflation rates are likely to stay
above 2% in 2012. However, over the policy-relevant horizon, we expect
price developments to remain in line with price stability. Consistent with
this picture, the underlying pace of monetary expansion remains subdued.
Available indicators for the first quarter remain consistent with a stabilisation
in economic activity at a low level. Latest survey indicators for the euro
area highlight prevailing uncertainty. Looking ahead, economic activity
is expected to recover gradually over the course of the year. At the same
time, as we said previously, the economic outlook continues to be subject
to downside risks.』
『Inflation expectations for the euro area economy continue to be firmly
anchored in line with our aim of maintaining inflation rates below, but
close to, 2% over the medium term. Over the last few months we have implemented
both standard and non-standard monetary policy measures. This combination
of measures has helped both the financial environment and the transmission
of our monetary policy. Further developments will be closely monitored,
keeping in mind that all our non-standard monetary policy measures are
temporary in nature and that we maintain our full capacity to ensure medium-term
price stability by acting in a firm and timely manner.』(以上5月3日の定例理事会後のドラギ総裁会見から)
まず前半部分ですが、景気見通しに関して前回は「Looking ahead, economic activity
is expected to recover gradually over the course of the year.」としていたのですが、今回は「economic
growth in the euro area remains weak, with heightened uncertainty weighing
on confidence and sentiment, giving rise to increased downside risks to
the economic outlook.」ということで、見通しの話にあった「今後も緩やかに回復」という文言を外して先行きの下振れリスクの話を強調する形になっておりますので、まあここは明らかに現状認識や見通しを下げているという事になるでしょうな。
んでもって金融政策に関する部分は前回は「we maintain our full capacity to
ensure medium-term price stability by acting in a firm and timely manner.」となっていたのが「we
will monitor further developments closely and ensure medium-term price
stability for the euro area by acting in a firm and timely manner.」となっていまして、その「a
firm and timely manner」というのは変わっていないのですが、今回は「先行きの経済状況を確りモニターして」というような言い方になっており、これと見通しにおける下振れリスクの強調と合わせ技で考えると、先行きの金融緩和の可能性を言及したとも言えますが、まあ別に前任のトリシェのオッサンのように次回会合でやりますよ宣言という程のもんでも無いような気もせんでも無い。勿論方向性が緩和となっているというのはそうなんですけどね。
statement to the press conference (with Q&A)」という事で、質疑応答付のテキストが出ていることで、これはECBの気合を感じたのですけどどうでしょうかね(^^)。
Monetary Policy: Recurring Themes
The Economic Outlook: Global and Domestic Challenges to Growth
『In sum, I see the Fed falling short on both our maximum employment and
inflation mandates for some time. And the turmoil in Europe and government
fiscal retrenchment in the United States raise the danger that the economy
could perform worse than I expect. For these reasons, it’s crucial that
we maintain our current highly stimulatory monetary policy stance. As part
of this, we’ve stated our intention to keep our benchmark short-term interest
rate at exceptionally low levels at least through late 2014.』
『We must also stand ready to do even more if needed to best achieve our
statutory goals of maximum employment and price stability. The April FOMC
statement indicated that the “Committee will regularly review the size
and composition of its securities holdings and is prepared to adjust those
holdings as appropriate to promote a stronger economic recovery in a context
of price stability.”』
『If the outlook for growth worsens to the point that we no longer expect
to make sustained progress on bringing the unemployment rate down to levels
consistent with our dual mandate, or if the medium-term outlook for inflation
falls significantly below our 2 percent target, then additional monetary
accommodation would be warranted. In such circumstances, an effective tool
would be further purchases of longer-maturity securities, potentially including
agency mortgage-backed securities. Past purchases have succeeded in lowering
borrowing costs and improving financial conditions, thereby supporting
economic recovery.』
『As I’ve tried to make clear, these are highly uncertain times, and our
crystal balls are much cloudier than usual. At the Fed, we must be vigilant,
and ready to adjust monetary policy as circumstances warrant. Thank you
very much.』
St. Louis Fed’s Bullard Discusses U.S. Monetary Policy, Housing Bubble
『ST. LOUIS - Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis President James Bullard
discussed “The Aftermath of the Housing Bubble” on Tuesday during an
event jointly hosted by the Bipartisan Policy Center’s Housing Commission
and the Jack Kemp Foundation.』
『During his presentation, Bullard discussed current monetary policy in
the U.S. and the economic outlook. He also discussed the collapse of the
U.S. housing bubble and its implications for the economy. “Recovery from
this event is ongoing and will ultimately take many years,” he said, noting
that households are saddled with far too much mortgage debt compared with
historical norms. 』
『“Monetary policy has been ultra-easy during this period, but cannot
reasonably encourage additional borrowing by households with too much debt,”
he added.』
つーことで金融政策について。『Current U.S. Monetary Policy』って小見出しから。
『Many analysts of the U.S. economy are pointing to a “global slowdown,”
Bullard said. For example, the Euro-area unemployment rate has increased
over the past year, and Chinese economic data has indicated slower growth
than anticipated so far this year.』
『While the U.S. data has been mixed in recent weeks, Bullard noted that
“the outlook for 2012 has not changed significantly so far,” with many
expecting a stronger second quarter than first quarter in terms of real
GDP growth and a stronger second half of 2012 than first half.』
『Regarding labor market conditions, Bullard said, “The recent nonfarm
payrolls report was disappointing, but not enough to substantially alter
the contours of the U.S. outlook.” He added that seasonal adjustment factors
may be disturbing the normal interpretation of the data; when looking at
non-seasonally adjusted data, employment growth from one year earlier is
better in 2012 than in either 2010 or 2011.』
『Bullard noted that the situation in Europe has driven U.S. interest rates
lower. “Both nominal and real interest rates have fallen substantially
over the last year in the U.S.,” he said.』
『“One possible FOMC strategy is to simply pocket the lower yields and
continue to wait-and-see on the U.S. economic outlook,” he said, adding
that “current policy is already very easy, as the policy rate remains
near zero and the balance sheet remains large.”』
『Furthermore, while the global problems are being driven by the continued
turmoil in Europe, “a change in U.S. monetary policy at this juncture
will not alter the situation in Europe,” Bullard stated.』
んでもって後半の『U.S. Housing Markets』の所は斜め読みしかしていないのでスルーと致しますが最初と最後だけ引用します。
『In discussing the collapsed U.S. housing bubble, Bullard noted that most
components of U.S. GDP - except for the components of investment related
to real estate - have recovered to or past their levels of the fourth quarter
of 2007. “It is therefore not reasonable to claim that the ‘output gap’
is exceptionally large,” he said.』
『“We should expect and plan for slow adjustment in housing markets,” Bullard said.』
Policy Papers』って所にある『"Seven Faces of 'The Peril'" 』をご参照あれ)、まあ金融政策に関するその手の理屈を先導して出してくるお方(個人的には逆さ絵のおじさん以外にはブラード総裁とコチャラコタ総裁の話とサンフランシスコ時代のイエレン総裁の話って論点が中々興味深い(今のSFウィリアムス総裁も比較的オモロイ)ですな)なので、ここでブラード総裁が米国の追加緩和が必要とか言い出したら米国金融市場はQE3祭りになったのでしょうが惜しかったですな。
European Sovereign Debt Crisis: A Wake-up Call for the U.S.
DA COSTA記者の質問から。
『PEDRO DA COSTA. How much more weakness would you need to see for QE3
to be in place? Would you need to see an actual recession take place?』
『CHAIRMAN BERNANKE. The question is, you know, “How much more weakness
do we need?” The Committee has to make those assessments, and we’ve been
working to try to provide more-explicit guidance, quantitative guidance
about our policy reaction function, but so far, you know, we haven’t really
done that.』
ここでしらっと出ているのですが、「more-explicit guidance」として「quantitative
guidance about our policy reaction function」というのが検討されているという発言がございまして、もしかすると今月のFOMCでは追加緩和のようなものとして「量的なガイダンス文言」という益々何が何だかワカランチ会長な目くらましを打ってくる可能性もありますなあと思います。
『And I can only say qualitatively that the Committee will continue to
look at the evolution of the outlook, try to assess whether unemployment
is making sufficient progress towards our objectives, and, in particular,
whether the recovery is still continuing. And we remain prepared to use
balance sheet tools to support the recovery and to help make sure that
unemployment continues its downward path towards longer-run normal levels.』
『STEVE LIESMAN. Mr. Chairman, according to the latest forecast, 10 members
of the FOMC see a 1 percent or higher fed funds rate in 2014; 7 of them
see a 2 percent or higher fed funds rate.』
『Under that-those conditions, how can the guidance in the statement, that
you remain exceptionally low through late 2014, be justified? And is there
a point at which the dissonance between the individual forecasts and the
guidance get to a point where one or the other is no longer tenable?』
『CHAIRMAN BERNANKE. Well, there’s certainly a range of views, as you’ve
noted, but these projections are inputs into a Committee process.』
『And it’s in the Committee meeting that we had yesterday and today where
we debate not only the possible outcomes, but also the risks, the uncertainties,
all the things that inform our collective judgment. And as I said, the
Committee had no difficulty coming to a consensus that the guidance that
we gave is still appropriate. Again, if there’s a substantial change in
the economic outlook in either direction, then the guidance would change
appropriately. But for now, I think the Committee is comfortable with the
consensus statement that we put out.』
『STEVE LIESMAN. Do you worry about creating confusion in the market between
the guidance and the individual forecasts?』
『CHAIRMAN BERNANKE. Well, again, the individual projections are inputs
to the Committee decision, so the Committee decision is the critical element
in that respect. We are continuing to work to become more transparent,
and we have a variety of things that we’re looking at, so you’ll have
to stay tuned for that. But again, the Committee was quite comfortable
with the consensus that we have reported today.』
『 Before turning to its immediate policy decision, and against the background
of its latest projections for output and inflation, the Committee discussed
financial market developments; the international economy; money, credit,
demand and output; and supply, costs and prices.』
という決まり文句が最初にあって、その次に『Financial markets』というのがあるのですが、のっけから「年初以来の市場のセンチメント改善は消えてしまいました」とキタコレ。
『The improvement in sentiment over the first three months of the year
had waned and a sense of caution had again become apparent in financial
『This reflected renewed concerns about the vulnerabilities associated
with the indebtedness and competitiveness of several euro-area economies
that had intensified after the results of elections in France and Greece.』
『Divergent movements in government bond yields suggested that there had
been some flight to safety: yields on ten-year government bonds had fallen
to historical lows in Germany and in the United Kingdom, but had risen
again in Italy and Spain. Bank CDS premia were higher on the month, especially
for Italian and Spanish banks. The partial nationalisation of Bankia, a
large Spanish bank, had added to concerns.』
『There had been a further appreciation of sterling. In effective terms,
sterling had risen by 2% since the Committee’s April meeting and was 8%
higher than its low point in the middle of 2011.』
『Market intelligence suggested that sterling had benefitted from investors
seeking to shift funds into countries with higher perceived credit quality
and liquid government bond markets while continuing to diversify their
currency holdings.』
『While sterling remained almost 20% lower than it had been five years
earlier, a continuing appreciation could have a material influence on the
outlook for growth and inflation in the United Kingdom.』
でまあ話は飛んで為替つながりで『The international economy』の第8パラグラフに中国経済の話がありまして(まあ仕方ないのだが最近はここの部分で日本の話が全くと言っていいほど出て来ないのが何ともさびしい話ではある)これがほほーという感じで。
『GDP growth in China had slowed a little to 1.8% in the first quarter,
but both the manufacturing and services PMIs increased modestly in April
to levels similar to those reached in the first half of 2011.』
『In recent years, domestic demand growth had accounted for more of China’s
output growth and the current account surplus had fallen from a peak of
over 10% of GDP in 2007 to a little under 3% of GDP in 2011. In part this
had reflected a decline in China’s price competitiveness over this period
as its real exchange rate appreciated.』
『This shift in the Chinese current account surplus raised the possibility
that a sustainable reduction in global imbalances might be in train, although
one counterpart had been an increase since 2009 in the current account
surplus of oil exporters reflecting a higher price of oil, rather than
a significant reduction in deficits elsewhere in the world.』
『The latest indicators had continued to highlight the weakness of activity
in the euro area. The composite output PMI had fallen in April in both
core and periphery countries to around the levels seen the previous autumn,
signalling contraction.』
『Business and consumer confidence indicators had also deteriorated. Consistent
with this weakness, the euro-area unemployment rate had risen to 10.9%
in March. Uncertainty was likely to continue to weigh on euro-area confidence
and activity.』
『The Greek election had been inconclusive and this had led to increased
speculation that Greece would leave the euro area.』
『And concerns had increased about the Spanish government’s ability to
deliver the planned fiscal consolidation against a poor economic background
and further sovereign and banking sector downgrades.』
『The euro area continued to face fundamental challenges, in particular
the need to reduce the indebtedness and improve the competitiveness of
some member countries. Market participants’ perception of the risk of
a disorderly outcome had increased; such an outcome could result in considerably
lower output in the euro area and significant disruption to global banking
and financial markets.』
costs and prices』の第19パラグラフから。
『A key challenge was to understand better why weak economic activity had
not generated greater downward pressure on inflation.』
『It was possible that the degree of slack in the economy was having less
impact on inflation than assumed.』
『For example, that might be because firms with less access to credit were
unwilling to cut prices when there was a risk that they would have less
recourse to external funds should they run into cash-flow difficulties.
There was also, however, the issue of very weak labour productivity growth.』
『The Committee discussed two possible broad explanations for this that
were not mutually exclusive. Both suggested that the supply capacity of
the economy had weakened alongside the weakness of demand.』
『First of all it was possible that the weakness in productivity and demand
had a common cause, such as the widespread fear of a disorderly resolution
of the euro-area crisis. Symptoms would include elevated risk premia that
raised bank funding costs and the cost of capital to companies, whether
they were reliant on the banking system for finance or not, and weakened
physical investment and innovation.』
『The second explanation was that the weakness in productivity had itself
been caused by weakness in demand, perhaps because of mothballing of capital
or reduced scope for learning on the job.』
『Elements of both explanations seemed to be evident and helped account
for low productivity growth and the lack of more substantial downward pressure
on domestic costs.』
『The weakness of productivity growth in recent years had contributed to
the low level of businesses’ profit margins. It was possible that companies
would seek to restore margins by increasing their prices, particularly
if they thought that their competitors were also behaving in the same way.』
『The latest quarterly CBI surveys suggested that in the first quarter
of 2012 there had been an increase of about 0.3 percentage points in the
one-year ahead inflation expectations of companies. This was consistent
with a similar increase in the Yougov/Citigroup survey of households’
one-year ahead inflation expectations.』
金融政策決定の議論の所にワープしまして『The immediate policy decision』の第35パラグラフ。
『The Committee had restarted its asset purchase programme in October and
at its February meeting had announced an increase in the size of the programme
of £50 billion to a total of £325 billion. This had recently been completed.』
『As yet, there was no compelling evidence that the impact on nominal demand
of this additional round of asset purchases would be materially different
from previous asset purchases.』
『Recent market intelligence, low gilt yields and a pickup in sterling
deposits by both residents and non-residents were consistent with asset
purchases working as expected through the portfolio rebalancing channel
with a lag. But the Committee would keep this under review in judging the
policy actions required to support the recovery and meet the inflation
target. In so doing, it would also need to take account of any decisions
of the Financial Policy Committee that might have implications for the
provision of credit to the wider economy and the pace of the recovery.』
Minutes of the Monetary Policy Committee Meeting held on 9 & 10 May 2012
『Regarding Bank Rate, the Committee voted unanimously in favour of the proposition.
Regarding the stock of asset purchases, eight members of the Committee
(the Governor, Charles Bean, Paul Tucker, Ben Broadbent, Spencer Dale,
Paul Fisher, Adam Posen and Martin Weale) voted in favour of the proposition.
One member of the Committee (David Miles) voted against, preferring to
increase the size of the asset purchase programme by a further £25 billion
to a total of £350 billion.』
Current Inflation 3.0%
Next due:19 Jun 2012
Pension funds and quantitative easing
Speech given by
Charlie Bean, Deputy Governor for Monetary Policy, Bank of England
最初の質問はNightly Business ReportのDARREN GERSHさんによるものなのですが、仕込み質問なのかはわかりませんが(^^)、答えを見ると結果的に仕込み質問だったんじゃねえか位のいい感じの質疑応答の展開になっております(^^)。まあ良い答えを引き出すような質問をするのは記者さんの大事なお仕事でもありますけどね。
『DARREN GERSH. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. Darren Gersh, Nightly Business
Report. Some of your critics-I’m sure you’re not going to be surprised-think
that you’re still being too cautious, that unemployment is still high,
the economy may be slowing, inflation is subdued, and I know you just talked
about the balance sheet. But given that, is the Committee now any closer
to QE3 than it was at its last meeting?』
『CHAIRMAN BERNANKE. Well, first, the Committee has certainly been bold
and aggressive in terms of easing monetary policy.』
『We’ve maintained the federal funds rate close to zero since late 2008.
We’ve had two rounds of so-called quantitative easing. We’ve had a maturity
extension program, which is ongoing. We have offered guidance about the
federal funds rate that goes into at least late 2014.』
『So we have been very accommodative, and we remain prepared to do more
as needed to make sure that this recovery continues and that inflation
stays close to target. So, in particular, we will continue to assess, you
know, looking at the economic outlook, looking at the risks, whether or
not unemployment is making sufficient progress towards its longer-run normal
level, and whether inflation is remaining close to target.』
『And, if appropriate, and depending also on assessment of the costs and
risks of additional policy actions, we remain entirely prepared to take
additional balance sheet actions if necessary to achieve our objectives.』
『So those tools remain very much on the table, and we will not hesitate
to use them should the economy require that additional support.』
『JON HILSENRATH. Mr. Chairman, Jon Hilsenrath from the Wall Street Journal.
The Fed has been forecasting for some time that inflation would fall to
2 percent or below. The latest measures of inflation suggest that the core
PCE is at the higher end of that range and many other measures are above
2 percent. I noticed that in your forecast today that the upper end of
your forecasts all the way through 2014 have increased. Do you see a risk
that the disinflationary forces in the economy might not be as strong as
the Fed had been projecting for some time?』
『CHAIRMAN BERNANKE. Well, I would just say, first, that our projections
still have inflation very close to our 2 percent target. As you point out,
core inflation and some other measures of underlying inflation have been
a little stronger than expected.』
『But I would say first that some of the movement in the first quarter,
for example, seems to have come from transitory sources like nonmarket
components. And the fundamentals of inflation-in particular, inflation
expectations; the amount of slack in the economy; the commodity price behavior,
which has been relatively well-controlled in recent months-all of those
things suggest that inflation is going to stay close to or perhaps a bit
below our 2 percent target.』
『Now, as I mentioned in the opening remarks and as we said in our briefing,
the recent rise in gasoline prices has created a temporary bulge in headline
inflation, in overall inflation, but we expect that to pass through the
system and, assuming no new shocks in the oil sector, inflation ought to
moderate to about 2 percent later this year.』
『JON HILSENRATH. Why did the lower bound in those forecasts rise?』
『CHAIRMAN BERNANKE. The lower bound rose-again, this represents 17 distinct
views-but I would guess that the reason is that the data have come in a
little bit firmer, core inflation has been a little stronger than was expected.
But those differences are not particularly large.』
『PEDRO DA COSTA. Mr. Chairman, Pedro da Costa from Reuters. So we know
that the Committee foresees rates staying very low until late 2014. What
is your personal view on the timing of the first rate hike, on the likely
timing? And second, do you see the Committee as having an easing bias at
the moment or is it neutral? Could it go either way?』
『CHAIRMAN BERNANKE. Well, I’m very comfortable with the consensus view
that we enunciated today, and I think that the Committee broadly is comfortable-a
9-to-1 vote in favor of
this guidance.』
ガイダンス文言に対してI’m very comfortableと来ましたな。
『So again, that represents a very accommodative stance of policy. Our
intention is to maintain a highly accommodative stance of policy for the
foreseeable future, and we remain able and willing to take further action
if necessary.』
『At the same time, I think it is worth noting that the forward guidance
on the federal funds rate is conditional on the data, and if the data were
to come in much stronger than expected, we would adjust the guidance appropriately.
So it’s not unconditional; it does depend on how the outlook evolves.
And again, should the outlook strengthen notably, then we would have to
respond to that.』
NYTのBINYAMIN APPELBAUMさんからの質問がそれなんですけどね。
『BINYAMIN APPELBAUM. Unemployment is too high, and you said you expect
it to remain too high for years to come. Inflation is under control, and
you say that you expect it to remain under control. You say that you have
additional tools available for you to use, but you’re not using them right
『Under these circumstances, it’s really hard for a lot of people to understand
why you are not using those tools right now. Could you address that?』
『And specifically, could you address whether your current views are inconsistent
with the views on that subject that you held as an academic?』
『CHAIRMAN BERNANKE. Yeah. Let me tackle that second part first.』
『So there’s this view circulating that the views I expressed about 15
years ago on the Bank of Japan are somehow inconsistent with our current
『That is absolutely incorrect. Our-my views and our policies today are
completely consistent with the views that I held at that time.』
『I made two points at that time to the Bank of Japan.』
『The first was that I believe that a determined central bank could and
should work to eliminate deflation-that is, falling prices. The second
point that I made was that when short-term interest rates hit zero, the
tools of a central bank are no longer-are not exhausted, there are still
other things that the central bank can do to create additional accommodation.』
『Now, looking at the current situation in United States, we are not in
deflation. When deflation became a significant risk in late 2010, or at
least a modest risk in late 2010, we used additional balance sheet tools
to help return inflation close to the 2 percent target.』
『Likewise, we have been aggressive and creative in using non-federal-funds-rate-centered
tools to achieve additional accommodation for the U.S. economy.』
『So the very critical difference between the Japanese situation 15 years
ago and the U.S. situation today is that Japan was in deflation, and, clearly,
when you’re in deflation and in recession, then both sides of your mandates,
so to speak, are demanding additional accommodation.』
『In this case, it’s-we are not in deflation, we have an inflation rate
that’s close to our objective. Now, why don’t we do more?』
『Well, first I would again reiterate that we are doing a great deal; policy
is extraordinarily accommodative. We-and I won’t go through the list again,
but you know all the things that we have done to try to provide support
to the economy.』
『I guess the question is, does it make sense to actively seek a higher
inflation rate in order to achieve a slightly increased reduction-a slightly
increased pace of reduction in the unemployment rate?』
『The view of the Committee is that that would be very reckless. We have-we,
the Federal Reserve, have spent 30 years building up credibility for low
and stable inflation, which has proved extremely valuable in that we’ve
been be able to take strong accommodative actions in the last four or five
years to support the economy without leading to an unanchoring of inflation
expectations or a destabilization of inflation. To risk that asset for
what I think would be quite tentative and perhaps doubtful gains on the
real side would be, I think, an unwise thing to do.』
冒頭に『Monetary Policy under Alternative Scenarios』という妙な小見出しが。
『A staff presentation provided an overview of an exercise that explored
individual participants' views on appropriate monetary policy responses
under alternative economic scenarios.』
『Committee participants discussed the potential value and drawbacks of
this type of exercise for both internal deliberations and external communications
about monetary policy.』
『Possible benefits include helping to clarify the factors that individual
participants judge most important in forming their views about the economic
outlook and their assessments of appropriate monetary policy. Two potential
limitations of this approach are that the scenario descriptions must by
necessity be incomplete, and the practical range of scenarios that can
be examined may be insufficient to be informative, given the degree of
uncertainty surrounding possible outcomes.』
『Some participants stated that exercises using alternative scenarios,
with appropriate adjustments, could potentially be helpful for internal
deliberations and, thus, should be explored further. However, no decision
was made at this meeting regarding future exercises along these lines.』
という事ですので、そのうちSEPだか何だかの形でこの『Monetary Policy under
Alternative Scenarios』というのが出るんでしょうなあというのは把握した。
んでもって景気認識の部分ですけれども、『Staff Review of the Economic Situation』の部分でも『Participants'
Views on Current Conditions and the Economic Outlook』の部分でも景気認識は強めになっているのが特徴的ではあります。
『Staff Review of the Economic Situation』の冒頭部分。
『The information reviewed at the April 24-25 meeting suggested that economic
activity was expanding moderately. Payroll employment continued to move
up, and the unemployment rate, while still elevated, declined a little
further. Overall consumer price inflation increased somewhat, primarily
reflecting higher prices of crude oil and gasoline, but measures of long-run
inflation expectations remained stable.』
『Participants' Views on Current Conditions and the Economic Outlook』の第2パラグラフ部分(第1パラグラフはSEPを作りましたですお的な記述)から。
『In their discussion of the economic situation and outlook, meeting participants
agreed that the information received since the Committee's previous meeting
suggested that the economy continued to expand moderately. Labor market
conditions improved in recent months. So far this year, payroll employment
had expanded at a faster pace than last year and the unemployment rate
had declined further, although it remained elevated. Household spending
and business fixed investment continued to expand. There were signs of
improvement in the housing sector, but from a very low level of activity.
Despite some volatility in financial markets over the intermeeting period,
financial conditions in U.S. markets continued to improve; bank credit
quality and loan demand both increased. Mainly reflecting the increase
in the prices of crude oil and gasoline earlier this year, inflation had
picked up somewhat. However, longer-term inflation expectations remained
先行き見通しですが、『Staff Economic Outlook』では短期的なGDP見通しを引き上げて物価の見通しを若干上げていますが、長期的な見通しに関しては変化がありません。
『In the economic forecast prepared for the April FOMC meeting, the staff
revised up slightly its near-term projection for real gross domestic product
(GDP) growth, reflecting that the unemployment rate was a little lower,
the level of overall payroll employment a bit higher, and consumer spending
noticeably stronger than the staff had expected at the time of the previous
forecast. However, the staff's medium-term projection for real GDP growth
in the April forecast was little changed from the one presented in March.
The staff continued to project that real GDP would accelerate gradually
through 2014, supported by accommodative monetary policy, further improvements
in credit availability, and rising consumer and business sentiment. Increases
in economic activity were expected to be sufficient to decrease the wide
margin of slack in the labor market slowly over the projection period,
but the unemployment rate was anticipated to still be elevated at the end
of 2014.』
『The staff's forecast for inflation over the projection period was just
a bit above the forecast prepared for the March FOMC meeting, reflecting
somewhat higher-than-expected data on core consumer prices and a slightly
narrower margin of economic slack than in the March forecast. However,
with the pass-through of the recent run-up in crude oil prices into consumer
energy prices seen as nearly complete, oil prices expected to edge lower
from current levels, substantial resource slack persisting over the projection
period, and stable long-run inflation expectations, the staff continued
to forecast that inflation would be subdued through 2014.』
Views on Current Conditions and the Economic Outlook』から。
『Participants' assessments of the economic outlook were little changed,
with the intermeeting information generally seen as suggesting that economic
growth would remain moderate over coming quarters and then pick up gradually.
Reflecting the moderate pace of economic growth, most anticipated a gradual
decline in the unemployment rate.』
『The incoming information led some participants to become more confident
about the durability of the recovery. However, others thought it was premature
to infer a stronger underlying trend from the recent positive indicators,
since those readings may partially reflect the effects of the mild winter
weather or other temporary influences.』
『A number of factors continued to be seen as likely limiting the economic
expansion to a moderate pace in the near term; these included slow growth
in some foreign economies, prospective fiscal tightening in the United
States, slow household income growth, and--notwithstanding some recent
signs of improvement--ongoing weakness in the housing market. Participants
continued to expect most of the factors restraining economic expansion
to ease over time and so anticipated that the recovery would gradually
gain strength.』
『The strains in global financial markets, though generally less pronounced
than last fall, continued to pose a significant risk to the outlook, and
the possibility of a sharp fiscal tightening in the United States was also
considered a sizable risk.』
『Most participants anticipated that inflation would fall back from recent
elevated levels as the effects of higher energy prices waned, and still
expected that inflation subsequently would run at or below the 2 percent
rate that the Committee judges to be most consistent with its statutory
mandate. However, other participants saw upside risks to the inflation
outlook given the recent pickup in inflation and the highly accommodative
stance of monetary policy.』
同じく『Participants' Views on Current Conditions and the Economic Outlook』から。今回はこのパラグラフが一番物理的に長いと思います。
『Labor market conditions continued to improve, although unusually warm
weather may have inflated payroll job figures somewhat earlier this year.
Contacts in some parts of the country said that highly qualified workers
were in short supply; overall, however, wage pressures had been limited
so far.』
『The decline in labor force participation, which has been sharpest for
younger workers, has been a factor in the nearly 1 percentage point decline
in the unemployment rate since last August, a drop that was larger than
would have been predicted from the historical relationship between real
GDP growth and changes in the unemployment rate.』
『Assessing the extent to which the changes in labor force participation
reflect cyclical factors that will be reversed once the recovery picks
up, as opposed to changes in the trend rate of participation, was seen
as important for understanding unemployment dynamics going forward. One
participant cited research suggesting that about half of the decline in
labor force participation had reflected cyclical factors, and thus, as
participation picks up, unemployment may decline more slowly in coming
quarters compared with the recent pace. Another posited that the strength
in payroll job growth in recent months may be a one-time reaction to the
sharp layoffs in 2008 and 2009 and that future job gains may be somewhat
weaker unless the pace of economic growth increases.』
『Participants expressed a range of views on the extent to which the unemployment
rate was being boosted by structural factors such as mismatches between
the skills of unemployed workers and those being demanded by hiring firms.』
『A few participants acknowledged there could be structural factors at
work, but said that in their view, slack remained high and weak aggregate
demand was the major reason that unemployment was still elevated. Two noted
the possibility that sustained high levels of long-term unemployment could
result in higher structural unemployment, an outcome that might be forestalled
by increased aggregate demand. A few participants noted that current measures
of labor market slack would be overstated if structural factors accounted
for a large portion of the current high levels of unemployment. As a result,
such measures might be an unreliable guide as to how close the economy
was to maximum employment. These participants pointed out that, over time,
estimates of the potential level of output have declined, reducing, as
a consequence, estimates of the level of economic slack. Some participants
cited the recent rise in inflation, abstracting from the direct effect
of the rise in energy prices, as supportive of the view that the level
of slack was lower than some believe. 』
『Committee Policy Action』の所から(時間が無いので^^)少々。
『With respect to the statement to be released following the meeting, members
agreed that only relatively small modifications to the first two paragraphs
were needed to reflect the incoming economic data and the modest changes
to the economic outlook. With the economic outlook over the medium term
not greatly changed, almost all of the members again agreed to indicate
that the Committee expects to maintain a highly accommodative stance for
monetary policy and currently anticipates that economic conditions--including
low rates of resource utilization and a subdued outlook for inflation over
the medium run--are likely to warrant exceptionally low levels for the
federal funds rate at least through late 2014.』
『Most members continued to anticipate that the unemployment rate would
still be well above their estimates of its longer-run level, and inflation
would be at or below the Committee's longer-run objective, in late 2014.』
normal level」となっていたのが「their estimates of its longer-run level」となっているのがもしかしたらインプリケーションあるかもしれないなあとは思うのだがまだ考えはまとまらない。
『Some Committee members indicated that their policy judgment reflected
in part their perception of downside risks to growth, especially since
the Committee's ability to respond to weaker-than-expected economic conditions
would be somewhat limited by the constraint imposed on monetary policy
when the policy rate is near the zero lower bound.』
『The need to compensate for a substantial period during which the policy
rate was constrained by the zero bound was also cited by a few members
as a possible reason to maintain a very low level of the federal funds
rate for a longer period than would otherwise be the case.』
Committee members」が示している点はほほうと思うのでございますが、それとあのSEPの政策金利見通しの分布は何ですねんとか思いますと、何かFOMC内部でも意見が更にダイバージェンス状態になっているのかなとか思うのでありますがどうねんでしょ。
『The Committee also stated that it will regularly review the size and
composition of its securities holdings and is prepared to adjust those
holdings as appropriate to promote a stronger economic recovery in a context
of price stability. Several members indicated that additional monetary
policy accommodation could be necessary if the economic recovery lost momentum
or the downside risks to the forecast became great enough.』
バランスシートのサイズに関しての検討で今回は「Several members」が仮に景気回復がモメンタムを失ったり、経済のダウンサイドリスクが顕著に高まった場合に追加緩和が必要であると指摘した、という話ですな。
『The Committee also stated that it is prepared to adjust the size and
composition of its securities holdings as appropriate to promote a stronger
economic recovery in a context of price stability. A couple of members
indicated that the initiation of additional stimulus could become necessary
if the economy lost momentum or if inflation seemed likely to remain below
its mandate-consistent rate of 2 percent over the medium run.』(3月FOMC議事要旨から)
前回との違いで「A couple of」から増えたという話がニュースとなっていましたけれども、他に指摘すべきなのは、前回に関しては「景気回復がモメンタムを失う」の他の条件が「物価が2%の目標値を下回る見込みになった場合」だったのが、よりありそうなパターンの「ダウンサイドリスクが顕著に高まった場合」となって、そういう意味で追加刺激策へのハードルが下がった事ですが、あと気になるのですが政策インプリケーションがあるのか無いのかワカランチ会長なのは、前回が「the
initiation of additional stimulus」という表現だったのが今回「additional
monetary policy accommodation」ということで、単語が微妙に変わっている事なのですがこの意味は正直判らんです。
あたくしが毎度最初に読むのは『Committee Policy Action』の直前部分になるのですが、『Participants'
Views on Current Conditions and the Economic Outlook』の最終パラグラフであります。
『In their discussion of the economic outlook and policy, some participants
noted the potential usefulness of simple monetary policy rules, of the
type the Committee regularly reviews, as guides for monetary policy decisionmaking
and for external communications about policy.』
『These participants suggested that because such rules give an indication
of how policy should systematically respond to changes in economic conditions
they might help clarify the relationship between appropriate monetary policy
and the evolution of the economic outlook. While acknowledging that there
could be differences across participants in the type of rules they might
favor--for example, one participant expressed a preference for rules based
on growth rates rather than output gaps because of measurement issues--a
few participants indicated that the likely degree of commonality across
participants was suggestive that this might be a promising approach to
『However, a few other participants were more skeptical. One thought that,
while prescriptions from rules might provide useful benchmarks, applying
the rules mechanically and with little thought about the embedded assumptions
would be counterproductive. Another participant questioned the value of
interest rate rules when the policy rate is constrained by the zero lower
bound on nominal interest rates and unconventional policy options are being
used, but others indicated they believed the rules could be appropriately
adjusted to account for these factors. Interest was expressed in examining
the usefulness of simple policy rules in a more normal environment, as
well as in the current environment in which the policy rate is at the zero
lower bound and large-scale asset purchases and the maturity extension
program have been implemented.』
『Participants planned to discuss further, at a future meeting, the potential
merits and drawbacks of using simple rules as guides to monetary policy
decisionmaking and for communications.』
Economist紙のGreg Ipさんの質問から。
『GREG IP. Greg Ip of the Economist. First, assume that you are not constrained
by the zero nominal bound right now. What would the federal funds rate
be, even if it were a negative number? And do you believe that you are
at an equivalent degree of monetary accommodation today using your unconventional
tools? And also, a quick supplemental-could you put some numbers on what-on
the meaning of “exceptionally low” federal funds rate? For example, would
a 1 percent federal funds rate qualify as “exceptionally low” at the
end of 2014?』
『CHAIRMAN BERNANKE. Well, the exact reading for the federal funds rate
today, in the absence of the zero lower bound, would depend a lot on which
particular rule, what particular model that you use. I don’t want to cite
a particular number, but it probably would be negative. And in that respect,
we are trying to compensate for that by the use of nonstandard tools, including,
as you know, almost a $3 trillion balance sheet.』
『We see monetary policy as being approximately in the right place at this
point, based on the analysis that we’ve been doing in-of the economy and
the outlook. That doesn’t mean we might not take further action; we are
certainly prepared to take further action. But for the time being, it appears
that we are more or less in the right place.』
『GREG IP. “Exceptionally low”?』
『CHAIRMAN BERNANKE. “Exceptionally low”; you know, one of the reasons
that language in the statement is sometimes a little vaguer than you would
like is because we are trying to get a consensus among 17 or at least 10
people, and different members or participants in the FOMC might have somewhat
different views of what “exceptionally low” means. Personally, I think
it means something close to where we are-where we are now.』
exceptionally lowという文言が若干あいまいであるのは我々の政策は17人(SEPですな)または少なくとも10人(FOMCの議決という意味ですな)で行われ、皆さんがそのexceptionally
Transcript of Chairman Bernanke’s Press Conference
April 25, 2012
Market News InternationalのSTEVE BECKNER記者からの質問
『STEVE BECKNER. Steve Beckner of Market News International. Mr. Chairman,
good to see you. There’s been some concern in markets about what will
happen to bond yields at the expiration of Operation Twist on June 30th
and some speculation on what the Fed might do-might need to do to keep
downward pressure on yields. Is that a concern that you share? And do you
and your colleagues feel the need not to disappoint these kinds of market
『CHAIRMAN BERNANKE. Well, to your last point, the purpose of monetary
policy is to achieve our objectives of maximum employment and price stability,
it’s not to disappoint or not disappoint investors. So we will take actions
based on those economic objectives and not try to achieve certain market
>the purpose of monetary policy is not to disappoint or not disappoint investors.
>the purpose of monetary policy is not to disappoint or not disappoint investors.
>the purpose of monetary policy is not to disappoint or not disappoint investors.
『There’s some disagreement, I think, about exactly how balance sheet
actions by the Federal Reserve affect Treasury yields and other asset prices.
The view that we have generally taken at the Fed, in which I think-for
which I think the evidence is pretty good, is that it’s the quantity of
securities held by the Fed at a given time rather than the new purchases-the
flow of new purchases-which is the primary determinant of interest rates.
And if that theory is correct, then at such time that our purchases come
to an end, there should be relatively minimal effects on interest rates
at that time. And that, in fact, has been our-generally our experience
in previous episodes where we have launched a program and then allowed
it to come to a natural end.』
『Of course, we’ll continue to monitor the situation, and if we believe
that financial conditions for whatever reason are inconsistent with our
macroeconomic objectives, then we will act to fix that. But, again, our
expectation is that, at whatever point that the purchases end, that financial
markets being quite forward looking will have anticipated that, and that
the effects ought to be moderate.』
Introductory statement to the press conference (with Q&A)
Mario Draghi, President of the ECB,
Vitor Constancio, Vice-President of the ECB,
Barcelona, 3 May 2012
『Question: Was there a discussion at all about moving the interest rate
to the downside because there was speculation in the market, but you know,
they are a little bit like children who need more candy. Was there a discussion
at all about this?』
>they are a little bit like children who need more candy.
>they are a little bit like children who need more candy.
>they are a little bit like children who need more candy.
『Draghi: No, we did not discuss any specific move on interest rates but
we certainly discussed our general monetary policy stance, which we found
accommodative in view of an economic outlook that is becoming more uncertain.』
あと、これは別の視点ですが、スペインは頑張っているんだからextra helpポルファボールという質問もございましたのはまあ会見場がバルセロナなので致し方なし。
『Question: You have been talking for the last days with Spanish and Catalan
authorities. Here we have the impression maybe that after all the cuts,
all the austerity, all the reforms, there is no reward from the markets
or from the ECB. So these people say that the ECB now should give extra
help to countries like Spain. What could you say to those people?』
『Draghi: I would say that the government of Spain has made a very significant
effort in policy reform. It is a series of reforms that - I don’t need
to remind you - have been taken in a very short time. We have to acknowledge
this significant effort. The measures that we have taken, namely the LTROs,
have been successful in avoiding a major credit crunch. And of course we
would need time to see how this money and when this money will propagate
to the real economy, making credit conditions less difficult than they
are today. But we can actually see quite clearly that we have avoided an
otherwise major credit crunch, worse than what we are seeing today. So
these measures, from this viewpoint, have been successful. I think that,
and this is true for a variety of countries in the euro area, there has
been significant progress on the fiscal front. I think that perseverance,
given the amount of progress that has already been achieved, is very important
in order to reap, in the end the gains. And together with this, structural
reforms are also very important.』
Bank of England maintains Bank Rate at 0.5% and the size of the Asset Purchase Programme at £325 billion
10 May 2012
『The Bank of England’s Monetary Policy Committee today voted to maintain
the official Bank Rate paid on commercial bank reserves at 0.5%. The Committee
also voted to maintain the stock of asset purchases financed by the issuance
of central bank reserves at £325 billion.』
『The Committee’s latest inflation and output projections will appear
in the Inflation Report to be published at 10.30am on Wednesday 16 May.
The minutes of the meeting will be published at 9.30am on Wednesday 23
『Information received since the Federal Open Market Committee met in March
suggests that the economy has been expanding moderately.』(今回)
『Information received since the Federal Open Market Committee met in January
suggests that the economy has been expanding moderately.』(前回)
『Labor market conditions have improved in recent months; the unemployment
rate has declined but remains elevated. Household spending and business
fixed investment have continued to advance.』(今回)
『Labor market conditions have improved further; the unemployment rate
has declined notably in recent months but remains elevated. Household spending
and business fixed investment have continued to advance.』(前回)
『Despite some signs of improvement, the housing sector remains depressed.』(今回)
『The housing sector remains depressed.』(前回)
『Inflation has picked up somewhat, mainly reflecting higher prices of
crude oil and gasoline. However, longer-term inflation expectations have
remained stable.』(今回)
『Inflation has been subdued in recent months, although prices of crude
oil and gasoline have increased lately. Longer-term inflation expectations
have remained stable.』(前回)
『Consistent with its statutory mandate, the Committee seeks to foster maximum employment and price stability. 』(今回)
『Consistent with its statutory mandate, the Committee seeks to foster maximum employment and price stability. 』(前回)
『The Committee expects economic growth to remain moderate over coming
quarters and then to pick up gradually. Consequently, the Committee anticipates
that the unemployment rate will decline gradually toward levels that it
judges to be consistent with its dual mandate. 』(今回)
『The Committee expects moderate economic growth over coming quarters and
consequently anticipates that the unemployment rate will decline gradually
toward levels that the Committee judges to be consistent with its dual
『Strains in global financial markets continue to pose significant downside
risks to the economic outlook. 』(今回)
『Strains in global financial markets have eased, though they continue
to pose significant downside risks to the economic outlook.』(前回)
『The increase in oil and gasoline prices earlier this year is expected
to affect inflation only temporarily, and the Committee anticipates that
subsequently inflation will run at or below the rate that it judges most
consistent with its dual mandate.』(今回)
『The recent increase in oil and gasoline prices will push up inflation
temporarily, but the Committee anticipates that subsequently inflation
will run at or below the rate that it judges most consistent with its dual
『To support a stronger economic recovery and to help ensure that inflation,
over time, is at the rate most consistent with its dual mandate, the Committee
expects to maintain a highly accommodative stance for monetary policy.
In particular, the Committee decided today to keep the target range for
the federal funds rate at 0 to 1/4 percent and currently anticipates that
economic conditions--including low rates of resource utilization and a
subdued outlook for inflation over the medium run--are likely to warrant
exceptionally low levels for the federal funds rate at least through late
『The Committee also decided to continue its program to extend the average
maturity of its holdings of securities as announced in September. The Committee
is maintaining its existing policies of reinvesting principal payments
from its holdings of agency debt and agency mortgage-backed securities
in agency mortgage-backed securities and of rolling over maturing Treasury
securities at auction. The Committee will regularly review the size and
composition of its securities holdings and is prepared to adjust those
holdings as appropriate to promote a stronger economic recovery in a context
of price stability.』(今回)
『Voting for the FOMC monetary policy action were: Ben S. Bernanke, Chairman;
William C. Dudley, Vice Chairman; Elizabeth A. Duke; Dennis P. Lockhart;
Sandra Pianalto; Sarah Bloom Raskin; Daniel K. Tarullo; John C. Williams;
and Janet L. Yellen. Voting against the action was Jeffrey M. Lacker, who
does not anticipate that economic conditions are likely to warrant exceptionally
low levels of the federal funds rate through late 2014.』 (今回)
Economic Projections of Federal Reserve Board Members and Federal Reserve Bank Presidents, April 2012
第18パラグラフから始まる『Supply, costs and prices』の辺りから。
『Twelve-month CPI inflation had fallen to 3.4% in February, down from
3.6% in January and its recent peak of 5.2% in September. If anything,
the decline in February had been marginally less than the Committee had
expected, and seasonally adjusted annualised monthly inflation rates had
been somewhat higher than the inflation target.』
『There was a risk that inflation would fall less rapidly in the near term
than the Committee had anticipated in its February Inflation Report central
『UK wholesale gas prices had risen by around 5% since then. This, together
with the rise in oil prices since the start of the year, would put upward
pressure on retail energy and petrol prices. And the additional increase
in duties announced in the Budget would add around 0.1 percentage points
to annual inflation from April.』
『Some statistical projections were pointing to a path for CPI inflation
in the coming months higher than would be consistent with the Committee’s
central path from the February Inflation Report projections.』
『But, as with all forecasts, there was a large margin of error around
them, and they did not capture all of the forces acting on prices. In practice,
the speed and extent of any further fall in inflation would depend on the
rate at which external price pressures eased, and how rapidly domestically
generated inflation would fall in response to weaker cost and price pressures
from a recovery in productivity growth and the margin of spare capacity.』
『Beyond recent rises in oil prices, the impact of external price pressures
was difficult to gauge. The contribution of goods prices to twelve-month
CPI inflation had fallen back only marginally in February.』
『This was consistent with a greater degree of pass-through into consumer
prices from past increases in import prices, or upward pressure on margins
from other sources. But it was also consistent with quicker pass-through,
which would imply less upward pressure on consumer prices to come from
this source further out.』
『It was also possible that firms would seek to increase their mark-up
over labour costs in setting their prices.』
『The share of profits of private non-financial non-oil companies in GDP
was lower than at any time in the previous 25 years. To the extent that
demand continued to be slow to recover, firms might seek to restore profit
margins only gradually. 』
『Set against that, many firms had either less access to credit or access
on more unfavourable terms than was the case before the crisis. This might
lead them to be less willing to invest in gaining market share by keeping
prices low, as they would have less recourse to external sources of funds
should they run into cash-flow difficulties.』
against that」以下の所にある指摘でして、クレジットへのアクセスが厳しいので、企業は価格設定行動において価格を下げてシェア拡大を図るインセンティブが下がる(増加運転資金需要が発生するから)事から、それよりも収益マージンを確保してキャッシュフローを確保する行動に向かい、その結果企業の価格転嫁が進むという何か屁理屈のような気もしますが、まあそういう指摘をしていてほほーという感じです。
『The immediate policy decision』から。
『The current challenges facing the Committee as it sought to set monetary
policy in order to meet the inflation target in the medium term had been
thrown into sharp relief by the downside news on the near-term path of
GDP likely to be published by the ONS and by the upside news on the near-term
path for inflation.』
『There had been unexpected falls in the ONS’s measures of output in manufacturing
and, in particular, construction. The sharp falls in construction output
in December and January were perplexing, and the Committee was minded not
to place much weight on them, particularly given that other indicators
of construction activity had suggested far more modest declines.』
『The mechanical impact of the drop in construction output, together with
the likely subsequent loss of activity around the Jubilee bank holiday,
could lead the ONS to report further falls in GDP in both the first and
second quarters of this year. But a wide range of survey indicators pointed
to a moderate rate of growth in activity in the first half of the year
and this was supported by official data on services output. Underlying
aggregate activity growth was likely, if anything, to have picked up since
the second half of 2011.』
『Twelve-month CPI inflation had fallen for five successive months, to
3.4% in February from a recent peak of 5.2% in September. This fall had
been welcome but had been slightly less than the Committee had expected.
That in itself was not a significant cause for concern but, alongside the
recent rise in oil and gas prices, as well as the duty changes announced
in the Budget, it meant that the path for inflation in the short run was
likely to be higher than indicated in the most recent Inflation Report
central projections. The speed at which inflation would return towards
target could not be judged with any precision and there were risks on both
『To the upside, the risk was that elevated inflation might be more persistent
than the Committee expected and that the Committee’s commitment to achieving
the target might be called into question.』
>the risk was that the Committee’s commitment to achieving the target might be called into question.
>the risk was that the Committee’s commitment to achieving the target might be called into question.
>the risk was that the Committee’s commitment to achieving the target might be called into question.
『This risk arose from both external and domestic sources.』
『Further shocks to oil and other commodity prices remained a possibility,
and there could be greater external price pressures from other sources,
or greater pass-through of these pressures to consumer prices.』
『Domestically, companies could seek to rebuild margins more aggressively
than anticipated, perhaps with a view to achieving a target for cash flow
in an environment of uncertain credit supply or because the prolonged period
of above-target inflation had enabled them to raise their prices more easily.』
『Against that backdrop, it was notable that seasonally adjusted annualised
monthly inflation rates were somewhat higher than the inflation target.
The large margin of slack in the labour market was restraining the rate
of growth of earnings. But given the continuing weakness in productivity
growth, it was possible that nominal wages were nonetheless still increasing
rapidly enough that unit labour cost growth was consistent with the inflation
『To the downside, the risk was that demand would not be strong enough
to absorb the considerable margin of spare capacity in the economy. In
the near term, it was possible that the ONS would report further contractions
in output in the first and second quarters.』
『That might further damage household and business confidence, even if
the underlying pace of economic expansion were stronger. It was also possible
that underlying growth was not as strong as suggested by the business surveys.
Further out, it was not easy to assess the speed at which domestic demand
growth would return to more normal rates.』
『Although on current plans the pace of the fiscal consolidation was likely
to slow, it would still act as a drag on growth for several years. The
latest upward pressure on prices was liable to delay the point when real
household income would begin to rise again. And, although any desire by
households, firms and banks to build up a buffer of savings or to reduce
leverage was unlikely to have a permanent effect on the growth rate of
activity, it could have a persistent effect whose duration was very difficult
to judge.』
『Regarding the stock of asset purchases, eight members of the Committee
(the Governor, Charles Bean, Paul Tucker, Ben Broadbent, Spencer Dale,
Paul Fisher, Adam Posen and Martin Weale) voted in favour of the proposition.
One member of the Committee (David Miles) voted against, preferring to
increase the size of the asset purchase programme by a further £25 billion
to a total of £350 billion.』
Minutes of the Monetary Policy Committee Meeting held on 4 & 5 April 2012
『Regarding the stock of asset purchases, eight members of the Committee
(the Governor, Charles Bean, Paul Tucker, Ben Broadbent, Spencer Dale,
Paul Fisher, Adam Posen and Martin Weale) voted in favour of the proposition.
One member of the Committee (David Miles) voted against, preferring to
increase the size of the asset purchase programme by a further £25 billion
to a total of £350 billion.』
『To sum up, the incoming data on the U.S. economy has been a bit more
upbeat of late, suggesting that the recovery may be getting better established.
But, while these developments are certainly encouraging, it is far too
soon to conclude that we are out of the woods in terms of generating a
strong, sustainable recovery.』
『On the inflation front, the year-over-year rate of consumer price inflation
has slowed in recent months, and despite the recent rise of gasoline prices,
we expect inflation to moderate further in 2012.』
景気に関する話は『National Economic Conditions』と『Regional Economic Conditions』というのがあるのですけれども、後半の方はまあ国内景気に対してNY連銀管内というか地元経済に関する全国平均との違いについての話で、まあネタとしては興味深いのですけれども、金融政策へのインプリケーション的にはスルーで良いので華麗にスルーして前半の米国経済に関する部分から。
『The incoming data on the U.S. economy generally has been a bit more upbeat
over the past few months, suggesting that the recovery may be finally establishing
a somewhat firmer footing.』
という事で「somewhat firmer footing」キタコレという所。具体的な数値の話が続く。
『Real GDP expanded at a 3.0 percent annual rate in the fourth quarter
of 2011, the fastest growth since the first half of 2010. The average monthly
job gain was 212,000 in the first quarter of 2012, up from 164,000 in the
fourth quarter. Sales of light-weight motor vehicles were about 14-1/2
million at an annual rate in the first quarter, the best quarter for vehicle
sales in four years. Survey measures of business activity have rebounded
from their dips in the middle of last year, and are now at levels that
typically indicate solid overall growth. Even housing starts have firmed
somewhat in the last few months, although they remain at depressed levels.』
『While these developments are certainly encouraging, it is still too soon
to conclude that we are out of the woods. To begin with, the economic data
looked brighter at this point in 2010 and again in 2011, only to fade later
in those years.』
『Moreover, the United States experienced unusually mild weather over the
first quarter, with the number of heating degree days more than 20 percent
below the average of the preceding five years, which may have pulled forward
some economic activity and hiring.』
『In this regard, the somewhat softer March labor market report that was
released last Friday may reflect the earlier positive influence of the
mild weather on job creation in January and February, although other less
sanguine interpretations are also plausible. We thus will need to see more
data to determine the extent to which the March data represent a transitory
weather-related setback.』
『Regardless of the importance of the mild winter in distorting the economic
data, real economic activity has yet to be strong enough on a sustained
basis to make a big dent in the overall amount of slack in the U.S. economy.
While growth was stronger in the fourth quarter, most of it was due to
inventory accumulation. Growth of final sales remained quite weak. Historically,
quarters in which inventory investment makes significant growth contributions
are typically followed by quarters in which that growth contribution is
modest or even negative. That appears to be what is shaping up for the
first quarter of this year. 』
『Based on available data, our current expectations are that real GDP will
expand at around a 2-1/4 percent annual rate during the first quarter of
『Even with the robust increase of light vehicle sales, overall consumer
spending in the first quarter appears to be rising at a similar moderate
rate. At the same time, real disposable income has been flat over the past
three months, and the large increase of gasoline prices is likely further
sapping consumers’ real purchasing power. And growth of business investment
spending, which softened in the fourth quarter of 2011, may have been even
a little softer in the first quarter of this year.』
『To put the recent pace of growth into perspective, we believe that the
economy’s long-run sustainable growth rate-what economists call the potential
growth rate-is around a 2-1/4 percent annual rate.』
『We need sustained growth above that rate to absorb the still substantial
amount of unused productive capacity. Thus, our recent growth rates are
barely keeping up with our potential.』
『Even though the unemployment rate has declined sharply from 9 percent
last September to 8.2 percent in March, it is still unacceptably high.
In addition, many other measures of the labor market remain weak. The labor
force participation rate, the percentage of people employed, and the total
number of hours worked in the economy all dropped sharply during the recession
and remain well below their pre-recession levels, even taking into account
the impact of demographic shifts. Also, it appears that productivity growth
has slumped recently. Although that means that a given amount of growth
translates into bigger employment gains, it certainly is not an unmitigated
positive development.』
『Also, we cannot lose sight of the fact that the economy still faces significant
headwinds and that there are some meaningful downside risks. In the headwinds
department, I would include the run-up in gasoline prices mentioned earlier
because that will sap purchasing power, the continued impediments to a
strong recovery from ongoing weakness in the housing sector, and fiscal
drag at the federal and state and local levels. In terms of downside risks,
these include the risk that growth abroad disappoints and the risk of further
disruptions to the supply of oil and higher oil prices.』
『While the underlying core inflation rate, that strips out volatile food
and energy prices, has been somewhat higher than expected a few months
back, it appears that the annual rate of core inflation1 has peaked and
we expect it to begin to decline later this year. Finally, inflation expectations,
which play an important role in the inflation process, remain well anchored.
By this I mean that people expect that the rate of inflation will continue
to be relatively low for some time to come.』
『What the New York Fed Does』という所で、NY連銀が地区の景気状況を把握するためにどのような事をやっているのかという話をこれでもかと説明しているのですが、この説明を見ておりますと(そらまあ国土の広さの差があるけど)日銀の支店(大きな支店は別にして)だとそれこそ支店長と調査にあたる人が1名とか2名とかいうような陣容で地域経済の調査をしているのとはだいぶ違ってまあ日銀としてはウラヤマシスという感じなのではないかと思いますけどどうなんでしょうかねえ。
『To help me gather more information about the region, yesterday, I had
breakfast in Syracuse with business and community leaders at the Center
for Economic Development. Then I met with the staff of PathStone, a community
development organization, met faculty and students at the Maxwell School
of Syracuse University and had lunch with university officials who manage
the tech transfer process. In the afternoon, we drove to Skaneateles Falls
to tour Welch Allyn, a manufacturer of medical diagnostic instruments.
Dr. Julie Shimer is the president and CEO. Dr. Shimer was also recently
appointed chair of the Empire State Development Corporation, and we talked
about challenges and opportunities for economic development in New York
『After this morning’s gathering, I will speak with staff of the Empire
Justice Center, meet with Lt. Governor Bob Duffy, convene a meeting of
our Upstate Advisory Board, whose members are major leaders in the upstate
economy, and visit the Roswell Park Cancer Institute to learn about their
role in economic development in western New York and in the broader world
『My colleagues and I at the New York Fed continually track conditions
in our District, and we have created a number of tools for that purpose.
For example, my staff produces monthly indexes of economic activity for
New York City, the state of New York and New Jersey. These indexes are
essentially measures of local output-similar to gross domestic product,
or GDP, at the national level. These measures provide a more complete gauge
of activity than the employment report, which is another important metric
at the state level. We have also constructed a consumer credit panel to
track local household credit conditions at the county and even the zip
code level, including the amount and type of personal debt and whether
payments are being made in a timely way.』
『In addition, we conduct a periodic poll about the credit needs of small
businesses, which are an important source of new jobs. We are just launching
our latest poll that also includes questions about the skill needs of small
businesses and whether the right kinds of skilled labor are available.
Almost 900 regional businesses responded to our last poll, some of which
were from this region. If you, as a representative of a small business,
would like to participate in our current poll, please pass your card to
my colleagues, who are in the audience, or see me after the speech and
we will be glad to add you as a respondent.』
『I have the great fortune to serve as vice chair of the FOMC that meets
eight times a year in Washington to set interest rates and make other decisions
about monetary policy. The members of this committee all strive to set
policy to advance the mandate given to us by Congress to promote the maximum
level of employment consistent with price stability.』
『Sometimes we have different views on the specific policy choice at hand,
and you should view this as completely appropriate: these are hard questions-particularly
during difficult economic circumstances such as we face today. In fact,
I think we make better decisions as a committee because we don't all think
『But we are united in our commitment to our dual mandate and in our belief
that Fed independence is essential to the public interest. That independence
allows us to make tough decisions insulated from short-term political pressures.』
>That independence allows us to make tough decisions insulated from short-term political pressures.
>That independence allows us to make tough decisions insulated from short-term political pressures.
>That independence allows us to make tough decisions insulated from short-term political pressures.
ま、米国の場合は逆方向の「short-term political pressures」のような気もしますが、追加緩和したら株が上がって為替が円安に振れたけどその勢いがなくなったから緩和の効果が落ちているとかどう見ても短期的視点です本当にカムサハムニダな論点で政治的圧力をせっせとお掛けになられる政治家の皆様たちにおかれましてはちったあ落ち着けやと思うのでありますけどねえなどと存じます。
・読むには読むがネタにしない『Staff Review of the Financial Situation』の所から少々
『Staff Review of the Financial Situation』の部分というのは基本的に読むには読むのですけれども、基本的にはややトーンが強めになった(経済指標がそうなのですからまあ当然ですが)という所ですが、そこまで激しく強い話でも無かったりします。
『Households' real disposable income increased, on balance, in December
and January as labor earnings rose solidly. Moreover, households' net worth
grew in the fourth quarter of last year and likely was boosted further
by gains in equity values thus far this year. 』
・ついでに『Staff Economic Outlook』から少々
その前の『Staff Review of the Financial Situation』も色々とありますが、まあこちらは引用するまでも無く大体内容は皆さんの想像の範囲内の話だと思いますので引用割愛して連銀スタッフの経済見通しから。
『In the economic projection prepared for the March FOMC meeting, the staff
revised up its near-term forecast for real GDP growth a little.』
『Although the recent data on aggregate spending were, on balance, about
in line with the staff's expectations at the time of the previous forecast,
indicators of labor market conditions and production improved somewhat
more than the staff had anticipated. In addition, the decline in the unemployment
rate over the past year was larger than what seemed consistent with the
modest reported rate of real GDP growth.』
『Against this backdrop, the staff reduced its estimate of the level of
potential output, yielding a measure of the current output gap that was
a little narrower and better aligned with the staff's estimate of labor
market slack.』
『In its March forecast, the staff's projection for real GDP growth over
the medium term was somewhat higher than the one presented in January,
mostly reflecting an improved outlook for economic activity abroad, a lower
foreign exchange value for the dollar, and a higher projected path of equity
『Nevertheless, the staff continued to forecast that real GDP growth would
pick up only gradually in 2012 and 2013, supported by accommodative monetary
policy, easing credit conditions, and improvements in consumer and business
『The wide margin of slack in product and labor markets was expected to
decrease gradually over the projection period, but the unemployment rate
was expected to remain elevated at the end of 2013.』
『The staff also revised up its forecast for inflation a bit compared with
the projection prepared for the January FOMC meeting, reflecting recent
data indicating higher paths for the prices of oil, other commodities,
and imports, along with a somewhat narrower margin of economic slack in
the March forecast.』
『However, with energy prices expected to level out in the second half
of this year, substantial resource slack persisting over the forecast period,
and stable long-run inflation expectations, the staff continued to project
that inflation would be subdued in 2012 and 2013.』
今回のFOMC議事要旨の一番の見どころは『Participants' Views on Current
Conditions and the Economic Outlook』の失業に関する表現です。ちなみにこの部分の話は基本的に連銀スタッフの現状認識と見通しからあまり変わった話は無いのですが、失業に関する表現が前回と大きくニュアンスが異なっているのがキタコレという所です。
『With respect to the economic outlook, participants generally saw the
intermeeting news as suggesting that economic growth over coming quarters
would continue to be moderate and that the unemployment rate would decline
gradually toward levels that the Committee judges to be consistent with
its dual mandate.』
『With respect to the economic outlook, participants generally anticipated
that economic growth over coming quarters would be modest and, consequently,
expected that the unemployment rate would decline only gradually. 』(1月FOMC議事要旨より)
『The Committee expects moderate economic growth over coming quarters and
consequently anticipates that the unemployment rate will decline gradually
toward levels that the Committee judges to be consistent with its dual
mandate. 』(3月声明文)
『The Committee expects economic growth over coming quarters to be modest
and consequently anticipates that the unemployment rate will decline only
gradually toward levels that the Committee judges to be consistent with
its dual mandate. 』(1月声明文)
つーことでまあ『Participants' Views on Current Conditions and the Economic
と言いつつ先に『Committee Policy Action』の部分から。
『A couple of members indicated that the initiation of additional stimulus
could become necessary if the economy lost momentum or if inflation seemed
likely to remain below its mandate-consistent rate of 2 percent over the
medium run.』
『A few members observed that, in their judgment, current and prospective
economic conditions--including elevated unemployment and inflation at or
below the Committee's objective--could warrant the initiation of additional
securities purchases before long.』(これは1月FOMC議事要旨です)
決定事項議決後の部分がほほうという感じ。『Monetary Policy Communications』という小見出しの所です。
『As it noted in its statement of principles regarding longer-run goals
and monetary policy strategy released in January, the Committee seeks to
explain its monetary policy decisions to the public as clearly as possible.
With that goal in mind, participants discussed a range of additional steps
that the Committee might take to help the public better understand the
linkages between the evolving economic outlook and the Federal Reserve's
monetary policy decisions, and thus the conditionality in the Committee's
forward guidance.』
『The purpose of the discussion was to explore potentially promising approaches
for further enhancing FOMC communications; no decisions on this topic were
planned for this meeting and none were taken.』
『Participants discussed ways in which the Committee might include, in
its postmeeting statements, additional qualitative or quantitative information
that could convey a sense of how the Committee might adjust policy in response
to changes in the economic outlook.』
『Participants also discussed whether modifications to the SEP that the
Committee releases four times per year could be helpful in clarifying the
linkages between the economic outlook and the Committee's monetary policy
decisions. In addition, several participants suggested that it could be
helpful to discuss at a future meeting some alternative economic scenarios
and the monetary policy responses that might be seen as appropriate under
each one, in order to clarify the Committee's likely behavior in different
『Finally, participants observed that the Committee introduced several
important enhancements to its policy communications over the past year
or so; these included the Chairman's postmeeting press conferences as well
as changes to the FOMC statement and the SEP.』
『Against this backdrop, some participants noted that additional experience
with the changes implemented to date could be helpful in evaluating potential
further enhancements.』
『Committee Policy Action』の所に再び。
『Members viewed the information on U.S. economic activity received over
the intermeeting period as suggesting that the economy had been expanding
moderately and generally agreed that the economic outlook, while a bit
stronger overall, was broadly similar to that at the time of their January
『Labor market conditions had continued to improve and unemployment had
declined in recent months, but almost all members saw the unemployment
rate as still elevated relative to levels that they viewed as consistent
with the Committee's mandate over the longer run.』
『With the economy facing continuing headwinds, members generally expected
a moderate pace of economic growth over coming quarters, with gradual further
declines in the unemployment rate. Strains in global financial markets,
while having eased since January, continued to pose significant downside
risks to economic activity.』
『Recent monthly readings on inflation had been subdued, and longer-term
inflation expectations remained stable. Against that backdrop, members
generally anticipated that the recent increase in oil and gasoline prices
would push up inflation temporarily, but that subsequently inflation would
run at or below the rate that the Committee judges most consistent with
its mandate.』
『In their discussion of monetary policy for the period ahead, members
agreed that it would be appropriate to maintain the existing highly accommodative
stance of monetary policy. In particular, they agreed to keep the target
range for the federal funds rate at 0 to 1/4 percent, to continue the program
of extending the average maturity of the Federal Reserve's holdings of
securities as announced in September, and to retain the existing policies
regarding the reinvestment of principal payments from Federal Reserve holdings
of securities.』
『With respect to the statement to be released following the meeting, members
agreed that only relatively small modifications to the first two paragraphs
were needed to reflect the incoming economic data, the improvement in financial
conditions, and the modest changes to the economic outlook.』
『With the economic outlook over the medium term not greatly changed, almost
all members again agreed to indicate that the Committee expects to maintain
a highly accommodative stance for monetary policy and currently anticipates
that economic conditions--including low rates of resource utilization and
a subdued outlook for inflation over the medium run--are likely to warrant
exceptionally low levels for the federal funds rate at least through late
『Several members continued to anticipate, as in January, that the unemployment
rate would still be well above their estimates of its longer-term normal
level, and inflation would be at or below the Committee's longer-run objective,
in late 2014.』
『It was noted that the Committee's forward guidance is conditional on
economic developments, and members concurred that the date given in the
statement would be subject to revision in response to significant changes
in the economic outlook.』
『While recent employment data had been encouraging, a number of members
perceived a nonnegligible risk that improvements in employment could diminish
as the year progressed, as had occurred in 2010 and 2011, and saw this
risk as reinforcing the case for leaving the forward guidance unchanged
at this meeting.』
Views on Current Conditions and the Economic Outlook』の部分がスルーになってしまいましたが(涙)、まあ基本的には見通しは改善しているけれども下振れリスクはありますねという妥当な話で、各需要項目の話とかも何となく面白そう。トーンとしては全般的に明るめだけどまだ慎重って感じじゃないですかね。
『While the recent readings on consumer price inflation had been subdued,
participants agreed that inflation in the near term would be pushed up
by rising oil and gasoline prices.』
『A few participants noted that the crude oil price increases in the latter
half of 2010 and the early part of 2011 had been part of a broad-based
rise in commodity prices; in contrast, non-energy commodity prices had
been more stable of late, which suggested that the recent upward pressure
on oil prices was principally due to geopolitical concerns rather than
global economic growth.』
『A couple of participants noted that recent readings on unit labor costs
had shown a larger increase than earlier, but other participants pointed
to other measures of labor compensation that continued to show modest increases.』
『With longer-run inflation expectations still well anchored, most participants
anticipated that after the temporary effect of the rise in oil and gasoline
prices had run its course, inflation would be at or below the 2 percent
rate that they judge most consistent with the Committee's dual mandate.』
『Indeed, a few participants were concerned that, with the persistence
of considerable resource slack, inflation might be below the mandate-consistent
rate for some time. Other participants, however, were worried that inflation
pressures could increase as the expansion continued; these participants
argued that, particularly in light of the recent rise in oil and gasoline
prices, maintaining the current highly accommodative stance of monetary
policy over the medium run could erode the stability of inflation expectations
and risk higher inflation.』
On the Limits to Monetary Policy - Executive Summary
Narayana Kocherlakota - President
Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis
2nd Annual Hyman P. Minsky Lecture
Washington University, St. Louis, Missouri
March 20, 2012
『Since the start of the Great Recession, employment has fallen considerably,
while average inflation has been near the Federal Reserve’s target of
2 percent. Given the Federal Reserve’s dual mandate to promote price stability
and maximum employment, an obvious question is “Why does the Federal Reserve
appear to be doing so much better on one mandate than the other?”』
『In this speech, I present a simple model that suggests an answer to this
question. A key feature of the model is that there are two distinct types
of demand shocks: labor demand shocks and product demand shocks.』
『The labor demand shocks reflect factors such as adverse credit conditions
and increased uncertainty that lead firms to demand fewer workers at a
given real wage. The product demand shocks reflect factors such as a loss
of wealth and a higher risk of job loss that lead households to demand
fewer goods at a given real interest rate.』
『Each of these shocks leads to a fall in employment, with the decline
in employment magnified by slow adjustments in the real wage.』
『When considering these shocks, it is important to distinguish how monetary
and non-monetary policies influence the level of output and employment.
In the model I employ, the Federal Reserve controls the real interest rate;
lowering the real interest rate increases the demand for goods and services,
and thereby influences national output and employment.』
『The first implication of the model is that monetary policy can offset
the impact of the product demand shocks on employment, but it cannot offset
the employment loss due to the fall in labor demand and any associated
slow real wage adjustment. As a result, the level of “maximum employment”
achievable through monetary policy is less than the “full employment”
of labor resources. 』
『A second implication is that non-monetary policies specifically designed
to stimulate the demand for workers (such as government subsidies for hiring)
can offset some of the employment loss due to the labor demand shocks,
but only if accompanied by monetary easing.』
ちなみに「but only if accompanied by monetary easing」がこれまた斜字体になっておりまして、雇用に対する需要を高めるための非金融政策(たとえばという事で、雇用に対する政府関連機関による政策というのを挙げていますが)は「労働需要ショックによって起こされるインパクトを軽減することが出来る」としていますが、その後に「しかしそれには緩和的な金融政策という環境が必要である」という風にしておりまして、つまり「金融政策で完全雇用の達成は難しく、非金融政策による施策が必要である、ただしその非金融政策を有効にするのは緩和的な金融環境です」という話が今回のスピーチのキモのようですな。
『That is, monetary and non-monetary policy must work in concert to reduce
the impact of a decline in labor demand; neither can do it alone.』
『Returning to the question posed at the beginning, this model suggests
that the Federal Reserve is performing about as well as it can on both
mandates. The Federal Reserve’s accommodative policy has offset much of
the impact of product demand shocks and so has kept inflation near target.』
demand shocks」を軽減した結果として物価水準がマンデートの近辺にあるという話ですわな。
『However, this policy has been unable to offset the large adverse shocks
to labor demand. The model implies that, in terms of employment, there
are limits to what monetary policy can achieve on its own.』